353.1 HEN E5 Manual Design PDF
353.1 HEN E5 Manual Design PDF
353.1 HEN E5 Manual Design PDF
Manual of Design
for Slow Sand
Subject Area:
Water Treatment
and Operations
Manual of Design
for Slow Sand
Manual of Design
for Slow Sand
Prepared by:
David Hendricks
Authors: Joy M. Barrett
Jack Bryck
M. Robin Collins
Brian A. Janonis
Gary S. Logsdon
Members: Charles R. Beer
William D. Bellamy
Jerry Biberstine
John R. Blair
Richard Saterdal
C. Y. Shieh
Jerry Sklenar
Prepared for:
AWWA Research Foundation
6666 West Quincy Avenue
Denver, CO 80235
Published by the
AWWA Research Foundation and
American Water Works Association
This study was funded by the American Water Works Association Research
Foundation (AWWARF). AWWARF assumes no responsibility for the content of the
research study reported in this publication or for the opinions or statements of fact
expressed in the report. The mention of trade names for commercial products does not
represent or imply the approval or endorsement of AWWARF. This report is presented
solely for informational purposes.
Although the research described in this document has been funded in part by the
United States Environmental Protection Agency through a Cooperative Agreement,
CR811335, to AWWARF, it has not been subjected to Agency review and therefore does
not necessarily reflect the views of the Agency and no official endorsement should be
Copyright 1991
AWWA Research Foundation
American Water Works Association
Printed in the U.S.A.
IbDlN U-oyoO/-55l-0
ListofTables ................................................................
Foreword ...................................................................
Preface .....................................................................
1.1 Description, 1
1.2 History, 2
1.3 Theory, 5
1.3.1 Principles of Removal, 7
(1) Transport, 7
(2) Interception, 7
(3) Sedimentation, 7
(4) Diffusion, 8
(5) Interstitial Flow, 8
(6) Collision Probability, 9
(7) Attachment, 10
(8) Iwasaki's Equation, 10
(9) Metabolism, 10
(10) Schmutzdecke,!!
(11) Relative Roles of the Schmutzdecke and Sand
Bed in Particle Removal, 12
1.3.2 Headless, 15
(1) Darcy's Law, 15
(2) Temperature Effect, 16
(3) Headloss, 17
(4) Intrinsic Hydraulic Conductivity, 17
1.4 Practice, 20
1.4.1 Europe, 20
1.4.2 United States, 22
1.4.3 Worldwide, 25
1.5 Research, 26
1.5.1 The 1980s' Research Platform, 26
(1) United States and Canada, 26
(2) Europe, 27
(3) Present Status, 28
1.5.2 Findings, 28
Chapter 2
Predesign ........................................................
2.1 Selection, 33
2.1.1 Comparison With Other Technologies, 34
(1) Slow Sand, 34
(2) Rapid Rate, 34
(3) Diatomaceous Earth, 34
2.1.2 Cost Comparisons, 37
(1) Slow Sand, 38
(2) Rapid Rate, 39
(3) Diatomaceous Earth, 39
2.1.3 Cost of Slow Sand, 39
2.1.4 Requisite Conditions for Slow Sand, 41
(1) Water Quality, 41
(2) Community Size, 43
2.1.5 Performance Required, 46
2.1.6 Algae Control, 47
2.1.7 Pretreatment Processes, 48
(1) Case: Kassler Plant, 48
(2) Case: Moricetown Plant, 48
(3) Conclusions, 51
2.2 Context and Form, 52
2.2.1 Community Context, 52
(1) Population, 52
(2) Community Character, 53
(3) Political Climate, 53
(4) Regulations, 53
(5) Economics, 53
(6) Financing, 55
(7) Engineer-Client Relations, 55
2.2.2 Technology, 55
2.3 Flow Variation, 56
2.3.1 Flow Analysis, 56
(1) Annual Cycle, 56
(2) Hourly Demand, 57
(3) Steady Flow Operation Over the Daily Cycle, 58
(4) Design Flow, 58
3.1 Principles, 61
3.1.1 Sizing the Filter Bed, 61
(1) Area, 61
(2) Treated Water Storage, 63
(3) Depth of Sand, 63
(4) Effect of Bed Depth on Removal Efficiency, 63
(5) Effect of Bed Depth on Bed Life, Headloss,
and Run Time, 64
3.1.2 Hydraulics, 67
(1) Distribution, 68
(2) Collection, 73
(3) Drainage, 78
(4) Backfilling After Scraping, 78
(5) Overflow, 79
(6) Flow Measurements, 81
(7) Flow Control, 82
(8) Tailwater Control, 82
(9) Headloss Measurement, 83
(10) Avoiding Negative Pressures, 83
(11) Gas Bubble Formation, 84
(12) Plumbing Functions, 90
(13) Pipe Gallery, 90
(14) Access to Filters, 91
(15) Hydraulic Profile, 91
(16) Headroom, 92
(17) Designing to Avoid Freezing, 92
3.1.3 Sand Recovery System, 94
3.1.4 Filter Box, 97
(1) Hydraulic Loading Rate and Area, 97
(2) Number of Cells, 98
(3) Layout, 99
(4) Depth of Box, 101
(5) Structural Design, 101
3.1.5 Disinfection, 103
3.1.6 Filtration Removals, 105
3.2 Design Guidelines, 106
3.2.1 Hydraulic Loading Rates, 106
3.2.2 Underdrain Size and Spacing, 108
(1) Design of Underdraws, 110
3.2.3 Sand Size Specification, 113
(1) Hazen's Foundation, 113
(2) Hazen's Recommendations for Sand Sizes, 113
Chapter 5
Construction ....................................................
Chapter 6
Operation .......................................................
6.1 Plant Start-up, 179
6.1.1 Filling the Sand Bed, 179
6.1.2 Filter-to-Waste Operation, 180
6.1.3 Ripening or Maturation Period, 180
Chapter 8
Abbreviations ..............................................................
Glossary ....................................................................
References ..................................................................
Present and Projected Flow Data for Village of 100 Mile House, BC
Pilot Plant Comparison Study at 100 Mile House, BC, July-October 1983
Cost Comparison for Four Filtration Technologies, 100 Mile House, BC
Cost Distribution for Slow Sand Filtration, 100 Mile House, BC
Length of Filter Cycle for Slow Sand Filter Installations Having
Different Raw Water Turbidities
2.6 Water Quality Guidelines for Selection of Slow Sand (SS) Filtration
2.7 Operating Cost of Slow Sand Filtration Compared With Rapid Rate
3.1 HLR Calculation for Four Combinations of Population and Per Capita Use
3.2 Data on Slow Sand Filters
3.3 CT Values for Achieving 1-Log to 3-Log Inactivetion of
Giardia lamblia Cysts
of Hydraulic Loading Rate on Percent Removals in Slow Sand
Pilot Filters, Measured by Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b), and
Calculations of Corresponding Effluent Concentrations
3.5 Drainpipe Sizes for Slow Sand Filters in Europe as Reported by Hazen (1913)
3.6 Sand Sizes for Slow Sand Filters in Europe as Reported by Hazen (1913)
3.7 Percent Bacteria in Filter Effluents for Different Sand Sizes in
Lawrence Experiment Station Studies
3.8 Results of Coliform Spiking of Pilot Filters at 100 Mile House, BC,
to Evaluate Maturity of Full-Scale Filter Started at Same Time
3.9 Sand Sizes for Selected Slow Sand Filters Completed in the United States
and Canada During the Period From 1985 to 1989
3.10 Calculation of Headless Within Gravel Support
3.11 Gravel Support Designs at Three Slow Sand Installations
3.12 Gravel Support Design for Perforated Underdrain Laterals,
as Recommended by the Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board
3.1 Comparison of Headless Versus Run Time for Two Sand Bed Depths
(D = 1.0 m and D = 1.3 m), Showing the Effect of Additional Sand Bed
Depth on Run Time
3.2 Flow Configuration for Slow Sand Filters at Moricetown, BC
3.3 Sand Bed Erosion at Empire, CO, Filter Plant
3.4 Illustration of How Flow May Be Distributed Around a Filter Box
to Reduce Sand Bed Erosion
3.5 Underdrain Pipes Placed on the Floor of the Slow Sand Filter at
100 Mile House, BC
3.6 Type of Slotted Underdrain Pipe Used at 100 Mile House, BC
3.7 Underdrain Layout for Hypothetical Slow Sand Filter
3.8 Drainage System for Removing the Headwater From Filter Before Scraping
3.9 Valve Configuration Used for Backfilling the Filter With Finished Water
After Scraping
3.10 Overflow Drainage System to Prevent Over-Topping of the Filter Box
3.11 Flow Meters for Slow Sand Filters
3.12 Weir for Tailwater Level Control
3.13 Piezometers for the Slow Sand Filters at the Village of 100 Mile House, BC
3.14 Illustration of Criterion for Gas Precipitation
3.15 Hydraulic Analysis of Filter Bed to Illustrate the Occurrence of
Negative Pressures Caused by Low Tailwater Elevation
3.16 Pipe Gallery for Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile House, BC
3.17 Ship Doors Providing Access to Slow Sand Filters at 100 Mile House, BC
3.18 Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile House, BC, Showing Earth Embankments
Used for Insulation
3.19 Slow Sand Filter at Moricetown, BC, Showing Earth Insulation
Against Sidewalls
3.20 Slow Sand Filter at Empire, CO, Showing 3,800-L (1,000-gal)
Propane Tank
3.21 Conceptual Layout of Sand Washing System
3.22 Configuration of Filter Boxes and Plumbing at Slow Sand Filter Plant,
100 Mile House, BC
3.23 Cross Section of Slow Sand Filter Showing Filter Box With Underdrain,
Gravel Support, Sand, Headwater, and Freeboard
3.24 Chlorination Building at Empire, CO, Filter Plant
3.25 Headloss Across Underdrain Orifice Compared With Headloss in
Underdrain Conduit
3.26 Underdrain Spacing Effect on Streamlines
3.27 Sieve Analysis Plot Showing How d10, d^o, and UC Are Determined
3.28 Definition Sketch for an Orifice Meter
3.29 Orifice Plates
3.30 Cross-Section Sketch of a Venturi Meter
3.31 Rectangular Weir With Contracted Ends, Showing Terms Used in
Flow Equations 3.6 and 3.7
3.32 Tailwater Overflow Weir, Showing Configuration as Designed for
100 Mile House, BC
3.33 Definition Sketch for a Triangular Weir
3.34 Photograph of a Propeller Meter, Showing Volume Gauge
4.1 Headloss Increase With Time From Pilot Plant Testing to Determine
Length of Run
4.2 Recommended Pilot Plant Set-up
4.3 Constant-Head Orifice Box for Metering Flow to a Slow Sand Filter
4.4 Drawing of Constant-Head Orifice Box for Metering Flow to a
Slow Sand Pilot Filter, Showing Dimensions for Construction
4.5 Sample Data Collection Form for Slow Sand Filter Pilot Study
4.6 Sample Data Processing Form for Slow Sand Filter Pilot Study
4.7 Photograph and Section Drawing of Pilot Plant Set-up at
100 Mile House, BC
D.I Chlorine CT Data for 3-Log (99.9 Percent) Inactivation of Giardia lamblia
Cysts as Affected by Temperature in 0.5-5.0 C Range, With pH 6.0-8.0
implemented at the utility level. The Foundation's Trustees are pleased to offer this
publication as a contribution toward that end.
Slow sand filtration is one of the technologies especially appropriate for small
communities. This manual of design is intended to serve their special needs. At the
same time, the manual does not restrict the application of slow sand technology to small
communities; if more applications are found, the purposes of the manual will be
fulfilled to an even greater extent.
Richard P. McHugh
Chairman, Board of Trustees
AWWA Research Foundation
This manual of design was commissioned by the AWWA Research Foundation for
the purpose of encouraging the use of slow sand filtration technology. With the
resurgence of interest in "slow sand" and with the insights that have resulted from
research conducted over the past 10 years, the missing link in the application of this
technology is a compendium of guidelines for the consulting engineer. For small
communities, slow sand filtration seems especially appropriate. Annual operating costs
are low and the process is "passive," meaning that operator intervention is minimal.
Slow sand filtration has been available as a technology since 1829, when the first
filter was installed in London by the Chelsea Water Company. Subsequently, slow sand
was adopted widely in Europe, but it did not gain much foothold in the United States. By
the turn of the century, the new "mechanical filtration," which we now call rapid rate
filtration, had become the technology of the future. One reason for the transition to
rapid rate was that the water conditions for which filtration was needed had high
turbidity, which would translate to short run times with slow sand filtration. In locales
in which slow sand filters were constructed, however, they were eminently successful.
The Denver, CO, 152 mil L/d (million liter per day), or 40 mgd (million gallon per day),
Kassler Plant, placed in operation in 1906, is a case in point.
Two events have caused increased interest in slow sand technology. First, the 1974
Safe Drinking Water Act mandated drinking water standards that were applicable to all
community water supplies. Large communities can comply with the standards more
easily than small communities, which typically have less money available for capital
projects and for operation. Their plant operators usually work only part time, since they
must handle several kinds of tasks within the community, and they have little time to
master the skills needed to operate a plant. With the law in place, something had to be
done to help the small communities, and the industry took up the task in a number of
ways. One of its research responses was to investigate slow sand filtration. The second
event to cause increased interest in slow sand was the recognition, in the late 1970s, of
the problem of the Giardia lamblia cyst, which was most often associated with small
community water systems. The focus of much slow sand research was on whether slow
sand could remove Giardia cysts.
The genesis of the current renaissance in slow sand was in the Environmental
Protection Agency (EPA) research program. In 1980, the Drinking Water Research
Division of EPA, Cincinnati, began in-house research on slow sand. This research led to
funding at Colorado State University for the investigation of Giardia cyst removal and
the roles of operating variables in slow sand filtration, at Dusfrene-Henry Consulting
Engineers in Vermont for the study of Giardia cyst removal by a full-scale plant, at
Syracuse University in New York for research on operating costs, and at Iowa State
University to look at the cold weather performance of slow sand filters. Then in 1982,
researchers at Utah State University looked at sand size and removal performance. In
addition, in 1985, the AWWA Research Foundation sponsored work at Colorado State
University that emphasized the performance of full-scale filters and used the new filter
at Empire, CO, as a case study. The Empire filter was one of the outcomes of the earlier
research activity at Colorado State. At the same time, Health and Welfare Canada
sponsored research conducted by Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC, on the new
filter at 100 Mile House, BC, another "child" of the 1980s1 research. This activity spurred
the interest of the Idaho Health Department, which, in cooperation with the University
of Washington, studied the performance of several slow sand filters that were
constructed in northern Idaho since the 1960s. Other filters were constructed in Oregon
beginning in the 1960s. Then in the late 1980s research was conducted at the University
of Colorado and at the University of New Hampshire. From this foregoing effort came
the vision of the AWWA Research Foundation that the findings of the research and the
lessons of practice needed to be pulled together in a "how to" design manual.
This manual also builds upon the lore of the past. The earliest reference work used
was the 1913 book of Alien Hazen. The World Health Organization (WHO) book of
Huisman and Wood (1974) and the WHO-sponsored works of the International
Reference Center in The Hague, such as Technical Paper No. 24 by Visscher et al. (1987),
form the more recent platform. But the manual also has its own identity as a
contemporary work in that the research of the 1980s has been assimilated.
The investigations and studies since 1980 have expanded our knowledge about slow
sand as a process, and the plants in operation have added an experience component.
Thus, while past knowledge is utilized, the 1980s' research on slow sand filtration is the
focus of this manual. Even with the recent research, however, many questions remain.
Thus, slow sand design still requires considerable judgment on the part of design
engineers, who must utilize their full range of knowledge of engineering for successful
The project team that developed this manual included many of the persons
involved in slow sand filtration in North America. The topics to be covered were
reviewed by. the team, the project officer, and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
during an all-day meeting, September 7, 1988. Drafts were then developed by the
principal investigator, and chapters were written by team members and reviewed by the
team and the PAC. The method permitted a coordinated writing style and yet utilized an
extensive knowledge base. The approach was to question all premises of the past. Team
members were urged to respect tradition but not be captured by it. As a rule, the lore of
the past was assimilated, not displaced, and new findings were incorporated to create the
basis for guidelines for present practice. In this manual, the examples and other
references to operating plants usually refer to the slow sand filter at Empire, CO, started
in January 1985, the facility at the Village of 100 Mile House, BC, which started operation
in November 1985, or the plant at Moricetown, BC, which started operation in 1988.
Project Team
David Hendricks, Colorado State University, Project Principal Investigator
Joy M. Barrett, Commonwealth Utilities Corp., Northern Mariana Islands
Gary S. Logsdon, Black and Veatch (formerly with the Drinking Water Research
Division, EPA)
Jack Bryck, Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, Vancouver, BC
Jerry Sklenar, Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Consulting Engineers, Vancouver, BC
The purpose of this manual is to provide design guidance for the engineer who
may wish to consider recommending slow sand filtration to a client. The assumption is
made that the reader has no prior familiarity with slow sand filtration. Another
assumption is that the reader is a graduate civil engineer in general practice. However,
these assumptions do not preclude the use of the manual by the city official who may
wish an introduction to and orientation concerning slow sand filters, nor by the
operator who may wish additional depth of understanding or who may wish to have a
reference at hand. The text, diagrams, tables, and most of the figures should be clear to
persons having an interest in the subject. The operator, the city official, and the engineer
can peruse the manual and select sections of interest. An engineering background would
be useful for understanding the theory and design examples, but the manual has a tiered
design to accommodate readers having a range of interests and needs.
As a part of the tiered design, each chapter starts with a basic orientation and
progresses to provide a rationale on the particular topic of interest, examples on how to
apply a particular principle or guideline, and the "bottom line" conclusion. Some
engineers may wish to skim the theory and carefully read only the conclusions. The goal
was to provide a comprehensive, in-depth manual that would be easy to use. To
facilitate this goal, the headings provide a means to discern topics, and the example
problems are presented in a smaller size type so that they can be identified easily.
Thus, the text may contain more information than is desired by some users. For
example, the reader needs to study only the conclusion to Chapter 3 to learn that
problems with air .binding can be avoided by maintaining the effluent weir crest at the
level of the top of the sand bed. If the reader is interested in the rationale behind this
rule, he or she may read the discussion of gas precipitation. Since the side headings are
clearly labeled, such detail can be omitted easily. For those who wish to have the added
insight, the option is available.
Example problems are also used as a means to accomplish the tiering for different
levels of interest. The example problems provide explicit illustrations on how to apply
the principles and guidelines discussed. They also illustrate the calculation steps.
The project team, the Project Advisory Committee, and the project officer
deliberated at some length over the question of whom the manual should be addressed
toward. An initial idea was that the manual could provide a means for small
communities to construct their own slow sand filters. However, this idea was
superseded when it was realized that the construction of even a small filter for only a
few persons is still an engineering job. Despite the simplicity of the slow sand filter, an
engineer is required for its construction, both for the reason of substantive knowledge
and because an engineer's seal is required for a building permit. The next question was,
to what kind of engineer should the manual be addressed? We had in mind the general
civil engineer who knows the water system problems of small communities. Although
there is not a single individual who would characterize such a hypothetical role, the
manual addresses a range of concerns that might be relevant to the different firms and
persons who might have use for such guidance. The end result is that the manual is
intended to make slow sand technology available to engineers and communities that
may wish to consider its use.
In the manual, the metric system is the primary system of measurement used, but
English units are also provided. Metric units were chosen because the system is accepted
by the AWWA, because our Canadian partners use the metric system and the trend in
the United States is toward metric, and because the metric system is easy to use. It is
recommended that the engineer develop the slow sand filter design in metric units and
convert back to English units only for the purpose of dealing with contractors. Chances
for mistakes are minimized with the use of metric units.
The project team appreciates the involvement of the Project Advisory Committee,
which included James R. Boydston of the Oregon Health Department, Robert Krill of the
Wisconsin Department of Natural Resources, and Kim Fox of the Drinking Water
Research Division, EPA. The project officer, Martin J. Alien of the AWWA Research
Foundation, coordinated the project and facilitated the administration and the
development of content. Deborah J. Lynes was the project editor. She coordinated the
final production, which included copy editing, review of copy editing by this editor, and
camera-ready word processing.
We also appreciate the reviews of Gordon Mills, of the Village of 100 Mile House,
BC, and Don Kerven, of Empire, CO, who examined the chapter on operation. Lloyd
Slezak of Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC, provided a critical reading of the
second draft of the manuscript. We gratefully acknowledge that the material for Chapter
7 was adapted from a paper presented by R. Robin Collins, T. Taylor Eighmy, and James
P. Malley at the 1990 AWWA Annual Conference in Cincinnati. Photographs of the
Empire, CO, slow sand filter were provided by Burt F. Leautaud, Versar Architects and
Engineers, Inc., Greeley, CO. Photographs of the 100 Mile House filter were provided by
Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC, and the photograph of the Village of 100 Mile
House was provided by that village.
While the reviews and suggestions have improved this document, the principal
investigator and the project team accept responsibility for its content.
Executive Summary
This manual was commissioned by the AWWA Research Foundation for the
purpose of encouraging the greater use of slow sand filtration technology. Its purpose is
to provide design guidance for the engineer who may wish to consider recommending
slow sand filtration to a client. With the resurgence of interest in "slow sand" and with
the insights that have resulted from research conducted over the past 10 years, the
missing link in the application of this technology is a compendium of guidelines for the
consulting engineer. For small communities, slow sand filtration seems especially
appropriate. Annual operating costs are low and the process is "passive," meaning that
operator intervention is minimal.
The assumption is made that the reader has no prior familiarity with slow sand
filtration. Another assumption is that the reader is a graduate civil engineer in general
practice. However, these assumptions do not preclude the use of the manual by the city
official who may wish an introduction to and orientation concerning slow sand filters,
nor by the operator who may wish additional depth of understanding or who may wish
to have a reference at hand. The text, diagrams, tables, and most of the figures should be
clear to persons having an interest in the subject. The operator, the city official, and the
engineer can peruse the manual and select sections of interest. An engineering
background would be useful for understanding the theory and design examples, but the
manual has a tiered design to accommodate readers having a range of interests and
This manual builds upon the lore of the past but has its own identity as a
contemporary work in that the research of the 1980s has been assimilated. The
investigations and studies since 1980 have expanded our knowledge about slow sand as
a process, and the plants in operation have added an experience component. Thus,
while past knowledge is utilized, the 1980s' research on slow sand filtration is the focus
of this manual.
The project team that developed this manual included many of the persons
involved in slow sand filtration in North America. The topics to be covered were
reviewed by the team, the project officer, and the Project Advisory Committee (PAC)
during an all-day meeting, September 7, 1988. Drafts were then developed by the
principal investigator, and chapters were written by team members and reviewed by the
team and the PAC. The method permitted a coordinated writing style and yet utilized an
extensive knowledge base. The approach was to question all premises of the past. Team
members were urged to respect tradition but not be captured by it. As a rule, the lore of
the past was assimilated, not displaced, and new findings were incorporated to create the
basis for present practice. The manual starts with a discussion of the state of the art and
ends with guidelines for practice.
Slow sand filtration has been available as a technology since 1829, when the first
filter was installed in London for the Chelsea Water Company. Subsequently, slow sand
was adopted widely in Europe, but it did not gain much foothold in the United States. By
the turn of the century, the new "mechanical filtration," which we now call rapid rate
filtration, had become the technology of the future. Two events have caused recent
interest in the slow sand technology. First, the 1974 Safe Drinking Water Act mandated
drinking water standards that were applicable to all community water supplies. Second,
the problem of the Giardia lamblia cyst was recognized in the late 1970s and was found
to be most often associated with small community water systems, which gave special
urgency to finding water filtration solutions for small communities.
State of the Art
James Simpson set forth the basic design for the slow sand filter in London in 1829.
His design became, and still is, the standard for practice. In the United States and Canada,
slow sand filtration has not been a favored technology, but interest is being revived due
to a resurgence of research that started in about 1980. The research findings have both
verified past observations and provided new information useful for contemporary
practice. The guidelines of this manual incorporate these research findings and the
recent experience of plants in operation. The guidelines also build upon past practice
and incorporate such practice, except as superseded by the findings of the 1980s.
Slow sand filtration is especially suited for small communities because the
technology is effective, has low operating costs, and is passive. Without question, com
munities having populations of 1,000 to 2,000 persons, or even as many as 5,000 persons,
should find slow sand filtration to be an appropriate technology. For larger communi
ties, however, the labor costs of processing the larger amounts of sand required would be
greater than the cost of rapid rate filtration. The point of this crossover will depend
upon circumstances. The city of Salem, OR, with a population of 107,000 (serving
135,000), uses slow sand filtration, as do West Hartford, CT, which serves a population of
300,000, and other cities, such as those listed by Slezak and Sims (1984).
Preferred turbidity levels are <10 nephelometric turbidity units (NTU). As an upper
limit, 30-50 NTU has been mentioned as a rule of thumb, but the limit is more a matter
of engineering judgment than an absolute level. Whether slow sand can be used for
high-turbidity waters depends on the effluent turbidity and the length of run and on
whether pretreatment may be acceptable. Color and volatile organics are other
considerations; if the raw water concentrations are high, pilot plant work should be
done to determine removals.
The slow sand filtration process is expected to remove such biological particles as
cysts, oocysts, algae, bacteria, viruses, parasite eggs, nematode eggs, and amorphous
organic debris at 2-log to 4-log levels when the filter bed is biologically mature. The
foregoing applies to biological particles present in the influent flow and not to species
that find ecological niches and grow within the filter bed as a part of the biofilm around
the sand grains (contributing to the maturity of the sand bed). The biofilm will be
sloughed from the filter and will appear in the effluent flow. Cartridge filter sampling
using 1-n.m (micrometer) pore size filters may be conducted to assess the performance of
the filter. Also, measurements of total coliform bacteria, if present in the influent water
in sufficient densities, is useful for assessing removal efficiencies. Removals should be
2-log to 4-log for a biologically mature filter. Mineral particles may, however, pass
through a filter bed that is effective in removing biological particles. Therefore, turbidity
removal may not be a useful indicator of performance. Nevertheless, the turbidity of the
slow sand filter effluent should comply with regulatory requirements.
The design flow used to size the filter bed area should be the maximum daily flow
projected to the end of the design period and should take into account the removal from
use of one filter bed for scraping (unless adequate treated water storage is provided to
compensate). The design period will depend upon local circumstances, but 20 years is
common. Treated water storage should be sufficient to permit a steady flow of water
through the slow sand filter over any daily cycle, and should have sufficient additional
storage for fire protection and emergencies.
The components of a slow sand filter include intake, pretreatment (if any), the filter
box, piping, disinfection, and treated water storage. The layout is site-specific. The filter
box should include two or more equal-sized cells, independently operated. The filter bed
area is calculated as the maximum expected flow divided by the maximum permissible
hydraulic loading rate with all but one cell in service. The depth of the filter box is the
sum of the depths of the gravel support, sand bed, and freeboard plus the maximum
water depth. The structure of the filter box should be designed by a civil engineer
qualified in structural design, and the foundation should be designed by a qualified
geotechnical civil engineer. A housing may be provided to cover the filter beds to
prevent the water from freezing, to inhibit algae growth, and to protect the sand bed
from wind-blown debris. The housing should also be equipped with ventilation and
with access ports for entry and sand handling and transfer. Portable electric lighting that
is in compliance with electric codes should be provided.
Provision must be made for filter-to-waste, drainage of headwater, backfilling of the
sand bed with filtered water, and adjustment of flow to each filter. An overflow should
be installed at the maximum headwater level. Taps should be installed for easy
sampling at appropriate sample points. Incoming flow should be distributed around the
filter bed at low velocity and into a headwater of >0.3 m (meters), or 1.0 ft (foot), depth
above the sand bed to minimize sand bed erosion. The underdrain system should be
designed using the "manifold" hydraulic principle, that is, the headloss within the main
pipe should be small compared with the headloss through the orifices into the main
pipe. If the manifold principle is maintained, the hydraulic loading rate across the filter
bed should be uniform. The gravel support should be graded, with the smallest gravel
size on the top and the largest on the bottom surrounding the underdrains. The design
is empirical, and established rules should be followed.
Drainage of the headwater should be provided for by the influent distribution
manifold system. Final lowering of the water surface to the desired level can be done
through the underdrain system. The water level should be lowered to about 2-5 cm
(centimeters), or 1-2 in. (inches), below the sand surface before the sand is scraped. After
the sand bed is scraped, the filter should be backfilled with finished water, which may
come from an adjacent operating filter or from finished water storage. An overflow weir
and collection box should be placed with the crest located such that the water level will
be at the maximum level desired when the head for the weir is added to the weir crest
Flow measurement should be provided on the influent side by means of an orifice
meter or a Venturi meter. Pressure difference should be measured by pressure gauges. A
calibration curve should be placed on a wall in the vicinity of the meter and on the data
recording sheets and should be included in the computer-processing software. A
volumetric flow meter should be located on the effluent side of the filter. Flow control
should be by means of a gate valve located downstream from the flow meter. The valve
should be on the main influent pipe. The pattern may be duplicated for each filter, at the
option of the engineer in consultation with the operator. Two piezometers should be
provided for each filter, with taps in the headwater and tailwater. The piezometer tubes
should have diameters of 2.5-5.0 cm (1-2 in.), with float balls and scale provided.
The hydraulic loading rate (HLR) for the peak daily flow may vary between 0.1 and
0.4 m/hr (meters per hour), or 1-10 mgad (million gallons per acre per day). The HLR
may exceed 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) only at the end of the design period, at the point when a
filter is removed from operation for scraping. In addition, the foregoing HLR guideline
may be exceeded only if the filter beds remaining in operation are biologically mature.
Although the HLR may vary during the annual cycle and generally increase as the
population grows, the flow should be steady over the daily cycle. The sand bed should be
1.0 m (3.3 ft) in depth at the start of operation. A depth of 1.3 m (4.3 ft) is favored, and a
deeper bed may be used if desired by the engineer. The sand size recommended by
tradition is dio = 0.2-0.3 mm (millimeters), and the ratio of dgo/dio (UC) = 1.5-2.0. Media
having some sand particles with dio ^ 0-3 mm and UC > 2 may be acceptable if a pilot
study ascertains that acceptable removals are obtained.
Pilot Plant Studies
A pilot plant study is recommended to determine headless increase with time, as
each water is unique. If the sand contemplated for use in the filter deviates from
recommended sizes, such pilot studies should be mandatory. The results of the pilot
plant study should be plotted in terms of headless versus time curves for each of the
water quality seasons. The headloss versus time curves will indicate the cycle times
between scrapings, based upon the maximum headloss to be imposed in the design.
The engineer should follow through with construction inspection and should
develop the operating protocol. The latter should be done in consultation with the
operator. The sand placed in the filter box should be washed sand. As a goal, the sand
should be washed to the extent needed to ensure that less than 10 percent of the effluent
turbidity at start-up is due to erosion of fines from the sand bed.
Elevations of headwater and tailwater should be observed and recorded daily. Flow
should be measured daily before and after any adjustment. Turbidity sampling should be
done daily using clean containers. Measurements should be done in the plant laboratory
using instruments that have been standardized using commercially available standards.
Coliform sampling should be conducted with the frequency and handling required by
state regulations and analyses should be performed by certified laboratories.
A self-explanatory record form should be designed for all data. Recommendations
are that (1) processed data be shown on a form containing both original and processed
data, organized into logical groupings; (2) plots be prepared from the forms and include
cumulative flow volume versus time, headloss versus time, temperature versus time,
turbidity versus time, and coliform level versus time; and (3) the plots be used to discern
trends and to identify deviations and discrepancies and to show performance relative to
applicable standards.
When the headwater level reaches the overflow level, or prior to that time, the
headwater should be drained for scraping. The water level should be lowered in two
stages: (1) to the level of the distribution manifold, and (2) to a level just below the
surface of the sand bed, that is, 2.5-5.0 cm (1-2 in.). The first-stage lowering should be by
means of the influent distribution orifices and manifold, and the second stage by means
of the underdrain system, both drained to waste. Removal of the schmutzdecke should
be done when headloss reaches, or is less than, the overflow level.
After scraping, the sand bed should be backfilled with finished water through the
underdrain system. The backfilling should be at a slow rate, that is, <2 m/hr, in order to
displace air until the water level reaches the sand surface, at which point the backfill rate
may be increased.
The sand removed by scraping should be stored and then washed for recycling. The
washing should be done when sufficient sand has accumulated to warrant such an
operation. Washed sand should be stored until resanding is necessary. The washed sand
storage should be covered to provide protection against contamination. For small
installations such as those with a single filter bed with a surface area small enough
that two persons can scrape it within one shift of work the operations are done by
hand and only asphalt rakes, shovels, and buckets or wheelbarrows are needed.
Orifice meters should be installed in a way that allows for easy removal for
cleaning. Any debris that accumulates behind the orifice plates must be removed. Taps
for pressure gauges should be flushed periodically. All instruments should be calibrated
at regular intervals. Flow meters will retain calibration unless deposits occur; any such
deposits should be removed.
Data may be processed using standard forms developed for commercial computer
spreadsheet software. Calibration coefficients for flow meters and pressure gauges
should be entered and identified on the spreadsheet and incorporated by reference in the
processing functions. The same forms should be available in hard copy in the event that
computer processing is not desired.
The slow sand system may be modified in some situations to mitigate short-term
effects, such as high turbidity during one season of the year. Modification is contrary to
the philosophy of slow sand filtration as a passive technology and should be used only
after careful consideration of the trade-offs. In addition to the removal of suspended
solids, removal of fulvic and humic acids (trihalomethane precursors) may be
considered. Other modifications should be considered with caution. These are
mentioned in this manual only to indicate that considerable experimentation has been
in progress over recent years to explore the full potential of the slow sand technology.
Chapter 1
filter. This deposit is called the schmutzdecke, a German word meaning "sludge
blanket" or "dirty layer," both apt terms for the phenomenon observed.
To make the process work, design guidelines should be followed and appurtenances
must be added. The goal is to provide a system that operates passively. In other words,
the design engineer must endeavor to assure that proper plant operation will be selfimplementing and self-evident to the operator. If the design engineer achieves this goal,
then slow sand filtration can be an appropriate technology for small communities,
where operators may have other responsibilities and where there is often chronic
difficulty in operating rapid rate filters.
The first recorded use of sand filtration for a citywide water supply was in 1804 by
John Gibb in Paisley, Scotland. The filter provided water for Gibb's bleaching business
and for public purchase (Baker 1948 p. 77). The model for present practice, however, was
a one-acre slow sand filter designed by James Simpson for the Chelsea Water Company
in London and completed in 1829.
The London filter was the first of its kind and was a technological breakthrough in
that the design laid the foundation for a widespread practice that continues today.
Simpson based his filter design upon information he gained during a 2,000-mi (mile)
study tour through Scotland, where he saw several installations, mostly for industrial
use. None of these were like the forthcoming London filter, which he was to design.
Simpson made the basic design a downflow filter and used scraping to remove
accumulated material that is, the schmutzdecke. The hydraulic loading rate, sand size,
sand bed depth, water depth, and other deisgn parameters that he delineated became the
basis for the practice that followed. The London filter, which used the Thames River as
its raw water source, was the first use of a treatment process for a piped public water
supply (Baker 1948). The hydraulic loading rate, 0.15 m/hr (meters per hour), or 3.9
mgad (million gallons per acre per day), became a common design criterion and is one of
the several criteria retained to current times.
The health benefits of filtered water soon became apparent in London, and in 1839
the city's five commercial suppliers began filtering their water. In 1852, the London city
government required filtration prior to the sale of drinking water to the public, and it
later established the Thames Conservancy Board to regulate potable water quality
(Hazen 1913). By 1894, five successive increases in filter area had occurred for all London
filters, and the total surface area was 470,000 m2 (square meters), or 116 acres, producing
890,000 m3/d (cubic meters per day), or 234 mgd (million gallons per day).
Continental Europe began filtering public water supplies by the 1850s, with
installations and dates as follows: Berlin, 1856; Altona, 1860; Zurich, 1884; Hamburg,
1893; and Budapest, 1894 (Hazen 1913). The health benefit of slow sand filtration was
demonstrated dramatically by the 1892 cholera epidemic. In Hamburg, the epidemic
resulted in 8,605 deaths. By contrast, the adjacent and downstream city of Altona had
only a few deaths. Even though the intake for Altona's water supply was from the Elbe
River downstream from Hamburg, Altona had slow sand filtration.
The first slow sand filter in the United States was installed in 1872 for the town of
Poughkeepsie, NY, and was designed by James Kirkwood (Baker 1948). Installations
followed at Hudson, NY, in 1874; St. Johnsbury, VT, in 1882; and Lawrence, MA, in 1894.
By 1899, there were 20 slow sand filters in the United States, with an aggregate capacity of
200,000 m3/d (52.6 mgd), while rapid rate filters numbered 153 (Hazen 1913) and had an
aggregate capacity of 900,000 m3/d (237 mgd). In 1940, the United States had about 100
slow sand filters and about 2,275 rapid rate filters (Logsdon and Fox 1988). Hazen (1913)
provided a summary of countries and regions that had slow sand filtration installations
in 1900; his list is reproduced in Table 1.1. The U.S. cities with slow sand filters in 1900
are listed in Table 1.2. Hazen qualified the listings in these tables as "partial" listings,
probably to account for cities and countries that may have been overlooked by the
Table 1.1
Summary of Countries and Regions Using Slow Sand Filtration in 1900
Area of
United States
British Columbia
South America
Great Britain
Other European Countries
Number of
Average daily
aNo data.
Source: Adapted from Hazen (1913).
Table 1.2
Cities in the United States Using Slow Sand Filtration in 1900
Poughkeepsie, NY
Hudson, NY
St. Johnsbury, VT
Lawrence, MA
Nantucket, MA
nion, NY
Mount Vernon, NY
Grand Forks, ND
Milford, MA
Ashland, WI
Hamilton, NY
Lambertville, NJ
Far Rockaway, NH
Red Bank, NJ
Somersworth, NH
Little Falls, NY
Berwyn, PA
Harrisburg, PA
Albany, NY
Rock Island, IL
aNo data.
Source: Adapted from Hazen (1913).
Area of
of filters
in 1890
daily use
The purpose of filtration is to remove particles from a fluid. Table 1.3 lists many of
the kinds of particles found in ambient raw waters. Zeta potentials are also given, to
theextent that data are available. The zeta values are for pH 7. Zeta potential is a
measure of the energy potential that characterizes particle interaction and is usually
negative for particles in ambient waters. Of particular concern to the water supply
industry are the pathogens, such as Giardia lamblia cysts, Cryptosporidium oocysts, and
various bacteria and enteric viruses. Figure 1.2 is a photomicrograph showing cysts of
Giardia lamblia, a pathogen that has been the focus of much attention since about 1978.
The tabular listing in Table 1.3 is simplified. For example, the category of parasitic
eggs includes those from tapeworms, nematodes, and coccidia. Coccidia are protozoans.
Table 1.3
Particles Found in Ambient Waters
Zeta potential
Clays (colloidal)"
no data
no data
Giardia lamblia cysts
Algae, unicellular
Parasite eggs
Nematode eggs
Cryptosporidium oocysts
Biological concentrate
from 5-n.m cartridge filter
0.01-.l b
no data
no data
-33c' h
no data
no data
no data
no data
no data
no data
no data
Other particles
cAl-Jadhai and Hendricks (1989) measured -16.4 mv (millivolts) for raw water from Cache La Poudre samples
having turbidity levels of 0.25 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units) and particle counts of 600,063
particles/10 mL (milliliters) using a 70-um aperture.
dThe Safe Drinking Water Committee (1977) lists 28 minerals that belong to the silica group.
eThe Safe Drinking Water Committee (1977) includes compounds of iron, calcium, aluminum, magnesium,
Cryptosporidium is a coccidia, but it is at the low end of the size range (Hibler 1990).
Beaver and muskrat are loaded with coccidia, and the level of coccidia in their bodies
can be an indicator of the level in the water. That, in turn, can be an indicator of filter
plant performance. If coccidia are found in plant effluent, then Giardia cysts could be
present also. Size ranges are not literal, as needle-shaped diatoms may be 100 |4.m
(microns) in length, and some algae form chains several hundred microns in length.
How slow sand filtration removes these particles is not well understood, but
research (Fox et al. 1984; Cleasby et al. 1984a, 1984b; Bellamy et al. 1985a, 1985b, 1985c;
Pyper 1985; Bryck et al. 1987), pilot plant work, observations of full-scale plants, design
experience, and operating experience all add up to a picture of what happens and
provide a basis for rational slow sand filter design. Zeta potential is likely to be a factor in
the removal of these particles, as it is in rapid rate filtration, but the mechanism is not
understood and the zeta potential data are given only for reference. Ongerth (pers. com.,
July 27, 1990) noted that zeta potentials are affected by pH. He also noted that the zeta
potentials of algae, which vary with species, are affected substantially by the presence of
organic molecules, such as fulvic and humic acids, that adsorb on the particles.
Some of these particles can be removed from raw water at levels of 2-log to 4-log (99
to 99.99 percent) by biologically mature slow sand filters, as discussed in Section 1.3.1.
Although mature slow sand filters will remove most types of particles, including
turbidity, Bellamy et al. (1985a) reported raw and finished water turbidities of about 4.5
and 3.5 NTU (nephelometric turbidity units), respectively, in their experiments with
slow sand filters. Further investigation showed that the particles constituting the
turbidity were montmorillonite and kaolinite having sizes of 2-6 urn, with many
particles smaller than 0.5
1.3.1 Principles of Removal
This section reviews removal theory, as understood at this time, and hydraulic
theory as described by Darcy's law. These theories provide a rationale for slow sand
filtration that may be useful in the design of the filters.
