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Bryant University
Global Dimensions of Human Resource Management
Spring 2011
Prof. Diya Das
Department of Management
Bryant University
Management 358
Wednesday 6.30 to 9.10 pm
Class timings and locations:

Room 246
Email: [email protected]

Contact Information:

Phone: 401.232.6939
Office H226

Office Hours:

Tuesday and Thursday: 9.30 am to 12 noon

Class Announcements and Resources:

Blackboard (

Required Materials
1. International Human Resource Management: Managing people in a multinational
context, Fifth edition. By Peter J. Dowling, Marion Festing, and Allen D. Engle, Sr
2. Course Pack available at the book store
Recommended Reading Materials:
1. The Economist
2. BBC News (
3. New York Times (

Course Description & Objectives:
In this contemporary world of globalization, managing people in different forms of
international ventures and work arrangements pose their own unique challenges that contribute
towards the strategic decision making of the firm. This course is designed to meet the needs of
managers and executives in developing successful human resource management policies and
techniques in international setting. The course will begin with an introduction to the context of
Human Resource Management in the globalizing world. It will then move into specific challenges
of managing international assignments with a special focus on issues of expatriates. Here, we
look into major issues in designing effective recruitment, selection, and repatriation; training and
development; performance management; compensation and benefits of company employees. We
also focus on the significance of employment laws in determining the different arrangements in
countries. In the third part of the course we move into the realm of comparative labor and
industrial relations with a focus on the differences in union-management relations across the
world and in an attempt to build an international model for understanding labor relations. Finally,
the course will move into analyzing HRM issues of new non-traditional workplaces such as in the
context of off-shoring service work, creating virtual teams and so on. The students would also be
expected to conduct a group project with class a presentation and a report. The project would
have two parts to it: one, they would need to conduct in-depth research on any one country and
present to the class the unique challenges posed by that country in terms of conducting
international business and two, they need to identify a firm that does/did business in that country
and they need to explore the international HR systems and processes that are followed by
specific firms or two,.

Course goals and objectives: The overarching goal of this course is to help prepare students to
think and act strategically in the international business environment with respect to managing
their human resources. This encompasses several objectives relating to both the knowledge and
skills needed:
The key goals of the course:
1. Identify and explain the different challenges in managing people in the context of
international business
2. Describe the basic issues in recruitment, selection, performance management, training
and development and compensation for employing expatriates and host country nationals
3. Compare both the labor and industrial relations contexts and legal environment of
employment in different countries

4. Describe the new issues in non-traditional work arrangements and employing people
5. Identify the international HR challenges that specific firms have faced or the possible HR
challenges posed by different countries
Overall Expectations
I expect you to be in class regularly. Attendance is important: you cannot participate if you are
not in class. Hence you will not get any participation points for classes where you are not
present including in-class quizzes and graded activities. Excuses for class absences for
medical reasons will be given only if a health care provider advises such absences. Excuses for
class absences for family emergencies will be given only if the emergency is reported to the
Office of Student Academic Advising or supported by other documents. Excuses for anticipated
class absences to interview with prospective employers will be given based on necessary

All excuses have to be supported by documentation from the Student

Academic Advising office. Make-up sessions are not offered for any classroom material,
quizzes or activities. If you miss class, please arrange to get notes from your friends.
Come to class prepared. This class is a case based class and hence it is absolutely essential
that you complete the reading before each class. I will give you questions that need to be
answered for each case we use in class. Please read the case very carefully and take extended
notes to answer these questions in class. It is your responsibility to check the syllabus and
Blackboard and do the readings for class it has been assigned for. Please remember your
learning is contingent upon your reading. You will not be able to follow a class if you do not read
before class.
Participate in class. Ask questions and contribute your thoughts and relevant personal
experiences. When students actively participate, everyone benefits from a more positive learning
environment and the class becomes more interesting and fun. I put an emphasis on class
discussion since we are all in this class to learn from one another and to learn different
perspectives. You will also earn points for participation that will go towards your final class
grade. Please come and talk to me about your participation points during the semester. There
will be no negotiation of the participation points at the end of the semester.
Negative participation. I expect positive participation and not misbehavior in the name of
participation. Sleeping in class, walking in and out of class, talking with other students that disturb
the class, or disturbing the class in any way will reduce the participation points which you earn.
There is also a NO LAPTOP POLICY in this class. This means that no one is allowed to use their
laptop computers unless specifically asked to for a particular assignment.

