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Jimmy Snuka Nancy Argentino Clippings
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From various 1983 issues of Joe Shedlock's "Wrestling" bulletin.
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From various 1983 issues of Joe Shedlock's "Wrestling" bulletin.
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From various 1983 issues of Joe Shedlock's "Wrestling" bulletin.
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Jimmy Snuka Nancy Argentino Clippings
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From various 1983 issues of Joe Shedlock's "Wrestling" bulletin.
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20: WEDNESDAY. JANUARY 12, 1983 + USA TODAY SPORTSTALK PEOPLE AND EVENTS BEHIND TODAY'S SPORTS NEWS Q&A— SPORTS” Moolah keeps going strong Professional wresting cen [age get you aan Bat eats ne se wit Lian Elis, oe ter known as the Fabulous Moolah, Ztison, = native of Sou Caroline, wont tel her ge, but ste won her frst Sexiywetght ein e06 ad Ss been atop resting ate Hon since. she receaty ai Sresting wih Coa, TODAS “t Bens a Questions How di you come hy the nate the F200. fons Mootak? nower hen I was 15, f went to Sou Anca tt Drover wna was on bong tour Thad done arate ere fing in ban sche te Beye A promotor there Grom ‘usrala) asked me i 1 wae tate wresse dye, wan fo wresia for money, rus mney es, 9 tren weal for moan, Moin came in “tater, Fron a Soren battle royal in an eliminaon L_____ } toumameatinEaiumere Tien WOOLAK: Aso wane youne- Poeet ine champion: June oo interweetagacee byes intro tga fats The Baitnore ities Commis: son called me the Fabulous -Ruliutes. Ive bees inand out of, en cal spl all ver the enon. ca you ever wrested We Draka Sah calle bone sere eed rel ny aenanie aa on eye Fae Bay fis taken got sulin Ar “f bad a match about” ear and. tad my teeth rear- lah years ago mHonoul,| sangeet wes al ker ‘wrod on leviion, One‘of Cone I'vouksn nee be the men ma mes sippned {0 Suntan many ise Paowene Swresle dant show gp song Ruse many tm Upponentchatiengea te Crom . ‘out of the audience). I accept- Q What kind of money do ed and beat him in eight min- you make wrestling? tes think he was aout 180 Pounds, Tm Sfoot4 and 138° ,,A# “I don't talk about that. a 100 realy aa aba roe (Bo yatake exception tp es it Uc Som. Tears claims that pro wrestling isa": wing me eroune legitimate? ere ng Peco much as other top ath- fn __ isi baveatonsgattoreccs Acct hind of bigs me. ts hutcx somes eae just people upg tnbe sears MMC ameties ge a pe {you tink ei surtotem fae genta hones oe elindieragwii ne for foe Tat euaants TNR Times-Union, Rochester, N.Y., Wednesday, January 19, 1982 Se ena FACES IN SPORTS It takes 9 policemen to arrest ‘Superfly’ ‘The Associated Prose Professional wrestler Jimmy “Superfly” Smuka ws wetted daum in his latast match, but it took nine Onondaga County deputy aherifs and two police dogs ‘finally in the six-foot, 240-pouncer. ‘Onanciaga deputies ware called to a rotor lode in Salina, a town neat Syracuse, shortly before 2a. to ‘check & report of a woman screaming. They found a naked “Superfly” and a hysterical woman covered with ‘a bedshect. The woman, identified es Nancy “Argintina, 2, of Brooklyn, was shouting that she ‘wanted to get away from the man, deputies said ‘Depities said Argintina told them that she and ‘Srulza had returned from a match in Elmira and Snulka became angry with her when she failed to pay ‘tention to him as he attempted to talk to her about “the truth of Goa.” When the officers showed up, "Argintina was forced back into the room and the 29-year-old Snulka slarzmod the door, refusing 1 tale ‘vith deputies. The officers waited for reinforcements, then foreed open the doer and the match wasn. "The straggling Snuka pushed one officer against the wall, but another deputy put anightstick against ‘Snuka's throat and the ret deputy got one handcuff oon Snake's right wrist, Snuka: known in aresting ‘zee as “The Superfly” for his penchant for jumping from the ring ropes onto helpless opponents, hed not set begun to fight, homever, and i took: the nine-demuty {ag-team several minutes to get ahandeuff on Snaka's other west. “Superfly” then refused to dress and bad to. | be dragged tothe patool car in hic underwear. : Meanwhile, an officer was bit on the thigh ard Souka.