Dessert Rose Adenium Obesum
Dessert Rose Adenium Obesum
Dessert Rose Adenium Obesum
Adenium obesum
Family: Apocynaceae
Desert Rose
Synonyms (discarded names): A. arabicum;
A. coetaneum; A. honghel; Nerium obesum
Origin: East Africa; Northeast Africa; Arabian
U.S.D.A. Zone: 10a-12 (33F minimum)
Plant Type: Succulent shrub or small tree
Growth Rate: Slow
Light Requirements: High
Flower Color: Pink; red; pink & white; red &
Flowering Months: FebruaryNovember; best
in Spring and Fall
Leaf Persistence: Semi-Deciduous
Salt Tolerance: Medium
Drought Tolerance: High
Soil Requirements: Wide
Nutritional Requirements: Medium
Pests: Occasional insects, mites, leaf spots
Typical Dimensions: 4 x 3 feet
Propagation: Cuttings; grafts; seeds
Properties: Extremely distasteful
Uses: Specimen plant; patio; flowering container
plant; rock gardens, pool side
Geographic Distribution
Desert rose is native to the Arabian Peninsula that
includes Yemen, Saudi Arabia and Oman. Its
native range extends into northeastern and eastern
Africa. The plant has become naturalized in Sri
Desert rose is in the same family of plant as the
Allamanda, oleander, plumeria, and periwinkle.
There are five species of Adenium recognized by
the USDA Germplasm Resources Information
Network. All botanical species are native to semi
and arid climates. Some of these species are reputed to have toxic properties; they were used to
poison fish and on arrow-heads. Most plants of A. obesum in cultivation are hybrids, yet only a few cultivar names have a valid description. Numerous double and triple flower cultivars are being introduced
into the United Sates from Taiwan and Thailand. All parts of A. obesum contains copious watery sap.
This plant is approximately 35 years old and measures 6 feet high and 10 feet wide, Fort Myers, early April
Line of dehiscence
Spirally-arranged leaves
New plants can be started from cuttings or seeds and grafting can enhance others. Cuttings should be
taken from the tip of the plant preferably 6 inches or longer. Start new cuttings by allowing them to
callus over then dipping them in a fungicide before placing them in pots.
Seeds are placed on the surface of the soil mixture for germination. The soil mixture is sprinkled till the
seeds are just covered. The seed tray is always kept in a cool dry place until the leaves have appeared.
After which, gradually acclimate the seedlings to full sun. Seedlings are also grown as the rootstock for
grafted plants.
Seed-grown plants are typically vigorous and can flower in as little as 12 months. Cutting and grafted
grown plants are equally vigorous and floriferous.
Avoid choosing a very deep pot as this might encourage an oblong (carrot-shaped) underground caudex.
The growth of root-bound container plants is generally curtailed, even if watered and fertilized generously, therefore they should be re-potted frequently until they attain their desired size. Keeping a plant
root-bound is one method of achieving a bonsai plant. After the first 3 years of the plants life, raise
the plant at each re-potting, exposing more and more of the underground caudex and roots.
Caudex Development
Although the bloom is impressive, the fat caudex bottom is often the main feature of the plant. Plants
propagated from cuttings, grafts or seeds produce underground caudex. However, only plants from seeds
naturally produce aboveground caudex, the formation of which becomes recognizable 2 to 3 years after
Plants grown from cuttings, whether in the ground or in a container, will not produce aboveground caudices unless they are manipulated to do so. This is done by removing the plant from its medium and
replanting it 1 to 2 inches above its depth, thus exposing that portion of the underground caudex. This
should be done about once a year but only in the warm months from March to October. Container plants
lifted can be replanted in the same container. Once lifted, the exposed caudex will continue to increase
in size as the plant grows in girth. Some roots attached to the caudex will eventually fuse with the caudex to give each its unique shape. Newly exposed caudices are susceptible to sunburn. Plants grown
from seeds can also be lifted in the same manner. Whether from cuttings or seeds, avoid the urge to
expose the underground caudex for the first 3 years of the new plants life.
The scions of selected cultivars are grafted onto seedlings. This will provide the plants with a naturally
occurring aboveground caudex without having to lift the plant.
Affect of Temperature: Where year-round temperature is sufficiently warm, desert rose will not
become dormant and deciduous and may be ever-blooming. Dormancy occurs when night time temperatures are between 39 and 46F or when day time temperatures are between 60 and 64F. Cover the plant
to protect it from the cold when the temperature is expected to fall below 35F. Temperatures this low
can cause tip dieback. Prune off cold damaged tissue as soon as it is evident. Cold damaged parts can rot
which can cause further problems by spreading into healthy tissue. If desired and feasible, relocate containerized plants indoors when temperatures drop into the 40s. If temperatures regularly fall below 35
F, the plant should be grown in a container for moving into a cold protected area. Partial defoliation may
also occur at other times in response to weather change.
Lichen patches may develop on the trunk and on older limbs. Lichen will not interfere with the growth
or health of the plant.
In-ground plant
Plant in container
Lichens commonly develop on the limbs and are present all year.
Barwick, Margaret. 2004. Tropical & Subtropical Trees: An Encyclopedia. Timber Press, Portland,
Broschat, Timothy and Alan W. Meerow. 2001. Betrocks Reference Guide to Florida Landscape Plants,
Betrock Information System, Inc., Davie, Florida
Dehgan, Bijan. 1998. Landscape Plants for Subtropical Climates. University Press of Florida,
Gainesville, Florida
Llamas Albrecht Kirsten. 2003. Tropical Flowering Plants: A Guide to Identification and Cultivation,
Timber Press, Portland, Oregon
Mathai, P.M. 2005. Growing a Specimen Adenium Plant. The Journal of the Indian Society of Cacti &
Succulents. Chaar Dishayen Printers. Noida, India
Mclaughlin, John and Joe Garofalo. 2002. The Desert Rose, Adenium obesium: Nursery Production.
Fact Sheet # 66. Miami-Dade Cooperative Extension, Homestead, Florida
Palgrav, Keith. 1977. Trees of Southern Africa. C. Struik Publishers, Cape Town, Johannesburg, South
This fact sheet was reviewed by John Lucas, Tradewinds Botanicals Nursery, Fort Myers. ; Peggy Cruz, Lee County Extension; Karen Headlee, Lee County Extension
The Institute of Food and Agricultural Sciences (IFAS) is an Equal Opportunity Institution authorized to provide research, educational information and other services only to individuals and institutions that function with non-discrimination with respect to race, religion, age, disability,
sex, sexual orientation, martial status, national origin, political opinions or affiliations. U.S. Department of Agriculture, Cooperative Extension
Service, University of Florida, IFAS, Florida A. & M. 4/2012.