Be respectful. Treat others with respect including thoughtful listening and interactions, respecting
others views that may differ from your own, and using proper language. Provide others with
constructive feedback while keeping in mind the feelings of others.
Work in groups and submit assignments in time. A large part of this course involves around
group activities. You will have to work in groups and do assignments, research papers and
presentations. I also expect you to complete and submit all assignments in time, and do assigned
readings for class.
Learning Methods:
We will use both the textbook, relevant articles, cases and videos. Each student is expected to
contribute his/her informed point of view during class.

Active participation is an important

determinant of your performance in this course and of your final grade. In addition, you will be
required to check up and use the class web page, which is part of the Blackboard system. This
system enables you to access announcements, information, resources (such as links to data
bases or articles), and of course your grades in a secure and personal manner.
If needed feel free to visit me during office hours to discuss any human resource managementrelated issues, your career plans your group projects or other course-related material. I will be
very happy to assist you in any way that I can.

Evaluation: Grading
Students earn points toward their grade according to the following schedule:

Grading component
Exam 1

Develop solutions to business related

Points Possible

problems, test of content knowledge,

Exam 2

written communication skills

Develop solutions to business related


problems, test of content knowledge,

Exam 3

written communication skills

Develop solutions to business related


problems, test of content knowledge,

Group Project Presentation

written communication skills

Oral communication, ability to work in


Group Project Report

teams, analytical skills

Written communication, ability to work


Individual Class contribution/participation

in teams, analytical skills

Oral communication, Develop solutions


to business related problems, analytical



The letter grade earned in the course will be determined by the following scheme:

Letter Grade

Percentage of Possible Course Points Earned

93 % or above
















less than 63%

Exams: I will give you specific instructions regarding your exams. Each exam will cover about
one third of the course material. You are responsible for material covered up to each exam. The
exam dates are given from the very beginning of the session and therefore there will be no makeup exams given. Please contact me with any questions. There are no Make Up for Exams in
this class. If any person is absolutely forced to miss an exam due any emergency, I need
documentation from the Student Advising Office explaining clearly why the absence was
necessary. In such cases the Exam 3 will be treated as a Comprehensive Exam with
additional essay questions included from the topics tested in the exam missed. For
example, if a student missed exam 1, then s/he will be have to answer additional 200 points of
essay questions from the topics that were covered in Exam 1 in Exam 3. The Comprehensive
Exam will be double the number of points of Exam 3 and will comprise of 40% of the final grade.

Class Participation: Participation in class discussions, activities, and attendance is expected
and valuable to your learning. This being an evening class and also one based almost entirely on
cases, participation is extremely important and there will be 15% of your grade based on that. In
order to receive your participation credit you must prepare for class, arrive on time, complete
different in class tasks, ask questions and make comments regarding the issues discussed. You
will be graded on your performance in participation and the assignments overall for your
assignments & participation grade.
Talking, using the cell phone, reading newspapers, sleeping, and coming and going in the
middle of class are NOT acceptable behaviors in this class and will result in a low
participation score.
Detailed Group Project Instructions:
Each group will have to do a project on doing international business in any one country or
region of the world. As a group you will have to identify a country/region which is important for
doing business in (whether they have cheap labor for production/large markets for sales/natural
resources for manufacturing/mining) and do research on the HR practices in that country. Along
with identifying the important issues and practices of that country/region, each group will have to
identify at least one company that does business in that place. The groups will have to interview
HR managers about challenges of doing business there and also speak to expatriates who have
spent time in that area.
This is a big project for this class that comprises of 25% of your grades and hence it is
very important for you to select the country/region very carefully. Remember, if you choose a
country/region and do not find any firms that do business there, then you will lose out on your
class grade.
In this project, I expect you to follow some of the broad topics listed below.
1. Describe the economy, demographics and culture of the country/region
2. What are the typical HRM practices in that country (specifically focus on methods of
hiring, talent management, compensation and benefits, employment laws, unions)
3. How long have foreign companies been operating there? What are the most common
modes of entry for foreign firms?
4. Describe the operations of the firm that you did research on in this country/region
5. What are the challenges faced by this firm? What kinds of issues did they face with their
expatriate assignments in these countries, managing the host country employees, or
working with non-traditional methods (e.g. working in a virtual environment)
6. Based on both your research and conversations with firms and expatriates what would
you say are some of the major HRM challenges in doing business in this country/region
7. What would be your recommendations for firms planning on doing business there

