The student Moonlitz Dave S. Palaganas from Grade V-2 ACACIA conducted a project on electric circuits. The project involved building and testing different types of electric circuits using batteries, wires, bulbs, and switches. The student observed how completing or breaking the circuits affected whether the bulbs would light up.
The student Moonlitz Dave S. Palaganas from Grade V-2 ACACIA conducted a project on electric circuits. The project involved building and testing different types of electric circuits using batteries, wires, bulbs, and switches. The student observed how completing or breaking the circuits affected whether the bulbs would light up.
The student Moonlitz Dave S. Palaganas from Grade V-2 ACACIA conducted a project on electric circuits. The project involved building and testing different types of electric circuits using batteries, wires, bulbs, and switches. The student observed how completing or breaking the circuits affected whether the bulbs would light up.
The student Moonlitz Dave S. Palaganas from Grade V-2 ACACIA conducted a project on electric circuits. The project involved building and testing different types of electric circuits using batteries, wires, bulbs, and switches. The student observed how completing or breaking the circuits affected whether the bulbs would light up.