Particle removal in slow sand filtration may occur by some of the same
mechanisms as in rapid rate filtration. Iwasaki (1937) described the filter removal
coefficient, X, in rapid rate filtration theory, and Ives (1961) verified it. This coefficient, as
expanded by Yao et al. (1971), may be resolved into two components: r\, the collision
probability coefficient, and a, the attachment coefficient. These two coefficients are
expressed, respectively, in terms of the two steps of filtration removal: (1) transport, and
(2) attachment. Once attachment has occurred, the biofilm on the sand grains making up
the sand bed may metabolize organic contaminants, resulting in permanent removal of
the contaminant particles. The schmutzdecke also provides some removal.
(1) Transport. Figure 1.3 illustrates the transport step, which is the mechanism by
which collisions occur between particles and sand grains (called collectors in the
literature). The transport mechanisms include interception, sedimentation, and
diffusion. To understand these mechanisms, consider first the manner in which a fluid
behaves around an obstruction, such as a sand grain. Figure 1.3 shows how the flow
patterns of the fluid, which can be depicted in terms of streamlines, are altered by the
presence of the sand grain, idealized in the figure as a sphere. If a particle, represented in
the figure by a black dot, is carried with the flow (that is, if it is convected), it may collide
with the sand grain, attach to it, and thus be removed.
(2) Interception. One way in which a particle may collide with a sand grain is
through interception, depicted by Figure 1.3a. An interception can occur only if a particle
is carried by one of the streamlines closest to the sand grain, such that a brushing effect
occurs. The larger the particle, the more likely a brush will occur.
(3) Sedimentation. A second transport mechanism is sedimentation, depicted in
Figure 1.3b. The force of gravity acts on all particles, giving a vertical velocity component
as shown. When the vertical velocity component is added vectorially with the
convection velocity, the resultant velocity of the particle may cause it to collide with the
(a) Interception
Figure 1.3 Transport of a Particle From the Interstitial Stream to the Surface of a Sand
Grain. (Adapted from Yao et al. 1971.)
sand grain. Sedimentation will have a perceptible role only for particles larger than 10
Urn (Yao et al. 1971).
(4) Diffusion. A third transport mechanism is diffusion, shown in Figure 1.3c. The
thermal energy of gases and liquids manifests itself in the form of random motion of
molecules. When these molecules collide with a small particle, the particle will also
move in a random fashion. The motion of the particle is then in a series of discrete
steps, often called a random walk. If the particle is being convected by a flow, then the
diffusion is superimposed on the convection flow, and the particle will move from one
streamline to another. Eventually, the particle may collide with a sand grain surface. As
may be inferred, the lower the convection velocity, the more steps a particle can take per
unit time; hence, the probability of a collision increases as the interstitial velocity
decreases. Also, as temperature increases, providing more thermal energy, the number
of steps per unit time increases and so then does the probability of a collision. Diffusion
is most important for particles smaller than 1 MJTI (Yao et al. 1971).
(5) Interstitial Flow. The streamlines shown in Figure 1.3 are, of course, idealized
for a single particle. Within a packed bed with many sand grains, the streamlines have a
more tortuous configuration, as depicted in Figure 1.4. By definition, the flows between
any two streamlines are equal and the space within is called a streamtube. In the
sand grains
tortuous configuration of the streamlines, the streamtubes bifurcate (that is, branch),
rejoin, and bifurcate again at random points.
This continuous bifurcation creates the opportunity for collisions between particles
and sand grains by impingement. As indicated in Figure 1.4, any particle within the
interstitial stream will most likely, at some point during its path, impinge upon a sand
grain. The probability of an impingement within a given distance of travel depends
upon the size of the sand grains, the velocity of the stream, and temperature. The
smaller the sand grains, the higher the probability of an impingement; there are simply
more bifurcations of an interstitial stream with smaller sand grains. Also, the lower the
interstitial velocity, the higher the probability of impingement. As previously noted,
lower velocity allows more "steps" of random motion by diffusion per unit distance.
However, as interstitial velocity increases, there is a point above which higher velocity
makes no further difference. Finally, higher temperature results in more random
motion "steps" than lower temperature and hence in a higher probability of
(6) Collision Probability. The discussion thus far has related to the probability of a
collision between a particle and a collector (sand grain), expressed by the coefficient TV
The number of collisions per unit distance of travel determines the potential for
removal by filtration. Whether removal actually occurs depends upon whether
attachment occurs.
^f = -*C
in which C = concentration of particles (in number of particles/mL)
z = distance from top of filter bed at which C is measured (in meters, m)
A, = filter coefficient (cmr1 )
Equation 1.1 when integrated has the form of an exponential decline of particle
concentration with distance. The coefficient X determines the efficiency of the filtration
process. The higher the magnitude of X, the steeper the concentration profile. The
coefficient \ is the product of the transport probability coefficient, n, and the attachment
coefficient, a (for further discussion, see Yao et al. 1971).
(9) Metabolism. When biological particles attach to the biofilm, the micro
organisms constituting the biofilm will most likely metabolize them. This hypothesis
explains the observations that while large spikes of Giardia cysts have been applied to
pilot filters, only a few of the cysts have been observed to pass through the filters.
According to this hypothesis, after attachment occurs, the cysts are attacked by the
microfauna making up the biofilm. However, the removals may also be the result of
straining (i.e., the physical retention of particles too large to pass through the interstitial
pores). The idea of cysts being metabolized by a biofilm has not yet been fully established.
(10) Schmutzdecke. The term schmutzdecke is a German word that translates
literally as "dirty skin." The word was adopted early in American practice and is still
used. The schmutzdecke is defined here as a layer of material, both deposited and
synthesized, on the top of the filter bed that causes headless disproportionate to its
thickness. After the schmutzdecke is removed, the headless across the filter bed should
recover to the "clean-bed" amount. The clean-bed headloss is normally 15 to 30 cm (6 to
12 in.); at the end of a filter run, the headloss will reach whatever depth is permitted by
the height of the filter box.
As noted in the definition, the schmutzdecke is composed of both deposited and
synthesized material. It is characterized usually as a gelatinous mat in which
microorganisms thrive and, indeed, cause the major portion of the removals that occur.
The following passage by Babbitt and Doland (1939, p. 536) may be considered
representative of the lore:
The greatest portion of the action of a filter occurs at the surface of the sand in the layer of matter
deposited thereon. This layer contains a zoogeal jelly in which biological activities are at their
highest. This layer of material at the surface is called the schmutzdecke (dirty skin). The
successful operation of the filter is dependent on it. Until the schmutzdecke is built up, the
bacterial removal may be low. The building up of the schmutzdecke, particularly in slow sand
filtration, is known as the "ripening of the filter". It may require some time after a filter has been
put into service before the desired efficiency of bacterial removal is secured. Frequently a
satisfactory effluent can be obtained immediately. The character of the raw water, the rate of
filtration, and other factors determine this. As the filter ages, the pressure necessary to force the
water through the schmutzdecke and the sand becomes so great as to necessitate the cleaning of
the filter.
Although the schmutzdecke has been described in the lore as a gelatinous zoogeal
mass of living and dead microorganisms, its character, in fact, can vary widely. The
schmutzdecke in the filter at Empire, CO, has been described as a light, easily suspended,
inert, black carbonaceous deposit, about 1 mm in thickness. Figure 1.5 is a photograph of
the Empire, CO, filter, showing the schmutzdecke on the right, composed of the
carbonaceous detritus, and a section of scraped sand on the left. The raw water turbidity
at Empire seldom exceeds 0.5 NTU. Schuler et al. (forthcoming) described a similar
observation from the filtering of water in Pennsylvania having turbidities of 0.1-5.8
NTU. The schmutzdecke they described was "tightly packed and unattached to the
sand." Filter scrapings they made on April 10, 1988, following 75 days of winter
operation, showed almost no biological growth in the schmutzdecke. A diverse
biological community was found, however, in the top layers of the sand bed. Bellamy et
al. (1985a, 1985b) did not find a well-defined schmutzdecke in pilot filters at Colorado
State University. Scraping the surface showed an effect, however, in that the clean-bed
headloss was recovered. Collins (pers. com., August 16, 1990) reported that the
schmutzdeckes at slow sand pilot filters in Portsmouth, NH, and Ashland, NH, were
composed of gelatinous organic matter and resembled the classic description.
Whatever the character of the schmutzdecke, a deposit of some sort occurs in every
slow sand filter and causes headloss to increase. Removing ,the schmutzdecke by
scraping will cause the headloss to recover to the clean-bed level. While the
schmutzdecke may have a primary role in removal when it is composed of a zoogeal
mass, when it is merely a carbonaceous deposit, the sand bed maturity is most
(11) Relative Roles of the Schmutzdecke and Sand Bed in Particle Removal. In the
literature on slow sand filtration, most particle removal is ascribed to the schmutzdecke.
Data from Bellamy et al. (1985a), however, showed that at a hydraulic loading rate (HLR)
of 0.12 m/hr, the total coliform removal was 3-log with a mature sand bed and
schmutzdecke; when the schmutzdecke was scraped, the percent removal was still 2-log.
Thus, the mature sand bed was felt to be responsible for most of the removals. In
another test, Bellamy and co-workers (1985a) added nutrients to one of six filters and
found that the removals of total coliform bacteria for that filter were 3-log as opposed to
2-log for the filter without nutrients added (the control). The nutrients added to the
filter evidently caused an acceleration in the rate of development of the sand bed's
biological maturity and perhaps in the overall level of its development.
The upper level of the filter bed, where bacteria concentrations are highest, is the
most effective zone for particle removal. Hazen (1913) reported concentrations of 106
bacteria/gram of media at the surface of the filter bed and an exponential decline with
Figure 1.5 Scraped Sand Bed at Empire, CO, Contrasted With Schmutzdecke After 30
Days of Operation. The Schmutzdecke is composed of a carbonaceous deposit.
(Photograph by D. W. Hendricks.)
depth to 105 bacteria/gram of media at 2-cm depth. Collins et al. (1989) reported 109
bacteria/gram of dry media at the surface, declining to 106-107 bacteria/gram of media at
30-45 cm (12-18 in.). The conclusion may be that where ever the metabolizing bacteria
are located, whether in the Schmutzdecke or within the sand bed, there is capability to
remove organic matter of various classes and nutrients. The question of the role of the
Schmutzdecke vis-a-vis the sand bed in removals cannot be answered definitively at this
time. As noted, if the sand bed is biologically mature, then the Schmutzdecke may have
a less critical role; but if the sand bed is not mature, the Schmutzdecke will have greater
importance, assuming it has significant biological activity. The perspective of Huisman
and Wood (1974, pp. 21-22) on this issue is useful. Their statements are consistent with
the findings noted above.
When James Simpson installed his first slow sand filters nearly a century and a half ago, he had
no idea of the complex processes of purification he was initiating. He looked upon his sand bed as
a very effective strainer that would retain those particles that were larger than the interstices
between the sand grains. This straining action does undoubtedly take place, though in view of the
preliminary screening undergone by the water in passing through the Schmutzdecke it is unlikely
that mechanical straining within the bed constitutes more than a small part of the total
purification process. Only gradually, as the nature of colloids, bacteria, and viruses became
known, did earlier concepts become obviously insufficient to explain the removal of these
particles, the dimensions of which are much smaller than the pore sizes of the finest sand used in
the filter bed. Nevertheless the fallacy of regarding filter media solely as straining mechanisms
has persisted until comparatively recently, and unwarranted doubts about the efficacy of
biological filtration have been raised by falsely equating the results of laboratory tests, in which
pathogens and some parasites have been shown to pass through a column of clean sand, with the
conditions that prevail in a working filter through which the same organisms undoubtedly could
not pass.
A more significant property of the sand bed is adsorption, a phenomenon resulting from
electrical forces, chemical bonding, and mass attraction interacting in a way that is not yet
completely understood. Adsorption takes place at every surface at which water comes in contact
with a sand grain. To appreciate the extent of this action it is necessary to visualize the interior of
the sand bed as a series of grain surfaces over which the water must pass. The aggregate area of
these surfaces is extremely high; in one cubic meter of filter sand there will be some 15000 m2
one and a half acres of surface. Over this the water passes in a laminar flow that is constantly
changing in direction as it leaves one grain and meets the next. At each change of direction
gravity and centrifugal forces act upon every particle carried by the water.
Between the grains are the pores, or open spaces, totalling some 40 percent of the total
volume of the bed. Water passing over a grain surface is suddenly slowed down each time it
enters one of these pores, and as a result millions of minute sedimentation basins are formed in
which the smallest particles settle onto the nearest sand grain before the water continues on its
downward path.
Hence during the passage of the water through the bed every particle, bacterium, and virus is
brought into contact with the surfaces of the sand grains, to which they become attached by mass
attraction or through the operation of electrical forces. The surfaces become coated with a sticky
layer, similar in composition to the schmutzdecke, but without the larger particles and the algae,
which have failed to penetrate. It sustains a teeming mass of microorganisms, bacteria,
bacteriophages, rotifers, and protozoa, all feeding on the adsorbed impurities and on each other.
The living coating continues through some 40 cm of the bed, different life forms predominating at
different depths, with the greatest activity taking place near the surface, where food is most
The food consists essentially of particles of organic origin carried by the water. The sticky
coating holds the particles until they are broken down, consumed, and formed into cell material,
which in turn is assimilated by other organisms and converted into inorganic matter such as water,
carbon dioxide, nitrates, phosphates, and similar salts that are carried downward by the passing
water. As the depth from the surface increases the quantity of organic food decreases and the
struggle among the various organisms becomes fiercer. Other bacteria then predominate,
utilizing the oxygen content of the water and extracting nutrients that would otherwise have
passed unchanged in solution through the filter. As a consequence the raw water, which entered
the bed laden with a variety of suspended solids, colloids, microorganisms, and complex salts in
solution, has, in its passage through some 40-60 cm of filter medium, become virtually free of all
such matter, containing only some simple (and relatively innocuous) inorganic salts in solution.
Not only has practically every harmful organism been removed but also the dissolved nutrients
that might encourage the subsequent growth of bacteria or slimes. It may be low in dissolved
oxygen and may contain dissolved carbon dioxide but subsequent aeration caused by [the water]
falling over the discharge weir will go far to remedying both these defects.
In tests on working filters it is not uncommon to find the total bacteria count reduced by a
factor of between 1000 and 10000, and the Escherichia coli count by a factor of between 100 and
1000. Starting with an average quality of raw water it is usual to find . coli absent in a 100 mL
sample of delivered water, thus satisfying normal drinking water quality standards.
1.3.2 Headloss
Headless within a slow sand filter is caused by flow through the schmutzdecke and
the sand bed. As the filter is operated, the schmutzdecke develops and its hydraulic
resistance increases, causing most of the headloss. Removal of the schmutzdecke,
usually by some means of scraping for small filters, will permit the headloss to recover
to the clean-bed level. The "clean-bed headloss" is usually about 10 cm, but the level
depends upon the hydraulic loading rate, the temperature, and the sand bed media
characteristics. Darcy's law integrates these variables and is reviewed in the next section.
Darcy's law can be applied to flow in the laminar range through any porous medium,
including the schmutzdecke.
(1) Darcy's Law. Headloss within any porous medium is described by Darcy's law,
v = -k^
in which v = superficial velocity, also called hydraulic loading rate, Q/A (m/hr)
hL = headloss available across the filter bed from headwater to tailwater (m)
z = flow distance though porous media (m)
k = hydraulic conductivity of porous media (m/hr)
dh/dz = hydraulic gradient, loss of head/unit length of flow (m/m)
As noted in the definition for v, superficial velocity is synonymous with the frequently
used expression, hydraulic loading rate, HLR, which is defined,
HLR = ^
in which HLR = hydraulic loading rate, defined as flow divided by plan area of sand bed
(m3/m2/hr or mgad)
Q = flow of water (m3/s or ftVs)
A = plan area of filter bed (m2)
For homogeneous porous media, Darcy's law usually is expressed in finite terms, that is,
v = -k
Figure 1.6 illustrates the definitions of terms in Darcy's law. The sand bed is
oriented horizontally to show more clearly how the hydraulic head, h, is associated with
the flow distance, z, in the sand bed. The headless, hL/ determines the superficial
velocity, v, through the sand bed. In other words, for a given sand and a given headless,
v is determined by Equation 1.2.
(2) Temperature Effect. Equation 1.5 expresses Darcy's law in terms of intrinsic
hydraulic conductivity, k1:
v =
in which k' = intrinsic hydraulic conductivity (N/m [newtons per meter] or Ib/ft
[pounds per foot]
H = dynamic viscosity of water at given temperature (N-s/m2 [newton seconds
per square meter])
This equation shows that the hydraulic conductivity, k, of a sand is a function of both
the dynamic viscosity, (X, a fluid property, and the intrinsic hydraulic conductivity, k1, a
porous media property.
elev 1
Figure 1.6 Sketch Showing the Relationships of the Variables Defined by Darcy's Law
To illustrate the effect of temperature on superficial velocity, we can plug values for
dynamic viscosities at various temperatures (obtained from Appendix Table A.I) into
Equation 1.5. Take, for example, the values for 0 C and 25 C:
h L(1-2)
Figure 1.7 Headloss Profile Across a Sand Bed With a Developed Schmutzdecke
vis-a-vis voids being formed by particle bridging). The hydraulic conductivity cannot be
predicted; it can only be measured by tests. Table 1.4 gives hydraulic conductivity data
from a laboratory test, from several pilot filters (30.54 cm in diameter), and from several
full-scale slow sand filters. The terms d10 and UC, used in the table, were developed by
Alien Hazen around the turn of the century to characterize sands. They are defined in
the table footnotes. The k' values for the sands indicated are all within the same order of
magnitude, ranging from 2.5 x 10"7 to 2.5 x IQ-6 N/m. The highest k' values are for sands
having d10 sizes of 0.62 and 0.92 mm (millimeters), respectively. These larger sands were
used for experimental purposes to examine the role of sand size in process efficiency.
Their k' values are included here to add perspective to the other data given; sand of this
size is not intended to be considered for an installation.
When the intrinsic hydraulic conductivity, k', is measured, the viscosity factor is
removed from concern, permitting evaluation in terms of only a porous media
characteristic. The k' values may be used to monitor whether bed clogging is taking place
and to determine whether a sand being considered for an installation has an intrinsic
hydraulic conductivity that falls within an expected range. In addition, one may use k'
values to calculate the clean-bed headless under different sand-bed-depth and
temperature scenarios. As will be seen later, one can also use k' values to determine the
headless penalty, such as by electing to design a sand bed that is deeper than
Table 1.4
Hydraulic Conductivities for Slow Sand Filters
Testing method
k(25 O
6.6 x ID-7
Lab column
100 Mile Housed
5.05 x 10-7
8.9 x lO-7
2.5 x 10-*
2.5 x lO-7
6.78 x 10"7
2.73 x ID"5
6.26 x lO-7
aThe letter "d" followed by a subscript number is used to indicate particular sizes of sand. For example, "d10"
indicates that 10 percent of the grains in the sand bed are finer than the dj0 particles.
bUC is the uniformity coefficient and is defined as the ratio of the dgo size to the d10 size.
cFor the Empire full-scale filters, the measurement of 1.7 m/hr at 5 C converts to 2.65 m/hr at 25 C (Seelaus et
al. 1988).
dFor 100 Mile House, k' is calculated for 25 C, that is, n = 0.90 x 1Q-3 N-s/m2 (Bryck et al. 1987).
eFor the CSU filters, calculations of k and k' were based upon graphic headloss data (Bellamy et al. 1985a) and
interpolation was accurate + or - about 30 percent. The calculations for k and k' reflect this uncertainty.
fThe CU pilot plant data were compiled from Barrett (1989).
recommended. The data in Table 1.4 may provide initial guidance on what k' to expect
for sand of various size ranges. Example 1.1 illustrates the usefulness of k' data when
estimating clean-bed headloss and shows how Darcy's law may be applied.
Example 1.1: Darcy's Law Calculation. Calculate the clean-bed headloss for the slow sand filter
at Empire, CO. Bed depth = 1.30 m, HLR = 0.2 m/hr, and temperature = 15 C.
1. Apply Darcy's law, Equation 1.5: Use k' as given in Table 1.4 and (i(15 C) from Appendix
Table A.I.
L m (3600s)
6.6lQ-7 (N/m)
/m \
2 Vhr/1.14'10-3 (N-s/m2) *1.3 (m) " (hr)
2. Solve for hL:
hL = 12.5 cm (15 C)
3. At 0C:
hL = 19.5 cm
4. Comments: The clean-bed headless increases from 12.5 cm to 19.5 cm as the temperature
decreases from 15 C to 0 C. Even at the highest clean-bed headless value, approximately 0.20 m,
however, the sand bed headless is only about 13 percent of the terminal headless (as determined
by the depth of the filter box).
The terminal headloss permitted for the Empire filter is about 1.5 m. Example 1.1
shows that the clean sand bed accounts for only 12.5-19.5 cm of this total. Thus, the
schmutzdecke accounts for most of the headloss, that is, about 87 percent. Pilot plant
modeling is most useful for determining the hydraulic character of the schmutzdecke
and for observing how it changes over the annual cycle. Understanding how Darcy's law
is applied, as outlined above, helps in interpreting pilot plant behavior and in
anticipating the behavior of a full-scale filter.
By 1900, slow sand filtration practice had been described thoroughly, mostly by
European experience. American practice was based upon technology brought from
Europe by James Kirkwood in 1867 and Alien Hazen around 1892. Present practice in
slow sand filtration is largely unchanged from that described in Hazen's 1913 book.
Although the technologies available for scraping large filter areas have expanded, the
basic concept has not varied.
1.4.1 Europe
As noted in Section 1.2, James Simpson's one-acre filter, completed in 1829 for the
Chelsea Water Company in London, became the model for practice. Simpson based this
filter design upon a pilot plant study he conducted over an eight-month period. The
design of the full-scale filter is not reported, but the pilot filter had a sand bed that was
0.61 m (2 ft) deep, supported by a 0.61-m (2-ft) layer of gravel, with 23-cm x 23-cm (9-in. x
9-in.) lateral drains and a 35.6-cm x 23-cm (14-in. x 9-in.) main drain. The depth of water
on the filter bed was 38 cm (15 in.) and the hydraulic loading rate was 0.18 m/hr (4.7
mgad). For the full-scale filter, the hydraulic loading rate was 0.12-0.14 m/hr (2.7-3.6
mgad). The data given by Hazen are assumed to be in Imperial gallons; for the purposes
of this manual, they have been converted to U.S. gallons.
Following the lead of the water companies in England, mainland European
countries built slow sand filters, and the practice became well established in Europe
during the latter half of the nineteenth century. In his 1913 book, Hazen stated (p. 3) that
many European cities with aggregate populations of 20 million persons had filtration
(presumably slow sand, since rapid rate filtration was not established in Europe at that
time). In his list were 5 cities in England and 15 cities on the continent, including
Antwerp, Altona, Berlin, Budapest, Zurich, The Hague, Amsterdam, and Rotterdam.
Hazen gave a thorough review of slow sand filtration practice at that time, the main
points of which are summarized in Table 1.5.
With regard to hydraulic loading rates, Hazen stated that every water has its own
special rate of filtration, which must be determined by local experiments, and that this
rate may vary widely from case to case. A sentence from his 1913 book (p. 51) gives his
thoughts on the matter most succinctly: "Thus it is possible that the rate of 1.6 mgad
adopted at Hamburg for the turbid Elbe water, the rate of 2.57 used at Berlin, and the rate
Table 1.5
Summary of Designs of Slow Sand Filters in Europe as Reported by Hazen, With Units
Adjusted to Fit Those Used in This Manual
Numerical data
Design parameter
0.06-0.3 m/hr
1.6-7.5 mgad
Calculated as:
0.61-1.22 m
0.30-0.61 m
2-4 ft
1-2 ft
Sand specification
Effective size, d10
Uniformity coefficient (UC)
0.18-0.44 mm
0.0071-0.017 in.
0.61 m
10 cm/26.9 m2;
15.2 cm/69.7 m2
A = 1 /6,000 x area drained
0.91-1.32 m
36-52 in.
Headless permitted
0.45-2.0 m
18-80 in.
Cover recommended
Drains (tile)
Laterals (diameter/area)
aSupernatant water depth should be sufficient to prevent hydraulic scour. If ice forms, the supernatant depth
should be sufficient to prevent the ice block from touching the sand surface.
Source: Adapted from Hazen (1913), p. 25.
of 7.5 used at Zurich for the almost perfectly clear lake water are in each case suitable for
the respective waters." As a design hydraulic loading rate, Kirkwood (Baker 1948)
recommended 0.15 m/hr (3.9 mgad), and Hazen (1913, p. 51), despite the above remark,
suggested a rate of 0.10 m/hr (2.6 mgad). They did not state the flow basis for their
recommended HLRs (for example, peak hour, average daily, and so forth). On sand sizes,
Hazen (1913, p. 33) reviewed data from filtration systems in 19 European cities (with 56
sands). Most had d10 values of 0.30-0.36 mm and UC values of about 2. From his review,
Hazen suggested 0.20< d10<0.35 mm.
Hazen also expressed opinions on a variety of other matters of slow sand filter
design and operation. Concerning acceptable headloss, he stated (1913, p. 65) that the
limit is economic rather than technical. He found no evidence that higher headlosses
would cause breakthroughs. With regard to the scraping and removal of the deposit of
material on the surface of the filters, he recommended that the sand that is removed be
taken to a sand washing apparatus to be washed and used again. He explained that a
filter should be filled from below to expel trapped air. He stated that the method for
rebuilding a sand bed should be to place the old sand above the washed sand used for
rebuilding the bed. He noted that the time interval between scrapings varied from 10 to
40 days for the German works, with the average being 25 days. Eleven German water
works filtered an average of 0.048 million L/m2 (liters per square meter), or 51 million
gallons per acre between scrapings; Zurich, drawing clear water from L. Zurich, filtered
0.24 million L/m2 (260 million gallons per acre). Hazen also recommended (p. 74)
operating the filter in the filter-to-waste mode after scraping, based upon the hypothesis
that an important part of the filtration occurs in the sediment layer deposited on top of
the sand.
Turbidity limits did not seem to be a major concern in European practice. Generally,
rivers with high sediment loads, such as the Mississippi River, are not prevalent in
Europe. Nevertheless, settling reservoirs were becoming a part of the filtration practice.
1.4.2 United States
The first American slow sand filter was constructed in 1872 for Poughkeepsie, NY,
which had a population of 20,000. The design was credited to James Kirkwood (Baker
1948, pp. 134, 150), although he resigned as the consulting engineer for the filtration
plant on December 31,1872.
In 1869, just prior to the Poughkeepsie project, Kirkwood wrote the first work on
slow sand filtration for American practice (Kirkwood 1869). He had been retained by the
city of St. Louis to recommend improvements to the city's water supply system. He
advised the city to filter its supply and was sent abroad to obtain information on
European practices. His survey of European practice included tours of filters and filter
galleries in 19 cities. In his resulting report, Kirkwood emphasized that due to the
muddy character of the Mississippi River, settling should be a part of the filtration
system for St. Louis. St. Louis decided not to build filters, but Kirkwood's report was
published as a bound volume and undoubtedly had a role in the design of the
Poughkeepsie filter.
In 1895, Alien Hazen wrote the first American treatise on filtration. Like Kirkwood,
he preceded his writing with a tour of installations in Europe. His book was revised in
1913 and was the definitive work on the subject.
By 1900 only about 20 slow sand filters had been constructed in the United States,
and five have been built in Canada (Baker 1948, p. 147). In 1940, the slow sand plants in
the United States numbered about 100 in contrast to the 2,275 rapid rate filters in service.
The same year, Canada had about 12 slow sand filters and 120 rapid filters. A 1983 survey
of slow sand plants in the United States (Slezak and Sims 1984), which was updated in
1989 (Sims and Slezak 1991), identified 62 plants and provided information on 36 of
them. Most of the plants were located in northeastern states, with about one third in
New York. Although most served small communities, a third were for communities
with populations of 10,000 to 100,000, and half of the plants were over 50 years old.
Figures 1.8 and 1.9 show the raw and finished water turbidities and the raw and finished
coliform concentrations, respectively, for the plants that provided data. Influent
turbidities ranged from 0.4 to 10 NTU. Effluent turbidities ranged from 0.07 to 2 NTU
with 99 percent of the plants producing water with turbidities lower than 1 NTU.
Influent coliforms ranged from 2 to 700 per 100 mL; effluent coliforms ranged from 1 to
2 per 100 mL. These data and others have established slow sand filtration as an efficient
In a study to determine the extent of slow sand activity during recent years, Logsdon
and Fox (1988) identified 39 slow sand plants built from the late 1960s through 1988, with
11 proposed plants. Of the 39 plants, 23 had design capacities of less than 1,000 mVday.
They noted the new attention focused on slow sand technology due to publications and
presentations during the 1980s. They presented a paper on their study at a November
1988 London symposium convened to provide a forum for papers of persons working in
the field. The proceedings of the symposium, edited by Graham (1988), included papers
from Europe, Africa, and the Americas and covered filter design, operation, and
management; pretreatment; biological aspects; process performance; process
developments; and case studies from developing countries.
Cost, design, and operating practices of slow sand facilities in the United States were
reported by Sims and Slezak (1991), adding to their 1984 survey of the extent of
a q.
o.i -
30 40 50 60
Figure 1.8 Turbidity of Influent and Effluent Water for Slow Sand Filter Facilities
Responding to Survey of Sims and Slezak. (Adapted from Sims and Slezak [1991].)
slow sand filtration practice in the United States. They gave costs of sand ranging from
$4 to $63/ton, and stated that cost was mostly dependent on transportation distance.
Most facilities recycled their sand using on-site washing. The mean water depth was 1.73
m for the 25 plants responding (48 percent coefficient of variation, CV); the mean sand
depth was 0.84 m (CV = 31 percent), and the mean depth of the support media was 0.55
m (CV = 71 percent). Most plants had sand sizes of d10 = 0.30 mm, UC = 1.7-3. Hydraulic
loading rates were <0.25 m/hr (6.4 mgad) for 90 percent of the plants. Labor
requirements for scraping were about 5.4 person-hours/100 m2 (5 person-hours/1,000 ft2)
to remove generally about 1-2 cm of sand. Logsdon et al. (1989) reported on
performance of slow sand filters in the Pacific Northwest, looking at the role of design
. j
S i
-5- *^
Jj ^
30 40 50 60 70
Figure 1.9 Coliforms in Influent and Effluent Water for Slow Sand Filter Facilities
Responding to Survey of Sims and Slezak. (Adapted from Sims and Slezak [1991].)
1.4.3 Worldwide
Slow sand filtration has been advocated by the World Health Organization,
especially for use in less developed countries. The 1974 book by Huisman and Wood has
been the main published work facilitating technology transfer and has been the standard
contemporary reference for persons interested in the subject. That work was followed by
design and construction manuals by van Dijk and Oomen (1978) and by Visscher et al.
(1987), which were also written with the objective of providing technology transfer to
developing countries. Table 1.6 summarizes the basic design criteria recommended by
Visscher (1988).
The merits of slow sand filtration for rural communities in developing countries
are the same as for small communities anywhere. The technology is passive in nature
and therefore does not depend upon active process control. But in addition, the
construction uses mostly local materials and can utilize local labor, thus
Table 1.6
Design Criteria for Slow Sand Filters for Rural Water Supplies
Design criteria
Recommended level
0.1-0.2 m/hr
0.8-0.9 m
0.5-0.6 m
Sand size:
Effective size, d10
Uniformity coefficient, UC
0.15-0.30 mm
<5 (preferably <3)
0.3-0.5 m
1 m
providing economic benefits as well. Also, chemicals are not needed. Thus, if the plant
is designed properly, there should be no dependence on outside sources for material
goods or services, except for the purchase of disinfection chemicals, such as chlorine.
Research has frequently had a pivotal role in water treatment practice. In the hightech industries, research has always led the way by the development of new products.
But in water treatment, research usually follows empirical criteria and practices. Practice
is improved as research explains, corrects, recommends, and provides knowledge-based
rationale. This section reviews some of the research that, together with the established
empirical knowledge, provides the basis for the criteria and guidelines of this manual.
1.5.1 The 1980s1 Research Platform
The decade of the 1980s saw a resurgence in slow sand filtration in the United States
and Canada. The progress was the result of the teamwork between funding agencies,
universities, regulatory agencies, and consulting firms and culminated in slow sand
again being considered a viable treatment technology.
(1) United States and Canada. Slow sand filtration practice was well established in
the United States and Canada by 1900. Current practice is founded largely upon this
knowledge base, which was articulated by Hazen (1913). In about 1980, however, the
USEPA (U.S. Environmental Protection Agency) Drinking Water Research Division
initiated a research program on slow sand filtration that has established a new
knowledge platform. After initial pilot research, the program supported several
extramural projects, influenced the dissemination of knowledge on the subject, and
stimulated interest in other slow sand research and in the construction of several slow
sand plants. The EPA-sponsored research during the period 1981-1984 included work at
Iowa State University (Cleasby et al. 1984a, 1984b); at Colorado State University on
Giardia cyst removal and the role of process variables (Bellamy et al. 1985a, 1985b, 1985c);
at Syracuse University on plant operation (Letterman and Cullen 1985); and at Mclndoe
Falls, VT, on full-scale operation (Pyper 1985). In parallel with the EPA-sponsored
research, work was done by Sims at Utah State University, sponsored by the Utah Health
Department, to examine the performance of construction-grade sand with uniformity
coefficients as high as 4.4 (Slezak and Sims 1984), to study the removal of viruses by slow
sand filters, and to examine the utility of amended slow sand (see Section 7.4), such as
the use of ion-exchange minerals (McNair et al. 1987).
In 1984-1985, following the EPA research, the American Water Works Association
Research Foundation (AWWARF), sponsored a project at Colorado State University to
examine the performance of a full-scale slow sand filter. The project focused on the new
Empire, CO, slow sand filtration plant (Seelaus et al. 1986; Hendricks 1988). At the same
time, Health and Welfare Canada sponsored parallel research to evaluate the new plant
at 100 Mile House, BC (Bryck et al. 1987). The AWWARF later sponsored research at the
University of New Hampshire to look at the capacity of the slow sand filtration process
to remove trihalomethanes (Collins and Eighmy 1988).
In addition to the above, Tanner (1987), working for the Idaho Health Department,
assessed the performance of operating slow sand filters in northern Idaho. Performance
of these filters was related to design by Logsdon et al. (1989). Also, Douglas Fogel,
working with Ongerth at the University of Washington, was continuing to assess the
performance of the slow sand filters at 100 Mile House, BC (Ongerth 1990). Finally,
Barrett (1989), in experiments at the University of Colorado, observed total coliform
removals of 99.99 percent using sand with d10 = 0.92 mm and UC = 2.0. The sand bed was
mature, enhanced by nutrient-rich waters and a temperature of 25 C. The coarse sand
gave run times of two months, compared with runs of six days for sands with d10 = 0.21
mm under the same conditions.
(2) Europe. Whereas there has been a resurgence of interest in slow sand filtration
in North America, in Europe there has been continuous activity with this treatment
technology, as indicated by the studies of Poynter and Slade in London (1977). In 1988,
Figure 1.10 Two Views of "Package" Slow Sand Filter in the United Kingdom. (Top
photo courtesy Jean Darby, Department of Civil Engineering, University of California
Davis; bottom photo courtesy Tom Hall, Water Resource Center.)
were 3-log to 4-log for Giardia cysts and coliform bacteria, establishing the fact that
turbidity removal is not indicative of the removals of biological particles.
Pilot filters at 100 Mile House, BC, when spiked with coliforms during start-up,
showed zero removals, indicating that the sand beds, at start-up, had little, if any,
biological activity (Bryck et al. 1987).
The length of the filter run, defined as the time period before scraping is required,
is not necessarily long when turbidity is low. For example, the run time for the
filter at Empire, CO, with raw water turbidities <0.5 NTU, is only about 30 days,
whereas the run times for pilot filters at Colorado State University, with raw
water turbidities in the range of 3 to 6 NTU, were several months. The run time
at 100 Mile House, using raw water <1 NTU, was also several months during
initial start-up.
Typically, an abundant count of biological particles, such as parasite eggs,
nematode eggs, coccidia, amorphous debris, and perhaps Giardia cysts, are found
in the cartridge filter concentrate of ambient raw waters after 1,000-2,000 L of
sampling. Yet, very low counts are found in cartridge filter concentrates after
slow sand filtration. This finding was reported for the Empire filter, even during
the start-up month of January 1985, as well as during succeeding months (Seelaus
et al. 1988). The colors of cartridge filters after 1,000-2,000 L of sampling of raw
water and filtered water, respectively, are indicative of the filter performance in
removals of biological particles >10 urn in size. (Bacteria, as noted for the testing
of pilot filters at 100 Mile House, BC, in November 1986, are not removed well
during start-up.) Figure 1.11 illustrates the difference in color of cartridge filters
after influent and effluent sampling, typical of the cartridge filter results obtained
at Empire during the period 1985-1990. The colors were indicative of results of
microscopic counts of the cartridge filter concentrates (work by Hibler, reported in
Seelaus et al. 1988). Similar results were obtained during cartridge filter sampling
at 100 Mile House, BC (Bryck et al. 1987).
Hydraulic loading rate, though having an influence on removal efficiency, is not
as important as indicated by the lore. The biofilm development overshadows in
importance all other variables.
Coarse sand (djo = 0.92, UC = 2.0) may significantly increase filter run times when
the raw water is warm and nutrient-rich (Barrett 1989).
Figure 1.11 Cartridge Filters, 1-Micron Pore Size, From the Empire, CO, Slow Sand
Filter Plant After Influent and Effluent Sampling. The left filter was from Mad Creek,
turbidity 0.5 NTU, after about 1,600 L of sampling volume, and right filter was from
filter effluent after about 1,500 L of sampling volume. The left filter was black due to an
inert carbonaceous material that also constitutes the schmutzdecke of the filters. The
right filter was off-white. The color difference was indicative of removals of biological
particles ^10 (im in size. (Photograph by D. W. Hendricks, 1985.)
The foregoing research findings have paved the way for current practice. They have
provided confidence that the technology is applicable to contemporary problems and
that the current design criteria are practical. The chapters that follow incorporate these
findings and build upon the literature on slow sand filtration to define guidelines for
contemporary practice.
Chapter 2
Many factors contribute to the decision to select slow sand filtration. The slow sand
process could be a mistake if misapplied. This chapter provides guidelines to determine
whether the slow sand filtration technology is appropriate for the conditions at hand. In
other words, does slow sand filtration fit the context of the water system? The context is
the configuration of physical and social conditions that interact with the water system.
Context includes water source characteristics, such as flows and quality, community
characteristics, such as those that affect demand flows and usage patterns, and any
external and internal factors that make a given system unique.
Numerous other factors common to most engineering projects must also be
considered in planning a filtration system, but most are outside the scope of this
manual. They include facility planning, developing a financing plan, advising on
regulatory requirements, comparison of costs of slow sand with alternative processes,
producing engineering plans and specifications, developing bid documents, advising on
contractor selection, inspecting construction, writing an operating manual, and starting
operation. (Those factors related to construction are presented in Chapter 5.) Thus,
although this manual has a broad perspective and identifies many of the facets
surrounding the design process, the primary focus is on the unique aspects of slow sand
Process effectiveness depends mostly upon the grade of diatomaceous earth used.
Operation requires that a supply of diatomaceous earth be fed into the raw water stream
as a body feed. Diatomaceous earth is a supply item. One possible problem in this
filtration process is the loss of the filter cake due to a disruption of the pressure gradient
across the cake caused by a power failure. With such a loss of pressure gradient, the cake
may fall off and filtration will not occur. Controls are available to shut off the system
should a power failure occur. Pilot testing is imperative in order to match the correct
grade of diatomaceous earth with the raw water quality and to anticipate run length for
different grades.
Example 2.1: Case StudyCompare Results of Pilot Plant Studies for Rapid Rate, Slow
Sand, Diatomaceous Earth, and Pressurized Rapid Rate Filtration. Pilot plant comparisons
of four filtration technologies were conducted by the consulting engineer for the Village of 100
Mile House, BC, during the period from July to October 1983 (Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1983; Bryck
and Walker 1984). The engineer had the task of selecting one of the filtration technologies, and
the pilot plant studies were the basis for decisionmaking. The results of the technical part of the
study are summarized here. A cost comparison is given in Example 2.2.
1. Context: In the fall of 1981, 60 cases of giardiasis were confirmed in the Village of 100 Mile
House, BC, which had a population of 2,000 persons and a projected population of 4,200 for the
year 2002. The water supply was from the nearby Bridge Creek, a high-quality supply with
turbidities usually <1 NTU. Chlorination was the only water treatment used. The Village engaged
the services of their consulting engineer to recommend a filtration system.
2. Data:
Table 2.1
Present and Projected Flow Data for Village of 100 Mile House, BC
Average day
mil L/d
Peak day2
mil L/d
aA well field will supply 0.91-mil L/d (0.20-mgd) flow for peak day demands, which should be subtracted from
peak day demands to obtain flow to the filters.
Source: Adapted from Bryck and Walker (1984).
3. Pilot plant studies: Four filtration technologies gravity rapid rate, slow sand, diatomaceous
earth, and pressurized rapid rate were evaluated by the consulting engineer for consideration by
the Village council. Pilot plant studies, run simultaneously during the period from July to October
1983, were the basis for the comparisons (Table 2.2). The goal of the slow sand pilot filter study was
to determine the run length at HLRs of 0.20 m/hr (5.0 mgad) and 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) and to
ascertain removal rates.
Table 2.2
Pilot Plant Comparison Study at 100 Mile House, BC, July-October 1983
(peak 1992)
Run length
(peak 2002)
rapid rate
10-23 hours
Slow sand
35-45 days
0.35 mg/L
70-80 hours
rapid rate
18 hours
10.0 .