- twas bit on Goth thighs by one ofthe police dogs i the oficer aad won the third ani © 4 __ deciding fll, Ske wos charged with third-de ‘assault, second-degree aseaul, second-degree attempted assault, resisting arest and obstructing fovernment administration He was arraigned in the town of Salina court and ordered hela attra Public Safety Building Jail i liew of $5,000 bail." just our lock to gota wrestler,” sid Sheriff's Department spokesman Robert Burns. “How come we couldn't get. * some 08-pound weakding?” At cleft, Superfly Snuka launches one of his patented flying leaps a3‘his ts the season of Superily Snuka, a ving ronurnent from the Fiji Islands wlth a chiseled, brady and small, artist's hands. Once a heinous ‘ency and. wholesomeness, a” demonie When he parachuted fron he tienbuckle night to flatten Ray (The Crippler) Ste- nd Kayoed the referee as well, was lly accidental The Crippler has been in the business for near- ly ah years lat says he never has seen a wrestler Sua, Nenher has Toront these were more than 15,600 paying customers AU Maple Leaf Gardens to Watch the eamnage, nd the faithfal Hned Wood Street b fceptional. He ‘book. Is vut of Honoluhs, to ted from Fijt when he ‘was 1A village wail in his homeland, he says “he never had Leen ta school before gutig to the United States. Barely educated, dipping minted sulfa whispering civilian in feans and a pory- Cl ahd a Supertty Snuka Teshirt, he Is the feign. ing matinee Kol, He clears at Teast a thousand au ‘2 simplo philosophy. “When they love you so mud “all yo can dois love 38, Shale tives alone te sind wanders the earth in rubber thongs, & head. dress of blassoms and a billowing eape, exorcis: ing sin. He says he beyan as.a rugby player, cll. diver and body builder in Hawait and that be Nine men (and 2 dogs) needed to ground Superfly the palrot car in his underwear after refusing to clothes, deputies sa. Deputies said Argentina told them she and Snuka had returned from a match in Elmira and Snuka bee ‘came angry, with her when she failed to pay attention to bir a he atterupted to talk to her about “the (ruth of God.” During the scuffle between “officers and Snuka, one police dog DIE a deputy on the thigh and bit Snuka twice, once on each thigh, authorities sad, “ts just our luel wrestler.” Said Sheriff's De- yartiment spokesman Robert Burns, “How come we couldn't et some Mt-pound weakling?" SYRACUSE, NY. (UPY Police said a professionat wres- ther was dragged from his oom in his underwear and a- Fested yesterday after a seuffle weit ine motor lodge in ihe town of 10,usH back the grapple Shunde car a “the Soper" fot Safin near proce sharty eles Sua, wh i County lis penchant for Jumptag fram » before 2 eam. to check ona ree» (004 wut 240 pom struggle sits theirs td elas york of woman aceamag, fi J : ties ‘pponents, was atralgned and . Hey found a naked man and 3 ae ant two dered held atthe Publtesate hysterical woman ‘covered Avett depoty yt a nights fice dogs ty Building Jal in ew of $5,000 ~witina sheet. 5 3 the fi deputy not ane hand in a motel pe The woman, Identified as cuff or the wrestlers + foun wear Snuka, the biggest drow in Nancy Argentina, 22.of Brook: rll, deputies salts Deputies Syracuse pro wrestling in Toronto, will lyn, was shouting that she said'lt took several more Dregnties etack at Mente Leaf Gardens ‘santed to get away from the - minutes Tor‘ oige ulcers, te said fn Sunday, thls line todo bol- jan, deputtes sad. The womon place a bane wa the other dimmy tre with iy (Cripple) Stevens. wos forced back inn the Foon! Seria Spuka, 89, of New Haven, of musclebuund evi ve Gr six nights 9! 15.2 night with his leup from the ropes an», — Conn, was charged with third, the Gardens Jan. 9 thore were refusing to talk witli depts,” degree assault, sccond-d attempted assault, resisting ar~ Fest end obstructing govern- mental administration, Sauka, known’ in wresiling “The last Uhine the two met at ‘theatrics can riasquerade this punishient tothe "its, arms and chest, Snoka says, “It you hap- penta miss, you're going to get hurt. But, no matter how yeu Jook at this sport, your're going Aoget burt gaypray. = 0 , (9 °On this nip, he doeon"t miss, justifying the Domi Theory with a single plunge that emas- culates Stevers and kicks the unwary arbiter Into the second row. The crowd eals It up like a Pete Townshend riff or a blast by Walt Poddub. any. But in a sek, slap-hapy busines, injury 1d. the badge of te veteran and the perll of the novice; Souka’s jaw is a himp of sears. At 4, Ray Stevens iso has affected a reputation for dismemberment, but 201 eve The Cripple 1. “1 got thé rame one night’ in Minneapotis,”* ‘thickly built blond in the Ballard “they didn't have one” says Superfly Snuka’«:~ mold, says, heving survived Snuka’s aerial atic For a while, Ray Stevens was rational enough "tack. “I was wrestling 4 masked guy’ called tw employ Jimhany Snuka:as his tagteam parte Doctor X and sbroke his leg! yet ner, creating comping ita of esea ' -Coak yo athe Don sap Ra a nko tion: the plump, falrskinned American in spit- .’ "Yeah but didnt bother me. I've broke lois ned boots; the dark, barefoot Infidel frome.» of guys’ ingers: And me, I've hed both my I Professional broke nod mos: of my fingers, lst half my teeth used to perform fire and Knife dances for tour. {sts at ‘the Polynesian Cultural Centre. He. claims to have been named Mister Big Isiand, Mister Walkin, Mister Hawall (three times): and Mister North Shore, among other distinc.‘ tens. J 4 Stevens, tut isnt aloe, Soni would see a ergata rene Ett fc Sve nt oe py Why aegis inne ig ‘nike the ndilduality of te spor tine fons come, Cripple say," he the nt fee 9 to see ts what you've got to give them,” and this’, ve been w esting since | was ati turned.» amet from tho pettorm T lite the handtocband combat. Dee) suite cornet Oring He fe 0 pga fie ahi spot noni. the niches rane alin rom aia hat =the rete rae the bras. ut weer can ect Flag £c, sting The Crippler’s crumpled, delenceless into thelr 40s. Tho only wrestler 1 know with form, begs hi tuto Jump and bo mount of braln damage sme" ‘Superfly Smuka says that Deputies called for addi at help and when more man ower arrived, authorities orced pen the door, and tried 4o push back the grappler. gree’ 15,600 fans in, attandance. About the same number are ‘expected this time, Deputies said they arrived at’ and Snuka slammed é:¢ yor, Snuke hod lo be dragged to 'B8/ TORONTO STAR, THURSDAY, JANUARY 20, 1983 Superfly out of jail set for Sunday bout | Nine policemen, and two dogs behind Rim, The Soperiiy now is gearing up for The Cripyer, Jimmy" Superfi) Snuka was frve'on bail yesterday following his bizarre bout with he lave Local promoters fully expect bell ies nl Sy protec wie fing date with Ray (Crippen) Stevens at Maple Leat Gardens. “No probles," sid. promoter ut on his to get Frank Tunney. “tie's out (of fail) ‘on baif ($5,000) and wrestling’ at the Garden (Madison Square} in. New York Saturday night. We don’t think the charges will have any bearing on his coming here. Sunday: Shuka, a big draw with local grappling aficionados, was charg with assault, attempted assault, resisting arrest and obstruction following a bizarre episode near Syracuse, N.Y. in the early hours of Tuesday morning. Police, responding to reports of 2 woman screaming at a motel, Tound 9 naked man and a woman covered wilh a sheet. The woman, year-old Nancy Argentina, said she wented to get away-from ine Bihyear-old Sauk. Eventually it took nine officers, backed by two dogs, several minutes to handeuff the 6-foot, 240-pounder from New Haven, Coun, and haul him off, dressed only in hls underwear. Shuka was Dilten twice by the dogs and a po- iceman also suffered a bite. ‘Argentina told potice that Snuka became angry when she refused 10 pay attention to his talk about "the ‘ruth of God.” ‘The last time The Superfly faced ‘The Crippler, Jan. 9, there were 15,600 spectators at The GardensSuperfly sends fans his love “We want blood,’ howl 11,000 at Gardens blast By Garth Wooley Pargnto Star orn in Fiji, raised in Hawaih vent constantly un .the move, Jimmy Snuka is an anlikely sporting here ia Torvate Ve vite more ur less once a imumih, kiwi relatively” le hut good old Hogtown, tes i ane out in barely a few huwrs. Yer be carries 3 public mage it srane local quarters that easily quais a Rick Valve Gr a Cot, doviige Holloway. : Tn Supers) Souk plays a seal gate Hee ate sital regs coat in epee alaty mesa Tee oa Bod guy. I you know wrestling you Fab roost " Any who doubt his popularity 0 only drop inte Maple Laat rardeny of @ wrestling Sunday night. Three weeks ago. Sauk helped pull a jam-packed house of ‘nearly. 16,000. Last night he and areh+foe Ray (Crippier) Stevens fell off a biU in. thei Grawiny power — only 11,000 or si huvied thernselves hoarse in the eutersinment palace on Garhin St : ‘Yet it's valid to note that few regular attractions aside from the heeley Leafs consistently ouldraw wrestling. I's the same iy most major North American cites osete Fraok Tunney bas bee. promoting “the rassies” at the Gardens sinee 1999. Thore howe fieen eps andl downs through the eats, “bul never any real bad spells” be soles. “Like anys thing’ eke, we give "em what they want, We do that and they ccuine back for snore.” What they want oat all hard fgare cat Ns The Superty ches in foe the aunt, Gey chants meaning ie We ean Sood We wank tiyud, We wont blood "Yo Jastnighe But wh get ls ust 38 ood —~ Shula Fatentsl Superty act it ias toucbandgo for 3 the Ure, tata. The’ Crip Dee, all bind and bly mot Ske ino panty as. Sievers tases all foot ana 240 pounds of Snaka through the pes As the spec