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Getting Started With Excel 97 GS3 August 1999

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Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Getting Started with Excel 97  GS3  Version 2  August 1999

Charts, creating and editing
Column widths, adjusting
Copying cells
Deleting data

Do's and Don'ts
Excel is the
leading software for
all spreadsheet work.
Formula Bar
This document
provides an introduction
to using Excel 97 on the
IF statements
computer networks at
Sheffield Hallam University,
Inserting cells
or on your own computer. Most
features described here work just
Numbers, formatting
the same way in Excel 2000.
Some familiarity with Windows 3
or Windows 95/98/NT is assumed.
Sorting lists
Corporate Information Systems

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Basic operations.........................................................................................................2
Opening screen 2; Online help; Managing your files 3

Entering your Data ....................................................................................................4

A Trial Run; Undoing and redoing 4; Auto-Fill 5

Laying out and Formatting Data ...............................................................................6

Universal Dos and Donts; Creating an example Spreadsheet 6;
Select, then Do; Column and heading alignment; Adjusting column
width and row height 7; Deleting; Copying cells 8; Inserting cells;
Moving cells 9; Using multiple worksheets; Naming, Deleting,
Inserting, Viewing 10; Simple character formatting; Formatting
numbers 11; Alignment text wrap and orientation; Adding borders and
shading; Using AutoFormat 12

Formulae and Functions ............................................................................................13

A simple example SUM 13; The AutoSum shortcut; Using AutoFill
with formulae and functions; Relative and Absolute cell references 14;
More about Formulae; Specialist functions 15; IF Statements;
Displaying Formulae 16

Organising data in lists..............................................................................................16

Designing your List; Entering data into a list 17; Setting up lists Do's
and Don'ts; Using forms to enter data 18; Sorting data lists; Filtering
data lists 19

Creating Charts in Excel............................................................................................20

Basic concepts 20; 1. Plan where to place your chart; 2. Select your data
for charting 21; 3. Conjure up your Chart 22; Moving and resizing
your chart 23; Formatting titles and legends; Formatting axis lines and
text 24; Changing Chart Data; Changing the formatting of your data
series 25

Viewing and Printing your work ................................................................................26

Zooming; Printing Do's and Don'ts; Selecting part of a worksheet for
printing 26; Using Print Preview 27; Page Setup; Printing 28

Protecting worksheets ................................................................................................29

Moving data between different software ....................................................................30
Copying and pasting between Excel and Word; Transferring data to and
from Access; Saving data as HTML 30

References and Further Reading ...............................................................................31

Author: Jos Kingston

With thanks to Fiona Kilner and Gordon Walker.

Windows NT, Word 97, Excel 97, Access 97 and Office are trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or
other countries. Screen shots reprinted by permission from Microsoft Corporation.

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Excel is now the "office standard" spreadsheet software,
and it's also an exciting piece of software to come to grips
with. This document helps you to get started in Excel 97 part of
the Microsoft Office 97 software suite, which also includes Word,
Access, and Powerpoint. Separate SHU Getting Started documents
are available for these.
An electronic spreadsheet makes any work involving rows or
columns of numbers many times easier. As soon as you change any
numbers on your spreadsheet, calculations which use those numbers
will be automatically updated. You can apply your own formulae, or
select from Excel's wide range of built-in functions. You can
automatically generate charts in a variety of formats from data in an
Excel spreadsheet, and your chart will automatically update when
you change your spreadsheet data. Excel also provides the tools for
simple database-style work with lists, but use Access where you need
more sophisticated tools for handling and querying databases.
Before you start to use Excel 97 or any other Windows software
application, you should have a reasonable understanding of:
 How to use a mouse: to double-click, and click and drag.
 How windows work closing, minimising, and moving
between them.
 Basic concepts of drives, folders and file
management. If your spreadsheet files include a lot of
graphics, it's also important that you should understand about
file size issues, and the particular problems of working from
floppy disks.
The companion document Windows 95/NT: Getting Started should
help you with these.
 Life will be easier for you if you are already familiar
with word processing in Word, before moving on to
spreadsheet work. Microsoft have designed all the Office
97 applications so that they are as similar as possible.
Common menu items will be found in the same place; the
toolbar buttons for formatting text and data are the same; text
and data are edited, cut and pasted in the same way, and the
same drawing toolbar is available to add graphic effects.
Before you use Excel 97 at SHU, you should be familiar with
the Site '98 setup, and procedures for using computers here. See the
separate reference sheets.
All Computer Services workstations at SHU now run
Excel 97. You shouldnt have any difficulty opening a file
created in earlier versions or from other popular spreadsheet
software. See page 3. Excel 2000 files can be moved to and
from Excel 97 without requiring any conversion.


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Basic operations
 Load Excel. On SHU's computers, you'll find it at the top of
the Start menu.
When Excel has loaded, it automatically opens a new workbook,
with a worksheet open ready for you to use.
Any Excel file is a workbook. Think of this as an electronic ring
binder where related worksheets are filed together. The worksheet is
like a massive piece of paper where you can set out your work. You
can have different spreadsheets and charts on different worksheets or
on different parts of the same worksheet, as you prefer. You only see
a small part of the available worksheet area on screen.
You'll notice that if Excel opens with the workbook window
maximised, it doesn't look quite like the illustration - you won't see a
separate file window inside the main Excel window. The toolbars
you see may also not be exactly as illustrated here they can be
customised to suit different users' preferences.
 Familiarise yourself with the menu, toolbar, and window
controls at the top of the screen:
Title bar shows name of file
you're working in.

Excel minimise button reduces Excel to an icon in the Taskbar at the bottom
of the screen. Click there to bring Excel back to life.
Excel close button
exits from Excel.
File minimise/size/ close
buttons affect only the
currently active workbook
window within Excel.

Menu bar

Standard toolbar Formula bar

Formatting toolbar

 Move the cursor slowly over the toolbar buttons. A yellow tool
tips box pops up to describe the function of the tool which the
cursor is currently resting on.
The worksheet is divided into rows and columns: each box formed
by this grid is called a cell. To enter data in a cell, you select the cell
by clicking in it. The active cell is the one you have currently
selected. It will be surrounded by a thick black border. The cell
reference consists of its column and row address: for instance, A1.
The sheet tabs at the bottom of the window let you move quickly
from one worksheet to another within your current workbook. For
easier reference, you can give each worksheet within your workbook
file any name you want. Beneath this, the status bar often provides
useful information relating to your current action.
You only need to single-click on toolbar icons. Don't
double-click this may cancel out the command, or make
something happen twice. (Especially boring if saving to a
floppy disk you're likely to have a long wait!)

Basic operations

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Key Office 97 features

Basics such as using online help, opening and saving files, work the
same in all Office 97 software. Only brief pointers are given
below see the companion document Word 97: Getting
Started if you need further guidance.

Online help
The main source of online help Microsoft offers is the
Office Assistant. In the standard Office 97 setup, the Office
Assistant is always on screen, but at SHU it's kept switched off until
you choose to use it.
To switch on Office Assistant:
 In the Standard Toolbar, click the Office Assistant icon.
To close Office Assistant:
 Click the X icon at the top right of the assistant box.
Sometimes you need to make a choice from the options Office
Assistant displays before you can close it.