Run without
dio = 0.15 mm
0.98kgf DE/m2
UC = 7.3
depth = 1.05m
Body feed:
hL = 138kPa8
hL(init.) = 0.43 m 20 mg/L
at 0.40 m/hr
hL = 138kPa2
in 80 hours
"Grade of diatomaceous earth was Hyflo Super-Cel , manufactured by Manville Corp., Denver, CO.
bFlows are taken from Table 2.1, with 0.91 mil L/d subtracted to account for well field flow used for peak day.
cHydraulic loading rates were based upon results of pilot plant testing, which used recommended ranges.
dgpm/ft2 = gallons per minute per square foot
6The plants considered for 1984 construction were sized for 1992 peak day flow capacities of 4.45 mil L/d (0.94
mgd) using Table 2.1 data. The plants would be expanded when the plant flow demand reached 6.68 mil L/d
(1.52 mgd), projected to occur in 2002. The illustration of area calculation for slow sand is:
A = Q(peak day, 1992)/HLR = (4,450 m3/d d/24 hr)/0.24 m/hr - 760 m2.
'Kilograms of diatomaceous earth per square meter of septum area.
^Pressure conversion: 138 kPa = 20 lb/in.2
Source: Adapted from Bryck and Walker (1984).
4. Discussion: An obvious difference between slow sand and the other filtration technologies is
the size of the filter bed needed. With the filter bed area being a function of the HLR, and with the
HLRs used in this study, the bed area for slow sand is about 65 times larger than that for the
gravity rapid rate filter. For the 1992 peak plant flow, this ratio translates to an area of 12 m2 for the
rapid rate filter bed and 760 m2 for the slow sand filter bed. Another basic difference is that the
particle removal mechanisms are different for each filtration technology. For example, in the
gravity rapid rate filter system, the particles must be charge neutralized by chemical coagulation
before they can be adsorbed on the filter media. With slow sand, the particles are not chemically
pretreated and the removal mechanisms are not known, although adsorption on the sand grain
biofilm seems likely when the filter is mature (that is, when such a biofilm is present). With
diatomaceous earth, the removal mechanism probably is straining, since removals are higher as
the grade size is reduced. The rapid rate pressure filter was operated without coagulation.
Table 2.3
Cost Comparison for Four Filtration Technologies, 100 Mile House, BC
Costs (in U.S. dollars)'
Gravity rapid
Cost category
1. Capital costsd
Annual costs6
Slow sand
R. R.
O&M totals
3. Annual costs
2. O & M costs
641,772 151,540
24,246 41,295
"Conversion was made from Canadian dollars using the December 1984 exchange rate of U.S. $0.7577 = Can.
$1.00. Significant figures shown are due to applying conversion from Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars and do
not connote precision.
bThe 1984 costs were based upon a plant flow of 4.45 mil L/d (1.18 mgd) expected to occur in 1992.
The 1992 costs were based upon a plant flow of 6.68 mil L/d (1.76 mgd) expected to occur in 2002.
"Capital costs include costs for surface water intake, raw water pumping station, treated water pumping
station, chlorine disinfection tanks and equipment, clear well, connection to existing distribution system, and
filtration equipment.
eAnnual costs are amortized capital costs using 20-year repayment period, 12 percent per annum interest.
*The 1984 annual cost is based upon the Village obligation of 25 percent share of the capital costs, with grant
monies from the provincial government providing 75 percent.
8The 1992 annual cost is based upon the Village obligation of 75 percent share of the capital costs, with grant
monies from the provincial government providing 25 percent.
"Operation and maintenance costs include the purchasing of chemicals such as chlorine, of diatomaceous earth,
of alum and polymer, and the costs for electric energy, heating energy, replacement parts, and labor.
'The pressurized rapid rate filter was evaluated on the basis of using no chemical coagulation, as recommended
by the manufacturer (note: all forms of rapid rate filtration require chemical coagulation).
Source: Adapted from Bryck and Walker (1984).
rate filtration, the capital expenditures may be, to a large extent, for equipment
manufactured elsewhere. Balancing the higher capital cost for slow sand are its lower
operating costs. The process is passive in nature and the requirements for operation are
less than for rapid rate in terms of operator training and attention needed.
(2) Rapid Rate. For a small community, the capital cost of rapid rate filtration is
likely to be lower than for slow sand if a package plant is purchased, but the capital cost
may be about the same if the plant is built in place with concrete and steel. Operating
costs will always be higher for rapid rate simply because of the tasks required of the
operator, and the maintenance will be more extensive because of the greater complexity
of the plant. In addition, the use of alum creates a sludge that requires disposal, a major
problem in some situations.
(3) Diatomaceous Earth. The capital cost for diatomaceous earth filtration depends
upon the bid cost of the equipment (tank septum, precoat tanks, mixers, body-feed tank
mixers, controls, pumps) to the contractor. With this technology, the functional parts of
the filter are purchased by the contractor instead of being built in place by the contractor,
which is true also when proprietary package plants are purchased from a manufacturer.
As shown in Table 2.3, of the four technologies, diatomaceous earth had the highest
capital costs for the 1984 construction but was less expensive than slow sand for the 2002
construction. Of the $891,055 capital cost for 1984 shown in Table 2.3, $341,000 was for the
purchase and installation of the filter units (U.S. dollars). The housing for the
equipment may be a simple enclosure on a slab. Operation requires backwash and
disposal of the spent diatomaceous earth. The cost of diatomaceous earth depends upon
whether it is purchased bulk or in bags; it also depends on the shipping cost and on the
grade of earth used. Such costs are variable, depending largely on transportation. At the
Village of 100 Mile House, the free on board (FOB) 1984 cost was $0.45/kg ($0.20/lb) for
22.68-kg (50-lb) bags (Bryck and Walker 1984). As noted in Table 2.3, operating costs were
the highest for diatomaceous earth.
2.1.3 Cost of Slow Sand
The major cost of a slow sand filter installation is the concrete work, with piping
being the next largest cost. The distribution of these costs is illustrated in Example 2.3,
which returns to the Village of 100 Mile House case study.
Example 2.3: Case StudyCoat of Slow Sand Filtration at the Village of 100 Mile House,
EC. Bryck and Walker (1984) described the design for the filters at 100 Mile House and provided
a breakdown of the costs. Table 2.4 shows the cost distribution for the categories of the
1. Description of Design: The slow sand filter described in Table 2.3 for the 1984 construction
had an area of approximately 774 m3 (8,330 ft3), which accommodated three filter cells, each
43.0 m x 6 m (141 ft x 19.7 ft) and each having a design flow of 1.2 mil L/d (0.32 mgd). The
construction costs in Table 2.4 include the following items:
Pump Stations. The raw water pump station, which pumped water from Bridge Creek,
comprised an infiltration gallery, an intake screen, a wet well, and three 3,730-watt (5-hp
[horsepower]) pumps. The treated water pump station, which used the clear well, had three
7,460-watt (10-hp) pumps connected by vertical shafts to the floor above.
Control Building. The control building was heated and housed the chlorination equipment,
the motor control center, the treated water pumps, the office, the pipe gallery, and a provision for
standby power. The control building had a wall in common with the filter cells, located across the
ends of cells.
Operation. The raw water pumps were controlled by the water level in the filters, whereas the
treated water pumps were controlled by the water level in the Village's storage reservoir. The
operator must manually adjust the butterfly valve of each filter to supply enough water to keep the
clear well full. An overflow is provided from the clear well to the raw water pumping station.
2. Discussion: The largest cost for the slow sand filter, as seen in Table 2.4, is for concrete work,
which was 43 percent of the total construction cost. The piping cost was 12 percent. The other cost
categories were all within the same order of magnitude. The media cost is of particular concern
because it is affected to a large extent by the transportation cost. Thus the media specifications
need to be balanced against the cost of both sieving and transportation. The specific design
determines the costs of each of the categories in Table 2.4. As seen in Table 2.4, the total cost for
the 100 Mile House installation was U.S. $591,000
Table 2.4
Cost Distribution for Slow Sand Filtration, 100 Mile House, BC
Category of work
Concrete work (form work, reinforcing steel, concrete)
Piping (material cost for pipe, fittings, valves, supports, and labor)
Mechanical equipment (materials, installation, testing)
Miscellaneous metal
Corrosion protection and painting
Filter sand, 1,000 m3
Gravel 1,120 m3; Gravel 2,120 m3; Gravel 3,120 m3
Placement of media
Total construction cost
(U.S. $)
Percent of
total cost
Conversion was made from Canadian dollars using the December 1984 exchange rate of U.S. $0.7577 = Can.
$1.00. Significant figures shown are due to applying conversion from Canadian dollars to U.S. dollars and do
not connote precision.
Source: Adapted from Bryck and Walker (1984).
Cost data for the Moricetown, BC, slow sand filter, built in 1989, showed
approximately the same distribution of costs as for 100 Mile House. The total amount of
the tender for Moricetown was U.S. $480,582 (Can. $634,265 was given in the bid
document, assembled by Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1988b). The plant was designed to supply
a peak flow of 0.922 mil L/d for a population of 900, with provision to expand to
accommodate a population of 1,240 (Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1989). The plant has two
filter beds, each 2.0 m x 4.5 m x 4.0 m deep (6.56 ft x 14.8 ft x 13.1 ft) to give a total area of
18m2 (194 ft2).
2.1.4 Requisite Conditions for Slow Sand
Source water quality and community size are the key factors that determine
whether slow sand should be selected. The following guidelines concerning water
quality and community size may aid in the decisionmaking.
(1) Water Quality. The raw water quality determines the length of time between
scraping operations. Slow sand filtration is limited to raw waters that will permit long
filter runs, for example, 30 days to several months before terminal headloss is reached.
There is no minimum acceptable run length, but runs greater than 30 days may be
considered satisfactory for most situations. If run lengths of several months occur, the
situation should be considered fortunate. Also, run length will decrease with increasing
hydraulic loading rate if the solids loading rate is proportional to the hydraulic loading
rate. Various kinds of particles cause headloss, including mineral sediments, organic
detritus, and bacteria and larger microorganisms. The mix of water quality characteristics
causing headloss is unique to the situation at hand, and a prediction of headloss is not
possible. As a rule of thumb, however, when turbidity is too high, short filter runs are
likely. In treating Ohio River water with a pilot slow sand filter in Cincinnati, Fox et al.
(1984) observed that the turbidity-causing particulates (clay) gradually plugged the filter
bed over a series of runs. Ultimately, the effluent turbidity was the same as the influent
turbidity and the filter runs were reduced to less than one week in duration. Slow sand
would not be acceptable with such short filter runs.
Table 2.5, which was adapted from Cleasby (1991) and extended to include additional
entries, summarizes cycle lengths for a variety of slow sand filter installations having
different raw water turbidities. The data show that a range of filter cycles may be expected
and that raw water turbidity is not an indicator of cycle length. Cycle lengths cannot be
predicted without pilot plant testing.
As noted by Cleasby (1991), the run lengths reported for high-quality surface waters
emphasize the deficiency of raw water turbidity as an indicator of run length. For
example, comparing the 6-month run length for the Horsetooth Reservoir water in
Colorado, having 6-10 NTU raw water turbidity, with the 30-day run length for Mad
Creek at Empire, CO, having generally <0.5 NTU raw water turbidity, shows that lower
turbidity does not necessarily mean longer run lengths and that higher turbidity does
Table 2.5
Length of Filter Cycle for Slow Sand Filter Installations Having
Different Raw Water Turbidities
Plant or
raw water source
Turbidity of
raw water (NTU)
Filter cycle
3-6 months
Letterman and
Cullen (1985)
Reservoir water
1.2-2 days
Letterman and
Cullen (1985)
1.5-2 months
Tanner (1987)
Glacier Creek,
Moricetown, BC
Cleasby et al.
(1984a, 1984b)
6 months
Bellamy et al.
(1985a, 1985b)
1.0 month
(consistent over 5
Seelaus et al.
In months, cycle
1 = 7.2; 2 = 1.8;
3 = 2.0; 4 = 2.2.
HLR = 0.15 m/hr
Bryck (1987)
No data
15-1,000; 1,000
reduced to 50 after sed.
Bryck (pers.
com., September
4-8 months
674 observations:
20 ha (hectares), or 50
acres, of wetlands and <1 = 48 percent of obs.;
>3 = 8 percent of obs.
4-ha (10-acre)
impoundment, fed
by springs,
Mclndoe Falls, VT___________
Source: Extended from Cleasby (1991).
Pyper (1985)
not necessarily mean shorter run lengths, the rationales for the observed run lengths
for the two cases were: (1) the turbidity of the reservoir water was composed of fine
particles, mostly <1 M-m, that passed through the filter bed, and (2) the water from Mad
Creek deposited an inert organic detritus of small flaky particles on the surface of the
sand bed. A similar finding was noted at the Moricetown plant, where 0.45-p.m particles
passed through the filter (Slezak, pers. com., 1990).
The data in Table 2.5 emphasize the importance of pilot testing over the annual
cycle to predict run length. If the run length is greater than 30 days, then slow sand may
be considered a candidate filtration technology. If the run length is less than 30 days,
slow sand should not be automatically ruled out, but its use should be considered
carefully. The only way to anticipate run length is to conduct pilot testing, which should
be an expectation of the predesign process. Chapter 4 outlines pilot plant testing
procedures for slow sand.
Another concern, common to almost every stream, has to do with occurrences of
high turbidity levels over part of the year, for days or perhaps for weeks, caused by
rainfall or seasonal surface runoff. Such elevated turbidity levels may be only up to 30
NTU, but they could be greater than 300 NTU or even 1,000 NTU. As a consequence, the
filter is likely to be "blinded off" with a layer of sediments, and more frequent scrapings
will be necessary. Such frequent scraping may be tolerable if the occurrence is infrequent.
If slow sand is used, the high turbidities may be attenuated by the use of sedimentation
basins, as at the Moricetown installation (raw water turbidities are stated in Table 2.5). In
any case, guidelines cannot cover all situations and judgment is required.
Table 2.6 summarizes the major water quality guidelines for the selection of slow
sand filtration. The guidelines outline general experience and are neither absolute nor
comprehensive. Usually slow sand is most suitable for low-turbidity raw waters, which
most often are associated with low pollution levels. Some of the constituents listed in
Table 2.6 are either not removed by slow sand filtration (such as color), or research is
under way to ascertain their degree of removals (such as total organic carbon [TOC]), or
they cause nuisance problems in operation (such as algae and iron). Although there are
listed and pending drinking water regulations for organic and inorganic chemicals,
Table 2.6 lists traditional contaminants only.
(2) Community Size. Slow sand, as a resurrected technology, is considered
appropriate for use by "small" communities. The motivation to use slow sand is the
premise of low annual cost plus effective, reliable operation. For the most part, the size
of the community determines whether slow sand filtration is the most appropriate
option. At some point in population size, slow sand will become more expensive than
rapid rate filtration. Also, at some point as population increases, communities will have
Table 2.6
Water Quality Guidelines for Selection of Slow Sand (SS) Filtration
True color
25 percent
5-10 Pt-Coa
25 percent
Removal depends on
biofilm in filter
27-39 percent,
<10 NTU
>25 NTU
10-50 NTU
50-120 NTU
SS appropriate
Pretreatment recommended
Pretreatment recommended
Limited tolerance
Coliform bacteria
2-log to 4-log
Pilot plants0
Giardia cysts
3-log to 4-log
Pilot plants0
<5 mg/m3
Surface mat
Clogging potential
the requisite water management infrastructure and funds for full-time operators such
that effective rapid rate filter operation will be likely. The engineer must determine the
point at which rapid rate would be most economical for effective, reliable operation. The
point of crossover on both curves depends upon the community context; therefore, an
absolute criterion is not definable.
At the low end of the size scale for economical use of slow sand filtration is a water
supply having more than 15 service connections, or serving more than 25 persons, the
definition of a public water supply, which is regulated by EPA drinking water
regulations (PL 99-339,1986). At an HLR of 0.16 m/hr (4 mgad) and assuming a per capita
use of 600 L/person/d (158 gpcd [gallons per capita per day]), the slow sand filter would
be about 3.9 m2 (42 ft2) in area or 2 m x 2 m (6 ft x 7 ft). A structure of this size could be
built by local labor, subject to supervision by a professional engineer. The scraping
operation could easily be done by one person (with a second person on hand for safety).
The upper population limit for the economical use of slow sand filtration will
depend upon the situation. The probable cutoff point is a population greater than 1,000
persons, but the limit could go to 10,000 persons. Local factors will have much to do with
whether slow sand is used. The town of Salem, OR, a city of 100,000 people, for example,
has slow sand filters that were built in 1958 and expanded in 1970 (Boydston, pers. com.,
January 24, 1990). Stayton, OR, population 5,000, has slow sand filters built in 1975 and
expanded in 1987. Westfir, OR, population 400, is served by a slow sand filter built in
1986, and the Wickiup Water District in Oregon, which serves a population of 1,400, has
had a slow sand filter in place since 1987. Thus, the size of communities in Oregon
having slow sand filtration varies greatly; the examples would refute any specific
Table 2.7 presents data from several sources that give an idea of the size of the labor
force required and the unit cost of water for slow sand and rapid rate facilities. The
152-mil L/d (40-mgd) Kassler Plant of Denver, which required a work force of 18 persons,
probably would not be built today. The nearby rapid rate Denver Foothills Plant, with an
initial capacity of 473 mil L/d (125 mgd) and which requires a work force of only 20
Table 2.7
Operating Cost of Slow Sand Filtration Compared With Rapid Rate
Slow Sand:
100 Mile House, BCb
Denver Kassler Plant, 152 mil L/d
(40 mgd)d
Empire, CO, serving 450 personse'f
Moricetown, BC, serving 905
Annual cost3
$71,000 L $/l,OOOgal
1 (1 hr/day + scrape)
1 (1 hr/day + scrape)
Rapid Rate:
Denver Foothills Plant, 473 mil L/d
(125 mgd)d
persons, would be favored. However, the Empire, CO, slow sand plant requires the time
of an operator only once each day to obtain water samples and to measure headless and
turbidity and the time of two persons working about four hours each once each month
to scrape the sand; these time requirements for labor add up to about 40 personhours/month. Although a rapid rate package plant may be cheaper in capital cost than a
slow sand plant, the package plant would require more attention to operation for
example, in the application of chemicals.
Because the rapid rate facility described in Table 2.7 has a capacity of 473 mil L/d (125
mgd), its unit cost for water is not comparable with those for the slow sand plants. Also,
the reader should note that the cost of water for the Kassler Plant is for a 152 mil L/d (40
mgd) capacity, with debt already amortized. Nevertheless, the data in the table will
facilitate initial estimates of person-hours needed for operation and unit costs.
2.1.5 Performance Required
The filtration requirement for slow sand, as promulgated by the Surface Water
Treatment Rule (SWTR) (Federal Register 1989) of the U.S. Environmental Protection
Agency, states a turbidity standard of <1 NTU 95 percent of the time, with no reading
greater than 5 NTU. If a state agency determines, however, that higher turbidity levels
will not interfere with disinfection, then a higher level may be permitted, but at no time
may the level exceed 5 NTU. The SWTR requires further that a disinfectant residual of
>0.2 mg/L be maintained. The combination of filtration and disinfection must achieve
removal or inactivation of >3-log for Giardia lamblia cysts and >4-log for viruses. That
slow sand can achieve >3-log removals for Giardia lamblia cysts was shown by Bellamy
et al. (1985a, I985b) in pilot plant studies, provided the filter bed is mature. Although bed
maturity is likely after several months of operation, depending on temperature and
nutrients, a simple measure is not available.
The number of EPA-regulated contaminants was 83 in 1989, and the list included
trihalomethanes (THMs), which are disinfectant by-products; volatile synthetic organic
chemicals (VOCs); synthetic organic chemicals (SOCs); inorganic chemicals (lOCs);
microbiological contaminants; and radionuclide contaminants. Whereas slow sand may
have the capacity to remove some of these contaminants that is, those that are
degradable comprehensive research has not been conducted to establish which
contaminants are removable and to what extent. Research has been conducted,
however, by Sims at Utah State University (Foreman and Sims 1984; McNair et al. 1987)
to investigate removals using a natural zeolite, e.g., clinoptilolite, filter medium.
Clinoptilolite has shown selectivity for ammonium ions and heavy metals. The
presence of clinoptilolite resulted in enhanced biological activity within the
schmutzdecke and some heavy metals removal until the bed capacity was exhausted.
Collins et al. (1989) reported trihalomethane formation potential (THMFP) removals of
9-27 percent for filters in New England. They related the higher removals to enhanced
biological activity at the surface of the sand bed due to harrowing the schmutzdecke into
the filter media.
The above studies notwithstanding, the most prudent course of action for slow
sand filtration is to use source waters of high quality. When slow sand is selected for
marginal situations, pilot plant testing is needed to establish its potential for removing
contaminants of interest. Although general guidelines do not exist to predict removals
for every contaminant, one can predict the likelihood of removal for many. For
example, significant and consistent removals of metal ions are not likely, and removals
of organics are not certain.
2.1.6 Algae Control
If the surface deposit on the sand bed has much algae, a "mat" may be formed that
will cause a rapid increase in headless. For pilot filters in Iowa, Cleasby et al. (I984a,
1984b) reported run times of 9 days during algae blooms as compared to run times of up
to 123 days during winter. Chlorophyll-a concentrations in the raw water ranged from
0.2 mg/m3 in midwinter to 132.7 mg/m3 in July (Cleasby et al. 1984b). Based upon his
work with the Iowa water, Cleasby (1991) suggested that slow sand filtration be used only
for waters with chlorophyll-a levels under 5 mg/m3.
If algae comes to the filter in the raw water, its concentration cannot be controlled
unless the source water is from a reservoir. (Algae control is sometimes undertaken in
reservoirs, for example, by treating the reservoir with copper sulfate or by practicing
selective withdrawals.) The decay of the algae on the schmutzdecke may cause taste and
odor problems in the effluent water. It is recommended that slow sand not be used to
treat raw waters routinely subject to algae blooms or waters subject to major algae
blooms. Slow sand may, however, be used if the bloom season is short enough that only
minimal interruption of normal operation is likely.
Algae growth may occur also in the headwater above the filter bed or on the surface
deposit of the sand bed. For a headwater depth of 2 m (6.6 ft), the detention time in the
headwater ranges from 5 to 50 hours for filtration rates of 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) to 0.04
m/hr (1.0 mgad), respectively. Because the regeneration time for typical algae species is
about 2 hours nominally, but with a light-dark cycle needed to complete the cycle
(Kugrens, pers. com., August 2, 1990), growth within the headwater is possible. The
deposit on the surface of the sand bed may be in place for days, and algae growth can
occur within it, although not so much as with full light intensity. A roof over the filter
will reduce algae growth within the filter headwater and the surface deposit, but it will
have no effect on algae brought in by the raw water. In any case, pilot plant testing can
resolve questions.
2.1.7 Pretreatment Processes
As previously mentioned, raw water sources quite often have episodes of high
turbidity that can reduce markedly the run time for a slow sand filter. Such episodes
usually follow rainstorms or occur during spring runoff from snow melt. The latter
situation occurs from about May to early July in streams draining high mountain
watersheds in the western United States; turbidities in the streams may reach 30-50
NTU, with peaks as high as 200 NTU. During the remainder of the year the turbidity is
usually less than 1 NTU. Turbidity patterns are site-specific, of course, and streams
within a given region have their own unique behavior.
Sedimentation basins or roughing filters may be used to attenuate turbidity peaks
and extend the run time of the filter. Two plants that have used sedimentation are the
152-mil L/d (40-mgd) Kassler Plant on the South Platte River in Denver (built around
1906) and the Moricetown Plant in British Columbia (started on June 15, 1989).
Roughing filters, described in Section 7.6.1, are an alternative method used increasingly
since about 1980, for reducing the sediment load to slow sand filters (Wegelin 1988).
Roughing filters have several configurations, such as upflow and horizontal flow, and
are composed of perhaps three cells of coarse gravel, with sizes in the first cell ranging
from 12 to 18 mm, in the second cell ranging from 8 to 12 mm, and in the third cell
ranging from 2 to 8 mm. The HLR is about 0.3-1.5 m/hr. Installations in Peru,
Colombia, and the Sudan have reduced raw water turbidities from levels of 50-200 NTU
to levels of 15-40 NTU; from levels of 10-150 to 5-15 NTU; and from levels of 40-500 to
5-50 NTU, respectively. The removal mechanism must be sedimentation, as with
parallel plate settlers, common to rapid rate filtration.
(1) Case: Kassler Plant. The South Platte River is a typical mountain stream with
respect to turbidity cycles. To handle higher turbidities, the Kassler Plant had two ponds,
or "settlers," which preceded the filters. Figure 2.1 is an aerial view of the Kassler Plant
showing the ponds. Turbidity in the ponds during storms and spring runoff was about
10-50 NTU and was reduced by settling to about 1-2 NTU. As a note, the Kassler settling
ponds were not used during the 20 years preceding closure of the plant in 1985.
(2) Case: Moricetown Plant. The Moricetown filter, which was built to serve a
population of 905 persons, was designed for an average flow of 0.32 mil L/d (0.08 mgd)
and a peak flow of 0.92 mil L/d (0.24 mgd). The sedimentation basin was 415 m3 (14,654
ft3) in volume and held water for 12 hours at peak flow. Turbidity levels in the basin
Figure 2.1 Kassler Slow Sand Filtration Plant, Denver, CO. (Courtesy Denver Water
were 15-1,000 NTU during a pilot plant test period from June 3 to October 9, 1987, with
the high levels due to snowmelt and rain. During the months of November to May,
turbidity was estimated to be near 1 NTU. Figure 2.2 is a flow schematic showing the
layout of the plant, including the sedimentation basin. Not shown are the basins for the
optional coagulation/flocculation process, although the coagulent chemicals are
indicated. Figure 2.3 is a photograph showing the sedimention basin. The basin is a
simple pond, 2-m (6.6-ft) deep. The pond has a ramp to accommodate the equipment
used to remove the accumulated sediment, which must be done about once every five
years. The coagulation/flocculation processes were added to provide the coagulation
option because of the uncertainty of whether the sedimentation basin alone could
function adequately during episodes of high turbidity. The plant has two slow sand
filters, each 90 m2 (968 ft2), with widths of 4.50 m (14.8 ft) and lengths of 20.0 m (65.6 ft).
The filter sand size had dio = 0.25-0.30, with UC = 1.8-2.2. Chlorine contact time was two
hours in a basin having a volume of 77 m3 (2,719 ft3). The clear well volume was 371 m3
(13,100 ft3).
Figure 2.2 Flow Schematic for Slow Sand Filtration Plant at Moricetown, BC. (From
Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1988a, 1988b].)
Figure 2.3 Sedimentation Basin Preceding Slow Sand Filter at Moricetown, BC.
(Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
From pilot testing at the Moricetown Plant, the operating cost was estimated to be
U.S. $15,000/year, giving a water cost of $0.24/1,000 L ($0.91/1,000 gal). The annual cost
and capital cost were estimated to be U.S. $45,883 and U.S. $450,000, respectively,
assuming 8 percent annual interest and a 20-year repayment period. Despite some
uncertainty over the episodes of high turbidity and the possible need to add
coagulation/flocculation processes, slow sand filtration was still considered the most
appropriate technology for the situation, considering operating simplicity and cost. The
engineers were fully aware that adding unit processes such as sedimentation and
providing for coagulation/flocculation were deviating from the philosophy of slow sand
filtration. Based upon their engineering judgment, for a case that was not clear-cut for
any alternative, they recommended slow sand.
The Moricetown filter was started June 15, 1989. Raw water turbidities of 100 NTU
have been measured in the intake water from Corya Creek (Glacier Creek), with 20-30
NTU reported for the water leaving the sedimentation basin and 3-4 NTU reported for
the effluent water. A portion of the turbidity in the water leaving the filter was believed
to be fines being washed from the new filter media. The filter performance is being
monitored to determine whether the system of sedimentation/slow sand filtration is
sufficient to reduce turbidities to the standard of 1 NTU. Although facilities for
coagulation/flocculation are installed, the engineers prefer not to use these unit
processes if possible.
(3) Conclusions. The above cases illustrate that the decision to use slow sand is not
always clear-cut. Further, engineering judgment is needed to determine the extent to
which a slow sand facility should incorporate auxiliary unit processes (discussed in
Chapter 7). Complexity is contrary to the concept of slow sand filtration. If pretreatment
is needed, the appeal of slow sand is diminished. Yet adding sedimentation or other
pretreatment processes extends the range of situations in which slow sand can be
applied. Adding coagulation/flocculation extends the range even further. Where to
draw the line is not clear. Absolute answers are not possible for situations such as the
Moricetown Plant (because of seasonal high turbidities) or the Denver Kassler Plant
(because of size and operating costs), whereas the Empire, CO, and 100 Mile House plants
were clearly situations in which slow sand could be selected with little doubt (because of
low-turbidity raw waters all year and minimal operating costs).
If sedimentation is selected as a pretreatment process, several technologies are
available, in addition to plain sedimentation, for removing particles. Two of them are
plate settling and horizontal-flow roughing filters (Cleasby 1991). Roughing filters were
reviewed by Wegelin (1988) and by Ives and Rajapaksi (1988) and are discussed in
Chapter 7. Cleasby (1991) emphasized that plain sedimentation is not designed to
remove colloidal particles and that many early filter systems incorporating plain
sedimentation, such as those at Cincinnati and Pittsburgh, were considered unsuccessful
due to the short run lengths, the penetration of colloidal material into the filter bed, and
lower-than-desired turbidity removals. These experiences were one reason rapid rate
filtration had such widespread appeal after the path for its use was paved by Fuller's
work at Louisville, KY, in 1896 (Baker 1948).
The practice in the United Kingdom is to precede the slow sand filters with pumped
storage reservoirs, where detention times are 10-50 days and turbidity is reduced by
settling from 17-31 NTU down to 1-10 NTU depending upon the season (Cleasby 1991).
The algae blooms that occur in the reservoirs have stimulated the use of microstrainers
ahead of the slow sand filters, which is another form of pretreatment. The filter runs for
these conditions are about 6 weeks.
The theme of any design is context-form-fit (Alexander 1964). For a water treatment
system, context refers to the array of community conditions, such as customs, values,
wealth, labor skills, population, employment needs, materials at hand, regulatory
pressures, technology support services, and water quality. Into this milieu, the engineer
must attain a fit by choosing the most appropriate form of technology for the context at
2.2.1 Community Context
The extent to which slow sand is an appropriate treatment technology for a given
community is a matter of judgment. There are no rules, but knowing the issues that will
affect the performance and acceptance of the technology will improve the fit achieved.
For example, being sensitive to the financial situation, the political interest in highquality water, the rate of population growth, and the regulatory mandates of a
community will help to achieve appropriate fits between the technology and the
community. Engineers consider passively many of the social factors in the design
process. They should, however, consider them actively. Not to be aware of these factors
is to invite problems.
(1) Population. Slow sand is considered most appropriate for small communities.
A small community may include summer camps, trailer parks, associations of rural
homes, resorts, work camps, and both unincorporated and incorporated towns. The
upper limit is not clear; 10,000 persons has been mentioned, but there is no
documentation to support this claim. This number is mentioned here only to indicate
an upper population limit for slow sand. The specific population level at which the
problems of slow sand exceed the benefits depends upon contextual factors and could be
from less than 1,000 up to much higher levels, as noted for the cases in Oregon (Section
(2) Community Character. Each community has its own character, which is
reflected in its customs, traditions, and values. A suburban community is different from
a mining town, which is different from an agricultural center, a resort area, or a camp
with only a seasonal population. Figure 2.4 is a photograph of the main street of the
town of Empire, CO, a mining town that had a 1984 population of 450 persons. The
reductions in the labor force of a nearby mine during the 1980s, due to a lowering in the
price of metals, affected the financial health of the community and its consequent ability
to finance water supply improvements. Thus, having a means to finance a needed
capital improvement with a declining tax base was a key concern for the community
when choosing a water filtration system. The Empire slow sand facility has been judged
successful due not only to the work of the community's able consulting engineer but
also to the positive attitude of the community. Figure 2.5 is a photograph of the Village
of 100 Mile House, BC, which had a 1986 population of 1,925 persons. The economic
driving forces for the Village are forestry and cattle ranching. The Village's slow sand
installation is considered cost-effective and successful. The success of these installations
was due in large part to the client-engineer relations, which in each case were on a
professional level. A path to an unsuccessful outcome, with wasted money, is for the
client to request bids for engineering services. The most important step for the
community is to engage the services of a qualified consulting engineer who is capable of
understanding community issues.
(3) Political Climate. The quality and style of political leadership in the community
will be reflected in the mandates given to the engineer either directly or through the
town staff. At the same time, the engineer is the professional in whom the community
is placing confidence and is accountable to the community for achieving an appropriate
fit between the design of the filtration system and the community context. The engineer
must seek to understand the needs of the community in order to develop a design that
provides the most appropriate fit within the community context. The task involves the
use of judgment, rather than analytical capability.
(4) Regulations. Regulations and guidelines promulgated by regulatory agencies
are usually the impetus that stirs communities to reexamine the quality of their
drinking water. Compliance with regulations can engender attitudes ranging from
interest in discovering and solving problems to hostility. The former creates a fertile
climate for progress, whereas the latter needs to be overcome through discussion and
education. In some instances regulations have been reassessed because of community
resistance, but in general the regulations reflect the norms of the society as a whole.
(5) Economics. When comparing treatment alternatives, an economic analysis is
performed to examine the uniform annual costs of alternative types of installations.
Figure 2.4 The Main Street of Empire, CO, 1989. The town is a mining locale, located at
an elevation of 2,706 m (8,878 ft), about 64 km (kilometers), or 40 mi, from Denver.
(Photograph by D. W. Hendricks.)
Figure 2.5 The Main Street of 100 Mile House, BC, 1989. The Village is a ranching and
logging community, located about 500 km (310 mi) from Vancouver, BC. (Courtesy
Village of 100 Mile House, BC.)
Such costs usually consist of amortized capital costs and take into account salvage value
and operating and maintenance costs. Cost, however, is only one consideration.
Reliability, ease of operation, maintenance, land costs, aesthetics, and so forth, should
also be considered.
(6) Financing. Whether a plant can be built depends upon financing. Factors
affecting financing include bonding capacity, interest rates, eligibility for grants, tax base,
income levels, and general capacity of the community to retire revenue bonds. The
source of financing, the amount that can be financed, and the terms of financing are
critical aspects of any public works project. Financing in British Columbia is done
through the provincial Municipal Finance Authority, which aggregates borrowing needs
from all municipalities and issues bonds as required. Each community has a borrowing
ceiling. This system contrasts with the system of financing in the United States, where a
community may sell bonds or seek grants or loans from a state or federal agency.
Financing is discussed further in Section 6.6.
(7) Engineer-Client Relations. The client places full confidence in the judgment
and capabilities of the engineer. How the engineer is selected has been a major issue in
the United States since 1972, when the American Society of Civil Engineers (ASCE)
signed a consent decree with the Department of Justice to delete a Code of Ethics
statement that read: "For ASCE members to participate in competitive bidding for
professional engineering services is unethical conduct." As a result of the consent
decree, some clients have come to expect cost bidding between engineers, a sure path to
the possible selection of a less qualified consultant and to outcomes that will have
wasted public funds. Selection of an engineer should be based upon qualifications and
reputation. The traditional approach is for the client to seek a qualified engineer
through a proposal selection process. Once the engineer is selected, the price is
negotiated. If the negotiations are successful, the engineer is selected for the job. If the
negotiations are not successful, the client seeks another engineer. In Canada, the
traditional engineer-client relationship has been maintained. Firms in Canada do not
advertise, another index of the level of professional practice in Canada.
2.2.2 Technology
The judgments made in designing a water treatment facility will be influenced by
community factors. Will the design be modular, to allow for future expansions, or
"standard," to take care of the problem at hand? Modular design requires a slightly
greater investment than standard design in order to facilitate future expansion.
Communities just on the brink of financing capability may wish not to spend even a
modest amount in the present to save future costs. Those with more latitude may wish
Before a water filtration system can be designed, the demand for treated water must
be ascertained for both the annual cycle and the daily cycle. The projected demand
should also be determined. In addition, any unique daily or seasonal characteristics of
flow cycles must be taken into account. For example, the treated water demands of a
resort area will peak during the seasonal influx of tourists. Residents of communities
that have below-freezing temperatures may be in the habit of letting their faucets run to
prevent freezing. For such communities, the peak day for water demand may occur in
the winter. Often, flow data are difficult to obtain for small systems either because flow
meters have not been installed or are not maintained or because records are lacking. In
such cases, design decisions should be deferred until such data are obtained. Flow data
"drive" the rest of the design. The sizing of the filter bed, for example, will be
proportional to the flow projections.
2.3.1 Flow Analysis
Figure 2.6 Annual Cycle of Per Capita Water Demand for Empire, CO
The shape of the graph in Figure 2.6 is opposite to what would be expected for
residential single-family households in temperate climates, where the per capita
demands are highest in the summer when lawn watering is prevalent. Each community
will have a unique annual demand curve, reflecting its unique social character. The
range may include winter resorts, summer resorts, trailer parks, Indian villages,
suburban communities, and farm and ranch communities.
(2) Hourly Demand. Figure 2.7 shows the estimated hourly demand curves for
water for Empire, CO, if the winter demand were to be reduced to 946 L/person/d (250
gpcd) a goal of the water system. The curves were estimated for illustration purposes
using the peak average daily flow for the 1984 population of 450 and for a projected Year
2000 population of 1,000 persons. The curves show that the flow of treated water varies
over a range of almost 3 to 1 over the daily demand cycle and that the projected peak day
demand is about 2.2 times the present peak day flow. The slow sand filter would have to
be designed, therefore, to accommodate the average peak day demand of 0.946 mil L/d
(0.25 mgd), based upon a projected population of 1,000 persons. The corresponding peak
hour demand flow, from Figure 2.7, is 1.5 mil L/d (0.4 mgd). The filter bed area should
1000000 -
be sized under the assumption that scraping will be done on the peak day and that the
remaining filter beds will be able to handle adequately the peak day flow.
(3) Steady Flow Operation Over the Daily Cycle. Figure 2.8 uses data from Figure
2.7, but is plotted to show the cumulative flow demand. The curves show that 150,000 L
of storage are needed. The salient point is that adequate storage permits the slow sand
filter to be operated under steady flow production. In other words, the filter can operate
at a steady flow of 0.946 mil L/d (0.4 mgd) over the daily cycle in which the hourly flow
has a 3:1 range.
(4) Design Flow. The design flow is based upon the projected maximum daily flow,
which, in the case of Empire, CO, with a projected ultimate population of 1,000 persons,
was 946,000 L/d. The hydraulic loading rate on the filter at the end of the design period
should approach the HLR criterion used for design.
1000000 -i
800000 -
600000 -
200000 O
Figure 2.8 Cumulative Flow Volume Over Daily Cycle of Demand for Empire, CO.
(Calculated from Figure 2.7 data, using peak day demands.)
minimum storage needed for chlorine contact time plus the storage required for
emergencies, as given in Equation 2.1:
Chapter 3
Slow sand filters are simple in concept and design. But still, to make the process
work, the principles must be understood and the practices known. This chapter reviews
the basic knowledge needed for design.
The effect of independent variables, such as the size of the filter bed, hydraulics,
sand recovery, filter box design, freeze protection, and disinfection, on removal
efficiency, hydraulics, and filter functioning are key concerns in design. These topics are
discussed in the following sections.
3.1.1 Sizing the Filter Bed
The first step in the design is to size the bed. The bed area and depth are the basic
dimensions that drive the rest of the design. The bed area is determined by the hydraulic
loading rate (HLR) selected. Because flow is variable, as discussed in Section 2.3, and area
is fixed, the HLR should be construed as both varying over the daily cycle, except as
mitigated by storage, and increasing each year to the point at which the performance
capacity of the filter is met. The term performance capacity is defined here as the point at
which some measure of performance, such as effluent turbidity or the amount of other
particles or the rate of headloss development, exceeds either regulatory requirements or
community norms. Ideally, pilot plant studies can help to determine performance
characteristics as affected by HLR. Either the rate of headloss development or turbidity
may exceed the expected norms at some point in the future if HLR increases year to year.
(1) Area. The bed area is calculated by Equation 1.3, which is restated here as
Equation 3.1.
in which HLR = hydraulic loading rate, defined as flow divided by plan area of sand bed
(m3/m2/hr or mgad)
Q = flow (mil L/d or mgd)
A = bed area (m2 or acres)
To determine the bed area, one must first determine the design flow, Q, and the
acceptable range for the HLR. These issues are discussed in Sections 2.3 and 3.2.1,
respectively. Example 3.1 illustrates some of the considerations relevant to the HLR
Example 3.1: Judgment in Use of HLR Criterion. Calculate the HLR for the Empire slow sand
filter. Two filter cells will be used; when one cell is out of operation, all flow will pass through the
cell in service. The design per capita water use is taken to be 946 L/c/d (liters per capita per day),
or 250 gpcd, which is the peak day demand for the summer. The peak day demand for winter,
when residents of the community bleed the water lines to prevent them from freezing, is about
3,000 L/c/d (800 gpcd).
1. Determine the maximum bed area, A(max): The Empire site is located in the canyon
formed by Mad Creek and had a limited area. Building on the site required rock excavation and
fill. The largest slab area for the site was determined to be 9.75 m x 17.6 m (32 ft x 58 ft). From this
slab area, two filter boxes were fitted, with internal dimensions of 9.14 m x 8.38 m (30 ft x 27.5 ft).
Their total area was 153 m2 (1,648 ft2). Thus, A(max) = 153 m2 (1,648 ft2).
