White Paper Gina Abudi Change Management
White Paper Gina Abudi Change Management
White Paper Gina Abudi Change Management
Often as project managers we focus on managing changes that occur to our projects; however, that is not sufficient.
We forget one very important component of managing change and that is managing stakeholders expectations
around change this is a big component of nearly any project regardless of its size or complexity. When we dont
effectively manage peoples expectations around change on our projects we risk project failure! The effort we must
put forth increases when we begin to work on projects that involve stakeholders from a variety of cultural
backgrounds or with virtual or remote teams.
Step one in more effectively managing expectations around change is understanding the impact of change on the
individuals within the organization. Step two is following a simple process to ensure continued engagement by
stakeholders throughout the project mainly done through regular and frequent, but controlled, communications
early on and throughout the project. This paper will provide best practices for managing the people-side of change
on projects. When we learn to do this effectively, we increase the success rate of our projects in the eyes of our
stakeholders and overall better engage our stakeholders in our projects.
To be successful, every project manager must focus in two areas of change on their projects:
In fact, PMIs Pulse of the Profession: The High Cost of Low Performance (PMI 2013) notes that change
management contributes to the increased success of projects and programs. This means that you must learn how to
engage your stakeholders in change and manage their expectations around change not just manage changes to the
project itself.
Often the focus is only on managing changes required of the project and not on how stakeholders will handle change
nor their expectations around the change that will occur because of the project. Sometimes this is due to our belief
that change has to happen so others will have to adapt to it; other times we are just not sure how to deal with
peoples expectations around change it can be an emotional topic and we are not always up for the fight!
Well-managed projects that do not take into account how stakeholders will react to change are not well managed!
The amount of complexity of change management for projects is directly tied to the type (or complexity) of the
project. And in particular, in todays world, so many projects have a virtual component that change management is
critical for project managers to master. When working with individuals, whether team members or other
stakeholders from a variety of cultural backgrounds, managing the people side of change management is even more
crucial to project success.
A simple three-step process enables project managers to better manage stakeholders expectations around change
and also helps to ensure effective and sufficient preparation and planning of such projects. And what better way to
explain about the value of focusing on the people-side of change management than with a project focused on change
in the organization.
2013, Gina Abudi, MBA
Originally published as a part of 2013 PMI Global Congress Proceedings New Orleans, Louisiana
pg. 1
A fear of the impact of the change specifically on the employees role and responsibilities
Insufficient knowledge and information about the change and why it is happening
Disruption in the employees daily routine
A we always do it this way mentality
Viewing the change as inconvenient given what else may be going on in the company or personally for the
A fear of not having the skills or experience to change (lack of training)
Communication is the best method to help individuals move past their obstacles of change and support and
champion your initiative. Communication should be done upfront before the start of the project, throughout the
project and after implementation and evaluation. This is absolutely essential to keep stakeholders engaged and
reduce their fears. (Abudi, 2012)
There are five stages that individuals go through when making a change (Hiatt & Creasey, 2012):
As a project manager, you have the ability to help individuals within the organization progress through these stages
by your regular communications and interactions with them. When we keep individuals engaged, they are more
receptive to change as they feel a part of the change and not simply as if the change is happening to them. We want
participation in the change initiative we dont want individuals to feel as if change is being thrust upon them and
they are powerless. When individuals feel this way, they do not support the change and may actively work against it.
pg. 2
Consider the following conversation starters to get stakeholders engaged in the change-focused project:
Highlight what happens if the change does not happen and the impact on the individual and the
Discuss the benefits of change and how the change may personally benefit the individual
Promote the ability to learn new skills or increase knowledge when change occurs
Discuss the ability to get involved in something exciting and new
Additionally, consider engaging stakeholders by asking the following questions in a small group setting or casual
What do they believe may or may not work about this change project?
How would they proceed with the change initiative if they were managing it?
What do they want to know to alleviate their concerns?
What does success look like to them?
When we invest time in understanding the impact (whether real or perceived) of change on individuals, we are more
likely to engage them in the project and get their support and commitment.
You can gauge whether or not stakeholders are champions or resisters by their interactions with you and their body
language during your stakeholder meetings. Those who are willing to have the conversation can be converted to
champions; those who ignore your efforts to engage will resist you throughout the project. When you find those who
are resisting you, seek out time alone with them in order to focus on them individually and review the project and
their perception of it. Sometimes individuals just need to have a personal conversation and get their questions
answered and concerns addressed individually.
To ensure successful communications on your particular change project, be sure that you can answer the following
How have change initiatives been communicated in the past? What channels were used for communication
and were they effective? If they have not been effective, why not?
What else is going on in the organization that may impact your communications?
Do you have the right people in the communication loop? Both for receiving and delivering
For example, individuals from certain cultural backgrounds may not expect to be involved in change initiatives if
their role in an organization is not a management-focused role (power distance). In such situations, they are expected
to be told what to do and when to do it, therefore, while they may be worried about change, they will be unlikely to
raise concerns about change. They may support it because they are expected to do so, or they may work behind the
scenes to derail the initiative. From a project managers point of view, a general understanding of the dimensions of
2013, Gina Abudi, MBA
Originally published as a part of 2013 PMI Global Congress Proceedings New Orleans, Louisiana
pg. 3
culture enables for improved interactions and engagement with stakeholders from a variety of cultural backgrounds.
Looking at one other example if stakeholders are of a cultural identity where there is a strong uncertainty
avoidance dimension, risk tolerance is low. In such cultures change would not be supported unless there was
compelling face-based evidence that the change must occur and it would be detrimental to the individual and/or the
organization if it does not happen.