Managing your files

 File conversion:
You can easily convert files to
Excel 97 format from Lotus 12-3, Microsoft Works, dBASE,
and Quattro Pro, as well as
earlier versions of Excel. You
can even convert table
layouts from HTML. If you
want to convert multiple files
at the same time, Excel has a
special File Conversion
Wizard for this purpose. This
is an add-in: on your own
computer, you may need to
load it before you can use it.
In the Help Index, look up File
Conversion Wizard. See
page 30 for more about
moving data between
different software.

Basic operations

 Name your file as soon as you start work. An Excel

file will automatically have the extension ".XLS" added to
the name you give.
 Save your work every few minutes. Otherwise, you run
the risk of losing your work if the system crashes.
 It's essential that you're clear about where you are
saving your work to. If you don't understand about drives
and folders, or where to save work from SHU's computers,
refer to Windows 95/NT: Getting Started.
 Make sure you don't have more than one file open at
the same time unless this is intentional. Use the
Window menu option to check what you have open and to
move between worksheets and/or different workbooks.
 If you want to open a file created in other software, you may
not see its name in the Open dialog box. Under Files of Type,
select All Files (*.*). The file name should then be displayed.
 If you want to take a file to a different computer which runs an
earlier Excel version, or another spreadsheet package, you'll
need to save it in the correct format. In the Save As dialog
box, click on the arrow to the right of Save File as Type,
and select the format you want from the picklist. Remember
that other software may not be able to convert Excels most
sophisticated spreadsheeting features.
 Close Excel by clicking the X icon top right of the Excel
window. (This is the outer window see previous page.)

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Entering your Data

A Trial Run
 If cell A1 isn't surrounded by a thick border, click in it to
make it the Active Cell.
 Type the following heading into cell A1:
Accept or clear active cell entry

Formula Bar

All of this text is contained in the Active Cell, even though on

screen it overflows into the neighbouring cells.

 What you're typing will be displayed in the Formula Bar as

well as in the Active Cell. Use the delete and backspace keys
to correct mistakes as in a word processor.
 To accept your cell entry, either press Enter; use the tab or
arrow keys; or click the tick by the Formula Bar.
The Formula Bar displays the
formula you have entered.

Now type in the rest of this little table to look like the example on the
left, but dont type anything in cell C6 yet.
 Use tab; the arrow keys; or click with the mouse,
to go to the next cell you want to enter data in.
In cell C6, you need to enter a formula you want
Excel to calculate the number of rows multiplied by the
number of columns. This is entered as: =C3*C4
 Always begin a formula with the = sign.

Once you've pressed Enter or clicked the Tick, the

Active Cell displays the result of your formula.

 Use * for multiplication, / for division. You can enter

these characters, as well as numbers, either from the
main keyboard or from the numbers pad on the right.

 Press Enter or click on the tick to confirm your formula.

You now know how many millions of cells there are in an Excel
worksheet. But worksheets are much easier to handle if you keep to a
fairly small area. If you have a lot of different but related items to
include, arrange them on different worksheets within your workbook.

Undoing and redoing

Don't forget how useful the Undo and Redo buttons
are in all Office 97 software. Unlike previous versions,
Excel 97 lets you undo multiple actions, not just your last action.

Entering your data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Data Entry Shortcuts: the Auto-Fill feature

Excel does everything it can to make data entry as quick and easy as
possible. Try one of Excel's nicest features to see how intelligent it
can be.
 Type into cell A10:
Cell Handle

Autofill cursor


 If necessary, click in A10 to make it the active cell.

 Look at the bottom right corner of the active cell border. The
little square box is called the Cell Handle. When the mouse
cursor is moved over the Cell Handle, it changes shape to +
 While the mouse cursor is this shape, click with the left mouse
button, then keep holding the mouse button down while you
drag down over cells A11-A18. (Go further or not so far if
you want.) Release the mouse button, and what you see should
look like this picture. Try again if it doesn't.
 Move into an empty area of your worksheet. Try using the
Auto-Fill feature in the same way to enter months of the year
instead of days of the week.
When you want to use Auto-Fill for a sequence of numbers, you will
need to type in two (or more) "example cells" to show Excel the
logical sequence you want.
 Move into an empty area of your worksheet. Type 1851 into
a cell, then 1861 into the cell below.
 Click and drag over these cells to select both of them
together. They will share a common cell border and cell
handle, as shown here.
 Drag on the cell handle to auto-fill the cells below these two
dates. This should give you a column of ten-yearly intervals.
 Auto-Fill can work along rows as well as down columns. This
time type the number 0 into a cell, then type 50 into the cell to
the right of it. Select both cells, then Auto-fill by dragging the
cell handle across instead of down.

If you use Autofill with text that Excel doesn't

recognise as the beginning of a series, your cell entry
will be copied into all the cells you drag across.
You can create custom Autofills for any text entries
you need to use frequently. You might do this for entering
sets of row or column headings you commonly use. In the Online
Help index, look up Custom, Fill Series.

Entering your data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Laying out and Formatting Data

Universal Dos and Donts

Never split a single item of data between different

cells. It doesnt matter how long a heading is, for example
you can align and position the contents of the cell on the page
exactly as you wish.
Concentrate first on getting your data entered
correctly. Don't get carried away at this stage with all the
intricacies of formatting which are available in Excel.
As you get more familiar with Excel, you will find that there
are other ways of doing things as well as the ones described
here. Experiment!

Creating an example Spreadsheet

 Close any workbooks you have open, and open a new file.
 Save it straight away if you're following the example
below, you might give the file a name like "Student stats".
Remember that when you're using software running with
Windows 95/NT you aren't restricted to 8-letter filenames, and
you can use spaces unlike in previous versions of Windows.
If you want to learn by following an example, type in the student
numbers data so that it looks exactly as it does below. Type in the
data first, then improve the layout and formatting.
The following pages provide the instructions you
need to lay out and format your spreadsheet.

Leaving a blank line between a

main heading and the data is fine,
but don't leave blank lines within
the body of your data.

Type the whole main heading into cell A1. After formatting the whole of column A as you
require for your row headings, come back to adjust the heading format, then select cells
A1:E1 and centre the heading across them.

Add shading to cells A3:E3 to

distinguish column headings from
data in an attractive way.
Increase the height of row 4
to give some extra space
after the column headings.
Left align column A and format bold
italic. Do this before formatting the
main spreadsheet heading. Otherwise,
you'll lose the heading formatting if you
then apply different settings to the
whole of column A.

Right align the column headings in B3:E3 to match the

right alignment of the figures.

Adjust all columns to

appropriate widths.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Select, then Do

Select All button

The general rule when you want to format, change, move or use data
is: Select, then Do. Selected items appear highlighted on screen,
except for the active cell, which remains white even when selected.
 To select just one cell: simply click in it.
 To select a range of cells: click and drag over them.
 To select an entire column or row: click on the row number or
column letter in the address bar.
 To select non-adjacent cells: hold down the Control key
(bottom left of keyboard) while you click each one.
 To select everything in the worksheet: click the Select All
button in the top left corner of the address bars.

Column and heading alignment




Setting column alignment appropriately greatly improves appearance.