2. Illustrate the HLR calculation for HLR(946 L/c/d, 1,000 persons): The per capita water
use of 946 L/d (250 gpcd) for Q(design, 1,000 persons) = 0.946 mil L/d. Applying Equation 3.1 gives:
CX946 L/c/d, 1,000 persons)
HLR(design, 1,000 persons) = ^
m 3/d
HLR (m/hr)
Two filters"
One filter1*
4. Discussion: The HLR(946 L/c/d, 1,000 persons) is within the accepted criterion range, that is,
0.04-0.40 m/hr (1.0-10 mgad). When one of the two filter cells is taken out of service for scraping,
the town's treated water storage of 757,000 L (200,000 gal) is sufficient to maintain steady flow
through the filter remaining in operation, as illustrated in Figure 2.8. When the high winter per
capita demand occurs, however, which is about 3,000 L/c/d (800 gpcd), the HLR will increase
proportionately to give HLR(max, 1,000 persons) = 0.82 m/hr (20 mgad), or 1.64 m/hr (40 mgad)
when only one filter is in operation. This high per capita demand in winter is due to the practice of
households opening taps to prevent their water lines from freezing. Even with the 1986 population
of 500 persons, the HLR was at the upper limit of 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) during winter months and
exceeded the HLR criterion when one filter was taken out of operation. Alternatives to reduce the
HLR(max, 1,000 persons) are (1) to find ways to reduce the high winter per capita demand, (2) to
decrease the flow to operating filter during scraping and to use storage to satisfy the remaining
flow requirement, and (3) to perform pilot testing to ascertain removal efficiencies at the high
HLRs. For the winter flow at population 500, the present storage of 150,000 L is sufficient to handle
5 hours flow at half Q(l,500 m3/d, 500 persons), which is almost sufficient time to accomplish the
scraping task. As the population increases, a solution will be needed. The problem of having to
deal with high per capita demand in the winter is not unique to slow sand. This dilemma must be
resolved by judgment rather than by applying absolute criteria.
(2) Treated Water Storage. Determination of the treated water storage volume
needed is reviewed in Section 2.3.2. Example 3.1 shows that in addition to providing
equalization, fire, and emergency storage, another purpose of the storage volume may be
to permit taking one of the filters out of service for scraping.
(3) Depth of Sand. The depth of the sand bed is determined by the number of years
of operation desired before resanding is needed and by any constraints on the filter box
depth. The years of operation are calculated as follows:
~ Rf(scraping)
in which Y = years of operation before sand bed rebuilding is necessary
Dt = initial sand bed depth (cm or ft)
Df = final sand bed depth before rebuilding (cm or ft)
R = sand depth removal per scraping (cm/scraping or ft/scraping)
f (scraping) = frequency of scraping (scrapings /year)
(4) Effect of Bed Depth on Removal Efficiency. The removal efficiency of the sand
bed depends more upon its biological maturity than upon its depth. Removals of
coliforms using pilot filters with a 1.0-m sand bed depth were 97 percent; with a 0.5-m
sand bed, removals were 95 percent (Bellamy et al. 1985a, 1985b [p. 79]). Other studies
have shown that most of the removal occurs within the top few centimeters of the sand
bed, where the biological activity seems greatest. Investigations have been conducted to
determine the minimum depth, Df, of the sand bed before it must be rebuilt. Huisman
and Wood (1974) recommended a depth of 0.5-0.8 m (1.6-2.6 ft). Visscher et al. (1987)
recommended a depth of 0.5 m (1.6 ft). Based upon the findings that most of the
biological activity occurs within the top few centimeters of the sand bed and the findings
of Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b) that removal efficiency was reduced from 97 percent for a
1.0-m sand bed to 95 percent for a 0.5-m sand bed, a 0.3-m (1.0-ft) minimum depth could
be feasible. The extra usable bed depth could add 20-40 scrapings to the filter bed, which
translates to 2-3 years in the case of the Empire filter. Thus, from the foregoing
discussion the range in guidelines for minimum depth seems to be 30-80 cm (1.0-2.6 ft).
The question is important enough that pilot plant testing is warranted.
(5) Effect of Bed Depth on Bed Life, Headloss, and Run Time. Examples 3.2 and 3.3
show the benefits and costs of using a deeper bed depth. Example 3.2 shows that several
years of additional bed life are possible when a 1.3-m (4-ft) bed depth as opposed to a
1.0-m (3.3-ft) bed is used. Example 3.3 shows that the clean-bed headloss is only 26 cm (10
in.) for the deeper bed versus 20 cm (8 in.) for the 1.0-m (3.3-ft) bed. The examples also
illustrate the utility of Darcy's law in answering some critical questions in design.
Though a simple expression, Darcy's law may be used to address many kinds of
Example 3.2: Effect of Bed Depth on Bed Life.
that of a 1.0-m (3.3-ft) bed at Empire, CO.
I /
= 17 years
(b) For D = 100 cm,
y = ______(100-30) (cm)______
= 12 years
3. Discussion: A bed depth of 1.3 m (4 ft) gives a bed life of 17 years, whereas a 1.0-m (3.3-ft) bed
depth gives a bed life of only 12 years. The bed life increases by 5 years merely by adding an
additional 30 cm (1.0 ft) of bed depth.
The trade-off for the 1.3-m (4-ft) bed depth vis-a-vis a 1.0-m (3.3-ft) depth is the
additional box depth and a higher clean-bed headloss for the first few years. The
additional box depth needed is the incremental bed depth of 30 cm (1.0 ft). This
additional box depth should accommodate the additional clean-bed headless required
with the deeper bed.
The effect of increased sand bed depth on headloss is calculated in Example 3.3,
which shows that a 1.3-m (4.0-ft) bed depth at 0 C has a clean-bed headloss of only 26 cm
(10 in.) compared with 20 cm (8 in.) for a 1.0-m (3.0-ft) bed. The example also shows that
the run time decreases by only two days with the deeper bed. Figure 3.1 illustrates the
foregoing relationship for the Empire, CO, filter. The rate of headloss increase is shown
to be linear for the purpose of illustration. Whether the increase is linear with time or
exponential, the principle that illustrates the effect of a deeper bed depth is the same.
The depositing material composing the schmutzdecke will have the same effect on
headloss irrespective of bed depth. Filters in operation, such as at Empire and 100 Mile
House, have shown a linear rate of headloss increase for weeks. The terminal headloss
1.4 -
T = 0C
1.0 -
rf^X ^'X
\<#XVk"i ^
0.8 -
*e^ X X
0.6 -
0.4 -
4.1 cni
] (Jgy
0.2 -
1.2 -
l ,
1 H
TIME (days)
Figure 3.1 Comparison of Headloss Versus Run Time for Two Sand Bed Depths (D = 1.0
m and D = 1.3 m), Showing the Effect of Additional Sand Bed Depth on Run Time (see
Example 3.3)
of these filters has then occurred quickly after sharp increases in the rate of headloss
Example 3.3: Effect of Using a Deeper Bed on Clean-Bed Headloss and Run Time.
Compare the clean-bed headlosses and the filter run times for a 1.3-m (4-ft) bed depth and a 1.0-m
(3-ft) bed depth at the Empire, CO, plant.
hL (m)
3,600 (s)
Although Hazen (1913) suggested bed depths of 0.67-1.3 m, or 2-4 ft (Table 1.3), a
bed depth of about 1 m (3 ft) has become traditional. There is no reason, however, to
limit the bed to this depth. The Empire filter, for example, broke this psychological
barrier of 1 m (3 ft) with a bed depth of 1.3 m (4 ft). The result was an increase in bed life
by about 5 years (Seelaus et al. 1988, p. 24) when compared with the bed life of a 1.0-m
(3-ft) sand bed.
The deeper the sand bed, the longer the filter can operate before the bed must be
rebuilt. The trade-offs are that a deeper sand bed requires a deeper box, with walls
designed to handle the additional hydraulic pressure, and that the initial headloss is
proportionally greater. As illustrated by the calculations in Examples 3.2 and 3.3, the
trade-offs are small compared with the benefits of longer operation. For example, adding
30 cm to the bed depth lengthens the life of the filter bed by about 30 months, assuming
that 1 cm of sand is removed by each scraping and that the scraping occurs once per
month. (Note: At Empire the amount scraped has averaged only 0.5 cm per scraping; the
1 cm just cited is used to illustrate a maximum scraping rate.)
3.1.2 Hydraulics
A number of design decisions are driven by the results of hydraulic analysis. Major
hydraulic functions are (1) to distribute the raw water without erosion of the sand bed;
(2) to collect water uniformly from the filter; (3) to drain the headwater for sand bed
scraping; (4) to provide for overflow of the filter box; (5) to measure the flow to or from
the filter; (6) to control the flow through the filter; (7) to measure headloss through the
filter bed; (8) to provide for a variety of plumbing needs, such as filter-to-waste, drains,
directing flows, filling the dry bed from the bottom, and so forth; and (9) to avoid
negative pressures within the sand bed.
In aggregate, the plumbing system that performs the above functions is the most
complex system of the slow sand filter plant. But when viewed separately, the
subsystems are simple. Figure 3.2, which shows the configuration of pipelines for slow
sand filters at Moricetown, BC, illustrates the complexity of the plumbing system. The
drawing shows only the basic subsystems (the complete drawing is reproduced as Figure
5.2). Figure 3.2 shows three plumbing subsystems: influent raw water, filtered water, and
drainage. Within each subsystem further disaggregation is possible. For example, the
filtered water plumbing has provision to backfill the sand bed with treated water. Also,
the drainage system provides for overflows from the filters and from the chlorine
contact basin and reservoir, for drawdown of headwater, for dewatering the sand bed,
and for draining the chlorine contact basin. The sections that follow describe the
plumbing subsystems.
Figure 3.2 Flow Configuration for Slow Sand Filters at Moricetown, BC. (Adapted from
drawings by Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1988a].)
(1) Distribution. Figure 3.3 shows sand bed erosion in the slow sand filter at
Empire, CO. The depression shown in the figure is about 20 cm (8 in.) deep and has a
diameter of nearly 60 cm (2 ft). It formed because the entire influent flow was delivered
to one point in the filter bed. The consequence of such a condition is short-circuiting of
flow through the sand bed. To control sand bed erosion, such as shown in Figure 3.3, the
kinetic energy of the flow must be distributed, dissipated, or both. Figure 3.4 illustrates
the distribution approach, showing how the raw water influent flow may be distributed
around the filter box. The lateral pipes must be large enough that the exit velocity is
sufficiently low. Because criteria for flow distribution do not exist, selection of exit
velocity and lateral pipe size is a matter of judgment. Example 3.4 illustrates an approach
for determining exit velocity and lateral pipe size.
Figure 3.3 Sand Bed Erosion at Empire, CO, Filter Plant. (Photograph by D. W.
Hendricks, July 1990.)
Example 3.4: Flow Distribution to Control Erosion of Sand Bed. Select a lateral pipe size
for distributing the flow around the periphery of the sand bed as shown in Figure 3.4.
Terms. The terms used in the equations that follow are defined as follows:
Q(orifice) = flow through orifice (L/s or ftVs)
A(orifice) = cross-section area of orifice opening (m2 or ft2)
d = diameter of orifice (m or ft)
Cd = orifice discharge coefficient, given in Appendix Table B.I (dimensionless)
g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft2)
Ah = head difference between inside and outside of orifice (m or ft)
!IL = headloss in pipe flow (m or ft)
f = Darcy-Weisbach friction factor for pipe material (dimensionless)
L = length of pipe for headloss measurement (m or ft)
D = diameter of pipe (m or ft)
v(pipe) = velocity of water flow within pipe (m/s or ft/s)
(1) Assume HLR = 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) the approximate upper limit for HLR.
(2) A(sand bed) = 10.0 m 30.0 m = 300 m2 (3,228 ft2)
(3) Q = AHLR = 300 m20.4 m/hr = 120 m3/hr = 0.033 m3/s (1.16 ft3/s)
Figure 3A Illustration of How Flow May Be Distributed Around a Filter Box to Reduce
Sand Bed Erosion
3. Calculate, by the continuity equation (i.e., flow = area times velocity), the exit velocity
from the header pipe:
(a) Assume a header pipe 30.5 cm (1 ft) in diameter, with a single outlet into the sand bed (not
0.033 m3/s
~ 0.073m2
= 0.45 m/s (1.47 ft/s)
(b) Next, assume that 10 orifices distribute the flow from the 30.5-em-diameter (1.0-ft) header pipe
around the periphery of the filter box, as shown in Figure 3.4:
Q(orifice) = Q/10
= 0.033 m3/s/10
= 0.0033 m3/s (0.116 ftVs)
Now assume the header pipe is fitted with 10 orifice plates that are each 25.4 cm (10 in.) in
diameter and calculate the exit velocity from one of the 10 orifice plates:
v = Q(orifice)/A(orifice)
= 0.0033 m3/s/0.0507m3
= 0.065 m/s (0.213 ft/s)
Determine the required pressure within the header pipe to deliver 0.033 m3 through each of the 10
orifices. Appendix Table B.I gives the orifice discharge coefficient, Cd = 0.77 for d/D = 0.83.
Substituting data in the orifice equation gives:
Q = CdA(2gAh)1/2
0.0033 = 0.770.0507(29.8h)1/2
h = 0.00036m
In other words, the differential head required across the orifice plate is only => 0.036 cm.
Now calculate the friction headless along the header pipe. Assume the pipe is 17 m long, that is,
L = (300 m2)1/2, and that the pipe is flowing full its entire length. Also assume the Darcy-Weisbach
friction factor (0 is 0.012. Substituting numerical data in the Darcy-Weisbach equation for pipe
flow gives:
hL = f
0.305 2.9.81
= 0.007 m
4. Discussion: If there is only a single discharge point, as in Step 2a, this exit velocity will certainly
cause erosion of the sand bed unless the velocity is dissipated. Such a filter should be backfilled
with perhaps a foot of water above the sand bed before each start-up after scraping. A more
suitable design is shown in Figure 3.4, with calculations as in Step 2b of this example, with
distribution by 10 orifice plates fitted on the header pipe around the inside periphery of the box.
Even with the lower velocities from each orifice plate, some erosion can occur. Thus, even with this
design, the sand bed should be protected by dissipating the kinetic energy of the velocity by
means of starting the filter with 0.3 m (1 ft) of water above the sand bed. The 0.3-m (1-ft) water
cushion will minimize bed erosion for the multiple outlet design, but for the single outlet design
the water cushion will merely alleviate deep erosion of the bed.
Another consideration is that the flow from each of the lateral pipes should be approximately
equal. Such flow equalization is accomplished by having a large header pipe relative to the orifice
plate sizes. The principle is to have negligible headloss in the header pipe relative to the orifices.
As noted above, the headloss across the orifices is only = 0.036 cm, whereas the header pipe will
have a friction loss of => 0.7 cm. This calls for a more exact design as a "manifold" problem. Thus
the pipe would be divided into segments with headloss calculated for each segment after
accounting for the loss in flow through each orifice. The orifice size at the beginning of the header
pipe may be adjusted to a smaller size so that the flows through each orifice are approximately
equal. An alternate approach is merely to use a larger header pipe. With a larger header pipe, the
pressures behind each orifice plate would be closer to equality.
As noted for the filter bed described in Example 3.4, the exit velocity with a single
0.3-m-diameter (1-ft) pipe is high enough to cause erosion. Also, even with the 10
distribution points around the filter bed, sand bed erosion is still a potential problem,
albeit minimized. Therefore, in addition to distributing the flow uniformly around the
bed, the bed should be backfilled with about 0.3 m (1 ft) of water to dissipate the kinetic
energy of the exit flow. To accomplish the backfilling, the filters that are being filled
should have a hydraulic connection with the operating filters. If the raw water inlet
ports are located about 0.3 m (1.0 ft) above the highest level of the sand bed, the kinetic
energy should dissipate as a "submerged jet." The weir plate controlling the tailwater
elevation should be raised for this start-up period. When the headloss across the sand
bed becomes about 0.3 m (1.0 ft), the weir plate should be lowered so that the crest is at
the top of the sand bed.
Figure 3.5 Underdrain Pipes Placed on the Floor of the Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile
House, BC. (Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
Figure 3.6 Type of Slotted Underdrain Pipe Used at 100 Mile House, BC. The pipe is
SDK 26 PVC, 15 cm (6 in.) in diameter, with 131 slots/m/row and 3 rows around the
diameter of the pipe. Each slot is 1 mm (0.039 in.) wide and 2.5 cm (1 in.) long. (Courtesy
Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
(2) Collection. Figure 3.5 shows the underdrain pipe layout for one of the three
slow sand filters at 100 Mile House, BC, which has dimensions of 43 m x 6 m (141 x 19.7
ft). The photograph was taken before the gravel was installed. Underdrain pipes may be
purchased as perforated pipe or as slotted pipe. Figure 3.6 shows the slotted pipe used at
100 Mile House. The slotted pipes were 15-cm-diameter (6-in.) SDK 26 PVC with 131
slots/m/row and 3 rows around the diameter of the pipe. Each slot was 1 mm (0.039 in.)
wide and 2.5 cm (1 in.) long.
The spacing of the underdrains is usually decided based upon practice. The
underdrain pipes for the slow sand filters at the Village of 100 Mile House were spaced at
2 m (6.6 ft). The 2-m (6.6-ft) spacing should be satisfactory, since the headless through the
gravel support is negligible compared to the headless through the sand bed. However, a
spacing of 1 m (3.3 ft) is preferred; the closer spacing is an inexpensive means of
providing an added certainty of uniform HLR as well as a safety factor with respect to
Additional certainty of having uniform HLR over the filter bed may be attained by
applying hydraulic principles when sizing the underdrain pipes and the perforated
holes. The underdrain system is a manifold, and as stated in Example 3.4, the system's
exact design requires an involved calculation process. One can, however, get an idea of
the design, without carrying out such calculations, by applying a basic principle of
manifold design, that is, that the headless across the system points at which flow is
distributed should be large compared to the headless within the manifold header pipe.
The idea is that the pressure within the manifold pipe, at each of the points of
distribution, should be about equal. Figure 3.7 shows an underdrain layout, the header
pipe, and the tailwater control for a hypothetical filter. Example 3.5 illustrates the
principles in the design of underdrain laterals and orifices. An analysis is given also for
underdrains consisting of the slotted pipe.
Perforated underdrains
Figure 3.7 Underdrain Layout for Hypothetical Slow Sand Filter
Example 3.5: Determine the size of the under drain system shown in figure 3.7.
1. Terms: The terms used in the equations that follow that have not been defined previously
q(lateral) = flow in underdrain lateral (m3/s)
q(orifice) = flow through orifice in underdrain pipe (m3/s)
N(orifices) = number of orifices in underdrain lateral
q(slot) = flow through orifice slot in underdrain pipe (m3/s)
A(slot) = area of slot (m2)
2. Determine the flow:
(1) Assume HLR = 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) the approximate upper limit for HLR.
(2) A(sand bed) = 10.0 m30.0 m = 300 m2 (3,228 ft2)
(3) Q = AHLR = 300 m20.4 m/hr = 120 m3/hr = 0.033 m3/s (1.16 ft3/s)
3. Size the laterals:
(a) Determine the flow for each lateral. The box has 10 laterals, spaced at 1.0 m (3.3 ft). The flow at
the end of each lateral, q(lateral), is:
q(lateral) = Q/10 = 0.033 m3/s/10 laterals = 0.0033 m3/s/ lateral
(b) Determine the headloss for each lateral assuming a lateral flow of 0.0033 m3/s for the full
Trial 1, assume a lateral diameter of 0.20 m (8 in.),
_ 0.0033 m3/s
= 0.10 m/s
L tv(pipe)]2
= 0.012-- 2 m
0.202 m
29.81 m/s2
= 0.0006 m = 0.06 cm
Trial 2, assume a lateral diameter of 0.15 m (6 in.). The same calculation using the DarcyWeisbach equation gives v = 0.14 m/s and hL = 0.0016 m = 0.16 cm.
(c) Discussion: The 0.15-m-diameter (6-in.) lateral has a headloss of only 0.16 cm for its 20-m
length for full flow, while the 0.20-m (8-in.) pipe has a headloss of only 0.06 cm. The smaller the
headloss in the lateral pipe, the more even are the orifice flows between the two ends of the pipe.
Before choosing a pipe, however, the headloss across orifices of different sizes should be
= O^TfO-Ol^m2
\V 29.81 -rO.10
= 0.000068 m3/s
0.07 L/s (1.1 gpm)
(b) Calculate the number of orifices needed.
"" q(orifice)
0.0033 m3/s
~ 0.00007 m3/s
= 47 orifices/lateral, or 2.4 orifices/m, which is sparse.
(c) Try another approach. Assume 20 orifices/m of lateral and an orifice diameter of 0.5 cm.
Determine the corresponding headloss.
q(orifice) = q(lateral)/N(orifices)
= (0.0033 m3/s)/(20 orifices/m x 20 m)
= 0.000008 m3/s/orifice
q(orifice) = Cd A ^2gAh
0.000008 = 0.62 rc'
V29.81 Ah
Ah = 0.022 m = 2.2 cm
(d) Discussion: Since the orifice headloss is 2.2 cm, the headloss across the orifice located the the
beginning of the lateral is 2.20 cm, while at the header end of the lateral the orifice headloss is 2.26
cm for the 20-cm (8-in.) lateral and 2.36 cm for the 15-cm (6-in.) lateral. The difference in the flows
is proportional to the square root of the respective headlosses. Thus, if the flow is one unit at the
beginning of the lateral, i.e. (2.20)1/2, at the header end the flow is (2.36)1/2 for the 15-cm (6-in.)
lateral and (2.26)1/2 for the 20-cm (8-in.) pipe, with ratios, 1: 1.04: 1.01, respectively. Thus the 15-cm
(6-in.) pipe has a flow of 4 percent more at the header end of the pipe than at the beginning, while
the 20-cm (8-in.) pipe has a 1 percent flow- difference. The 4 percent difference should be
acceptable and so the 15-cm (6-in.) lateral pipe should be satisfactory. If the orifice headloss is
small, however, the effect of later pipe size becomes more.
5. Determine the size of the header pipe:
(a) Assume the whole flow passes through the manifold pipe. Try a 46-cm (18-in.) pipe, for which
v = 0.033 m3/s/ 0.167 m2 = 0.20 m/s. For this condition, again apply the Darcy-Weisbach equation:
L [v(pipe)]2
(0.20)2 m2/s2
= 0.0005 m = 0.05 cm
6. Summary: The final underdrain design will be sized as follows.
(a) Header pipe: d = 0.46 m (18 in.), which results in a headless of only 0.05 cm at Q(max).
(b) Laterals: d = 0.15 m (8 in.), which results in a headloss of only 0.16 cm and a velocity of
0.14 m/s at Q(max).
(c) Orifices: d = 0.5 cm (1.3 in.), N = 20 holes/m, and hL = 2.2 cm (which is large relative to the
laterals and the header pipe).
7. Discussion: Filters should always operate with a uniform hydraulic loading rate (HLR) over the
sand bed. Violation of this principle is a frequent cause of problems. Implementation of uniform
HLR is dependent upon having a proper underdrain design. As a philosophy of underdrain
design, the most prudent approach is to err on the side of over-design, albeit the cost will increase
by the incremental price of larger pipe sizes. The investment is well placed, however, as the larger
capital investment of the overall plant is thus protected. As noted above, the 15-cm (6-in.) pipe will
be satisfactory for the conditions stated.
8. Analysis for the commercial underdrain laterals used at 100 Mile House, BC: The
underdrains used at 100 Mile House by Dayton & Knight, Ltd., are 10-cm (6-in.) SDR 26 PVC pipe
with 131 slots/row/m of pipe and 3 rows around the pipe circumference. The slots are 1 mm (0.039
in.) wide and 2.5 cm (1.0 in.) long.
Calculate the headloss across the orifices. The number of orifices for the layout of Figure 3.7 is:
N= 131,-, slots 3 rows
10 pip
= 78,600 slots
Next, the flow through the orifice slot is:
0.033 m3/s
1(slot) = 78,600 slots
= 0.0000004 m3/s/slot
And the area of each slot is:
A(slot) = 0.001 m
0.025 m
= 0.000025 m2
Thus, using Equation 3.4, the flow through the orifice is:
q(orifice) = Cd A "V2gAh
0.0000004 2js = 0.62 (0.000025 m2) V2
(9.81 m)(Ah m)
Comments: With so little headloss across the orifices, the headless within the lateral becomes
more important. Because uniform flow is not certain, 0.20-m (8-in.) laterals with 0.6-cm headloss
are advised. An alternative is to specify laterals having fewer orifices.
Further Analysis: At this point, principles of the hydraulic analysis should be reviewed. First, the
outside pressure head (that is, within the gravel media and the pipe surface) at all points along
any underdrain lateral should be approximately equal. The closer the spacing of the laterals, the
more likely it is that this will be true, since the small headlosses within the gravel support will be
less with shorter flow distance through the gravel. Second, with the pressure head the same across
a given elevation outside the pipe, the difference in the pressure differential between one orifice
and another is due to the headloss within the pipe. Therefore, examining orifice flows along the
15-cm (6-in.) lateral if the pressure differential across an orifice at the head of the lateral is
0.003 cm, the pressure differential will be 0.163 cm (= 0.003 cm + 0.160 cm) at the end of the lateral.
The orifice flow near the collection header pipe is therefore:
q(orifice) = Cd A V 2gAh
= 0.62 (0.000025 m2) V2 9.81
= 0.0000027 m3/s
Note that the flow is 7 times higher at the header end of the pipe than at the beginning of the pipe
(0.0027 L/s/orifice versus 0.0004 L/s/orifice). By comparison, for the 20-cm (8-in.) pipe, the orifice
flow is calculated: q(orifice) = 0.62 (0.000025 m2) V29.810.00063 s = 0.0000017 m3/s at the header
end, which is still 4 times the flow at the beginning of the pipe. Actually, the problem is not as
acute as these numbers make it seem because of the assumption that the lateral pipe is flowing
full. If the flowing-full assumption gives a reasonable result, then the real conditions will be
satisfactory. In the case discussed here, however, it is worthwhile to go to the trouble of a more
precise analysis, that is, to take into account that the lateral pipe picks up flow with its length. But
in any case, the HLR will be higher near the header pipe and lower at the beginning of the lateral.
The importance of underdrain design is seen, in this example, as paramount in achieving uniform
(3) Drainage. To scrape the sand bed, the headwater must be drained to a level just
below the sand bed surface. Figure 3.8 shows the pipe layout for draining the headwater.
The profile view shows the drainage occurring in two drawdown stages: (1) the inflow
distribution system removes the top portion of the headwater, (2) the underdrain system
removes the remaining water. The plumbing here is simple, as only valves are needed
to isolate the filter box. The positions of the valves are indicated in the profile view.
(4) Backfilling After Scraping. After scraping, the dewatered filter must be
backfilled with finished water. Backfilling can be accomplished easily with the valve
configuration shown in Figure 3.9. Part a shows normal operation, with the valves
connecting the filters in a closed condition. Part b shows backfilling from Filter 2 to Filter
1, which assumes Filter 1 was the one scraped and now must be backfilled until the
water depth reaches about 30 cm (1.0 ft) above the sand bed surface. Thus, the water level
in Filter 2 must be higher than the intended water level in Filter 1. The valve
connecting the filters must be open and the finished water line valves closed. Filter 3
Drawdown l
Drainage fror
drawdown 1
Drainage from
drawdown 2
Figure 3.8 Drainage System for Removing the Headwater From Filter Before Scraping
will continue in the filtration mode. The HLR for Filter 3 will increase during the
backfilling unless the operator reduces the flow to it with the influent meter and valve.
The treated water storage should be sufficient to satisfy demand during the time Filters 1
and 2 are not in operation.
(5) Overflow. The configuration for the overflow piping is simple, but it deserves
special mention because of its importance in preventing over-topping of the filter box.
Figure 3.10 shows the overflow weir box and the associated piping. The weir box should
be installed above the sand bed so that the weir crest is just below the high water level.
The weir crest should have sufficient length so that the head to carry the flow will not
encroach on the freeboard (the vertical distance between the high water level and the
top of the filter box). Example 3.6 illustrates the procedure for calculating weir
length.The head permitted, 10 cm (0.33 ft), is reasonable and results in a weir length of
only 60 cm (2.0 ft).
Finished water
Raw water
Finished water
Figure 3.9 Valve Configuration Used for Backfilling the Filter With Finished
Water After Scraping. Illustrated are (a) normal operation, and (b) backfilling
Example 3.6: Overflow Weir Sizing. Calculate the length of overflow weir for the weir box
shown in Figure 3.10. Assume that H, the permissible depth of water above the weir crest is 10 cm
(0.328 ft), and that P, the distance from the bottom of the channel to the weir crest, is 3.0 m (9.8 ft).
(See section 3.3.1 for a discussion of weirs.)
1. Determine the flow:
(1) Assume HLR = 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) the approximate upper limit for HLR.
(2) A(sand bed) = 10.0 m x 30.0 m = 300 m2 (3,228 ft2)
(3) Q = AHLR = 300 m2 0.4 m/hr. = 120 m3/hr = 0.033 m3/s (1.18 ftVs)
2. Calculation: The weir coefficient is calculated using Equation 3.6.
, = 0.40 + 0.05 IT
Then substitute numerical data in the standard weir equation (equation 3.7), in which Cw is the
weir coefficient and b is the length of the weir crest. See also Appendix Table B.2.
Drainage from
Scale Horiz: 1 cm = 1m
Vert: 1 cm = 0.5 m
Figure 3.10 Overflow Drainage System to Prevent Over-Topping of the Filter Box
(7) Flow Control. Flow to the plant is controlled on the influent side by means of a
gate valve located downstream from the metering device, as indicated in Figure 3.11.
The flow into the plant should be steady over a 24-hr period. Treated water stored in the
plant provides for varying hourly demands over the daily cycle. The treated water
storage tank should have an overflow weir with drainage pipeline to waste, so that
uncertainties in the daily demand can be met by having a treated water flow slightly in
excess of demand flow.
(8) Tailivater Control. The effluent valve does not serve to control flow; its only
function is to increase headloss so that the water level in the filter can be raised to about
0.3 m (1.0 ft) above the sand bed immediately after scraping in order to dissipate the
kinetic energy of the jets of influent flow. The valve should be opened fully after the
sand bed headloss increases to 0.3 m (1.0 ft). The water level is measured with
A weir, and not the effluent control valve, is the recommended means to achieve
tail water elevation control. Figure 3.12 illustrates how a weir is used to control tail water
level,, showing the weir plate on the effluent side of the filter and the crest elevation
being set to the same elevation as the top of the sand bed. The weir plate should be
designed so that it can be raised or lowered during operation. The initial position of the
weir crest, at the start of a filter run, should be about 0.3 m (1 ft) above the top of the sand
bed, but the weir plate should be adjustable enough that the weir crest can be lowered to
the elevation of the surface of the sand bed once the headloss across the sand bed is
greater than 0.3 m (1 ft). If flow measurement is desired, a hook gauge can be installed.
The weir should be considered an auxilliary flow meter and not a replacement for other
Flow meter
Orifice meters
(one to each filter)
Volumetric flow
Finished water
Orifice meter
(for plant)
Figure 3.11 Flow Meters for Slow Sand Filters. The valve for flow adjustment is also
shown, though the valves for other purposes are not shown.
pressure gages
Hook gage
.., ..
Figure 3.12 Weir for Tailwater Level Control
Figure 3.13 Piezometers for the Slow Sand Filters at the Village of 100 Mile House, BC.
(Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
Simply stated, if the weir crest for the tailwater elevation control is not permitted to be
lower than the level of the sand bed during operation, negative pressure will not occur
and, consequently, gas bubbles will be avoided. The only exception is when the influent
raw water is supersaturated with an atmospheric gas.
Actually, the sand bed can be subject to a small amount of negative pressure
without the occurrence of gas bubbles. But the safest rule is to design the filter so that the
tailwater elevation is always at or above the level of the sand bed. An argument against
such a design is that the filter box must be deeper than if this rule were not followed. But
a more compelling argument is that the whole investment in building a slow sand filter
system will be nullified if the sand bed is subject to frequent malfunctions and reduced
(11) Gas Bubble Formation. The source of gas bubbles in the filter is the dissolved
gas in the influent water. Virtually all waters have dissolved gases. Most often, the gas
forming the bubbles in the filter is oxygen. Oxygen is a product of the photosynthesis
reaction. As oxygen is produced, the solution concentration of oxygen increases in the
vicinity of the reaction. During daylight hours the oxygen production rate by
photosynthesis may exceed the rate of oxygen consumption by microorganisms and
aquatic life and the oxygen mass transfer rate from the water to the atmosphere. When
that occurs, the oxygen concentration increases accordingly. Such situations are common
in ambient waters, such as streams, lakes, and ponds, and the oxygen concentration may
exceed by a large margin the level that is in equilibrium with the atmosphere (in
accordance with Henry's law, which is discussed later in this section). Oxygen
concentrations as high as 32 mg/L (milligrams per liter) have been measured (by the
Winkler method) in slow-moving streams during the summer months in early
afternoon, when photosynthesis is at its maximum (oxygen production by
photosynthesis is proportional to the diurnal intensity of sunlight; see, for example,
Kartchner et al. 1969). In turbulent mountain streams, oxygen concentrations of 15 mg/L
have been measured by oxygen probe. Water with no biological activity (such as a
laboratory beaker filled with distilled water) and with dissolved gas concentrations at
equilibrium, in accordance with Henry's law, between the water and the atmosphere,
reaches oxygen saturation at 20 C at sea level with only 9.2 mg of oxygen per liter of
water. When dissolved oxygen concentrations due to photosynthesis exceed the level as
predicted by Henry's law, gas bubbles may form. Virtually all natural waters have some
level of biological activity; very seldom does water exchange gases only with the
The formation of gas bubbles, called "gas precipitation," is a phenomenon that
occurs when the local pressure, P(depth=d), at a given depth, d, in the water is equal to
or less than the partial pressure, P(gas i), at which the particular gas concentration, [i], is
at saturation according to Henry's law. That is, gas precipitation occurs when P(depth=d)
< [i]/Hi. Note that the concentration of a dissolved gas is indicated by brackets. Thus, for
gas species i, [i] is the concentration of that gas. The Henry's law coefficient for gas i is HI.
In other words, gas precipitation is the spontaneous formation of gas bubbles by a given
species i coming from the dissolved gas of species i in the water. Examples 3.7 and 3.8
explain further the conditions for gas precipitation.
Example 3.7: Gas Precipitation. Show how the occurrence of gas precipitation conditions may
be determined.
1. Conditions for Gas Precipitation: Gas precipitation will occur when the solution
concentration, [i], of a given gas species, i, in water exceeds the saturation concentration (with
respect to the local pressure at the point of interest, i.e., HjP(local)).
2. Henry's Law: Henry's law says that the concentration, [i], of any gas, i, in solution is
proportional to its partial pressure Pgas jat the solution-gas interface. Henry's law, in mathematical
terms, is stated in Equation 3.8.
[gas of species i] = Hgas s Pgas j
Criterion for gas precipitation: Gas precipitation will occur (Hendricks 1990) when:
[gas of species i]measured > Hgas i "Pdocal pressure in water)
Thus, if the pressure at a given point A in the liquid is PA and if the concentration of the gas in
solution is greater than the product of Hgasi "P^ then gas precipitation will occur spontaneously
(and bubbles will be observed).
4. Illustration: Suppose that water carried into a filter bed has a dissolved oxygen
concentration [C^l = 12 mg/L. The elevation is 1,372 m (4,500 ft), and therefore P(l,372 m) = 630
mm Hg or 0.83 atm, and temperature is 25 C. The concentration of pure oxygen in water at sea
level at 25 C is 40.0 mg/L, giving a Henry's law coefficient, HCO^ 25 ), of 40.0 mg/L/atm. Will gas
precipitation occur within the filter bed?
(a) Apply Henry's law to determine the pressure at which equilibrium will occur between the
dissolved gas and the bubbles.
12 mg/L = H(O2, 25 ) P(equilibrium)
12 mg/L = 40.0 mg/L/atmP(equilibrium)
P(equilibrium) = 0.30 atm
(b) If the absolute pressure at any point in the filter bed is less than 0.30 atm, gas precipitation will
occur. The associated gauge pressure is:
P(local gauge) = P(atmospheric) - P(local absolute)
Pdocal gauge) = 0.83 atm - 0.30 atm
= 0.53 atm (negative pressure)
= 5.48m (18.0 ft)
(c) Discussion: From these calculations we see that gas precipitation will occur and bubbles will
be observed if the hydraulic grade line (HGL) drops to 5.48 m (18.0 ft) below any given point in the
sand bed. Figure 3.14 illustrates the foregoing discussion. The system in Figure 3.14a is a tall bell
jar, 8.58 m high, filled with water having a dissolved oxygen concentration of 12.0 mg/L. The jar has
been inverted and placed in a tray of water, which also has a dissolved oxygen concentration of
12.0 mg/L. Suppose that a membrane of plastic wrap seals the interface so that oxygen transfer
cannot occur. With an increase in elevation, the pressure within the bell jar will decrease from the
0.83 atm measured at the level of the membrane. Thus, at 8.58-m (28.1-ft) elevation, the absolute
= H(02 , 25C|P(1372m)
= 40.0 mg/L/atm O2P(1372 m) atm
P(1372 m) = 0.30 atm total absolute local pressure
[Ol] = 12mg/L
Dissolved oxygen concentration limit (mg/L)
of solution, which has 12 mg/L dissolved oxygen, to the surface molecular film at 7.9 mg/L. This
oxygen transfer will not negate the above principles of gas precipitation, however, as the
phenomenon could occur at the surface. For example, if an algae mass is located at or near the
surface and is producing oxygen faster than the mass transport to the surface film, gas
precipitation could occur. For the case shown, the dissolved oxygen would have to reach 33.2 mg/L
concentration, at which time gas bubbles would be observed. The concentration would not exceed
this level.
5. Another illustration: An everyday illustration of gas precipitation is seen in boiling water.
For water, [H2O] = 1,000 mg/L. As temperature rises, the Henry's law coefficient, which is the ratio
of vapor pressure to the concentration of water (here 1,000 mg/L), also rises. At 100 C, the vapor
pressure of water is 1.0 atm, and H[H2O,100 C] = 1,000 g/L/1.0 atm. The HP product is:
H[H2O,100 C] P(local pressure = 1 atm) = 1,000 g/L/atm1.0 atm
= 1,000 g/L
Thus, since [H2O]actuai = 1,000 g/L at 100 C, the criterion for gas precipitation is satisfied and gas
bubbles form. Although boiling water is explained by the fact that boiling occurs when the vapor
pressure of the water increases to the local atmospheric pressure, the Henry's law explanation
shows the parallel with precipitation of any gas species.
Example 3.8: Filter Pressure With Depth. Show how pressures may be evaluated within the
filter bed. Elevation is 1,372 m (4,500 ft), giving P(local) = 0.83 atm.
1. Analysis of filter pressures: Figure 3.15a shows a filter bed in vertical position, that is, as set
up for operation. Figure 3.15b shows the filter bed inclined to facilitate hydraulic analysis. The line
drawn from the headwater to the tailwater is the energy grade line/hydraulic grade line
(EGL/HGL), which is the basis for the analysis. The EGL and HGL are approximately coincident
because the velocity head (\2/2g) is negligible. The energy loss is through the filter bed, so the
pressure at the top of the sand bed is that caused by the headwater. Starting at the headwater
elevation at the top of the column, the energy loss is linear through the sand bed (assuming no
surface deposit). The specific energy at the bottom of the sand bed is the elevation of the tailwater
In analysis, the sum of the elevation head, z, and the pressure head, p/y, defines the HGL. By
the same token, the distance from the HGL to the sand bed is the pressure head within the sand
bed. When the HGL crosses the sand bed, as shown in Figure 3.15b, the pressure in the sand bed
is zero. When the HGL drops below the sand bed, the pressure within the sand bed is negative.
The maximum negative pressure head is at the exit from the sand bed. In the case shown, with the
datum at 0.0 m, the tailwater elevation, point C, is at 0.20 m and the bottom of the sand bed is at
0.58 m. Thus, for point B, at the bottom of the sand bed, PB/y = -0.38 m water. Also, at point C, the
surface of the tailwater, Pc = 0.83 atm.
2. Determine the pressure at the bottom of the filter: Apply Bernoulli's equation between
points B and C, recalling that 1.0 atm = 10.33 m water:
ZB+ =zc+
1.80 m
Figure 3.15 Hydraulic Analysis of Filter Bed to Illustrate the Occurrence of Negative
Pressures Caused by Low Tailwater Elevation. Variables are defined in the text
Applying numerical data for absolute pressures gives:
058 m +
= 0.20 m +858m
= 8.20m
= 0.79 atm
Note that PB was determined as absolute pressure. Since PC = P(atmosphere, 1,372 m elev) = 0.83
atm, a negative pressure of 0.04 atm exists at point B (38 cm of water), which is another way of
expressing PB- Level C is the elevation of the tailwater.
3. Analysis of gas precipitation: The negative pressure in the filter bed reduces the
magnitude of the product of HP(absolute local pressure). Thus, at the bottom of the filter bed,
point B, the product of H(C>2, 25 ) PB(0.79 atm) = 40.0 mg/L/atm0.79 atm = 31.6 mg/L. From
these calculations we see that a higher concentration of dissolved gas in the water than 31.6 mg/L
will result in gas precipitation.
4. Discussion: By raising the tailwater elevation to point B by means of a weir, the HGL will be
raised correspondingly and will be higher than the sand bed at all points. Thus negative pressures
within the sand bed will not exist. For the case illustrated, the negative pressure level at point C is
not likely to result in gas precipitation since dissolved oxygen concentrations in the raw water
greater than 31.6 mg/L are not likely.
