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COMM 3 PRACTICAL SPEECH FUNDAMENTALS Experimental Edition PROF. CELIA T. BULAN PH.D PROF. IANTHE DE LEON PRACTICAL SPEECH FUNDAMENTALS Experimental Edition Department of Speech Communication and Theatre Arts College of Arts and Letters University of the Philippines, Diliman Prof. Celia T. Bulan Ph.D Prof. lanthe De Leon Ebook Cover Photo: Chanel Abelo Ebook Cover Design: Dave Centeno TABLE OF CONTENTS CHAPTER 1: Exploring the Nature of Communication: An Overview 2: The Listening Process 3: The Self and Intrapersonal Communication A: The Speaker’s Ethos 5: Language 6: Using the Voice to Communicate 1 Nonverbal Communication: The Potent Hidden Language 8: Communicating with Another Person 9: Group Dynamics 10: Communicating in Public APPENDICES ‘A; Self Evaluation of Listening Habits B: Oral Reading Evaluation Sheet C: Interview Plan Format D: Sample Interview Pian E: Evaluation Sheet for Interview E.Basic Agenda for a Problem Solving Discussion G: Sample Exploratory Guide (problem of potic Hi Leadership Evaluation Form I. Scrambled Outine 1 4. Scrambled Outline 2 K: Scrambled Outline 3 L: Sample Speech Pian (to inform) ‘M Sample Speech Plan (to persuade) NN. Sample Speech Plan (to impress) O: Sample Speech Pian (to entertain) P: Speech Evaluation Form Q Sample Special Occasion Speech PREFACE ‘We were in the thick of a discussion in search of an appropriate title for an introductory course in ‘Theatre. I felt my eyeballs turning for Iwas challenged. What could that title be? Iam way past retirement. Over forty years this is something I had been involved in: the formulating of course titles, course descriptions, attending meetings to present them, defend them, and the like. All of a sudden, the moderator’s eyes met mine and he called on me. The only thing Ihad in mind was Shakespeare, so without hesitation, I blurted out; “The world’s a stage.” liked it myself. As a title, itis brief. Being Shakespearean, it sounded learned. I thought the response to it was favorable. But the best thing was it set people’s minds thinking and there were more suggestions that followed. Finally, “The World’s a Stage” was one of three titles to be polished by a committee. But I didn’t stop there. “The World's a Stage” still kept bothering me on my way home. Then, out of the blue, came an inspiration. To add the word “for” so that the title would be “For the World’s a Stage.” I thought the idea and an idea came. That could be an expression of a justification of the course for new general education purposes. “For the World’s a Stage” would be a springboard to an exploration into an understanding of the dramaturgy of theatre as communication. It would provide a motivation for the act of studying theatre. It would be personal and global I did the next best thing when I arrived home. I called up the Department to have my idea on record and for consideration by the editorial committee. Even to myself, at this advanced age, the thought was a significant, momentous rhetorical experience. With one word, I changed the idea. It was made more consecrated, more instrumental: the power of language. ‘Which brings me back to my present task of writing a preface. I think the narration of my experience with one word —what it can do to open the ears, to place stars in one’s eyes is appropriate for this task. For that is what the present book hopes to do; Open the eyes, the ears, to enable the individual to relate himself to his environment. The book has been well thought out and written. We congratulate everyone, faculty and students, who participated one way or the other, in making the writing of this book possible. The choice of the last item they included, the sample of an ‘occasional speech’ is excellent. In one stroke, the book became Filipino, proudly Filipino. I thank the authors for this role they gave me, to write the preface. I feel honored and privileged to be part of the book even in this sense. Iwish every teacher and student user of the book a fruitful journey towards acquisition of optimum speaking effectiveness, Alejandro J. Casambre, Ph., D. Professor Emeritus 28 May 2002 EXPLORING THE NATURE OF COMMUNICATION An Overview Objectives After reading this chapter you should be able to: 1. discuss the nature of human communi cation; 2. construct a basic framework for defining communication; 3. analyze the different models of communication and generate new ideas therefrom; 4, dispel misconceptions about communication and reinforce basic concepts; 5. describe the fimcti ons and values of human communication; 6. differentiate the modes of communication; 7. identify the levels of communication; and 8. synthesize the common elements of the speech communication process. INTRODUCTION Why speech communication? What other power [than eloquence] could have been strong enough either to gather scattered humanity into one place, or to lead it out of its brutish existence in the wilderness up to our present condition of civilization as [people] and as citizens, or, after the establishment of social coranunities, to give shape to laws, tribunals, and civic rights? Cicero De Oratore 1.33 Marcus Tullius Cicero (106-43 B.C.), one of the greatest Roman orators and statesmen of his time, underscored the power of speech in the paragraph above. In our global age today the call stands strong, People need to talk. Families become united and stable by communicating. Commumities and social groups bond together for the attainment of shared goals and commitments. Fiat in democracy as a form of government in many countries is sustained through freedom of speech or communication. Nations coalesce for the protection of their common interests and purposes through oral communication. Communicating leads to sharing; sharing leads to bonding; bonding leads to uniting. The Latin word “communis” is divided into two parts, com-munis (common, public). The initial syllable in communia is com — together and the rest is munia— duties. From this etymology one draws the sense of “working together.” A sense of sharing, a duty to work publicly withis the gist of the word “communicate.” Without speech or oral communi cation, societies could not attain levels of civilization, commmmities could not organize into living and working groups, mark and ritualize practices and traditions, debate and decide difficult issues, and transform society for its good. People need to talk. ‘When the boy you admire doesn’t know you exist, you run to your best friend to ask for advice. You share on a one-on-one basis. When your family needs to sit in council to plan how to cope with a financial crisis, you share person-to-person and with every person in the circle. When husband and wife talk about rules of child-rearing, one person shares intimately or dialogues with the other. When you are granted that first interview for a job you've always dreamed of, you talk with someone superior to you. ‘When teachers commmicate to their students, they need to share not only content but values as well. When a shop foreman communicates instructions to his men, he needs to motivate them towards a productive work ethic. We could go on ad infinitum. Oral or speech communi cation is the preferred form of communication because it flows spontaneously and directly between individuals. Although public speaking no longer defines the scope of human communication, its functions for a society are equally important to individuals and groups (Gronbeck et al 1994): 1. Speeches are used for self-definition. Just as church groups recite their creeds aloud and often, societies and communities engage in speech communi cation activities in order to define themselves or reaffirm their common identity, indicate what they stand for, or what it means to have affinity to a group or organization. 2. Speeches are used to disseminate ideas and information. Even into day’s proliferating media, much information needs to be disseminated in a personalized way. Leaders of nations talk to their people in matters of grave interest: emergent societies or republics are galvanized by influential speakers who rally people to a cause. Civic and social action to change society starts in small groups that discuss, share, and think about vital issues of common concern. » . Speeches are used to debate questions of fact, value, and policy in communities. One could say that civilizations advanced when men learned the art of public debate or verbal controversy instead of resorting to weaponry. Facts are necessary to shed light on any situation. Values have to be clarified by members of societies or groups in order to ensure the common good. Policy has to be arrived at through a democratic consensus before any rational action. - . Speeches are used to transform individuals and groups. Speech communi cation in any form has to be persuasive to bring about change in the individual or in a group. Communities and groups have to adapt to changes in their environments and ways of life if change must occur. Speeches advocating change in order to spur growth of the individual and groups in society can unlock doors to progress in any civilization. Changed attitudes that lead to positive action in the individual become a force when done collectively. Ifwe relate the above functions to our everyday life, we can say that communication in several instances holds the foll owing values for us: Communication helps us to define and understand ourselves and our environment Communi cation breaks barriers between two or more persons, thus, leading to relationships. Communication creates bonding in groups and affirms the human need to belong. Commumi cation facilitates cooperative action toward goal attainment. Communication informs and enlightens people for knowledge’s sake and informed judgment. Communication leads to enduring friendships and intimacy between individuals and among groups. Communication enhances our understanding of and respect for different cultures. 8. Communication opens avenues for growth of the individual and society. aver ™ Now that you've seen how important speech communication is, you'd like to discover what communication is and how it works in reality. THE NATURE OF COMMUNICATION In your mathematics class you ask your professor to explain how she arrived at the solution just written on the board; as she finishes you nod your agreement. Then you hurry after class to the dormitory and relish a lunch with your roommate who tells you she understands your moods. At day’s end you attend a business meeting with a peer group that gives you a feeling of belonging. But when you return for the weekend, your father complains that your steady date lacks manners. You certainly disagree but remain silent and walk slowly away. Then a teenaged sibling with nose up in the air complains about her older sister being more privileged on the use of the house phone. Rather than get into an argument with your father or sister, you withdraw to your room. It seems it’s going to be a long, long weekend. In both sets of examples there is communication taking place. But is one more effective than the other? Words, gesture, body movements, and even silence communicated feelings and ideas. If you think that the first examples characterize more effective communication than the second, what distinguishes the former from the latter? But before we can come up with a basic definition of communication, we need to understand certain core premises on the nature of communication. 1. Communication is a dynamic process. ‘When something is in process, itis ever-changing, ever-moving and in a state of flux. The idea of process also indicates that there are no clear-cut markers when commmnication starts and when communication ends, Human interactions in the past affect communication in the present and present ones influence future exchanges. And it goes on. People, settings! situations, events, words and others are factors constantly interacting in the process. The interplay of these different elements ina continuum results in what Frank Dance (1967) describes as “something that is in constant flux, motion and process....changing while we are all in the very act of examiningit...” ‘When we describe the very process as dynamic, itis not a mechanistic notion of movement or activity as in a conveyor pushing groceries forward to the cashier; rather it is a more complex notion of dynamic change, one in which an indefinitely vast number of particulars interact in a reciprocal and continuous manner (David Mortensen 1972). If you take a pyramid (three- dimensional), from the base the tapering layers or levels can be visualized as successively smaller levels of activity. And each smaller level is itself a composite of interacting elements, all the possible elements relating to one another in an indefinite number of ways. Another anal ogue of this dynamic process is the activity of the nervous system, Lashl ey (1954) referred to the complex interacting forces at work in the human nervous system as “ activity not in terms of individual cells...but even the simplest bit of behavior requires the integrated action of millions of neurons.” 2, Communication is systemic. A system consists of parts or elements that comprise a whole. Communication is a complex process and it takes place within a set of systems. Communicators relate to one another in a system. ‘The social setting they find themselves in is a system. The immediate physical environment is also a system, Each of these systems influences or affects communication as they influence one another as well. A systemic view of communication has four (4) vital implications (Watzlawick, Beavin & Jackson 1967): 4) Communication is contextual. If we consider or acknowledge the fact that communication occurs within a gamut of systems, understanding the process will come easy. Communication does not transpire in a vacuum, it occurs amidst a background or setting, it requires an immediate physical surrounding. The context of communication comprises physical characteristics such as seating arrangement, light, sound, color, physical space and the like. But beyond these it includes things like atmosphere of ambience, of sociocultural background (Mortensen 1972). When a person goes to a funeral parlor with the intent of paying his respects, he enters a situation that is generally somber in mood. He will be communicating his sympathy because the context so requires. The emotional overtones of the situation will probably communicate warmth, solace or psychological comfort, and affinity. The context engenders these sentiments and feelings Brockriede (1968) calls it an “encompassing situation” or encompassing context when an elaborate set of implicit conventions and rules impose on an individual's behavior in given types or categories of social situations, such as the one mentioned above. Mortensen distinguishes between immediate and encompassing contexts by pointing out the impact of particular social situations as constituting immediate contexts for communication whereas an encompassing context would influence a communicator’s image of particular social situations, One’s immediate surrounding constitutes a context for commumication. But the essence of context is extended to embrace all social and cultural milieus. D) A system has interrelated parts. In any system the parts constitute a whole and so each component relies and depends on one another. This interdependence makes for efficient functi oning of the whole. If every part contributes chances are the system will work as a unit. As an example, let’s take your speech communication class as a system. The parts are your professor, classmates, syllabus, textbook, references and your particular room (physical environment). Add to these the bigger system that encompasses your class system — the university and its policies and SOPs (standard operating procedures), Philippine society and its culture. How will changing your present stuffy room into a whitewashed air-conditioned one affect the communication? How will a change in faculty to handle the course affect the system? How will the university’s shift in emphasis from arts and letters to mathematics and the sciences affect your communication? In any event change in any of the parts will most likely engender change in the entire system. ©) The whole is more than the sum of its parts. Communicators, messages exchanged, seating arrangement, lighting, sound system, ventilation and the like may comprise any one particular communi cation situation. But treating these parts like an arithmetic sum adding up to a whole misses the point. Herbert Hicks (1972) cites the sum of inputs is a bigger number, and not a case of 2+2 = 4. The interaction of all the parts results in a synergy, where the output differs in quality and quantity from the sum of the inputs. @ Constraints within systems influence or affect meanings. There is no ideal communication system, human or machine-fed. System constraints are features that influence our efforts at communicating, Meanings intended may be altered, modified, watered down or even distorted by these constraints. Systems contain physical constraints such as stiff chairs, a smoky room, stuffy air, poor lighting or even distances between communicators. Communicators may experience constraints when they perceive status differences among them (soci ophysiological). Then there are also barriers of language, norms and customs (cultural constraints) ‘Thus, a systemic view of communication implies the following: one, communication can be understood only within its contexts; two, all parts of a system are interrelated; three, the whole is more than the sum of its parts; and four, communication systems contain constraints that affect meanings. 3. Communication involves communicators. Speakers speak and listeners listen, that is obvious. But communicators simultaneously and continuously speak and listen, thus rendering the labels “speakers” and “listener” not too accurate. Another problem with a speaker-listener view of communication lies in the fact that it may ignore the simultaneous exchange of messages between participants. Even while a listener may be verbally passive, he nevertheless sends messages with perhaps a nod, a smile or frown or whatever. The simple act of facing a person speaking sends a message of wanting to listen at that particular moment. Thus, the speaker is doing things simultaneously — sending and receiving messages. This is also true with the listener. == Spoaker-Listonor View: SPEAKER, Tressago” LISTENER —, SPEAKER tesponse LISTENER ——s Communicator View: COMMUNICATOR messages COMMUNICATOR aS 4. Communication is irreversible. ‘The adage “a man can’t step in the same river twice” does point to the concept of irreversibility. “Human experience flows as a steam in a single direction leaving behind it a permanent record of man’s comumicative experience,” (Barnlund 1970). Conmmumicators have no way but to go forward from one moment to the next, from a present state to a future one. Like time running on and moving forward, communication progresses in similar fashion; but this can build upon the significance or meaning of the present instant and succeeding events that unfold. 5. Communication is proactive. Technical devices of advertising and propaganda — those media with their paradoxical messages — gradually break down our barriers of criticism; glued to the TV screen, people become passive and apathetic...we are all a little bit slave to the great television hypnosis (Meerloo 1968). Persons engaged in communicative behavior bring themselves totally to the situation — their mental, psychological and emotional makeup, their world view, their self-image, etc. Far from being inert or passive bystanders, they are proactive communicators capable of seeing, perceiving, analyzing and shaping situations. Even while asleep, our brain does its work. It goes on processing like a giant factory of ideas. Author Langer (1942 : 33) said: “..the brain follows its own law, actively translating experience into symbols...” 6. Communication is symbolic interaction. Human communication is symbolic in nature, which means it is created and employed by humans (Wood 1964). Human beings can think and act symbolically. When we say that human communication is symbolic interaction, the communicators interact with and through language. We use language to define ourselves, our surroundings, people and events. In this manner we ascribe or give meaning and importance to our experiences. Unlike animal behavior that responds to stimmili automatically, the human communicator is proactive in that he assigns and acts upon meanings, not on stimuli per se. We act upon our environment — “a man-made world that we have seen, studied and shaped ourselves” (Platt 1968) and this ability elevates us above all other life forms ... because we are symbol users (Burke 1968; Cassirer 1944). 