You will have to do an in-class presentation of your research and submit a report on what you
found. I will give you more specific instructions about the presentation later. I also encourage you
to come and meet me as a group sometime to discuss your progress and problems.
Some deadlines for the project are:
Create groups of 5: January 31st
Select the name of the country/company: February 28 th
Class Presentations: See syllabus
Reports are due on the day of the presentation

General Comments
Any issues concerning grading should be called to my immediate attention. I will spend
time discussing the exam questions in class after the exam. However, if you have a specific
problem with your exam grade please contact me separately during office hours. I will not spend
class time discussing grade issues at all. Students will have up to one week to contact me
regarding a grading issue following receipt of a grade.
Withdrawal Policy
The College has a generous withdrawal period. Students who remain in the class after
the withdrawal period are expected to complete the course. This is especially important in
courses such as this one where group work is a large percentage of the final grade. When a
team member withdraws from the course late in the semester, it puts an extra burden on the
remaining members of the group. Therefore, only in documented cases of severe personal
hardship will a Withdraw Passing form be signed by the instructor and only in cases where the
student is actually passing the course.
Policy on Academic Integrity
A high standard of conduct in one's academic experience is expected. The academic
community does not tolerate any form of "cheating," the dishonest use of assistance in the
preparation of outside or in-class assignments. The principles of academic honesty are violated
when a student gives or accepts aid in any graded work. Any attempt to present someone else's
work as one's own on quizzes, examinations, reports, or term papers constitutes plagiarism.
Plagiarism also includes verbal, written, or graphic presentation of borrowed material without
citing its source. For further information, refer to "Academic Behavior Policy" in the BRYANT
UNIVERSITY STUDENT HANDBOOK. I have a zero tolerance perspective on this.

Special Learning needs:
Bryant University supports accommodation for students with special learning needs. For the
purpose of this class, if you require any accommodation, please provide the instructor with
documentation from Disabilities in Health Services, Counseling Services or Learning Disability
Services specifying the exact nature of the accommodation. For more details refer to the
Policy on Athletic Leaves:
Any student who needs to be away from class for any University Athletic meets will need to
provide documentation in advance.
Policy on all written work submitted: FATAL FLAW WRITING POLICY
All students are expected to practice professional standards in writing. Therefore, all written
assignments must meet minimal standards to be acceptable. These standards address 1)
spelling and 2) grammar. Please read the following policy. For this class, ALL group members will
lose points if a document is submitted with more than 3 fatal flaws so please make sure that each
of the members check the document before anyone submits it.
The term fatal flaw refers to technical English errors and errors of form. Specifically, the following
are fatal flaw:
1. Misspelled words and/or misused words
Example: Refer to the list of words below.
2. Misuse of the possessive case
Example: When one student is involved, it is the students books. When more
than one student is involved it is the students books.
3. Confusion of the plural with the possessive
Example: Students is plural. Students and students are possessive.
4. A run-on sentence
Example: The students left the classroom immediately the instructor prefers her
tea with milk. The students left the classroom immediately; the classroom is on
the second floor. Run-on sentences combine two separate ideas without proper
punctuation or conjunction.
5. A fragment sentence
Example: Which have been there for many years.
6. An error in verb tense or lack of subject/verb agreement
Example: Last night, the student reviewed the material and prepares notes.
Prepares is in the present tense. Use the past tense if the event occurred

