ITaukei Affairs Instt of Fijian Language and Culture - Training Manual On Research Methodology Designed For Cultural Mapping Field Officers - May 2005

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M I N I S T R Y O F FI J I A N A F FA I R S , C U L T U R E & H E R I T A G E ,
P R O V I N C I A L D E V E L O PM E N T .





Institute of Fijian Language & Culture
Loftus Street.
May 2005.

The Manual is a collaborative effort, with contributions from individuals
who are experts in socio-cultural research. A big VINAKA VAKALEVU to:
Ms. Tara Mar, Masters in Anthropology graduate, who hails from
Mr. Guido Pigliasco, Doctoral Candidate & Lecturer with the
Department of Anthropology at the University of Hawaii.
Authors and researchers whose materials have been synthesized
and included in the manual.
To the Directors, Institute of Fijian Language & Culture, and the
Department of Culture & Heritage for continuously vigilant about ethics,
protocol and conduct of researchers whilst undertaking research in Fijian
To UNESCO (through the Department of Culture) for financially
supporting this manual, simplified as possible, and training for recently
recruited cultural mapping researchers with the Institute.
To Ms. Miriama Nemani for sacrificing your time (during odd working
hours!) in facilitating the typesetting for this manual.
To individuals and institutions I did not specifically mention, you know
yourselves, VINAKA VAKALEVU to you too.

Research involving Fijians in their respective localities has been a long
standing concern for the Institute of Fijian Language & Culture and the
Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage. As most scholars both local
and overseas have traversed our Islands and their inhabitants, one
seeks to wonder whether the subjects or population have been duly
acknowledged for their contribution to the success of these individuals
(researchers). Is ethics, code of conduct and protocol fully accredited?
Has the population researched seen the significance of research
undertaken, not necessarily financial and economic development, but the
promotion of cultural heritage, its safeguarding and transmission through
the promulgation educational materials for custodians, youths in villages
and public at large?
However, the main intentions of this training are as follows:
Establish a clearer understanding of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs,
Culture & Heritage and the Institute of Fijian Language and Culture
as arms of research that deals directly with local Fijian
Understand Intellectual Property Rights and the issue of a Model
Legislation for the protection of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture.
Understand and learn current works of the Institute in trying to
facilitate a cultural mapping exercise and a database for traditional
knowledge and expressions of culture.
Appreciating Anthropology as a discipline and its themes and core
characteristics are a basis for cultural research.
Understand and evaluate research methods and design in
Work collectively in advancing a Fieldwork and research guideline
for the Institute.

Table of Contents


Part One:
Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage
and Institute of Fijian Language & Culture Structure
and mechanisms.

Part Two:
Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights
Basic intellectual property & traditional knowledge; Model legislation on
traditional knowledge and expressions of culture; Current works of the
Ministry regarding legislation, cultural mapping and database.


Part Three:
Anthropology as an all-encompassing discipline


Part Four:
Socio-cultural research (anthropological)


Part Five:
Literature research


Part Six:
Research Design


Part Seven:
Data Collection


Part Eight:
Discussion on Cultural Mapping Pilot Tests 2004




Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage and Institute of
Fijian Language & Culture structure and mechanism.

Understanding the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage

as a government machinery.
Appreciating the role of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage and
its link with the Fijian people is essential for new field officers as they will not
only engage themselves in practical activities with the indigenous population
but also work as a representative of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, since the
Institute of Fijian Language and Culture, as an institution with evolving
responsibilities, is under the auspices of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture
& Heritage. Hence, the following.


Ministrys vision:
What does it mean?
The Ministry of Fijian Affairs will continue to ensure that Government
will promote policies that will provide for the continued good
governance and well being for Fijians now and into the future. Such
an assurance is a reciprocation of the spirit of goodwill and trust that
is given by the Chiefs of Fiji to all who are given the helm of the
nation's leadership - that indigenous Fijians will always continue to
feature prominently in the concerns of Government and participate
actively across all facets of our modern society. 1


Ministrys mission:

Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage. 2005. Annual Corporate Plan: for the year ending on 31
December 2005. Suva. p.2.

What does it mean?

The Ministry of Fijian Affairs provides the leadership role in the
pursuit of the Vision. The good governance and well being of the
Fijian people will be achieved by the development and
implementation of sound policies that will not only serve to protect
the culture, but indeed will facilitate its growth and enrichment by
ensuring increased interaction and learning between and with the
other communities of Fiji. 2


Nature and Scope of Activities

The Ministry is charged with developing and implementing
programmes for the good governance and welfare of the Fijian
people. These are done through the programmes listed as Key
Result Areas (KRAs) of the Ministry:

Safeguard and Promotion of Fijian Interest

Training and Development of Fijians
Promotion of Cultural Section and Cultural Industry
Sound Entity Management

In order for Government's development objectives be accomplished,

the Ministry's key outputs for the 2005 Programmes are as follows:
general management
headquarters, and the administration of annual grants paid to the
Fijian Affairs Board and Provincial Councils, the Institute of Fijian
Language and Culture, the Centre for Appropriate Technology and
Development at Nadave, the Native Lands and Fisheries Commission
and the Fijian Affairs Scholarship Fund.
Culture and Heritage: covers the programmes aimed at the
preservation, maintenance of Fijian culture and national heritage and
the administration of grants to the Fiji Arts Council, the National Trust
and the Fiji Museum. 3


The Ministry and Institute relationship.

Considering all that has been discussed on the Ministry of Fijian Affairs,
one seeks to wonder the relevance of the latter to the works of the
Institute of Fijian Language & Culture. These can be understood
basically by bearing in mind the following reasons:


Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage. op.cit. p.2.

Ibid. p.3.

a] Ministry of Fijian Affairs, as the umbrella institution. Prior to its

transfer to the Ministry of Fijian Affairs (MFA), the Fijian Dictionary
as the Institute was initially known, was under the
patronage of the Prime Ministers Office. Later it was transferred to
the Ministry of Fijian Affairs because of similarity in ethos and
dealings. The Project also changed its name to become the
Institute of Fijian Language & Culture in 1986 with the blessings of
the Bose Levu Vakaturaga.
b] Administration of grants. The Ministry handles all grants given by
government for the Institute to achieve its foreseeable annual
targets. The Institute is not an autonomous institution with a
different vision and mission but it has differing objectives from other
institutions under the Ministry, however, consolidated as one prime
key result area of the entire organization.
c] Policy objectives and key result areas. As a Ministry, Fijian Affairs
and its core institutions are responsible to the government of the
day in terms of delivering efficient and effective services to the
public through its 4 key result areas (KRAs). These KRAs eventuate
from governments strategy for the protection of culture and heritage.
Thus, one of MFAs KRA is to safeguard and promote Fijian
interests. This is where works carried within the Institute falls in.
This is stipulated below in the excerpt below extracted from the
Ministrys 2005 Corporate Plan.
Key Result
2. Safeguard
promotion of




Intended Outcome


Success Indicators

Consolidation and enhancement of

of information on Fijian cultural heritage
and identity

Fijian Dictionary is published.

Cultural Mapping Programme
(CMP) initiated
Traditional and Cultural
practices documented

Publication by
CMP in Rewa,
Serua and Namosi
104 villages by
Transcribe tapes
from CMP
200 tapes from
archives transcribed.

Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage. op.cit. p.8


Ministerial Management structure 5.

The structure highlights all departments/divisions within the Ministry. It

also indicates senior management, objectives of each divisions/
departments and number of established staff within each of the latter,


Grasping works of the Institute of Fijian Language and Culture.


Formation of the Institute.

The Institute of Fijian Language and Culture was founded, based on
the Fijian Dictionary Project, by a resolution of the Great Council of
Chiefs held in Somosomo in 1986, and endorsed by Cabinet. The
main AIM of the Institute is to undertake, encourage, and facilitate
the study and development of Fijian language and culture.


Role of the Institute.