Excel decides for you that numbers should be aligned right, and text
should be aligned left. You'll often want to change this in our
example, the column headings look better aligned right.
 Select the cells you want to realign. (See above.)
 Click on the appropriate Toolbar button.
To centre a main heading:
 Type the heading into a single cell.
 Click and drag to select the cells which you want your heading
centred across. (Cells A1:E1 in our example.)
 Click on the Merge and Centre toolbar button.

Adjusting column width and row height

A box will appear while

you're dragging to show you
what width you're setting.
 Help: my figures
have disappeared!!
If your column isn't wide
enough to fit any number
contained in it, that
number will be displayed
as a set of hash symbols:
When you adjust column
width, the figures will be
displayed properly again.

Adjusting column width to suit your data will often be necessary. For
instance, to change the width of column A:
 Position your mouse cursor on the dividing line between A
and B on the column address bar.
When the cursor changes to a "double arrow" shape:
 Click and drag until the column is the width you want.
You will often want to adjust a columns width after you have typed
in data, to fit the longest entry. Excel can do this automatically:
 To autofit a single column: position the mouse cursor as above,
then double-click when it changes to a double arrow.
 To autofit all columns: select the columns, making sure that
any main headings which you want running across multiple
columns aren't included in the selection. From the Format
menu, select Column, then Autofit Selection.
 To adjust row height click and drag between address bars as
for columns. Select all first if you want adjustments to apply
to all rows in the spreadsheet.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Deleting, copying, inserting and moving cells

To access the most commonly used "cut and paste" commands, you
can use the Edit menu or the Toolbar, as in Word. But its often
useful to do something you may never have experienced before
use the right mouse button. You will also see that some of the
commonest formatting commands can be accessed in the same way.

Deleting data
If you simply want to clear the contents of a cell or cells and leave
them empty, select then press the keyboard Delete key. Where you
want cells and not just their contents to be deleted:
 Select what you want to delete.
 Click on the right mouse button.
A shortcut menu should now appear. It may not be quite the same
as the example: some menu items are context-sensitive. Note the
difference in Cut, Delete and Clear Contents:
 Cut in Excel is mainly used when you want to move cells. See
the next page.
 Delete deletes full rows, columns, or selected cells, and
moves the adjacent cells on the worksheet up or across into the
vacated space. When you choose Delete from the menu, the
Delete dialog box will pop up. Select the option you want..
 Clear Contents blanks the selected cells, but leaves them in
position exactly like the keyboard delete key.

Copying cells
 Select the cells you want to copy, then click the Toolbar Copy
button. Or, select Copy from the right mouse button menu.
A shimmering box will appear around the selected cells.
1. Click in the cell where you want the top left item in your
copied block to be placed.
2. Press Enter; or select Paste from the toolbar or right mouse
shortcut menu.
The shimmering box shows
that Excel is waiting for you
to specify where you want
the selected data copied to.

Repeat these two steps if you want multiple copies at different

Once you have selected and copied or cut a cell or
cells, Excel won't let you do anything else until
you've continued as described above. If you change
your mind about copying or cutting, cancel by pressing the
Escape key (top left of keyboard). The shimmering box will
disappear and you can carry on working.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Inserting cells, rows and columns

Sometimes you'll want to insert extra cells within an existing row or
column for example, if you've accidentally omitted an item when
entering data, and need to add it in. On other occasions, you'll want
to insert a full row or column, as in the illustration.When you insert
cells, they will be placed above or to the left of the selected cells.
 Click with the right mouse button in the cell below or right of
where you want a new cell or cells inserted. Select Insert
from the shortcut menu which appears.
 The Insert dialog box will now be displayed. Make the
appropriate choices and OK.
Shortcut to insert a full row or column:
 Click with the right mouse button on the address of the row
below, or column to the right, of where you want the new one.
This will select the row or column and bring up the shortcut
menu at the same time. When you select Insert from the
shortcut menu, a new row or column will automatically be
inserted without needing to set the dialog box.

Moving cells
If you want to move cells to a new position within
your spreadsheet without replacing existing data,
you'll first have to make the space to receive the data
by inserting cells as described above.

Drag and drop will only work

when the cursor is the arrow
shape, as illustrated.

To move cells short distances, it's easiest to use drag and drop.
 Select the cells you want to move, then point the mouse
cursor at the border of the selection it will change from a
cross to an arrow shape, as illustrated.
 Click and drag with the mouse to move the selected cells to
their new position.
 If you're using more than one worksheet in your workbook and
want to move cells between them: hold down the Alt key
while you drag. Drag over the worksheet tabs until the one
you want is highlighted, then drop at the position you want.
Drag and drop can be difficult if you're moving cells a long way
across your worksheet if so:
 Select the cells you want to move. On the toolbar, click the
Cut button. Or right-click with the mouse to select and bring
up the shortcut menu all in one go, and choose Cut from there.
 Now follow the same procedures as when copying (page 8) to
paste the selected cells to a different position.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Using multiple worksheets

It's often useful to organise your data on different worksheets
within the same workbook file. For example, if you wanted to keep
month-by-month accounts for the whole year in a single workbook,
you could use one worksheet for each month. By setting up one
worksheet to use as a template, you can easily apply consistent
layout and formatting between worksheets.
A new Excel file opens with three worksheets available. You can
name and rename worksheets as you want; insert more worksheets;
and shuffle around their order as you require. All this is done by
clicking on the worksheet tabs at the bottom of the Excel window.

Naming worksheets
By default, worksheets are named Sheet 1, Sheet 2 etc. To supply
names of your own:
1. Double-click on the tab for the worksheet you want to rename.
2. The name currently on the worksheet tab will be highlighted,
waiting for you to type in your replacement.

Deleting, inserting and reordering worksheets

 To delete a worksheet: with the right mouse button, click the
worksheet tab, then select Delete from the shortcut menu.
 To insert a worksheet: With the right mouse button, click on
the worksheet tab to the right of where you want a new one
inserted. Select Insert from the shortcut menu.
When you insert a new worksheet, it will be placed before the one
currently selected. This is annoying if you want a new worksheet
after all your existing ones: you will need to reorder worksheets.
 Click on the tab for the worksheet you want to reposition.
 Click and drag the tab to its new position. The black arrow
above the tabs shows where the worksheet will be inserted.

Viewing multiple worksheets

Excel 2000 users may need to

click the arrow at the bottom of
the Window menu before the
Arrange option is displayed.


 In the Window menu, click on New Window.

 Return to the Window menu, and click Arrange. Select your
arrange option. If you have more than one workbook file open
but want to view only the worksheets within the active one,
make sure Windows of active workbook is checked.
 Add extra new windows for as many worksheets as you want
to view simultaneously.
 Select a different worksheet to view in each of your windows.
Move, copy, paste etc. between them as required.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Changing your datas appearance

There are many things you can do in Excel to make your spreadsheet
fit elegantly on the page. Headings can be set to run vertically; text
can be "wrapped" to the column width. You can choose from a variety
of number formats; and change your typeface or type size.

