JIHI LDN 0437 L XXXX Delays Lack of Progress

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Jacobs International Holdings, Inc.

Khalifa Park Building, 6th Floor, Abu Dhabi

P.O Box 3135, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel.: +971.2.408.8400 Fax +971 2 447 1262
Email: [email protected]

16th January 2017
Abu Dhabi Site Office
Abu Dhabi

Mr Peter Wilcox


The Expansion of the Abu Dhabi International Airport Support Facilities

PMW.03.11.0438 Program Wide Construction Management Agency TO#02
AUH.06.11.0437 Midfield Airside Road Tunnel Phase 2
Delays - Lack of Progress

Dear Mr Wilcox
We refer to letter reference numbers JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2002 dated 10 th October 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L2018 dated 17th October 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2021 dated 20 th October 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2026
dated 23rd October 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2033 dated 26 th October 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2037 dated
1st November 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2037 dated 8 th November 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2059 dated 16 th
November 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2076 dated 28th November 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2089 dated 6th
December 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2104 dated 18 th December 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2113 dated 22 nd
December 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2117 dated 27 th December 2016, JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2127 dated 4th
January 2017 and JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2130 dated 9 th January 2017 regarding the Engineers concerns at
the lack of progress currently onsite for the MART2 Works.
The information provided in the Contractors Weekly Progress Reports indicates that you have made
17.41 % MEP Electrical progress, 13.5% MEP Mechanical progress and 40.03% tunnel painting (1 st coat)
over the last thirteen weeks (refer to table included in letter reference JIHI-LDN-0437-L-2021). This lack of
progress is of particular concern.
The table below highlights where the Contractor is behind schedule as per the approved re-sequenced
programme. LDNs latest programme update indicates a forecast completion is 4 th May 2017. These
delays, if not mitigated, will mean failure to achieve the agreed Project Completion date of 31 st March
% Planned (w/e 13th Jan 17)

% Actual (w/e 136th Jan 17)

Tunnel Painting (1st Coat)



MEP - Electrical



MEP - Mechanical




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Jacobs International Holdings Inc. is a subsidiary of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.

Jacobs International Holdings, Inc.

Khalifa Park Building, 6th Floor, Abu Dhabi
P.O Box 3135, Abu Dhabi, UAE
Tel.: +971.2.408.8400 Fax +971 2 447 1262
Email: [email protected]

16th January 2017

You are reminded of your contractual obligation outlined in Clause 16.2 of the Second Amended and
Restated Conditions of Contract to complete the Works within the Time for Completion. Failure to
complete the Works within the respective Times for Completion for Section 6 may result in Delay
Damages of AED 250,000 per day or part thereof, in accordance with Clause 16.6 of the Second
Amended and Restated Conditions of Contract which the Employer reserves the right to apply.
You are instructed to submit mitigation plan by COB 17 th January 2017. Failure to provide this will result in
the Engineer recommending a hold on future payments.
Yours sincerely

Steven Schlundt
Senior Project Manager


Hala Al Ameri
Head Office

- Jacobs

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Jacobs International Holdings Inc. is a subsidiary of Jacobs Engineering Group Inc.

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