7. Meaning in communication is individually construed. No two people will attribute the same meaning to one distinct or particular situation. Each individual interprets or assigns value and meaning differently on the basis of his past experiences, beliefs, attitudes and values, and cultural makeup. Itis well nigh impossible to elicit the same comments because of every person’s uniqueness. Meanings are always personal because we can never respond directly to another person. We come to understand other people’s communication through ourselves. The person listens to your message and first interprets it on the basis of his own needs, beliefs, desires, feelings, self-concept and goals. The response is not to your statement but to his interpretation of the same (Wood 1964). Itis like saying every person has a unique processing system with which to communicate. For an example, the word “love” elicits quite different images and notions from all ages. To many teeners, a “love-team” on the silver screen probably means romance in a moonli ght-dance-wine and roses- setting, To an estranged spouse, the word “love” conjures scenes of a bitter quarrel and love lost. But to a happily married woman, “love” means having made the decision to commit herself totally to her man through thick and thin, and having felt true joy in her relationship. But in each type of situation, meanings of the word “love” will indefinitely vary. Even an individual ’s meanings are in a state of flux. We have moods, feelings, predispositions and changing perceptions. COMMUNICATION DEFINED ‘Thus we can now define commumication as a dynamic, systemic or contextual, irreversible and proactive process in which communicators construct personal meanings through their symbolic interactions (Wood 1964). Having a basis for further discussion, let us look at certain models of the conumumi cation process. MODELS OF COMMUNICATION ‘What is a model? If we were to play a game of association, what words would cue you in to the concept “model?” The words “scale,” “ramp,” “mannequin,” “role,” “fashion” would perhaps elicit the key word, But “scale” and “role” would most closely be associated with our meaning. A model describes an object, event, process or relationship. It attempts to represent the essential or major features of what it models. Thus we could say a communication model attempts to describe the communication process — how it works. ‘Why do we study models? For one, models provide a schema for understanding various phenomena. A good model presents the essential nature of what it describes by highlighting key features thought important by the model builder. Since human communication is such a complex process, no single model can do justice to it. Thus, any model of communication will select certain features and “freeze” them for closer scrutiny. A model visualizes for us how certain features are related to another and provides a more orderly understanding than we might have without the model ‘Thus, models have organizing value. Another function or value is heuristic in nature. Models that provoke thought with its insights can lead scholars to generate concepts and theoretical frameworks. Some scholars of communication theory point to the heuristic power of models as their most valuable function, The Aristotelian Model ‘The Aristotelian model which was first developed among the Greeks in ancient times is simple and basic. Ithas three (3) main features, namely: speaker, message, audience. Greek citizens went about their daily life defending or prosecuting in the courts of law, deliberating and debating among themselves in the legislature or simply arguing a case in plain people’s assemblies, Thus, a premium was placed on one’s persuasiveness to his audience. The speaker’s (persuader’s) quality of persuasiveness was called “ethos.” Such characteristic hinged upon the character of the speaker. However, there are other factors mentioned in Aristotle’s Ars Rhetorica which determine the persuasiveness of a speaker’s message: content arrangement manner of delivery ethos arguments logos 7. pathos Away P (Message) (Ustener) SPEAKER ——> SPEECH-—~> AUDIENCE (Figure 1: Aristotelian Model) The Lasswell Model One of the earliest models of communication was a verbal model advanced by Harold Lasswell in 1948. me “eae f aut 4 f et 4 Communicate Menage (Figure 2: Lasswell Model) ‘The model combines five key elements in a sequential or linear pattern, that of a speaker delivering a message through a channel of communication to another with such impact. As a social scientist, Lasswell premised his model upon three key functions of communication in human society, namely: 1. surveillance — a function of surveillors such as diplomats and political leaders designed to alert society to the dangers and opportunities it faces. 2. correlation — a function mainly carried out by institutions such as journalists, educators and poll-takers designed to gather, coordinate and integrate into meaningful form the responses of society towards changes in the environment 3. transmission — a function mainly carried out by institutions like the family, church, school, and community in order to hand down values, mores, customs and traditions to the next generation. To paraphrase Lasswell, communication must perform its key functions to protect, fortify, and enhance a nation’s stability. A country is responsible for consolidating its strengths and this can be done by controlling the forces that interfere with efficient communication, e.g., message controllers (censors, agents of distortion and filtering, etc.). The Shannon- Weaver Model A model originally designed for telephone communi cation, it identifies five (5) basic components: an information source, a transmitter, a receiver, a destination and noise. Somebody makes a phone call — an information source; the telephone is the transmitter that converts the message into an electronic signal; the telephone at the other end is the receiver that reconverts electronic signal into a message; the message is heard by another person, destination; distorting signals like static comprise noise. Briefly, let us look at an example applying the model to a non-telephone situation. The information source became the brain of the speaker; the transmitter became the vocal mechanism, The receiver became the hearing mechanism of the listener, and the brain of the listener became the destination, and noise became anything that interfered with the message. ‘The Shannon- Weaver model depicts communication as a one-way ot linear sequence of transmission and reception, It also depicts noise as an element found only within the message and not throughout the communication process. And since it originally applied to telephone communication, its concepts of transmitter, receiver and noise are mechanical. Record tgs | MOL Saree ay aL ree = Dataee NOSE (Figure 3: Shannon-Weaver Model) Schramm’s Model ‘Wilbur Schramm moved beyond the verbal model to advance a significant insight in his second model (his first model is similar to Lasswell’s). Schramm highlights the importance of an overlap of communicators’ fields in order that communication can occur. sae | [Saar] [Sra] [omnia |__ [renter | (Figure 4: Schramm’ s First Model) Flot of Experience Field of Experience Decader | Destination (Figure 5: Schramm's Second Model) Schramm’s third model describes the dual role of each commmmicator in that he is both sender and receiver, and that both encoding and decoding entail personal interpretation, The fourth model presents another heuristic insight by the fact that it emphasizes the dynamism of human communication. People interact in constant cyclical fashion whereas earlier models (Aristotle, Lasswell, Shannon-Weaver) depict communication as a sequence, Schramm finally captures the notions of process and interaction. (Figure 6: Schramm’s Third Model) ye Interpreter se Messaae Encoder Interpreter Decade Message (Figure 7: Schramm’ s Fourth Model) Berlo’s Model $ ™ c R SOURCE MESSAGE CHANNEL RECEIVER Communication Sk Element seeing Communication Skil structure Hearing Knowledge Knowledge atu treatment Smeting Smeling Sociocultural System Code Tasting Sociocultural System (Figure 8: Berlo’s Model) According to David Berlo’s model, source and receiver are influenced by their personal makeup of three (3) factors: knowledge, attitudes and communication skills. A fourth influence is the sociocultural system of the communicators. Where the commumicator’s message is concerned, three areas matter: message content, communicator’ treatment, and coding of content. Channels of communication or the means by which communication is shared consist of five senses, seeing, hearing, touching, smelling, tasting. Berlo acknowledges the complexity of the communication process as evidenced by the influence of several factors on communication, to include an all-encompassing system — the communi cator’s sociocultural framework, White’s Model Engene White gave his commmmication students a sequence of events that takes place in communication. These eight stages of oral communication are the foll owing. . Thinking —a desire, feeling, or an emotion provides a speaker a stimulus to communicate a need. 2. Symbolizing — before he can utter sounds, a speaker has to know the code of oral language with which to represent his ideas and in order to make his selection. . Expressing — the speaker then uses his vocal mechanism to produce the sounds of language accompanied by his facial expression, gestures, and body stance . Transmitting — waves of sound spreading at 1,000 feet per second and waves of light traveling ata speed of 186,000 miles per second carry the speaker’s message to his listeners. . Receiving — sound waves impinge upon the listener’s ears after which the resulting nerve impulses reach the brain via the auditory nerve; light waves strike the listener’s eyes after which the resulting nerve impulses reach the brain via the optic nerve. . Decoding — the listener interprets the language symbols he receives and thinks further. Feedbacking — the listener may manifest overt behavior like a nod, smile, or yawn or he may not show any behavior at all (covert behavior like fast heartbeat, a poker face, etc.) . Monitoring — while the speaker watches for signs of reception or understanding of his message among his listeners, he is also attuned to what’s going on inside him; the speaker is receiving and decoding messages about himself from his audience in order to adjust to the particular situation. fe ‘Thinking —* Symbolizing —+ Expressing ~ Monitoring Transmitting we s a ™ es XN Feedbacking — Decoding — Receiving ee (Figure 9: Eugene White's (8) Stages of Oral Communication) ‘The Eugene White model implies a step-by-step sequence of events that starts with thinking in the mind of the speaker and ends with monitoring also by the speaker. Commmmication is a repetitive, cyclical event but the dynamic quality of interaction is not depicted. The speaker is the originator of the communication process and the listener is a passive reactor who does not initiate communication. Dance Model ‘The model advanced by Frank Dance is represented by a spiraling figure — the helix. It depicts the process of communi cation as one that progresses or moves forward in cyclical fashion — moving forward but coming back upon itself. Notice the spiral moving in progressively larger spheres as it goes upwards. This signifies the dynamic quality of human communication in that what has occurred before influences what we say now. What we say now influences the future. The continmm of human events serves as a backdrop for all human interaction. Dance’s model is unlike earlier models in that one cannot pinpoint any literal features or elements. However, the helix as a symbol for the dynamics of human communication is visually powerful. o (Figure 10: Dance Mode!) A Symbolic Interaction Model (Wood) Language is a system of symbols and words are symbolic. In the course of interaction or shared experiences, people “generate, convey, and invest meanings and significance” in these symbols. ‘This model reflects the nature of communication as a dynamic, systemic process in which communicators construct personal meanings through their symbolic interactions. Notice that communicators are linked together by their symbolic interactions, Interactions may be either sequential or simultaneous since there is no direction specified. Then a given interaction evolves out of earlier interactions and is influenced by previous encounters as well as by the present situation. As communication progresses over time (Tl, T2, T3...), the shared world between communicators is enlarged. As people communicate they learn each other’s values, beliefs, attitudes, predispositions to situations, moods and interests. Over time people also learn to use common symbols to designate ideas, concepts, perceptions, rituals, and expectations. Shared experiences may lead to a greater understanding between communicators. Itis communication that enables people to build shared worlds. Let’s consider an example of the process by which people construct a shared phenomenal world. Recently a freshman was admitted to a university dormitory facility. She met her roommate with whom initially she had rather an uncomfortable, stilted encounter. As the two tried to find common areas of interest in their high school life and as they warmed up to each other in view of their similar goals and expectations of college life, they began to communicate better. The discovery of a shared world spurred them both to relate with a sense of togetherness in a new, exciting environment that is college. Communication can thus enlarge the shared worlds between communicators. Thus, the model emphasizes the temporal dimension of communication—a given interaction serves as a starting point for the next and future interactions. Interaction Phenomenal World <—_____ Time (Figure 11: Wood's Symbolic Interaction Model) In addition to the model's dynamic feature, there is also the systemic quality of communication. Several levels of systems are represented within the model. Both commumicators live within a vast social system or social world composed of all the social systems that make up a given society. Each communicator belongs to a few not all of such systems and is represented by dotted lines. This is to indicate the openness of these systems to forces of outside of them. The dotted lines also mean that there is interrelatedness between systems. Furthermore, the model emphasizes the communicator’s personal construction of meanings through his individual phenomenal world, This world consists of everything that makes up an individual — self-concept, goals, emotions, thoughts, skills, attitudes, past experiences, beliefs, and values. This worlds the basis for interpreting communication, In the model Communicator B interprets A’s messages through his phenomenal world, not through A’s. To the extent that these two worlds overlap, A andB will have a clear, shared understanding of symbols. Their personally constructed meanings when found to be common or similar will lead them to deeper commmication. Finally, the model presents a feature not highlighted by the other models: constraints. The series of ines indicates the existence of constraints throughout the communication process. Constraints may come in the form of conditions beyond our control (i.e., unstable economy) and they may also be found in the communicators (i.e., biases, moods, dislikes). The Speech Communication Transaction Model (Gronbeck et al) Culture Situation ‘Channel limits or, Message has content, stucture and sy ‘Speaker Listeners Message is Purpose, affected by knowledge, speaker's skills and purpose, attitudes affect knowledge, listeners’ skill, attitudes, and interpretation credibility of message Feedback Listeners’ verbalVisua! response causes speaker to alter message (Figure 12: Speech Commmmication Transaction Model) Premised on speechmaking, this model is comprised of essentially the following components: a speaker, the primary commumicator, gives a speech, a continuous, purposive oral message, to the listeners, who provide feedback to the speaker. The exchange occurs in various channels in a particular situation and cultural context. SPEAKER ‘The speaker must evaluate himself on four (4) key areas every time he communicates: a) purpose; b) knowledge of subject and communication skills; c) attitudes toward self, listeners; and subject d) degree of credibility. a) Speaker ’s Purpose. Every speaker has a purpose or goal to achieve. It may simply be to beftiend someone or it may be more complex, as in trying to change people’s beliefs and behavior. A speaker may wish to inform or add knowledge, entertain or amuse, impress, inspire or motivate. In all cases, a speaker has direction and, thus, acts in a goal-directed manner. b) Speaker’s Knowledge. Listeners generally await a speaker with high expectations. Does the speaker display deeper-than-surface knowledge of his subject? Does he share new, fresh, relevant, and significant insights? Is there depth and breadth in his message? Can he be considered an authority on the subj ect? Does his message make it worth their while? c) Speaker's Attitude. A baseline source of a healthy attitude towards self and others is one’s self concept, a term usually grouped together with self-worth, selfesteem, self-efficacy, and self- image. If you feel good about yourself, you will reflect and radiate such an attitude when you commmnicate with others, If you don’t feel good towards yourself, you might not want to see, talk or communicate with people. Confidence, pleasantness, amiability, commanding presence and other positive traits tend to be manifested by the speaker with healthy attitudes towards himself, the listeners, and his subject. Shyness, uncertainty, poor self-confidence, phlegmatic presence and other self-defeating traits tend to show when the speaker does not hold a healthy attitude towards himself, the listeners, and his subject d) Speaker ’s Credibility. When listeners judge a speaker to be high in trustworthiness, competence, sincerity, attractiveness, and dynamism, the speaker’s chance of success will be high. Otherwise, his speech communication transaction will be a failure. The concept of credibility is traced back to the classical Greek concept of ethos, a word that means character. Authors Gronbeck, Ehninger, McKerrow, and Monroe attest to the fact that where a speaker can heighten his credibility, there he will also produce a heightened impact of his message upon the audience. MESSAGE ‘Your message often comes in the form of ideas or information. In public communication, there are three vital aspects of the message: content, structure, and style. a) Content. Mere facts or descriptions do not a content make. Something more substantial is needed. A speech’s content is the substantive and valuative materials that form the speaker's view of a topic, and of the world. Content can be likened to an umbrella in whose shade certain select ideas and information come under. Content is conceptualized by the speaker according to his purposes for a particular audience. b) Structure. Presenting ideas, facts, and information any which way is structure of some sort. But a speaker’s structure needs to be one in which his ideas, facts and information can be properly and effectively understood through patterns or coherent arrangements or sequencing of ideas. Such arrangement gradually guides and leads listeners to grasp or comprehend the speaker’s message. At the end there must be unity of thought. c) Style, Personal and impersonal, intimate or distant, poetic or plain, reportorial or impressive, you communicate your speaking style when you select certain words and arrange them in some way. Style often refers to those aspects of language that convey impressions of your personality, your view of the world, and your individuality or uniqueness as a person. LISTENER In the communication transaction the listener serves as the speaker’s counterpart. He receives and thinks about what is said in light of his a) purpose; b) knowledge of and interest in the topic; c) level of listening skills; and @) attitudes toward self, the speaker, and ideas presented. a) Purpose(s). Often listeners come to listen with single or multiple expectations. Some want to hear the latest on a raging controversy, others simply want to see what a person looks and sounds like, and still others come to be entertained or humored. Speakers must match their listener’s expectations in order to succeed. It is important to know that listeners want their needs satisfied. b) Knowledge and Interest. Do the listeners know little or much about the topic? Would they care to hear or be attracted to listen to the topic at hand? Is there something in it for them? Is the group a highly motivated audience? A thoughtful speaker would not initiate a message without first studying his audience on these two critical areas, areas of high impact. c) Command of Listening Stills. Listeners vary in listening skills. Some are naturally receptive while others can’t wait to hear the speaker’s final “thank you” or “good day!” Others persevere through long chains of reasoning while the rest are struggling to see the point. Children cannot listen to lectures or long discourses whereas adults can sit through these. The degree of appreciation in a listener is a function of his listening skills. Training in the discipline of listening is vital to any form of human communication. d) Attitudes. Since attitudes of persons are generally shaped by the values they hold, it would be unwise for a speaker to antagonize his audience with contrary opinions. Listeners tend to seek out speakers whose beliefs and views they already agree with, and retain longer those ideas they strongly approve of. A speaker who wishes to alter listeners’ views must start from familiar and common ground, then slowly build up to his alternative or contrasting ideas. FEEDBACK Feedback is a two-way flow of ideas, feelings, and information from listener to speaker, speaker back to listener. Listeners yawn or frown, nod or shake, smile or laugh. The speaker instantly interprets these as signals of comprehension or confusion and boredom or satisfaction, The speaker adapts, adjusts, alters, and modifies his speaking behavior in order to respond to such signals. It takes skill and sensitivity to spot cues in audience behavior. CHANNELS Public communication cuts across multiple pathways or channels. The verbal channel carries words; the visual channel transmits gestures, facial expression, bodily movement, and posture of speakers and listeners; the aural channel or paralinguistic channel caries the tone of voice, variations in pitch and volume or loudness, as well as cues on the emotional state of the speaker and tenor of the speech. At times a pictorial channel aids the communication process by use of visual aids such as diagrams, charts, graphs, and objects. Simultaneous messages are being communicated through these channels SITUATION Your speech is affected and influenced by the physical setting and social context in which it occurs. A church congregation awaiting services will behave differently from a crowd at a political rally. A function room decorated in heavy dark drapes and lighted dimly may dampen audience response; a wide, brightly lighted space with comfortable chairs may enhance listening behavior or response; a subordinate taking orders from a superior seated behind a massive desk may connote the authoritative and powerful stance of the boss; a roommate talking to another who is chummy would be comfortable and at ease communicating, and so on and so forth. A social context is a particular combination of people, purposes, places, rules and conventions that interact communicatively. A mix of the factors of age, gender, professi on/occupation, ethnic aggrupation, power, degree of intimacy and others will determine the context in which one communicates with others. For example, younger people generally defer to their elders and elders generally speak authoritatively to the young. Certain purposes or goals are more or less properly communicated in varying social contexts. For instance, a miting de avance is a context for attacking or criticizing the program of the incumbent government but not for eullogizing the deceased. Some places are more conducive to certain exchanges than others. You would hesitate delivering a sermon on board a public bus but speak with fervor in the pulpit on a Sunday. Societies observe certain customs, norms, and traditions that form the framework for social interactions. These give rise to communication rules or norms that often specify what can or cannot be said, how to say what to whom in what circumstances. Adherence to these rules facilitates and enhances commumication. Non-deference entails the risk of non-acceptability. CULTURAL CONTEXT Finally, elements of communication may have different meanings depending upon the culture, or society in which the communication takes place. Each culture has its own set of rules for interpreting communication signals. While it may be perfectly alright to address parents by their first names in the U.S.A., the Filipino custom is not to call them by their first names but to always use the words “po” and “opo” or the third person “kayo, sila” while talking to parents and elders. This is a good example of cross-cultural context wherein communication behavior is predicted on prevailing norms and customs. The serious or thoughtful communicator needs to examine and analyze the culture he is in at the time. MISCONCEPTIONS ABOUT HUMAN COMMUNICATION Now that we’ve explored at some length what human communication is, let us look at some commonly held misconceptions, or what communication is not. 1. What we need is more communication. People generally think more communication improves anything and everything. The pervasive comment, “What we need here is more communication” usually indicates a desire to exchange more words, more talk between people. But will mere communication solve poverty, political, and religious problems? Many problems cannot be solved by words and more words alone because many problems do not originate from unclear or inadequate words, Many problems, however, can be addressed through the avenue of communication. Communication can help resolve conflicts and address problems when there is better not more communi cation between persons and groups of people. In the end we can maximize the strengths of communication if we know its limits. 