last night. All of the students has completed their readings for class. Has is
singular. Have is plural and should have been used in place of has.
Papers with more than three fatal flaw marked by the instructor are unacceptable. The instructor
will stop reading when there are more than three fatal flaws (i.e., when the fourth fatal flaw is
encountered) and will return the paper to the student without a grade. Papers returned because
of fatal flaw must be corrected and resubmitted to the instructor by the date specified in order to
receive a grade. Papers and projects submitted at the end of the semester will have grades
reduced and will not be returned for correction and resubmission.
Grades on papers returned because of fatal flaw will be reduced by 20%. A re-submitted paper
which fails the policy will receive a grade of 60%.
Assistance in meeting the writing standards
One way to avoid these errors is to seek the advice of the staff at the Academic Center for
Excellence (ACE) or find a friend who has competent proofreading skills. You will also find The
Elements of Style, Fourth Edition, by William Strunk, Jr. and E. B. White to be extremely helpful in
writing your papers. You should own a copy. In addition, you should use the proper form of
citation for references in papers designated by your instructor. If you need assistance on the
appropriate citation format, two software applications, RefWorks and EndNote, are available
through the Bryant Librarys Electronic Resources.

Department of Management
General Policies and Procedures
To ensure the equitable treatment of all students enrolled in courses conducted by the
Department of Management, the following policies have been adopted by all full-time and adjunct
faculty members, and will be strictly enforced.
1. All papers that are submitted by students will be evaluated for grammar and spelling in
addition to content. Students are strongly encouraged to use the Academic Center for
Excellence or reference texts such as Elements of Style to ensure papers are of the
highest quality. Grades for these papers will be compromised if grammar and spelling
errors are not minimal.
2. It is expected that all students will thoroughly read and understand the course syllabus.
This document reflects a mutual understanding between the student and the professor,
and should be kept for reference, especially concerning course policies and procedures.
3. Email Communications must be kept professional, and should always include the
following information: name, date, reason for the email, and signature at the end of the
email correspondence. If an immediate reply is required, email may not be the most
effective means of communication. Many faculty members do not check email messages
more than once or twice a day.
4. Grades are earned during the course of the semester, and are non-negotiable at the end
of the semester. It is the responsibility of the student to work collaboratively with the
professor early in the semester if grades received to date are lower than desired.
5. Disciplinary action will be undertaken with any act of plagiarism and/or cheating. Students
will be required to meet with the professor to discuss any such misconduct before
meeting with the Department Chair.

Class Schedule Spring 2011
Date 2011


24 January

Introduction & The Organizational Context

Case: Globalizing corporate culture

31 January

The Context of Cross-Border Alliances

and SMEs
Case: Norge Electronics Portugal and
Daimler-Chrysler Merger

7 February

14 February

(Give names of group members)

Recruiting and Selecting Staff for
International Assignments.
Staffing International Operations for
Sustained Global Growth
Case: Quality compliance in Hawthorn

Chapters 1 and 2
Case: Globalizing
corporate culture,
(Book pg. 43)
Chapter 3
Norge Electronics
(Book page 345)
Daimler Chrysler
(Book pg. 55)
Chapters 4 and 5
Quality compliance at
the Hawthorn Arms
(Book pg. 315)

Exam 1

21 February

No class: Presidents Day Holiday

28 February

7 March

Guest Lecture
Group Project Research Session
(Give names of countries/regions and
No class: Spring Break

14 March

International Compensation
Issues of Benefits
Case: In a world of Pay

21 March

Performance Management
Case: The case of a floundering


28 March

International Training and Development.

Re-entry and Career Issues.
Case: Jaguar or Bluebird (A & B)


4 April


11 April

Chapter 7
In A World of Pay
(course Pack)
Chapter 11
Case of a
(Course Pack)
Chapters 6 and 8
Jaguar or Bluebird
Case (A & B)
(Book pg.318)

Exam 2
IHRM in the Host Country Context.
Case: Roaring Dragon Hotel

Chapter 9
Roaring Dragon Hotel
(Course Pack)


18 April

Legal Issues in Managing Transnational

Labor Relations in the International
Readings: TBA

Chapter 10


25 April

Non-traditional workplaces Challenges

in Offshoring work Challenges in
Managing Virtual Teams
Video Case: Offshored

Chapter 12
Offshored The


2 May

Group Presentations

9 May

Group Presentations and Class Overview

Reading: What is a Global Manager?

16 May

Exam 3

Chapter 12
What is A Global
(Course Pack)

Scheduled date
Note: The teacher will reserve the rights to change or alter certain conditions of the
syllabus if it seems necessary for the class. The students will be informed of any changes
in the syllabus that takes place at least a week in advance from the time when the changes
are in effect. It is your responsibility to follow any such changes as announcements in
class and/or on Blackboard.

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