Yeild Line
Yeild Line
Yeild Line
Yield Line Design concerns itself with the ultimate limit state. It does not purport to deal with serviceability issues
such as deflection per se. Nonetheless, deflection can be dealt with by simple formulae based on the yield moment.
This publication shows how compliance with span-to-depth criteria may be achieved.
A yield line is a crack in a reinforced concrete slab across which the reinforcing bars have yielded and along which
plastic rotation occurs.
Yield Line Theory is used to establishes either the moments in an element (e.g. a loaded slab) at the point of
failure or the load at which an element will fail.
Consider the case of a square slab simply supported on four sides as illustrated by Figure 1.5.
Initially, at service load, the response of the slab is elastic with the maximum steel stress and deflection occurring
at the centre of the slab.
At this stage, it is possible that some hairline cracking will occur on the soffit where the flexural tensile capacity of
the concrete
has been exceeded at midspan.
Increasing the load further will increase the size of the cracks further and induce yielding of the reinforcement,
initiating the formation of large cracks emanating from the point of maximum deflection.
On increasing the load yet further, these cracks migrate to the free edges of the slab at which time all the tensile
reinforcement passing through a yield line yields.
At this ultimate limit state, the slab fails. As illustrated by Figure 1.6, the slab is divided into rigid plane regions A, B,
C and D.
Yield lines form the boundaries between the rigid regions, and these regions, in effect, rotate about
the yield lines. The regions also pivot about their axes of rotation, which usually lie along lines of
support, causing supported loads to move.
It is at this juncture that the work dissipated by the hinges in the yield lines rotating is equated to work
expended by loads on the regions moving. This is Yield Line Theory
Under this theory, elastic deformations are ignored; all the deformations are assumed to be concentrated in the
yield lines and, for convenience, the maximum deformation is given the value of unity.
Axes of rotation generally lie along lines of support and pass alongside any
Yield lines are straight.
Yield lines between adjacent rigid regions must pass through the point of
intersection of the axes of rotation of those regions.
Yield lines must end at a slab boundary.
Continuous supports repel and simple supports attract positive or sagging yield
It is rare for this form of failure to be critical but nonetheless a check is advised where large concentrated loads are
present or for instance in flat slabs where the slab is supported on columns.
The fundamental principle is that work done internally and externally must balance.
In other words, at failure, the expenditure of external energy induced by the load on the slab must be equal to the
internal energy dissipated within the yield lines. In other words:
N = load(s) acting within a particular region [kN]
= the vertical displacement of the load(s) N on each region expressed as a
fraction of unity [m]
m = the moment in or moment of resistance of the slab per metre run
l = the length of yield line or its projected length onto the axis of rotation for
that region [m]
= the rotation of the region about its axis of rotation [m/m]
Figure 1.9 shows an axonometric view of this two-way simply supported slab that has failed
due to a uniformly distributed load. Note that:
The triangular regions A, B, C and D have all rotated about their lines of support.
The loads on the regions have moved vertically and rotation has taken place about the
yield lines and supports.
The uniformly distributed load on each of these regions will have moved on average 1/3 of
the maximum deflection.
The rotation of the regions about the yield lines can be resolved into rotation about the principal axes of rotation,
and thereby measured with respect to the location and size of the maximum deflection.
Once a yield line pattern has been selected for investigation, it is only necessary to specify the deflection as being
unity at one point (the point of maximum deflection) from which all other deflections and rotations can be found.
Rather than go through the Work Method, some practitioners prefer
the even quicker method of using standard formulae for standard types
of slab.
Is Yield Line Theory allowable under design codes of practice?
Any design process is governed by the recommendations of a specific code of practice. In
the UK, BS 8110 [7] clause says Alternatively, Johansens Yield Line method . may
be used. for solid slabs. The proviso is that to provide against serviceability requirements,
the ratio of support and span moments should be similar to those obtained by
elastic theory. This sub-clause is referred to in clauses 3.6.2 and making the
approach also acceptable for ribbed slabs and flat slabs.
Corner levers
Corner levers describes the phenomenon in two-way slabs on line supports where
yield lines split at internal corners. This splitting is associated with the
formation of a negative yield line across the corner which levers against
a corner reaction (or holding down force)
The sagging moment m in an isotropic slab increases with decreasing corner fixity.
Table 1.4 illustrates the effects of continuity on both the extent of the corner levers
and on positive moments [13]. At an average fixity ratio of 1.0 the effects are
Nonetheless, if the corners are left unreinforced, span moments increase.
For simplicity in the analysis, yield line patterns are generally assumed to go into
corners without splitting, i.e. corner levers are ignored and an allowance is made for
this. This simplification is justified for three principle reasons:
The error for neglecting corner levers is usually small.
The analysis involving corner levers becomes too involved.
Corner levers usually bring out the beneficial effects of membrane action that
negate their impact.
All methods and formulae in this publication are based on straight-line crack patterns that go
into the corners. The values of the moments obtained in this way are only really
valid if the top reinforcement provided in the corners is of the same magnitude as
the bottom steel provided in the span.