2. Speakers bear the burden of effective communication. Even if everybody agreed that a speaker should be responsible for effective commmication because he normally initiates, listeners are also to bear in part the burden because they mirror by their response or behavior the clarity of understanding and comprehension the message elicits. Listeners are the other half of an effective communication transaction, When listeners do their part by feeding cues to the speaker, they exercise considerable influence on the effectiveness and impact of the exchange. 3. Communication breakdown stops communication. Since a breakdown actually occurs within a fixed sequence of events (j.e., machine operations), there is no breakdown in comnmnication because the process is cyclical, interactive, dynamic. The notion of breakdown suggests communication can be fixed by detecting the defective part. This is not consistent with the system view of communication wherein all features or components are interrelated. Does communication stop? Our process view of communication cannot pinpoint exactly where the beginnings and endings of communication are located. Words may originate at some specific point in time during a given transaction and also close at a given time, but when it exactly began or when it will end is not certain. Words may stop at some point but thinking and reflection go on. How about situations where listeners do not or cannot respond to our messages in the way we would expect? Communication has not stopped. It is possible that in those cases communicators may have attached different meanings to the symbols used or did not agree with the desired response (i.e., walking out, boycotting). Ideas were exchanged, meanings were personally constructed, but in the end speaker’s desired outcomes were not realized, 4. Communication consists of words. “Just say what the other person wants to hear” may work once or twice but not all the time. Often our words are contradictions of what our body stance communicates to the other. Words in order to become meaningful must be accompanied by the body, especially facial expression and tone of voice. The commmnicator’s body must be attuned to what he is saying. Often what words cannot convey, the body does eloquently. 5. Meanings are in words. Human beings construct meanings and therefore meanings vary from person to person. In theory this is accepted by most but in practice we attribute intrinsic or inherent meaning to words. Some people react negatively when hearing words such as “male chauvinist,” “feminist,” “leftist,” “ani on-buster,” and the like. Others may react differently to the same words. These words by themselves are neither good nor bad, but different people assign meanings which are good or bad or somewhere in the middle. We choose the way we interpret the symbols we use and hear. As we interact with these words or symbols, we actively assign meaning as well as value to them. 6. Effective communicators are born, not made. If this were true, then there would be no need for communication courses at all. If this were true, then this reading material would not have been written for students. The fact is year in and year out, communication students who at first thought so turned out to become effective communicators after a semester of hard work and persistence. Any student who is willing to invest much time and effort can enhance his communication skills dramatically. Knowledge, skills, and attitudes that comprise good communication can be developed or cultivated over time SUMMARY OF COMMUNICATION MODELS Asa summary of the communication models, let us extract their essential features and draw similarities as well as differences, Try generating new ideas from them. A SUGGESTED SURVEY OF COMMUNICATION MODELS ORGANIZING VALUE HEURISTIC VALUE [ODEL || What features and relationships || Can you generate new insights? are emphasized? Can you ask stimulating questions? I Features: speaker, speech and (Relationship: dynamic, systematic, enlarged shared |phenomenal world between communicators, interactive [Aristotle |faudience [Relationship: linear, sequential Lamon: 3-clement: Features: speaker, message, | wnat are the effects of messages? Who sends ILasswell receiver, channel and effect s ver, channe ___ || messages to whom? What is the message? How does Model _ Relationship: linear, sequential channel affect message? among 5 elements [Features: information source. Ichannon- |{t*#nsmitter, receiver, destination, || How do ideas from a source arrive at the caver fpsise destination? How does noise distort signals? What [Relationship: linear, sequential || are the kinds of noise? relationship among 5 elements Features: communicators, How is communication affected by varying overlaps Imessages, fields of experience | 8 Schramm re tesnecinerncy sy| it te fields of experience? How do communicators lationship: interactive, circular} cone with simultaneous messages? relationship among elements [Features: source, message, channel, receiver How do characteristics of source and receiver affect fperto Relationship: not explicitin _ messages? How do source variables influence lmodel but visual placements coding and treatment of messages? How do channels suggests linearity from source to || affect reception of messages? receiver [Features: eight (8) stages- thinking, symbolizing, expressing, [ransmitting, receiving, decoding, 11), these stages point to the role of listeners? How? [White feedback, monitoring ; ack, monitor's ___ || How does feedback affect the speaker's message? Relationship: cyclical, sequential relationship among the eight elements [Features: ime-orientedness, [OW does a message ata given time affect later feflewvity messages? When does the impact of communication Dance vy as stop? When and where does communication begin? Relationship: cyclical, self and ° ' : ____ || How does time influence the impact of reflective progression over time " communi cation? [Features: communicators, [phenomenal world, time Jdimension, symbolic interaction, || How does an initial conversation build the ood [coustraints foundation for future interactions? How do members of a family or community build a common or shared phenomenal world? honroe, |[Features: speaker, message, Gronbeck, ||channel, listeners, feedback, How does cultural context influence messages? How lEhninger ” |lsituation and cultural context does situation interplay with a speaker's goals or le Relationship: interactive, purposes? How can absence/lack of feedback affect IMcKerrow|tansactional, contextual, dynamic,| the speaker and his message? [public communi cation-oriented C= (St) + WER) Thinking Language Features: thinking, language, ltransmission skills, reception ‘Why is thinking common to all communication Icasambre ||skills skills? How is language important to the (Relationship: communication's __ || transmission of ideas? lroles of transmission and How do you interpret the model herein? Ireception of ideas; common denominator thinking, a process lutilizing language LEVELS OF COMMUNICATION Now that we have enough models of communication, perhaps we should familiarize ourselves with the different levels or relational forms of communication. According to Monroe and Ehninger (1974), there are three distinguishable forms: 1) interpersonal; 2) small group; and 3) public communication. Communi cologists Ruesch and Bateson (19__) classify human communication into four (4) levels, namely: 1) intrapersonal, 2) interpersonal, 3) group; and 4) cultural. The foll owing typology would give us a broader perspective: . Intrapersonal Communication — communication occurs in the individual (i.e., a student chooses to study for an exam instead of attending a party) . Interpersonal Communication — communication takes place between two or more persons; this has two forms, namely: dyadic (between 2 persons) and group (among 3 or more persons); (i.e., a mother-daughter dialogue; and a meeting of a study group of 5 classmates in Math 14) 3, Public Communication — communication occurs between a speaker and several listeners (i.e., the UP president welcomes the freshman population in June) 4, Mass Communication — communication occurs between the source (speaker) and a vast audience/readership/ viewership via mass media/channels of radio, television, and print (.e., presidential candidates engage themselves in pre-election debate on a radio-TV network) . Organizational Communication — communication occurs within the workplace between and among members in order to carry out an organization's objectives and purposes, defining goal- directed behavior for efficiency and effectiveness; (i.e., a division manager enunciates the latest policy on employee productivity and initiates an open forum) . Intercultural Communication — communication occurs in verbal and nonverbal ways to promote understanding and goodwill between and among cultural commmities/nations; (i.¢., soirees, symposia among Filipinos and international students in the UP campus, cultural/stage nv a performances highlighting Korean traditions through dance and music) 7, Developmental Communication — communication occurs between progressive nations and developing societies of the world in order to facilitate the total devel opment of individuals and nations (i.e., UNESCO experts/workers mobilizing communities among developing countries to Taunch educational and livelihood projects) MODES OF SPEECH COMMUNICATION In each of the relational forms of human communication (interpersonal, group, public), two modes of oral or speech communication prevail: one, verbal mode; two, nonverbal mode. In the verbal mode, the speaker or communicator uses his voice or vocal mechanism while in the nonverbal mode, the speaker or communicator displays bodily behavior/movement in forms such as facial expression, eye contact, gestures of the hands and shoulders. In the verbal mode listeners hear the human voice while in the nonverbal mode listeners see the speaker’s bodily movement and behavior. But as a whole, the speaker commumicates his message through both avenues—verbal and nonverbal. As these will be dealt with more lengthily in a later chapter, let us end our discussion with a summary of the essential points learned from this foundational chapter. CHAPTER SUMMARY . Communication is a dynamic, systemic process in which communicators construct personal meanings through their symbolic interactions. . Models of communication have a two-fold value: organizing, which clarifies the structure of complex events; and heuristic, which leads to innovative and productive thinking. ‘The different models of communication starting with Aristotle’s down to Dance’s, and others show us the features or components selected or highlighted by the model designers, which features help us to understand the nature and complexity of the communication process. The evolving models drive home the point that there is still much to learn and discover about human communication. The progression from linearity of communication to dynamism and transactionalism proves this. . The following are widely held misconceptions about what communication is and does: n y = a. More commnication improves anything and everything b. Speakers are responsible for effectiveness in communication. c. Communication breakdowns stop communication. d. Communication consists of words. e. Meanings are in words. £ Effective commmicators are born, not made. . The 3 basic levels or relational forms of human communication are: interpersonal, group and public communication. The broadly inclusive classification has the ff 1) intrapersonal; 2) interpersonal, which consists of dyadic and group; 3) public; 4) mass; 5) organizational; 6) intercultural; and 7) developmental communication. 6. The two modes of speech or oral communication are verbal and nonverbal. The verbal mode utilizes the speaker or communicator’s voice while the nonverbal mode uses the speaker or communi cator’s bodily movement and behavior. In sum, the speaker’s vocal or oral message is clarified, enhanced, and reinforced by his nonverbal behavior. EXERCISES. Study and analyze the communication system in your own family. Draw up a schema or a diagram of its main components/features. Explain how it works using any or a combination of the communi cation models taken in class. Share your insights with a classmate and listen to her response as well. . Choose any of the 3 relational forms of human communication: interpersonal, group, public. Explain and describe how these communicators interact or communicate with one another. You may recall a recent event which you are familiar with. Or the situation could be an event in the past which is still vividin your memory. Focus your discussion on how they speak and how they show bodily behavior. 3. Write a single-paged comment on any of the foll owing statements/maxims: n a. “You cannot not communicate.” b. “Actions speak louder than words.” c. “Say what you mean, mean what you say.” d. Parents should listen more e. “A man cannot step into the same river twice.” £ “You take back your word.” g. Communicating is speaking and listening. Civikly, Jean M. (ed.) Contexts of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. Feingold, P.C. “Toward a Paradigm of Effective Communication: An Empirical Study of Perceived Communicative Effectiveness.” Unpublished Ph.D dissertation, Purdue University, 1976. Gronbeck, Ehninger et al. Principles and Types of Speech Communication. 12" ed. New York Harper Collins Publishers, 1994. Knapp, Mark L. “Becoming An Effective Communicator,” from Social Intercourse: from Greeting to Goodbye (1978), in Jean M. Civikly (ed,) Contexts of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. Miller, Gerald R. “Models and Speech Commumication, “from An Introduction to Speech Communication (24 ed.), in Jean M Civikly (ed.). Contexts of Communication. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981 Monroe, Alan H. and Douglas Ehninger. Principles and Types of Speech Communication. 7 ed. Glenview, Ilinois: Scott, Foreman and Company, 1974. Mortensen, C. David. “Communication Postulates,” from Communication: The Study of Human Interaction (1972), in Jean M. Civikly (ed.). Contexts of Communication. New York Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1981. Wood, Julia T. A Symbolic Interactionalist Perspective. 2 THE LISTENING PROCESS Objectives After reading this chapter you should be able to: state why listening is important, distinguish hearing from listening; define listening, describe the nature and stages of the listening process; explain the purposes of listening; identify barriers to effective listening; suggest ways to improve listening; identify ways to give and receive effective feedback; and recognize various propaganda techni ques. PaeXIaAvaynyr INTRODUCTION A story is told of a balikbayan who upon boarding a plane from San Francisco noted the usual passenger apathy as the attendants gave their safety message at the beginning of the flight. That is until a voice came over the intercom, “Ladies and gentlemen, as the song says there may be 50 ways to leave your friend, but I guarantee you there are only 7 exits from this airplane. So listen up!” And after the laughter subsided, they did. Indeed, listening is an activity we often take for granted. We do not take our listening seriously until we face the consequences of not listening. Due to your inattentiveness in the classroom, how often have you asked your seatmate what the teacher has just said? What about the habit of engaging in passive listening until the teacher informs the class that a quiz will be given after the lecture? Poor listening takes a toll in the home as well. Marriage counselors say that many domestic break-ups are related to communication failure between spouses, among family members and listening is often at the heart of it. Moreover, poor listening in the workplace often results in lowered productivity and morale. Having examined the communication process in an earlier chapter, let us now focus on listening, the reciprocal of speaking. In this chapter the nature and stages of the listening process will be discussed. The purposes of listening will be explained. The different barriers to effective listening and some suggestions on how to overcome or counteract these barriers will likewise be tackled, Finally, some guidelines to further improve your listening will be presented THE IMPORTANCE OF LISTENING Listening is the most basic of the four major areas of language development. S. Lundsteen notes that listening is the first language skill which we develop (Wolvin 1988). As children, we listen before we speak, we speak before we read and read before we write. The preceding statement clearly indicates that our ability to speak, read and write and master cognitive skills is dependent directly or indirectly upon our ability to listen, Listening is also the most frequently used form of verbal communication, Many studies made to investigate the frequency of listening conclude that listening consumes more of our daily communication time compared to any other forms of verbal communication. According to Rankin, on the average, adults spend 70 percent of their waking hours engaging in communication activities. Specifically, about 10 percent of this commmication time is spent in writing, 15 percent in reading, 30 percent in speaking and 45 percent in listening, Given the amount of time we spend listening, our listening behavior should be made more effective. Unfortunately, listening is a skill that does not automatically improve with practice. It seems quite evident that despite the great allocation of time for listening, we do not listen as well as we should, We are relatively poor listeners. Listening consultant Lyman Steil notes that on the average our level of listening effectiveness is only about 50 percent. We can hear, evaluate and respond to only about half of what was said. These figures may drop after 48 hours to an effectiveness level of 25 percent. Operating on this low level of listening results in a 75 percent loss. Listening is a skill that is of utmost importance at the various levels of communication. We listen to ourselves at the intrapersonal communication level. We listen at the interpersonal level when we listen in conversation, to interviews and in small group discussion. We listen at the public communication level when we listen to various speakers, watch a play or a concert. We listen at the mass communication level when we listen to the radio, television and film, Listening is not limited to formal speaking situations or just the classroom. It is a skill that is vital in both formal and informal situations. It plays an integral part in our everyday lives as our attitudes, skills, and behaviors are affected by the listening that we do. HEARING vs. LISTENING Since hearing and listening are frequently misused as synonyms, a distinction between the two must be made. Although they are two receiving processes they are essentially two different entities. Hearings the physiological process of receiving aural and visual stimuli. It begins when the listener takes in the sound of the speaker’s voice. Itis the passive phase of speech reception since we can hear without effort. Good hearing is important to listening because hearing provides the raw material on which the listening process operates. Good hearing though is not synonymous to good listening, (Clevenger 1971) Listening is more than hearing. It is described as the active phase of speech reception, a physiological process guided and controlled by the habits, attitudes and conscious intentions of the listener. He chooses from those complex stimuli certain information that will be useful in formulating his response. These distinctions are helpful in clarifying the meaning of listening. DEFINITIONS OF LISTENING Many definitions of listening have been fornuilated by various experts. Each of these definitions was arrived at after thorough research determining what components and characteristics are involved in the listening act. According to Nichols (1954), if “hearing is the apprehension (to become aware of through the senses) of sound and listening is the comprehension (to embrace or understand a thing) of aural symbols, then, listening can be more accurately defined as “the attachment of meaning to aural symbols.” Baird and Knower (1968) refer to listening as a term for a whole group of mental processes which enable us to interpret the meaning of messages. It is a cognitive process that involves perception, comprehension and other mental processes. Wolvin (1988) defines listening as the process of receiving, attending to and assigning meaning to aural stimuli. A last definition by Brooks (1993) whose listening model will be discussed in this chapter states that “listening is the combination of what we hear, what we understand and what we remember.” All these definitions will be helpful in understanding the nature and process of listening. THE NATURE OF LISTENING 1. Listening is a dynamic, transactional process. In the first chapter we learned that communication is a two-way process. It involves both the speaker and the listener as they send and receive messages. Itis therefore their joint responsibility to make sure that the messages ori ginating from the source must be understood, interpreted and evaluated by the receiver. Listening, the reciprocal of speaking, is an integral part of the total communication process. 