The Unit produces the following outputs to fulfill the aforementioned
and the wishes of the Great Council of Chiefs. Resource Centre

Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage. op.cit. p.15.

entails that the Institute should attempt to build archives of relevant

materials such as books and other printed matter, photographs, audio
and visual tapes with detailed indexes on computer in both Fijian and
English to ensure that the material is easily accessible. Besides, the
latter, should act as a resource center for local and overseas
researchers. Research implies that the Institute is mandated to
undertake research in both archives and in the field. The range of
topics covered is enormous, including traditional religious beliefs,
knowledge of the environment, natural history, social structure, kinship,
music, dance, and games; traditional technologies such as agriculture,
fishing, house-building, pottery, canoe construction and sailing, barkcloth manufacture, costume and ornament, food preparation, and
medicine; and oral traditions, including fables, legends and historical
accounts. Dissemination and Publication of information necessitate
that the Institute should accurately publicize its research findings
through all mediums of publication. These embrace radio and
television broadcasts, publication in newspapers, journals, newsletters,
books. Facilitation imposes that the Institute should network with
resource centers locally and internationally regarding cultural issues,
exchange of research information to enhance and improve current
language and culture archives.
Moreover, to augment government policies and development plans
for the culture and education sector the Institute liaises closely with
institutions such as the Department of Culture & Heritage, Fiji Museum,
Fiji Arts Council, Fijian Trust, Curriculum Unit of the Ministry of
Education, Fiji College of Advanced Education, Ministry of Justice, and
the National Archives.
Furthermore, the Institute is tasked with the management and
implementation of cultural projects. This involves the units
coordination of two important projects: the Monolingual Fijian
Dictionary Project entails the collation of Fijian words, researched and
edited, to composite the first ever monolingual Fijian dictionary/
iVolavosa Vakaviti. The second requires the Unit to be the Secretariat
for the Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights Project. This entails the
Institutes coordination of the project on behalf of the Ministry of Fijian
Affairs, Culture & Heritage on a consultative basis, with the Ministry of
Justice, for the drafting and adoption of the Model legislation for the
Protection of Traditional Knowledge & Expressions of Culture. Also
encompassed herewith is the responsibility to undertake a cultural
mapping programme to identify owners and holders of traditional
knowledge and Cultural Expressions in Fiji.


Currently there are 12 posts that make up the core human resource of the
Institute. Three of which are established and the rest unestablished or
project postings. [Refer to Appendix 1]


New Field Officers.

The six new field officers are categorized under the Indigenous Intellectual
Property Rights Project; paid by grants provided for the project. The six
are being coordinated by the Administrative Officer (Project).


Position Description.
Every civil servant, whether established or unestablished need to have a
Position Description (PD) highlighting core responsibilities of the individual
in relation to aim and objectives of the institution in question. This is
highlighted in the Principal Accountabilities section of the Position
Description. Development of PDs has been reemphasized as a result of
the current reforms put in place by the Civil Service Commission, known
commonly as Performance Management Systems (PMS).


Individual Work Plan.

Individual work plans activates in practical terms position descriptions and
map our specific outputs and measures within specified timelines for the
delivery of outputs under a position descriptions principal accountabilities.
These are drawn and signed with unit or department head at the
beginning of each financial year.


Monthly Workplan and Assessment schedules.

For Institute staff, each has to fill out a monthly workplan for every month
prior to the end of the preceding month e.g. workplan for period 01/05
31/05/05 (May) has to be completed by the 30th of April 2005. Completed
plans are to be submitted to the Senior Administrative Officer for scrutiny
and discussion. On the contrary, at the commencement of a new month,
each officer has to complete an assessment schedule of works
undertaken during the preceding month, rating each task completed and
those yet to be completed. Both these documents are important as they
will be used to complete the Institutes Monthly Report for presentation to
Senior Management of the Ministry.
[Refer to Appendices 2 & 3 for IFLC Monthly Work Plan & Assessment Schedules


Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights
3.0 Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights
Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights is a relatively new phenomenon in Fiji, the
Pacific Region and in other countries of the world. The term/phrase encompasses
two issues of utmost importance and that which needs to be discussed: traditional
knowledge and intellectual property rights.


What is traditional Knowledge?6

Traditional knowledge (TK) is the information that people in a given
community, based on experience and adaptation to a local culture and
environment, have developed over time, and continue to develop. This
knowledge is used to sustain the community and its culture and to maintain the
genetic resources necessary for the continued survival of the community.
Traditional knowledge includes mental inventories of local biological resources,
animal breeds, and local plant, crop and tree species. It may include such
information as trees and plants that grow well together, and indicator plants,
such as plants that show the soil salinity or that are known to flower at the
beginning of the rains. It includes practices and technologies, such as seed
treatment and storage methods and tools used for planting and harvesting. TK
also encompasses belief systems that play a fundamental role in a people's
livelihood, maintaining their health, and protecting and replenishing the
environment. TK is dynamic in nature and may include experimentation in the
integration of new plant or tree species into existing farming systems or a
traditional healer's tests of new plant medicines.
The term 'traditional' used in describing this knowledge does not imply that this
knowledge is old or untechnical in nature, but "tradition-based. It is
"traditional' because it is created in a manner that reflects the traditions of the
communities, therefore not relating to the nature of the knowledge Itself, but to
the way in which that knowledge is created, preserved and disseminated.
Traditional knowledge is collective in nature and is often considered the
property of the entire community, and not belonging to any single individual
within the community. It is transmitted through specific cultural and traditional
information exchange mechanisms, for example, maintained and transmitted
orally through elders or specialists (breeders, heaters, etc.), and often to only a
select few people within a community.

Hansert, S. & Vanfleet, J. 2003. Traditional Knowledge and Intellectual Property. AAAs, Washington. p.3.



What are Intellectual Property Rights?7

Intellectual property rights (IPRs) are the legal protections given to persons
creative endeavors and usually give the creator an exclusive right over the
use of his/her creation or discovery for a certain period of time. Intellectual
property protections may include patents, copyrights, trademarks, and trade
secrets. property is codified at an international level through a series of
legally binding treaties


Why Indigenous Peoples should be concerned about Intellectual

Property Rights?8

The knowledge of and uses of specific plants for medicinal purposes (often
referred to as "traditional medicine") is an important component of TK. Once,
traditional medicines were a major source of materials and information for the
development of new drugs. In the 20th century, however, new sources for
pharmaceuticals led to a decline in the importance of ethnobotany in drug
discovery programs. However, new discoveries of potentially potent anti-cancer
agents in plants (such as turmeric and taxol), as well as a rapidly growing herbal
remedies market, has revived traditional interest in traditional medicinal
knowledge and practices. As interest in traditional medicine is rekindled,
indigenous knowledge of the cultivation and application of genetic resources is
becoming exploited at an alarming rate. W orld sales of herbal medicine alone
were estimated at US$30 billion in the year 2000.
Intellectual Property Rights should guarantee both an individuals and a groups
right to protect and benefit from its own cultural discoveries, creations, and
products. But W estern Intellectual Property regimes have focused on protecting
and promoting the economic exploitation of inventions with the rationale that this
promotes innovation and research. W estern Intellectual Property Law, which is
rapidly assuming global acceptance often unintentionally facilitates and
reinforces a process economic exploitation and cultural erosion. It is based on
notions of individual property ownership, a concept that is often alien and can be
detrimental to many local and indigenous communities. An important purpose of
recognizing private proprietary rights is to enable individuals to benefit form the
products of their intellect by rewarding creativity and encouraging further
innovation and invention. But in many indigenous world views, any such property
rights, if they are recognized at all, should be extended to the entire problems
experienced by indigenous knowledge in trying to protect their traditional
knowledge under intellectual property laws stem mainly from the failure of
traditional knowledge to satisfy requirements for intellectual protections.
[Continued next page]


Hansert, S. & Vanfleet, J. op.cit. p.4.

ibid. pp.4-5


[Continuation from previous page]

Alternatively, where intellectual property protection could potentially apply to
such knowledge, the prohibitive costs of registering and defending a patent or
other intellectual property right may curtail effective protection. There has been
a clear bias in the operation of these laws in favor of the creative efforts of
corporations, for example, pharmaceutical and other industries in industrialized
nations. W ithin the context of scientific progress, modern intellectual property
laws have allowed these industries to monopolize the benefits derived from
their use of indigenous knowledge with disregard for the moral rights and
material (financial) interests of the indigenous peoples themselves.
Many incompatibilities between TK and IPRs have begun to surface with the
rapid global acceptance of W estern concepts and standards for intellectual
property. These incompatibilities appear when ownership of TK is
inappropriately claimed or TK is used by individuals or corporations that
belongs to local communities, primarily in developing countries. The term
"biopiracy" is often used to describe the misappropriation of knowledge and/or
biological materials from traditional communities.
With today's rapidly globalizing IPR regime, situations of biopiracy are
becoming increasingly evident. Until very recently, an American citizen owned
a patent on the well known and commonly used Amazonian plant ayahuasca.
Traditional Andean uses of maca (Lepidium meyenii) for increased fertility and
the Indian use of neem as a pesticide have been patented in name of profit for
Western companies. The specifics of these examples are complicated and
technical, but it is not an understatement to suggest that many more
discrepancies will develop between traditional knowledge and the IPR regime
negatively affecting indigenous communities across all continents. A major
concern is that W estern corporations will continue to adapt, incorporate, build
upon or directly claim indigenous knowledge without acknowledgement or
compensation for the communities that developed the knowledge.
However, there is good news. Intellectual property rights do not have to work
against the needs and interests of traditional knowledge holders. In fact,
intellectual property rights can actually benefit traditional knowledge holders by
promoting both their material and moral interests. The key to realizing these
benefits is in understanding how the intellectual property rights system works
and the place that traditional knowledge can have in the system.


Traditional Knowledge Protection.