Figure 3.16 Pipe Gallery for Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile House, BC. (Courtesy Dayton &
Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
the filter box, the piezometers and flow meters may be located in the pipe gallery. The
operator should have easy access to all valves, meters, and piezometers within the pipe
gallery and should not have to stoop or bend in difficult positions. The pipe systems
include those for raw water (influent), finished water (effluent), headwater drainage,
backfilling of finished water from an operating filter to a drained filter, and filter-towaste. The pipes, valves, and meters should be color-coded and labeled so that the
function of each is self-evident.
(14) Access to Filters. Operators must have easy access to the filter beds for
inspection during operation, removing sand after scraping, and resanding the bed. The
operators should be able to complete the tasks of scraping and resanding in a normal
working fashion. Sand removal and placement should not require abnormal body
positions that could result in injury. At 100 Mile House, BC, access to the filters is by
means of ship doors, which are shown in the photograph in Figure 3.17.
(15) Hydraulic Profile. The starting point for any hydraulic analysis is the hydraulic
profile. The hydraulic profile of the Moricetown filter is shown in Figure 5.2. Such a
profile should be drawn based on headloss calculations in conjunction with trial-anderror selection of pipe sizes. From HGL determination, the filter box elevation can be set.
Figure 3.17 Ship Doors Providing Access to Slow Sand Filters at 100 Mile House, BC
(Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
The latter is subject to the constraints of source water elevation and filtered water
storage elevations.
(16) Headroom. Adequate headroom should be provided so that persons scraping
the sand bed can assume normal posture. The distance between the top of the sand bed
and the roof should be greater than 2.0 m. The amount of space that needs to be
provided for headless is about the same as the headroom required.
(17) Designing to Avoid Freezing. In northern latitudes, freezing temperatures
must be considered. Two approaches are (1) to accept the presence of an ice block in the
filter in winter and to design the walls to handle the thrust of the expansion, and (2) to
prevent the occurrence of an ice block. The former is not good policy, however, as the
nuisance and problems of ice are worth avoiding. Any layer of ice must be removed
before sand can be scraped, so even a thin crust of ice will cause an inordinate increase in
the labor requirement.
The Kassler slow sand filter, an outdoor filter operated from 1906 to 1985 by the city
of Denver, was run in the winter months even though it routinely had a floating ice
block, usually 0.3 to 0.6 m (1 to 2 ft) in thickness, on the water surface. The filter area, 2.47
ha (10.5 acres), was too extensive to cover with a roof. The important point was that the
Figure 3.18 Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile House, BC, Showing Earth Embankments Used
for Insulation. (Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
ice block did not touch the surface of the sand. The horizontal force caused by the
expansion of the ice block was taken by the sloped sidewalls of the filter. The sidewalls
were 15-cm (6-in.) concrete slabs covering earth berms sloped 1:2, and had no structural
difficulty with the ice. Scraping was timed for just before the winter season, so that the
filter run could extend to spring when the ice block was expected to melt.
To prevent the occurrence of an ice block, a filter must be covered. The slow sand
filters at Empire, CO, 100 Mile House, BC, and Moricetown, BC, are all covered. Figure
3.18 is a photograph of the slow sand filter at 100 Mile House, BC. The filter has a flatroof
of precast concrete and earth sidewalls. With the insulation provided by the earth
sidewalls, no auxiliary heat is needed, and the filter has had only a thin skin of ice on
the water surface at any time during operation since November 1985. A small pump that
maintains circulation at the headwater surface has also helped prevent ice buildup.
Figure 3.19 shows the earth insulation at the Moricetown, BC, filter. The earth is
placed along the sidewalls and in a layer about 0.3 m (1 ft) deep on the slab roof. The
filter box has a port to the operations room so that heat from the operations room can
circulate above the headwater.
The slow sand filter at Empire, CO, is shown in Figure 3.20. The filter has a steep
trussed roof, and two propane space heaters operate inside the filter building. The
Figure 3.19 Slow Sand Filter at Moricetown, BC, Showing Earth Insulation Against
Sidewalls. About 0.3 m (1 ft) of earth also covers the slab roof. (Courtesy Dayton &
Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC.)
propane is stored in a 3,800-L (1,000-gal) tank outside the filter and is sufficient to run the
heaters during the winter season. A portion of the surface of the headwater is usually
covered with a thin crust of ice. The Empire filter site is located at an elevation of 2,926
m (9,600 ft), and daytime winter temperatures may be <-10 C, with much lower
temperatures at night. Influent water temperatures are often 0 C in the winter;
therefore, flows must not be stopped in any pipe or freezing will be likely.
The experiences of these filter plants show that covering the filter boxes will
alleviate the problems of freezing at nominal cost. The roofs are relatively inexpensive
for the size of the filters needed for small communities. The roofs also alleviate the
problems of algae growth and protect the filter bed from debris and vandalism.
Depending upon the situation, roofs may be merited based upon these factors alone.
3.1.3 Sand Recovery System
Sand recovery systems are relatively simple to construct and operate but require
capital expenditure. If a storage area for dirty sand is provided, the initial capital
expenditure for sand recovery may be deferred until the first resanding is required.
Without sand recovery, new sand must be purchased for resanding.
Figure 3.20 Slow Sand Filter at Empire, CO, Showing 3,800-L (1,000-gal) Propane Tank.
Propane space heaters are located inside the filter building. (Photograph by D. W.
The arguments for on-site sand recovery are that sand will be on hand for
resanding; that the cost of resanding will be minimal; that the sand will have been
washed and will be ready for use; that sand will not be indiscriminately discarded; and
that the uncertainty that exists in any new sand acquisition concerning whether proper
attention will be given to specifying the correct size of sand, and whether it can be
obtained at a reasonable price, will be avoided. Factors in favor of not recovering the
sand are that a capital cost can be deferred to the future, when new sand would have to
be purchased and that the operation cost can be reduced by not having to handle sand.
For the long term, however, having a sand recovery system is cost-effective and its
provision will facilitate a sustainable operation and will provide an important measure
of quality contol. Facilities for sand storage and washing contribute to the "passive"
theme of slow sand filtration and should be an integral part of any design.
Figure 3.21 illustrates schematically a sand handling system. First, the dirty sand
must have a place to be stored until it is washed. The volume of the storage bin can be
equal to the amount of space required to hold the sand from a single scraping, from a
year of scrapings, or from the entire bed volume.
A simple flume is used to wash the sand. The water flow suspends the sand and
debris. The sand settles into a box, and the debris, which remains in suspension, is
removed with the flow. An NPDES permit may be required if the flow is to be
discharged to a stream. Also, a settling basin may be needed to collect the solids that will
settle out of the water before the flow is discharged. Since the solid material derives
from erosion processes, a suitable land discharge site may alleviate the need for an
NPDES permit.
After the washed sand settles, it is move to another bin for storage. That bin should
have drainage and a cover. Ideally, the bin should be accessible to a front-end loader, so
that the sand can be removed easily during the resanding operation. The combined
volumes of the storage bins for dirty sand and for washed sand should equal the total
sand volume removed. The exact mix of clean and dirty sand stored will be determined
by local factors and preferences. A suggested mix is to provide storage for one year of
dirty sand, with the balance of storage for clean sand. This mix of storage implies annual
washing, which should be convenient for most situations.
Example 3.9: Sand Recovery System for the Empire, CO, Filter. Size the storage bins for
dirty and clean sand at Empire.
1. Given data for Empire: The sand bed at Empire is scraped about once each month.
Approximately 0.5 cm of sand is removed during each scraping (see Example 3.2).
2. Sand removal: With two sand beds, each 9.60 m x 17.60 m, and with 0.5 cm removed at
each scraping and 1 scraping/month, the volume of sand taken up with each monthly scraping is
0.85 m3 (1.1 yd3 [cubic yard]), requiring a total storage volume of 308 m3 (402 yd3) when 0.91 m of
the 1.2-m sand bed is removed from the two filter boxes, i.e., 308 m3 = 9.60 m x 9.60 m x 0.91 m x 2
3. Storage bins: Assume that the bin for the storage of dirty sand has a volume to
accommodate one year of scrapings, which is 10.2 m3, or 13.3 yd3 (10.2 m3/yr = 9.60 m x 17.60 m x
0.005 m removed/scraping x 12 scrapings/yr). Thus, the volume needed for clean sand is
308 m3 - 10.2 m3 = 298 m3 The clean sand storage bin should be as deep as possible because the
site is excavated rock and is limited in area. An area about 10 m x 10 m could be developed, which
would give a depth of 3.0 m (9.8 ft).
4. Structure: The storage bin should have a floor of reinforced concrete that is sloped to permit
drainage. The drainage should be collected and removed from the site. The side pressure will not
be great for a bin that is 3.0 m deep. A rough estimate is 1,700 kg/m2 (360 lb/ft2). Therefore a
concrete block structure, or even a suitably designed wood building, may be considered. A roof
should be added to protect the sand, and one end of the building should be open for equipment
access. This should not be construed as a design recommendation but as an indication that the
recovery system can be housed in an inexpensive structure.
5. Comments: At Empire, rock had to be excavated to provide a site for the slow sand filter and
the budget was such that only the basic filter could be built. For economic reasons, a sand
recovery system was not in the picture. In the future, Empire will have to face the problem of
resanding and a retrofit to develop a sand recovery system. With only a little guidance from an
engineer, the town could build such a system using its own staff.
Table 3.2
Data on Slow Sand Filters
Total area
1,000 personsb
100 Mile House/
2,300 persons0
900 persons'1
Number of
Bed area
per cell
Time required
for scraping
Number of
involved in
aThe downtime for a filter includes the time to drain the headwater, dewater the sand bed to about 3 cm (1 in.)
below the sand bed surface, scrape and remove the sand, backfill from the bottom, and refill the headwater.
The downtime for the three installations in this table is about 24 hours each.
bThe population of Empire, CO, was 450 in 1984. The plant was designed to filter 0.946 mil L/d (250,000 gpd) for
a projected population of 1,000 persons, with an HLR of 0.26 m/hr (6.5 mgad) for a bed area of 153 m2
(1,650 ft2). The flow demand in 1985 ranged from 0.189 to 2.000 mil L/d (50,000 to 530,000 gpd).
'The population of 100 Mile House, BC, was 1,925 in 1987. The plant was designed for a peak flow of 7.26 mil
L/d (1.92 mgd) to serve a population of 2,300 (Bryck et al. 1987).
dThe Moricetown, BC, plant was designed for a peak day flow of 0.922 mil L/d (0.24 mgd) to serve a projected
1996 population of 900. The plant can be expanded to serve 1,240 persons, the projected population for 2006
(Dayton & Knight, Ltd. 1989).
consideration should be given to allow the HLR to exceed the maximum. If the filter bed
is biologically mature, it is not as sensitive to a nominal HLR increase. In other words,
judgment may be required if the ideal protocol results in untenable positions (as noted
for Empire in Example 3.1).
Because the filter area is determined by the HLR selection, it too clearly has a
systems context. The selected area and associated HLR should be examined over the
cycles of operation, taking into account the whole system. The critical periods are as
determined locally but would include the time during which a filter bed is out of service
for scraping, the peak day of per capita demand and its relationship to treated water
storage, and the maximum demand, which would occur when the upper limit of
population is reached.
Thus, the HLR is a "design link" to the rest of the system and to operation. The
number of cells in the filter is also a factor in the design. The larger the number of cells,
the less proportionate is the increase in HLR when a single cell is removed from service
for scraping or resanding.
(2) Number of Cells. Every slow sand filter should have two or more cells so that
when one is out of service for scraping or other reasons, another filter bed can continue
producing sufficient amounts of water for the community. Whether more than two
filter beds are used depends upon the time required for scraping and the capital costs. As
discussed above, the number of cells directly affects how the system operates and
Example 3.10: Number of Cells in a Filter Bed. Using the data from the Empire, CO, filter,
calculate an upper limit area for a single cell for a slow sand filter.
1. Assumptions: Assume that the filter bed can be out of operation for 16 hours and that three
persons are available for scraping. Also assume that 4 hours are needed to drain the headwater
(the time that should be required at Empire if headwater drainage plumbing was provided), and 4
hours are needed to put the filter back into operation, leaving 8 hours available for scraping. Also
assume the scraping rate is 19 m2/person/hr (the rate at Empire).
(3) Layout. An important part of the design is the layout of the filter area. Filter
layout determines the plumbing configuration, the economy of the filter box
construction, and whether future plant expansion will be feasible. Figure 3.22 is a
schematic of the filter box and plumbing layout for the slow sand filter plant at 100 Mile
House, BC. The plumbing layout is located in a pipe gallery along the front ends of the
filter boxes, making access easy for both operation and maintenance. Further, avoidance
i i
m ~~mm
Finished water
|f||p||||chk>rine contact f
Operations Building
Raw water
Figure 3.22 Configuration of Filter Boxes and Plumbing at Slow Sand Filter Plant, 100
Mile House, BC
(4) Depth of Box. The depth of the filter box can be stated as follows:
Depth of filter box = depth of gravel support (0.5-0.8 m)
+ depth of filter media (1.0-1.5 m)
+ maximum depth of water (2.0-3.0 m)
+ freeboard depth (10-30 cm)
An important concern is that a person about 183 cm (6.0 ft) tall can stand comfortably
when scraping the sand bed and not touch the underside of roof, or the roof truss, when
the filter bed is at its maximum height.
The upper limits of filter bed depth and the headwater depth indicated above are
slightly beyond the range of usual practice. As noted, the depths of the headwater and of
the initial sand bed are limited by economic considerations rather than absolute criteria.
Because the underdrain pipes are placed on the filter floor and the gravel is placed
around the pipes, the pipe sizes are not measured in computing the depth of the filter
Figure 3.23 is a cross-section drawing of a slow sand filter, showing the underdrain,
gravel support, sand, headwater, and freeboard, with typical ranges of depths indicated.
At 100 Mile House, BC, the total distance from roof slab to concrete floor is 3.80 m (12.5
ft), with gravel taking up 0.83 m (2.7 ft); sand, 1.05 m (3.4 ft); maximum headwater depth,
1.80 m (5.9 ft); and freeboard, 0.12 m (0.40 ft). At Empire, CO, the depth of the filter box is
3.66 m (12.0 ft), with gravel taking up 0.61 m (2.0 ft); sand, 1.22 m (4.0 ft); maximum
headwater depth, 1.52 m (5.0 ft); and freeboard, 0.31 m (1.0 ft). The depths of the
headwater and the sand bed at 100 Mile House and Empire are representative of practice.
To ensure that a 183-cm (6-ft) person will be able to stand comfortably on the sand bed,
the following equation should be used when deciding the roof height:
distance above sand bed = headwater depth + freeboard > 183 cm (6 ft)
(5) Structural Design. The structural design of the filter box depends upon the
hydraulic pressure exerted on the inside of the filter box and the soil pressure exerted on
the outside. The hydraulic pressure is calculated by applying the concept of the pressure
prism. According to that concept, the pressure at any depth is:
in which p = water pressure at depth h (pascals or lb/ft2)
h = depth below water surface (m or ft)
Y = specific weight of water (9,990 N/m3 or 62.4 lb/ft 3)
*\ *'*pr-c*t
[1-^.*^;^.^_ .
^ -olab
~ _ _ roof
_, _ concrete
I ,
::$S:$::::;:::: *
*,<*,*__< *.rL^*^*-^ -f*-^_* *-<
Measurements in meters
Figure 3.23 Cross Section of Slow Sand Filter Showing Filter Box With Underdrain,
Gravel Support/ Sand, Headwater/ and Freeboard
F = (Y h/2)
= (9,990 N/m3 3.65 m/2)
(3.65 m 1.0 m)
3.1.5 Disinfection
Filtration and disinfection go together in accordance with the "double barrier"
philosophy, which is the concept that two different removal mechanisms should be
employed in any water treatment scheme to provide municipal drinking water. Usually
chlorine will be used for disinfection, either in liquid form or as calcium hypochlorite.
As a rule, chlorine gas is used only by communities with populations >200-500 persons.
Figure 3.24 shows the chlorination building at Empire, CO. In Empire, chlorine gas is
metered into the flow after slow sand filtration and prior to treated water storage.
Safety must be a key consideration for plants using chlorine disinfection. Facilities
are required to meet state chlorine regulations and must have qualified operators and
accountable management. The chlorine concentration used for disinfection will depend
upon the contact time and the particular organisms of interest. Organisms most resistant
to chlorination are the cysts of Giardia lamblia and Cryptosporidium parvum. The
Giardia lamblia cysts have been found at most places where sampling has been done
throughout the United States and Canada (Hibler, pers. com., August 23, 1990).
Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts have been found extensively, but their occurrence has
not been determined to the same extent as that of the Giardia lamblia cyst. The Giardia
lamblia cyst is inactivated only at high CT values, where C is the concentration of
chlorine in mg/L and T is the contact time in minutes (min). The Surface Water
Treatment Rule (SWTR, federal Register, 1989, or 40 CFR, Parts 141 and 142) requires
that T be for peak hourly flow and that C be for the disinfectant residual at the end of the
contact time. (Note that "40 CFR" refers to Title 40, Code of Federal Regulations). Table
3.3 gives the CT values specified by the Federal Register for achieving 1-log and 3-log
inactivation of Giardia lamblia cysts with four disinfectants. The data in Table 3.3 show
Figure 3.24 Chlorination Building at Empire, CO, Filter Plant. Chlorine gas is injected
into the effluent line after slow sand filtration. (Photograph by D. W. Hendricks.)
clearly that inactivation of Giardia cysts requires very high OT values as compared to
those for inactivating most bacteria (0.1-1) and viruses (1-10). The OT data for free
chlorine in Table 3.3 were based in part upon data generated by Hibler et al. (1987);
Appendix Figure D.I is a plot showing the Hibler data.
Even more exceptional than the Giardia lamblia disinfection requirements are the
OT values required to inactivate Cryptosporidium parvunt oocysts, which are
nominally 7,000 (Logsdon 1990). More comprehensive data on Cryptosporidium OT
values are not available.
The extremely high OT values for Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts indicate that
chlorine and less effective disinfectants will not work for removing this organism. Most
systems will not be able to rid their water of Cryptosporidium by disinfection. The
disinfection of Giardia cysts, however, is possible, but it requires the careful
consideration of facilities to achieve the correct contact time and dosage.
At 100 Mile House, the chlorine contact time in the clear well at peak day flow is 20
min. With a chlorine dose of about 3.0 mg/L at the plant, resulting in about 0.5-1.0
mg/L in the distribution system, depending upon local circumstances, OT = 1.0*20 = 20.
The peak day flow is about four times higher than the average daily flow at the 1986
population. For 1986 conditions, the OT = 1.0*80 = 80, which is sufficient for about
1.5-log inactivation of Giardia cysts at a temperature of 0.5 C. The residence time in the
Table 3.3
OT Values for Achieving 1-Log to 3-Log Inactivation of Giardia lamblia Cysts
Temperature ( C)
Free chlorine3
Chlorine dioxide
Chloramines (preformed)
aCT values depend upon the residual concentration of free chlorine. Values given are for 2.0 mg/L free
chlorine. Theoretically, OT(l-log removal) = OT(3-log removal)/3.
Source: Federal Register (1989).
transmission line and in the service reservoirs will add detention time, which should
be calculated under peak flow conditions. Despite these nominal removals of Giardia
and other organisms by disinfection, the main burden for protection of the community
is on the filters. The filters provide the only effective protection from Cryptosporidium,
for which chlorine CT values may be as high as 7,000 for 2-log removal.
3.1.6 Filtration Removals
The slow sand filtration removal of Giardia cysts can be expected to be about 3-log
for a biologically mature filter bed (Bellamy et al. 1985a, 1985b), rendering the Giardia
risk very low to the population. The SWTR requires the combined filtration and
disinfection to result in 3-log removal or inactivation of Giardia lamblia and 4-log
overall removal or inactivation of viruses. The maturity of the filter bed has much to do
with removals expected by filtration. A mature filter can consistently achieve 2-log to
4-log removals of Giardia cysts, but less removal may occur when the filter is not
mature. The disinfection procedure should be designed to achieve >l-log inactivation of
Giardia at all times. For Cryptosporidium parvum oocysts, Schuler et al. (forthcoming)
reported filtration removals of >4-log at an HLR of 0.40 m/hr (10 mgad). Because
Cryptosporidium cysts are so resistant to disinfection, the filters will have the entire
burden of community protection.
The 1989 SWTR requires that the effluent water from slow sand filters must have
turbidity levels under 5 NTU at all times and that turbidity levels must be <1 NTU in 95
percent of the samples taken. The 1 NTU may be increased by the state to 5 NTU if that
level of turbidity will not interfere with disinfection. Turbidity must be sampled every
four hours or it must be continuously monitored, although for slow sand filtration the
state may reduce the monitoring requirements to once per day.
Design criteria for slow sand filters were first summarized by Hazen (1913). Indeed,
his well-documented and comprehensive criteria on hydraulic loading rate, sand size,
and gravel support, as well as his general guidelines, still are useful. The guidelines of
Huisman and Wood (1974) were the next available and have been used widely by
persons involved in slow sand filter design. The guidelines given here build upon these
works but give precedence to the knowledge developed by the research, studies, and
experience of the 1980s.
3.2.1 Hydraulic Loading Rates
Huisman and Wood (1974, pp. 43,44) noted that three Amsterdam filters operated at
HLRs of 0.1, 0.25, and 0.45 m/hr for a year had no discernible differences in effluent
water quality. They gave no criterion, as such, for HLR, but they discounted the role of
HLR as an important factor. Shieh (pers. Com., September 19, 1990) reported that the
slow sand filters at Salem, OR, were designed for an HLR of 0.40 m/hr (10 mgad) and
were operated at about 0.35 m/hr (9 mgad) in 1990.
The work of Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b), who ran three slow sand pilot filters, each
30 cm (11.5 in.) in diameter, for one year at HLRs of 0.04, 0.1, and 0.4 m/hr (1.0, 3.0, and
10.0 mgad), respectively, showed that HLR did have an influence on water quality. Table
3.4 shows the average percent removals calculated by Bellamy et al. for the data they
obtained in their one-year study of biologically mature slow sand filters. The percent
removals of Giardia cysts, total coliform bacteria, and turbidity all showed linear
declines, generally, in percent removals with increasing HLR. The right-hand columns
show the percent removal data processed in terms of calculated effluent concentrations
for hypothetical influent concentrations indicated. These data show that the
concentrations of Giardia cysts in the effluent water are very low for all three HLRs
shown. For example, at HLR = 0.04 m/hr (1.0 mgad), removals of Giardia cysts averaged
99.992 percent (4-log), and at 0.40 m/hr (10.0 mgad), cyst removals averaged 99.982
percent (nearly 4-log). The corresponding effluent cyst concentrations were calculated to
be 0.08 and 0.18 cysts/L, respectively. Removals of total coliform bacteria were 99.5
percent at 0.04 m/hr (1.0 mgad) and 95.6 percent at 0.4 m/hr (10.0 mgad); effluent
concentrations were 5 total coliforms/100 mL and 44/100 mL, respectively, for the
hypothetical influent concentration of 1,000 total coliforms/100 mL.
Table 3.4
Effect of Hydraulic Loading Rate on Percent Removals in
Slow Sand Pilot Filters, Measured by Bellamy et al. (19853,1985b),
and Calculations of Corresponding Effluent Concentrations
Percent removal3
Coliformsc Turbidity
Numbers in ef f luentb
Coliformsc Turbidity
(cysts/L) (org./100 mL) (NTU)
*Data from Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b) are averages of data for biologically mature slow sand pilot filters.
"Calculated from percent removal data, based upon hypothetical influent levels of 1,000 cysts/L, 1,000 total
coliforms/100 mL, and 10 NTU, respectively.
'Total coliform bacteria.
Several conclusions are evident from the results reported in Table 3.4. First, even
though increasing HLR caused linear reductions in percent removals, the changes were
continuous, which means that exceeding some arbitrary criterion or standard will not
cause a sudden problem. The effect of increasing the hydraulic loading rate will be a
continuous increase in effluent concentration, not a discontinuous, sudden effect.
Second, the changes in effluent levels are not large within the HLR range of 0.04-0.40
m/hr (1.0-10.0 mgad). An increase in HLR from 0.04 to 0.4 m/hr (1.0 to 10.0 mgad) will
cause the effluent cyst concentration to increase only from 0.08 to 0.18 cysts/L (for the
hypothetical influent concentration of 1,000 cysts/L). Similar calculated results are seen
for total coliform bacteria and turbidity. Such increases are small relative to the
hypothetical influent concentrations.
Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b) chose the HLR range of 0.04-0.4 m/hr (1.0-10.0 mgad)
for their pilot plant experiments based upon a survey they took of HLRs used in
operating plants and on the discussion in Huisman and Wood (1974). As Huisman and
Wood note, the length of run is reduced by higher HLR levels, and economic factors
may weigh against higher HLRs even more strongly than the possible reduction in
efficiency at the higher rates. Experimental work has not been reported on filter
operation at HLR levels higher than 0.45 m/hr. The governing concern in exceeding the
HLR of 0.45 m/hr would most likely be the reduction in run time rather than an
unacceptable loss in filtration efficiency. The above discussion is qualified by the premise
that the filter bed is biologically mature.
In conclusion, any HLR within the traditional range, that is, 0.04-0.4 m/hr (1.0-10.0
mgad), should be acceptable from the standpoint of filtration efficiency. Further, HLR is
not steady; it will change over the annual cycle and will show an increasing trend as
population increases.
3.2.2 Underdrain Size and Spacing
The underdrain system should ensure uniform flow through the overlying sand
bed. Uniform flow is achieved, first, by having a uniform distribution and sufficient
number of collection orifices and, second, by designing the orifice area/conduit area
ratio such that headless within the underdrain conduit (the drainpipe) is negligible
relative to the orifice. To illustrate, a hypothetical hydraulic grade line (HGL) through
a filter system is shown in Figure 3.25a. The elements of the system causing
hydraulic resistance include the schmutzdecke, the sand bed, the gravel support, the
orifices, and the drainpipes. So that the headlosses can be associated with the resistance
elements, the same system is shown in Figure 3.25b with the schmutzdecke-sand bedgravel support rotated 90 counterclockwise to give a horizontal orientation. The
headlosses are identified as hi(schmutzdecke), hiXsand bed, gravel support), h^Corifice),
and !IL (drainpipe), respectively, for each of the elements (the sand bed and gravel
support headlosses are combined).
An important condition in the underdrain design is that the hydraulic head must
at all points within the sand bed and the gravel support define horizontal planes of
constant pressure. This means that the hydraulic head on the external side of the
underdrain pipes must be the same along the length of each pipe, as illustrated in Figure
3.25c. The key point is that the pressure head inside the drainpipe decreases along its
length due to friction, as Figure 3.25c illustrates (the vertical scale is larger in (c) than in
(a) and (b) to emphasize this friction headless inside the pipe). Therefore, the headless
across the orifices at the head of the pipe is less than for those at the end of the pipe by
the amount of friction headloss due to flow within the pipe. That is,
i, ( \ c L [v(pipe)P
hL(pipe) = f D ~%
hi| schmutzdecke}
hL = f-L N orifice)]*
Idrain pipe|
hi{ schmutzdecke)
(::: SSS:
headwater;; m
till II
ij tail water
( orifice B)
Example 3.12: Analysis of Effect of Underdraw Pipe Size on Orifice Discharges Along
Length of Pipe. Consider an underdrain pipe at the bottom of a gravel support. Let Point A be at
the head of the pipe and Point B at the end of the pipe. Determine algebraically the difference in
flows between the orifices at A and B.
1. Analysis: Figures 3-25a and 3-25b show a hydraulic analysis for the entire filter-underdrain
system. Figure 3.25c shows the hydraulic analysis for the underdrain only. For the condition shown
in Figure 3.25c, the flow through each orifice, q(orifice), can be stated by applying Equation 3.4:
q(orifice) = CdA(orifice)[2ghL(orifice)]1/2
The associated headlosses are:
hi/orifice at A) = p(outside pipe) - p(inside pipe at A)
= CdA(orifice){2g[hL(orifice at A) + hL(drainpipe)]}1/2
q(B) - q(A) = CdA(orifice){2g[hL(orifice at A) + hL(drainpipe)]}1/2
= CdA(orifice)
In other words, the difference between q(A) and q(B) is in the h^pipe) term. The important point is
hi,(pipe) hL(orifice at A)
Equation (1) states the basic criterion for underdrain design, which is that the headless within the
underdrain pipe should be negligible compared to the headlosses across the orifice.
(1) Design of Underdraws. The underdrains usually consist of pipes with orifices
of holes, slots, or spaces. Design variables include the configuration of pipes, the spacing
of laterals, the diameter of laterals, the number of orifices per lineal unit distance of
lateral, and the diameter of the orifices. The diameter and spacing of the underdrain
pipes and the diameter of the orifices may be determined theoretically by hydraulic
calculations (see Section 3.1.2, Example 3.5, and Figure 3.26). The use of empirical
(a) Streamlines at 0.5 m drainpipe spacing
(b) Streamlines at 2.0 m drainpipe spacing, showing effect on streamlines caused by longer
flow path through gravel support to underdrains
guidelines is, however, common. Such guidelines are given in the Ten States Standards
(Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board 1987) and in design handbooks.
Figure 3.26 shows the effect of the spacing of underdrain pipes on streamlines. The
flows between the streamlines are equal, by definition. The volume bounded by a set of
streamlines is called a "streamtube." Figure 3.26a shows the streamlines for pipes spaced
0.5 m apart, and Figure 3.26b shows the streamlines for pipes 2.0 m apart. In Figure 3.26a,
the streamlines are uniform through the sand bed and within the gravel support. In
Figure 3.26b, the streamlines a, b, and c are not spaced equally. Streamlines a and b are
spaced closer than b and c. The reason is that streamtube b-c has a longer flow path
within the gravel support, and hence the headless is larger. The area needed for
streamtube b-c must be larger than that for streamtube a-b. Thus, in principle,
underdrain spacing affects the spatial distribution of the hydraulic loading rate. In
practice, however, the effect of the larger spacing of drains in Figure 3.26b is likely to be
negligible, since the hydraulic resistance in the gravel support is usually very little.
Although a 2-m (6.5-ft) spacing may be satisfactory, a smaller spacing is prudent because
underdrain pipes are inexpensive and uniform flow will be assured.
The pipe material for underdrains should be noncorrosive. Clay pipe is traditional,
and in recent years plastic tubes have been used widely. The underdrain tubes at 100
Mile House, BC, are slotted SDK 26 PVC pipe; at Empire, the tubes are polyethylene.
With respect to sizing, the tubes at 100 Mile House are 15.0 cm (6.0 in.) in diameter with
131 slots per row per meter (40 slots per row per foot) of pipe and extend the full length
of the filter boxes, that is, 43 m (141 ft). The slots are in three rows and are 1.0 mm (0.039
in.) wide and 25 mm (1 in.) long, with 6-mm (0.25-in.) spacing between each slot. Three
such tubes make up the underdrains, with one in the center and one 2.0 m (6.6 ft) on
either side of the center tube. At Empire, CO, the underdrains are perforated
polyethylene tubes, spaced at 1.52 m (5 ft).
Hazen (1913) suggested drainage area limits for different sizes of underdrain pipes
as given in Table 3.5 (metric sizes supplied). He calculated the frictional resistance of the
underdrain pipes for the Hamburg filters as 11 mm (0.036 ft). Lindley designed the
Warsaw filters (Hazen 1913) to have underdrain headless of only 5 mm (0.0164 ft) when
filtering at a rate of 0.10 m/hr (2.57 mgad).
In addition to specifying the size of the orifices and the size and material for the
conduits, the design must specify the conduit layout. For small filter areas, all
underdrains can lead to a single header pipe at the end of the filter, just inside the filter
box and parallel to the pipe gallery. If the filter bed area is large, a center header pipe with
Table 3.5
Drainpipe Sizes for Slow Sand Filters in Europe as Reported by Hazen (1913)
Diameter of drainpipe
laterals may be desired. The main idea is to ensure small headlosses within the
underdrain pipes.
3.2.3 Sand Size Specification
Comprehensive recommendations for sand size were given by Alien Hazen, one of
the early pioneers in the field of slow sand filtration, who made careful and systematic
studies as a basis for his recommendations. His 1913 treatise (Hazen 1913) on filtration is
a useful point of departure for a discussion of current research and is reviewed here for
historical perspective. In some cases, current research and practice have not supplanted
Hazen's work.
(1) Hazen's Foundation. Hazen (1913) characterized a sand grain in terms of the
mean diameter of an equivalent sphere, calculated as the cube root of the product of the
dimensions as measured along the principal axes. For example, if the dimensions along
the three axes are 1.38, 1.05, and 0.69 mm, the equivalent diameter is 1.0 mm. Also,
Hazen reasoned that for a sand bed having a range of sand sizes, the flow is forced
between the smaller particles occupying the spaces created by the larger grains and that
the smaller sized grains determine the character of the sand for filtration. Thus, the idea
of effective size, dio, was born as a means to characterize a sand, along with the idea of
the uniformity coefficient, UC. Hazen's definitions are:
dio = the size of grain such that 10 percent by weight of the total sample is smaller,
(mm), and
UC = the ratio of the size of grain that has 60 percent of the sample finer than itself
to the size that has 10 percent finer than itself, that is, d6o/dio.
(2) Hazen's Recommendations for Sand Sizes. Hazen reported the sand sizes used
for sand beds in 56 installations in Europe. A few of these are given in Table 3.6. Hazen
noted that the entire dio range for 10 of the leading installations in England and
Germany was between 0.31 and 0.40 mm. As noted in Table 3.6, the UC was generally
<2.0. Hazen asserted that the quality of effluent depends upon the size of the sand grains.
He reported the percent bacteria (B. prodigiosus) appearing in filter effluents for different
dio sand sizes during 1892-1893 experiments at the Lawrence Experiment Station,
Lawrence, MA. These data, listed in Table 3.7, show smaller amounts of bacteria for
smaller sand sizes.
(3) Current Recommendations. The guidance of Huisman and Wood (1974) on dio
and UC has been followed widely in practice and has been used as a starting point in
most slow sand filtration research. On effective diameter, Huisman and Wood stated:
Table 3.6
Sand Sizes for Slow Sand Filters in Europe as Reported by Hazen (1913)
London, E. London
London, E. London
London, Chelsea
Berlin, Stralau
Berlin, Tegel
Table 3.7
Percent Bacteria in Filter Effluents for Different Sand Sizes in
Lawrence Experiment Station Studies
"Ideally the effective diameter of the sand, dio, should be just small enough to ensure a
good quality effluent and to prevent penetration of clogging matter to such a depth that
it cannot be removed by surface scraping. This effective diameter usually lies in the
range 0.15-0.35 mm and is determined by experiment" (p. 53). They recommend a
uniformity coefficient between 1.5 and 2.0. They restrict the UC so that the sand will
have sufficient porosity. Their recommended upper limit is UC < 3.
(4) Research. Some research on slow sand filtration during the 1980s has focused
on determining the most appropriate dio and UC for new installations. The research has
not, however, provided definitive answers. Experimental work by Bellamy et al. (1985b,
1985c) for biologically mature pilot filters 30.5 cm (12 in.) in diameter, with dio sand sizes
of 0.13, 0.29, and 0.62 mm and operated over a 10-month period, had average coliform
removals of 99.4, 98.6, and 96.0 percent, respectively. Although these data show that the
dio sand size has an influence on removal efficiency that decreases linearly with
increasing dio/ the difference is only 0.8-log. In other experimental work, Barrett (1989)
showed that large sand size (dio = 0.92 mm) gave removals of 3-log to 4-log over a
2.5-month sampling period, after the sand bed was allowed to ripen, for about two weeks
using nutrients. The key to the successful use of larger sand sizes is to have a biologically
mature sand bed. Even dio sand sizes in the recommended range of 0.2-0.3 will not be
capable of their potential removals until the sand bed is biologically mature, as shown by
Bryck et al. (1987), who spiked pilot filters with coliforms at start-up and four months
later. Results of the spiking are given in Table 3.8. As shown in Table 3.8, coliform
Table 3.8
Results of Coliform Spiking of Pilot Filters at 100 Mile House, BC,
to Evaluate Maturity of Full-Scale Filter Started at Same Time
Elapsed time from
start of spiking
Nov. 27, 1985b
Raw water
Filtered water
aMPN means "most probable number" and refers to a standard test for the coliform group of bacteria. See,
for example, Standard Methods (1989).
^Water temperature was 1 C. Giardia cyst removal was 98.5 percent based upon a spike of 675,000 cysts.
cWater temperature was 1 -4 C. Giardia cyst spike was not successful due to attrition of cysts (4,400,000 cysts
were supplied but only 6 were recovered from influent sampling and 0 from effluent sample).
Source: Adapted from Bryck et al. (1987).
removals were essentially zero at filter start-up on November 27, 1985. On March 20 the
same pilot filter was spiked again and removals were seen to be nominally 1-2 log. Even
with water temperatures of near 0 C to 4 C during this period, some maturing evidently
did occur, as seen by the comparisons in coliform removals for the two dates.
This recent research with larger sand sizes indicates that a dio > 0.4 mm can provide
acceptable removals provided that the sand bed is biologically mature. However, sand
sizes between 0.2 and 0.3 mm can be used with greater confidence, based upon past
experience. This past experience includes studies with sand sizes between 0.3 and 0.4
mm, and results have shown that this larger sand can be used with nearly the same
confidence. Pilot plant testing should be conducted when larger sand sizes are
considered. As a recommendation, larger sand sizes should be used only in warmer
climates where the filters will become biologically mature within a short period of time.
Thus, although neither those filters with large sand particles nor those with smaller
sand are fully effective until the sand beds are biologically mature, the margin of
difference in effectiveness for using a smaller sand size may be important when
biological maturity is lacking (see results of Bellamy et al. 1985b, 1985c, and Bryck et al.
For economic reasons, it may, in many cases, be necessary to consider a sand that
has a UC > 3. The use of local sand (as was the case at Empire, CO) in lieu of a sand that
meets specifications strictly may save much money and keep the funds local. Table 3.9
shows the cost for sand used at four U.S. and Canadian filters. The table indicates that
the cost for the local sand used for the Empire filter was only $21 /metric ton as opposed
to the $128/metric ton for the Muscatine sand that would have met specifications.
(5) Determination of Sand Characteristics. The dio and UC parameters must be
determined by sieve analysis. From the data obtained, a plot must be drawn along the
lines of the one shown in Figure 3.27. (Note: a probability scale, rather than the log scale
shown in Figure 3.27, is recommended for the grain diameter.) The data plotted in the
figure are for the Empire slow sand filter. The dio arid deo values are read directly from
the plot, that is, d]0 = 0.24 and deo = 0.64 mm. The calculation for UC gives UC = deo/dio =
0.64/0.24 = 2.67. Appendix Figure C.I shows the conversion between grain diameter and
U.S. Standard sieve sizes. Because plotting is often in terms of sieve results, the graph
shown, with the conversion built in, may be useful and may be copied.
3.2.4 Gravel Support
The gravel support is aptly named because its function is to support the sand bed
and to permit uniform drainage of the overlying sand. The cost of gravel was about
$24/mT (metric ton) for the Moricetown filter, which was slightly less than the cost of
Table 3.9
Sand Sizes for Selected Slow Sand Filters Completed in the
United States and Canada During the Period From 1985 to 1989
Empire, CO
100 Mile House, BC
Moricetown, BC
CSU pilot plant
d10 (mm)
$21 /metric ton3 ($19/U.S. short ton)
Muscatine: $128 /metric ton
al metric ton (ml) = 1.1 U.S. tons (short, or 2,000 Ib). Reported in Seelaus et al (1986).
"U.S. dollars; conversion was made from Canadian dollars using the December 1984 exchange rate of U.S.
$0.7577 = Can. $1.00.
Calculated from the following data: 1,000 m3 sand plus 560 m3 gravel for Can. $24,000 plus $10,000 for
installation (Jack Bryck, pers. com., Sept. 20,1990).
"Calculated from the following data: 250 m3 sand for Can. $11,250 (Contract Bid Document 168.21.2, Dayton &
Knight, Ltd., Vancouver, BC, 1988b).
20 -
the sand (shown in Table 3.9). By definition, uniform drainage requires minimal
headless. To accomplish both purposes, the gravel support must be graded, with finer
material at the top and coarser material at the bottom. The size of gravel in each layer,
the respective depths, and the headless are discussed in the following sections.
(1) Size. The top layer of the gravel support should not permit migration of sand
from the sand bed, nor should the gravel of any layer find its way to a lower level. The
bottom layer should not permit entry of gravel to the underdrain orifices. Huisman and
Wood (1974) gave the following rules for the design of the gravel support layers. The
rules are applied in Example 3.13.
Example 3.13: Graded Gravel Support Design. The analysis of the sand bed of a slow sand
filter gives sand sizes of dis = 0.18 mm and dgs = 0.3 mm. Determine the gravel support design
following the rules of Huisman and Wood. (Problem adapted from Huisman and Wood [1974].)
< 1.4 mm
The top layer of gravel should have the following specification: dm = 1-0 mm, dgo < 1.4 mm.
Apply rule 1:
dg^second layer) < 1.4d1o(second layer)
dgo(second layer) < 1.4*4.0
S 5.6 mm
The second layer should have the following specification: djo < 4.0 mm, dpg < 5.6 mm.
Third layer of gravel:
Applying the same rules for the third layer gives d10 < 16 mm, dgo ^ 23 mm.
d10 (mm)
dgo (mm)
6. Comments: The gravel support using three layers as specified will work if the orifices into the
underdrain pipe are less than 8 mm in diameter. If the orifices are larger, more than three layers
of gravel may be needed.