2. Listening is an active process not a passive one. Listening is not a passive state we may find ourselves in. DeVito (1982) stresses that listening does not just happen; you have to make it happen. It demands physical energy which the listener needs so that he can focus on the message cues. It requires mental energy so the listener can participate actively as decoder of the speaker/source’s messages as well as encoder of his return messages or feedback. Clearly, listening is a skill that demands hard work and needs our full attention. 3. Listening is a complex process. Let us understand the complex nature of listening by examining the different stages of listening as presented in the Brooks’ Listening Model (Figure 1). Hearing dontitving and Recognizing Auding s P E & | storey ous tate ” c ey tele sequercing 1. Vv ls ‘dentition on t+ => Ke oe ‘ ‘ppreciton " u e N ° s Figure 1: The Brooks Listening Model) THE STAGES OF LISTENING According to W. Brooks (1993), listening consists of three stages: hearing, identifying and recognizing, and auding. The first stage of listening is hearing, the process of reception of sound waves by the ear. There are three important factors which affect the hearing of sound: auditory acuity, masking and auditory fatigue. Auditory acuity is the ability of the ear to respond to various frequencies or tones at various intensities, referred to as levels of loudness. Human speech frequencies range from 250 to 4,000 cycles per second although the critical range of auditory acuity is 1000 and 2500 cycles per second. Decibels are units to measure the loudness of sound. If we are referring to speech sounds, it can range from 55 decibels as in soft talking to eighty-five decibels as in loud conversation. The intelligibility of speech is affected by hearing loss. An individual is said to have hearing loss if he or she requires more than the normal amount of intensity in order to hear sounds of certain frequencies. If one needs 15 to 20 decibels over the normal, he may have a significant hearing loss Masking occurs when the background noise received by the ear falls within the same frequency range as the message one is intending to receive. Competing conversation often “masks” the intended oral message. Meanwhile, white noise results when the competing or extraneous sounds are composed of all frequencies. The cacophony of noise emanating from a jam-packed enlistment room is an example. A last factor which affects hearing is auditory fatigne. This results from continuous exposure to sounds of certain frequencies. The monotonous or droning voice of a lecturer, the sound of a running appliance such as an air conditioner or the continuous ringing of an alarm clock can weaken the process of hearing and consequently impede listening. Prolonged exposure to sounds of certain frequencies can bring about temporary hearing loss. Exposure to occupational and non- occupational noise sources such as high decibel level —rock and roll music, newspaper presses and power mowers can have damaging effects. Members of rock bands that play heavy metal music wear earplugs to prevent hearing loss. ‘The second stage of listening involves “identifying and recognizing patterns and relationships.” A munber of factors may affect this stage of listening. These are the quality of auditory analysis, mental reorganization, and association. Auditory analysis is the process of comparing the sounds that are heard with the ones that are familiar to the listener. The sounds are recognized according to their likenesses and differences. During mental reorganization, the listener uses a system that will help him retain and structure the incoming sounds. He may recode, regroup or rehearse these sounds in his mind. He may syllabify the word while pronouncing it, he may group numbers in batches or he may repeat the series several times. Even as the listener hears the sounds, he is making associations in his mind. He links these sounds with previous experiences, memories and backgrounds. He creates associations even if the sounds spoken are in a foreign language, one that is totally strange to him and even if his personal and subjective meanings differ from the speaker. ‘The third and last stage of the listening process is auding. The listener assimilates the words and responds to them with understanding and feeling. Aside from the listener’s “experiential background,” some skills in thinking can be useful to make the assignment of meaning an easy task. The diagram lists five thinking skills that the listener can engage in: indexing, making comparisons, noting sequence, forming sensory impressions and appreciating, Indexing is arranging the listening material according to importance. As the information comes in, the listener searches for the main ideas as well as the subordinate ones. He also distinguishes the relevant material from the irrelevant. He may arrange the parts of the message to form the complete whole. Making comparisons is another thinking skill Noting sequence is arranging the material according to time, space, position or some other relationship. The framework thus created will facilitate the assignment of meaning as well as the recall of the information or material. Forming sensory impressions is translating the material to sensory images. When we listen, we often react with our different senses. We may form a visual impression thus adding an interesting dimension to the meaning of the verbal message. Although sight is the most frequently used, we may also create other impressions so that we may perhaps taste, or smell or feel the message. Appreciating is a final function that the listener can engage in during the auding stage. Appreciating is “responding to the aesthetic nature of the message.” This may take place when the listening material (e.g, special occasion speeches) demands an emotional response. ATTENTION and LISTENING Do you recall why and how your grade school teacher tried to get your attention at the start of the class? Or how during drill days the platoon commander would shout the initial command “Attention!”? Let us briefly learn some facts about the nature of attention and how they apply to listening, Attention is a key concept in effective listening, Let us examine the two parts of the term. The first part of the word is “at” or focuses. The second part comes from “tension” which pertains to the energy that a listener needs to be able to focus or in this case, perform his listening task. O°Neill and Weaver give us a more precise definition: “attention is a unified, coordinated muscular set, or attitude, which brings organs to bear with maximum effectiveness upon a source of stimulation and thus contributes to alertness and readiness of response” (Brembeck and Howell 1952). To be in attention is not an easy thing. Understanding the duration of attention, the number of stimuli one can attend to and the selectivity of attention should enable us to listen more attentively. Duration of attention refers to the length of time one is able to attend to a given stimulus or stimuli. How long? It might surprise you to know that the length of absolute attention has been found to be only a few seconds, In 1908, Pillsbury’s studies revealed that the duration of a single act of attention was three to twenty-four seconds, with most acts falling within the 5-8 second range. In 1914, M. Billings observed that the average duration of attention was approximately two seconds. Schmidt and Kristofferson in 1963 determined it to be 63.8 to 66.4 of a second. W. Scott attributed this brevity of duration of attention to the fact that our thinking is done in “spurts” There are periods of attention followed by periods of inactivity. A stimulus can be attended to for a long period of time but the attention will not be uniformly strong all the time. He added further that in public speaking we seldom are able to hold the fll and undivided attention for more than a few seconds or a few minutes at best. ‘The audience's attention is constantly wandering or decreasing in force. At any one time, a multitude of stimuli in the immediate environment is vying for your attention. ‘You must be aware of this fact as you find yourself in the classroom a great deal. There are external stimuli such as the teacher’s lecture, her visual aid and a chatty seatmate. Coming from outside the classroom, you may hear the grass cutter motor running and the students talking, From your seat you can see students walking up and down the corridor. There are also internal stimuli trying to grab your attention, You may be suffering from a terrible headache or are worrying about your exam in the next period. How many of these stimuli can you attend to? How many objects or ideas attended during a particular period are important? Laboratory experiments have revealed that on the average we can attend to four to five objects visually and five to eight auditorily. Our attention span is really limited and dependent on the type of stimuli as well as the person listening or attending. If there are too many objects a person has to attend to simultaneously, the quality or intensity of attention is reduced. Furthermore, attention shifts from one stimulus to another. Imagine that you are watching a musical extravaganza on stage. There are myriad stimuli in that particular listening event. Which one will grab your eyes or ears? Generally we attend to stimuli that stand out above the others in terms of odor, lights, shape or sound. Even as we discuss attention in the context of listening, the attention factor is also essential to the speaker. The brevity of the duration of attention, for instance, becomes important to a public speaker. He will need to focus selectivity on those stimuli upon which his speech rests, Further discussion on various factors of attention as they relate to public speaking will be covered in the last chapter “Communicating in Public.” PURPOSES IN LISTENING Just as a speaker*s purpose in speaking varies from situation to situation, so, too, does a listener’s purpose in listening, Each purpose or kind of listening has its own requirements and skills that are needed to achieve the goals of the communication transaction. Listening experts identify at least four different types of listening. 1. Appreciative listening is listening for pleasure, entertainment or enjoyment. It calls for a receptive attitude and an open and relaxed mind. Listening to music, to conversations with friends, to an entertaining speech or a television sitcom demand only little or no concentration. We listen simply because we want to unwind or relieve tension. Empathic listening is listening to provide emotional support. It serves a therapeutic function. We listen because the other person needs us to understand his plight and feelings. Therapeutic listening is exemplified by parents as they listen empathically to their children, by supervisors as they listen to employees who have personal problems, or by trained volunteers who help troubled callers on the telephone hotline. When we provide others a sounding board, it gives them comfort and support. Comprehensive listening is listening to derive information, facts, ideas and principles. Since the focus of this type of listening is accuracy of perception, a considerable degree of concentration is needed. When you sit in class and listen to the lecture or listen to directions for finding a friend’s house you are listening with the goal of acquiring knowledge. 4. Critical Listening is listening to make an evaluation in order to make an intellectual judgment, to criticize, to evaluate ideas of others. Here, appreciative listening is controlled and analytical listening is necessary. When you have all the facts, you can evaluate and then arrive at a decision based on the evidence. When you listen to a campaign speech of a political candidate or the sales-pitch of a real estate agent, you will first need to understand the message in order to make judgments about it. NX » Make it a habit to consciously determine your listening purpose demanded by the listening occasion. This will help you to structure or organize your listening. It will enable you to anticipate the needs of the specific level or type of listening and adapt your skills accordingly. BARRIERS TO EFFECTIVE LISTENING Have you ever played the telephone (or rumor) game? A story is told to one person and this person is asked to tell it to another person. This person then tells it another, etc. By the time the story has gone through five or six persons, it is often almost unrecognizable. Many of the distortions which take place in message transmission are due to the fact that listeners are influenced by their habits, attitudes and expectations which they bring to that listening event. All of these come into play with the other elements of the communication situation. There are many obstacles to effective listening. The listener must recognize these obstacles and know how to overcome them. 1. Hastity branding the subject as uninteresting or irrelevant. Sometimes speakers fail to show how the information they are presenting can be relevant to their audience’s needs. More often though, it is the listener who feels that the subject matter is not worth listening to. This then becomes an excuse by the listener to abandon his task. This habit does not give a chance for the speaker to prove that the hasty dismissal of the subject is wrong. Someone once said that all comnumication is at least potentially interesting and useful, “What can Learn or use?” is often a good question to ask. Suggestion: Seek ways to make the subject matter interesting and useful to you. NX Focusing attention on appearance or delivery As students, you will likely agree that it is difficult to resist the temptation to dwell on the speaker"s mannerisms, gestures and vocal qualities. Delivery and physical appearance are details which influence a listener’s reaction to a speaker but should not be used as excuses not to listen. This practice takes a toll on listening because it diverts time and energy. Do not be too critical of the physical appearance or manner of speaking, Suggestion: Judge content, not delivery. » Avoiding difficult and unpleasant material. ‘What do you consider difficult to listen to? The answer will vary depending on your interests and capabilities. Generally speaking, if the subject matter demands careful scrutiny and mental exertion, it is considered difficult material. And since most listeners do not usually want to strain their minds, these messages are avoided. Filtering unpleasant subject matter may also serve as an obstacle to effective listening, Messages which contradict personal stands or question long- held beliefs and ideals are the very things we ought to listen to. When we avoid difficult and unpleasant material we may miss a lot. Suggestion: Practice listening in a wide variety of situations. 4. Getting over stimulated by what the speaker’s says There will be many instances when you will be faced with a speaker who may say something with which you disagree. What follows is an interesting chain of events: you might allow yourself to be irritated; you might prepare an answer or rebuttal, and then continue to rehearse your response. What really happens is that you miss out on the message all together. Set your feelings about the speaker and the topic aside. If this happens when in conversation with someone, make a mental note of it and go back to it at an appropriate time. If you are listening to a speech, a good suggestion is to jot down the comment and return to your listening. Yes, we listen with both mind and heart, but we cannot allow ourselves to be irritated or distracted by something the speaker says. Suggestion: Keep your emotions in check. uw Listening primarily for facts. Facts are stepping stones of ideas leading to a major point. As such they are only secondary to the central idea. Do not become too preoccupied with details and consequently fail to grasp the speaker’s central idea, Differentiate between main points and supporting materials, Learn to distinguish between fact and principle, idea and example, and evidence and argument. Suggestion: Focus on ideas. 6. Trying to outline everything that the speaker says Writing down everything word for word can become an obstacle to effective listening. It deprives you of the more exciting experience of reacting to the speaker’s message. Note-taking is, particularly important to comprehensive listening. It is helpful to consider a note-taking method. Here are some suggested methods of note-taking. Learn about their advantages and disadvantages. Note-Taking Methods ‘The key-word outline is a common system, As the name suggests, this method briefly notes a speaker’s main points and supporting evidence in an outline form. This outline can be very usefill for review purposes. This method helps the listener develop skills in identifying the main ideas and noting the important details and the relati onships between these ideas and the details. Although most suitable for classroom lectures and formal speeches, itis not a practical system if the message is “unoutlinable.” Sometimes, the note-taker can become too preoccupied with the mechanics of outlining. By separating main points from subpoints and supporting material, the outline format exemplified below shows the relationships among the speaker’s ideas. L First major idea A. IL Second major point A. B. c. Another note-taking method is called précis writing or precis method. There are three steps to follow in accomplishing this system. First, the note-taker listens for several minutes He then mentally summarizes what was said, Finally, at periodic intervals, he writes a short paragraph or a one- or two-sentence abstract summarizing what he has heard. He may even have a series of brief abstracts covering what the speaker said. This method works well for both organized and disorganized messages. The writing though can take up too much time which may also result in losing other rel evant information. ‘The “fact versus principle” system of note-taking requires that the note taker divide his paper into two vertical columns. In the right-hand column, he lists the important principles or main ideas derived from the speech and number them in Roman numerals. In the left-hand column, he lists the important facts and numbers them in Arabic numeral. The listener organizes the speaker's thoughts by mentally checking the facts against the principles. When done efficiently, this method is excellent for review. FACTS PRINCIPLES (verifiable supporting detail) (main ideas) 1. First main idea (12,3) I. Second main idea (4,5) Mil. Third main idea (6.7.8) A fourth method of note-taking is mapping. This system organizes the notes in a visual manner resembling a map. This method requires that each main idea as it is presented is written on the center of the paper and then encircled, If more than one main idea is presented, itis listed to the left or right of the center. The supporting details are then written on lines connected to the main idea that they support. If there are minor details that need to be included, they are also written on lines which are connected to the supporting details. This system works well for disorganized messages and for visually-oriented notetakers, However, the note-taker can get too engrossed in the drawing and consequently miss out on important concepts and details that are presented. In the annotation method, the listener records important notes opposite the printed speech or discussion while the verbal explanation or oral presentation is being made by the speaker. Asa Comm. III student for instance you may jot down the explanations made by your instructor in the left- or right-hand margins of the speech book or the hand-outs provided in the class. To use notes effectively, the note-taker should be able to review his notes in order to retain the information more permanently. A recommended method of reviewing notes is the Cornell ‘System. It was developed by Dr. Walter Paule of Cornell University. These are the steps involved in the Cornell System. . The listener divides his paper vertically into two columns. The right-hand column is labeled RECORD while the left-hand column is labeled RECALL. ‘The listener lists the speaker"s main ideas in the “Record” column. . When the speaker has completed the message, the listener summarizes the recorded information by jotting down key words and phrases in the RECALL column. Shortly thereafter, the note-taker covers the right-hand column (RECORD) and then using only the key words and phrases attempts to reconstruct the other column (RECALL) as he recites the message in his own words. . Future review sessions are conducted in the same manner. ws S ‘Your choice of note-taking method will depend on the organizational pattern of the message. Keep your notes clear and brief so that they will be easy to review at a future time Becoming a better note-taker will surely help you become a better listener. 