Traditional knowledge is not protected under any of the international

agreements and in recent years has been the subject of increased
exploitation as competition for developing new products intensifies. The
current IPR system cannot protect traditional knowledge for two reasons.
First, the current system seeks to privatize ownership and is designed to be
held by individuals or corporations, whereas traditional knowledge has
collective ownership. Second, the protection is time-bound, whereas
traditional knowledge is held in perpetuity from generation to generation.



Copyright Laws in Fiji

Copyright legislations that exist in Fiji comprise the Copyright Act,
Performers Protection Act, Patents Act, Merchandise Marks Act, Industry
Emblem Act, Trademarks Act, Fair Trading Act 1992, the amended Fair
Trading Act 1998 and the United Kingdom Designs (Protection) Act.9
However, these laws are generally limited in application, restrictive and
inadequate. How?
There is an inadequacy in the protection of elements of traditional
knowledge and cultural expressions. For instance, the transmitting of
indigenous cultural and intellectual property is traditionally only given
to certain persons in the community for certain purposes. On the
contrary, with existing laws, indigenous cultural expressions are in the
public domain where it is freely accessible and transferable.
IPR laws in Fiji, and like any other Pacific Island Country, was
designed to be held by individuals rather than communities; does not
recognize communal rights;
limited period of protection (whereas traditional knowledge is held in
perpetuity from generation to generation);
What are the characteristics of traditional knowledge and Expressions
of culture property/ownership in relation to Intellectual Property?
Generally orally transmitted.
Emphasis on preservation and maintenance of culture.
Socially based-created through the generations via the transmission
Communally amount but a large amount is held by libraries, museums
and archives.
Generally not transferable but transmission, if allowed, is based on a
series of cultural qualifications.
There are often restrictions on how transmission can occur,
particularly in relation to sacred or secret material.

Alipate qetakis presentation



Development of Model Legislation on Traditional Knowledge and

Expressions of Culture.
The formulation of a framework for the Model Law on Traditional Knowledge
and Expressions of Culture was a regional approach. Drafted by a team of
legal experts drawn from member Forum Island jurisdictions including Fiji,
and commissioned by the Secretariat of the Pacific Community (SPC),
United Nations Educational Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO),
and the Forum Secretariat, the Model law aims to: Protect the rights of
traditional owners in their traditional knowledge and expressions; permit
tradition-based creativity and innovation, including commercialization thereof,
subject to prior and informed consent and benefit-sharing; and complement
and not undermine existing Intellectual Property Rights.10 At the root of the
model law is the preservation/ maintenance of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture.


Basic Elements of the model law include:

A. Usage of TK & EC for non-customary purposes requires the
consent of traditional custodians of TK & EC. Upon usage,
sufficient acknowledgement of traditional owners, and the
geographical place from which the TK & EC originates must be
B. Traditional owners refer to a group, clan, community of people,
or an individual who is recognized by a group, clan or
community of people as the individual, who are custodians of
aspects of TK & EC.
C. Inauguration of a centralized cultural authority the institution
will be set up to administer the rights, including the prior and
informed consent of traditional owners. Other obligations
include: appropriately identifying traditional owners of TK & EC;
act as liaison between traditional owners and prospective users
of TK & EC; oversee that benefits derived from non-customary
usage of TK & EC gets through to the custodians.
D. Enforcement denotes the creation of offences, right of civil
action and repercussions for unlawful and unauthorized use of
TK & EC.


Forum Economic Ministers Meeting, 19-20 June 2001, Session Paper 1.




Adoption of Model law by Fiji.

Subsequent to Fijis adoption of the model law at the Pacific
Cultural Ministers Meeting in Noumea 2002, cabinet endorsed the
proposition in October 2003. In October 2004, the First
Parliamentary Counsel within the Ministry of Justice requested a
copy of the Model Legislation to begin its drafting before a Bill for
the enactment of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions of
Culture is presented to Parliament. Consultative Process between
the Ministrys of Justice and Fijian Affairs is currently underway.
However, prior to its passing, the model law will be scrutinized first,
assessing its suitability for Fijis situation and subsequent
modification. This will depend on the outcomes of consultations
with relevant stakeholders.

Current Works of the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture & Heritage

and in-house stakeholders.

Fijis adoption of the model law requires the consideration of options and
mechanisms for its proper implementation. The Ministry of Fijian Affairs,
Culture & Heritage which was designated the task in 2003, by the President,
through the Minister responsible, opted for the documentation of the vast
aspects of Fijian culture and its traditional holders, in a database format,
which is a necessity for the implementation of the legislation.


Why a database?
As stipulated in the model law, a Cultural Authority is to be
established with a wide range of functions. One of which proposed
is to maintain a record of traditional owners and/or knowledge and
expressions of culture. This denotes the establishment and
maintaining of a database on traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture, entering into it such information as it
receives or collects. Access to the database would be permitted by
the Authority under such terms as it may decide, including
restricting it to owners of the knowledge as the situation may


A database was chosen for the model law because it records

information and there was a need to record as much TK before it
becomes unobtainable. This meant few formal requirements and
an assurance of confidentiality. A detailed examination of
ownership could be raised later but only when a challenge was
brought or an inquiry made by a prospective user.
Hence the National Inventory for Traditional Knowledge and
Expressions of Culture Project.


The National Inventory Project for Traditional Knowledge and

Expressions of Culture.


A national inventory for all aspects of Fijian culture is a relatively
new initiative with the initial idea mooted in 2003 when the need
arose to set up a formal structure to effectively police the model
legislation on traditional knowledge and expressions of culture,
new to Fiji, the Pacific and other countries of the world . The model
legislation requires the consideration of options and mechanisms
for its proper implementation, hence, the choice for the
documentation of the vast aspects of Fijian Culture and its
traditional holders, in a database format [inventory]. This task was
designated to an Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights
Committee formed by the Ministry of Fijian Affairs, Culture &
Heritage to undertake the necessary preparatory work required to
effectively build the inventory system a documentation of
traditional knowledge and expressions of culture.


Indigenous Intellectual Property Rights Committee

An internal departmental IPR committee was formed by the
Ministry of Fijian Affairs to undertake the necessary preparatory
work required for the formulation of the legislation. The committee
comprised of officials from the Institute of Fijian Language and
Culture, Department of Culture & Heritage, and the Fijian Affairs
Board and the Native Lands and Fisheries Commission.
The committee was entrusted with the task of drafting a framework
to initially deal with the documentation of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture within Fiji. The Committee carefully
scrutinized the topic and came up with the following critical issues:
data collections and national inventory; public awareness; financial
assistance; development of a specific database software; capacity


building; and ultimately the establishment of a cultural authority to

facilitate the policing and proper implementation of the model law.


Nature and objectives of National Inventory.

Designated in Fijian as Na ituvatuva ni kilaka itaukei kei na kena
matanataki, the national inventory project envisages the diverse
traditional knowledge and cultural expressions that explicitly exists
within the culture of the itaukei. For the 14 provinces that compose
Fiji, each has its own distinct local knowledge and cultural system,
which characterize their uniqueness. However, with globalization
and rapid development in information technology, traditional
expressions in Fiji are continually being exploited for commercial
purposes, and on the verge of being replaced completely by a
massive culture of modernism. Hence, the inventory is/was
established with the following issues in mind: [I] the preservation
and safeguarding of tangible and intangible cultural heritage; [ii]
the promotion of cultural diversity; [iii] the respect for cultural rights;
and [iv] the promotion of tradition-based creativity and innovation
as ingredients of sustainable economic development.
The National Inventory Project is envisaged to be beneficial
economically, socially and education wise. Having a database with
thorough entries of existing holders of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture (tangible and intangible heritage) will ensure
that its owners are properly recognized, identified for the noncommercial use of their knowledge and cultural expressions, and
that they are compensated accordingly for the commercial use of
their cultural expressions. Moreover, the creation of such
framework will encourage tradition-based innovation and creativity
for the custodians. It will also ensure the preservation of knowhow, skills, practices, and techniques that are pivotal foundations
for indigenous Fijians as a group of people with a specific cultural
identity, as a community, and as an ethnic group. Furthermore, the
identification and documentation of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture will ensure that it is properly transmitted,
revitalized, and promoted to ensure its maintenance and viability.
This will be achieved through the education and training of young
people to learn, use and transmit the know-how. Such a plan will
assist government stakeholders in the formulation of strategies for
cultural development in Fijis education curriculum.



Scope and Target of National Inventory:

What is encompassed within the inventory?
The National Inventory of Traditional Knowledge and Expressions
of Culture facilitates the identification of existing traditional
knowledge and expressions of culture and their customary owners
within the 14 provinces of Fiji. Outlined herewith are aspects of
traditional knowledge and expressions of culture to be covered by
the inventory:
Table 1: Elements of Fijian traditional knowledge and Expressions of
Culture encompassed within the inventory


Description and/or outline.


Genealogical/ kinship information. Includes totems, rank, and number

of extended families, clans, tribes/phatries &s.

Heritage Sites

Sites of historical and cultural significance to a clan, tribe, village or

province. These include those that are unique to a particular cultural


These include movement of ancestral Fijians from a particular setting

to the next. These may be due to war, sickness, a form of reparation in
the aftermath of the battle whereby subjects of the tribe defeated had
to be given to the triumphant group.