Simple character formatting




Select All button

All software in Microsoft's Office 97 suite is designed to be as similar

as possible. Simple character formatting is done just as in Word:
 To make an item bold, italic or underlined: select the cells you
want to format, then click the appropriate Toolbar button.
 If you don't know how to change typeface and typesize, refer
to the companion document Word 97: Getting Started.
 If you want to change the typeface and/or size of all your data:
use the Select All button and make these changes before
formatting any headings differently.
 To change font colour: select the cells. In the toolbar, click
the arrow by the font colour tool, and choose your colour.
 To give cells a coloured fill: select the cells. In the toolbar,
click the arrow by the fill tool, and choose your colour.
Arial Narrow is often a good choice of typeface for a
spreadsheet, because of its compactness.
10 pt is a good size for numbers to be legible but not too

Formatting numbers



Percent Decrease/increase
decimal places

There are a variety of ways you may want to format numbers: with or
without currency signs, decimal places, commas between 1,000s and
so on. Excel also lets you apply a range of specialist formatting.
The commonest number formatting types can be applied to selected
cells straight from the toolbar. These aren't on/off buttons to
reverse their effects, Undo straight away or Format Cells as below.
A much wider range of formatting options is available from the
Format Cells dialog box than from the toolbar:
 Select the cells you want to format, then right-click on
the mouse.
 In the Shortcut menu which appears, click Format Cells.
The Format Cells Dialog box will open. If necessary, click
the Number tab, and browse through the available formats
and settings to find what you want.
 Press OK to select, or Cancel if you were just looking.

Laying out and Formatting Data


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Alignment: text wrap and orientation

When you set wrap or orientation, settings will be
applied to cells containing numbers as well as
cells containing text. Make sure you havent
selected entire columns when you only want the
heading cells running vertically or at an angle.
 Select the cells you want to format, then right-click on the
mouse. Click Format Cells in the shortcut menu.
 In the Format cells box, click the Alignment tab.
 Click the Wrap Text checkbox if you want text in the
selected cells to wrap to column width.
 Change the Orientation setting if you want cell contents to run
vertically or at an angle. Click and drag on the red marker or set
the angle from the Degrees Box. Set at 90, text or numbers will
run upwards; set at -90, they will run downwards.

Adding borders and patterns

By default, the grey gridlines you see on screen won't print out. You
can change this by specifying show gridlines at the printing stage.
For a wider choice of options:
 Select the cells, then click the arrow by the toolbar Borders
button. Make your choice from the selection that pops up.
Patterns and shading can be added from the Format Cells dialog
box reach it as described in the previous section, click the
Patterns tab, and make your choices. From the Borders tab, you
get control over line width that isn't available from the toolbar
button. Alternatively, use the tools in the Drawing Toolbar: these
are described in Word 97: Advanced Features.

Using AutoFormat
Excel makes a variety of predefined formats available:
 Select the spreadsheet area you want formatted.
 Select Format from the Menu Bar, then AutoFormat.
Choose from the set styles: the effects are shown in the
Sample box.
 Warning: It is possible
that "Not enough memory"
problems may arise when
using AutoFormat. This is
especially likely if there
are charts within the
worksheet area you have
selected for formatting.


Use the Undo button straight away if you decide you dont like the
effects of the AutoFormatting. Note that you can pick and choose
which elements of an autoformat you want to use:
 In the AutoFormat box, click on Options.
 Set the Formats to Apply checkboxes as required.

Laying out and Formatting Data

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Formulae and Functions

This section gives you enough information to carry out basic
operations such as calculating sums, percentages and averages. It
doesn't cover specialist tasks in any depth.
Functions are built-in formulae designed to make your work
simpler and faster. A few of these SUM and AVERAGE in
particular are useful to almost everybody. Many more functions
are available for specialist use.

A simple example: SUM

You can use Autosum (page 14) or Paste Function (page 15) to
do this, but it's useful to know how to set up a function from scratch.
 Type in a column of around half a dozen numbers.
 Click in a cell directly below these numbers to make it the
Active Cell. This is where you want the result of your formula
to appear. (It's fine to leave an empty row before if you want.)
Now you're ready to try out the SUM function. Note:
 As with all formulae, begin with the = sign.
 A function begins with the function name (in this case, SUM),
followed by its arguments, contained in parentheses.
You need to be familiar with the jargon, but don't be put off by it.
"Parentheses" are brackets, and "arguments" are the data which the
function is to work on. In this case, the function's arguments are
simply the range of cells you want to add up. To specify a range,
type in the left bracket after the function name, then:
 Type in the first and last cell address to be included, with a
colon : between the two.
Or -On the worksheet, select the required range of cells. A
shimmering line will appear around them.
 When the range is correct, add the closing bracket.
If, for instance, you wanted to sum cells C1 to C6, what you
see in the formula bar should now look like this:
= SUM(C1:C6)
 Press Enter or click on the tick in the Formula Bar, and the
calculation is made.
Remember that what you see in the cell where you
enter the formula is the result, not the formula itself
look to see this in the Formula Bar above the
worksheet. See page 16 if you want to view formulae
instead of data on the spreadsheet itself.

Formulae and Functions


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

The AutoSum shortcut

People want to total rows or columns of figures so often that Excel
provides a shortcut for you:
 Click to place your Active Cell beneath a column of numbers,
or to the right of a row of numbers.
 In the Toolbar, click on the AutoSum tool.
A shimmering line will appear around the cells which Excel assumes
you would like added up. Click and drag with the mouse to alter this
range if necessary.
 When the required range is selected, press Enter.
Excel automatically displays the sum of the selected column or row
in the Active Cell. If you want more control over the range of cells to
be summed, highlight the required range before clicking on
AutoSum. You can sum a group of rows or columns if you want.

Using AutoFill with formulae and functions

All the columns or rows in your spreadsheet may need the same
action applied to them: for instance, totalling or averaging. Use
AutoFill (see page 5) to avoid having to enter formulae individually
to apply to each row or column. Cell references will be automatically
adjusted as Autofill copies the formula into adjacent cells.

Relative and Absolute cell references

When you use Autofill to apply a formula, it uses relative cell
references. They are automatically adjusted for each row or column
for instance, when a reference to cell A1 is created in the next cell
across using autofill, it will become B1. Sometimes, though, you will
want a cell reference to remain constant within a formula. For example,
you may have a cell on your spreadsheet where the current chargeable
rate of VAT is specified, and you always want your formulae to refer to
this specific cell. This requires an absolute cell reference.
The row and/or column address of a cell reference
is made absolute when a dollar sign $ is placed in
front of it, as you see in the Formula Bar here. Cell
B1, where the current VAT rate is stored, is
referred to as $B$1. If you use Autofill to copy a
formula from a cell where a reference has been
specified as absolute, this will carry through to all
cells covered by the Autofill.
To quickly change cell references within a formula from relative to
absolute: highlight the cell reference you want to change, then press
F4. This will add in the $ sign. If more than one cell reference is
highlighted, pressing F4 further times will cycle through all possible
combinations of relative and absolute references.