7. Faking Attention Many think that looking like an attentive and cooperative listener will satisfy the requirements that a speaker expects of his listeners. The reality is that these actions (nodding the head periodically to indicate understanding, smiling occasionally, even obsessive note-taking) which are done to please the speaker are really superficial. You have nothing to gain in pretending to grasp the message while making a mental detour. Besides, speakers are smarter than you think. ‘They often know when you have switched them off. They can recognize these signs that you may be unaware of. Suggestion: Don’t pretend to listen. bad Creating or yielding easily to distractions Experience will tell you that there is hardly a perfect listening environment. There will often be distractions in the physical environment. A good example is your classroom in Communication IIL It can get uncomfortably hot or noisy especially when students wait outside the hall for their next class. Overcome these distractions by closing the door, adjusting the electric fan or lights or finding a good seat. Sometimes listeners themselves create distractions in the listening environment. Latecomers can disrupt proceedings. Students play with a ballpen, doodle or chat with their seatmates. Some even entertain text messages or phone calls, These are negative behaviors which interfere with effective listening. Remember, it is your joint responsibility with the speaker to create a favorable listening environment. Suggestion: Fight or resist distraction. s Engaging in “private planning” How often have you used the time for listening to an important lecture or class discussion to daydream or make plans for the weekend? Perhaps relive an argument you had with you boyfriend over the phone last night? Anyone of these seems the better option to a boring presentation. If you wish to make the most out of your listening, learn to concentrate and focus. It takes a lot of energy but it can be done. Suggestion: Set aside unrelated personal problems or concerns 10. Wasting the advantages of thought speed We are inefficient listeners because our “brains can understand many more words per minute than speakers can produce clearly” (Gronbeck 1994). The average rate of speaking is 125 words to 175 words per minute while the rate at which we think is 400 words per minute. These figures reveal that listeners can think four to five times faster than a speaker can speak. On the average, we need only about 20 to 25 seconds of every minute to comprehend what the speaker is saying. This is only a portion of the total listening time needed to process the information in messages. This time differential between thought rate and speech rate provides a tempting excuse to tune out the speaker. You may not realize it but these spare moments can be the used to the listener”s advantage. How can you capitalize on the advantages of thought speed? Here relevant mental activities can you engage in to use the spare time wisely. * You can anticipate what the speaker will say * You can mentally review the points or concepts discussed so far * You can test the use of evidence and reasoning. * You can formulate questions * You can search for additional meanings by listening “between the lines.” * You can outline or re-organize the speech. * You can relate the speaker’s examples to your personal storehouse or field of experience. Do not allow mind to wander. Use the time wisely. Suggestion: Capitalize on the advantages of thought speed. GUIDES TO EFFECTIVE LISTENING 1. Listen actively. In the initial part of this chapter a distinction between hearing and listening was made. It was emphasized that we usually can hear without effort but we cannot listen without effort. It takes a lot of time and energy to listen effectively. For one, a certain degree of physical alertness is needed. Do you remember how you moved up close to somebody who had something important to say to you? With straight body, head brought close to the speaker and ears all set to hear, you listened attentively. This physical readiness is a sign that you are mentally ready as well. Active listening is not just participating physically but mentally and emotionally or empathically in the listening process, 2. Listen with empathy. Listening with empathy is to be able to feel what the speaker feels. You will have to learn to see things from the point of view of the speaker. As students, it is important that you see things from the point of view of your professors. Teachers must also learn to see matters not just from their own perspectives but from the point of view of their students as well. 3. Listen for total meaning. We would normally think that all we have to hear are the words or utterances of a source or speaker. Listening involves the total communication process. It includes visual perceptions that attend the listening situation. We have to watch the speaker, observe his use of bodily actions and audio-visual aids. What does a speaker who paces throughout his delivery communicate? These visible symbols are significant in that they help you accurately interpret the verbal message and thereby gain more information. They may sometimes dominate a communication act and become the most important source of a message. Together with the overt behavior of the speaker, we have to “listen” between the lines, so to speak. We listen for meanings in the context and in the total situation. We need to listen also to what is unsaid or omitted. It takes a sensitive receiver/listener to infer meanings from messages which are hidden. 4. Listen with an open mind. A closed-minded listener will refuse to hear and understand conflicting points of view. He will not strive to hear out the other side of the story. Being dogmatic causes us to be poor listeners. Before arriving at decisions or accepting proposals, listen with both an open ear and an open mind. Itis a healthy and mature practice to listen to all sides. 5. Give effective feedback. If speakers to be effective are expected to adapt their messages to their listeners, then listeners must be trained to send effective feedback. Feedback is defined as the response or reaction (overt and covert) of the listener as perceived by the source in the communication transaction. Reacting and responding is a necessary component of the listening act. DeVito (1982) characterizes effective feedback as immediate, honest, appropriate, clear and informative. The most effective feedback is that which is sent immediately after the message is received. The practice of sending feedback quickly will help in the process of understanding another’s messages. Honest feedback is a sincere response to the communication. Do not hesitate to express your doubts or disagreements. Do not feel afraid to admit that you do not understand the message. Feedback should be appropriate to the communication situation. Keep feedback to the message separate from feedback directed at the source or person you are listening to. Feedback must also be clear and specific in meaning. Avoid sending distracting and unintentional feedback Your overt response must communicate the messages you intend. For instance, facial expressions can be misconstrued, If what you had for breakfast does not agree with you, make sure that these reactions will not confuse the source or speaker. Lastly, effective feedback is informative. It provides the speaker with relevant clues that can improve his subsequent communication efforts. Consider other general guidelines for sending feedback. Make sure that you understand the message before sending directive feedback. Be certain that the speaker recognized the feedback. Use nondirective feedback until the speaker invites feedback to his message. Sending feedbackis a conscious effort. It should come easy and natural once you get accustomed to it. 6. Listen critically. An effective listener must carefully evaluate and critically analyze the messages that he receives. ‘This responsibility becomes a real challenge in the classroom where academic interaction with teachers and classmates takes place. Evaluate the main points or arguments advanced by the speaker. Test the evidence used to support various claims. Also test the reasoning employed by the speaker. Brooks suggests that “such weighing and evaluating is most effectively done point by point rather than at the end of a message.” A critical listener must also have the ability to recognize propaganda techniques and fallacies in reasoning so he can reject false claims advanced by some speakers. PROPAGANDA TECHNIQUES 1. Name-calting is a device that affixes an unfavorable label or name to a person or thing. Objectional labels such as crony, “trapo” (traditional politician), activist, nerd, loser or terror teacher are often used to discredit or ridicule a person and thus cause the listener to eventually reject what he represents. 2. Glittering generalities involve attaching a vague but virtuous-sounding label to a person, cause or object (“a strong proponent of justice,” “defender of freedom”). Since they are approved verbal sanctions they are often used to gain acceptability of programs, plans and ideas. 3. The use of irrelevant personal attacks, also known as argumentum ad personam, is used when there is a deficiency in logical proof. Instead of attacking the issue at hand, a speaker resorts to attacking the personal character of an opponent, his age, his relatives or even physical appearance. 4. False appeal to authority is another type of fallacy. Its Latin name is ipse dixit which means “because he says it” Often, testimonials from famous people are used to build confidence ina product or proposition. When the authority is legitimately connected to the matter at hand the move may seem reasonable. However, if they are not authorities on them, then the speaker can be guilty of false appeal. Many television and print ads ask consumers to purchase products because sport celebrities or popular figures endorse the product(s). Transfer shifts the authority, sanction and prestige of something known, respected and revered over to something else in order to make the latter acceptable. The flag, the church, educational institutions are common sources of emotional approval. Haff-truth is a common propaganda technique that is neither false nor true. Card-stacking is a scheme used to deceive by means of carefully selecting only favorable evidence and omitting unfavorable evidence to support the propagandist’s cause. 8. Plain-folks device stresses humble origins and modest backgrounds, This is a common strategy of politicians who seek the support by portraying themselves as “men of the masses.” This appeal may be used to establish common ground particularly in introductions of public speeches. However, ifit is used as pseudo-proof to justify a proposal, then, its use becomes unethical. Bandwagon is sometimes known as argumentum ad populum. Itis an appeal to popular opinion. It encourages belief or acceptance of an idea or product by creating the impression of universal support. It capitalizes on the so-called herd instincts. 10. False causality assigns a false or wrong cause to a certain happening or effect. Its Latin equivalent is post hoc, ergo propter hoc. Sequential fallacy can be spotted in reasoning from causal relations. 11. False analogy results when the instances compared are not closely similar in all essential respects, Although analogy is an effective means to clarify and make vivid a point, it has limited weight when used for justifying a claim. 12, Hasty generalization is a claim made on the basis of too little evidence. Enough cases must be examined in order to make a justifiable claim. uw nS s An awareness of these propaganda techni ques and logical fallacies and the context in which they are employed will be helpful in evaluating, weighing evidence and arguments and arriving at sound judgments about a speaker’s message. CHAPTER SUMMARY Listening, the reciprocal of speaking, is an integral part of the total communication process. Itis a complex communication skill which according to Brooks involves three stages: hearing, identifying and recognizing, and auding. There are at least four purposes or kinds of listening: appreciative listening, empathic listening, informative listening and critical listening. Attention and effective listener feedback are crucial to good listening. Listening critically calls for the recognition of various propaganda techniques. Although there are many barriers to effective listening, these can be overcome through concentration and constant practice. 1. Why is listening important to you as a student? 2. Why are hearing and listening not synonymous terms? 3. Explain the stages of the listening process. 4. Differentiate the vari ous purposes in listening 5. Identify the barriers to effective listening. 6. Suggest ways to capitalize on the advantages of thought speed. 7. How important is the recognition of propaganda techni ques to critical listening? 8. What are the important characteristics of effective feedback? EXERCISES. . Evaluate your major strengths and weaknesses as a listener. What steps do you need to become a better listener? . Begin a listening journal. For a period of two to three days log in or record your listening transactions. Note the following. n + who you were listening to + what your purposes in listening were + how effectively you listened. After the specified period, review your log and examine your listening patterns. What changes in your listening behavior should you make? . Attend a class, Observe the listening behavior of your classmates. Describe both positive and negative behaviors that you observe. . Listen to a class lecture. Make an outline the lecture using any one of the methods suggested earlier. Keep these notes for review. . Make a list of judgments /biases you have made about three friends or classmates that may serve as a barrier to listen to them effectively and objectively. What can you do to help suspend these judgments as you prepare to listen to their speeches? . Make a conscious effort to send feedback to speakers in various communication settings: interviews, panel discussions and public speaking. How well does making an attempt to give feedback affect your listening? Share your observations with the class. . Interview a person who you think is particularly effective as a listener. Some suggestions include a guidance counselor, a parish priest or a friend who is known to be a good listener. Find out what w = a a listening strategies/ techni ques have worked for them. 8. Make a written critique of a speech you recently listened to. Evaluate both the speaker’s content and delivery. Baird, Craig A., and Franklin H. Knower. Essentials of General Speech. New York: McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1968 Bradley, Bert E.. Fundamentals of Speech Communication. lowa: Wm. C. Brown Publishers, 1991. Brembeck, Winston L., and William S. Howell. Persuasion A Means of Social Control. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc., 1952. Brooks, William D., and Heath, Robert W. Speech Conmnunication. Seventh edition. Iowa: Wm C. Brown & Benchmark, 1993. Buan, Estrella L. “4 Study of the Effect of a Lecturette on the Listening Comprehension of High ‘School Students.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1996 Buzar, Jaime M. “Correlates of International Students Listening Comprehension of Filipino Speakers.” University of the Philippines, 1978. Casambre Alejandro Jimenez. “Listening Performance in English and Pilipino in Three Philippine Linguistic Settings,” Masks and Voices. Volume 4, Number 1, January-July 1996. Casambre, Alejandro Jimenez and Ruby G. Alcantara. Husay sa Pakikinig sa Tatlong Kontekstong Filipino. Experimental Edition. Sentro ng Wikang Filipino, Sistema Unibersidad ng Filipinas, 1998. Detabali, Bernadette B. “4 Survey of the Status of Instruction in Listening in Selected Elementary Schools in Quezon City.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, Diliman, 1996. DeVito, Joseph. Communicology: An Introduction to Communication. New York: Harper and Row Publishers, 1982. Fong, Stella Eloisa M. “The Effectiveness of the E-12 Course in Enhancing the Listening Stills of Freshmen in Miriam College: An Evaluative Study.” Unpublished graduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1997. Gamble, Teri, and Michael Gamble. Public Speaking in the Age of Diversity. Massachusetts: Allyn and Bacon, 1994. Gronbeck, Bruce E., Raymie Mckerrow, Douglas Ehninger and Alan H. Monroe. Principles and Types of Speech Communication. 12th Edition. New York HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994. Lobitania, Evelyn. “The Effects of Language Variation and other Selected Variables in Listening Comprehension.” Unpublished graduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1981 Locsin, Rose June V. “Popular Music Involvement of U.P Diliman Undergraduate Dormitory Residents: A Case Study in Listening Behavior.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1996. Lukban, Marina D. “Listening Comprehension and Retention of Third Grade Pupils as Affected by Music and Sound Effects and other Variables.” Unpublished graduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1985 Monroe, Alan H., and Douglas Ehninger. Principles and Types of Speech Communication (seventh edition). Glenview, Ilinois: Scott, Foresman & Company, 1974 Nichols, Ralph G.. Listening and Speaking. Iowa: Wm. C. Brown and Co., 1954. Powers, John H.. Public Speaking: The Lively Art. New York: HarperCollins College Publishers, 1994 Rivera, Jo Amnelyn L. “4 Correlational Study on Listening Comprehension and Language of Instruction.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1999. Sarile, Angela P. “Effects of Selected Factors on Listening Comprehension of Students in UP Manila.” Unpublished graduate thesis, University of the Philippines, 1978. Tica, Christine Salceda. “The Effects of Storytelling on the Listening And Cognitive Abilities of Preoperational Children: a Case Study of International Baptist Academy Preoperational Children.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1998. Torres, Nadia Theresa C. “4 Study on the Effects of Two Storytelling Techniques on the Listening Comprehension of Grade Two Students.” Unpublished undergraduate thesis. University of the Philippines, 1999. Verdeber, Rudolph F. The Challenge of Effective Speaking. Belmont, California : Wadsworth Publishing Company, 1994. Wolvin, Andrew D. and Carolyn G. Coakley. Listening. Dubuque, Iowa: Win C. Brown Publishers, 1988 3 THE SELF and INTRAPERSONAL COMMUNICATION Objectives After reading this chapter you should be able to: 1. reflect upon the values or significance of self-introspection; 2. establish the connection between self-concept and intrapersonal communication; and 3. arrive at a keener understanding of one’s self-communication prior to acquiring interpersonal communication skills INTRODUCTION ‘Throughout life you are constantly asked the question: “Who are you?” Often you reply in a stereotyped manner, saying: “I’m Anna Santos, 17 years old, a junior student of computer engineering,” It’s an inadequate answer, of course, and a cryptic one at that. We try to learn much about ourselves as we live along and yet often we are not filly aware or conscious of this “self” We frequently depend or rely on others who perceive us, in the process receiving and responding to what or whom they say we are. The “self” is thus an elusive thing. Clues and artifacts abound to reveal to us who we are, but arriving at a self-view or self-concept is much more complicated than we think. Let us look at an interesting excerpt from Lewis Carroll's “Alice’s Adventures in Wonderland:” “Who are you?” said the caterpillar. This was not an encouraging opening for a conversation Alice replied rather shyly, “hardly know, sir, just at present —at least I knew who Iwas when I got up this morning, but I think Imust have changed several times since then.” If Alice’s remarks intrigue you, read on. Our self-view is formed and given shape in complex ways, but primarily commumicated by you, the communicator, whose message is communicated back to you. Jean M. Civikly (1981) says in her prefatory note to Morris Rosenberg’s article on self-concept formation (1979), “the ways in which we think about and describe ourselves (self-concept) and the degree to which we like those descriptions of ourselves (self-esteem) have an inevitable impact on our human interactions.” In this chapter on intrapersonal communication, therefore, you are strongly encouraged to introspect, to look into yourselves, and in the process recognize vital clues to your self identity, self-concept, or self-image. A few basic questions can guide you, namely: “How do Isee myself?” ‘Do I like or not what Isee?” ow do Iwish to see myself?” “How do I present myself to others?” Who do others say lam?” “What do Iimagine others say about me?” “How does this affect me?” we 4, 5. ‘With that as a backdrop to our discussion, we can now start with how self-concepts are formed. SELF-CONCEPT FORMATION 1. Reflected appraisals ‘The first principle of direct reflections (Thorstein Veblen : 1934) holds that the self-concept is largely shaped by the responses of others. This principle means you are deeply influenced by people's attitudes towards you. You are a social being who wants and needs to be with people. In the course of time, you come to view your “self” as you are viewed by others. According to Veblen, the usual basis of self-respect is the respect by one’s neighbors or fellows. Only individuals with dysfunctional temperaments can in the long run retain their self-esteem in the face of disesteem of their neighbors or colleagues. In general, there must exist a healthy, reasonable correspondence between others’ views of us Nn and our own in order to be well-adjusted individuals. Difficulties that arise between discordant definitions of the self are too often familiar. For instance, an adolescent may see himself as a responsible, mature young adult while his mother persists with her view of an irresponsible child [“drink your milk; brush your teeth]. If we are to have solid or firm basis for our behavior or actions, itis essential to know what we are like. Rosenberg (1979) states, “Because it is so difficult to arrive at self-knowledge, how others view us is of tremendous importance. We need a consensus from others in order to validate our own self-concepts.” A foremost social psychologist, George Herbert Mead (1934), stresses the importance of consensual validation. He points out that in social communication the individual “takes the role of the other” and his “self” slowly emerges as he interacts with and responds to the views of others, i.e.,inhis social group, home, community. By taking the attitudes and perceptions of other individuals towards us, we are more or less unconsciously seeing ourselves as others see us. Thus, our own self-evaluation is affected by others’ evaluations of us. ‘The second principle of perceived self can be explained in terms of Cooley’s (1912) “looking- glass self” although he claims it is not an entirely adequate term. We imagine our appearance to the other person and imagine his judgment of that appearance, as well as some self-feeling, such as pride or regret. The thing that moves us to pride or shame or regret is not merely a mechanical reflection of ourselves but an imputed sentiment—the imagined effect of such reflection upon another