Traditional forms
of award for
bravery during

Traditional forms of award for bravery differ greatly in terms of

bonuses, payments and gifts from modern day ceremonies. These
comprise the issuance of a piece of land, the affixation of a sir-like title
prior to the name of the qaqa signifying his achievements, eg. koroi,
offering of numerous women as wives &s.


Types of ceremonies of welcome, marriage, death, rekindling of kinship

ties, forgiveness &s.

beliefs/ religious

Forms of ritualistic and religious behaviour prior to the coming of

Christianity into Fiji.

Published and

Often, research regarding a clan, tribe, village, district, and province

had been undertaken; hence, the purpose of this section is to record
issues that had been recorded by researchers; those that may be
sacred and those that are not.


A recording of all dialects that exits in Fiji and their relationship with
other portions of Fiji.



Names of persons, places, and sites that have a cultural meaning

attached or significance.


Forms of traditional herbal medicine available in different villages.

Sicknesses, remedies, taboos will all be listed in this section of the


These are healing practices that exist in the local community such as
massaging, pointing with the index finger &s

fishing methods.

Due to different locations for habituation of Fijians, there exist differing

forms of fishing depending on the area being fished, the type of sea or
freshwater creature being fished &s


This entails the different root crop and plant varieties planted by
Fijians. Season for planting; part of plant planted; taboos to be
respected; traditional organic manure utilised.

Traditional crafts
and designs.

Forms of Fijian craftsmanship including, architectural designs, masi

making, pottery making, mat weaving, masi designs used, boat building

Traditional forms
of performing art.

Different aspects of performing art which includes forms of meke,



Traditional food preparation methods.


Traditional Midwifery.


Traditional rites of passage life cycle focused e.g. Circumcision &s.


Traditional games.


Tales, Legends, stories &s


Traditional costumes; Traditional hairdressing.


Traditional sailing.


Traditional forms of communal undertakings and others.


Selection Criteria
Most elements of traditional knowledge and expressions of culture
in Fiji are unrecorded and its maintenance and/or preservation rest
pivotally on continual usage and observance. Hence, it was
appropriate, and not to delay it further, the recording of aspects of
Fijian culture that still exists and also those that may be on the
brink of extinction. However, the emphasis advocated was that
information gathered on a specific element should:



Identify its uniqueness to a specific cultural locality. Cultural data

collected should be distinct to the locality with which information is
collected. It should not be copied nor duplicated from another clan,
tribe, district or province. It should be unique and specific to the
Degree of disappearance danger [since most aspects of Fijian
culture depended entirely on oral transmission].
Establish that the heritage is associated with a particular
community and is communally owned and not individually owned.
Should be authentic.
Be appropriate to their locality/village that which information is
regularly provided.
Electronic Storage of Information.
Information Communication Technologies (ICTs) play a crucial role
in recording traditional knowledge, altering it for specific uses or to
digitalize it for storage in public and private banks so that it can be
recalled for any indigenous and non-indigenous utilization.
Computer applications for the National Inventory is a classical
example and will be an indigenous knowledge databank or
database ever compiled in the country through the use of software
designed specifically for the project, using the Fijian language as
its format, however, programming will be done in English. The
database will serve to enhance information exchange between
indigenous people and local communities, also the dissemination
of information about knowledge and cultural expressions to the
general public, non-commercial users, and custodians.


Skeleton of database.
Records entered into the database will be based on the topics
outlined in Table 1 of 5.2.4 and these will be in text and
accompanying images. Moreover, video and audio recordings
made at respective cultural localities will be entered as entries in
respective topics and aspects of intangible heritage discussed in
the inventory. Each Fijian village will have entries of traditional
knowledge and cultural expressions.


Specification for a typical page on the database:

Database will try to address the following:
a. Name of yavusa head, and signature.
b. Name of researcher, topic researched.
c. Name of informant, and other personal details
d. topic researched, and signature.
e. Village,
f. District,
g. Province.
h. Textual entry of results of interview (or research).
i. Video recordings, where necessary.
j. Attached images (pictures), where necessary.




Information accessibility:
To conform with the objectives of Intellectual Property project and
the concerns for safeguarding of traditional knowledge and
expressions of culture of the indigenous population, final editing
and input of data is restricted to the project officer after
consultations with village heads and the Indigenous IPR
Committee members. Future editing, after consultation with
custodians will be made once approved. Viewing of database is
restricted to senior officers of the office. However, for general
public viewing and usage of information, custodians have to be
informed and their consent sort. Besides, information will only be
available to custodians of TK & EC, their tribe, clan, family
members, upon the initial approval of informants.


Anthropology as an all encompassing discipline.

The Concept of Anthropology.

Anthropology is the most liberating of all the sciences. It has uncovered the false
attitudes of racial superiority and those of cultural superiority. But what exactly is
A definition provided by a well-known Anthropologist who has great interests in the
Fijian culture reads: Anthropology, the scientific study of humanity, seeks to
explain how and why people are both similar and different through examination of
our biological and cultural past and comparative study of existing human
societies.11 The specialist is Michael C. Howard, who undertook his education in
the United States, prior to his posting to the University of the South Pacific in 1981.
He left Fiji during the 1987 coup as his status as advisor to the then Labour Leader,
Dr. Timoci Bavadra, was at risk, after being overthrown from office by a military
Anthropology confronts basic questions of human existence:
Where and when did we originate?
What makes us human?
How has our species changed?
Why do some groups of people tend to be tall and lanky (leggy/thin) whilst others
tend to be short and stocky (solid)?
Why do some people practice agriculture while others forage (hunt and gather
Why do some religions believe in reincarnation of the spirit while others reject such
beliefs and superstitions?12
Anthropologists find all things human fascinating and worthy of study.
Hence, Anthropology is the study of ourselves our societies, our cultures and their
development and its devotion to the study of all peoples, regardless of where and
when they lived, has enabled greater understanding of human nature than ever


Aspects of Anthropology:
Anthropology has a broad scope covering many disciplines which are
concerned in one way or another with human beings, for instance, biology
(natural science) and sociology (social science). Anthropology examines how


Howard, Michael. 1996. Cultural Anthropology. Harper Collins College Publishers. New York. p. 3.
Ibid. & Kottak, Conrad. 2000. Anthropology: the exploration of Human Diversity, McGraw-Hill, Boston. p.3.


they work together, in all places and times. This may seem as a large task
impossible for an anthropologist, but the subfields allow an individual to
specialize in one or more anthropological areas.


Subfields of anthropology13:
Cultural/Social Anthropology is the study of human society and
culture; describing, analyzing, interpreting and explaining social
and cultural similarities and differences.
Archaeological Anthropology reconstructs, describes and
interprets past human behavior and cultural patterns through
human remains.
Biological or physical Anthropology focuses on biological
aspects of humankind. It seeks to discover how and why
humans evolved and biological diversity (why skin colour differs
&s) of modern human population. Biological Anthropologists/
Paleo-anthropologists/ Paleontologist study fossil (preserved
remains or traces of long ago dead animals and plants) to
ascertain human evolution.
Linguistic Anthropology studies language in its social and
cultural context, across space and time.
Anthropologists tend to specialize in one or more of the following

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Which do you think you belong, relative to the research that

youre about to embark on?


Themes of Anthropology:
With the varying anthropological subdisciplines, there are certain
themes which unify all of the above:
a. The fundamental principle that all peoples are fully and equally
human [universalism].
b. The holistic approach of anthropology. It seeks to comprehend
all aspects of human condition; addressing issues through
economic, social, political, historical and other factors. [Holism]
c. Viewing aspects of culture as a social whole, functioning and
coexistence together. [Integration] To fully understand any


Kottak, op.cit. pp.11-17.


belief or practice we must view it within the context of the

society of which it is a part and within the context of the broad
environmental factors shaping the society.
d. [Adaptation] humans are influenced by their surroundings, thus
adaptation is a means by which individuals or populations react
to environmental conditions in order to maintain themselves
and survive.
e. [Cultural Relativism] judging and interpreting the behavior
and beliefs of others in terms of their traditions and experience.
The opposite is Ethnocentrism judging the behaviour and
beliefs of others in terms of ones own cultural values and
traditions. Why dont they eat like us; dress like us; and
behave as we do?14


--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------As Anthropologists, the themes form the basis of

anthropological ethics or rules of conduct whilst embarking on
fieldwork at local, national, regional or international level.
Anthropologists need to maintain these at all times; avoiding
biasness and negative reactions by respondents.