Formulae and Functions

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

More about Formulae

As in algebra, you use brackets (parentheses) to
make Excel evaluate your formula in a particular
order. So if you need to use any but the simplest formulae,
you must understand why
= (A1+A2)*B1
gives you a different result from:
= A1 + (A2*B1)
Always make sure that every bracket has its
matching pair!
If you are getting unexpected results, try working out
a simple example by hand.
It can be helpful to split complex formulae between
two or more cells - this makes tracking errors easier.
Two other maths symbols are available as well as the standard add
(+), subtract(-), multiply(*) and divide(/):
 percent (%)
Use with multiply or divide. To calculate 30% of the number
in cell A1, the formula would be:
= A1*30%
To calculate cell A1 as a percentage of cell A2, the formula
would be:
= A1/A2%
 raise to the power of exponentiation (^)
Use Shift-6 on the keyboard for the exponentiation symbol ^ .

Specialist functions
To use a specialist function, or if you want to browse through the
functions available:
 In the Toolbar, click on the Paste Function tool.
The Paste Function box will appear.
 Select the function type you want from the
Function Category list, then select from
Function Name. The notes at the bottom of the
window tell you what the highlighted function does.
If you choose the Most Recently Used Function
Category, youll find the most commonly used functions,
including average, mimimum, maximum etc. (If you
were using Excel on your own computer for specialised
purposes, this list would automatically expand to include
your personal favourite functions.)

Formulae and Functions


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

IF Statements
You will often want to make a calculation on data held in your
spreadsheet only if certain conditions apply to it.
In the example, the company director pays an efficiency
bonus if staff manage to keep their overheads to less than
500 a year. Total overheads are given in cell B12.The
amount to be paid will be 500 less the total overheads
incurred. Nothing is paid if overheads total 500 or more. The
IF statement formula generates the value for cell B14.
IF statements are always structured as follows:
=IF(condition,value if condition true,value if false)
The condition in the example is "B12 is less than 500"; value if true
is "500 minus B12"; value if false is zero.
Always make sure that the brackets and the comma
separators are positioned correctly in your IF
statement. And dont forget that, like all formulae,
an IF statement must begin with an = sign.
You may find it helps to use the Function Wizard for
constructing IF statements. It will show you the results
of your conditions while you're entering them.

Displaying Formulae
By default, the results of your formulae will be displayed in the
spreadsheet cells, rather than the formulae themselves. You'll only be
able to see formulae one at a time in the formula bar, when the cell to
which it applies is active. It can often be useful to view all the
formulae you're using on a spreadsheet at the same time.
 From the Tools menu, select Options.

The Options dialog box will appear.

 Click on the View tab. Under Window options, click in the
checkbox by Formulas.
 Return to the Options box and switch the Formulas checkbox
off again when you want to return to viewing the data.
The Options box is where you go to change a number
of important Excel settings. On your own computer,
changes made from here will remain in force until you change
them again. On SHU's computers, the settings we have chosen
are restored every time Excel is loaded.

Organising data in lists


Excel provides database-type features which can be used to order or

sort data; and to extract or filter sets of data which meet particular
Formulae and Functions

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

criteria. If the data is structured appropriately, any spreadsheet can

be treated as a list Excels word for a humble kind of database.

Designing your List

Field names


Above is a sample list. It is made up of a collection of Records,

each held in a row of the Excel worksheet. Within the records, the
data is systematically organised into Fields: thought always needs to
be given to how this organisation should be done, for the particular
set of data you are working with. Each field has a Field Name: keep
these as short as possible, but meaningful.
Think in advance about how you might want to
sort the data in your list.
Consider this advice in relation to the sample. It's important that you
should appreciate why it's a good idea to divide people's names into
separate Lastname and Firstname fields. (Rather than having one
Name field and entering names as "Anna Parker" and so on.)

Entering data into a list

There are two ways of entering data into your database list:
1. Exactly as you would enter data into a spreadsheet. There is
no fundamental difference between a spreadsheet and a list.
2. By using Excel's Form facility, from the Data menu. This
allows you to enter data in what can be an easier way, with
one record displayed at a time.
For most purposes entering data in the usual spreadsheet way has no
disadvantages. But where your list includes a large number of
columns and involves a lot of scrolling across to enter data, you may
find that using a form is better. Forms also provide an easy way to
filter out records that meet specific conditions, or criteria; but if you
want to view these filtered records together as a table, you need to
apply the filter from the menu instead. See the following pages.

Organising data in lists


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Setting up lists: Do's and Don'ts

Problems most commonly arise with lists because people haven't
been careful enough at the data entry stage.
Keep each list you create on its own separate
worksheet. See page 10. Otherwise, Excel may become
confused over what data items you want to be treated as part
of a specific list, and what you don't.
leave any blank rows in your list not even
below column headings. When you sort, the blanks will
end up all clustered together. If you use forms, they will
completely screw up. Adjust row height to give extra space
between records see page 7.
spaces accidentally included at the beginning
of a field entry will mess up attempts to order or
extract data. It's essential when entering any data you want
to sort, that you should do so carefully and consistently.
All of Excel's formatting capabilities are used in just the same
way with lists as with any other spreadsheet data.

Using forms to enter data

Excel refers to a row of
headings as a header row.

Before you can use a form, you need at least one sample row in your
list. Excel will interpret what you want most satisfactorily if you
have first set up your column headings in the top row of your list, set
your column widths appropriately, and entered a sample record.
 Click anywhere in your list. Make sure you haven't
got multiple cells selected for instance an entire row
or column. Things won't work properly if you have.
 From the Data menu, select Form.
What you now see should look like the illustration.
 Click on New to add another record to your list.
 Use the Tab key, or click with the mouse, to move
between fields.
 Use the Scroll Bar, or Find Previous and Find
Next, to move through your records.
 Click on Criteria to filter out records meeting specific
conditions. In the illustration, criteria have been set to pick out
all entries whose age is less than 50 and who live in Sheffield.
Excel provides plentiful online help for learning
about its list handling features. From Help Contents,
select Managing Lists.


Organising data in lists

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Sorting data lists

On many occasions, sorting is the quickest and simplest way to
cluster together the data you're looking for: it often isn't necessary to
worry about setting filters.
For a simple ascending or descending sort on one field:
 Click anywhere within the column you want to sort on, and
click the Sort Ascending or Sort Descending button.
You may want to include a sort within a sort. If you had numerous
Smiths in a list of names, you would like them sorted by Last name,
and within that by First name.
 Click on Data in the Menu Bar, then Sort.
The Sort dialog box will now appear. In our example, you would
select Lastname under Sort By, and Firstname under Then By.
To specify the fields you want to sort by:
 Click on the arrow next to the Sort By box, then select the
name of the field you want. Set Ascending or Descending
order as required. Do the same thing in the Then By boxes.
 Make sure My list has is correctly set for Header row/No
header row.

Filtering data lists

You can use the Autofilter feature to display only certain records
from a worksheet which meet a specific set of conditions, or criteria
for instance, all the sales made by one salesman. Operators you
can use include those listed on the left. In addition to the standard
"equals", "greater than" and so on which are most often applied to
numerical data, especially useful for text data are the "begins with",
"ends with" and "contains" operators.
 Click anywhere within your list.
 From the Data menu, select Filter, then AutoFilter.
Arrow boxes will appear by the top of each column.
 Click the arrow by the field you want to filter on.
The picklist will show all the different values which have been
entered in that field.
 Select Custom if you want to use greater than, less
than etc. The example is set to filter records where
Age is less than 50 and greater than 20.
 If you want to create a chart from a filtered list, copy
the filtered data to another area of the worksheet, and
select it for charting from there.
 To return to your unfiltered list, select AutoFilter
from the Data menu again.