What is important to keep in mind is that while an understanding of the dimensions of culture enables for more
effective engagement of your stakeholders, assumptions cannot be made that because an individual is of a particular
cultural background he or she is completely in line with that dimension. Rather, use the theory to have an overall
understanding of stakeholders and to set a plan for engaging and communicating with stakeholders in a way that will
work with them.
Evaluating Change
In this first phase, Evaluating Change, the focus is on understanding the change that will occur and how it will
impact the stakeholders involved. Start by considering the stakeholders who will be involved. Can you answer the
following questions about the project you are leading?
What is the scope of the change? Who is impacted by it? One workgroup? One department? A division? Multiple
divisions? The entire organization? The greater the impact of the change, the riskier the project; therefore, requiring
more upfront planning enables project success.
Are those impacted ready for change? Are stakeholders engaged? What else is going on within the organization that
may impact this project? Are there other change initiatives major or otherwise that may impact how stakeholders
perceive this change? Have change initiatives been successful in the past? Is there usually resistance to change? Past
change-focused projects and how they were handled will have an impact on stakeholders perceptions and
expectations around the current project.
As the project manager you will need to be able to respond to inquiries such as, What is this project all about?
Why is this happening now? How will this impact me personally? To do this you will need an understanding of
the project and what change will be required within the organization because of the project.
In this early stage, project managers should have an idea of who may be on board with the change and who may
need to be sold on what is happening and why. Certainly this will become clearer as we move to stage two, Prepare
for Change. In this first phase, our focus in on educating and socializing our stakeholders on the project. To do this,
however, we must understand the project ourselves.
The earlier you begin to communicate with stakeholders about the project, the more likely you will have engaged
and committed stakeholders who support the project. Develop an initial communication plan that utilizes a variety of
methods to educate and socialize the project with stakeholders this might include email, face-to-face meetings,
virtual meetings, small group meetings, all staff meetings, etc. The more options presented for communication the
more likely you are to reach all stakeholders in ways that work for them. Rarely do project managers overcommunicate; more frequently they under-communicate with stakeholders. This is particularly common when a
project is complex and requires significant project manager attention. Keeping stakeholders engaged through
communication tends to be pushed aside to meet deadlines, resolve problems and stay on budget. Regular
communications enables for educating stakeholders on the project. Change-focused projects are only successful
when the project has been socialized with stakeholders and they support the initiative. As a best practice, consider
building into your initial project schedule time to meet with stakeholders and socialize the upcoming project before
the project actually starts.
pg. 4
Project complexity drives the type and frequency of communications with your stakeholders to keep them engaged
and supportive of the change. Consider the following about your project and the approach you might take. Certainly,
the more complex your project the more time and effort will need to be invested in engaging stakeholders.
Type of project (complexity)
Even with a project that is being thrust at you for start immediately, you might still negotiate a bit of time to
socialize and educate your stakeholders. In situations where you need to start a project immediately, socialize
simultaneously upon start. However, work with sponsors to hold off on beginning work in any areas that requires
stakeholder support. Remember without support and buy-in from the stakeholders you are unlikely to have a
successful project. It is near impossible to get support when you are already moving forward in making changes.
This does not enable for building trust with your stakeholders.
pg. 5
At completion the project will need to be transitioned to another group within the organization will they be ready?
Early on in the project planning stages have an initial transition and training plan to present to relevant stakeholders.
Change management requires ensuring stakeholders and others are comfortable with what lies ahead. They will want
to know there is a plan to transition the project and to ensure they are trained in the project. There is little more
frustrating or worrisome to stakeholders then knowing there will be a change that will impact them and not seeing,
nor participating in, a plan for that transition to go smoothly. You need an understanding of stakeholders current
skills to determine if they are able to work with the change to be implemented. Certainly the more complex the
project, the more planning required upfront in training and transitioning. While you may not lead the development of
training programs to prepare stakeholders and get them the skills they will need to be successful, you will need
someone on your team from Human Resources and/or Learning & Development who will be responsible for this
component of the project.
When project managers spend the time upfront and early on in planning for communications around their change
project and engaging stakeholders in the change, the balance of the project goes much more smoothly.
pg. 6
For larger, complex projects, assign a team member to manage the portal and ensure it is updated and stakeholder
inquiries via the portal are addressed in a timely manner. I have often used a project administrator to fulfill this role.
Managing projects that require stakeholders and others within the organization to deal with change in some way,
shape or form is very challenging for project managers. The years of experience you have as a project manager does
not make those challenges disappear. The challenge is in stakeholders expectations of change. People have a
difficult time accepting change even when it appears to be a minor change or a change for the better. Those who
have accepted change in the past may have something going on personally (outside of work) that impacts their
perceptions of what needs to happen in the workplace. Through effective engagement and communications, we can
get the majority, if not all, stakeholders onboard with what needs to happen. Many project managers may not see
managing peoples expectations of change as a component of their role, but it most certainly should be.
Abudi, G. (2012). Best practice steps to successfully plan for change. Retrieved on August 1, 2013 from
Abudi, G. (2012). Helping others move past obstacles to change. Retrieved on August 1, 2013 from
Hiatt, J., & Creasey, T. (2012). Change management: The people side of change. Loveland, CO: Prosci, Inc.
Hofstede, G. (2013). Cultural dimensions theory. In Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia. Retrieved on August 10, 2013
from http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hofstede's_cultural_dimensions_theory.
Project Management Institute. (2013, March). PMIs Pulse of the Profession. Retrieved on August 1, 2013 from
pg. 7