Cultural Research.
To study and interpret cultures, anthropologists engage themselves in
numerous research activities or field methods. Two most common activities
are ethnography and ethnology. Ethnography provides an account of a
particular community, society or culture. During ethnographic fieldwork, the
ethnographer gathers data that he or she organizers, describes, analyses
and interprets to build and present the account in a form of a book, article,
thesis &s. Ethnographers, traditionally live with informants. On the other
hand, ethnology examines, interprets, analyses the results of ethnography
data gathered in different societies.
Besides, ethnography is a research strategy used by anthropologists to:
Understand the whole of an alien culture.
Pursue a holistic goal for gathering information.
Move from place to place to discover the totality and
interconnectedness of social life.


Howard, op.cit. pp. 4-8.


Briefly, lets touch basic on some ethnographic techniques15:

Ethnographic Techniques.
The characteristic field techniques of the ethnographers include the following:
l. Direct, firsthand observation of daily behavior, including participant observation.
2. Conversation with varying degrees of formality, from the daily chitchat that helps
maintain rapport and provides knowledge about what is going on to prolonged
interviews, which can be unstructured or structured. Formal, printed interview
schedules or questionnaires may be used to ensure that complete, comparable
information is available for everyone of interest to the study.
3. The genealogical method. Genealogical method denotes the procedures by which ethnographers
discover and record connections of kinship, descent, and marriage, using diagrams and symbols.
4. Detailed work with key consultants about particular areas of community life.
5. In-depth interviewing, often leading to the collection of life histories of particular
people (narrators).
6. Discovery of local beliefs and perceptions, which may be compared with the
ethnographer's own observations and conclusions.
7. Problem-oriented research of many sorts.
8. Longitudinal research-the continuous long-term study of an area or site.
9. Team research-coordinated research by multiple ethnographers.


Kottak, op.cit. p. 34.


Socio-cultural research (anthropological)


What is research?
Research is simply the gathering of information relevant to a topic initially planned
and its subsequent documentation. All in all it basically tries to solve a problem.
Research is undertaken for social, economical, health, educational, political &s
Scavenger exercise [Find sample exercise attached as Appendix 4]

At the completion of the exercise were you able to identify other characteristics of
Provided below is a listing16 used as a guide for the trainer.
1. Research attempts to solve a problem.
2. Research involves gathering new data from primary or first-hand
sources or using existing data for a new purpose.
3. Research is based upon observable experience or empirical evidence
4. Research demands accurate observation and description.
5. Research generally employs carefully designed procedures and
rigorous analysis.
6. Research emphasizes the development of general principles or
theories that will help in understanding, prediction and control.
7. Research requires expertise - familiarity with the field; competence in
methodology; technical skill in collection and analyzing the data.
8. Research attempts to find an objective, unbiased solution to the
problem and takes great pains to validate the procedures employed.
9. Research is a deliberate and unhurried activity which is directional
but often refines the problem or questions as the research
10. Research is carefully recorded and reported to other persons
interested in the problem.


Anderson, G. 1998 Fundamentals of Educational research, The Falmer Press. Bristol.



Research in the Pacific.

Sites and localities of research affect greatly the process and outcome of
actual gathering of information. Different regions of the world and its
inhabitants (more specifically to indigenous peoples have different
perception, reception and methods of dealing and/or engaging themselves
with researchers upon entering their socio-cultural sphere. Pacific Island
communities, although there is not yet a policy-derived principle in the
Pacific, have their own ways of attending to or dealing with international
researchers who visit their Islanders. Methods of research depend on
cultural protocols and ethics which are prevalent in many Pacific Island
countries. These are still respected by communities that exist within these
Islands. Outlined below is a general framework with which overseas and
local researchers should consider upon undertaking research in Pacific
Island communities.

Principles of research in the Pacific. 17

The following principles are proposed for any research activities involving the Pacific
peoples and Fiji for that matter.
Principle 1 Mana
The acknowledgement and the maintenance of mana (dignity) of the researched and
the researcher is central to the research. This principles pertains to the honouring of
the individual and/or Pacific communities in all aspects of the research, including
participation, ownership and responsibilities.
Principle 2 Relationships
Pacific peoples are connected by family/community links and obligations that exist
before and after the phases of research. Research with Pacific communities need to be
set in a context of enduring relationships rather than as an episode encounter.
Principle 3 Reciprocity
Relationships by kin or community carry certain obligations that are determined and
acknowledged by the context of content. It is essential to identify and incorporate the
roles and obligations of Pacific subjects appropriately to enhance the research process
and outcomes.
Principle 4 Empowerment

Sanga & Pasikal. 2002. Research for Pacific Empowerment: Guidelines for researching with Pacific Communities,
Report prepared for the Economic and Research Development Group, p.7


Research is knowledge. Knowledge is power. Research for Pacific peoples should

ultimately facilitate Pacific capacity and well-being through both the involvement in and
the use of research outcomes. This principle relates to the resources, participation and
leadership of Pacific peoples in all phases of research.
Principle 5 Communication
Pacific peoples need to be informed of development resulting from their participation.
Where, possible, the results should be presented back to participating communities so
that they are able to see the positive impact of research. This principle will facilitate
more positive connotations of research and raise awareness of research among Pacific
communities. At the minimum, researchers should provide the opportunity for individual
informants to veto their own contributions before these are included in any
Principle 6 Accountability
Pacific research must be based on clear ethical protocols which include being
accountable also to Pacific communities for what and how research is carried out.

These are some basic principles or protocol issues you as a researchers will have
to examine and analyze prior to embarking on research in Fijian Villages.


The research process.

Anthropologists spend more time preparing for field work. Their preparation
includes the surprising complex matter of undertaking the following.

8.1 Choosing a Topic/Identifying a problem:

Research interests often are inspired by their own life experiences.

Projects may come about as a result of gaps in the ethnographic
Studying small scale societies helps to understand the human condition
and improves our understanding of specific developments on the frontiers
of expanding industrial world system.
Where the culture of people in small-scale societies is not well known, the
priority for anthropologists is to fill out the ethnographic map of the area
by doing holistic descriptions of these peoples, gathering information on
such topics as their physical environment, history, technology, productive
activities, food and drink, daily routines, sexual practices, social and
political organizations, medical beliefs and religion.

Once a basic familiarity with the societies of a region has been established,
in-depth research can follow.

Narrowing the Focus:

Once a topic is selected, an anthropologist must struggle with two
How might the information sought be explained?


From whom should it be gathered?

One primary aim of anthropology is to be able to explain why people
act and think as they do. Hence, a hypothesis. A Hypothesis is a
tentative statement that something observed, such as pattern of
behaviour, is caused by a particular set of factors.


Deciding whom to study is not as simple as it may seem. The people
a researcher decides to include in the study are called its population.
A population may be determined by several criteria:
One is the problem being addressed,
Location or length of residence in the city,
Place of origin,
Ethnicity, social class, religious affiliation,
Social residential or environmental characteristics of the area
being studied. A researcher may select a village as an
appropriate population, or perhaps valley dwellers, or a group
of kin because this appears to be relevant units of analysis in
the particular context.
Local ways of classifying people, such as ethnic classification.

There are different methods of undertaking research. However, they
generally fall into two categories which social and cultural researchers often
utilize. Either is used or can be used simultaneously.


Qualitative Method:
is experimental research where the data are not in the form of
numbers. It tries to capture peoples meanings, definitions and
descriptions of events.


Quantitative Method:
is experimental research where data are in the form of numbers. It
aims to count and measure things.

Traditional characteristics of qualitative and quantative research:



Concerned with
understanding human
behaviour from the
informants perspective.
Assumes dynamic and
negotiated reality.
Data are collected

Concerned with discovering
facts about social
Assumes fixed and
measurable reality.
Data are collected


Table source:
Minichiello, V., Aroni, R. Timewell, E. & Alexander, L. 1995. In-depth interviewing: Principles, Techniques, Analysis.
Addison Wesley, Sydney. p.10


Data Collection Analysis

After selecting the necessary research method to be utilize, the researcher
then embarks on the data collection phase. Post data collection entails
consolidation of data and other materials in differing formats for analysis.
Analysis performed can either be qualitative, quantitative or both.


Final Presentation
Post-analysis will confirm your stance, with regards to your hypothesis, i.e.
either you reject or support the hypothesis youve outline earlier prior to the
research and data collection phase.


Research Ethics Procedures and guidelines.


Ethics is basically the standards of conduct and moral judgment that a

social researcher must adhere to. It considers the honorable (moral)
implications of a social inquiry. It looks at the morality of the practices used,
and the personal and professional morality of the researcher who used them.
Outlined below is an account of some ethical and political issues raised
during research.18
Research Process

Design of research project


Ethical & Political issues

Is the researcher competent and capable of
conducting research? That is, w
ere they credited
with professional integrity?
Does the researcher pay for the research, or is it


Minichiello, V., Aroni, R. Timewell, E. & Alexander, L. 1995. In-depth interviewing: Principles, Techniques, Analysis. Addison Wesley,
Sydney. p. 192.


some other group or institution?

Who benefits from the study?
Who has access to data and results? How do you
maintain confidentiality of informants
informants if you are not
the only `owner' of the raw data
(tapes/notes/transcripts, personal documents)?

Who controls the research process?