Organising data in lists


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Creating Charts in Excel

This section explains how to create charts using Excel's Chart
Wizard tool. The example data used here is the student stats
spreadsheet if you want to follow using this data, see page 7.
Before you click the Chart Wizard tool, you should always
stop and think. The Wizard can't work its magic
properly without your help!
Plan out clearly what you want your chart to look
like this will help you to make the appropriate selections
from Chart Wizard. If your choices are inappropriate, it's
quite possible to produce a chart which looks good but
means little or nothing.
Most charting problems arise because Excel can't
make sense of the data you have selected from
your spreadsheet. Be careful that you select the correct
data from your spreadsheet for Chart Wizard to work with
all the required data, and only the required data.

Basic concepts
Chart Wizard needs two things to do its job properly:
 Numbers for plotting.
These will be contained in one or more rows or columns of
your spreadsheet. Each row or column of numbers for plotting
is known as a data series.
 Text (or numbers to be treated as text) for labels or "legends"
the text which appears along the axis, and/or in a chart key.





In our example, we will want Chart Wizard to

use the column headings for legend text,
and the row headings as axis labels.

Usually, the column headings (the first row)

of your selected data will contain the text
you want for the chart legend. The row
headings (first column) will contain the
labels for the x-axis. Chart Wizard will let
you switch this round, if you want; or treat
the first row and/or column as data instead
of labels.

Excel will automatically generate the values needed for the

y-axis labels, from the range of numbers in your data.


If a row or column which you want to use as axis labels

consists of data which Excel thinks of as numbers rather
than text, Chart Wizard will get in a muddle over whether
you want it treated as labels or a data series. In the example,
this would happen if the year names were entered as 1991,
1992 etc. rather than 1991/2, 1992/3 etc.

Creating charts in Excel

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

1. Plan where to place your chart

Once you've created your chart, you'll be able to scale its size exactly
as you want. You can place a chart on the same worksheet as your
data for instance, below or alongside it. Or, you can keep charts on
separate worksheets within your worksheet book. Either way, your
chart will be automatically updated if the data changes. If you plan to
put charts alongside the data, rearrange any other data if necessary so
that the space is ready to receive it.

2. Select your data for charting

Chart Wizard does its work on the rows or columns which you
select for charting. Bear in mind the following rules:

If there's a heading at the top of your spreadsheet,

don't select it as part of the data for plotting. Chart
Wizard will prompt you to type in a title for your chart.

Don't select blank rows or columns. Chart Wizard

will treat the blanks as data for plotting, and you will not
get a satisfactory chart.
Make sure the columns you select all extend over the
same set of rows; and that the rows you select all extend
over the same set of columns, as in the example below.
If you want a row or column of pure numbers to be used as
legends or axis labels, be prepared for some extra work so
the Wizard understands what you want.

 To select non-adjacent rows or columns: keep the

Ctrl key (bottom left or right of keyboard) held down while
you click and drag over the areas you want to select. Lift your
finger from the mouse at the end of one area, and click and
drag again from the beginning of the next.












 Try this out by selecting the data for a chart to show the
proportion of mature students at SHU between
1991 and 1997.



















What you have highlighted for Chart Wizard

should look like the illustration. Don't be
confused by the fact that the first cell of the last
group you highlighted may not look as if it has
been selected.

People often take a while to learn the knack of

"Control, click and drag": don't proceed until
you've got it.

Creating charts in Excel


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

3. Conjure up your Chart

 Check you have selected your data correctly (page 21).
 In the Toolbar, click on the Chart Wizard tool.
Step 1 of Chart Wizard will now appear.
 Select the Chart type you want.
From the many chart types to choose from, only one or two are likely
to be appropriate for your particular data. For numerical or scientific
line graphs, XY Scatter may be a better choice than Line. The
Line type wont use variable x axis values.
 Select the Chart sub-type you want. Read the description
which appears at the bottom for the highlighted item. Be clear
about the differences for instance, between stacked and
clustered columns.
3-D graphs are excellent for giving a quick visual impression, but
may be hard to interpret for heavyweight scientific data.
 Click "Press and hold to view sample".
What you see now in the sub-type window should chart the data as
you want. In this small-scale preview, don't worry if the axis labels
or legends look unsatisfactory, or if the chart looks completely the
wrong shape.
 Cancel if you realise you've selected your data incorrectly.
Otherwise, click on Next >
Step 2 of Chart Wizard will now appear.
This gives you another chance to select your data correctly, if you
haven't already done so.
 If you want to change the selected data range from here, click
on the red arrow. But it seems easier to cancel Chart Wizard
and start again!
 If the Wizard hasn't understood correctly which rows or
columns are data series, and which are labels, click on the
Series tab to see exactly how Excel is using your data. This
can take a little time to understand, but all the information
used by the chart is defined here. For example: click on the
red arrow by Category (X) axis labels. If Excel has
assumed that a set of cells are axis labels, they will be
surrounded by a shimmering line. Click and drag to select the
correct cells for use as axis labels, then press Enter. You will
be returned to the Step 2 window.
 Click on the Next > button.


Creating charts in Excel

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Step 3 of Chart Wizard will now appear.

This is where you set a variety of chart options.
 Add a title for your chart. Don't worry if it isn't positioned
correctly, or is too large or small you can alter this later.
 Click on the other chart options tabs to see what you can
alter. From Legend, you can change the positioning of
your legend in relation to the chart. Click Data Labels if
you want to show values in figures on your chart; Data
Table if you want to display the chart data in table form
underneath it.
 Click on the Next > button.
Step 4 of Chart Wizard will now appear.
Specify whether to put your chart on its own separate
worksheet within the workbook, or as an object in the
current worksheet. See page 21.
 Make your choice, then click on Finish.
Your chart will now appear. If you chose to put it on the
same worksheet as your data, you'll need to move it to the
position you want. You may also want to resize it.

Moving and resizing your chart

 To move your chart: move the mouse cursor until
it's over a blank area of the chart. Check that the
yellow tool tip box which appears says Chart
Area, otherwise your actions will only apply to a
specific object within the chart. Click and drag to
move when you start dragging, the cursor will
change to a cross shape, as illustrated.
 To resize your chart: click in a blank area of the
chart to select the whole chart area. Small black
handles will appear at the corners of the chart
area. Move the mouse over a corner handle until
it's a two-way arrow shape, then click and drag. If
you click and drag on side handles, the chart will
be stretched or shrunk in that direction. When you
do this, axis labels etc. will be automatically
reformatted to best suit the new size.
 Within your chart, you can independently move and
resize title, legend and plot area in the same way.

Creating charts in Excel


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Formatting chart items

If you want to apply different formatting for instance, change
typeface or type size for chart legends and axis labels, increase the
width or type of axis lines, change chart colours or patterning
everything can be done from the right mouse button, or by
double clicking on the object. These instructions suggest that you use
the right mouse button because it's a standard way in most Windows
95/NT software of reaching a full range of formatting commands.

