Employee Grievance Questionnaire

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Years of Experience:
01. What is your grievance?
A) Wage & salary B) Working condition C)P r o m o t i o n D)D i s
c i p l i n e E)O t h e r s
02. From how long are you facing the grievance?
A) Less than 6 months. B) More than 6 months.
03. Kindly mention the most grievance prone subjects in your
A) Wage & salary B) Working condition C)P r o m o t i o n D)D i s
c i p l i n e E)O t h e r s
04. Do you keep grievances to yourself?
A) A l w a y s B) S o m e Tim e s C) N e v e r

05. Do you share grievances with your colleague?

A) A l w a y s B) S o m e Tim e s C) N e v e r
06. Do you directly go & discuss your grievance with immediate
superior when a grievance arises?
A) A l w a y s B) S o m e Tim e s C) N e v e r
07. Are you aware of the grievance redressal procedure
followed in your organization?
A) Y e s B) N o
08. Is the grievance handling procedure explained to you?
A) Y e s B) N o
09. Have you registered your grievance to the immediate
A) Y e s B) N o
10. Does your immediate superior respond to your grievance in
specify time limit?
A) Y e s B) N o
11. Does management has redressed your grievance?

A) Y e s B) no
12. Does management gather all relevant facts about the
A) Y e s B) N o
13. How much time management has taken to redress your
A) Less than 01 month B) More than 01 month C)P e n d in g
14. Are you informed about the action taken in view of your
A) Y e s B) N o
15. Are there any discrepancies in handling the grievances in
the organization?
A) A l w a y s B) S o m e Tim e s C) N e v e r
16. Are you satisfied with the management decision regarding
your grievance?
A) Strongly agree B) A g r e e C) N e u t r a l D) D i s a g r e e E)
Strongly Disagree

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