How ethical are the methods that the researcher is
prepared to use to gain access to informants?

In--depth interviewing


Who has control of the interactions?

Whose interpretation of the situation is accorded
How is confidentiality maintained and trust
What effects does the research have on the
To what degree can the participants
participants strike and keep
a bargain?
If the researcher controls the recording process, is
the informant's view of what should be recorded
given equal weighting?
Who has control of storing of data and the
maintaining of confidentiality?
earcher's analysis `keeping faith' with the
Is the res
informant's account?

Presentation of data


What effect does the informant as audience have?

Who owns the research reportreport-sponsors, researchers
or informants?
What is the purpose of publication?
Who has control of publication and/or censorship of
the report?

Anthropological code of conduct during research:

Prior to a cultural researcher entering the field to undertake research on any
cultural topic, he/she has to be open about the purpose of research, potential
impacts, and sources of support. Most importantly the researcher should
observe cultural restrictions to avoid embarrassment, complete alienation,
unanswered research questions other instances that would result in an
unfinished investigation, knowledge-building and full documentation of an
area of culture researched.


There is no specified guideline or protocol that all researchers, however

provided is a guide to issues that anthropologists often consider before
entering a cultural locality for research.
Responsibility to people and animals19
1. The primary ethical obligation of the anthropologist is to
the people, species, or materials he or she studies.
Potential violation of this obligation can lead to decisions
not to undertake, or to discontinue, research. This primary
ethical obligation entails:
*Avoiding harm or wrong.
*Respecting the well-being of humans and nonhuman
*Working to preserve the archaeological, fossil, and historical
records; working to achieve a beneficial working relationship for
all parties.



Researchers must respect the safety, dignity, and privacy

of the people they study. Also, researchers should avoid
harm to the safety, psychological well-being, and survival
of the animals or species they study.


Researchers should determine in advance whether their

hosts wish to remain anonymous or receive recognition.
They should make every effort to comply with those


Researchers should obtain the informed consent of the

people to be studied and of those whose interests may be
affected by the research. Informed consent means that the
anthropologist should tell people about the goals and
procedures of the research, and gain their consent to be


Anthropologists who develop close relationships with

individuals (e.g., their cultural consultants) must adhere to
the obligations of openness and informed consent. They
must also carefully and respectfully negotiate the limits of
the relationship.


Anthropologists may gain personally from their work. But

they must not exploit individuals, groups, animals, or
cultural or biological materials. They should recognize
their debt to the societies in which they work. They are
obliged to reciprocate with people they study in
appropriate ways.

Kottack, op.cit. p.48.



Ethics include universal principles as well as cultural

practices. Hence, different communities have cultural
protocols and practices that require the researcher to ensure
that these are followed at every stage of the research.


Care must be taken to ensure that appropriate consent is

negotiated and obtained at different point of the research.
It must be remembered that informed consent to participate
is not necessarily consent to report or to disseminate
information from the research.


Pacific communities are small and confidentiality is often

difficult to maintain when doing research within these
communities. The researcher therefore has an obligation to
maintain confidentiality through appropriate cultural and
professional strategies, including silence and the use of the
identifiers. [Maintaining neutrality].


In some instances, such as in-community action research

projects, participants may want the option of being
identified or acknowledged.


Concerns over the public right to know as against a Pacific

communitys privacy to certain knowledge can pose
challenging ethical dilemmas. The researcher should
therefore take care, as a custodian of certain knowledge,
that private knowledge, that private knowledge is kept


Literature research

Participants to analyze a book from archives/library and identify the following:
Name of researcher; year research was undertaken; place researched; state the problem
researched; research method utilized; choice of research design & method; population


10.0 Task that had just been undertaken requires a lot of concentration and


It is an important aspect of the research process.

Reviewing literature that deals with a topic for research is important as these will:
Assist the researcher to further focus the questions being asked.
Influence the researchers success in gaining entry.
Assist the researcher in establishing rapport with subjects whilst in the
Sampling procedures (i.e. identifying the population to be interviewed)
can also be shaped.
Generate critical issues that others have identified and to examine
what has been neglected.
Spark off ideas about how to proceed with the research.
By being aware of what has been published on the topic is in a better
place to examine reasons for differences between what is reported in
the literature and what the data suggests, and pursue this line of
inquiry whilst in the field.


Research Design

11.0 Design and Methodology

The design of Pacific research often evolves, is not well defined and is randomly
terminated. As such, research design is messy and potentially frustrating for the
researcher but this is consistent with the nature of Pacific research.
To fully comprehend design and methodological issues, a multi-layered
consideration is necessary, taking into account the following:

Define and/or negotiate the issue(s) to be researched.

Establish the purpose and outcomes.

Select the site to carry out your research.

Identify the participants and other key informants.

Negotiate and confirm access to participants.

Establish agreed understanding of mutual benefits of the research.

Clarify and articulate the cultural ideals, values and protocols that
may be relevant for the subject of the subject and participants of the

Ensure that the strategies, instrumentation and methods used are

culturally appropriate and ethically consistent.

Ensure that the language used is appropriate. Ideally, the relevant

lingua franca/dialect is used throughout all phases of research.

12.0 Participation with Informed consent.

A fundamental principle of research relates to the right of any participant to have full
and honest information about the research. In particular, participant(s) should be
made aware of consequences of involvement before any decision of participation is


Participants should be:

Given all relevant information to facilitate informed consent
Assured of issues relating to ethics.
Offered opportunities to raise issues/concerns.

12.1 Confidentiality in Participation

Traditional conventions of research demand that research participants be
protected in terms of their personal identity, details and involvement. This
principle holds true in most situations.
In undertaking research with local indigenous (Fijian) communities, the
issues of confidentiality and safe participation are made more critical by the
following factors:
Smallness of populations.
Existing connections/relationships between the researchers/researched.
In more recent times, many of the traditional conventions of research have
been challenged, particular by those from non-mainstream, non-western
traditions. These challengers relate not only to practices but also to the
knowledge and assumptions underlying the practices. In relation to
confidentiality, there have been cases where research subjects are named
Identifications acknowledge the contributions.
Both the researcher/researched can be recognized.
It contributes to the visibility of the participants voice.
Confidentiality, particularly for individuals, is about ensuring a safe context
for participation. However, if appropriate and if it has strategic benefits,
naming participants should be explored.20

12.2 What will enhance indigenous peoples (Fijians in villages)

Fijians in villages need specific attention when considering appropriate
processes for participation. The following general guidelines can contribute
to more effective practices:
Consult with appropriate groups including individuals, community
leaders and institutions throughout every stage of the research.

Sanga & Pasikal. op.cit. p.8


Ensure that barriers that may hinder participation are eliminated e.g.
language, transport, age/gender status.
Undertake regular communication meeting with community leaders, key
research participants and reference people to discuss progress, obtain
feedback and report on achievements or otherwise.
Observe any cultural protocols as necessary when engage with Pacific
communities. For example, in group gatherings, hospitality is a critical
Acknowledgements or ivakavinavinaka can be in the form
food/refreshments provision, assistance with transport (e.g. petrol
vouchers) and or donations.

12.3 What are the desired outcomes?

Research must enhance the mana, well-being and lives of indigenous
peoples. Outcome should be practical, communally-oriented and particular to
the clan/tribe or village researched.

12.4 Who benefits from the research?

It is insufficient to promulgate that research is in its potential societal and
scientific benefits.
Research within local villages should therefore
demonstrate real benefits for those affected by the research. Doing research
as well outcomes must lead to empowering villagers and their communities,
advancing their autonomy and increasing their well-being.

Outline schedule of procedures a researcher about to engage in ethnography within Fiji
should adhere to prior to research.


13.0 Introduction.
Data collection characterize methods of research to carry out. This will depend on
the focus and problem the researcher is trying to address.
Since the Cultural Mapping Project is anthropological oriented, qualitative method
of research is preferable. This entails undertaking fieldwork in respective sites
initially selected with informants chosen to provide needed cultural data.
Two approaches to qualitative research that anthropological research should be
oriented towards are:
Interviewing; and
Participant Observation including ethnographic mapping.

13.1 Interviewing

What is interview?
[Face to face verbal exchange in which an individual, the
interviewer, elicits information from another person(s)].
Before starting an interview utilize the following strategies to
prepare oneself for an interview session. Assuming that all initial
research steps have been adhered to, the following should be
thoroughly considered:
How many interviews are you going to organize with your
informants? Normally this is known until research is
undertaken, and a relationship is created between the
interviewer and informant.
How do you approach the informant? What impression do you
want to give the informant about the research project and their
involvement in it?


Interviewing take varying forms. One or a group of the methods

could be utilized to effectively solicit information from informants.
Informal interviewing: information solicited through listening,
observing and participating in a cultural activity that has never
been recorded.