referee, fl Howrey Slates Bene atterg a erltiqaé of The Crip} per's sactks “The Sopecty! Svbeknownst ta his épponent Mitsu teom the conezete foot — ail the Way up fo the topmost turnbuckle. From that. poreh, he lounehes himself birdtke ‘ough the alt, arcing Ms ovass fn tan unsuipocting Stevens Game over. The crowd goes pe. tie ple bats ta oney, The Super! fly pulls in the fans. ae “he typape isthe theatre of violence, fantasy tlliled for tie “frustrated. In time of troubled selfanalysis, Snuka makes it look easy, ‘this strutting the straight and rarrew. Sure, he’s not above kicking below the belt, but he fights the good fight. A onetime bad guy, Even (God forbid) Stevens’ tag: team partner, Snuka has mended hisways, Na fan magazine recently named Snuka the must popular wrestler, not only in Toronto, Dut Throughout North America Stevens, in the same publieation, Yopped the mosthated poll = HS an ageoid rivalry in. 2 game that has change tee through the ages. The ring is 3 {ime machine, a launching. pad into worlds where men are men ?*Some fans, lick a8 @ ducletall, sinister as a sharpened rata comb, potent aé a can_of hale Spray, loom out of the Gardens’ Stokey darkness as if emerging {tom 2 threedecade time warp. Others, far more, are all-Cana- dian anonymous = innocuous 3s touque, Grandmothers and ite ile kids. But there’: no problem Finding common turt. ‘Scream therapy ‘A Gardens usher, Ken Rees, not amean In bis intent. says "they're probably the most easily fooled Crowd we have. 1 mesh, they think it’ all (rue. There sre some bere with slighty less than avers age intelligence “if they got these kind of fans gut for the Leafs," Tunney says, ‘heyed never lose another gomee" Doctors ofthe inner being might call the process scream Sherapy. Leal fans, for example would probably find the nolse evel at last. night's gathering positively embarrassing. Shrink Ing violets would disappear. Hiockey fans are fond of count: Ing down the last few seconds of a ace. Wrestling fans do the same for punches, kicks and pins. They shriek iy) unprintable rage, but sem to go home blissfully spent. Even if you don’t Join the oral ceatpour, you don't ist go to the Gardens on Sunday nights to toateh. You go to get involved. Last night three young men got to involved — they led to pelt the hated Big John Studd with gorbage and” were evscted Tor, fnir trouble. “HC gets falrly crazy In here, inotes Seve Shabghnesy, 31, who liked what he saw on TF and be- carte a Gardens. regular six Ypobths ogo. "The wrestlers start ity they go-a. bite wild, you snow" ‘But Shaughnessy notes that the crowd is friendly, people tal to thelr neighbors. “We have something in com- ‘mon, We know some of iis faked sure,” he says, “but a lot of the stuff is bound to hurt you, too Would you want to hit that mat fram five, six, 10 fet in the ar?” Pat Best of Scarborough ‘has teen a wrestling fan for more than 90 years. She used th keep a scrapboak, much in the manner of the kids who flashed their treasured clippings at the the wrestlers last lght. Her favorita ‘Was Tans Schmidt — "he was the
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The World Is Flat 3.0: A Brief History of the Twenty-first Century
Thomas L. Friedman
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (2272)
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
From Everand
The Sympathizer: A Novel (Pulitzer Prize for Fiction)
Viet Thanh Nguyen
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (124)
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
From Everand
The Light Between Oceans: A Novel
M.L. Stedman
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (789)
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
From Everand
Manhattan Beach: A Novel
Jennifer Egan
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (883)
Wolf Hall: A Novel
From Everand
Wolf Hall: A Novel
Hilary Mantel
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (4042)
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
From Everand
The Perks of Being a Wallflower
Stephen Chbosky
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (2119)
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
From Everand
A Tree Grows in Brooklyn
Betty Smith
Rating: 4.5 out of 5 stars
4.5/5 (1934)
Little Women
From Everand
Little Women
Louisa May Alcott
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (105)
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
From Everand
The Constant Gardener: A Novel
John le Carré
Rating: 3.5 out of 5 stars
3.5/5 (108)
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
From Everand
Sing, Unburied, Sing: A Novel
Jesmyn Ward
Rating: 4 out of 5 stars
4/5 (1217)