Automatic Link Establishment
Automatic Link Establishment
Automatic Link Establishment
tively, digital data can be exchanged via a built-in or external modem (such as a STANAG 5066 or MIL-STD188-110B serial tone modem) depending on needs and
availability. The ALE built-in text messaging facility can
be used to transfer short text messages as an orderwire
to allow operators to coordinate external equipment such
as phone patches or non-embedded digital links, or for
short tactical messages.[2][3]
2 Operator skill
To reach a specic station, the caller enters the ALE Address. On many ALE radios this is similar to dialing a
phone number. The ALE controller selects the best available idle channel for that destination address. After conrming the channel is indeed idle, it then sends a brief
selective calling signal identifying the intended recipient.
When the distant scanning station detects ALE activity, it
stops scanning and stays on that channel until it can conrm whether or not the call is for it. The two stations
ALE controllers automatically handshake to conrm that
a link of sucient quality has been established, then no- 3 Common applications
tify the operators that the link is up. If the callee fails
to respond or the handshaking fails, the originating ALE An ALE radio system enables connection for voice connode usually selects another frequency either at random versation, alerting, data exchange, texting, instant mesor by making a guess of varying sophistication.
saging, email, le transfer, image, geo-position tracking,
Upon successful linking, the receiving station generally or telemetry. With a radio operator initiating a call, the
emits an audible alarm and shows a visual alert to the process normally takes a few minutes for the ALE to
operator, thus indicating the incoming call. It also indi- pick an HF frequency that is optimum for both sides of
cates the callsign or other identifying information of the the communication link. It signals the operators audilinked station, similar to Caller ID. The operator then un- bly and visually on both ends, so they can begin commutes the radio and answers the call then can talk in a municating with each other immediately. In this respect,
regular conversation or negotiates a data link using voice the longstanding need in HF radio for repetitive calling
or the ALE built-in short text message format. Alterna- on pre-determined time schedules or tedious monitor1
ing static is eliminated. It is useful as a tool for nding optimum channels to communicate between stations
in real-time. In modern HF communications, ALE has
largely replaced HF prediction charts, propagation beacons, chirp sounders, propagation prediction software,
and traditional radio operator educated guesswork. ALE
is most commonly used for hooking up operators for
voice contacts on SSB (single sideband modulation), HF
internet connectivity for email, SMS phone texting or text
messaging, real-time chat via HF text, Geo Position Reporting, and le transfer. High Frequency Internet Protocol or HFIP may be used with ALE for internet access
via HF.
nizations prompted many non-government organizations
(NGOs) to at least partially adopt ALE standards for
communication. As non-military experience spread and
prices came down, other civilian entities started using 2G
ALE. By the year 2000, there were enough civilian and
government organizations worldwide using ALE that it
became a de facto HF interoperability standard for situations where a priori channel and address coordination is
In the late 1990s, a third generation 3G ALE with signicantly improved capability and performance was included
in MIL-STD-188-141B,[5] retaining backward compatibility with 2G ALE, and was adopted in NATO STANAG
4538. Civilian and non-government adoption rates are
much lower than 2G ALE due to the extreme cost as compared to surplus or entry-level 2G gear as well as the signicantly increased system and planning complexity necessary to realize the benets inherent in the 3G specication. For many militaries, whose needs for maximized
intra-organizational capability and capacity always strain
existing systems, the additional cost and complexity of 6.1
3G is far more compelling.
2G technical characteristics
ALE enables rapid unscheduled communication and message passing without requiring complex message centers,
multiple radios and antennas, or highly trained operators. With the removal of these potential sources of failure, the tactical communication process becomes much
more robust and reliable. The eects extend beyond mere
Force multiplication of existing communications methods; units such as helicopters, when outtted with ALE
radios, can now reliably communicate in situations where
the crew are too busy to operate a traditional non-line of
sight radio.[8] This ability to enable tactical communica2G ALE Signal
tion in conditions where dedicated trained operators and
hardware are inappropriate is often considered to be the
The more common 2G ALE signal waveform is designed
true improvement oered by ALE.
