Cascade Engineering, Inc. Swift Wind GCI 1500 Mariah Power Windspire Southwest Windpower Skystream
Cascade Engineering, Inc. Swift Wind GCI 1500 Mariah Power Windspire Southwest Windpower Skystream
Cascade Engineering, Inc. Swift Wind GCI 1500 Mariah Power Windspire Southwest Windpower Skystream
Prior to purchase of any equipment, a project developer should consult with Detroit Edison regarding the potential
feasibility for safe and reliable interconnection of the specific proposed project with Detroit Edison’s system.
Detroit Edison makes no representation that any particular piece of equipment listed below is free from design or
manufacturing defects (or defects of any kind). Further, Detroit Edison neither endorses nor makes any warranty of any kind
with regard to the equipment identified below.
1. Under & Over/Underfrequency (81U & 81 O/U)
Basler BE1-81 O/U
BE1-81 O/U
3. Overvoltage (59)
General Electric IAV51
Westinghouse CV-4
Basler BE1-59
4. Under/Over Voltage(27/59)
Basler BE1-27/59
Timing (62)
9. Transfer Trip
SEL 2505 via fiber optic channel
RFL Industries Type 6710 Audio Tone Transfer Trip
Receiver via phone line
Utility grade
Industrial grade
10. Reverse Power
Basler BE4-32 (1) *
11. Timing
Agastat 7000 Series
NOTE: The exact model or style of the above listed relays will be dependent upon the particular site-specific
application, or DECo specification.