7. Critique: One of the authors of this work, G. Logsdon, Chair of the AWWA Filter Material
and Standard Committee (1983-1986) suggests that the sieve range for a given layer of gravel
should be about 2 to 1 as a practical matter. Having a range of 1.4, as suggested by Huisman and
Wood, is too "tight" for reasons of cost. With such a tight specification, more sieving is required
and more waste of media will result. Further reference on the topic is given in AWWA Standard
B100-89 (American Water Works Association 1989). Huisman and Wood, in fact, state, "Where it
is too difficult or expensive to grade the gravel within a layer to the recommended ratio of 1:1.4, the
requirements may be relaxed to a factor of 1:2, but in this case the layers should have their dio
values restricted to three times that of the layer above" (p. 57). Applying this rule to Example 3.13
will then result in four layers, instead of three, with gradings of 0.7-1.4 mm, 2-4 mm, 6-12 mm, and
18-36 mm. Thus, the more relaxed version of the Huisman and Wood guidelines would concur
with the above recommendation by Logsdon. Huisman and Wood were not dogmatic about the
rules to be applied and suggested that some engineers may prefer that the dio ratio between
layers be <2, which would call for five layers in Example 3.13, that is, 0.6-1.2 mm, 1.2-2.4 mm, 2.4-4.8
mm, 4.8-10 mm, and 20-40 mm. Whatever the rules, Example 3.13 illustrates the procedure for
determining the needed gradations.
(2) Depth of Gravel Layers. Another rule from Huisman and Wood (1974) is that
the thickness of each gravel layer should be greater than three times the diameter of the
largest stones. At the same time, they state that as a practical matter the minimum
thickness of gravel layers should be 5-7 cm for finer material and 8-12 cm for coarser
gravel. Hazen (1913) makes the case that only three layers of graded gravel, with a total
thickness of 15 cm (6 in.), are needed and that such a design was successfully used in
many installations. His recommendations are within the range recommended by
Huisman and Wood, although they are on the low side.
The total depth of gravel is determined by the size of the orifices of the underdrain
pipes, as implied by the Huisman and Wood rules and by Example 3.13. Thus, the
smallest gravel depth will be for a porous plate type of underdrain. One example
Huisman and Wood mention is a porous concrete underdrain made of aggregate
5-10 mm in size, which would require only one layer of 1.2-2.4 mm gravel to support a
filter sand having dio ^ 0.3 mm.
(3) Headless. Basing their calculations upon the data in Table 3.10, using Darcy's
law, and assuming an HLR of 0.5 m/hr (12.5 mgad), Huisman and Wood (1974)
determined the total headless across a gravel support to be 1.37 mm. Huisman and
Wood stated the gravel size only as indicated in Table 3.10, that is, without reference to a
specific size, such as dio. Nevertheless, the example illustrates the idea that the headless
through the gravel support is very low. Also, the hydraulic conductivity values in Table
3.10, or k values, for the different layers may be useful for estimating headlosses for
other situations. As is evident, headless in the gravel support is negligible.
(4) Designs. The designs of the gravel support media used at three installations
Empire, CO, 100 Mile House, BC, and Moricetown, BC are summarized in Table 3.11.
These designs provide a basis for judgment when applying the rules of Huisman and
Wood (1974) given in Section 3.2.4.
(5) Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board Recommendations. The Great Lakes
Upper Mississippi River Board (1987) recommended that hard, rounded particles be used
for the gravel support media and that the underdrain system be composed of at least
four layers. Table 3.12 gives sizes and depths of gravel fractions for perforated laterals as
recommended by this board. The guidelines in Table 3.12 were followed for the Empire
design, as can be seen by comparing the data in Table 3.11 for Empire with the guidelines
in Table 3.12.
Table 3.10
Calculation of Headloss Within Gravel Support
Gravel size
conductivity, k
Table 3.11
Gravel Support Designs at Three Slow Sand Installations
Empire, CO
Size Range
cm (in.)
30 (12)
Table 3.12
Gravel Support Design for Perforated Underdrain Laterals, as Recommended by the
Great Lakes Upper Mississippi River Board
Slow sand filters require a number of appurtenances, for example, to measure flow,
to read piezometric head, and to provide tailwater elevation control. These are described
in this section. Other appurtenances, not described here, include devices for providing
heat and for disinfecting the filter system.
Flow meters should be accurate, easy to use, reliable, low maintenance, and
inexpensive. Such criteria are met by orifice plate meters for pipe installations. Weirs
may be used if an overflow situation is a part of the design. Venturi meters are more
accurate than orifice plates and have lower headless, but they are more expensive than
orifice plates, sometimes by an order of magnitude. Installation of flow meters on the
influent side of the filter is most desirable. Influent-side installation permits adjustment
of flow as desired by the operator. Effluent flow measurement cannot be used easily for
upstream flow adjustment. The selection process described in this section for orifice
plates and weirs is based upon the procedures outlined by Roberson and Crowe (1985).
On the filter effluent side, a total flow meter is required so that measurements can be
made of total flow volume delivered. Total flow meters range in type from diaphragm
positive displacement to propeller. A review of propeller meters is given.
Installation of any meter in a pipeline should be downstream of bends or any other
kind of disturbance. Although the rule of thumb is to position the meter several pipe
diameters downstream from a disturbance, a better rule is: "The farther the meter is
from the disturbance, the better." Fluctuations in a manometer may be observed even,
for example, when the meter is located 50-100 pipe diameters downstream of a bend.
Also, provision should be made for easy cleaning of the pressure taps, which may
become clogged over time, and for inspection of the flow meter for deposits or erosion.
Positioning the taps on the side of the pipe will minimize clogging due to sediment and
will avoid the problem of gas entering a tap, which could occur for taps located at the top
of a pipe. Flow meters can be considered accurate only if the conditions of their
calibration are duplicated in the field.
(1) Orifice Plate Meter. Orifice plate meters are recommended for flow
measurement because they are simple, inexpensive, accurate, and easy to install. An
orifice meter is a flat plate with a hole in the center that is placed between two flanges in
a pipeline. The hole should be circular and should have a sharp edge so that standard
coefficients can be used when determining flow. The flow is proportional to the square
root of the pressure differential between upstream and downstream pressure taps, as
indicated by Equation 3.4. Figure 3.28 shows the main features of an orifice meter. The
variables d, D, and Ah are defined following Equations 3.4 and 3.13. Although a
manometer is shown to illustrate pressure differential, pressure gauges are
recommended over manometers. Mercury manometers should not be used because of
the hazard of mercury being "blown" into the flow. As is well known, mercury is an
acute health hazard. The taps should be easily cleaned. Figure 3.29 is a photograph of two
orifice plates designed to fit into a flanged pipe.
Figure 3.29 Orifice Plates. (Courtesy Hydraulics Lab, Engineering Research Center,
Colorado State University.) (Photograph by D. W. Hendricks.)
(a) First trial:
(1) From Table B.I, select Cd = 0.62.
(2) Calculate, using Equation 3.4:
(c) Determine the headloss at the low flow during the season of minimum demand and with
500 persons, that is, 278 L/capita/d (100 gpcd), giving Q = 189,250 L/d (50,000 gpd).
(2) Venturi Meter. The Venturi meter has lower headloss than an orifice plate and
so may be more desirable when headloss is a major concern. Figure 3.30 is a sketch of a
Venturi meter; the variables are defined in Equations 3.14 and 3.15. The configuration of
a manometer installation is also shown. Note that although a manometer is used in the
drawing to illustrate pressure differential, pressure gauges, rather than manometers, are
recommended. As mentioned previously, manometer fluids are toxic and are subject to
being "blown" into the flow.
The cost of purchasing a Venturi meter for a 30.5-cm (12-in.) pipeline may be
several thousand dollars, whereas an orifice plate, by comparison, may cost only two
hundred dollars. Equation 3.14 is the Venturi meter flow equation, which is similar to
the orifice equation. The coefficients for the Venturi meter are given in Appendix Table
B.I. As noted in the table, the coefficient is 1.0, contrasted with about 0.6 for an orifice
plate. Headloss between the two types of meters may be compared using these
Q = Cv At (2gAh)i/2
in which Cv = f(d/D)
per Table B.I
box. Flow measurement is, of course, not a requirement. To calculate the length of a
weir, the standard equation given in Section 3.1.2 is applicable:
Front View
Side View
Figure 3.31 Rectangular Weir With Contracted Ends, Showing Terms Used in Flow
Equations 3.6 and 3.7
O.iol ,
0.40 + 0.05-2Q-J V29.81 b (0.10)3/2
3. Assume that the weir is circular and has a diameter of 0.40 m and that P = 2.0 m.
Calculate the head on the weir.
Substitute numerical data into Equation 3.7:
0.028m3/s = [o.40 + 0.05 |^JV29.891 [(0.40)]rf/2
H = 0.25 m (0.82 ft)
Overflow Weir. Figure 3.32 shows the tailwater overflow weir for one of the cells at the 100 Mile
House plant. The overflow weir crest is the level of the maximum height of the sand bed. At the
Figure 332 Tailwater Overflow Weir, Showing Configuration as Designed for 100 Mile
House, BC. (Adapted from Bryck et al. [1987].)
maximum flow, the head on the weir will be about 0.25 m (0.82 ft). The flow from the weir is
captured by a circular vessel and flows through a pipe to the chlorine contact basin. A flow meter
is located after the exit from the filter underdrains.
Valve to Control Headwater Elevation. Shown also in Figure 3.32 is a valve on the downstream side
of the flow meter. Such a valve may be used to raise the headwater elevation, after scraping, to
alleviate sand bed erosion. When headless reaches about 0.5 m, the valve may be opened fully.
The valve may be used in lieu of a vertically movable tailwater weir but requires more operator
attention for a few days after the bed is scraped and before the initial 0.5 m of headloss.
(4) Triangular Weir. A triangular weir, often called a V-notch weir, is accurate as a
metering device and is inexpensive. Because the elevation difference over a given flow
range is larger with a triangular weir than with a rectangular weir, the triangular weir is
less satisfactory for water surface elevation control. The flow-head relationship is:
in which Q = flow (m3/s or ftVs)
CVN = weir coefficient = 0.58 when 9 = 60 , given in Appendix Table B.2
g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2)
H = height of water level above weir crest upstream from effect of drawdown
(m or ft)
9 = angle of notch in triangular weir (degrees)
Side View
Front View
For a weir having 9 = 60 and CVN = 0.58, the discharge equation is as follows. For metric
Q = 0.79H5/2
Figure 3.33 presents two sketches of a triangular weir. The variables are defined in
Equation 3.16. A weir with a 60 crest is used most often because usually the coefficients
are readily available from references.
Example 3.17: Triangular Weir Head Calculation. Calculate the head on a 60 triangular weir
at the Empire, CO, plant for maximum and minimum flows.
Q = 1.44H5/2
106,952/24/3,600 = 1.44 H5/2
H = 0.94 ft (11.3 in.)
Q = 1.44H5/2
6,685/24/3,600 = 1.44 H5/2
H = 0.31 ft (3.7 in.)
3. Discussion: The tailwater level range of 9.5 to 29 cm should be acceptable, and so the
triangular weir would be the choice for flow measurement or for the dual role of tailwater elevation
control and flow measurement. The rectangular weir would be the choice if tailwater control were
the only function.
Figure 3.34 Photograph of a Propeller Meter, Showing Volume Gauge. (Courtesy Mike
Herbst, Department of Water and Sewer Utilities, City of Fort Collins, CO.)
many different kinds of situations (Huth 1990). Such meters are accurate to within
2 percent throughout a 10:1 or 20:1 flow range.
The propeller has three or six blades and rotates in proportion to the flow velocity
in the pipe section. The volume of flow that has passed through the propeller is
proportional to the number of revolutions (rev). That is,
V = k(meter)N
in which V = volume of flow that has passed through the propeller (m3 or ft3)
k(meter) = coefficient of proportionality to calibrate flow meter (m3 /rev or
N = number of revolutions of propeller associated with volume, V (rev)
Example 3.18: Volume-Flow Relation. Show the derivation of Equation 3.19. The volume of flow
that has passed through the pipe section can be calculated as follows:
dV = Q-dt
= v(pipe) A(pipe) dt
= [k(meter)rpm]A(pipe)dt
= [k(meter)dN/dt]A(pipe)dt
V = k(meter)N
in which V = volume of flow that has passed through the propeller (m3 or ft3)
Q = flow in pipe (m3/s or frVs)
t = time for flow of volume, V (s)
v(pipe) = velocity of water flowing within the pipe (m/s or ft/s)
A(pipe) = cross-sectional area of pipe (m2 or ft2)
k(meter) = coefficient of proportionality between velocity in pipe and rotational speed of
propeller (m/s/rev or ft/s/rev) = coefficient of proportionality to calibrate
flow meter (m3/rev)
N = number of revolutions of propeller associated with volume, V (rev)
With Equation 3.19, the number of revolutions is converted to the flow volume
reading on the register. Calibration of each flow meter must be done before installation
to determine k1. The flow volume is read from a digital register located at the top of the
meter. Inside the meter a coupling, which may be direct-drive or magnetic-drive, as
described by Huth (1990), connects the propeller to the internal mechanism. Magnetic
drive eliminates the need for packing seals, and thus water is not likely to enter the
register. The bearings of the propeller meter may be water-lubricated ceramic-sleeve
bearings or stainless-steel ball bearings. The ceramic-sleeve type requires less
maintenance and has a longer life than the stainless-steel bearings (Huth 1990).
According to Huth (1990), the meters can be equipped to measure flow as well as
volume. Clogging due to debris is a possible problem; for that reason installing propeller
meters on the upstream side of the sand bed is not advised.
3.3.2 Piezometers
Piezometers are tubes used to measure the pressure head at any point in a hydraulic
system. The pressure tap should be at the point where a measurement is desired. For a
slow sand filter, such taps should be in a wall retaining the headwater, just above the
sand surface, and in the wall retaining the tailwater. The piezometers should be placed
side by side and mounted on a metric scale. The tubes should be 2 to 4 cm in diameter
and can contain colored plastic float balls to allow for easier reading. The operator can
then use these piezometers to take the readings of water elevation in the filter. To help
diagnose possible problems, for example media clogging, piezometers could also be
tapped into the top gravel layer and the sand media, perhaps 30 cm above the top gravel
support layer. Such taps should project into the media about 15-20 cm from the wall of
the filter bed. The taps should be protected from media encroachment by means of a
noncorrosive fabric covering the opening, with mesh size smaller than the media being
3.3.3 Tailwater Elevation Control
Tailwater elevation should be controlled by means of a steel weir plate, preferably
stainless steel. The essential point is that the weir plate should be movable so that the
crest can be mounted above the sand surface elevation at the start of a run and can be
lowered as the run progresses. At the start of a filter run, the filter bed should have
about 30-40 cm of water cushion to minimize sand bed erosion from the influent water.
As the run progresses, the weir can be lowered because the headless across the
schmutzdecke will develop to provide the needed water depth in the headwater. The
weir plate may be bolted in place, but the operator will be able to change the level more
easily if the plate can be fitted with a gear rack. Such racks can be fabricated and could be
available commercially.
Chapter 4
5 -
Time (days)
Figure 4.1 Headloss Increase With Time From Pilot Plant Testing to Determine Length
of Run. Data points are hypothetical and are for the purpose of illustration.
4.1, the rate of headloss increase was 0.034 m/d at time zero and 0.06 m/d at 64 days. As
the run progresses beyond 64 days, as shown in Figure 4.1, the marginal benefits of
continuing the filter run decrease rapidly. Thus, in the hypothetical case illustrated, a
headloss of about 2.2 m would be used for design and a 64-day filter run should be
4.1.3 Design Criteria
Hydraulic loading rate, sand size (dio and UC), and minimum depth of the sand bed
are the design parameters of major interest. Accepted criteria are given in Sections 3.1
and 3.2. Pilot testing to investigate these parameters is not needed unless deviation
exceeding the upper limits is contemplated.
4.1.4 Filter Bed Maturity
The time period to attain filter bed maturity and the removal potential can be
assessed by coliform spiking. The pilot filter should be spiked with coliforms at start-up
and then at one-month intervals until removal rates stop increasing. The time required
may be several months, depending upon the nutrient concentrations in the ambient
raw water. Section 4.2.6 reviews the method for coliform spiking.
4.1.5 Effect of Sand Washing on Filtered Water Turbidity
Sand should be washed before installation in the filter box. To test the turbidity
levels caused by residual fines, the turbidity of the effluent should be measured over
time. After the sand is washed, the turbidity of the effluent should again be measured to
assess the rate of removal of any residual fines still associated with the sand.
Measurement of turbidity in the raw water and in the effluent is not expensive, and the
testing will permit anticipation of both the role of sand washing and the turbidity
removals from the ambient raw water.
Every pilot plant study requires a work plan in order to ensure a productive testing
program. The elements of a generic work plan include statements of purpose, goals,
objectives, scope, significance, method, work plan, results expected, budget, and
personnel. These elements may take on different names and forms depending on the
nature and extent of the study and the established procedures of the organization. For
example, some organizations use the term "scope of work" to refer to objectives and
scope combined. Others do not refer to purpose (though that is a mistake, since one
should always be clear about why a study is being conducted). Whatever the names
given, and whatever the form given to the work plan, some kind of framework is
needed to address the questions of the study. The discussion here is in terms of generic
work plan elements.
The elements of a generic work plan are elaborated on in Table 4.1. The "question"
column in the table is intended to indicate the nature of each element. The "discussion"
column provides specific guidance on the content of the element.
4.2.1 Purpose
The statement of purpose answers the question, Why undertake a pilot study? The
basic reasons are to remove uncertainties about whether this type of filtration system
should be used, about design criteria, and about expectations during operation.
Table 4.1
Elements of a Generic Work Plan for a Pilot Plant Study
Work plan
Results expected
External review
These reasons are not, of course, unique to slow sand. Reasons for a pilot study
specific to slow sand are to determine if the run length will be of acceptable duration and
to determine whether turbidity criteria can be met readily. Once the purpose for a pilot
study is clearly understood, goals may be stated.
4.2.2 Goals
Goals are statements of the overall achievements sought. The goals of a slow sand
pilot plant study may be among the following: (1) to ascertain whether a given raw water
is treatable by slow sand, (2) to develop design criteria, (3) to compare alternative designs,
(4) to identify unanticipated seasonal conditions or problems, and (5) to answer
questions of regulatory authorities (Bellamy 1987). Achieving the goals will satisfy the
4.2.3 Objectives
4.2.5 Method
The method of a pilot plant study delineates how the objectives are to be
accomplished. The first step is to determine the dependent variables and the
independent variables. Table 4.2 shows the array of dependent/independent variables
that relate to slow sand filtration. Also shown in the table are plausible ranges for the
independent variables. A pilot plant study program would consider only those variables
that relate to the objectives and scope of the study.
Dependent variables include total coliform bacteria in the effluent, based upon
influent spikes at one-month intervals; effluent turbidity, measured daily and based
upon ambient influent levels; and headless, measured daily and subject to ambient
influences over the annual cycle. Independent variables include coliform bacteria
during spikes; daily turbidity of raw water; and temperature, which is ambient. Other
independent variables, such as hydraulic loading rate and sand bed depth, should be
fixed at recommended levels, and the sand used should be a type that is locally available
and that comes as close as possible to recommended specifications. The reason for the
Table 4.2
Dependent and Independent Variables Related to Slow Sand Filtration,
Indicating Range of Independent Variables for Pilot Plant Testing
Dependent variable
Effluent concentrations
Giardia cysts
Coliform bacteria
Independent variable
Influent concentrations
Giardia cysts
Coliform bacteria
Sand bed maturity
Age of sand bed
Nutrient concentrations
Ranges for
independent variables
Not an expected test
Spike to 106 cfu/100 mLa
1-12 months
Rate of schmutzdecke
Hydraulic loading rate
Max. headloss permitted
one-month interval in coliform spiking is to allow time for the sand bed maturity to
(1) Sand Bed Maturity The reason for a coliform spike is to test a filter's removal
efficiency as the sand bed progresses toward biological maturity. The removal efficiency
at time zero is expected to be 0-25 percent and is expected to increase week by week until
a removal rate of 2-log to 4-log is reached. As long as the coliform removal efficiency is
increasing, the sand bed biological maturity is developing. When no further change
occurs, the sand bed may be considered biologically mature. The length of time for the
sand bed to reach maturity depends upon nutrient concentrations in the raw water and
upon temperature.
For nutrient-rich warm water conditions, the time for maturity will be short.
Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b) found that a nutrient-enriched pilot filter using water at
17 C gave 3-log removals after only 13 days and 4-log removals after 40 days. In the same
study, a parallel filter, operated at ambient temperature, using a nutrient-poor natural
water required 56 days to attain 2-log removals, with removals nominally 1-log for most
of the 185-day study. Another parallel filter that was operated with ambient water at 5 C
required 57 days to reach removals of about 1-log and showed no consistent
improvement afterwards. Barrett (1989) found that about 14 days were required for
biological maturity for a pilot filter using nutrient-enriched water at 25 C. During start
up, removals were about 1-log; after the filter became biologically mature, the removals
were 3-log to 4-log.
Pilot filters were used at 100 Mile House, BC, to follow the progress of the full-scale
plant, which started operation on November 27, 1985. On that same date, one of three
pilot filters was spiked with coliform counts of 3,300/100 mL to 1,600,000/100 mL. (Data
were presented in Table 3.8.) The filter showed removals of zero percent over the
November 27, 1985, 30-hr spike. A second spike, on March 20, 1986, with raw water
coliform counts that were about the same as for the previous spike showed effluent
coliform counts of nominally 540/100 mL, or about 95 percent removals. Thus, the pilot
study showed that for cold, low-nutrient conditions, biological maturity would require
several months and when it occurred its performance capacity for high removal
efficiency would be less than for the warm, nutrient-rich conditions.
Other means to assess sand bed maturity relate to indicators that significant
respiration is occurring. Dissolved oxygen could serve as such an indicator. For a mature
filter bed, the reduction in dissolved oxygen concentration between influent and
effluent may be 2-4 mg/L. Nutrient concentrations, for example, of nitrogen and
phosphorus, could also serve as indicators of sand bed maturity, but guidelines are not
available. The bottom line is that definitive guidelines do not exist for assessing sand
bed maturity. However, judgments may be made based upon the experimental evidence
noted above. Thus, for 15 C to 25 C water with sufficient nutrients, filter bed maturity
will be established within two weeks and the filter bed will probably be fully mature
within five weeks. For cold, nutrient-poor water, filter bed maturity requires several
months and the level of maturity will be less in terms of log removals than that of the
warm, nutrient-rich filter. If more certainty is needed than the foregoing guidelines,
coliform spiking is the only sure means to assess maturity.
(2) Turbidity. Turbidity monitoring ascertains whether the slow sand turbidity
standard (<1 NTU or <5 NTU in the United States and <5 NTU in Canada) can be
attained for the range of monthly ambient conditions. If the turbidity standard cannot be
met, slow sand should not be used. Pilot testing will ascertain whether a problem is
(3) Headless. Daily headloss monitoring is necessary in a pilot plant study to
predict when scraping will be necessary in a full-scale plant. A run time of 30 days
should be acceptable for most plants. Whether a run time of less than 30 days will be
acceptable will depend upon local factors. If a short run time occurs only a few times
each year, slow sand may be acceptable. If the length of run is consistently too short, slow
sand should not be used. Pilot plant testing over the annual cycle is advisable so that the
durations of the filter cycles can be ascertained. If none is less than 30 days, slow sand can
be selected with little hesitation. If a few are less than 30 days, judgments must be made
to determine whether slow sand is a feasible choice.
(4) Other Variables. Whether other independent variables are included in a pilot
plant study depends upon local circumstances. If any of the recommended design
parameters are to be exceeded, for whatever reasons deemed appropriate, pilot testing
can ascertain the effect. All variables except the variable being investigated should be
maintained the same as in a control filter. The independent variable being investigated
can then be changed systematically so that its effect on selected independent variables
can be determined. If one or more of the other variables is allowed to change at the same
time, the effect of the variable being investigated may be impossible to discern. If the
interest is to examine a design variable such as bed depth or sand size, another pilot
filter should be operated in parallel as a control.
4.2.6 Experimental Technique
A pilot plant study to investigate aspects of plant design has limited objectives, and
the experimental techniques used should be just adequate to address the objectives of
the study. The results sought are more focused in scope than for most research studies.
The discussions that follow reflect this philosophy.
(1) Turbidity. Turbidity measurement is simple and easy, but it must be properly
done. An important step is instrument calibration with prepared standards. Such
prepared standards are available commercially. The correct use of instruments is also
important, instruments should be used as specified by the manufacturer. For studies of
low turbidity waters, care should be taken to ensure clean sampling bottles. All sampling
bottles should be properly labeled with the sampling location, the sample number, the
date, the hour, and the name of the person who did the sampling.
(2) Headloss. Headless measurements should be taken from piezometers with taps
located in the headwater and in the tailwater or, alternatively, at the bottom of the
gravel support. The two piezometers should be aligned along a common scale. The
difference in water surface elevations is the headloss across the surface deposit, the sand
bed, and the gravel support. The gravel support headloss is usually negligible, so the
initial reading will be the headloss across the sand bed only. With this measurement
and the corresponding temperature, the intrinsic hydraulic conductivity of the sand bed,
k', can be determined as described in Section 1.3.2. Headloss should be plotted with time.
The increasing headloss over the filter cycle is due to the buildup of the schmutzdecke.
As noted previously, the headloss rate is a function of raw water quality. From headloss
studies, the duration of the filter cycle between scrapings can be determined.
(3) Temperature. Water temperature should be measured in the headwater above
the sand bed. The thermometer should be able to be read from outside the filter column,
with sensor located in-situ within the headwater. The thermometer should be calibrated
with a laboratory-grade mercury thermometer.
(4) Colifornt Spiking. Ideally, pure cultures should be used for coliform spiking.
Sewage has coliform levels of about 109 cfu/100 mL and therefore is a usual source of
coliforms for experimental use. Caution is warranted, however; in highly concentrated
suspensions, the debris and fats present can interfere with the schmutzdecke
development process and result in a different type of schmutzdecke than that obtained
when ambient water is used. The coliform spike should be mixed into the headwater
above the sand bed without disturbing the sand bed surface. The spike can be added
continuously over a 24-hour period or it can be imposed as a single spike of the
headwater. For a continuous spike, a positive displacement pump must be used to feed
the suspension. To maintain the spike over a 24-hour period, a plastic tank with a stirrer
should be used. The volume of the tank should be equal to the flow times the desired
elapsed time. The coliform concentrate suspension should be maintained at a cold
Sampling should be done from the headwater and from the effluent at about
30-minute intervals for the period of the spike and for a long enough time afterward for
the organisms making up the spike to have worked their way down the filter bed. The
sampling can be done using sterile plastic bags that are commercially available. After
sampling, the bags should be placed under ice. Ideally, the analysis should be done
immediately. In any case, the time elapsed should not exceed 24 hours if Standard
Methods (1989) is used for coliform enumeration. Because the interest is in coliforms
associated with the volume of sample (that is, coliform densities in cfu/100 mL), the
membrane filter technique is the method of choice.
Figure 4.2 shows a pilot plant set-up similar to the one used at Colorado State
University and to those adapted for other studies (Bryck et al. 1987; Barrett 1989). The
pilot plant is merely a cylinder (or pipe) that holds the gravel support, the sand, and the
headwater. The main features are a cylinder to hold the media, a steady flow delivery,
tailwater elevation control, valves and tubing, piezometers, and a means of measuring
the flow. These components are described in the sections that follow.
4.3.1 Media Cylinder
The media cylinder should be about 4 m (13 ft) high, so that it is long enough to
hold the gravel support, the sand bed, and the headwater. The diameter is not critical
from a process standpoint, but a 30.5-cm (12-in.) diameter cylinder is easier to use than is
a cylinder of smaller diameter. For cylinder material, an SC200 PVC pipe works well, as
its walls are easy to tap. Other materials can be used, however, such as concrete culvert
pipe and other noncorrosive materials. The cylinder may be pressurized if the pilot
plant is to be located in a room with limited ceiling height.
Sidewall effects, i.e., the short-circuiting of flow along the walls of the sand bed,
should not be a problem with a 30.5-cm (12-in.) diameter pipe. The published literature
concerning sidewall effects was reviewed by Bellamy et al. (1985b), who found that
although there had been no definitive study, those in the field seemed to be near
consensus that any tube over 3-5 cm in diameter should not have sidewall effects (for
most filter sands). From their conclusion, we can deduce that a 30.5-cm (12-in.) diameter
pipe may be used with little concern about sidewall effects. (We are not, however, saying
that a smaller diameter pipe is recommended.) Bellamy et al. (1985b) coated the inside
walls of the pilot plant cylinders constructed for their experimental research with contact
cement and then poured sand over them; the surface resulting could not have had wall
Metering Box
Raw water
Tailwater control
. .
Figure 4.2 Recommended Pilot Plant Set-up. (Adapted from Bellamy et al. [1985b.)
A constant-head overflow cup should be used to collect the discharge from a pilot
plant for safe disposal, and clear plastic piezometers should be positioned to allow for
easy head measurements. In addition, a hole should be drilled in the side of the cylinder
above the sand bed for the insertion of a thermometer (through a rubber stopper). The
support plate for the gravel should be composed of stainless steel or plastic, and a coarse
mesh screen should be placed on the plate. The bottom of the cylinder should be a blind
flange, with effluent lines collecting water by means of a threaded hole in the bottom of
the flange. The cylinder should be raised 10-15 cm (4-6 in.) above the floor so that outlet
tubes can extend from the bottom plate.
4.3.2 Delivery of Flow
The flow to a slow sand filter pilot plant must be "steady" that is, it must not
change with time and it must be delivered at a specified rate. Two methods are avail
able to achieve these conditions. The first method is to use a positive displacement me
tering pump. For the operation of a single pilot plant, this type of metering pump will be
the easier method to use, will be a low-cost solution, and will provide the needed accu
racy and reliability. Metering pumps can be ordered from most laboratory supply houses.
The main concern is to purchase a pump that will handle the flow range needed for the
pilot plant. For example, a pilot plant that has a media cylinder with an inside diameter
of 29.2 cm (11.5 in.) and that is operated at an HLR of 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) would require a
flow delivery of 7.46 mL/s (0.002 gal/s) and should be adjustable to any lesser flow.
The second method of flow regulation is to use a constant-head orifice box (Cleasby
et al. 1984b). Figure 4.3 is a photograph of an orifice box set up for experimental work at
Figure 4.3 Constant-Head Orifice Box for Metering Flow to a Slow Sand Filter.
(Photograph by David Hendricks.)
Empire, CO, and used in studies by Barrett (1989). Figure 4.4 is a drawing showing details
for construction of the orifice box shown in the photograph. The box has an orifice with
a diameter of 2.2 mm (0.086 in.) and an overflow tube that serves as a weir. The flow
should be set for a specified head and then adjusted to give the specified flow by
screwing the brass overflow tube up or down as needed. The box has a screen to reduce
the clogging frequency of the small orifice. The flow from the orifice is caught by an
exterior box that is connected to the flow delivery to the pilot plant. The constant-head
box can be used with a small centrifugal pump or a gravity feed, as the excess flow is
discharged from the box by the adjustable overflow weir. The constant-head box is
recommended for flow regulation when several pilot plants are to be operated at the
same time (as in the studies by Bellamy et al. [1985b]), but this method will also work
well with a single pilot plant.
25.4 cm
Threaded plastic
overflow tube
^ connections J
Figure 4.4 Drawing of Constant-Head Orifice Box for Metering Flow to a Slow Sand
Pilot Filter, Showing Dimensions for Construction
tailwater elevation should be used initially during a test run, as in a full-scale filter, to
provide a cushion for dissipating the turbulence of the flow delivery. The overflow cup
should be vertically movable so that the water within the tube can be lowered to about
2-3 cm below the sand surface for scraping.
4.3.7 Flow Measurement
Flow should be measured volumetrically using a 1,000-mL cylinder and a stop
watch. Such measurements should be done periodically on the influent side to ensure
that the metering system for the influent flow is operating as intended. A rotometer,
calibrated volumetrically, may be used to monitor flow. The use of a rotometer does not
replace volumetric measurements but may reduce the number of such measurements.
Data collection and analysis forms should be structured to facilitate subsequent
analyses and interpretation. The person-hours spent on analyses of data often exceed the
investment in generating data. Data forms that are designed with forethought will aid
these analyses and will permit these tasks to be accomplished quickly relative to the
alternative of no design. At the same time, the necessary documentation will be in place.
This section reviews the principles for designing both data collection forms and data
processing forms. A well-designed form can take advantage of computer software
technology to store, process, analyze, and archive data.
4.4.1 Data Forms
Data collection forms must be self-explanatory and provide passive direction to
those obtaining measurements. Figure 4.5 illustrates the type of form needed for a basic
pilot plant study. The form should be flexible in design so that it can be easily modified
to accommodate the situation at hand. For example, line 1.6 in the figure, "Person taking
data," and line 1.7, "Notes," could be changed to column entries under "Variable Data" if
different persons were to obtain data during the testing period and if comments were to
be noted each day. The form may be modified also to include a column for a meter
reading under "Flow Measurement." Additional columns should be added as needed for
whatever measurements are of interest. The main point is to design a form that is
simple and easy to understand. An ancillary diagram showing a flow schematic with the
points of measurement indicated could be added to the form to minimize
misunderstandings. Data collection forms should utilize computer spreadsheet software
technology; however, if that technology is not available, the same principles would hold
Data Sheet
Pilot Plant Testing Program to Evaluate Feasibility of Slow Sand Filtration
Town of Beaver Falls, Colorado
1. Fixed Data:
1.1 Source water: Beaver Creek
1.2 Sand: d10 = 0.25
1.3 Bed depth = 133
_nVhr (set)
Run No.
Volume Time
Coliform Samples
Tailwater Headwater Influent Effluent
(NTU) Influent Effluent
11,000 10
13,000 9,000
10,000 8,000
11,500 8,500
01/15/90 0800
01/16/90 0800
'This section would have as many rows as needed to cover the time period of the pilot plant operation.
Figure 4.5 Sample Data Collection Form for Slow Sand Filter Pilot Study. The town,
firm, and data entries in this figure are fictitious. Data (simulated in this example),
usually entered by hand, are shown in italics.
The hydraulic loading rate of 0.4 m/hr (10 mgad) will be imposed. This HLR will be used during
winter months when the town uses about 2,500 L/c/d (650 gpcd) to prevent pipes from freezing.
2. Determine objectives: The objectives of the pilot plant study will be to (1) determine
whether the effluent turbidity will meet standards, (2) ascertain the rate of headless increase, and
(3) determine when the filter will be biologically mature. Also, the town wishes to ascertain whether
the HLR of 0.4 m/hr, which is the high end of the recommended range, will pose any problem
when the filter is biologically mature. Because THMs meet existing standards, they will not be
investigated. If a question develops later, THM removal rates can be ascertained by studies in the
full-scale plant.
3. Method: A single pilot plant will be set up, similar to the one shown in Figure 4.2. The
dependent variables include effluent turbidity, effluent coliform concentration, and headloss.
Independent variables include influent turbidity, influent coliform bacteria concentration,
headloss across the sand bed, HLR, temperature, sand size, sand bed depth, time from start of
operation, time from scraping event, and season.
4. Selection of variables for study: Effluent turbidity, effluent coliforms, and headloss are the
dependent variables, with influent turbidity, influent coliforms, and elapsed time the respective
independent variables. The influent turbidity will be ambient, and the influent coliforms will be
imposed as spikes of about 10,000 cfu/100 mL maintained over 24-hour periods, with spikes at
start-up and monthly thereafter. Temperature will be ambient, as will other water quality
characteristics, which will not be measured. Design variables such as sand size and sand bed
depth will be kept constant except when bed depth is diminished by scraping, another
independent variable. The HLR will be maintained at a constant 0.4 m/hr.
5. Data sheet: The data sheet should be easy to use for the person conducting the testing
program. It should be self-explanatory, not overwhelming, and not too large in size so that it is easy
to handle in the field. The format of the sheet should be easily transcribable into a data processing
format. Figure 4.5 is a sample data sheet that would meet most of the objectives of the study.
6. Discussion: The data sheet shown in Figure 4.5 should be modified to include a column for
the flow meter reading. Although volumetric flow measurement is most accurate and is
recommended, the hourly monitoring should utilize a flow meter previously calibrated. If the
study includes the investigation of other variables, they should appear as additional columns
under "Variable Data" on the data sheet.
01/16/90 0800
Coliform Samples
Influent Effluent
(cfu/100 mL)
(NTU) (NTU) Influent Effluent
151.2 50.7 5.05x10-7
13,000 9,000
Figure 4.6 Sample Data Processing Form for Slow Sand Filter Pilot Study. The town, firm, and data entries in this figure are
fictitious. Data (simulated in this example), usually entered by hand, are shown in italics.
'This form is the same as that in Figure 4.5 but columns showing calculated data have been added. These columns include "Elapsed Time," "Flow," "HLR,"
"Headless," and "k1." The calculations should be set up as formulas in the software program, for example, Q = Col 6/Col 7.
Run No.
01/15/90 0500
Time Temp. Volume Time
1.0 r,ooo
m/hr (set)
1. Fixed Data:
Example 4.2: Data Processing Spreadsheet Design. Design a data processing spreadsheet
for a pilot plant study for the hypothetical town of Beaver Falls, CO.
1. Delineate the form in which the data should appear when processed: The task of data
processing is to transform raw data to a usable form. For example, piezometer readings should
appear as headloss. At the same time, the consolidation of all data, raw and processed, in a single
spreadsheet facilitates data analysis. When data are in this tabular form, plots can be constructed
easily by importing the appropriate columns into a compatible graphics package. (Alternatively,
graphs can be constructed by hand.)
Figure 4.6 illustrates the next step, showing how the raw data from Figure 4.5 can be transcribed
into a spreadsheet. Actually, the design should be in reverse (that is, the analysis spreadsheet
should be designed before the data collection form). Based upon the objectives of the pilot plant
study, one should first determine what plots are needed. Then, based upon such plots, what
should be the kinds of processed data needed? And from the processed data, what raw data are
required from the pilot plant operation? For example, to determine run length, a headloss versus
time plot is required. The plot is constructed from the headloss and time columns of Figure 4.6.
These columns are calculated from the data transcribed from Figure 4.5. Thus, the data collection
form in Figure 4.5 should be the last in the process of designing a data handling protocol.
2. Process the data into plots: As noted, the next step is to construct plots of the processed
data that will fulfill the objectives of the study. For example, a headloss-time curve permits
determination of the run time. The influent/effluent turbidity-time curve permits determination
of whether the effluent turbidity standards will be met. And the coliform-time plots permit
ascertaining when the sand bed reaches biological maturity. The case study in Section 4.7 shows
plots from pilot plant data at 100 Mile House, BC, and illustrates the end point of the pilot plant
data analysis.
The final step is to make judgments and decisions that fulfill the goals of the study.
provide data for an informed decision on whether to use slow sand. Only pilot plant
testing will provide this knowledge.
After the basic questions have been addressed, or perhaps in conjunction, design
questions may be of interest. For example, can a specific type of sand be used that
deviates from established norms for dio and UC? Will the filtration system work
effectively if a higher-than-recommended hydraulic loading rate is used? What will be
the effect of using a deeper-than-usual filter box? If extended questions such as these are
to be investigated, then it is useful to ascertain when biological maturity will occur. The
filter bed will be effective in filtration only after the biofilm within the sand bed begins
to develop. As discussed in Section 4.2.6, coliform testing will provide an indication of
when the sand bed begins to develop its biological maturity.
When extended questions are of interest, the cost of pilot plant studies increases
markedly, as the testing program becomes more sophisticated and tends toward an
investigation. Also, the personnel require more training and the analyses become more
costly. These kinds of studies may be too costly for a small community, albeit they may
be desirable. As more fundamental knowledge is developed about mechanisms
involved in the slow sand process, the need for some kinds of extended testing will be
A classic pilot plant study by Dayton & Knight, Ltd. (1983), compared the
effectiveness and economics of rapid rate, diatomaceous earth, and slow sand for the
Village of 100 Mile House, BC. Slow sand was selected for the full-scale plant because of
anticipated lower operating costs, although the capital cost for slow sand would be
slightly higher than that for rapid rate or diatomaceous earth. A review of their report
(Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1983) will reveal how a slow sand pilot plant study conducted at
minimal cost can provide answers to the critical questions of effluent turbidity and
length of run.
4.7.1 Context
In 1981, the Village of 100 Mile House had 60 confirmed cases of giardiasis attributed
to the unfiltered, chlorinated water supply from Bridge Creek. After considering rapid
rate filtration and conducting a cost estimate in 1982, Dayton & Knight, Ltd., examined
also diatomaceous earth and slow sand. The firm subsequently recommended to the
Village that a pilot plant study be conducted to compare the three basic filtration
technologies. Study data would be used to select the technology while, at the same time,
the pilot plant would be effectively removing Giardia cysts. The study was conducted
during the months of July to October 1983. The slow sand portion of the study is
reviewed here.
4.7.2 Pilot Plant
Figure 4.7 includes a photograph and section drawing of the 1983 pilot plant set-up
at 100 Mile House, BC. The photograph illustrates the simplicity of the set-up, which had
only an influent pipeline of raw water, a filtration tube of precast concrete pipe 105 cm
(42 in.) in diameter, and a 10-cm (4.0-in.) PVC drainpipe. The section drawing shows the
details. As seen, the sand bed was supported by three layers of graded gravel (top layer, 10
cm with dio = 0.6 mm; middle layer, 10 cm with dio = 5 mm; bottom layer, 25 cm with dio
= 15 mm). The 10-cm-diameter PVC drainpipe was perforated in the portion that
drained the bottom gravel layer, and the bend in the pipe served as a weir. With such a
set-up, the pipe should have a 2-3 cm (1 in.) hole drilled in the top of the bend to ensure
(and verify) an air break for the tailwater control. The headwater level can be measured
by a scale attached to the inside wall above the sand bed and to the top of the filtration
tube, although the accuracy will not be as high as with piezometers. Also, a valve should
105 cm
concrete pipe
I 106 cm sand
45 cm gravel
Figure 4.7 Photograph and Section Drawing of Pilot Plant Set-up at 100 Mile House, BC.
