Bbim 4103
Bbim 4103
Bbim 4103
BBIM 4103
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Title Page
1.00 Introduction Company Background
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5.00 Summary
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Nowdays, with more than 20 types of products and proper promotion channel, FAIZA spices
has become one of the most trusted household brand name throughout the region, under the
tagline Hygiene & Quality, clearly indicates the prime importance of the products to acquire
high quality of selected ingredients. FMSB has established her own brand locally
Faiza Marketing Sdn Bhd manufactures and distributes various types of spices and curry
powder . Now, the distribution of the product covers Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak
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and has already entered Hypermarkets such as Giant, Tesco and others. They dedicated to
providing the best food to people through their plan such :
For the future, FMSB intends to expand into the international market
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,Although peoples need are few ,their wants are shaped and reshaped by social forces and
institutions including families, temples ,schools and business organizations.
2.02 Global Economic Growth
An increase in the capacity of an economy to produce goods and services, compared from one
period of time to another. Economic growth can be measured in nominal terms, which include
inflation, or in real terms, which are adjusted for inflation. For comparing one country's
economic growth to another, GDP or GNP per capita should be used as these take into account
population differences between countries.
Economic growth is usually associated with technological changes. An example is the large
growth in the U.S. economy during the introduction of the Internet and the technology that it
brought to U.S. industry as a whole. The growth of an economy is thought of not only as an
increase in productive capacity but also as an improvement in the quality of life to the people
of that economy.
Economic growth is usually associated with technological changes. An example is the large
growth in the U.S. economy during the introduction of the Internet and the technology that it
brought to U.S. industry as a whole.
2.03 Technological advance
One of the most striking manifestations of globalization is the use of new technologies by
entrepreneurial and internationally oriented firms to exploit new business opportunities.
Internet and e-commerce procedures hold particular potential for SMEs seeking to broaden
their involvement into new international markets.
Technology is also one of the main tools of competition and the quality of goods and services.
On the other hand it necessitates quite a lot of cost for the company. The company has to use
the latest technology for increasing their sales and product qua.
2.04 Presure to cut cost (Pricing Considerations)
Global product and promotion strategies must take into consideration the economic conditions
of the country where products are introduced. For example, a price that might be discounted in
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the United States would be considered too high for poorer countries or perhaps not high
enough in rich countries. To combat prices being too high in less affluent countries, a
company could make a smaller or less complex version at a lower price.
2.05 Improvements in Transportation and Communication Technology Introduction
Advances in technology are one of the main reasons that globalisation has escalated in the
past decade. In information and communication technology, innovations have become smaller
in size, more efficient and often more affordable. In transport technology, vehicles have
tended to become larger and faster, as well as becoming more environmentally friendly and
cheaper to run. Whether for personal use or for business, technology has made the world seem
a smaller place and assisted in the rise of globalisation.
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In developing products and services, quality assurance is any systematic process of checking
to see whether a product or service being developed is meeting specified requirements. Many
companies have a separate department devoted to quality assurance. A quality assurance is
said to increase customer confidence and a company's credibility, to improve work processes
and efficiency, and to enable a company to better compete with others. Today's quality
assurance systems emphasize catching defects before they get into the final product. Hence ,
providing consumers with products of the highest quality is assured through strictest standards
of requirements set on the processes and the quality of the material used.
Quality control is assured with a laboratory equipped with the latest equipment and
microbiological count analysis that complies with the International Food Act and ASTA
3.00 Identification and Discussion of Driving Forces That Affect the chosen
organisations decision to enter international market
Part of global business failure involves a lack of planning. One motive for companies to go
beyond local boundaries is access to new capital and customers. Trying to keep up with
competitors, some companies jump into foreign markets without a solid plan of action. They
don't research the markets, don't assess differences in local versus global strategies and don't
ponder the variance in costs in doing business globally. Companies sometimes have pulled out
of global markets because they went in without a plan. By taking steps to mitigate potential
risks, business owners can avert legal and financial trouble before it starts. "Forces that affect
new technologies, creating new product and market opportunities."- Kotler et al.
Internationalization is a process taken by company to make their product or service available
in the foreign country (Bloodgood,1996).
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Different countries and different cultures may have different preferences, however; what sells
well in one place may never sell in another place.
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other awards received are Mardi R&D adoption program , Health Certification (Free Sales) by
Ministry Of Health, Malaysia ,Best Product Awards 2008 (Meat Curry Powder) from Ministry
Of Agriculture (MOA) ,Certification of Sudandye Analysis (Free Additional Color) and CEPT
& GSP certificate.
FMSB continuous commitment in To ensure that the products are always accepted, the
method of product testing was conducted during the whole period. Some of the client
approaching method was performed by doing sampling in the supermarket; there are also
participation in the events that involved many people.Therefore, all Faiza products are
guaranteed 100% halal, hygienic, wholesome and healthy.
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same way and it will ease the business processes as business counterparts will understand each
others way of doing business
Before a company decides to invest abroad, the company has to decide which foreign country
to venture into and what are the entry mode strategy options tat are availabale to them .
According to Andersen and Strandskov (1998), choosing the right entry mode strategy is a
very important decision as it will determine the survival of the company in the foreign
Osland et al.(2001) stated that once a firm has decided to enter or expand into foreign market ,
it must determine the structural nature of its operations in that nation . The importance of
choosing method of entry into foreign markets can not be over emphasized, even thought , it
is one of the most critical decisions that a company must consider
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depth knowledge of the company. The perfect candidate will also be knowledgeable of the
political, legal and cultural landscapes in the host country.
4.04 Understanding Language and Cultural Differences
Language differences present a common stumbling block in international business
communication. Whenever one party is using a second language or a translator, the potential
for misunderstandings increases. The riskiness of the host country is believed to be a
significant determinant of the foreign entry mode strategy (Shan , 1991:Woodcock.Beamish &
Makino 1994)Firms must posses the necessary flexibility to shift to a different mode of
operation should original mode of entry rendered inefficient by the unpredictable changes in
th foreign environment (Erramili and Rao.1993).In high-risk countries integrated modes are
associated with high switching cost (Erramili and Rao .1993)
4.04 Adaptation
Production and promotion adaptation strategies are used in a global market for a product that
may be popular but needs to be adapted to meet local customs and demand. For example,
customers of less affluent countries may need a product of similar quality (spice) that has been
downscaled to be more affordable to purchase. Technology products must be altered to meet
the specific language of the country being marketed to.Along side with Jeannet and Hennesey
(1995)Agarwal and Ramaswami (1992)also suggested that when a firm seeks to enter into
foreign market the firm must make the important strategic decision of which is the most
appropriate choice of entry mode strategy to use for that particular identified potential market
5.00 Summary
Globalization leads to increased competition. This competition can be related to product and
service cost and price, target market, technological adaptation, quick response, quick
production by companies . Globalization also provides business some level of insulation from
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slumping performance in one country or region. In essence, global customer diversity spreads
business risks across a broader customer base. This means that if the economy, supply issues,
environment or government regulations in one country negatively affect they can still find
success in other countries. Domestic companies are often overwhelmed by economic shifts in
the local market. Hence, FMSB company must always be ready for price, product and service
and customer preferences because all of these are global market requirements.
Companies develop marketing strategies to build a loyal customer base, to build relationships
with those customers and to create value for the customer. Effective product and promotion
strategies are essential in making sure the product is readily accessible in the global
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http :
Pan.Y.&Tse.D.K.(2001).The Hierarchical Model of Market Entry Modes. Journal of
International Business Studies .31(4).pp.535
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