mind. Thus, the crucial question is not “What is the other person’s attitude towards me?” but “What do I perceive to be his attitude towards me?” ‘The Reeder, Donohue, & Biblarz study in 1960 found a very strong relationship between self: concept and the perceived self. In the group of 54 military personnel, 46 fully believed the group rated them as they rated themselves in leadership characteristics, and slightly lower but still substantial in the good-worker characteristics (38 out of 54). In the third principle of the generalized other, Mead stresses that the self arises out of social experience, particularly social interaction. The process of communication requires the individual to adopt the attitude of the other toward the self and to see himself from their perspective or standpoint. In any organized social interaction, if the individual has to play his role effectively he must internalize the attitudes of all those participating. A clergyman has to incorporate into himself the attitudes and beliefs of all his confreres if he is to stay a healthy and active member. A third baseman cannot play his role of a third baseman without internalizing the attitudes of the catcher, pitcher, second baseman, and so forth. All the others” particular attitudes are crystallized in the “me,” in the process giving rise to a single standpoint or attitude called the “generalized other.” One could say, thus, your individual self-concept is shaped by applying to your “self” the attitudes of society as a whole. . Social comparisons ‘The principle of social comparison forms a major component of social evaluation theory. Pettigrew (1967) points out the basic tenet of social evaluation theory, thus: “Human beings learn about themselves by comparing themselves to others.” The second tenet states that the process of social evaluation leads to self-ratings that may be positive, neutral, or negative in relation to the standards set by the individuals employed for comparison. If a low-achieving pupil compares himself to the lowest-scoring pupil in his class, he may find his self-esteem raised, Butifhe compares himself with a high-scoring or high-achieving classmate, he finds his self-esteem lowered, The key factor here is the referent individual or in case of groups, the reference group. The referent individual or group becomes your standard. Rosenberg (1979) distinguishes two useful comparisons, one social comparison that is criterion- based, i.e., excellence, virtue, or merit, another social comparison that is norm-based, i.e., deviance or conformity. The first marks or classifies individuals as superior or inferior to one another in terms of a criterion; the second marks or classifies individuals as same or different. Both types of social comparisons are said to incur significant consequences on self-esteem. . Self-attribution: Attention, students! Anita E. Woolfolk (1998), in her book on Educational Psychology, clarifies that at the heart of attribution theory is the notion of individual perception. At this point, do you recall our discussion of your perception of the other person’s attitude towards you as being crucial? Ifa student believes he lacks the ability to deal with higher mathematics, he will probably act on this belief even if his actual ability is well above average. And because he expects to do poorly in higher math, he will likely have very little motivation to tackle it. If students believe that failing means they are stupid, they are likely to adopt self-defeating strategies and defensive mechanisms. A student who exerts more than ordinary or minimal effort and persists at it will see these efforts pay off eventually. Students who attribute their success to their own effort (internal) rather than to luck or chance (external) are generally responsible for their learning and can cope with failure constructively. Teachers who tend to accept or condone excuses for failure/ mediocre performance because a student has problems outside of school are not helping at all. Objective assessment by teachers and counselors can go a long mile. Honest peer evaluation has its uses too . Self-values ‘The fourth principle rests on the definition of self-concept as an organization, not an arbitrary collection, of parts, pieces, and components and that these are hierarchically organized and interrelated in complex ways. One important point deals with the significance of a given component, i.e., honesty, to global self-esteem (overall esteem of oneself). What is important to an individual would relate to one’s global self-esteem. The Rosenberg study (1965) sampled a group of high school juniors and seniors and asked them how “likeable” they thought they were. As anticipated, those who considered themselves likeable were more likely to have high global self: esteem than those who believed they were not likeable. But the strength of this relationship depended upon the importance attached to being likeable. Among those who cared about being likeable, the relationship between self-estimate to global self-esteem was very strong, whereas among those subjects to whom this quality (Iikability) mattered little, the relationship was much weaker. Ifyou knew you were deficient in something, like not being a good mixer in a crowd, would that be an indication that your self-esteem is low? No, but you must know how much you value this quality. Ifa particular component is vital to one’s feeling of worth, then negative attitudes concerning it may be personally devastating; but if the component or trait is trivial or unimportant, then the individual may acknowledge his inadequacy in that regard. Another point worth stressing is that self-concept is less competitive than it appears. Although social comparisons point to the fact that our self-assessments are relative to others, itis true that individuals focus their sense of worth on different self-components so that the success of one person is not necessarily achieved at the expense of another. For example, one boy is a scholar, another a good athlete, the third, very handsome, the fourth a good musician. So long as each focuses on the quality at which he excels, each is superior to the rest. At the same time, each may acknowledge the superiority of the others with regard to qualities to which he is relatively indifferent. Itis therefore possible to emerge with a high level of self-respect and develop mutual respect as well. Finally, self-concept change may be difficult or easy depending on how a component or trait figures centrally (or peripherally) to an individual’s system of self-values. All four principles enunciated above bear upon the way we see, wish to see, and present ourselves. WISEMAN and BARKER MODEL At this point, let's look at a model of intrapersonal commumication, the Wiseman-Barker self- communication framework. But first, let’s define the concept. According to Wiseman and Barker (1974), intrapersonal communication is the “creating, functioning, and evaluation of symbolic processes which operate within the originating or responding communicator.” In visualizing the process of intrapersonal communi cation, consider the entire rectangular area as representing the individual commmnicating to himself. Note that the center portion of the diagram is labeled life orientation. It plays a vital, underlying function because it affects the various stages as we evaluate and respond to stimuli. It determines how the messages are sent to and received by ourselves. Life orientation is the “result of the sum total of social, hereditary and personal factors which have influenced your development as an individual.” Since every individual is uni que and without a clone, everyone’s life orientation is different. These differences in life orientation often result in communication problems. (Figure 1: Wiseman-Barker Model of Intrapersonal Communication) We refer to the process which takes place in intrapersonal communication as infernal because all the eight (8) stages take place within the individual, particularly, in his brain. The first four on the left margin of the rectangle involve evaluation of both external and internal stimuli while the last four on the opposite portion are stages that involve reaction to these stimuli. ‘The internal processes which take place when we self-communicate are triggered or initiated by two types of stinmili. Some are internal; others are external to the communicator. Internal Stimuli Internal stimuli are nerve impulses that are received by the brain, They make the self communicator aware of the physiological and psychological conditions of his body. Often such stimuli trigger your prompt response. Let’s say you're coming down with the flu. Your joints ache, your nose is stuffy, your temperature registers a fever, and on top ofit all, you feel depressed. Your general bodily discomfort sends you rushing to the infirmary for a check-up. The internal stimuli in this example have resulted in what we call intrapersonal communication. External Stimuli External stimuli, on the other hand, come from outside your body, from your immediate ot proximate environment. There are two types of external stimuli, Overt external stimuli are stimuli received at the conscious level. Our sense organs receive these and send them to the brain. Examples of overt external stimuli are the pizza commercial on TV and the aroma coming from your kitchen. Your sight sense and olfactory sense, processing such stimuli, may now prompt you to ask the question: “Ma, what's for supper?” Several stimuli usually try to compete for our attention at any one time. The result depends on such factors as “strength of the stimnli, familiarity with the stimuli, and the emotional connotations which the stimuli produce.” Covert external stimuli are external stimuli that are received at the preconscious or subconscious level. Imagine that you're getting dressed for school. Getting ready, you listen to a popular song being played on your favorite station. The reporter blares the morning news and next comes the weather report. You notice that your socks are mismatched and immediately find another pair. You hear the pattering of rain on your roof and grab your jacket. Checking your watch, you realize you have barely enough time to get to school. Although the volume of your radio was turned up, you cannot remember what was said in the news. This stimulus (announcement on the air) was received and stored in the brain, You were not consciously aware of what the announcer said. Covert stimuli are known to affect our communication behavior. Other examples of this type include subliminal communication, background music played in a movie, unnoticed traffic noises, and frequent spots (visuals only) of television advertisers. Reception ‘When the body first receives stimuli that is when intrapersonal communication actually starts. Receiving can take place singly or in combination of any of the five senses: sight sound, smell, touch, and taste. External and internal receptors in the five sensory organs receive stimuli which are transformed into nerve impulses and subsequently transmitted to the brain, External receptors are found on or near the surface of the body. These receptors react to physical, chemical, and mechanical stimuli. Internal receptors such as nerve endings provide information about your internal state such as an empty stomach or an itchy throat. Discrimination ‘There are countless stinmili that reach you simultaneously. You cannot very well attend to all of them. Imagine that you are in the Social Science class listening to a guest lecturer. In a moment you feel the draft coming in through the door, you hear the voice of a student over a megaphone urging you to join a rally, you hear the drone of a ceiling fan just above you, you see the lecturer up front, the visual aids plastered on the board, and you smell your seatmate’s cologne. In addition, you are reliving an argument you had with your boyfriend over the telephone last night. There’s a p.s. to it. You have a faint headache. Discrimination “determines what stimuli are allowed to stimulate thought.” It screens out the less significant or weaker stimuli. Thus, in the example earlier cited, the strongest stimuli could be the lecturer’s words or message, your brewing headache, and the student's rallying shouts over the megaphone. You are not fully aware of this filtering process because discrimination occurs below the conscious level. In short, this stage allows you to attend to only those stimuli you consider significant. Regrouping During this stage the strongest and most important stimuli previously selected are arranged in a meaningfill sequence. Although previously “screened” the diverse stimuli are not received in a predetermined ranking, Thus the chosen stimuli surface to the conscious level so that the person can act upon the strongest and most significant stimulus first, the medium stimulus next, and the weaker or less important ones last. In the example earlier cited, you are now aware of the lecturer’s words and the student's call to join the rally. Ideation Ideation is the stage where the messages are thought out, planned and organized, This stage draws mainly on the individual's storehouse of knowledge and experience which may include previous associations with the topic, readings, observations and conversation. All information coming from these sources impinge on the proposed message in process. The length of time for ideation depends on the availability of other sources of information and the bounds of time within which to develop the ideas, Ideation may occur briefly as in a conversation. Or it may take place for an extended period in which case ideation becomes a significant part of the total intrapersonal process. If time permits, one does research on the topic or message. The depth of thinking, planning, and organizing depends on material and time availability. Incubation Incubation is the process of allowing your ideas to grow and develop further. It is often referred to as a ‘jelling or hatching period.” Incubating allows you the time to weigh, evaluate, reorganize, and reflect on your messages. Often you commit the mistake of submitting your initial draft to get the requirement over with. What you can do is to let your paper “sit” awhile so ideas can assume a better shape, crystallizing your thoughts in the process. Then when you feel good about your paper, give it to your teacher. Symbol Encoding Itis during this stage that the symbols of thought are transformed into words and gestures or actions. Itis the last stage prior to transmittal of a message. Transmission ‘The destination is the communicator himself The origin or point of initiation is likewise the communicator himself. The self-communicator’s message composed of words and gestures are thus transmitted via air or light waves. If the messages are received by the self, then they travel from the nervous system to the muscles which are responsible for movements and actions. Feedback Feedback is often perceived as response to a message coming from an external source, someone other than the speaker. Feedback to intrapersonal communication is called self-feedback. You send a message to yourself, and then you respond to it accordingly. There are two kinds: External self-feedback is the self-communicator’s response through airwaves. You hear yourself commit an error of pronunciation and this prompts you to correct it. Internal self-feedback is felt through bone conduction and muscular movement. These two types of self-feedback provide the self-commuicator with the opportunity to adjust his messages or ideas if they are unclear, vague, or difficult. INCREASING SELF-AWARENESS: Towards a clearer self ‘The earlier question, “Who are you?” resurfaces in the form of “How well do I know myself?” We all need to increase awareness of ourselves because hard as we try, we will never get to the optimum point. One concept of self-awareness is explained by Joseph Luft and Harrington Ingham in the so- called Johari Window, which shows how intrapersonal or self-commmnication is a function of our different selves. The selfis analogous to a window composed of four (4) panes or quadrants, namely: 1) the open quadrant, 2) the blind area, 3) the hidden quadrant, and 4) the unknown area. In today’s setting, one is an open window; the second is a window tinted dark from within; the third is a window camouflaged not to look like a window; and fourth, a window the self hardly touches or opens. Each of these quadrants, however, contains a different self, not separate and distinct but rather, interacting selves. Known to Self Not Known to Self Known to others OPEN BLIND Not known to others HIDDEN UNKNOWN (Figure 2: The Johari Window) Let us see what these four quadrants represent. First, the open self represents various types of information or knowledge known to the self and known to others or that which you are willing to divulge to or share with others. This would include your name, student number and course, sex, age, perhaps your height and weight and social affiliations. Luft and Ingham emphasize that since communication is dependent on the degree to which we open ourselves to others and to ourselves, then we may learn how to enlarge the open quadrant. If the open area or proportion is small, communication between individuals could suffer. The size of an open quadrant varies according to a number of factors (De Vito). These may include the nature of individuals you associate with, the degree of your closeness to them, or role-related factors. Second, the blind seff'is that quadrant that represents information which is known to others but unknown to self. Others can see your mannerisms like saying “bale, bale ba” or “actually/ basically” prior to every sentence, but you don’t see this, Matters such as even body odor or halitosis (bad breath) may seem unnoticed by you but not by others. Some people have large blind areas, others have small blind areas. If effective communication depends on individuals who are willing to open up, blind areas will make communication difficult. Although blind areas cannot be totally eliminated, decreasing the size of the blind quadrant can enhance interpersonal relationships. To decrease the size of the blind quadrant, you could seek out information from family, friends, and intimates, especially on “gray areas” of your “sel£” Ask questions and learn to positively respond to others’ perceptions of you. Third, the midden self represents things or information known to self but unknown to others. Personal secrets, “skeletons in the family closet,” intimate details and the like are included in this quadrant, Different people vary in the size of their hidden windows. Some individuals reveal everything. Their lives are an “open book” for everyone to peruse. They are sometimes referred to as “over disclosers.” Family matters, finances, problems and insecurities, personal goals, failures and successes form the gamut of their disclosures. Under disclosers on the other hand have large hidden quadrants. They keep to themselves and tell nothing. Fear of rejection, reprisal, discrimination or lack of trust may trigger such commmmication behavior. “Selective disclosers” are those who screen the information they reveal to certain people, they tell only that which they think other people need to know, keeping the rest to themselves. They carefully weigh the pros and cons of their disclosure. Fourth and last, the unkaown self represents information unknown both to you and to others. Indeed, there are “uncharted areas” of ourselves that we are not aware of Youmay not know why one situation triggers in you such strong emotions, while others similarly situated do not react intensely. ‘You may sometimes not understand why you're in a bad mood when things started well that day. Time will tell, reveal, and disclose to the self what some of these areas are. For example, a newspaper man of so many years never knew he could learn the violin and play it rather well until he tried it! Hidden talents, untapped abilities and giftedness can come out in the open through time. In the space that follows, an ideal Johari window is drawn according to standards of effective communication. Not Known to Self Known to Self Q Known to others OPEN = a Not known to others HIDDEN UNKNOWN ‘There other devices such as personality tests (i.e., Myers-Briggs Test), personality inventory, inkblot tests, enneagrams, E.Q. Tests (emotional quotient) and the like that can help you increase your self-awareness. So now that we have a deeper understanding of how self-awareness can come about, let us learn some things about the notion called “self-presentation.” Knowing ourselves can be very tricky indeed. Often the good things about us make us “beautifully wrapped packages.” But the not-so-nice things make us go out of our way to present ourselves attractively to others. We seldom wish to be known as “nasty, hot-tempered, unkind, or even ugly.” Young people especially are sensitive about the public images they present. Peer acceptance is paramount during the teenage years and early adulthood. Kenneth J. Gergen (1971) in his book, The Concept of Self, writes that until we define ourselves and who we are to others, they cannot identify us and therefore cannot know how to behave toward us. To present oneself as “a borrower of money who forgets to pay back” will earn you displeasure or outright avoidance from others. To present oneself as a gracious host will merit praise and pleasure from others. Factors that influence our self-presentation are: the other, situation or interaction environment, and motivation. Others determine the way we present ourselves. For instance, you would present yourself in differing ways to your professor, mother, and intimate chum. You would show respect for one, childlikeness for another, and casualness for your friend. You may be a happy, go-lucky person with your friends but a conscientious student to your teachers. As William James (1892) once said, a man has as many different social selves as there are distinct groups of persons about whose opinion he cares.” Those around us are constantly telling us who we are. Others have differing images of us and depending upon these images they treat us as a particular kind of person. Weinstein (1967) calls this altercasting, because we are cast into different but specific roles or identities by those around us. Another determining factor is the situation or interaction environment. In determining the self that we present, the environment where the encounter or interaction takes place matters. We would not likely identify ourselves in the same way at a formal dinner as we do at the bowling alley. Different situations bring about shifts in identity primarily because they offer cues for maximization of reward. For instance, at a church service we are expected to behave with proper decorum. At informal parties, we crack jokes and are humorous. ‘The third factor is motivation. Motives of the self in undertaking a relationship determine self: presentation. Ifa person wishes people to defer to him (show respect) his demeanor may be characterized by superiority and authoritativeness. If he wishes to be trusted, he may behave consistently, not erratically. People in general want and need to be liked. They manage their self- identities in such ways as to gain the acceptance and approval of others In sum, therefore, selfcommumni cation or intrapersonal communication is not an uncomplicated process. But the self can stand to profit if the individual practices openness to learn more about himself, a willingness to listen to others” perceptions, and commumicate these back to himself through reflection and introspection. Self-concept formation is a dynamic, ongoing thing operating in a process of “becoming.” Itis a prerequisite to intrapersonal or self-communication. CHAPTER SUMMARY Intrapersonal communication is the most basic level of communication. It involves communication with the self, where the sending and receiving of messages happen within one individual. The Wiseman-Barker Model describes eight internal processes in communication with the self 1) reception, 2) discrimination, 3) regrouping, 4) symbol decoding, 5) ideation, 6) incubation, 7) symbol encoding and 8) transmission, All these stages are affected or influenced by an overarching factor called life orientation. Self-concept formation is governed by three principles, namely: direct reflections, perceived self, and generalized other. Itis worthwhile to understand the process of how the individual arrives at self perception because this conceptual self shapes his behavior. Devices such as the Johari window, enneagrams, personality tests contribute to a better understanding of the self. ‘Self-attribution is a phenomenon deserving of scrutiny because often misconceptions among students and the general public thrive for lack of understanding of self processes. Self-attribution can spell the difference between determination and resignation, between success and failure in life’s pursuits. 