Reproductive System & Eight Laws
Reproductive System & Eight Laws
Reproductive System & Eight Laws
“And she shall bring forth a son, and thou shalt call his name JESUS: for he shall save his people from
their sins.” Matt.1.21
Godly Trust:
Whenever we encounter an alarming situation, whether it involves physical or mental stress, our body
goes through a series of events to prepare us to deal with the danger. Our resources are mobilized by a
signal from the hypothalamus, causing the pituitary gland to produce ACTH, a gland which stimulates
production of adrenaline and noradrenaline to speed nerve transmission and mobilize our resource.
The pituitary is the gland which produces the primary hormones for the control of the reproductive
organs. If we are under continual stress. Our pituitary gland will not be able to perform its work
optimally, resulting in the function of the reproductive organs being affected.
Open Air:
Adequate amounts of oxygen are needed for all cellular activity that of reproductive cells. Because of
the effect which a lack of oxygen has on all areas of the body, it can be understood that the
reproductive organs will also suffer if oxygen is in short supply.
Daily Exercise:
Most people, particularly women, do not get enough exercise. Lack of exercise is one of the primary
causes of problems such as dysmenorrhea. A study showed that 75% of a group of high school girls
were either cured of had definite improvement of menstrual discomfort with simple bending or
stretching exercises. The best exercise was thrusting the legs backward as the arms were swung high
over the head. These two exercises, performed 4-10 times daily, four times a week, for several weeks,
resulted in a 75% improvement. One hour of useful vigorous labor performed daily in the fresh air is
even more effective in curing dysmennorhea.
In a study done at Loma Linda, California, it was discovered that being overweight increased a man’s
risk of getting cancer. It is known that little physical exercise leads both to prostatic congestion and to
cancer of all areas. Acetylcholine (neurotransmitter) increases the production of prostatic secretions;
cholestinestase (enzyme) increases breakdown of acetylcholine; cholinesterase is increased in muscular
activity, therefore, vigorous and regular exercise should be beneficial in prostatic disease.
Light from the sun entering the eyes may result in improved function of the pituitary gland, the small
gland which secretes the main hormones that regulate the function of the reproductive system. Much
of the biological action of light is the result of the ultraviolet rays. Glass filters out a large amount of
this light, so it is important for out eyes to receive some unfiltered sunlight each day, without the
interference of windows or optical glasses.
Proper Rest:
Rest and regulation are essential for everyone, but for women suffering disorders of the reproductive
system. In the first few hours of sleep, the pituitary gland releases large amounts of growth hormone.
If we deprive ourselves of adequate sleep, we do not give the pituitary the opportunity of performing
its functions when it needs to. This work will have to be done at some other time, resulting in other
function of the pituitary gland, including of reproductive hormones, being carried out less efficiently.
Lots of Water: Our neurons are composed of 85% water. If this level drops to 70%, mental illness
can develop. In between these two levels, we have neuron activity, which may seen adequate, but is
actually well below optimal. Remembering that the thalamus, which controls pituitary activity,
depends on messages it receives via the nerves, and its messages are sent to the pituitary along the
nerves, we would do well to keep our nerve cells well hydrated.
Always Temperate:
Many of the substances that irritate the digestive tract also irritate the genito-urinary tract. Avoidance
of all irritating substances, such as spices, alcohol, aspirin and other drugs, hot pepper, vinegar and
overeating should be avoided. Adverse effects of prolonged administering of caffeine on rat fetuses
include the following: high rate miscarriage, physical deformities, swelling of the fetus, delay in
formation and hardening of the bones, retardation of blood cell formation, elevation of blood
cholesterol, hemorrhages beneath the skin, marked congestion of placental capillaries, causing labor
complications, reduced brain and liver weight. The avoidance of anything that will hinder circulation
is important in dealing with diseases of the reproductive system. In particular, processed fats should be
avoided and oil should be used sparingly as excess fat in the blood stream causes clumping of the red
blood cells, hindering the flow of blood through the meshwork of tiny capillaries supplying the
reproductive organs.
As well as avoiding all things harmful, we need to practice moderation in those things that are good:
this applies to sexual intercourse just as much as it does to other functions of the human body. “Since
it is known that castration leads to shrinkage and atrophy of the prostate, it would seem proper in
cancer of the prostate to refrain from sexual stimulation. Sexual abstinence and control of sensuous
thoughts should be practiced, conflicting medical counsel notwithstanding. It is unreasonable to
encourage sexual activity (in this case) , since the prostate must contract its fibromuscular stroma each
time there is sexual activity, or even sensuous thoughts. Temperance in this area is also very important
to the health of the female reproductive system. Wise counsel is given in Leviticus 15 regarding the
timing of sexual intercourse in relation to a women’s menstrual cycle. Disregard of this counsel may
be the reason behind many problems such as endometriosis and menstrual disorders.
The prostate gland contains more zinc than any other organ in the body. Zinc is found in high
concentration in sperm and seminal fluid. Excessive sexual practices can lead to a depletion of zinc
stores in males, with resulting prostatic disease. Neurological and mental disorders may also result, as
brain nerve cells require in order to function properly.
Disturbances of certain amino acids and the role of a low protein diet have not been adequately
investigated, but they may be a factor in the low incidence of prostatic problems among some Asiatic
and Bantu people, (Campbell 1962) It is interesting to note that although diet is not usually mentioned
as a cause of prostate cancer, it is cited as being very important in some studies. A 20 year study done
at Loma Linda, California, showed that fatal prostate cancer was more common depending on the
frequency with which meat, milk, eggs, and cheese were used in the diet. As each one of these food
substances was added to the diet, the risk increased.
Many prostate patients who have taken zinc supplements or high zinc foods report improvement.
Some patients with enlarged prostate glands have actually had a reduction in prostate size from taking
zinc, and many have a reduction in the congestion of chronic prostatitis. Zinc is a trace mineral needed
in very small amounts, but deficiency can cause major problems. Most people on a natural diet, using
a wide variety of foods, will receive adequate zinc in their diets. Zinc rich foods include nuts,
pumpkin seeds, sunflower seeds, wheat bran, wheat germ, brewer’s yeast, onions, molasses, peas,
beans and lentils. Zinc is almost non-existent in refined foods. Yarrow tea and saw palmetto tea are
both said to be useful in prostatic enlargement.