The Great Energy at Eee Continues To Grow July 2016
The Great Energy at Eee Continues To Grow July 2016
The Great Energy at Eee Continues To Grow July 2016
Educacion Especial de San Miguel de Allende A.C.. Don't forget to add [email protected] to your
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Thank you Dr. Karen Kritzer and your energetic team for choosing EEE and San
Miguel de Allende for your first Study Abroad Program in Mexico!
During their visit they learned some Mexican Sign Language and became involved in
many classroom programs and activities; as well as after-school programs. This
great group immersed themselves in Mexican culture including a Mexican cooking
class, salsa dance lessons, and a visit to the local markets and pyramids. We know
that they had fun and made lots of new friends. We enjoyed having them and hope
they will return again soon!
ASL Class of Traverse City and Traverse City West High Schools Visit
Led by teacher Mary McKeon-Jacob, four enthusiastic students living and studying
American Sign Language in Traverse City Michigan, also visited in June. During the
time they spent at the school they got to know our students and we thank them for
participating in classroom activities and for the creation of two new murals painted
on the school's main gate. The EEE students particularly enjoyed sharing a social
event with foosball and games and had special fun with the painted hands and headbanz learning activities that you shared with them. You are the greatest!
representatives of government
agencies and interested
community members. The
students entertained with music
and dancing and proudly
showed many handcrafted
products that they created.
Thank you to all who helped to
make this event a huge success!
As always, we would love to hear from you or if you happen to be in San Miguel,
have you come visit the school to meet the students. teachers and staff. Feel free to
email us at [email protected]
In gratitude,
John Doherty
President, Board of Trustees