The top layer of the gravel support was 10 cm deep with d10 = 0.6 mm; the middle layer
was 10 cm deep with d10 = 5 mm; the bottom layer was 25 cm deep with d10 = 15 mm. The
effluent was collected from a perforated 10.0-cm (4.0-in.) PVC drainpipe in the bottom
layer of gravel. (Reprinted with permission from Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1983.)
be attached to the lower part of the effluent pipe to drain the column. This type of pilot
plant set-up is easy to construct and is inexpensive because it uses materials at hand.
4.7.3 Operation
A pilot plant installation such as the one shown in Figure 4.7 can be operated by
local personnel. The only requirements of the personnel at the 100 Mile House pilot
plant were daily headwater measurement and daily sampling of the influent and
effluent, followed by turbidity measurement and data recording. In obtaining the
headless data, only the water level inside the pipe was measured; the tailwater elevation
was fixed at 150 cm. Because algae was considered the influence most likely to cause
headless problems with slow sand, the 100 Mile House study was conducted during the
summer; the four-month period of operation was considered adequate. With properly
designed data forms (as described in Section 4.4.1) and with a training period for
personnel, pilot plant studies such as that at 100 Mile House should be successful.
4.7.4 Results
Figures 4.8 and 4.9 show headless and influent/effluent turbidities, respectively, for
the first cycle of operation before scraping at the 100 Mile House pilot plant. The
maximum headless possible, based upon the height of the column, was 200 cm. Figure
4.8 shows that the run time with 200-cm headless would be about 33 days (extrapolating
the curve), which was deemed acceptable. The study also sought to determine whether
Elapsed Time (days)
Figure 4.8 Headloss-Time Plot for First Filtration Cycle, Pilot Plant at 100 Mile House,
BC, July 18 to August 17,1983. (Adapted from data from Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1983].)
43 -
Figure 4.9 Influent and Effluent Turbidity Versus Time for First Filtration Cycle, Pilot
Plant at 100 Mile House, BC, July 18 to August 17,1983. (Adapted from data from Dayton
& Knight, Ltd. [1983].)
an effluent turbidity of <0.5 NTU could be achieved. Figure 4.9 answers that question,
showing effluent turbidities in the range of <0.1-0.5 for influent turbidities of 1-4 NTU.
4.7.5 Discussion
Several conditions of the 100 Mile House pilot plant study should lend insight to
others planning pilot studies. First, the pilot plant set-up was improvised from materials
on hand, keeping expenses low and avoiding the need to wait for supplies. Second, local
persons were trained to make the needed measurements of headwater elevation and
turbidity. Third, the pilot plant study was simple and its scope was limited, designed to
answer only the critical questions of run time and effluent turbidity. Fourth, the
duration of the study was only four months, yet the study covered the most adverse raw
water quality problem algae growth.
Based upon the success of the 100 Mile House study, a small community should not
feel that a pilot plant study will be beyond their means. Nor should they be in a hurry to
expedite construction of full-scale plants without adequate design data at hand.
Financing authorities should not force the communities into untenable positions by
placing time conditions on the use of funds; rather, the interest should be in the design
of a facility that makes cost-effective use of funds. The consultant's job is to make the
case for a pilot plant study. The alternative is to proceed with uncertainty.
Chapter 5
Slow sand filter construction can usually be accomplished by a local contractor
using local materials and labor. Although the initial capital costs are generally higher
than for "package" water treatment systems, with the construction of slow sand plants,
more of the expenditure generally goes back to the local economy. Even though the
capital costs may appear high, the annual operating costs are consistently low.
If a plant is to be constructed well, the contractor must have a clear and concise set
of construction documents to bid from and follow. Further, the construction must be
done in a quality manner in accordance with the documents.
The engineer's final cost estimate is made when the design is complete, or nearly
complete. The project is defined in great detail at this point, and the estimate is made on
the basis of detailed quantities for the materials to be used and from supplier quotes. Due
to having no control over the cost of labor, materials, or equipment, or over the
contractor's methods of determining prices, or over competitive bidding or market
conditions, the engineer's opinions of cost can only be made on the basis of experience
and qualifications and represent the engineer's best judgment as a design professional
familiar with the construction industry. The cost estimates for each slow sand filter
must be based upon current local conditions.
The engineer's final estimate can be significantly different from estimates
completed before the design was fully developed. If the estimate is higher than the
owner is prepared to fund, the design may be revised to reduce costs or, preferably,
construction bidding may be delayed until additional funding can be obtained. When
the construction contract is bid, no further changes may be made in the design.
After costs have been estimated for all items, the costs are totalled and a
contingency is added to cover unknowns. This contingency usually is about 10 percent.
The total is the amount that should be budgeted to pay the contractor.
Other costs that need to be budgeted are the costs of construction administration
and resident engineering, responsibilities that are usually carried out by the engineer.
Additional costs could include land acquisition, if the site is not already owned, and the
costs for easements. The total project cost is the cost of construction plus all of the other
The cost of construction is financed through bonds or loans and sometimes
through grants. Water rates generate the revenues to pay the financing, operation, and
maintenance costs. Table 5.1 lists publications from the American Water Works
Association that are useful for developing water rates.
Though federal grants or loans generally are not available for the construction of
community water treatment facilities, a number of state agencies can provide financial
assistance in the form of loans and/or grants to eligible recipients. (The agencies vary
from state to state. The appropriate state agency should be contacted regarding the
availability of funds in that state.) In Colorado, for example, agencies providing funding
for the construction of water treatment facilities include the following (Downs 1989):
1. The Energy Impact Assistance Fund, which provides grants and loans to a
maximum amount of $300,000 and encourages local cash participation
2. The Community Development Block Grant, which provides grants to a
maximum of $500,000, requires local cash participation, and benefits low- and
moderate-income communities
Table 5.1
American Water Works Association Publications on Water Rates
Publication no.____________________Title______________
board) and the construction contractor, these documents are referred to as bidding
documents. Standardized contract documents are generally used because (1) their
language has stood the test of time; (2) legal decisions have been based on them; (3)
engineers, contractors, and owners are familiar with their terms and content; (4) their
standard wording helps to avoid omissions; and (5) time can be saved when they are
used. The following sections describe contract documents and their content.
5.4.1 Bidding Information
Documents relating to bidding include: (1) Legal Notice and Invitation to Bid, (2)
Instructions to Bidders, (3) Bidder's Qualification Statement, and (4) Bid Bond. These
documents are described briefly in the following paragraphs.
(1) Legal Notice and Invitation to Bid. The Legal Notice and Invitation to Bid
describes the project and provides basic information on how to bid. It is usually
published in the legal notices section of local and regional newspapers and in trade
journals. Items normally covered in the legal notice are:
A definition of terms
Qualifications required of bidders
Information about the site and access to it
The location at which subsurface information is available
Notice of a pre-bid conference
An interpretation of the bidding documents
Any bid security required
Contract time
Liquidated damages
Instructions for completing the bid form
Instructions for submitting bids
Performance Bond
Labor and Material Payment Bond
Notice of Award
Notice to Proceed
General Conditions
Supplementary Conditions
Contractor's Bid
The bonds and notices are usually standard forms. The "general conditions" define
the basic rights, responsibilities, and relationships of the parties involved in the
construction process. The most commonly used form is the "Standard General
Conditions of the Construction Contract" that is prepared by the Engineers' Joint
Contract Document Committee. This document has been approved and endorsed by the
Associated General Contractors of America.
The "supplementary conditions" amend or supplement the general conditions and
other provisions of the contract documents.
Addenda are instructions issued during the bidding process that modify the original
bidding documents or previous addenda. The addenda must be sent to each bidder prior
to the bid opening.
5.4.4 Specifications
Specifications are the part of the contract documents that contain the detailed
technical provisions that relate to the construction or installation of the various parts of
the work and to the materials used in the work. The specifications describe in words the
construction of the project, which is also illustrated in the drawings submitted as part of
the contract documents. The specifications describe in detail the nature of the materials
and equipment to be used in the work and the quality, workmanship, and procedures to
be used in constructing the project. The most common format for specifications is that of
the Construction Specifications Institute (CSI). Information regarding CSI can be
obtained by contacting The Construction Specifications Institute (601 Madison Street,
Alexandria, VA 22314) or Construction Specifications Canada (1 St. Clair Avenue West,
Suite 1206, Toronto, Ontario M4V 1K6). In general, the basic philosophy of the CSI
concept is to establish a standard location for information and to state that information
in only one location. This concept avoids confusion and repetition. The key elements
and subdivisions of the CSI format are outlined below.
1. All work is classified under 1 of 16 divisions. These divisions are:
1-General Requirements
6-Wood and Plastics
7-Thermal and Moisture Protection
8-Doors and Windows
13-Special Construction
14-Conveying Systems
2. Each division is further divided into specification sections. For example:
03100-Concrete Formwork
03200-Concrete Reinforcement
3. Each specification section is divided into three parts as follows:
Part 1-General
Part 2-Products
Part 3-Execution
Example 5.1: Sample CSI Specifications Format. Delineate, following the CSI format, the
specification sections for a slow sand filter similar to the one at Empire, CO.
I. Apply the CSI format to a slow sand filter: The following divisions and sections show how
the specifications should appear for a slow sand filter such as that at Empire.
01010-Summary of Work
01060-Regulatory Requirements
01200-Project Meetings
01400-Quality Control
01500-Temporary Facilities and Controls
01600-Material and Equipment
01700-Contract Closeout
02200-Structural Earthwork
02220-Utility Trenching, Backfilling, and Compacting
02660-Water Transmission and Distribution
02505-Granular Paving
03100-Concrete Formwork
03200-Concrete Reinforcement
03300-Cast-In-Place Concrete
05500-Metal Fabrications
5.4.5 Drawings
The drawings define the geometry of the project, including dimensions, form, and
details. Drawings are usually prepared using ink on mylar, and the scales used are those
that will show the detail necessary for an accurate bid. Table 5.2 shows, as an example,
the drawings included in the bid package for the Moricetown, BC, slow sand filter plant
(Dayton & Knight, Ltd., 1988b).
Some of the drawings listed in Table 5.2 are reproduced in Figures 5.2 to 5.5. They
illustrate working drawings done by the consulting engineer and provided to the
contractor. Although the concept of a slow sand filter is simple, the contractor must be
able to build the filter as the engineer intended; the plans are the major means of
communication for a "meeting of the minds" between the engineer and the contractor.
Figure 5.2 provides an overall perspective of the slow sand process used at
Moricetown. The raw water intake is located in Corya Creek. From the creek, raw water
flows by gravity to the control building, where alum can be added for flocculation. From
the control building the pretreated water flows to the sedimentation basin, where it
settles for 24 hours at design conditions. From the sedimentation basin the water flows
Table 5.2
Drawings Developed as Part of the Specifications for the
Construction of a Slow Sand Filter at Moricetown, BC
Operations Building
Architectural Details
Electrical Layout
onto the slow sand filters. After it is filtered, the water is chlorinated and stored in the
clear well.
Figure 5.3 shows the overall design and layout of the filters. Note that each filter is
covered to protect it from freezing. As shown in Detail A, the filter walls are grooved to
prevent short-circuiting. Two access manholes are provided for each filter to allow for
observation during filter operation.
Figure 5.4 shows the piping for the filters. Each filter has a 75-mm (3.0-in.) inlet
consisting of an upturned elbow. The filter underdrains feed a 150-mm (5.9-in.) filtered
water pipe. Each filter has a 150-mm (5.9-in.) overflow pipe. All wall penetrations are
watertight. Section 1 shows the watertight doors at the end of each filter, which provide
access for the operators for scraping and maintaining the filters and for replacing the
Figure 5.5 shows details used in the filter construction, including the watertight
door and the pipe wall insert. Detail A shows the sight gauges (piezometers), which are
\ ^ /
VERT. 1:100
j n.no
[ TVL ?M
sO-TW. W3
L'__ _ __ _ J^^^
hr *
Figure 5.2 Process Diagram and Hydraulic Profile for Moricetown Plant. (Drawing G2, from Dayton & Knight, Ltd.
Figure 5.3 Moricetown Filter Layout. (Drawing S3, from Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1988b].)
BOO + 0' TYTx PL
Figure 5.4 Moricetown Filter Piping. (Drawing Ml, from Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1988b].)
1 i
FIL.TEH Kto. a
i...^^ jj
Figure 5.5 Details From the Moricetown Filter Plans. (Drawing M3, from Dayton & Knight, Ltd. [1988b].)
used to monitor the headless across the filters. All penetrations in the filter box are
watertight and all concrete joints have a 150-mm (5.9-in.) waterstop.
The role of construction inspection is to assure that the project is constructed in
accordance with the contract documents. Thus, it is important that the construction
inspector be thoroughly familiar with the drawings and specifications.
Several construction phases for which inspection is necessary in the building of a
slow sand filter are described briefly in the following sections and are illustrated by
photographs from the Empire, CO, slow sand filter. The photographs are located in
sequence following the text discussions. That these phases were singled out for
discussion does not mean that they are the only areas for which inspection is necessary;
good inspection practice should be followed during all phases of construction. The
photographs shown are from the engineer's file and are a part of the inspection record.
Such photographs are advisable during the inspection.
5.5.1 Excavation
Figure 5.6 shows the site being excavated for the slow sand filter. Considerable rock
was encountered, which made the excavation very costly.
5.5.2 Backfill and Compaction
After the site was excavated, it was backfilled with granular material to provide a
base for the filter boxes. Figure 5.7 shows compaction of the backfill material. The backfill
was tested using the ASTM D2922 (American Society for Testing and Materials 1981)
procedure. The structural fill and backfill had to be at least 95 percent as dense as the
maximum soil density.
5.5.3 Reinforcing Steel
After the subgrade was prepared and tested for compaction, reinforcing steel was
placed for the filter box base slab. The reinforcing bars were checked for the correct
spacing and size. All mud, oil, loose rust, and mill scale were removed from the bars.
Figure 5.8 shows concrete being placed over the reinforced slab with a pumper truck. A
minimum 28-day compressive strength of 3,000 psi was specified for the concrete. The
concrete was tested for strength, air content, and slump in accordance with the
requirements of ACI 301, Section 16.3 (American Concrete Institute 1984).
Figure 5.6 Excavation for Slow Sand Filter Box. (Courtesy Versar Architects and
Engineers, Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.7 Compaction of Backfill Material. (Courtesy Versar Architects and Engineers,
Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.8 Reinforcing Filter Box Base Slab With Concrete. (Courtesy Versar Architects
and Engineers, Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.9 Steel Reinforcement and Formwork for Filter Box Walls. (Courtesy Versar
Architects and Engineers, Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.10 Typical Waterstop Installation. (Courtesy Versar Architects and Engineers,
Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.11 Gravel Placement Around Underdrains. (Courtesy Versar Architects and
Engineers, Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.12 Installation of Filter Box Cover. (Courtesy Versar Architects and Engineers,
Inc., Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.13 The Inside of the Filter Box During Installation of the Cover, Showing
Debris Generated by This Process. (Courtesy Versar Architects and Engineers, Inc.,
Greeley, CO.)
Figure 5.14 The Completed Filter. (Courtesy Versar Architects and Engineers, Inc.,
Greeley, CO.)
Chapter 6
A major appeal of slow sand filtration is the simplicity of operation. Relatively few
tasks must be performed. The initial task is plant start-up. The routine tasks include
scraping, sand handling, monitoring, and maintenance.
Following the completion of construction, the plant requires a break-in period
before the production of potable water can begin. The first task is to fill the sand bed
from the bottom with raw water. The second task is to operate the filter in the filter-towaste mode until the water produced is of acceptable quality. During this period of
conditioning, the meters should be calibrated, the laboratory should be set up, and the
monitoring routines and data forms should be developed.
6.1.1 Filling the Sand Bed
The new sand bed must first be saturated with water, which is done by backfilling
slowly to displace air pockets. The rate of backfilling should be 0.1-0.2 m of bed depth
per hour (0.3-0.6 ft/hr), and backfilling should be continued until the water level is
sufficiently high to submerge the jets of incoming water. A flow meter is needed in the
backfill line for measurement of the flow and to assure that the specified backfill rate is
achieved. When backfilling is complete, the weir plate should be set with the crest at the
level of the influent jets. At this point, the raw water filtering can begin. After the
filtering operation starts, the water level in the filter box will rise slowly over a matter of
days due to the schmutzdecke buildup. When the level reaches twice the distance
between the sand bed and the influent jets, the weir plate should be lowered slowly so
that the crest is at the level of the sand bed surface.
Washed sand should be specified by the engineer for use as filter media. The use of
unwashed sand adds an uncertainty concerning how long the fines may appear in the
At the Empire, CO, plant, which used unwashed sand, turbidity levels were >2 NTU
immediately after start-up and declined to <1 NTU only after one month, at which time
the filter was put on line to the town. Several months were required, however, before
the effluent turbidity was less than the 0.4 NTU found in the ambient water.
Even when washed sand is used, the filter should be operated in a filter-to-waste
mode for sufficient time to wash out any residual fines. During this period, the filter
should be operated at high hydraulic loading rates and the effluent turbidity should be
measured daily. The resulting turbidity-time plot will indicate when the fines have been
purged and the effluent turbidity has reached an acceptable level.
6.1.3 Ripening or Maturation Period
Following the start-up of a new filter or a rebuilt filter bed, a "ripening" process will
occur. This process, whereby the filter bed reaches maturity, is discussed in Sections 1.3.1
and 4.1.1. The ripening period will range from about one week to several months.
Warm temperatures and high nutrients will decrease the ripening time. Unless an
indicator organism such as coliforms occurs in the raw water, the determination of the
state of filter bed maturity will not be possible. Pilot testing with coliform spiking, prior
to construction, will give an indication of filter ripening time.
The tasks involved in operating a slow sand filter pertain largely to the filter media
and filter bed. These tasks include scraping the sand surface, washing and storing the
sand, and rebuilding the filter bed.
6.2.1 Scraping and Backfilling
Slow sand filters should be scraped when the headwater rises to the overflow level.
The following process is recommended for scraping the filters:
1. Remove any floating material
2. Slowly drain the water level to several centimeters below the surface of the sand
3. Scrape the top 1-3 cm of sand
schmutzdecke into windrows. The operators have been trained to scrape the top 0.5 cm
of the sand bed, thereby removing only the thin deposit on the sand surface. After the
sand is scraped into windrows, it is shoveled into 20-L (5-gal) buckets and carried from
the filters.
The equipment used for work on the filter, and even the weight of the workers,
could force the surface material into the sand bed. To prevent this from happening,
operators can walk and transport sand-removal equipment on boards laid on the sand
surface. Also, because operators' boots could be a source of contamination, each operator
should dedicate a pair of boots to scraping; the boots should be cleaned before and after
this procedure. Scraped sand does not need to be replaced until a specified minimum
sand bed depth is reached. The minimum bed depth recommended by Visscher et al.
(1987) is 0.5 m (20 in.). Bellamy et al. (1985c) reported excellent coliform removal rates
with filter beds 0.5 m (20 in.) deep. Huisman and Wood (1974) suggest that the filter bed
should be at least 0.7 m (28 in.). For simplicity, the minimum and maximum bed depths
should be noted on the inside walls of the filter box, preferably around the perimeter.
The filter housing should provide adequate headroom, lighting, and ventilation for
operators who perform the scraping. If local codes do not permit lighting inside the filter
box, some provision must be made for light from another source. A mechanism for the
removal of scraped sand (such as a pulley) and for the replacement of sand should be
included in the plant design.
The timing of filter start-up should be planned so that no two filters at a facility will
need to be scraped simultaneously. The treatment plant must be able to meet peak
demand even when a filter bed is shut down for scraping.
After scraping, the filter box should be backfilled slowly with filtered water. If the
effluent turbidity is too high, the filter should be operated in the -filter-to-waste mode
until turbidity levels are acceptable. Filtration can then proceed as described.
6.2.2 Flow Adjustment
Flow demand will vary daily and seasonally. The treated water storage should be
adequate to accomodate the variation in demand over the daily cycle. The daily demand
will, however, change seasonally and will also change due to random events, with the
result that the operator must make valve adjustments to increase or decrease the raw
water flow coming into the plant. The operator can use the volume of water in treated
water storage as the guide for the degree to which the flow should be adjusted, since the
tank level should return to the same level each day. The volume of water higher or
lower than that of the previous day gives the required flow adjustment. For example, if
the volume of treated water storage on a particular day at Empire is 75,000 L less than the
volume measured at the same time on the previous day, the flow should be increased by
75,000 L/day.
6.2.3 Washing the Sand
The slow sand filter plant site should include facilities for washing sand. The
process suggested for washing scraped sand is depicted in Figure 3.21. Dirty sand is
transferred in slurry form to a wash flume, where the turbulence suspends the fines and
the sand. The sand is then allowed to settle and the wash water is discarded to waste
through a trough. (Caution: finer sand particles can be lost during washing, resulting in
an increase in the effective size of the filter media.) The washed sand should be
transferred to a concrete slab for drainage and then to a storage bin for clean sand.
6.2.4 Rebuilding the Sand Bed
The sand surface can be scraped many times, over a period of several years, before
the minimum sand bed depth is reached, at which time the sand bed should be rebuilt.
Figure 6.2 summarizes the steps in rebuilding the sand bed as outlined by Huisman and
Wood (1974). Figure 6.2a shows the sand bed after many layers have been removed by
scraping and as it stands ready for resanding operations. First, in resanding, most of the
residual sand is removed from a section of the filter box so that only a shallow layer of
sand remains above the gravel support, as shown in Figure 6.2b. The lower depths of the
sand bed should be rebuilt using "new" sand from storage (Figure 6.2c). Old sand that
is, unwashed sand previously removed from the lower depths of the filter bed should
then be placed on top of the new sand (Figure 6.2d and e). This method will assure that
sand containing microorganisms will form the upper zone of the filter bed. The diverse
population of organisms in this sand will facilitate the ripening of the newly built bed.
Care must be taken to not contaminate the old sand during the rebuilding process.
When the rebuilding is compeleted, the sand bed should be structured like that shown
in Figure 6.2f.
Once the desired sand bed height is obtained, the sand surface should be leveled and
the filter should be started up as described in Section 6.1. That is, the filter should be
backfilled with water, purged of fines, and given time to ripen. Ripening of a rebuilt
sand bed should require less time than for a new sand bed due to the organisms present
in the upper regions of the filter bed.
old sand
ill new sand!!
\ old sane
(c) Placement of new sand
Figure 6.2 Steps in Resanding Filter Bed. (Adapted from Huisman and Wood [1974].)
Certain operational and water quality parameters must be regularly monitored and
reported. These parameters include headless, turbidity, disinfection, and concentrations
of certain biological and chemical contaminants.
6.3.1 Headloss Versus Time
A record of headloss as a function of filter operation time is useful for determining
when a filter will need scraping. Therefore, daily measurements, beginning at plant
start-up, should be made of the headwater and tailwater levels. A plot of headloss versus
time is shown in Figure 3.1. From such a graph, the time to terminal headloss can be
predicted. Similarly, headloss data should be obtained from any other piezometer tube
measuring the pressure within the sand bed.
6.3.4 Disinfection
The disinfectants most commonly used in domestic water supplies are chlorine and
chlorine-containing compounds. Therefore, guidelines for monitoring and reporting
disinfection are presented here for chlorine disinfection and complement the review of
the topic in Section 3.1.5. Communities using ozone or ultraviolet radiation for
disinfection should refer to appropriate EPA and state guidelines.
The chlorine flow should be measured daily to assure the proper dosage of chlorine.
The chlorine dosage should be adequate to satisfy the chlorine demand and to provide a
free residual concentration at the consumer's tap of at least 0.2 mg of chlorine per liter of
water. The disinfectant dosage is typically calculated using OT values. OT is the
product of the residual disinfectant concentration (C) in milligrams per liter and the
corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) in minutes. The Federal Register (1989, 40
CFR, Parts 141 and 142) contains a table of OT values, summarized as Table 3.3, for
achieving 1-log and 3-log inactivation of Giardia lamblia for a variety of water
temperatures and pH values. EPA guidance manuals, such as by Malcolm Pirnie, Inc.
(1989), should be consulted for greater detail on how to use OT values to achieve
desired inactivations of Giardia and other contaminants. Information on how to obtain
these manuals is available from EPA regional offices and from state regulatory agencies.
The national regulations require that filtration plus disinfection achieve at least a 99.9
percent (3-log) removal or inactivation of Giardia cysts and a 99.99 percent (4-log)
removal or inactivation of viruses. The level of disinfection required for achieving
these removal/inactivation rates is set by the state. Generally, however, a 2-log (99
percent) reduction in Giardia cysts should be expected for slow sand filtration, especially
after the filter has become mature, leaving only 1-log (90 percent) reduction for the
The level of residual chlorine should be measured at least daily, both at the point
where the water leaves the filtration plant and at the point in the distribution system
that is at the greatest distance from the plant. Samples from the most distant point must
meet water quality criteria for residual disinfectant and coliforms. Engineers and water
utilities should refer to the Surface Water Treatment Rules promulgated by their
regulatory agencies for current requirements.
Approved methods for measuring the chlorine level in water include the DPD
colorimetric test, which uses the chemical N,N-diethyl-P-phenylene-diamme. This test
is described in Standard Methods (1989). Test kits are available commercially for the field
analysis of chlorine, but care must be exercised in selecting which kit to use. Some of the
kits designed for measuring chlorine in swimming pools do not use approved methods.
The use of chlorine-selective probes is also an approved method for measuring chlorine
in water.
Because free residual chlorine is only relatively stable even in the absence of
sunlight, agitation, and certain organic and inorganic chemicals, samples should be
collected in clean, sterilized containers that are completely free of sodium thiosulfate
and should be analyzed immediately.
6.3.5 Instrumentation
Two classes of instruments are required for a slow sand filtration facility: analytical
instruments and measuring devices. Analytical instruments are needed to outfit the
support laboratory at the filtration plant. Measuring devices include flow meters,
thermometers, and gauges. In addition, safety instruments are required for the
disinfection processes.
(1) Analytical Instruments. As noted, a laboratory should be available for
instruments and as a place to conduct the analyses. The laboratory should have running
water and sufficient bench space for the instruments and set samples and cabinet space
for reagents and standards. Analyses that are performed daily, such as for turbidity,
chlorine, and pH, should be done on site in such a laboratory. Therefore, each slow sand
facility must have a turbidimeter, chlorine-analysis equipment, and a pH meter. Only
2-3 m (6-9 ft) of bench space are needed for this level of analytical capability. If coliform
analyses are performed on site, an incubator and the appropriate laboratory ware and
reagents are required. It is important to remember that many water quality tests have
crucial time, transport, and sample-storage limitations, which are specified in the
national regulations. For metals and organics, the use of an outside certified laboratory
should be arranged, and sampling and analysis should be done at intervals specified by
the regulations.
(2) Measuring Instruments. Only a few metering instruments are required for a
slow sand filtration facility (see Section 3.3.1). A flow meter with a flow control valve is
required on the inlet side of each filter cell. Volumetric flow meters are advised for the
effluent side so that records can be kept of the total volume of water treated per day.
Temperature should be measured also, using a laboratory-grade thermometer. The flow
meters should be checked periodically for possible obstructions and should be removed
periodically for cleaning. Material can be trapped, for example, on the upstream side of
orifice plates; they should be positioned so the obstructions can be easily removed.
Pressure taps and piezometers should be checked weekly for possible clogging of the
openings. Total flow meters should be removed about once each year for inspection and
possible calibration. When a meter is removed from the filter, a substitute meter should
be placed in the line. Such "spares" should be purchased as a part of the initial capital
investment of the plant so that the plant is fully operational at start-up.
Where continuous monitoring of turbidity is required, turbidimeters with
associated pump(s) and sampling lines should be set up to continuously sample both
influent and effluent water flows. For most slow sand installations, however, daily grab
sampling is sufficient for monitoring turbidity.
Records must be kept of all water quality parameters evaluated both in-house and at
certified laboratories. Analytical results must be reported to the appropriate federal and
state agencies in compliance with NPDWR and state regulations. The frequency of
reporting is stipulated by the regulatory agencies and may depend on the population
served, as discussed in Section 6.3.3 for coliforms.
The length of time that records must be retained is specified in the federal
regulations. For example, the results of bacteriological tests must be kept for at least five
years. State requirements may vary from federal requirements and should be consulted.
An archives system should be set up, however, to retain all useful monitoring and
reporting records within an easy-to-use filing system.
Additionally, records of other occurrences should be kept, including the following:
1. Any cleaning of the filter inlet, bed, or distribution network
2. Interruptions of the water supply to the filter or of any filter operations
3. Failure or malfunction of equipment, even if it does not result in the
interruption of operation
4. Headloss through the filter bed and filtered water flow rate
5. Temperature
6. Precipitation events
A record should also be kept of the total volume of water filtered each day per filter
unit. These data will allow an examination of the volume of water filtered per cycle,
which is likely to vary seasonally.
6.3.7 Forms
The format for recording and reporting water quality test results is not stipulated in
the regulations. However, the following items should be included in the reporting
1. Title of the form, identifying the water quality parameter being analyzed
2. Date and time the sample was obtained
3. Location in the plant from which the sample was obtained
Trends will be more easily identifiable if the results of periodic sampling are recorded on
the same page. Figure 6.3 is a sample form for reporting the results of coliform
Daily maintenance tasks related to the operation of the filters consist of checking
that the inflow is not clogged, measuring the flow and level of the headwater, and
clearing floating material and scum, if any, from the water surface. (Enclosed filters will
be less likely to have litter on the surface of the headwater.) Pumps, chlorinators, and
other equipment should be checked daily to verify that they are working properly. All
flow-measuring devices should be monitored, including those metering the supply to
the community. Piezometers should also be read daily.
Daily maintenance tasks peripheral to the operation of the filters include
measuring chlorine residuals in the water at various points in the distribution system
(as discussed in Section 6.3.4), checking the supply of disinfectant, and noting the level of
water in the storage tank and clear well.
The number of pumps needed in a slow sand filtration facility will be determined
largely by the hydraulic layout of the treatment scheme. For example, the slow sand
filter plant in Empire, CO, operates without pumps or any other electrical equipment
and is located nearly 0.5 km (0.3 mi) from the nearest power lines. Propane is used for
auxiliary heat. The Empire plant can operate without pumps because it is located on a
steep hillside between the water supply and the community served. At gravity-feed
facilities such as Empire, control valves are needed instead of pumps.
At most slow sand filter sites, however, water must be pumped from the water
supply, and other pumps may also be required. For these facilities, the pumps must be
Readina fern)
Headw. Tailw.
Turbidrtv fNTU)
Raw Finished
Chlorine Residual
Effluent Distribution
Membrane Filter
LJMin. Media Test
Present Absent
Month/ Year
Coliform Analysis:
Figure 6.3 Sample Form for Slow Sand Operating and Evaluation Data. (Adapted from forms of Colorado Health Department.)
Monthly Summary
Plant Flow
(hours) (mil L/d) (mgd)
capable of supplying peak water needs. It is recommended that sufficient spare pumps
and parts be kept on hand to remedy failures of such equipment.
Much of the large equipment needed at a slow sand filtration plant pertains to the
filtration media. Specifically, equipment is required for the original placement of sand in
the filter boxes and for subsequent resanding. Additionally, the operators for very large
slow sand filters, such as those with surface area greater than 400 m2 (4,300 ft2) for one
cell, may wish to use machines for scraping the filter beds, for transporting the scraped
sand, or both. A study by Letterman and Cullen (1985) determined that the shortest
scraping time per unit filter surface area for large filters was accomplished when a
motorized buggy was used for transporting the sand. For small filter plants, such
equipment is not warranted as the required tasks can be done more quickly and easily by
manual methods than by the use of mechanical aids. At the Empire plant, for example,
the surface sand is hand-scraped with asphalt rakes and hauled out of the filter boxes in
buckets. This task can be done within 2-4 hours by two persons.
Chapter 7
Table 7.1
Slow Sand Filter Modifications
Roughing filters
Filter mats
Surface amendments
Filter harrowing
Schmutzdecke removal
Filter mats
Filter harrowing
media bacterial population. This chapter summarizes the design of each of these slow
sand filter modifications and evaluates their benefits.
A number of pretreatment techniques can be used to reduce high source-water
turbidities to a level considered acceptable for slow sand filter operation. For small
communities, coarse-media roughing filters are considered to be the most promising of
these pretreatment techniques because of the simplicity of their use (Wegelin 1988).
The basic components of a roughing filter include:
A filter box divided into two or preferably three compartments
Gravel beds of decreasing size for each compartment
Inlet, outlet, and intercompartmental control structures to ensure an even flow
distribution across the filter cross section
A filter flow control device
The flow direction in roughing filters can be either vertical or horizontal, as
illustrated in Figure 7.1. Horizontal-flow roughing filters are considered to have greater
silt storage capacity and lower hydraulic cleaning needs than upflow or downflow
roughing filters.
The size of the gravel, the length of filter material, and the filtration rate are the
principal parameters for roughing filter design (Wegelin et al. 1986; Wegelin 1988).
Specifically, the size of the graded gravel medium varies from roughly 20 mm to 4 mm
in the sequence of coarse, medium, and fine compartmental packs. The cumulative
filtration length is in the order of 6 m (20 ft) to 12 m (39 ft). The filter height is limited to
12-18 mm
8-1 2 mm
4-8 mm
flow direction
water surface
Surface Loading
Rate = 0.3-1 m/hr
Figure 7.1 Roughing Filters, Showing Three Flow Directions. (Adapted from Wegelin
1.5 m (5 ft) to permit easy cleaning. The cross-sectional width depends on the capacity of
the filter but generally ranges from 2 m (6.5 ft) to 5 m (16 ft). Filtration rates for roughing
filters designed for high-turbidity raw water generally vary from 0.3 m/hr to 1.5 m/hr.
Practical design experiences with roughing filters are summarized in Table 7.2.
As seen in Table 7.2, roughing filters can achieve significant reductions in raw
water turbidity and in levels of fecal coliform bacteria. Also, they can remove apparent
color and algae. Reports indicate that peak turbidity removals may range from 60 percent
to 90 percent (Wegelin 1988; Wolters et al. 1989), with the higher reductions generally
associated with the higher turbidity loadings, as noted in Table 7.2. The table also shows
that coliform bacteria may be removed to a similar extent as turbidity. Peak turbidity and
bacteria removals are generally obtained after a pronounced maturation period, which is
Table 7.2
Design Experience and Performance of Roughing Filters
Design/performance of roughing filter
Layer depth (cm) /gravel size(mm)
60 / 12-6
270 / 50-25
85 / 20-15
85 / 10-5
consistent with the findings of Bellamy et al. (1985a, 1985b) for the performance of slow
sand filters; that is, the biological maturity of the filter is the most important parameter
of performance. Removals are inversely related to filtration rate and gravel size, which
is consistent with theoretical expectations (reviewed in Section 1.3.1).
Color removals have not been well documented but pilot downflow gravel-packed
roughing filters were reported to have reduced apparent color by 45-80 percent. The
particulate fraction of color is most likely removed by filtration.
The Thames Water Authority uses gravity roughing sand filters and microstrainers
to reduce algal loadings to its slow sand filters (Rachwal et al. 1988). The roughing filter
media consists of 0.5-0.7 m (20-28 in.) of sand with an effective size of 0.75 mm and a
uniformity coefficient of 1.7 overlaying 0.5 m (20 in.) of graded gravel. At a flow rate of 5
m/hr, removals of algal and particulate organic material averaged 50 percent, with a
range of 30 percent to 80 percent depending on particle size and algal species. Increasing
the bed depth to 0.7-0.9 m (28-36 in.) increased average removals to 67 percent at flow
rates of up to 10 m/hr.
The primary concern with regard to the efficiency of roughing filtration is the
effectiveness of the hydraulic flushing techniques used to clean the filter media and
restore the bed's removal and storage capacities. Fluidizing the bed as practiced for rapid
rate sand filtration is difficult to accomplish in roughing filters because of the heavy,
coarse media used. Cleaning is generally accomplished by hydraulic surges that are
initiated by rapid openings and closings of the inlet and outlet drainage valves (Welters
et al. 1989). The cleaning action results from the introduction of high velocities and the
generation of pressure waves within the filter bed. The cleaning efficiency is influenced
by the arrangement of the underdrain system, the characteristics of the filter media, and
the characteristics of the deposited material to be removed. Experience to date with
cleaning procedures is limited, necessitating the need for more laboratory and field
evaluations. After roughing filters are in service for several years, periodic hydraulic
cleaning may not be sufficient to reestablish filter efficiency. In such cases, the filter
media must be manually removed and washed.
Another concern with roughing filters is the lack of information regarding the type
and size of particulate matter that can be removed with different combinations of gravel
size, filter length, and loading rate. Recent investigations by Wegelin et al. (1986) have
provided some information toward understanding filter efficiency and toward the
development of a filtration model for the horizontal roughing filter. However, those
investigations were limited to kaolin stock solutions. The effectiveness of roughing
filters with raw waters containing various combinations of clay particles, algae, and
dissolved organic matter still needs to be evaluated.
Table 73
Properties of Nonwoven Synthetic Fabrics
Studies have shown that the ozonation of raw water prior to slow sand filtration
controls the growth of algae in the headwater without decaying the biologically active
schmutzdecke (Rachwal et al. 1988) and increases the biodegradability of organic
compounds present in natural waters (Narkis and Schneider-Rotel 1980; Kuo et al. 1978).
The control of algae growth is beneficial because it extends the filter run length; the
increase in biodegradability is beneficial because it improves the removal of organic
precursor material, such as aquatic humic substances, thereby minimizing the
occurrence of disinfection by-products, such as trihalomethanes.
The increase in biodegradability after ozonation is mainly due to the production of
lower-molecular-weight compounds from large organic molecules, such as humic and
fulvic acids, which are more resistant to biodegradation (Gilbert 1979). Van der Kooij et
al. (1989) found that the concentration of easily assimilable organic carbon (AOC)
increased with increasing ozone dosages for a variety of natural waters. In their study,
various ozone dosages caused only a limited reduction in dissolved organic carbon, but
the concentration of ultraviolet-adsorbing (254-nm [nanometers]) compounds was
clearly reduced. The decrease of ultraviolet (UV) adsorption can be linearly related to the
increase in AOC concentration. Hence, biodegradable compounds are produced by the
oxidation of UV-adsorbing organic compounds in natural waters, for example, by the
oxidation of humic substances. Sontheimer and Hubele (1986) reported that ozonation is
essential in promoting the biodegradation of aquatic humic material. They found that
without ozonation, biodegradation removed 8 percent of the dissolved organic carbon
(DOC) from their sample. After doses of 1.82 mg Oa/mg DOC, biodegradation removed
55 percent of the DOC. Biological growth rates of ozonated DOC were also four times
higher than those of controls.
Aquatic humic material may also be degraded by bacterial populations that have
been induced to co-metabolize, degrade, and utilize aromatic compounds commonly
associated with fulvic and humic acids. Work by Collins and Eighmy (1988) has shown
that benzoate ring cleavage and mineralization activity are proportional to aquatic
organic matter removal, particularly for smaller-molecular-weight fractions, in
schmutzdecke microbial populations.
Pilot and full-scale evaluations of pre-ozonation on slow sand filtration, conducted
in England by Rachwal et al. (1988), showed that pre-ozonation doses of 3 mg/L increased
run length. The main effect of pre-ozonation was related to reductions in UV absorbance
at 254 nm and 400 nm of up to 70 and 90 percent, respectively, compared to reductions of
15 and 25 percent, respectively, for the control slow sand filters. Most of these reductions
were due to the ozone itself. Only 10 percent of the reduction was attributed to occur
within the slow sand filter. Pre-ozonation also resulted in a 25 percent removal rate for
total organic carbon compared with 15 percent for conventional filters.
In pilot studies at the University of New Hampshire, pre-ozonation has been used
to increase the biodegradability of the source water organic matter, particularly organic
precursors, and sodium benzoate has been added to the filters to augment the bacterial
populations that catabolize substituted aromatics (Eighmy et al. 1991). The ozone
contactors have contact times of 8-9 minutes resulting in virtually complete ozone
transfer with minimal residuals in the contactor effluent lines. The researchers have
reported that the raw water turbidity, the nonpurgeable dissolved organic carbon
(NPDOC), the UV absorbance (254 nm), and the trihalomethane formation potential
(THMFP) ranged from 1.5 to 2.0 NTU, 7.5 to 8.0 mg/L, 0.30 to 0.35, and 400 to 500 ^g/L,
respectively. All of the pilot filters were able to achieve significant reductions in
turbidity, with effluent levels frequently below 0.5 NTU. Ozone-induced reductions of
organic precursor material were significant, with removal levels approaching 50 percent.
In the New Hampshire studies, a major limitation with ozonation or benzoateinduced organic removals has been the rapid headless development observed in the
slow sand filters. The headloss curves for the pre-ozone and benzoate-induced filters
were shown to be exponential, taking only 20 days each to reach 1.5-m headlosses. The
control filter showed no significant headloss during the same period. The former curves
were representative of cake filtration, suggesting that the organic and inorganic filterblocking materials are not penetrating the filter sand. It may be that a larger sand size
than is normally used is needed for long filter runs of highly colored waters in enhanced
slow sand filters. Further investigations relating filter media specifications to increased
organic precursor removals are needed.