Structure interviewing and questionnaires: standardized

questions are carefully ordered and worded in a detailed interview
schedule. Each research subject is asked exactly the same
question, in exactly the same order, as other subjects. Questions
can be open-ended or closed-ended.
Semi structured interviewing: An interview guide or scheduled is
developed around a list of topics without fixed wording or fixed
ordering of questions. E.g. Cultural Mapping research
Unstructured interviewing: no interview schedule is used, nor
any questions prepared. Data collected rely on the social
interaction between interviewer and informant to elicit information.
Unstructured interviewing takes on the appearance of a normal
everyday conversation. E.g. story-telling.
Group interviewing: interviewer gathers together a group of
informants in order to engage them in conversation for the purpose
of research. This is carried out using focused, semi-structured, or
in-depth interviewing.
Life Histories: interview process in which the researcher solicits
the history of an individuals life given by the person living it, i.e.
told in their own words.


Things to consider whilst undertaking an interview:

Probing: (questions) used to elicit information more fully
than the original questions. Basically, probing is the followup questions used to elicit information of greater detail than
that drawn from the primary question.
*Emphasis on flexibility: always asking questions.
Non-answering: Informants may at some point decide not
to answer a question. What should the researcher do?
If the researcher assesses that asking such questions is not
overstepping the bounds of privacy then he/she tries to:
Restate the question.
Rephrase it.
Or if that fails, delicately ask the informant why they did
not answer.


If the answer is secret/sacred information, reiterate to

the informant that information provided will be
safeguarded and not disseminated without the consent
of owners/custodians.
Cross-checking: emphasis on cross-checking of information
provided so that account given by the informant is genuine
and honest. How?
Ask the informant to reintroduce the story again, and
look for inconsistency, with the original version; OR
Directly confront the informant with evidence of the
problem, but in a gentle manner. E.g. Im a little confused.
Perhaps you can clear this up for me [state
problem].This does not seem to fit with what you told me


Things to consider when ending:

Closing the interview: How do you go about this?

First there are factors that you must take into consideration:
You may wish to re-interview the informant at a later date.
Interviewing creates a relationship between the participants and that
such relationships create expectations. This may commit the researcher
to earlier promises such as contacting the informant when the book is
Show respect to informants, their generosity and for sharing their stories
with you.

There are verbal and non-verbal cues which an interviewer can


Explaining the reason for closing.

Well, all that weve discussed should give me plenty of food for
Well I have no more questions just now.

Clearing House Questions.

e.g. Is there anything else we should discuss before I leave?
I think that we have covered everything that is
necessary. Can you think of anything that Ive missed?


Summarizing the interview.

e.g. So we agree that today we talked about and that we
should continue next week by thinking about..?
Making personal enquiries and comments.
e.g. How is your son going with his final exams?
Do you think that Fiji will win the Hong Kong Sevens,
without William Ryder?
Expressing thanks and satisfaction.
e.g. Thank you for the time and effort you put in.
Ive really enjoyed our discussion and I appreciate the
fact that you agreed to participate in the study.

Non-verbal strategies.
These vary and may include the following:
Looking at your watch or clock in the room.
Straightening your chair as if youre ready to move out of
Putting the cap on your pen and closing your notebook.

Shaking hands.
And many more.
Role Play the different interview methods including non-answering and closing!

13.2 Participant Observation.

The second approach entails discovering and describing what people know
and how they use their knowledge to organize their behavior.
Participant observation is simply taking part in community life as we study it.

With participant observation, researchers:

Pay attention to the details of daily life, seasonal events, and unusual happenings.
Observe individual and collective behavior in varied settings.
Establish a good, friendly, working relationship with the informant.
Record what they see in personal diaries or as separate field notes.


Take part in many of the events and processes observed and trying to comprehend.
Maintain navet (innocence). Do not be judgmental, be inexperienced.
Maintain objectivity remain neutral at all times.

It is best to start the observation aspect of your research with the task of
making a map of the village. Visit village boundaries and draw dwellings,
trees, historical sites. The map would be useful as it will give a clearer
picture of village set up. Assistance could be sought from villagers
******* Drawings of ceremonial undertakings. These include sitting positions of
different clans during the veiqaravi vakavanua and many others.

Participants to undertake mapping exercise. Divided into groups, they are to visit
three of four designated places and draw maps of the site; interview people within
the vicinity. It is important for participants to explore the unexplored. Groups to visit
the following:
Dolphins FNPF Plaza (ground floor)
Suva Centra (ground and first floor)
Downtown Boulevard(ground floor)

14.0 Tape recording/Photographs, and note-taking.

Tape recording and note-taking are two of the most commonly used methods of
documenting data collected from informants. Often they are used in combination.
****you can take notes during interview BUT if you think this is disruptive, rely on
your memory to reconstruct the conversation SOON after the interview. OR you
can transcribe the conversation after the interview.

14.1 Tape recording.

It is a means of obtaining full and accurate record of an interview. Very
important things to consider:
Before interviews:
Use a small machine that looks less intimidating to the
Check that equipment and batteries are in good working
Use long playing tapes so that the conversation is not
regularly interrupted because you have to change the tape.
Low quality tapes should not be purchased as this can be
easily damaged due to frequent usage (rewind & forward).
INFORM THE INFORMANT that you will be tape or video
recording the conversation [for more than often the
informant feels vulnerable].

During Interviews:
Place the tape recorder in the best position
possible to catch both the voices of the
interviewer and informant.
Do not constantly check the tape recorder; it is
distracting to the informant.
Listen analytically.
Stop conversation when changing tape sides.
Ask informant to briefly reiterate what he/she
last said when recording begins on next side.

After interview:
Clearly label tapes with the
informants identification,
topic, date of interview,
and interviewer.

14.2 Taking photographs.

Typically, anthropologists take photographs and video as an aid to illustrating
their ethnographic accounts of a peoples culture. Photography is important,
since photograph of places, things, and events can be shown to informants
for their comments and as memory for a significant person, event, heritage
items &s.
For the cultural mapping project, pictures are very important as they assist in the
crucial stage of creating an image of a concept e.g. an image of a botebotekoro with
the medicinal remedy for fever. Due to varying dialects that exist in Fiji, names of
places, plants &s also vary; hence, it is worthwhile to record the dialectic variation of
botebotekoro in various places and its image.

However, upon taking pictures, it is important to:

Check camera that it is in
excellent/ working condition.
Take pictures at a close range.
Store in proper casing
especially when traveling.
NOTE in appropriate form the
ratio of shots taken, number of
camera, topic of research,

14.3 Note-taking.
Note taking is useful when conducting participant observation, interviews and
other fieldwork approaches.

It is very important to develop your own shorthand.

Although, you may be equipped with a tape-recorder, it is a useful
practice to make commentaries or interview notes of your sessions
with informants. This is because note-taking enables the researcher to


record body language in relation to speech patterns. Relative to

probing questions, the researcher may understand more what he/she
has written about the on-going interview, hence; ask followup
questions on the spot to the informant.

Some researchers tend to rely on memory and not do note-taking

during interview, thus, it is recommended that you do the following:
Concentrate your attention on key words and ideas, and follow these as they
develop in conversations.
It is important to write your field notes soon after you have finished the
interview i.e. it should be written on the same day.

Guideline for writing fieldnotes:

Write down any idea that enters you mind. These can be lost if you do not
write them down immediately.
Set aside time for writing the fieldnotes. It should be written no later than the
day after the interview. The objective is to minimize the period between data
collection and data storing, and to reflect on the data before commencing the
next interview.
Fieldnotes must have periodic entries and include information that you might
find of interest at some later stage.
Make duplicate copies of your fieldnotes and store these in separate places in
the event of a fire of theft.

Fieldnote files:
Although there is no general rule for what sort of information should
be included in your fieldnotes, they should try and address the
WHO denotes identifying all your informants and their relationship to others.
WHAT describe the activities or conversation seen or heard.
WHEN noting the time with special attention to recording the actual
sequence of events.
WHERE describe the location of the activity.
HOW a description of whatever logistics were used to collect the data and
an analysis of how ideas and patterns in the data have emerged.


15.0 Listening Analytically.

As can be seen from previous topics, the interviewer is not simply to record and
process responses but to participate in a conversation with the informant.
Participation means more than listening, nodding and note-taking. It means
answering, commenting and attending to conversation sensitively.
LISTENING, therefore, is important. Researchers regard it as an art whilst others
regard it as a strategy for maintaining the flow of communication. Both are
applicable, as long as it stimulates further interaction.
For you personally is listening an art?
Researchers often develop their listening skills. This is done through the
development of sub-skills of listening which can improve their listening skills.
Identify some?
Adjust to the informant,
Identify the informants attitudes,
Perceive and recognize differences between similarly worded statements,
Resist being overly influenced by emotion-laden words and/or arguments,
Take note of the sequence of ideas, comments and details,
Try to avoid the effects of projecting ones own perception on informants statements;
Try to reflect on and analyze ones own listening,
Capture the main ideas put forward by the informant,
Recognize supporting ideas put forward by the informant,
Learn to listen in undesirable or bad conditions,
Learn to check the accuracy of new information,
Learn to retain all relevant information,
Be alert to contradictory statements made by the informant.