Formatting titles and legends

To edit your chart title: just click within it and type as usual. You
can't do this with legends or axis labels these values are supplied by
their related data cells on the spreadsheet.
To change the formatting of titles or legends:
 When the handy tool tip shows you're hovering over the object
you want: Right click on the chart title or legend..
 Click Format Chart Title (or Legend). In Excel 2000, the
shortcut menu choice you want is Selected Object.
 From the Font tab, make any typeface changes you want for
the selected item. From Alignment, you can place titles at
angles if you wish. From Patterns, you can put your heading
or legends on a shaded or patterned background, and add
borders. (Take care with the fancy pattern effects available
some of them may cause printing difficulties.) If you're
formatting a legend, you can specify its Placement although
if this is all you want to do, you can simply click and drag to
move and resize instead of bothering with the Format Box.

Formatting axis lines and text

Excel refers to the two axes of a chart as category (usually the x-axis,
running across) and value (usually the y-axis, running up). You must
format each axis separately.
 Right-click on an axis, then select Format Axis (Excel
2000: click Selected object) from the shortcut menu. From the
Format Axis box, you can change the formatting of both the
axis lines, and axis text.
 From Patterns, set the weight and style of the axis line.
 From Scale, set the units used on the axis. If, for instance,
Excel has chosen units of 100 on the y-axis and you want units
of 50 instead, change it from here.
 From Font, change typeface and typestyle for axis labels.
 From Number, set any special formatting you want. For
instance, you might want signs on your axis numbers.
 From Alignment, change the orientation of your axis labels
you can have them running at any angle you want.


Creating charts in Excel

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Changing the Chart Data

Your chart is actively linked to the data it was created from. As
soon as you correct or change any data contained in the cells selected
for charting, the chart will be updated automatically. In our example,
you might decide that your x-axis labels would look better if you
changed your row headings to "91/92" instead of "1991/92", and so
X-axis labels have updated

 Click to make cell A4 the active cell. Change so it reads

91/92, and treat cells A5 A10 similarly.
 Look at the chart again. The x-axis labels have been updated.
Adding a data series to your chart
After you have created a chart, you can instantly add data
series, without having to repeat the whole Chart Wizard
process. In the example, you might want to change the chart
to show numbers of women as well as mature students.
 Select the data you want to add to the chart.
 Click on the border of the selected cells, then drag and
drop (see page 9) into the chart. Magic!
Deleting a data series from your chart
 In your chart, select the data series you want to delete as
described below. Press the Delete key. The spreadsheet data
from which the chart was generated will not be affected.

Changing the formatting of your data series

 Move the mouse slowly over the chart itself. As the cursor
passes over each column (or other element, if it isn't a columntype chart), a tool tips box will show what you're pointing at.
 Click to select the data series you want to reformat. A
handle box will now appear on all the items in that series.
 Right-click on the selected series, then click Format Data
Series. (Excel 2000: click Selected Object.)
 From Patterns, set border and fill. For instance, you can add
shadow boxes to columns. If you want, you can even
use pictures to fill your columns but if you do, you
may find things run very slowly!
 The Axis option here is about primary and secondary axes,
not axis formatting. See previous page if that's what you want.
 From Data Labels, you can print the actual figures as labels
on your data series. Series order lets you switch around the
order of the data series for instance, to put the "Women"
column before "Mature". From options, you can specify
overlap and gap width between columns, or make similar
kinds of adjustment to other types of chart.

Creating charts in Excel


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Viewing and Printing your work

While youre working, you can view your spreadsheet at whatever
magnification is convenient to you. Zooming has no effect on how
your work looks when its printed.
 In the Toolbar, click the arrow by the Zoom box.
Its often useful to select the area you want to view, and then choose
the Selection zoom this will fit the whole area selected onto the
screen. Note that the higher the magnification, the more accurate the
screen display.

Printing Do's and Don'ts

You dont have to worry too much about the size of
the printed page while youre working on an Excel
worksheet: Excel will let you scale your spreadsheet to fit
the printed page. However, it's best to use type sizes which
mean that drastic scaling isn't required.
Dont print until you have followed the steps below.
1. If more than one printer is available, make sure that the
one you want to use is selected. If you don't know how to
do this, see Word 97: Getting Started, page 14.
2. If you want to print only part of a worksheet,
Select the required area - see below.
3. Switch to Print Preview to make the Page Break and
Page Setup changes you require.
4. Check thoroughly in Print Preview before printing.
Unless you have made appropriate Page Break and Page
Setup choices, you may find that columns are split across
two pages, rather than all fitting within one page.

Selecting part of a worksheet for printing

 If you want a single chart to occupy a full page, select just
the chart, and this will be what Excel gives you automatically.
Go straight to Print Preview see next page.
For any other selection:
 Select the area of the worksheet which you want to print.
This can include any mixture of charts and data, provided that
they are adjacent and can be selected "all in one".
 From the File menu, select Print Area, then choose Set
Print Area.


Viewing and Printing your work

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Using Print Preview

Always use Excels Print Preview facility to check
your selection, layout and formatting before
sending your work to the printer.
 If you want to print only a selection from your worksheet area,
follow the instructions in the previous section first.
 In the toolbar, click on Print Preview.

Always check that total number

of pages is as you expect.

Margin handles Column handles

What you see on screen will be the first page of your printout.
 Check that the page looks as you expect. Look at the bottom
of the preview window to check that the printout will consist
only of the number of pages you anticipated. If columns or
rows are overflowing onto extra pages, you'll need to use Page
Setup to switch page orientation and/or scale to fit.
 Look at the controls at the top of the preview window:
 Use Next and Previous to move between pages. You can
also do this with the Scroll bar on the right of the window
the display at the bottom of the window tells you what page
number you've got to.
 Zoom takes you between a whole-page view, and homing in
on a particular area. Click while the mouse cursor is a
magnifying glass shape to home in, and click again to return
to the whole page view.
 The Print button takes you straight into the Print dialog box
make sure you've got everything as you want first.
 Setup opens the Page Setup dialog box. See the next page.
 Click on the Margins button if you want to alter these from
Print Preview. When the black margin handles are visible,
click and drag to reposition them. Note that you can change
column widths from here too. Changes you make to margin
and column settings from Print Preview will apply to all the
pages in a multi-page printout.
 Use Page Break Preview to alter where rows and columns
break across pages. Excel will automatically apply scaling as
necessary once you have done this. Click and drag on the
blue dashed lines to make your changes, then return to Print
Preview by clicking on the toolbar button.
 The Close button returns you from Print Preview to the
normal editing mode.
 If you've been using Page Break Preview, a Normal View
button will have appeared when you return to print preview.
Use instead of Close to return to normal editing mode.