The substitution of a layer of sand with granular media more noted for their ability
to adsorb and remove organic precursor material was evaluated in a pilot study by
Collins et al. (1990). Typically, an 8-cm (3-in.) layer of surface amendment (the
replacement granular media) was supported by a 30-cm (12-in.) layer of sand, which in
turn was supported by a 15-cm (6-in.) layer of graded gravel. Specifications for the
support sand and surface amendments are summarized in Table 7.4.
The pilot filtration study was conducted on a highly colored, low-turbidity water
source. The raw water organic parameters of NPDOC, UV absorbance (254 nm, pH 7),
and THMFP averaged 11 3 mg/L, 0.450 0.100, and 750 250 ng/L, respectively, with
Table 7.4
Surface Amendments Serving as Filter Media
Effective size
Number of
Sand (surface)
Aluminum oxide
Granular activated carbon
Anion exchanger
Support sand
the higher levels generally occurring near the end of the filter run. Raw water turbidities
averaged 2 1 NTU, with the higher values again near the end of the run. Filtration
rates averaged 0.1 m/hr (0.04 mgad).
Organic precursor removals by slow sand filters were influenced by the
characteristics of the filter media. Average THMFP, NPDOC, and UV absorbance (UVA)
percent removals for the various amended pilot filters are shown in Figure 7.2. Organic
precursor removals for the filters amended with anionic resin and granular activated
carbon (GAC) frequently exceeded 90 and 75 percent, respectively. These values were
much higher than those reported for municipal, conventional slow sand facilities
(Collins et al. 1990). Other studies have shown GAC-amended slow sand filters to
achieve even higher organic precursor removals, frequently exceeding 90 percent (Fox et
al. 1984). GAC removal in the Collins et al. study was limited by the relatively small
depth 8 cm (3 in.) of amendment used. Higher precursor removals would be
expected from deeper beds of GAC. The effect of the anionic resin did not appear to be
limited by bed depth. Most removals appeared to have occurred in the top layers. The
kinetics of precursor removals by ion-exchange is apparently faster than the transport
and attachment mechanisms inherent to GAC.
The treatment efficiencies of the aluminum oxide, anthracite, and clinoptilolite
amended filters were similar to those of conventional slow sand filters. Typical organic
precursor removals by the amended filters in the Collins et al. (1990) pilot study
frequently averaged 5-25 percent, and those values are in agreement with the approxi
mately 20 percent removals reported by other researchers (Fox et al. 1984; Rachwal et al.
1988). The slightly higher percent removals noted for the aluminum oxide amended
filter might be attributable to the smaller effective size of the amendment media. The
poor removals noted for the clinoptilolite amended filter, which was a covered filter,
ANTH - anthracite
CLINO - clinoptilolite
ALUM - alumina
GAC - granular activated carbon
GAC/S - GAC sublayer
ANION - anion resin
Media Amendment
Figure 7.2 Organic Precursor Removals for Various Media-Amended Pilot Slow Sand
Filters at Portsmouth, NH. (From Collins et al. [1990].)
were attributed to the lack of sunlight-induced algal growths typically observed on the
schmutzdecke of uncovered slow clinoptilolite/sand filters. Other experiments with
pilot filters having a 20-cm (8-in.) layer of clinoptilolite gave 50 percent longer filter runs
(Foreman and Sims 1984). Studies have also shown that the biological activity within
the schmutzdecke was increased by the role of the ion-exchanger in concentrating
ammonium ions. The ammonium ions were released as ammonia, a nutrient that
enhances bacterial growth (McNair and Sims 1986; McNair et al. 1987). Clinoptilolite as
an ion-exchanger can remove a range of cations, such as iron, silver, copper, zinc,
cadmium, and other toxic heavy metals and nuisance metals (Andrews 1990).
The principal disadvantages associated with anionic resin or GAC amended slow
sand filters are rapid headless development and the costs of amendment cleaning and
regeneration. The excellent organic precursor removals demonstrated by anionic resin
and GAC amended filters were tempered by their exponential headloss curves. Increases
in organic removals will increase headloss development rates, thus requiring more
frequent schmutzdecke removals, especially of the amendment surface. Handling of the
GAC or anionic resin layer may be simplified by containing the amendment between
layers of a synthetic filter fabric. A permeable quilted blanket may be sectionally placed
on and removed from the filter sand surface in the same way that filter mats are used.
The blocked GAC layer may be washed and/or replaced; the exhausted anionic resin
layer could be regenerated without a noticeable decrease in efficiency by rinsing it with
water and soaking it with a sodium chloride solution. The removal of the schmutzdecke
and the removal of the amendment layer for a slow sand filter with a large-scale surface
amendment have yet to be demonstrated.
Operators at the West Hartford, CT, slow sand facility do not remove the
schmutzdecke from their filters; they disrupt the layer by harrowing, and a portion of
the debris is removed by headwater drainage (Collins et al. 1990). When the filter
headless approaches a terminal headloss of 1.8 m (6 ft), the operators drain the
supernatant water to a height roughly 0.3 m (1.0 ft) above the sand filter and rake the
sand media. They simultaneously keep the filter surface sumps open, causing a steady
discharge of the overlaying water. As the rake is dragged over the sand, colloidal debris
in the top 0.3 m (12 in.) is loosened and caught by the moving water stream and is
eventually discharged. When the supernatant water drops to a level of less than 0.1 m (3
in.) above the sand, operations are suspended until the filter has refilled by reverse flow
to a depth of 0.3 m (12 in.), at which time harrowing is resumed. The process is repeated
until the entire filter surface has been harrowed. Filter run lengths generally last 4-8
weeks before harrowing is required. The entire filter sand bed is removed and
thoroughly cleaned once every 8-10 years.
Only fine clay colloids and other small particulate debris are removed by filter
harrowing, but there appear to be some major treatment advantages with this method of
scraping the sand. For a large filter, harrowing typically requires significantly less time
and manpower than the usual scraping method. One driver can usually harrow a 1,350
to 2,000 m2 (1/3-1/2 acre) filter surface in less than 2 hours. Moreover, harrowed filters
can be put back on line within hours instead of days or weeks. While a majority of the
colloidal debris of the surface deposit is washed away with this method, the
schmutzdecke bacterial population is apparently raked into the depths of the filter sand
bed. The ability to maintain a high bacterial population after cleaning enables the
harrowed filters to be quickly placed back on line without a deterioration in treatment
Coring of three mature full-scale slow sand filters over two seasons revealed a
significant relationship between the mass removal rates of trihalomethane formation
potential (mg/m2 /hr) and the filter media biomass (Collins et al. 1990). Filter biomass
was quantified indirectly by acriflavine direct cell counts (AFDC) and directly by Folin
reactive material (FRM) over the filter bed depth. Two of the full-scale filters, those in
Springfield, MA, and New Haven, CT, utilized the surface scraping cleaning method;
the third filter, in West Hartford, CT, used filter harrowing. Higher THM precursor
material removals were observed for the West Hartford slow sand filters, which had
greater bacterial biomass. The West Hartford filters consistently outperformed the more
conventional slow sand filters.
The additional cost of harrow cleaning over conventional filter scraping is
estimated to be less than 5 percent. At the West Hartford facility, filter harrowing
reduced sand washing costs by 22 percent and filter downtimes by 18 percent when
compared to manual surface scrapings (Minkus 1954).
The use of conventional slow sand filters has been a consistently effective means of
economically providing treated water of acceptable quality from low-turbidity raw
waters. However, there is a considerable need to upgrade the ability of slow sand filters
to treat waters of marginal quality with respect to turbidity and algal content. In addition,
regulatory pressures to lower the THM maximum contaminant level may require slow
sand filters to remove significantly more organic precursor material than is now
removed. There also is strong interest in increasing filter loading rates to lower the
initial construction costs to levek more conducive with the financial resources of small
communities without compromising the low maintenance benefits of slow sand
filtration. Cost-effective modifications to slow sand filter performance can be made to
meet these needs.
Modifications to the slow sand filtration process to enhance operational and
treatment performance, demonstrated in pilot studies or full-scale installations, include
roughing filters, filter mats, pre-ozonation, surface amendments, and harrowing
techniques that minimize filter cleaning downtimes and ripening periods. Evaluations
of each of these modifications are described below.
7.6.1 Roughing Filters
Roughing filters have significantly reduced raw water turbidity, coliform bacteria,
and algal content. The primary concern with this modification centers on the
effectiveness of the hydraulic flushing techniques used to restore the filters' removal
and storage capacities. Another concern is the lack of certainty in knowledge regarding
the type and size of natural particulate matter that can be removed with different
combinations of gravel size, filter length, and loading rate.
7.6.2 Filter Mats
Filter mats placed on top of the sand surface provide longer filter run times and a
simpler filter cleaning technique than with conventional filters. Filter cleaning requires
only the removal and cleaning of the fabric. The primary concerns with this
modification are associated with the lack of large-scale applications to raw waters of
varying quality and the lack of a suitable fabric cleaning method for large-scale
7.6.3 Pre-Ozonation
Pre-ozonation may increase organic precursor removals in slow sand filters by
increasing the production of lower-molecular-weight and more biodegradable
compounds from large organic molecules that are more resistant to biodegradation. A
major limitation with pre-ozonation is that it increases headless development in
conventional slow sand filter media. Further investigations relating filter media
specifications to increased organic precursor removal are needed.
7.6.4 Adsorption and Ion-Exchange
Slow sand filters amended to include layers of anionic resin or granular activated
carbon have shown significant organic precursor removals. The principal disadvantages
with such amended slow sand filters are that headless develops rapidly and that
cleaning and regeneration methods and costs have not been defined.
7.6.5 Harrowing
Filter harrowing requires less time and manpower for schmutzdecke removal than
does the surface scraping method. Moreover, because this method maintains the
bacterial population of the filter, harrowed filters can be quickly placed back on line after
cleaning, without a deterioration in treatment performance. This is particularly
advantageous if the water source is of low turbidity. Filter harrowing is the only
modification to the slow sand filtration process that has been evaluated on a full-scale
basis in the United States.
Chapter 8
This chapter provides a summary of the guidelines for the design and operation of
slow sand filters that were discussed in detail in this manual. The guidelines are based
upon the research knowledge generated since 1980, the practice since that date, and
review of past knowledge and experience.
Slow sand filtration is a technology that was commenced in 1829 with the
construction of filters for London by James Simpson, who set forth the basic design.
Simpson's design for London became the standard for practice and is still the standard
today. In the United States and Canada, slow sand filtration has not been a favored
technology, but interest is being revived due to a resurgence of research that started
about 1980. The research findings have both verified past practice and provided new
findings useful for contemporary practice. The guidelines herein incorporate these
research findings and the experience of recent plant designs. The guidelines also build
upon past practice and incorporate it, except as superceded by the findings of the 1980s.
Figure 8.1 is a photograph of a slow sand filter that was recently built for a small
community in accordance with the guidelines for contemporary practice reviewed in
this manual.
Before any design can proceed, a host of "inputs," performance specifications, and
conditions must be determined. These factors "drive" the design. Some of the more
salient ones are reviewed in the following sections.
Figure 8.1 Slow Sand Filter at 100 Mile House, BC. Start-up was in November 1986. The
photograph shows the filter's earth insulation, slab roof, and control building, which
houses an office, a laboratory, and a pipe gallery and provides access to the filters for
scraping, disinfection, and other functions. (Courtesy Dayton & Knight, Ltd., Vancouver,
Slow sand filtration is especially suited for small communities because the
technology is effective, passive, and inexpensive with regard to operating costs. Without
question, communities having populations of 1,000 to 2,000 persons, or even as high as
5,000 persons, should be not too large for slow sand to be "appropriate." With larger
plant sizes, however, the labor costs of processing sand will be greater than those for
rapid rate filtration. The point of this crossover will depend upon circumstances. The
city of Salem, OR, with a population of 107,000 (with the water system serving 135,000),
uses slow sand filtration, as does West Hartford, CT, with 300,000 population served, and
other cities (see Slezak and Sims 1984).
8.2.2 Raw Water Quality
Preferred turbidity levels for influent waters to slow sand filters are <10 NTU (Sims
and Slezak 1990; their Figure 1.6 shows that 90 percent of the communities using slow
sand have raw water turbidities less than 10 NTU). As an upper limit, 30-50 NTU has
been mentioned as a rule of thumb, but the limit is more a matter of engineering and
judgment than an absolute level. Factors affecting allowable influent turbidity levels
include effluent turbidity, length of run, and whether pretreatment is acceptable. Color
and volatile organics are other considerations, and if the raw water concentrations are
high, then pilot plant work should be done to determine removals.
8.2.3 Performance Required
The slow sand filtration process is expected to remove biological particles from
influent water at 2-log to 4-log levels when the filter bed is biologically mature. These
particles include cysts, oocysts, algae, bacteria, viruses, parasite eggs, nematode eggs, and
amorphous organic debris. The foregoing applies only to biological particles present in
the influent flow; it does not apply to species that find ecological niches and grow within
the filter bed as a part of the biofilm around the sand grains (contributing to the maturity
of the sand bed). The biofilm will be sloughed from the filter and will appear in the
effluent flow. Cartridge filter sampling using 1 (im pore size filters may be used to assess
the performance of the filter. Also, total coliform bacteria, if present in the influent
water in sufficient densities, is a useful indicator of removal efficiencies. Because
mineral particles may pass through a filter bed that is effective in removing biological
particles, turbidity removal may not be a useful indicator of performance. Nevertheless,
the effluent turbidity must be measured, since it has to comply with regulatory
requirements. The EPA Surface Water Treatment Rule (Federal Register 1989) requires a
turbidity standard of <1 NTU 95 percent of the time and stipulates that no reading may
be greater than 5 NTU. If the state agency determines that interference with disinfection
will not occur at higher turbidities than 1 NTU, a higher level will be permitted, but at
no time may the level exceed 5 NTU.
8.2.4 Algae Control
Algae growth can be controlled by the installation of a roof over the filter beds.
Algae growth will cause a more rapid increase in the rate of headless and may cause
taste and odor problems. Algae have no role in treatment if the sand bed is biologically
mature, albeit nutrient uptake may occur due to their metabolism.
8.2.5 Pretreatment
As a general rule, waters that require pretreatment should be avoided. If, however,
there are seasonal peaks of turbidity or if algae blooms occur for a short duration, and if
slow sand filtration is still considered the most appropriate technology, then
pretreatment may be considered. Pretreatment can be carried out through the use of a
sedimentation pond or a roughing filter. If organic precursors are present, the removal
methods mentioned in Sections 7.3 and 7.4 may be considered;
8.2.6 Design Flow
The level of flow used to size the filter bed area (known as the design flow) should
be the maximum daily flow projected to the end of the design period, taking into
account the removal of one filter bed for scraping (unless storage is provided to
compensate). The design period will depend upon local circumstances, but 20 years is
8.2.7 Treated Water Storage
Treated water storage should be sufficient to permit a steady flow of water through
the slow sand filter over any daily cycle. The water storage volume should also be
sufficient to allow for fire protection and emergencies.
Although a slow sand filter is simple in concept, its design has many considerations
and includes layout, filter box sizing, plumbing, hydraulic factors, process design,
appurtenances, and disinfection. These factors are reviewed in the following sections.
8.3.1 Overall
(1) Layout. The components of the design include intake, pretreatment (if any), the
filter box, piping, disinfection, and treated water storage. Their layout is site specific.
(2) Filter Box. The filter box should include two or more cells of equal size that are
independently operated. The filter bed area is calculated as the maximum expected flow
divided by the maximum permissible hydraulic loading rate when all but one cell is in
service. The depth of the filter box is the sum of the gravel support, sand bed, maximum
water depth, and freeboard. The distance from the highest level of the sand bed to the
nearest structural member of the filter box should be at least 2.0 m (6.6 ft) so that an
operator will be able to stand comfortably erect while performing operations within the
sand bed. The structure of the filter box should be designed by a civil engineer qualified
in structural design, and the foundation should be designed by a qualified geotechnical
civil engineer.
(3) Housing. Though not a requirement of the design, a slow sand filter housing is
useful. By covering the filter beds, it prevents freezing, inhibits algae growth, and
protects the sand bed from windblown debris. The housing should be equipped with
ventilation and should have access ports for entry, sand handling, and sand transfer.
Portable electric lighting, which is in compliance with electric codes, should be provided.
(4) Plumbing. Provision must be made for running water directly from the filter to
waste (a process known as filter-to-waste), for drainage of the headwater, for backfilling
of the sand bed with filtered water, and for the adjustment of flow to each filter. An
overflow should be installed at the maximum headwater level. Taps should be installed
for easy sampling at appropriate sample points.
8.3.2 Hydraulics
(1) Influent Water Distribution. The water enters the filter through the headwater.
The incoming flow should be distributed around the filter bed at low velocity, and the
headwater should be >0.3 m (1.0 ft) deep to minimize sand bed erosion.
(2) Tail-water Control. A tailwater weir should be designed so that the weir crest
can be raised to provide the >0.3 m (1.0 ft) water cushion for the influent and then
lowered to the top of the filter bed during the filter run. To facilitate draining and
scraping of the sand, the weir must be lowered further so that the headwater drops to a
depth just below the sand surface.
(3) Underdrains. The underdrain system should be designed using the manifold
hydraulic principle; that is, the headloss within the main pipe should be small
compared with the headloss through the orifices into the main pipe. If the manifold
principle is maintained, then the hydraulic loading rate across the filter bed should be
(4) Gravel Support. The purpose of the gravel layers is to support the sand bed and
to minimize headloss between the sand bed and the underdrains so that the collection of
water by the underdrains is not affected by the gravel support headloss. The gravel
support should be graded, with the smallest gravel size on top and the largest on the
bottom surrounding the underdrains. The gravel support should be designed such that
gravel from one layer will not penetrate an underlying layer. The design is empirical
and established rules should be followed, such as those given by the Ten States
Standards (1987), by AWWA Standard B100, or by Huisman and Wood (1974), as
described in Section 3.2.4.
(5) Drainage. Drainage of the headwater should be provided for by the influent
distribution manifold system. Final lowering of the water surface to the desired level
can be done through the underdrain system.
(6) Backfilling After Scraping. The water level should be lowered to about 2-5 cm
(1-2 in.) below the sand surface before scraping. After scraping, the sand bed and the
headwater should be backfilled with finished water, which may come from an adjacent
operating filter or from finished water storage. Finished water storage, if used, should be
free of chlorine. The headwater should be backfilled to the level of the influent
distribution orifices (to provide the >0.3 m [1.0 ft] water cushion). Valves and piping
should be provided to accomplish the foregoing tasks.
(7) Overflow. The overflow weir and collection box should be positioned above the
sand bed so that when the head for the weir is added to the weir crest elevation, the
water level will be at the maximum level desired.
(8) Flow Measurements. Flow measurement on the influent side of the filter
should be provided by means of an orifice meter or a Venturi meter. Pressure difference
should be measured by pressure gauges. A calibration curve should be placed on a wall
in the vicinity of the meter and should also be included on the data recording sheets and
in the computer processing software. A volumetric flow meter should be located on the
effluent side of the filter.
(9) Flow Control. Flow should be controlled by means of a gate valve located
downstream from the flow meter. The valve should be on the main influent pipe. The
pattern may be duplicated for each filter cell, but that is at the option of the engineer in
consultation with the operator.
(10) Tailwater Elevation Control. The tailwater elevation should be controlled by
means of a movable weir. Each filter should have such a means of tailwater control.
(11) Headloss Measurement. Two piezometers should be provided for each filter,
with taps in the headwater and tailwater. Additional piezometers may be placed between
the headwater and tailwater taps, at the option of the engineer in consultation with the
operator. The piezometer tubes should have diameters of 2.5-5.0 cm (1-2 in.), with float
balls and scales provided.
8.3.3 Process Design
(1) Hydraulic Loading Rate. The hydraulic loading rate (HLR) for the peak daily
flow may vary between 0.1 and 0.4 m/hr (1-10 mgad). The HLR may exceed 0.4 m/hr (10
mgad) only at the end of the design period when one of the filters is removed from
operation for scraping, and even then the HLR may exceed 0.4 m/hr only if the filter
beds remaining in operation are biologically mature. While the HLR may vary during
the annual cycle and generally increase as the population grows, the flow should be
steady over the daily cycle.
(2) Sand Bed Depth. The sand bed should be 1.0 m (3.3 ft) in depth at the start of
operation. A depth of 1.3 m (4.3 ft) is favored, but a deeper bed may be used if desired by
the engineer. The minimum bed depth should be >0.5 m (1.5 ft), assuming the filter
media is biologically mature. A staff gauge to measure sand bed elevations in metric
units should be placed on the wall of each filter box to denote minimum and maximum
sand levels.
(3) Sand Specifications. The sand size recommended by tradition is dio = 0.2-0.3
mm, with UC = 1.5-2.0. Media having a sand size with dio ^ 0.3 mm and UC > 2 may be
acceptable if a pilot study ascertains that acceptable removals are obtained. Sieve analyses
should be performed on the sand being considered. The sand size distribution should be
plotted as in Appendix Figure C.I, with dio and d6o clearly marked.
(4) Freeze Protection. In regions in which freezing temperatures occur, ice blocks
should be prevented from forming on the headwater. The combinations of a roof and
earth backfill insulation and of a roof and auxiliary heat have proven effective. If the
formation of an ice block cannot be, or is not, prevented the sidewalls should be
designed to accommodate or withstand the associated horizontal force. All pipes and
equipment shall be protected from freezing.
8.3.4 Appurtenances
(1) Pipe Gallery. Pipes should be grouped into a pipe gallery to facilitate operation
and maintenance. All meters and valves should be accessible from within the pipe
gallery so that the operator can easily perform all needed operations and maintenance
and can read all instruments without having to assume abnormal postures. Adequate
space should be provided so that the operator can remove meters and valves from their
positions and from the gallery.
(2) Sampling Taps. Both influent and effluent lines should have sampling taps for
both grab samples and cartridge filter sampling with hose connections.
(3) Laboratory. A room with benches and distilled water should be provided for
use in holding and processing samples. The laboratory should have, as a minimum, a
turbidimeter and should keep an inventory of turbidimeter standards, clean sample
bottles, and sterile plastic containers (proprietary plastic bags are most convenient) for
coliform sampling.
(4) Office. An office should be provided with a desk and filing cabinet for records
and reports. A computer is recommended for processing data and producing plots: The
computer may be used to store data, but hard copies should be maintained in the files.
(5) Shop. Operators at the plant should be able to remove flow meters, adjust weir
plates, and perform minor maintenance. The plant should have an inventory of tools
for such purposes.
8.3.5 Disinfection
Disinfection should be provided subsequent to filtration. The installation should
comply with state regulations.
Each water is unique and prediction is not feasible for the rate of headloss increase,
the suitability of a sand, and other characteristics of operation. For this reason a pilot
plant study is recommended to evaluate the suitability of slow sand and to predict
operating characteristics.
8.4.1 Purpose
A pilot plant study is recommended to determine the headloss increase with time,
as each water is unique. If the sand contemplated for use deviates from recommended
sizes, a pilot study should be mandatory. Treatment efficiency should be ascertained at
the same time.
8.4.2 Study Plan
A study plan should be developed prior to conducting a pilot plant study. The study
plan should state the purpose of the study, objectives, scope, methods, and task schedule.
8.4.3 Method
The measurements to be taken should be stated and the instruments and
equipment to be used should be indicated. A flow diagram of the pilot plant set-up
should be given.
8.4.4 Results
The headloss data obtained in the pilot plant study should be plotted on headloss
versus time curves for each of the water quality seasons. The time required for the sand
bed to reach biological maturity may be determined by coliform spiking tests done at
two-week or monthly intervals, with the first spike occurring during start-up. Influent
and effluent levels of coliforms should be plotted with time for each spiking test.
8.4.5 Data Interpretation
The headloss versus time curves will indicate the cycle times between scrapings
based upon the maximum headloss to be imposed in the design. The HLR must be
stated. The plot of effluent coliform levels and corresponding percent removals or log214
removals against time in months for each of the coliform spikes will indicate the time
to sand bed maturity.
All plans, specifications, and bid documents should be prepared by the project
engineer. The engineer should conduct construction inspections and should develop
the operating protocol in consultation with the plant operator.
8.5.1 Plan Approval and Building Permit
Prior to construction, plan approval must be obtained from the appropriate
regulatory agency. A building permit is needed after the plan is approved and before
construction begins.
8.5.2 Inspection
As the owner's agent, the engineer should inspect the construction and photograph
and videotape all components of the structure to ensure compliance with plans and
8.5.3 Washed Sand
The sand placed in the filter box should be washed sand. As a goal, washing should
be to the extent needed to ensure that less than 10 percent of the effluent turbidity at
start-up is due to the erosion of fines from the sand bed. Such a goal does not require
quantitative evaluation, unless desired, but is stated to indicate that the washing should
be thorough.
8.6.1 Measurements, Sampling, Recording
(1) Headless and Temperature. Elevations of headwater and tailwater should be
observed and recorded daily. Headwater temperature should be recorded daily in degrees
(2) Flow. Influent flow should be measured daily before and after any adjustment.
The volumetric flow on the effluent side should also be measured daily.
(3) Turbidity. Water should be collected daily in clean containers for turbidity
sampling. Measurements should be done in the plant laboratory with an instrument
that has been standardized using commercially available standards.
(1) Drainage of Headwater. When the headwater reaches the overflow level, or
prior to that level, the headwater should be drained and the sand scraped. The water
level should be lowered in two stages: (1) to the level of the distribution manifold, and
(2) to a level just below the surface of the sand bed, that is, 2.5-5.0 cm (1-2 in.) below the
surface. The first stage of drainage should be by means of the influent distribution
orifices and manifold, and the second stage by means of the underdrain system. In both
stages, the drained water is channeled to waste.
(2) Scraping. The schmutzdecke should be removed when the headloss reaches, or
is less than, the overflow level. The depth of sand removed should be as small as is
possible in order to remove just the schmutzdecke. Asphalt rakes can be used, with the
sand raked to form windrows and then shoveled into buckets. The sand should be
carried to a sand storage bin. For larger plants, mechanical methods of moving sand may
be used.
(3) Backfilling After Scraping. After the sand bed is scraped, it should be backfilled
with finished water through the underdrain system. The rate of backfilling should be
slow until the water level reaches the sand surface (<2 m/hr), so that air trapped in the
sand can be displaced. When the water level reaches the sand surface, the backfill rate
may be increased. Backfilling is stopped when the headwater level reaches the level of
the influent distribution manifold and orifices. At that point, the influent water may
enter through the influent distribution system and the filtration mode can begin.
(4) Filter-to-Waste. When a slow sand filter is started initially or after resanding,
the operating mode should be filter-to-waste so that residual fines can be flushed from
the filter. Also, the filter-to-waste mode may be used to permit sand bed maturity to
develop. The time to maturity may range from two weeks for a warm water that is
nutrient rich to several months for cold waters that are nutrient poor.
(5) Sand Washing. The sand removed by scraping should be stored and then
washed for recycling. The washing should be done at intervals when sufficient sand has
accumulated to warrant such an operation.
(6) Sand Storage. Washed sand should be stored until resanding is necessary. The
washed sand storage should be covered to provide protection against contamination.
(7) Equipment for Operation. For small installations, such as those with only a
single filter and with a bed surface area small enough that two persons can complete the
scraping operation within one shift of work, all operations can be done by hand and only
asphalt rakes, shovels, and buckets or wheelbarrows are needed.
(8) Cleaning Flow Meters. Orifice meters should be installed in a way that allows
for easy removal for cleaning. Any debris that accumulates behind the plate must be
removed. Because small debris will pass by a Venturi meter, this type of meter should be
used for installations in which debris accumulation is excessive. Taps for pressure
gauges should be flushed periodically for cleaning.
(9) Instrument Calibration. All instruments should be calibrated at regular
intervals. Flow meters will retain calibration unless deposits occur; any such deposits
should be removed. Pressure gauges should be calibrated by imposing a known static
pressure on the gauges and noting the corresponding gauge readings. Volumetric flow
meters should be calibrated at annual intervals. At least two meters should be on hand
so that a substitute meter is available if needed. Turbidity meters should be calibrated
weekly using commercially available standards.
(10) Data Processing. Data may be processed by hand or computer on standard
forms. For computerized data processing, commercially available spreadsheet software
should be used. Calibration coefficients for flow meters and pressure gauges should be
entered and identified on the forms and incorporated by reference in the processing
functions. The computer forms should be saved in hard copy.
(11) Sand Bed Maturity. Sand bed maturity cannot be measured unless removal
rates can be determined by means of an indicator, such as coliform bacteria. If adequate
coliform levels are present in the ambient water, such as >100 cfu/100 mL, or if a pilot
filter is operated in parallel with the full-scale filter and is spiked with coliform, then
filter maturity may be assessed. Removals of 2-log to 4-log should be expected for a
mature filter bed. A rule of thumb is that filter bed maturity may be assumed if the filter
bed has been in operation for six months without being drained and without flow being
interrupted for more than 24 hours. The foregoing is based upon work by Bellamy et al.
(1985a, 1985b) and by Bryck et al. (1987) in which coliform removals of 2-log were noted
within 4 months for cold, oligotrophic influent waters. However, filter bed maturity
should be determined experimentally whenever possible.
Modifications to the slow sand filtration process may be made in some situations to
mitigate the short-term effects of some variables, such as high turbidity during one
season of the year. Modification of the process is contrary to the philosophy of slow sand
filtration as a passive technology, and modifications should be made only after careful
consideration of the trade-offs. In addition to the removal of suspended solids, the
removal of fulvic and humic acids (trihalomethane precursors) may be considered.
Other kinds of modifications should be considered with caution and are mentioned here
only to indicate that considerable experimentation has been in progress over recent years
to explore the full potential of slow sand technology.
8.7.1 Suspended Solids Removal
(1) Sedimentation. The least costly method of removing high levels of suspended
solids is to use a settling pond with >24 hours of detention time at peak flows. Accumu
lated solids may be removed from the pond annually or when accumulation warrants it.
(2) Roughing Filters. A roughing filter is inexpensive and requires less space than
a pond. The sediment may be removed from the roughing filter by backwashing.
8.7.2 Organic Precursor Removal
Pre-ozonation has been used to break down organic precursors such as fulvic and
humic acids and has been shown to provide removals on the order of 50 percent.
Although the use of ozone is not compatible with the slow sand philosophy, its use has
been established and may be considered. Prechlorination, on the other hand, should not
be used.
(1) Surface Amendments. Various surface amendments have been used
experimentally. Granular activated carbon, for example, will remove in excess of 80
percent of organic precursors. Clinoptilolite has been used to concentrate ammonia,
which may be released as a nutrient to enhance bacteria growth.
8.7.3 Other
(1) Nutrient Additions. Some mountain waters have low levels of nutrients in
addition to low winter temperatures, conditions that result in slow maturity of the filter
bed. The time to filter bed maturity may be decreased by the addition of nutrients, such
as nitrates and phosphates, to the filter.
(2) Harrowing. Filter harrowing has been used in full-scale plants in the northeast
United States. Harrowing is faster than scraping and may be considered for large plants.
Definitions of Terms
i = gas species
[i] = gas concentration
k = hydraulic conductivity of porous media (m/hr)
k(meter) = coefficient of proportionality to calibrate flow meter (m3/rev)
k' = intrinsic hydraulic conductivity (N/m or Ib/ft)
L = length of pipe for headloss measurement (m or ft)
N = number of revolutions of propeller associated with volume, V (rev)
N(orifices) = number of orifices in underdrain lateral
P = distance from bottom of channel to weir crest (m or ft)
p = pressure, used generically as hydraulic pressure such as below a water surface, within
a pipe, within the sand bed, etc. (pascals or Ib/ft2) at depth h
PB = pressure at point B in closed hydraulic system (N/m2 or Ib/ft2)
degrees Celcius
colony forming unit
Construction Specifications Institute
product of residual disinfectant concentration, C (in mg/L), and
disinfectant contact time, T (in min)
coefficient of variation
dissolved organic carbon
free on rail
Folin reactive material
granular activated carbon
gallons per capita per day
gallons per day
hydraulic grade line
hydraulic loading rate
heterotrophic plate count
inorganic chemicals
liters per capita per day
mil L/d
maximum contaminant level
cubic meters per day
milligrams per acre
million gallons per acre per day
million gallons per day
milligrams per liter
meters per hour
million liters per day
most probable number
metric ton
newtons per meter
newton seconds per square meter
National Pollution Discharge Elimination System (an acronym
introduced with Public Law 92500,1972)
nonpurgeable dissolved organic carbon
National Primary Drinking Water Regulations
nephelometric turbidity units
platinum-cobalt units
System International
synthetic organic chemicals
Surface Water Treatment Rule
trihalomethane formation potential
total organic carbon
uniformity coefficient
U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
ultraviolet absorbance
cubic yard
air-binding - the presence of gas bubbles in the sand bed, causing increased headloss and
possible rupture of the schmutzdecke on their release
appurtenances - accessories, such as meters
atmosphere - unit of pressure; 1 atm = 14.7 lb/in.2 = 101.325 kPa = 760 mm mercury
backfilling - saturation of the sand bed by filling it slowly from the bottom upwards to
displace air in the bed
biologically mature - see "mature"
bleeding - allowing faucets to drip to prevent pipes from freezing
breakthrough - passage of contaminants through the sand bed
cfu, colony forming unit - a measure of bacteria concentration
chlorine demand - the chlorine fed into the water that reacts with oxidizable impurities
and may therefore not be available for disinfection, reported in units of mg/L
chlorine residual - the concentration of chlorine, in mg/L, remaining in the water after
the chlorine demand has been met
clear well - a facility for the storage of treated water
coliform removal, coliform removal efficiency - the extent of retention of coliform
bacteria by a filter
constant-head box - a device that controls flow rate to the filter(s) by maintaining a
constant head of liquid over fixed orifices; used in pilot plant studies
control building - the facility that houses meters
Cryptosporidium parvum - a pathogenic protozoan that causes enteritis and/or severe
diarrhea; the oocyst is resistant to chlorine disinfection
OT - the product of residual disinfectant concentration (C) in mg/L and the
corresponding disinfectant contact time (T) in minutes
cumulative flow demand - the total volume of flow calculated over a given time
period; the cumulative flow volume is calculated by summing the product of the
flow rate and the duration of that flow rate over the time period of interest
d10 - the size of the sieve opening through which 10 percent of the sand will just pass;
also called the "effective size"
design flow - the maximum daily flow for a projected population
detritus - nonliving organic matter
dewatering - draining the headwater to below the sand bed surface
diatomaceous earth - high-silica skeletal remains of algae, used as a filtration material
drawdown - drainage of the headwater
effective size - see "d10"
energy grade line, EGL - a graphic representation of the total energy head, which shows
the rate at which energy decreases; the EGL always drops downward in the direction
of flow unless there is an energy input from a pump
filter harrowing - disturbing the filter media surface with a large implement consisting
of a series of teeth or disklike blades
filter mats - nonwoven synthetic fabrics placed on the surface of the filter media to
facilitate cleaning
filter-to-waste - the process of disposing of tailwater (filter effluent) while the filter
product water is of unacceptable quality
fines - the smallest particles in unwashed sand
gas precipitation - a phenomenon whereby dissolved gas comes out of solution due to
giardiasis - disease caused by the protozoan Giardia lamblia
Giardia - name often used in conversation for the pathogenic organism Giardia lamblia
Giardia lamblia - a pathogenic protozoan that causes severe diarrhea
gravel support - coarse media on which the filter media is placed, and which surrounds
and covers the underdrains
headless - loss of media permeability; increased flow resistance
headwater - the raw water in the filter box directly above the filter bed; also called
supernatant water
hydraulic conductivity - permeability, reported as length/time
hydraulic grade line, HGL - the piezometric head line, i.e., a graphic representation of
what would be the free surface if one could exist, and the same conditions of flow
were maintained; if the velocity head is constant, the drop in the hydraulic grade
line between any two points is the value of the loss of head between those two
hydraulic loading rate - volumetric flow rate divided by filter surface area, resulting in
units of length/time
log removal, logR - defined as logR s log Nin - log Nout , in which NU, is the concentra
tion in the influent and Nout is the concentration in the effluent of whatever
constituent species is being measured. Conversion to %R is: %R = 1 - 10~lo8R
mature - the state of a filter when coliform removal has reached its optimum level
newton - unit of force; 1 N = 0.2248 Ib force
package plant - a commercially available prefabricated filter
Pascal - unit of pressure; 1 Pascal = 1 N/m2 = 0.000145 Ib/ft2
peak flow - a community's maximum daily water demand
percent removal, %R - defined as
performance capacity - the flow rate above which the performance of the filter (effluent
turbidity, rate of headloss development, etc.) no longer satisfies regulatory or
community requirements
pilot plant - a small-scale replica of a proposed or existing full-scale facility, useful in
determining, at relatively low expense, the feasibility of the full-scale plant in
achieving the desired finished water quality given the raw water characteristics
poise - unit of dynamic viscosity; 1 poise = 0.10 N-s/m2
pre-ozonation - oxidation of the raw water prior to filtration
reservoir - the filter box zone above the filter media; the location of the headwater or
supernatant water
ripening - the process whereby a diverse biological community develops within a filter
roughing filter - a pretreatment consisting of a series of chambers of coarse media that
serves to reduce raw water turbidity
run length - the period of time between filter start-up and terminal headloss
sand bed - the filter media
schmutzdecke - a German word that translates literally as "dirty layer" and was adopted
early in American practice; the layer of material deposited on the top of the filter
bed that causes headloss disproportionate to its thickness
scour - disturbance of the filter media, usually caused by high-velocity discharge of
water into the filter
scraping - removing the top few centimeters (approximately 1 in.) of the filter media,
including the schmutzdecke
sedimentation - settling
Stoke - 1 cm2/s
supernatant water - headwater; the raw water in the reservoir
SWTR - Surface Water Treatment Rule (from Federal Register, Vol. 54, No. 124:27486,
June 29, 1989)
tailwater - the filter effluent
THMFP - trihalomethane formation potential
turbidity - cloudiness of the water
underdrain - a network of pipes that collects filtered water and channels it out of the
filter box
uniformity coefficient, UC, d^d^, - the ratio of the sieve size through which 60 percent
of the sand will pass to the size through which 10 percent will pass
UVA - ultraviolet absorbance; relates to instrumental method to measure dissolved
organic carbon
weir - a plate or other device used to control the water level
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Appendix A
Viscosity of Water
Table A.1
Viscosity of Water
1.787* lO-2
1.728* ID-2
1. 34610-2
1.307* lO-2
1.671 *1(H
1. 787-10-6
1. 728*10-6
1.271 MO-6
0.7844* 10-2
0.7975* lO-2
0.7808* lO-2
0.7491- lO-2
0.7340* lO-2
0.801 MO-6
0.768 MO-6
0.738 -10-6
0.683* 10-6
0.658 -10-6
0.623* 10-6
0.602* 10-6
0.592* 1(H
0.572* 10-6
0.553* 10-6
Dynamic Kinematic
viscosity* viscosity*
j)Weast, R. C. 1978. Handbook of Chemistry and Physics, 59th edition. Boca Raton, FL: CRC Press, p. F-51.
bl poise = g's'Vcm (gram-second/centimeter), 1 Stoke = 1 cm2/s.
cKinematic viscosity, v, is calculated as:
in which: v = kinematic viscosity (cm2/s)
ji = dynamic viscosity (gs'Vcm)
p = density of water (g/cm3)
Dynamic viscosity, \i, is taken from column 1; density, p, is taken from Weast (1978, p. F-ll), with
interpolation made between 5 C temperature increments.
dTo convert dynamic viscosity in poises to System International (SI) units:
fTo convert dynamic viscosity in poises to English units in Ibp-s/ft2, multiply poises by 2.089'IQ-3 (Weast 1978,
p. F-50).
8To convert kinematic viscosity in Stokes to English units in ftVs, multiply Stokes by 1.0761 'lO"3 (Weast 1978,
p. F-50).
Appendix B
Table B.I
Meter Coefficients for Flow Measurement
Meter type
Metering formula
Q = QA (2gh)V2
Q = Cv At (2gAh)V2
Notes: Coefficients are for R 2 105. Reynold's number is defined as R = pvD/u. For lower Reynold's numbers,
the coefficient increases for orifices and decreases for Venturi meters.
For most flows, R S 10s can be assumed. D is the diameter of the pipe, and d is the diameter of the orifice
or Venturi throat.
Source: From Roberson and Crowe (1986).
Table B.2
Weir Coefficients for Flow Measurement
Q = r^ CvN\2g tan(r)H5/2
Q = 0.79H5/2
Q = 1.44H5/2
Meter type
Rectangular weir
V-notch weir
Metering formula
Q = Cw"v2g bH3/2
Notes: For a rectangular weir, Cw = 0.40 + 0.05H/P. For a V-notch weir, CVN = 0.58 when 6 = 60 . The terms
of the equations used in this table are as follows: Q = flow in m3 /s or ft3 /s, Cw = weir coefficient;
g = acceleration of gravity (9.81 m/s2 or 32.2 ft/s2).
Source: From Roberson and Crowe (1985).
Figure B.I Definition Sketches for Orifice Meter and Venturi Meter, Showing Pressure
~X \
Front View
Side View
Figure B.2 Definition Sketch for Rectangular Weir With End Contractions, Showing
Terms Used in Flow Equation and Weir Coefficient Equation
Front View
Side View
Appendix C
I i 4
Appendix D
Figure D.I Chlorine OT Data for 3-Log (99.9 Percent) Inactivation of Giardia lamblia
Cysts as Affected by Temperature in 0.5-5.0 C Range, With pH 6.0-8.0. Curves were
obtained based upon interpolation between data points shown (Hibler et al. 1987).
Percent inactivation was determined by infection rate of gerbils after ingestion of
chlorinated water having indicated residual CTs, assuming 1-5 cysts needed to infect a
gerbil, with 1-4 gerbils infected averaged with zero infected.
ISBN 0-89867-551-0