Friendship Lesson Plan 1

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Friendship Lesson Plan

EDPB 505
Cohort 2
Taylor Heywood

November 8,

Allowed time

50 minutes

1. Rational:
(Why is this lesson relevant now?)
- Having and making friends is important to young children, starting
grade school.
- It is important for children at very young ages, to learn how to be a
good friend.
- Entering grade 1 / 2, students may be new to the school and class,
students should learn how to treat each other with respect and
- Students are learning why relationships are important outside their
family and want peers to connect with.
- Friends help improve a childs overall attitude, they can play,
imagine, create and explore together.
- It is another person to talk to, when a child is feeling scared, angry
or hurt and friendships might help deal with negative situations.
- In class right now the 1 / 2 students are learning about friendships
and what they entail.
- The book Friendship is like a Seesaw by. Shona Innes and Irisz
Agocs is a great book, that teaches children about friendship.
Children should know how to be friends with one another, being a
friend means to like one another and enjoy their company, not
bullying. The book discusses ideas about how friendships work, why
they dont work and ways to stay friends with someone for a long
time. It lets kids know that a friendship is a two-way streak and
needs commitment from both individuals, in order for it to prosper.
One great aspect of this book is that it allows students to visualize
themselves within it, with their friends. By reading the story and
looking at the pictures, they can relate back to how they interact
with friends. Young children and students can learn the rules of
being a good friend and learn what not to do, by reading the book.
Children should develop good friendships as soon as they can, it
helps them enjoy school, engage in extracurricular activities and
overall have a fun childhood. In order to further their reading skills,
a variety of pre-reading, reading and post reading activities will take
place. A reflection /drawing / writing activity will take place, to help
students express how they see friendship.

2. IRP Outcomes:
- Read fluently at grade level.
- Uses sources and prior knowledge to make meaning.
- Use reading, listening and viewing strategies to make meaning.
- Actively engage as listeners, readers and viewers to develop ideas
of self, identity and community.
- Recognize the use of story in personal, family and community
- Recognize the structure and elements of story.
- Identify awareness of how First Peoples culture connect, people,
family and community.
- Identify, organise and present ideas in a variety of forms.
- Explore oral storytelling process.
- Create stories and text that explore and deepen awareness of self,
family and community.
- Communicate using sentences, and most conventions of Canadian
spelling, grammar and punctuation.
- By understanding the book, students will learn even more ideas
about what it takes to be a good friend.
- Hopefully students enjoy the book and the activity.
3. Assessment:
Lesson outcome:
Sources of evidence:
What will the students
What product or action What will I look for in
will show what students this evidence?
-I will show my
-Book Friendship is like - Understanding of the
understanding of
a seesaw.
book and activity
design elements line,
- Activity where
text, shape and colour.
students will draw /
- Participation in the
-I will demonstrate my
write, what they
understanding of
believe are the
- Students will write /
notation, by
characteristics and
draw what they believe
representing sounds,
qualities of a friend.
a true friend is and
ideas and movements.
- I will provide the
share it with the class.
-I will use symbolism to paper worksheets for
- Completion.
express specific
the students to write /
-Ability to define in
draw their ideas on.
their own words, what
- I will demonstrate my - I will ask students if
friendship is.
personal and collective they wish, to share
- Talk about their
their drawings or ideas friends and activities
associated with
with the class.
they do together.
creating, experiencing
and sharing in a safe
learning environment.
4. Resources:
- Book Friendship is like a Seesaw By Shona Innes and Irisz Agocs.

- Paper worksheet, crayons, pencil crayons or markers,

5. Lesson Development
- I do: Ask the students to please sit at their desks and
to think of a friend who they like to spend time with.
- They do: Think of one friend they like to hang out
with, write down their name.

I do: Introduce the book Friendship is like a Seesaw
and read it to the class.
They do: Listen and enjoy the story
I do: Once the book is done, hand out worksheets
Wanted-A True Friend, and explain the directions
They do: Listen to directions and then engage in the
I do: Ask everyone to finish up their activity.
I do: Ask if anyone wants to share what they wrote /
They do: share their drawings / write up of WantedA True Friend.
I do: Introduce a math problem based around
A friend and you are saving up to buy a toy
together, the toy costs $10. You have $5 and they
have $7, how much money do you have in all and
can you buy the toy?
They do: Work individually on trying to solve this
question. Once done dont share it until the next day.
I do: Hand out folders, for ELA.
They do: Put the Wanted- A true friend poster with
the math question on it, away.
I do: Wrap up the activity, ask if they had fun and
what they learned, and what answer they came up
with for the problem.

2 minutes
5 minutes
2 minutes
10 minutes
3 minutes
3 minutes

2 minutes
4 minutes
6 minutes.
2 minutes.
5 minutes.
7 minutes.

- Have the students share one thing they like to do
with their friends.
6. Accommodations:
- Students can either write / draw their ideas or both.
- If students do not wish to speak, they can simply show their
drawings to the class.

If students are having trouble understanding the book, I will bring

over ideas and explain them.

7. What other subjects does this lesson tie in with?

- This lesson will tie in with Math, Art, Applied Design Skills, and
- Choose tools and materials.
- Choose and idea to pursue.
- Generate ideas from experiences and interest.
- Make a produce using known procedures or through modeling of
- Decide how and with whom to share their product with.
- Demonstrate their product, tell the story of designing and making
their product and explain how their product contributes too
individual, family, community or environment.
- Reflect on their ability to work in groups or individually.
- Use materials, tools and technologies in a safe manner in physical
- Create artistic works collaboratively and individually, using ideas
inspired by imagination, inquiry, experimentation and purposeful
- Explore artistic expressions of themselves and community through
creative processes.
- Observe and share how artist, dancers, actors, musicians and visual
artist use processes, materials, movements, technologies, tools and
- Reflect on creative processes and make connections to other
- Interpret symbols and how they are used to express meaning
through the arts.
- Express feelings, ideas, stories, observations and experiences
through the arts.
- Experience, document and share creative works in a variety of
- Use reasoning to explore and make connections.
- Develop, demonstrate and apply mathematical understanding
through play, inquiry and problem solving.
- Visualise to explore mathematical concepts.
- Communicate math thinking in several ways.
- Explain and justify math ideas and reasoning in a few ways.
- Connect math to each other and other ideas of personal interest.

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