Viewing and Printing your work


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Page Setup
In Excel, Page Setup dictates how your spreadsheet will look printed
out, not how it looks on screen. You can scale to fit the printed page;
change orientation to print portrait (the usual tall or thin) or
landscape (short and wide); print with or without gridlines showing
round each cell; set margins from here; and include Headers and/or
Footers (including file name and page numbers) on every sheet.
 In the Preview toolbar, click on Page Setup. (In
Excel 2000, the toolbar button is just called Setup.)
Alternatively, you can make changes before
previewing: select Page Setup from the File menu.
 Click on the Page tab to change Orientation and
Paper size, if necessary. Paper size must correspond
to what the printer uses. You can also Scale so that
your work prints at whatever percentage you want
of its actual size. Fit To is very often useful to scale
down your work so that it will fit exactly to the
paper size being printed on. If you want page
numbers starting other than at 1, enter the required
starting number in the First Page Number box.
 From the Margins tab, Centre on Page is a useful option. If
you want to change the positioning of headers and footers in
relation to the page, you do this from here. Many people prefer
to alter the margins from Print Preview rather than here: its
much easier to see what the effect will be.
 Click the Header/Footer tab if you want add page numbers
or any other information on every page. Excel offers you a
range of preset ways to combine page number and filename
information in your headers and footers click on the arrow
by the Header or Footer box to choose from the picklist.
Alternatively, you can add your own Custom Headers and
Footers if you wish.
 From the Sheet tab, the setting youll most often want to
change is Print Gridlines the default is usually set so that
gridlines don't print, but you'll often want them. If you check
Row and Column Headings, cell reference numbers will be
printed any headings you've added within the worksheet will
print without this option being checked.

 In Print Preview mode, click on the Print button to open the
Print box. You can set number of copies, and the range of
pages you want printed, from here. With a multi-page job, its
always a good idea to print out just one page first to check. If
you use the toolbar Print button when you aren't in Preview
mode, a single copy of all pages will be sent straight to the
printer you wont be able to specify anything different.


Viewing and Printing your work

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Protecting worksheets
In a business situation, it's commonplace that many people should
enter data into a spreadsheet, and that not all those people should
possess a good understanding of how spreadsheets work. It's far more
likely that "spreadsheet disasters" will happen completely by
accident than as a result of malicious tampering. For this reason, its
useful to be aware of Excel's capabilities for protecting all or part of
the data within a workbook file.
You can require a password to edit and save a workbook, and/or to
open and use the data it contains, without permitting editing or
copying. You can also protect the data within a workbook. Good
online help is available on these topics:
 In Help contents, find Sharing a Workbook with Others,
then Protecting a Workbook from Changes.
By default, Excel is set up so that all cells will become locked as
soon as you apply protection to a worksheet. You won't always want
this it can be especially useful to protect those cells which contain
formulae, while leaving the rest of the spreadsheet unlocked so data
can be entered. To do this:
1. Unlock all the cells in the worksheet.
 Click the Select All button (Top left corner of row and
column address bars).
 Right-click anywhere on the selected area, and select
Format Cells from the shortcut menu.
 Click Protection. Clear the checkmark by Locked.
2. Lock the cells you want protected.
 Select the cells you want to protect. To select non-adjacent
cells: hold down the Control key (bottom left of keyboard)
while you click on each.
 Right-click anywhere on the selected area (- you'll unselect if
you click outside it!), and select Format Cells from the
shortcut menu.
 Click on Protection, and set the checkmark by Locked.
3. Protect the worksheet.
 From the Tools menu, select Protection, then Protect
Sheet or Protect workbook. Leave all the options checked,
and specify a password or not, as you require.
To unprotect a worksheet: from the Tools menu, select
Protection, then Unprotect.
use passwords while you're a learner. If you
forget them, you won't be able to open your worksheet.

Protecting worksheets


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Moving data between applications

Copying and pasting between Excel and Word
Data can easily be transferred from an Excel spreadsheet into a
Word table, where it can be manipulated and formatted just like a
table created within Word. (Word 97: Advanced Features, page 4).
 In Excel, select the cells you want to copy, and click the
Copy button on the toolbar. Don't be tempted to press Escape
to get rid of the shimmering lines which appear you won't
be able to paste if you do.
 Switch to Word, and open the file where you want to include
the spreadsheet data. Click where you want the data to be
placed, then click on the Paste button in the toolbar.
Your spreadsheet data will now appear as a Word table. You may
need to adjust column widths see Word 97: Advanced Features.
Follow the same routine to paste a Word table into Excel.
Charts need handling a little more carefully.
 Before copying, resize your chart in Excel to roughly the size
you want it in Word.
 In Word, don't use the Paste button. From the Edit
menu, select Paste Special, then choose Picture format.

Transferring data to and from Access

Data can be pasted from Access into Excel as described above.
Before you can paste data from Excel into an Access database table,
you must have an Access database open and ready to receive it.
When you Paste, Access will automatically set up a new table within
this database and place the data within it. Rename this new table as
you wish, and open it in the usual way.

Saving data as HTML

It's easy to convert all or part of an Excel worksheet, including
charts, into html format so that it can be displayed on Web pages.

Excel 2000: There are

significant differences in the
way that "Save as Web page"
works and the Excel 97
procedures described here.


 From the File menu, select Save as HTML. Step 1 of the

Internet Assistant Wizard will appear.
 Under Ranges and charts to convert, highlight the items
you don't want, and click Remove. Then carry on to Step 2.
 The choices at Step 2 should be self-evident. At Step 3, you
may wish to delete the default header and footer information.
 At Step 4, click the Browse button by File Path to name
and save your html file.

Moving data between different software

Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

References and Further Reading

Companion documents to this one include:
Windows NT/95: Getting Started (GS1)
Word 97: Getting Started (GS2)
Word 97: Advanced Features (HOW1)
This document explains how to handle graphics and use the
drawing toolbar - these work the same in Excel as in Word.
Access 97: Getting Started (GS22)
These and other useful documents can be purchased from CIS
Student Reception on the 4th Floor of the Atrium, or from the
computing Help Desks at Collegiate Crescent and Psalter Lane.

If you've understood how to use the features described here, you

should be able to learn for yourself from online help about Excel's
other capabilities which haven't been covered. Features which you
may want to investigate include:
 "What if" analysis: Excel offers a variety of tools, including
data table, scenarios, goal seek, and solver.
 Validating cell entries: especially important if you're
designing a spreadsheet for others to enter data in.
 Data maps: data such as world sales figures can be displayed
within a map.
 Data summaries and analysis: use a pivot table and/or Excel's
outline tools for this.
 Consolidating data from multiple tables.
 Saving display and print settings as views for future use.
 Creating macros for automating tasks.

References and Further Reading


Sheffield Hallam University, Corporate Information Systems

Absolute cell references
Access, transferring data
Address bars
AutoFill, using with
formulae and functions
Borders, adding
Character formatting
Chart data, changing
Chart formatting,
Chart types
Charts, editing
Charts, resizing
Column widths, adjusting
Copying a range of cells
Data series
Deleting data
Do's and Don'ts
Displaying Formulae
Filtering lists
Formatting numbers
Formula Bar
Formulae, displaying
Functions, specialist
Gridlines, printing
Headers & Footers
Headings, centering
HTML, saving as
IF statements
Inserting cells
Leaving Excel
Locking cells



Moving cells
Naming files
Numbers, formatting
Page Setup
Paste options
Print Preview
Printer Setup
Protecting worksheets
Relative & Absolute
cell references
Row height, adjusting
Saving a spreadsheet as a
different file type
Select, then Do
Selecting print area
Sorting lists
Status Bar
Text Alignment
Tool tips
Transferring data
Typeface and Typesize
Word, transferring data



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