to be compatible with standard 3 kHz SSB narrowband
ALE is a critical path toward increased interoperability voice channel transceivers. The modulation method is
between organizations. By enabling a station to partic- 8ary Frequency Shift Keying or 8FSK, also sometimes
ipate nearly simultaneously in many dierent HF net- called Multi Frequency Shift Keying MFSK, with eight
works, ALE allows for convenient cross-organization orthogonal tones between 750 and 2500 Hz.[5] Each tone
message passing and monitoring without requiring ded- is 8 ms long, resulting in a transmitted over-the-air symicated separate equipment and operators for each part- bol rate of 125 baud or 125 symbols per second, with a
ner organization. This dramatically reduces stang and raw data rate of 375 bits per second. The ALE data is forequipment considerations, while enabling small mobile or matted in 24-bit frames, which consist of a 3 bit preamble
portable stations to participate in multiple networks and followed by three ASCII characters, each seven bits long.
subnetworks. The result is increased resilience, decreased The received signal is usually decoded using digital sigfragility, increased ability to communicate information nal processing techniques that are capable of recovering
eectively, and the ability to rapidly add to or replace the 8FSK signal at a negative decibel signal to noise ratio
communication points as the situation demands.
(i.e., the signal may be recovered even when it is below
When combined with Near Vertical Incidence Skywave the noise level). The over-the-air layers of the protocol
(NVIS) techniques and sucient channels spread across involve the use of forward error correction, redundancy,
the spectrum, an ALE node can provide greater than and handshaking transponding similar to those used in
95% success linking on the rst call, nearly on par with ARQ techniques.[9]
3G technical characteristics
tions Conferences (GAREC) and IARU Global Simu- tains 2G ALE compatibility while employing some of
lated Emergency Tests have included ALE.[14]
the adaptive channel management features of 3G ALE,
but without the accurate GPS time synchronization of 3G
International amateur radio ALE High Frequency channels are frequency coordinated with all Regions of
the International Amateur Radio Union(IARU entity of
ITU),[11] for international, regional, national, and local
use in the Amateur Radio Service. All Amateur Radio
ALE channels use USB Upper Sideband standard. Different rules, regulations, and bandplans of the region and
local country of operation apply to use of various channels. Some channels may not be available in every country. Primary or global channels are in common with most
Amateur radio interoperability adap- countries and regions.[15]
Amateur radio operators commonly provide local, regional, national, and international emergency / disaster
relief communications.[14] The need for interoperability
on HF led to the adoption of Automatic Link Establishment ALE open networks by hams. Amateur radio
adapted 2G ALE techniques, by utilizing the common denominators of the 2G ALE protocol, with a limited subset of features found in the majority of all ALE radios
and controllers. Each amateur radio ALE station uses
the operators call sign as the address, also known as the
ALE Address, in the ALE radio controller.[2] The lowest
common denominator technique enables any manufacturers ALE radios or software to be utilized for HF interoperability communications and networking. Known as
Ham-Friendly ALE, the amateur radio ALE standard is
used to establish radio communications, through a combination of active ALE on internationally recognized automatic data frequencies, and passive ALE scanning on
voice channels. In this technique, active ALE frequencies
include pseudorandom periodic polite station identication, while passive ALE frequencies are silently scanned
for selective calling. ALE systems include Listen Before
Transmit as a standard function, and in most cases this
feature provides better busy channel detection of voice
and data signals than the human ear. Ham-Friendly ALE
technique is also known as 2.5G ALE, because it main-
9 See also
Multiple frequency-shift keying
Selective calling
Amateur radio
Amateur radio emergency communications
10 References
[1] Telecom Bureau, ITU-D/SG (2000-12-14). Frequency
Agile Systems in the MF/HF Bands (doc). International
Telecommunications Union.
[2] Crystal, B. (2008-03-31). ARRL We Do That: What Is
ALE?". ARRL, National Association for Amateur Radio.
[3] Menold, Ronald E., AD4TB (February 1995). ALE-The Coming of Automatic Link Establishment (PDF).
ARRL, QST Volume 79, Number 2.
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