1. Explain what role life orientation plays in intrapersonal communication and eventually in interpersonal communication. . Cite examples of a possible breakdown occurring in each of the eight internal processes as we communicate with ourselves. How can these hamper self-communi cation? . Suggest ways by which the open window can be expanded in order to improve interpersonal communication. n w Note: Keep nos. 4-6 in your journal . What effect does a positive self-concept have on your communication with others? A negative self-concept? . Think of how many times you have compared yourself with others. Did it help or not help you? Explain by recalling instances in the recent or not so recent past. . List down areas of your life where you think you are doing “well, super, poorly.” Why? To what do you attribute such “ratings” of yourself? Explain. Example: Well Super Poor Academics relationships figure /dieting EXERCISES. Divide a sheet of paper into two (vertically). In the left portion draw your Johari window at the point or stage of your initial/early interaction with a classmate. How do you suppose your window would look like at semester’s end? Draw this second window on the right portion. How will the proportions of the square change? Next draw a Johari window for an intimate friend or for a parent. = a 2. What is this next exercise all about? Pass a sizable piece of paper around and let your classmates write down what they think of you, You could do this once at the early outset of the semester and once more before the semester ends. Make a collage of yourself by clipping pictures of symbols, images, etc. Elaborate on the reasons for your selection, Do you now have a clearer picture of who you are? Work in dyads while playing the Larry Barker's “Who are you?” game. Student A starts by asking Student B: “Who are you?” Student B should respond with brief, spontaneous answers, i.e. Lama UP student. Then upon hearing the reply, Student A repeats the question and this goes on for about five minutes. Afterwards the roles are reversed, this time with Student B asking the question, Learn what your partner and others perceive of you as you learn about yourself, Are these positive or negative? How do these affect your communication? (Barker 1996). Jot down various kinds of feedback (positive, neutral, negative) that you get from others during a 2- hr. period. How do these feedbacks from others affect/influence you? How do you normally respond to negative feedback? Why so? READING LIST Barker, Larry and D.A. Barker. Communication. New Jersey: Simon & Schuster Co., 19-. . Communication. Massachusetts: Allyn & Bacon, 1996. Civikly, Jean M., ed. Contexts of Comnmnication. New York: Holt, Rinehart & Winston, 1981. De Vito, Joseph A. The Interpersonal Communication Book. New York Harper & Row Publishers, 1986, Hilgard, Ernest R. Introduction to Psychology. Orlando, Florida: Harcourt Brace & Company, 1996. Luft, Joseph. Of Human Interaction. Palo Alto, Calif.: National Press Books, 1984. ‘Wiseman, Gordon and Larry L. Barker. Speech/ Interpersonal Communication. New York: Chandler Publishing Co., 1974 Woolfolk, Anita E. Educational Psychology (7*" ed). Massachusetts: A Viacom Company, 1998. we & 4 THE SPEAKER’S ETHOS Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. come up with a basic definition of ethos; 2. identify the characteristics of ethos by integrating its traditional and contemporary concepts; 3. understand the dynamics of ethos or source credibility, and 4. reflect on the importance of source credibility in human communi cation. INTRODUCTION Young people, old people, practically everyone wants to make a good impression, right? An 18- year old rehearses his table manners before going out on a dinner date, A job seeker bears in mind the importance of speech, poise and grooming in clinching an interview. A professor primes his mind, heart, and spirit before taking on the first day of class. All these people want to communicate with one aim: to become credible, competent, trustworthy, and good before their respective listeners or audiences. In short, to communicate meaningfully and successfully. In ancient Greece the concept of “ethos” was modeled in everyday life and in duties of citizenship. Discussed extensively by Aristotle in his book, Ars Rhetorica, the character or ethos of the speaker or communicator was the most potent means of convincing and influencing one’s listeners. Ethos surpassed logos and pathos in the factor of persuasiveness. Briefly defined, the 3 factors of persuasion are: 1. Ethos — the character of the speaker or the speaker’s credibility 2. Logos — the method of reasoning and argumentation employed by speaker 3, Pathos — the speaker’s use of emotional appeals Aristotle said: “There are three things which inspire confidence in the speaker’s own character, namely, that which induced us to believe a thing apart from any proof of it: good sense, good moral character, and goodwill.” (Ryan, 1952) DEFINING ETHOS Ancient rhetoricians and writer-philosophers like Quintillian, Plato, Cicero, and Isocrates, including Aristotle himself, taught that the most effective of the three is ethos, or the character of the speaker. Quintillian, a Roman teacher-orator who wrote the 12-volume book “Training of an Orator,” defined this quality in “a good man speaking well.” He believed in and advocated the training of orators from infancy. Contemporary authors Gronbeck, McKerrow, Ehninger and Monroe (1994) define ethos as speaker credibility, or the degree to which an audience judges a commumicator trustworthy, competent, sincere, attractive and dynamic. They concur with research findings “a speaker who can raise an audience’s estimation of his own trustworthiness, competency, sincerity, attractiveness, and dynamism will heighten the impact of the speech.” Author James M (1971) sees a commumication source as having three possible process dimensions: 1) credibility, 2) produced credibility, and 3) terminal credibility. Today these persuasive forces residing in the speaker are generally referred to as source credibility. Take note of what these same writers have listed as practices affecting speaker credibility: 1. References to yourself and your experience (in moderation) tend to increase your perceived trustworthiness and competence. References to others (authorities) tend to increase your perceived trustworthiness and dynamism. 2. Using highly credible authorities (experts) to substantiate your claims increases your perceived fairness. 3. Ifyou can demonstrate that you and your audience share common beliefs, attitudes, and values, your overall credibility will increase. 4, Well-organized speeches are more credible than poorly organized speeches. 5. The more sincere you are, the better chance you have of changing your listeners” attitudes. As it was with ancient Greece, so it is with modern times that we know for certain a speaker’s impact rests upon his listeners. McCroskey defines ethos as “the receiver's impression of the message source.” Itis a source characteristic that is attributed to and conferred on him by the receiver-listener. ‘The latter (listener) sits quietly to assess those qualities in the speaker that will culminate ina favorable or unfavorable judgment. Whereas the speaker brings with him certain qualities that he has acquired and honed as well as certain inadequacies, the listener looks at these qualities and comes to a conclusion of the former’s worth. Since ethos resides in the mind of the listener, therefore, it will vary in as many ways as there are listeners. Also, a listener’s experience in a given communication situation is unique and personal to him, However unique and varied this perception may be, listeners or audiences generally prefer speakers who are sincere, honest, trustworthy, consistent, competent and knowledgeable. Adopting McCroskey’s idea, thus, ethos or source credibility is the listener’s reception of the message source, which impression he processes at a given time or situation in order to assess the speaker’s worth. Such a definition is similar to the one given by Andersen and Clavenger (1963): ethos is the image held of a communicator at a given time by the receiver. The overall credibility of the message source hinges on generally accepted personal traits like sincerity, goodwill, competence/knowledge, pleasantness, and trustworthiness. Let us explain the concept of ethos with examples. In the late sixties there was a brilliant senator in the Philippine scene. He would be besieged with speaking invitations by offices, campuses, and neighboring countries in the region. With his amazing grasp of history and international events plus an astute, analytic mind, then lawmaker Benigno Aquino was a much-sought-after speaker. We were students then who along with our neighbors from Ateneo and Maryknoll would jampack the Wilfrido Ma. Guerrero Theatre to listen to the man for hours. He had such a high ethos, one could say. Then a few years passed until he became an enemy of the Marcos administration. The martial law era found him guilty in proceedings of a military tribunal. He decided to go on a 40-day hunger strike and waged his political campaign from a prison cell. The electorate’s response was tremendous because the people conferred upon him an even higher ethos than before his prisoner days. Until his destiny became manifest on that fatefll day of August 21, 1983— death in the hands of assassins— the martial law regime considered him a threat. Benigno Aquino is long gone but his ethos remains very high indeed for he is considered a modern Filipino hero whose words “The Filipino is worth dying for!” will be remembered for a long time in the collective psyche of the Filipino nation. If the above example deals with ethos that increases with time, what about ethos that changes in the opposite direction? Let us look at another historical figure. In the late fifties till about 1970, high ethos was conferred upon then Pres. Marcos by the Filipino populace because of his exemplary achievements as a UP student leader of his time and his track record of scholarship, soldiery, and service as a solon (oppositionist in Congress). But the same persona suffered from the people’s very low perception of him during the historic EDSA revolution of 1986 due to his alleged tyrannical leadership, grave violations of human rights, and trail of graft and corruption in government for more than twenty years. Still today, there exists among our people a so — called “loyalist group” who despite the leader’s questioned past defers to his memory. In this dynamic of ethos, you can see two kinds of ethos-pictures, namely: a high ethos conferred by one group, and, a very low ethos conferred by another group. What differentiates these groups? Are there particular traits or qualities ranked higher or lower in a scale of ethos-related traits of a speaker-leader? Which group of raters or perceivers would give weight to certain characteristics more than others? In the international scene, the US President, Bill Clinton, despite unsavory media mileage about his personal affairs enjoys high ethos as given him by admirers while he also suffered low ethos as conferred by other sectors of American society. But there was no general clamor for him to step down. Do leadership qualities subsume personal or private life characteristics? How are these perceived by different sectors of American society? In an unpublished masteral thesis on the dimensions of ethos in the Philippine setting (Madrigal: 1992), the study looked into the perceptions of Filipino respondents of political figures prior to a presidential election. The results showed that there are three (3) major dimensions of ethos that are perceived by them, namely: “moral qualifications,” “intelligence,” and “expertise.” The other two are minor ones, namely: “message-related factor” and “delivery.” Ina related study by Nenita Osio-Santos (1996) on the “Patterns of Ethos: A Filipino Profile,” ranked highest among three in ethos was a senator who was perceived to be capable of transforming people’s lives to realize their dreams/potentials, an agent of change, and a problem-solving figure. If these characteristics were thought to reside in the speaker even before concrete proof of them came about, on what factors did the audience attribute high credibility to the source? Since we subscribe to the fact that ethos resides in the mind of the listener, what characteristics do Filipinos see in political candidates that make them “winnable?” ‘What about universals of ethos? Do people the world over cherish the same things in speakers? Leaders like India’s Mohandas Gandhi, the Philippines’ Ninoy Aquino, Israel’s Golda Meir, Egypt's ‘Anwar Sadat, American spiritual black leader, Martin Luther King; Calcutta’s Mother Teresa; and diplomats like our very own Carlos P. Romulo, the first secretary-general of the United Nations Council, to this day remain in our memory because of high credibility or ethos accorded them by peoples of the world, Now that we have seen some real-life applications of ethos, let's examine it further. NATURE OF ETHOS Ethos, thus, may be characterized as 1. varying from individual to individual, from group to group 2. changing through time (fluctuations and progressions) 3. being personal and situational 4. being composite (determined by factors like context, previous reputation of the speaker, audience’s needs, priorities/expectations, rhetorical aspects of message at a given time) CHARACTERISTICS OF THE ETHICAL SPEAKER + competence/intelligence |ARISTOTLE + trustworthiness (honesty) + good character + trustworthiness } competence IGRONBECK, + sincerity IMcKERROW et al + attractiveness + dynamism IHOVLANO, JANIS & + competence on the subject KELLY , + sincerity + trustworthiness ILEMERT, BERLO, » competence on the subject IMERTZ(1969) + pleasantness & liveliness + thorough knowledge of subject IMcCROSKEY (1966) + sincerity in communication + attractiveness (interesting Personality) + honesty IBAUDHIN & DAVIS (1972) ( ) + knowledge of the subject + listeners’ receptiveness to speaker ‘When McCroskey (1974) examined earlier researches on ethos, he came up with a group of communal characteristics, namely: a) competence on the subject; b) honesty; and c) trust-worthiness as a result of honesty. Looking at the table above, can you think of your own list of what makes a speaker ethical? Would you weigh all characteristics equally? At this point, what can you say about the different elements (speaker’s reputation, time, context, listener’s needs and goals, etc.) interacting in the ethos process? Let’s examine further the dynamics of ethos. THE DYNAMICS OF ETHOS In view of a continually changing speaker-listener situation, ethos may be classified into three levels A. Extrinsic or initial ethos, wherein the audience or listeners have previous knowledge of the speaker’s good character, competence, intelligence, and trustworthiness. Example A: droves of college students in the late °60°s would troop to listen to then Sen, Benigno Aquino speak on international and regional events, i.e. the Vietnam war, Kampuchea situation, because the senator’s articulateness on world affairs preceded him Example B: a speech of introduction delivered by a respectable person prepares the mind of listeners to accept the speaker who speaks to them the first time with a positive picture of his initial credibility 2, Intrinsic or transactional ethos, wherein the speaker’s words and actions are continually being assessed by his listeners; this credibility level may heighten or diminish the speaker’s initial ethos Example B: a rehabilitated DARE inmate gives his testimony on the evils of drug abuse; this affects his listeners favorably because his transformation is evident Example B: an activist espousing a radical, unpopular stance may diminish his credibility because he punctuates his remarks with unwarranted conclusions and biased reasoning » Terminal ethos, the level at which the listener perceives and assesses the speaker upon completion of the communication event; the point of reckoning for the listener as to the worthwhileness of the event Example A: the former drug-user who gives a talk on the evils of drug abuse continues to speak with remorse, sincerity, and a crusading spirit; at talk’s end, he gains the admiration of his audience Example B: a manager who used to throw his weight around now pep talks his subordinates in a low, firm voice and is eager to see that they produce results in a team- enhancing manner Example C: a professor known to be boring lectures in a political science class gets to “recover” his audience because he shows some rapport with students by trying humor and familiar examples Terminal ethos is significant because like all impressions, this may be lasting or without impact. It may also precede a next communication event with the same speaker and with the same listeners, If the terminal credibility conferred on the speaker was favorable or high, chances are the listeners will be very receptive initially the next time and perhaps throughout. Otherwise, the opposite would be true. Even if a speaker had low initial ethos (as in the example above), he could still recover and gain high terminal credibility. Thus, if you reflect on the dynamism of ethos, you mi ght want to start a self-improvement program to heighten your credibility as a speaker. ETHICAL CONSIDERATIONS There are three basic ethical considerations for the speaker with ethos: First, the speaker must display adequate knowledge of the subject spoken about. Listeners appreciate the latest, the state-of-the-art, the novel, the far-from-common things and information. They want to learn from their speakers. Second, the speaker must be sincere as he communicates (relates) to his listeners in order to gain their trust. He speaks with modesty, truth, and makes his listeners feel they are his equals. Third, the speaker must appear well groomed and personable, behaving with decorum. Audiences, generally, have high expectations of persons who go on stage, mount a platform, and be for a few minutes the cynosure of all eyes. LISTENER’S PART However prepared or organized a speaker’s message is or however sincere or dynamic a speaker is, if the listener refuses to do his part, ethos cannot reach a high degree. Listeners are varied in their moods, attitudes, and beliefs, and expectations. Sometimes they may be swayed by the winds of rumor and innuendo. Many times they may not be favorably predisposed to listen due to internal and external factors beyond the speaker’s control. At times it is an exercise in diversion or passing the time. Other times itis to just satisfy one’s curiosity. ETHOS IN THE PHILIPPINE SETTING: COLLECTIVE, INDIVIDUAL ‘The classic definition of ETHOS remains a model to be followed or emulated by men and women in today’s so-called modern world. The facts and trends of today’s societies show the changing times and changing perceptions and values as to who and what makes a leader. Therefore, a leader may possess the kingly qualities enunciated by the classical orators like Cicero and Quintillian but it does not follow today, especially in the Philippine setting, that such qualities automatically make him a leader of people, such as the Philippine electorate. The time when Filipino statesmen looked up to by the citizens sat at the Philippine assembly/legislature is long gone. Good moral character and intelligence were the paramount traits of speakers who graced the halls of government then. They had facility of language, being fluent in their native tongue, and in English and Spanish, earning them the title of “orators.” They were men who recognized their important mission of attaining sovereignty and independence. In the classic essence of ethos, lawmaking and policy-formulation. In the Philippines today there exists erosion of ethos or credibility among speakers. We find political leaders speaking only to win votes and covet more power — their leadership consists in keeping their voters happy come election time or near election time. We find these leaders instrumentally motivated to spew out campaign promises to construct this facility and that, to build more schoolhouses, and to build roads that will last through dry season. We find such men not of a Kingly caste or mold, but men who