Can you identify others?

With the above, some may still regard themselves as bad listeners, try and pursue
one of the following:
Critical inner dialogue speaking to oneself critically during the interview
process. What the researcher might think is as follows: what is this informant saying
that I can use? Is this interesting in relation to my research problem? What are the central
ideas this person is putting forward in this account? Have I fully understood what this person
is saying? Maybe, maybe not. I had better use a probe. Oh, yes I did understand. Now I can
go on with the follow-up question.


Concentrate on the preparation aspect of listening if you are fully

prepared and informed as you can make yourself on a topic, issue or person then you
may be more capable of hearing and appreciating the implications of the comments
and statements made by the informants. This process can be carried out by reading
and immersing yourself in the social setting.


Discussion on Cultural Mapping Pilot Tests 2004.
16.0 Discussion on:
Brochure [Refer to Appendix 5]
Informed consent forms. [Refer to appendix 6a & 6b]
Questionnaires prepared for the 2004/2005 Cultural Mapping Project.
[Refer to Appendix 7a, 7b, 7c, 7d, 7e].
Final Activity [Refer to Appendix 8]

To assist in setting necessary guidelines for fieldwork to be undertaken for the current
cultural mapping project and other future initiatives, participants are to be divided into
three groups and work on the following:

GROUP 1: Develop activities and necessary

protocols/ethics/code of conduct

researchers must adhere to during preparation phase of fieldwork.

GROUP 2: Develop activities and necessary protocols/ethics/code of conduct

researchers must adhere to during data collection phase of fieldwork.

GROUP 3: Develop activities and necessary protocols/ethics/code of conduct

researchers must adhere to during analysis phase of fieldwork.



Appendices List


Appendix 1: Institute of Fijian Language Staff Structure (as at March 2005)

Appendix 2: Individual Work Plan (submitted monthly)
Appendix 3: Work Plan Assessment schedule
Appendix 4: Scavenger Exercise Sample
Appendix 5: Legislation brochure
Appendix 6a: Informed Consent Form for Turaga ni Yavusa
Appendix 6b: Informed Consent Form for informants (clan/tribe members)
Appendix 7a: Questionnaire for Research [Pink copy]
Appendix 7b: Questionnaire for Research [Blue Copy]
Appendix 7c: Questionnaire for Research [Green Copy]
Appendix 7d: Questionnaire for Research [Yellow copy]
Appendix 7e: Questionnaire for Research [white copy]
Appendix 8: Final Activity Sheet.


Appendix 1: Institute of Fijian Language staff structure (as at March 2005)

Organization Chart

(*) those marked with an asterix are currently regarded as project or temporary appointments.


Appendix 2: Individual monthly work plan for IFLC staff.


Tikinisiga: 02/05/05 31/05/05


























Appendix 3: Assessment Schedule for Monthly Workplan.

(Me vakaleweni ni cava na vula)

Vula _____________


(Vola na cakacaka o vakalewena ena nomu ituvatuva ni cakacaka vakavula, na kena pasede o nanuma ni rawati kei na
kena ivakamacala)





Tepi kei na itukutuku e vakacurumi

iWiliwili ni tepi: ___________________

iWiliwili ni itukutuku: ____________________

iWiliwili ni itukutuku au editaka: ______________________

Cakacaka tale eso a qaravi



Appendix 4: Scavenger Exercise Sample.

10Research involves asking questions and collecting information.

Find someone with a middle name starting with S

Find someone who was born other than Suva
Find someone who has lived in another country
Find someone wearing something green
Find out someones favourite subject in secondary school
Find someone who was born in the same year as someone in your family
Find someone who lives in the same street number as your home address
Find out if anyone lives in the same suburb as you
Find out how many people have surnames with the same starting letters as yours
Find how many people have grandchildren
Collect a bus ticket
Collect a lolly wrapper
A receipt
Photo of a loved one
Something with a signature
Something metallic
Something made of plastic
Something you can use as an ID
Something you can trade
Something valuable

How successful were you in completing this task?
What was a) easy b) challenging?
What would you do differently next time?
What are the lessons for data collection, questioning and/access?


Appendix 5: Brochure.
E vutuni yau o Viti ena kilaka ni itaukei kei na
veika e matanataka. Qo na vuna e tokona sara
vakalevu kina na matanitu, vakauasivi na
Tabacakacaka iTaukei, na kena sasagataki me
maroroi vakalawa na noda itovo kei na ivakarau
vakavanua na itaukei.


LAWA OQO? E se lailai sara na ka e bau caka
e vuravura me taqomaki kina na kilaka itaukei
kei na kena matanataki, me vaka ni nodra iyau
na itaukei ni vanua. E kauaitaki vakalevu ni rawa
ni vakayalia na iyau talei qo na totolo ni bula
veicurumaki e vuravura [globalization] kei na
sala rawarawa eso ni kilai ni itukutuku
[information technology]. Sa dodonu gona kina
me buli na lawa oqo e Viti me taqomaka na veika
vakamareqeti e tu vei keda na itaukei.
Na noda veiqaravi
vakavanua e keda

nodra iyau vakavanua.

Na usutu ni lawa oqo na kena rokovi ka
taqomaki na noda itovo, ivakarau kei na
iyau vakavanua.


Na lawa qo e vauca e rua na ka, na kilaka ni
itaukei (KI) kei na kena matanataki
(MT). Na kilaka ni itaukei (KI) e okati kina
na kilak buli se v kawa ka vakauqeta na
rawa iyau (ilavo), bula vakayalo, ivakarau
veivakamarautaki; na kilaka e vakadewataki
mai na dua na itabatamataki ina dua tale; era
taukena e dua na uma tamata itaukei
(vakavuvale, vakayavusa, vakavanua); e
maroroi ka taukeni vakailawalawa, sega ni
yadua. Na kena matanataki e vauca na
sala e vakayagataki se vakaraitaki kina na
kilaka itaukei. Qo e wili kina na yaca, itukuni,
italanoa, vucu, serekali, itukutuku makawa,
sere ni vakayatuyatu; na cakacaka ni liga me
vak na ceuceu, tulituli, talitali, culacula;
iyaya ni vakatagi, droini, iukuuku, isasauni,
vakavanua; na veimataqali droini se cakacaka
ni dua na ka e kilai kina e dua na vanua;
iwalewale ni kena caka e dua na ka me vak
na vale, waqa &s.


Na inaki ni lawa oqo me:
Taqomaka na nodra dodonu na itaukei ina veika
era taukena ena kilaka itaukei kei na kena
Vakadeitaka vakalawa na kena vakayagataki na
veika vakavanua, vakabibi na kena bisinisitaki se
volitaki; solia taumada na itaukei na nodra
veivakadonui; kei na kena wasei vakatautauvata
vei ira na itaukei na revurevu vinaka ni kena
vakayagataki na

Na meke vakaviti e matanataka

na noda kil vakaitaukei.


Na lawa qo e taqomaki keda na itaukei, na noda itovo, kei na noda iyau vakavanua, vakabibi na gauna oqo ni levu na
veisau sa yaco mai ina noda vanua.
itavi na Tabacakacaka iTaukei, iTovo & iYau Vakamareqeti me na cakacakataka ka vakavotukanataka na lawa oqo me
vaka e veilesi kina na Peresitedi ni noda vanua vua na Minista ni Veika Vakaitaukei, iTovo & iYau Vakamareqeti, ka
iliuliu tale ga ni noda matanitu.


ITAVI E QARAVA NA TABACAKACAKA ITAUKEI. E okati ena kena cakacakataki na lawa oqo oya na kena
vakasokumuni na itukutuku vakamareqeti me baleti keda na itaukei me rawa ni kilai tale ga kina na kena itaukei (O cei e

Appendix 6a: Informed Consent Form for Yavusa Head.


Appendix 6b: Informed Consent Form for informant.


Appendix 7a:
Questionnaire for Field Officers to utilize whilst undertaking field research [Pink


Appendix 7b:
Questionnaire for Field Officers to utilize whilst undertaking field research [Blue


Appendix 7c:
Questionnaire for Field Officers to utilize whilst undertaking field research [Green


Appendix 7d:
Questionnaire for Field Officers to utilize whilst undertaking field research [Yellow


Appendix 7e:
Questionnaire for Field Officers to utilize whilst undertaking field research [White


Appendix 8: Final Activity Sheet


Participants are to be divided into three groups to actively involve themselves in the

ing up of a guideline for the Institute of Fijian
following exercise which will aid the sett
Language & Culture for future research/fieldwork.



Ethics (Code of conduct)


Eg.Tikina research exercise.

Initial visit and awareness for research in a

tikina must be made at the head village of a

Data Collection

Eg. Approaching villages.

Wear respectable clothes (sulu & jamba =

ladies/ sulu and shirt = gentlemen)


Eg. Data collected

Researcher to maintain confidentiality of

gathered data and must not disseminate to the
general public without approval by the Director


(things to prepare)


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