desire to perpetuate their families in power. Credibility, it seems, has ceased to be functional. Ifthe EDSA Revolution, a bloodless overthrow of the Marcos “conjugal dictatorship,” had all g00d points, it can attest to a singularly remarkable ETHOS of the Filipinos who gathered, kept vigil, prayed, and kept one another strong. This united stance against a corrupt government of corrupt leaders manifested the Filipinos” COLLECTIVE ETHOS - that fundamentally we are a people who value qualities of the good man speaking, the leader who shows integrity, honesty, nobility of ideals, and selflessness. That we lack good men speaking is not true. But that we need to muster enough INDIVIDUAL ETHOS ourselves in order to elect good men into office. CHAPTER SUMMARY Ethos traditionally refers to those persuasive factors residing in the reputation and personality of the speaker. Today ethos is generally known as source credibility or the degree to which a speaker is adjudged competent/knowledgeable, pleasing, and trustworthy by his listeners. Because ethos partakes of a volatile and dynamic nature, a communication source can undergo three process dimensions, namely: initial or intrinsic ethos, starting credibility, transactional or extrinsic ethos (produced credibility), ethos derived as the commumication event progresses; and terminal or ending ethos, credibility upon the completion of the communication event. Several researches have found that the most common characteristics of speakers with ethos are the following: competence, honesty, and trustworthiness as a result of honesty. Since ethos or source credibility is a function of listener behavior and reception, it is important that successful communicators cultivate the generally appealing traits of sincerity, competence, honesty, dynamism, and pleasantness. Furthermore, since ethos is a changing dimension, speakers with originally low ethos can still improve in subsequent communication events while those with high ethos can work at sustaining their credibility. Finally, listener-responsibility comes into the picture too. A speaker/commmmicator can only achieve so much, Listeners seek certain rewards in communication situations, i.e., to satisfy their intellectual curiosity, to have fun/entertainment, to be convinced, and others. While it is understandable for them to have goals or purposes, they need to place themselves in a posture of readiness to listen — this is listener-accountability. Then the entire communication process or event can be said to be working properly because speaker-listener responsibilities are shared. EXERCISES. . Pick two personages in government, business, science, art, or show business and attribute to them characteristics of ethos that you perceive, Prepare a 3-minute talk for a live classroom audience. You may give examples of high and low ethos. . In your own voting locality, observe and gather what characteristics of ethos are given voters” consideration. Be sure to classify (just roughly) the types of voters. Analyze these characteristics in light of why you think they are important to the different types of voters. You may write a one-page paper or stage a short skit about it. . Conduct a 5-7 minute-interview on what personal characteristics of college boys appeal to college girls; after the males question the females, the latter take their turn, The class can tabulate the most popular characteristics and brainstorm on them. . Listen to two speeches, one that is taped, and the other on video. Analyze the characteristics of both n w = speakers and compare their source credibility. Again compile the most likable traits found in both speakers. What characteristics in a professor make hinv/her credible to students? Write off a list of ethical characteristics you expect from your teacher (s). Share what you wrote in class. You may also analyze what ethos traits of teachers helped you as students in the past. How? READING LIST Aristotle. Rhetoric. Translated by Lane Cooper. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1960. Berlo, David K., J.D. Lemert, and R.J. Mertz, Dimensions for Evaluating the Acceptability of Message Sources. Research Monograph, Dept. of Communication. Michigan State University, 1966. Eisenson, Jon, J. Jeffrey Auer, and John V. Irwin. The Psychology of Communication. New York: Appleton-Century Crofts, 1963 Gronbeck, Bruce E., RE. McKerrow, D. Ehninger, and A.H. Monroe. Principles and Types of Communication. 12th ed. New York: Harper Collins College Publishers, 1994. Hovland, Carl, LL. Janis, and H. M. Kelley. Communication and Persuasion. New Haven, Connecticut: Yale University Press, 1953. Madrigal, Albert D. Dimensions of Ethos: A Study in the Philippine Setting. An unpublished graduate thesis, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q.C., 1992. Osio-Santos, Nenita. Patterns of Ethos: A Filipino Profile. An unpublished graduate thesis, University of the Philippines, Diliman, Q. C., 1996. McCroskey, J.C. “Scales for the Measurement of Ethos,” Speech Monographs, XXX (1966), pp. 65- 72. 5 LANGUAGE Objectives After reading this chapter, you should be able to: 1. describe the nature of language 2. differentiate the types of meanings 3. explain the attributes of effective oral language 4, suggest ways to achieve oral style 5. employ language in conversation and public speech that meets the criteria of clarity, directness, appropriateness and vividness INTRODUCTION English being one of our nation’s official languages has come a long way. The language introduced by colonizers has apparently charted a distinct path of its own. Today this “foreign tongue” is used, misused, and abused depending on who is the perceiver. How do we Filipinos understand its nature and use? In 1977, former American President Jimmy Carter, on a trip to Poland, had to rely on Polish government interpreters because the American government could not find one who could speak modern Polish. It seemed natural that native translators “interpreted” his speeches and pronouncements in a way that fit Polish political sensibilities. So when he offered his condolences to dissident j ournali sts who “wanted to attend but were not permitted to come,” the interpreters translated it as “who wanted to come but couldn’t.” And thus the audience missed the point, Of course, this was long before perestroika. In an article in the Gentleman ’s Quarterly in 1987, Kenneth Turan described some of the misunderstandings that occurred during the dubbing or subtitling of American movies in Europe. In one movie where a policeman tells a motorist to pull over, the Italian translator has him asking for a sweater (which is sometimes called a pullover). In another where a character asks if he can bring a date to the funeral, the Spanish subtitle has him asking if he can bring a fig to the fimeral Filipinos who certainly are reputed to speak good English have their slip-ups too. When a popular leader was asked where his lady was, he unashamedly responded: “You didn’t see her? Oh, she just passed away.” All the occasion needed was to delete that adverb! ‘These stories illustrate some of the many communication problems which may arise in the use of language. What is language? What is the nature of language? What are the attributes of effective oral language? The answers to these questions will be discussed in this chapter. How are we using the term Janguage? Language sometimes refers to different tongues such as Chinese, Nippongo and Spanish. In the early history of rhetoric, classical rhetoricians regarded language as one of the major canons: inventio (analysis), dispositio (organization), elocutio (language or style), memoria, and pronunciatio (delivery). Hughes defines it as a “system of arbitrary symbols by which thought is conveyed from one human being to another.” According to DeVito, language is the code, the system of symbols, utilized in the construction of verbal messages. These last two definitions emphasize that language has to do with verbal symbols. It has to do with a system which involves pattern and order. It has to do with the human social context. ‘We must distinguish between language and speech. Language is not synonymous with speech because the latter covers the entire scope of human communication. More precisely, Knower defines speech as “the ongoing multisymbolic behavior in social situations carried on to achieve communication”. It is multisymbolic because it employs language, tones, pitch range, and non-verbal behavior simultaneously to represent what we mean. Language is a symbol system for both written and oral communication. We will be primarily concerned with oral or spoken language. This is the language of conversation and speechmaking. THE NATURE OF LANGUAGE ‘We need to understand the nature of language so that we can use words more effectively in the communication of our thoughts and feelings. Oftentimes problems arise that turn language into a communication obstacle rather than a communication facilitator. To understand the characteristics of words is to understand the possibilities as well as limitations of these verbal tools. WORDS ARE ONLY SYMBOLS ‘Words are symbols which represent and substitute for objects, concepts, feelings, emotions, experiences and events around us. These referents may be concrete or they may be abstract. We use words to represent our meanings and to stimulate the listener to create his own image/representation of what we are talking about. The word is merely a symbol, itis not the actual thing itself. Alfred Korzybski, the father of general semantics, emphasized this fact when he said that the “map” is not the territory it stands for, the word “book” is not the collection of pages. What this means is that if you are looking at the map of the U.P. Diliman campus, you are not looking at Diliman, but a functional symbol that stands for that physical territory. The map is not the physical territory, the map simply represents the area referred to, in this case the Diliman campus. If you hear or see the word “book,” you are not seeing or hearing the book but a symbol that stands for it. These examples clearly remind us that as the map represents the Diliman campus, the word “book” only represents the actual object, itis not the thing itself Very often, though, people react to words as if they were the things symbolized, Have you ever discussed an operation or a disease with friends? Did you notice how they got squeamish at the mere utterance of such terms as “blood,” “pus,” “transfusion,” “incision,” or perhaps “infection?” Itis probably because they were reacting to words as if they were the real things. To further understand the symbolic nature of words, let us refer to the triangle of meaning formulated by Ogden and Richards in The Meaning of Meaning. The diagram illustrates the relationships of the word or symbol, the thought or reference and the referent or the thing itself. ‘Thought (Reference) Word (Symbol) ---~=-~-~~ Referent (Thing itself) The Triangle of Meaning Note that only broken lines connect the word or symbol and the referent or thing itself. This indicates that there is no direct relationship between word and the referent. The link between word and the referent is the thought or mental process. The relationship or connection is created in the mind of the user of the language. Although it is often emphasized that there is no necessary connection between the symbol and that which is symbolized (the referent), a habitual confusion of symbols (words) with things symbolized persists. People treat words as if they were the actual objects or events to which they refer. For instance, there is a grain of fear about “death” and “dying” in almost all of us. In an effort to ward off this threat, we refrain from even pronouncing the words. If the topic cannot be avoided, the idea is circumvented with an array of metaphors: passing away, demise, departure, loss, has left us for the great beyond, wrote thirty and met his Maker. We use circumlocutions or euphemisms. A euphemism according to Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary (1991), is the substitution of an agreeable or inoffensive expression for one that may offend or one that may suggest something unpleasant, harsh or indelicate. Old people are referred to by gentle euphemisms such as senior citizens, the elderly, advanced in years or the golden-age group. In the book The Official Politically Correct Dictionary and Handbook, its co-authors humorously offer some linguistic improvement. They suggest that instead of saying “bald” say “follicularly challenged,” instead of “fat” say “horizontally challenged.” ‘They prefer “temporarily able” to “healthy.” A better word for “body odor” is “nondiscreti onary fragrance” and for “lazy” is “motivationally deficient.” Other interesting entries include “ethically disoriented” for dishonest and “negative saver” for spendthrift, The familiar line “sticks and stones may break my bones but words will never hurt me” should be true but it is not. MEANINGS ARE IN PEOPLE, NOT IN WORDS As communicators, it is your task to use words to create desired meanings in the minds of your listeners or receivers. However, no matter how carefully and precisely you select your words, they (words) do not automatically convey the same meanings from speaker to listener. Meanings are not stamped or imprinted on the words of the messages your listeners receive. Recall what you learned in an earlier unit on the communication process. Only Sound and light waves come between the speaker and his audience. Meanings do not inhabit words. Instead, they are assigned by the individual who perceives the word. It should therefore be no surprise that there can be as many meanings or interpretations to a term as there are people who use them. Barrameda tells us that the word “set” is the word with the most meanings in the English language. Ithas so far 58 uses as a noun, 126 as a verb and 10 as a principal adjective. How does a listener know which meaning a speaker is using? We see the same predicament when we speak Filipino. Dr. Lilia Antonio of the Department of Filipino and Philippine Literature in a research paper revealed that the Filipino word “labas” has 74 meanings in both simple and complex usages. It might just be a good idea to use index and dates as reminders that no word ever has exactly the same meaning twice. UP o1g is not UP} 955 is not UP jogq is not UP 2991. Chair is not chairs is not chair; is not chair, and so on. To do this is to be reminded that chair, is different from chair; that even chair does not tell us all about the “chairs” and that there may be characteristics left out in the process. ‘When we communicate with others, we can no longer consider only our meaning for a word. We have to consider what these words mean to those with whom we are communicating with in order to apply what Wilbur Schramm calls the common “field of experience.” Meanings are created in the minds of people and meanings have to be shared to facilitate understanding. LANGUAGE IS DYNAMIC Change is true of all languages but is particularly prevalent in the English language. According to Kacirck, changing societal needs, the erosion of old customs and a call for elegance are some of the reasons for the growth and decline of language. Many words die a natural death. “Clapperclaw” for one, has disappeared from common usage and the simpler verb “to scold” has taken its place. “Iron curtain” and “Soviet bloc” are no longer in usage. Can you list more words? Words are static while meanings are dynamic. Many words remain the same but take on a new and different meaning. In the history of words, there was a time when counterfeit meant a legitimate copy, brave once implied cowardice and garble meant to sort out, not to mix up. Many old words which once were used to describe one experience are now used to describe other experiences. If we were to look under a “hood” over 500 years ago, we should have found a monk. Today we find an automobile engine. Itis also the abbreviated form of the word hoodlum. It may also denote the part of the academic growth that indicates by color the wearer’s college or university. Problems will arise if one reacts to words as if their meanings never changed. Language is a function of time. Every generation evolves its own style of language. It was the state of modern English which led Prince Charles of England to wonder how Shakespeare’s Hamlet would have delivered his famous “To be or not to be” soliloquy in today’s language (“Prince Charles ‘rewrites’ Hamlet”). In Act III Scene I of Hamlet the protagonist says” To be or not to be; that is the question: Whether °tis nobler in the mind to suffer The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, Or to take arms against a sea of troubles, ‘And by opposing end them? Here is Prince Charles’ version of how the soliloquy would be written in today’s English. Note how the choice of words has changed. Well, frankly, the problem as I see it At this moment in times whether I Should just lie down under all this hassle And let them walk all over me. Or whether I should just say OK I get the message and do myselfin. New words are created, Cyberspace, hi-definition television, holography, surrogate parents, genetic engineering, multinationals, computer simulation, browse the web, bioterrorism, jumbo jets are just few of the coinages that have gained currency in the past 30 years New situations create new meanings. Roget’s Thesaurus, the 150-year old book of synonyms and antonyms was recently revised to reflect changes in language. It has eliminated words its editor says are biased, prejudiced, twisted, sexist, liberal, and narrow-minded, For one, it makes more explicit the existence of women. Also, the choices are more wide-ranging and neutral as possible. For example “mankind” has been changed to “humankind,” “countryman” to “countrydweller™ and “rich man” to “rich person.” The revised volumes also contain entries under the new headings of micro- electronics and dates processing. It seems unclear that we cannot ignore change and assume that reality is static and unchanging. ‘We need to consider as well how place can affect the way our listeners process our words. Words are used differently in one country from the other. You may be quite familiar with a few of them; for example, lift/elevator, dustbin/garbage can, biscuit/cookie. In Britain, homely is a flattering expression (equivalent to homey); in America it means “ugly.” In Britain upstairs is the first floor; in America it means second, In Britain “to table a motion” means to put it aside; in America it means to sive priority. In Britain “presently” means in a little while; in America it means “now.” In Britain the Royal Mail delivers the post, not the mail, while in America the Postal Service delivers the mail, not the post. Language is also a fimction of culture. Itreveals what a group of people might deem important in their everyday lives. This is most apparent in the differences of vocabulary from one tongue to another. For example, Peruvian Indians have roughly 200 words for what we simply know of as “potato” just as Filipinos have a roster of terms for their staple food “rice.” This reflects their great economic dependence upon this crop, the special varieties of potato they have developed and the level to which they have raised the art of potato cultivation. The variety of kinship terms ina language, meanwhile, reveals how important these relations are within a culture. i.., social structure. Since kinship relations are of paramount importance to the Australian bushman, he has separate terms to refer to his mother’s sister’s son, his father’s brother’s daughter, his wife’s father’s brother’s wife, and dozens of other relatives of varying and dizzying degree. The reason for this is that his rights and responsibilities differ with respect to each of them. Many other interesting examples demonstrate how language as it varies from society to society reflects and reveals culture. Concepts which are important to a society are allocated a large number of terms. The residents of the Trobriand Islands of Papua, New Guinea, have a hundred words for yams. The Italians have over 500 names for different types of macaroni. Meanwhile, the Arabs are said to have 6000 words for camels and camel equipment. Money is extremely important to the American culture, As a result, they have many terms for it: “finances, funds, capital, assets, cash, pocket money, pin money, change, bread, loot” etc. We Filipinos have many words for rice. Itis our staple crop and we find it on the dining table more than three times a day. Have you tasted “galapong,” “pirurutong” “pinipig,” “suman,” “bahaw,” and “tutong?” ‘Communicators would do well to be sensitive to how these differences in time and place or region affect the meaning of words. The tendency to ignore change and assume that words are static and unchanging can be a barrier to effective verbal interaction. ‘WORDS HAVE MANY TYPES OF MEANINGS ‘There are at least five general types of meanings : denotation, connotation, structural meaning, contextual meaning and sound meaning. The first type of meaning is denotation. Itis the objective, precise, literal or dictionary meaning of a word. Suppose we take the word “university.” The dictionary defines it as “an institution of higher learning providing facilities for teaching and research.” Denotation is like pointing to a referent or the object itself. We would more likely agree with the denotative meanings of words and have the same definitions. Such is not the case, however, with connotative meanings. Connotations are more subjective, figurative and variable. The connotative meaning of “tniversity” includes all the feelings, associations and emotions that the word touches off in different individuals. These experiences and memories may be pleasant or unpleasant, negative or positive, good or bad. For one person, the school might connote DQs, boring lectures, enlistment lines and term papers. Since connotations are extremely personal, fewer people would agree on the connotative meanings of a term. These meanings reside in the relationship between the object and the speaker of listener. According to the late American Senator S.L Hayakawa, author of Language in Thought and Action there are “snarl-words” and there are “purr-words”. The terms “politician” and “statesman” refer to the same denotation. But the term politician continues to have a sinister meaning hence, a “snarl- word.” “Statesman,” on the other hand, suggests a more desirable image of one who exercises political leadership wisely and without partisanship, therefore, a

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