Mitigation of Savadkouh Landslide Using Non-Woven Geotextiles
Mitigation of Savadkouh Landslide Using Non-Woven Geotextiles
Mitigation of Savadkouh Landslide Using Non-Woven Geotextiles
ISSN 1991-8178
The methods used to design reinforced slopes are mainly based on the limit equilibrium concept. Methods
such as (Reugger, 1986. Schmertmann, et al., 1987. Leshchinsky, 1989. Jewell, 1980. 1991 and Michalowski,
1997), all utilize limit equilibrium analysis or limit analysis in the design of reinforced slopes. Table 3 lists
general information related to the mentioned methods.
Extensive experimental studies have been devoted to the evaluation of effect of reinforcement on stability
of soil slopes. One of the most important studies in this field were conducted by (Zornberg et al., 1998. and
2003), who observed the behavior of reinforced slopes in the centrifuge. The effect of reinforcement on
stability of soil slopes, and the associated failure mechanisms were assessed in their study. Zornberg et al.,
showed that if a prototype of actual dimensions is modeled with a reduced scale of 1/N and subjected to an
acceleration field N times that of gravitational acceleration, a stress field similar to the prototype structure
would be reproduced within the reinforced slope model in the centrifuge. Other parameters such as density and
internal angle of friction are unchanged while tensile strength of geotextile layers in the model is reduced by
a factor of N. Some important findings of (Zornberg et al., 1998. and 2003), from centrifuge tests performed
on reinforced soil slopes may be summarized as follows:
1. Failure in the reinforced slope model was observed to pass through the slope toe, which is in good
agreement with the assumption of limit equilibrium methods.
2. Failure initiated from mid height of the reinforced model which contradicts the assumption made in limit
equilibrium method that failure develops through the toe of the slope.
3. Location of maximum reinforcement load and the associated maximum strain along the potential failure
surface depend on slope angle and overburden pressure.
4. Stability of the reinforced slope is governed by peak strength of the soil.
equilibrium m ethods
(c = 0, )
30- 90
Parallel to slope face
to slope face
Triangular or
(c = 0, )
30- 90
N ot parallel
to slope face
M ethod
M odel
(r 0 )
Slope Angle
Reinforcem ent
Arrangem ent
D istribution of
reinforcem en
force with height
Fig. 3: Access road to the site and the high seepage flow of 10-20 liters per second observed.
From the lateral scarps, silty clay along with boulders is visible. The slide initiated at the point where little
vegetative growth existed. Surface water from rainfalls directly penetrated the underlying soils at theses
surfaces and was lead through the shear zone of the sliding mass. Springs visible at the foot of the sliding
mass is an indication of this process.
The upper surface of the slide is has a concave form which gathers rainfall water into the sliding mass.
Therefore, each period of heavy rainfall caused a reactivation of the slides. Tilting of the existing trees
indicates that a creep type of active slide is dominant in the area (Fig. (4)).
Fig. 4: A view of the active slide at the site tilting trees and visible roots indicate an active fault in
the area.
The effect of landslide on existing geotechnical structures in the area was generally in the form of slides
in the slopes, creep, tilt and structural cracks in the geotechnical structures. These defects were mainly
attributed to poor engineering characteristics of the structures, both in design and construction.
Modeling Flourd Landslide:
In order to better understand and assess Flourd landslide and the potential applicability of using geotextile
reinforced in-situ cohesive soil for mitigation of this landslide, initially, limit equilibrium method was utilized
in this study. The method suggested by FHW A was followed in the analyses. Limit equilibrium analysis code
Reinforced Soil Slopes (RSS) was effectively utilized to run limit equilibrium analyses in order to evaluate
the effect of reinforcement on the factor of safety against landslide. RSS calculates the factor of safety for an
existing non-reinforced slope and is able to calculate the required amount of reinforcement in order to reach
a desired factor of safety associated with equilibrium or stable conditions. RSS is able to design a reinforced
slope by one of the three following procedures:
1. Calculating reinforcement spacing for a given slope configuration in order to reach a desired factor of
2. Determination of the required reinforcement strength in order to reach a desired factor of safety.
3. Calculation of the factor of safety of a reinforced slope with a given configuration of reinforcements.
It is noteworthy that RSS follows all the design procedures suggested by FHW A.
In order to mitigate Flourd landslide using in-situ cohesive soils reinforced with horizontal geotextile layers,
an initial reinforcement configuration was first designed, and through limit equilibrium analysis using RSS, the
factor of safety of the reinforced slope was determined. Next, the resulting factor of safety was checked by
design suggestions from the literature in order to verify the adequacy of the design (Cornforth, D.H.2004).
After verifying the given initial reinforcement configuration, the design procedure suggested by FHW A was
followed in order to obtain the necessary reinforcement spacing and strength in RSS code.
The final design was obtained by following the above mentioned design procedure for three different slopes
of one, 1.5 and two horizontal to one vertical. The reinforced slope area is actually the slope which is
responsible for mitigation of the sliding backfill. Section L6 (Fig. (5)) was selected from the topography of
the landslide area for analysis. This section is shown in the topography in Fig. (5). Each analysis involves
careful determination of the initial unstable slope, and the evaluation of the necessary reinforcement
configuration for obtaining stable conditions. The initial design configuration involves a reinforcement vertical
spacing of 0.5 meters and a reinforcement length of 15 meters. Reinforcement length is automatically checked
for necessary factor of safety against pullout failure, by the program. The results of the initial analysis showed
that the slope geometry with a face slope of two horizontal to one vertical was stable under natural conditions
and no reinforcement design was required for this design. Therefore, only the slope angles of one and 1.5
horizontal to one vertical were considered in the consecutive analyses. A reinforced soil slope factor of safety
of 1.4 was chosen for design following the suggestions of (Cornforth, D.H.2004),. for a medium size landslide
with limited site characterization information. The results of the analyses are described in the following section.
M odulus of
Elasticity (M Pa)
Table 5: Properties of geotextile used in lim it equilibrium and finite elem ent analysis
Geotextile Param eters
-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------U ltim ate Strength (KN /m )
Geotextile Stiffness (EA)
Table 6: RSS results for different slope angles
Reinforced Slope
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------RSS D esign
Initial D esign
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Reinforcem ent
Sim plified Bishop
Sliding Block
Reinforcem ent
Factor of Safety
Factor of Safety
7@ 0.54m
180.62 m /m
5@ 0.75m
3@ 1.25m
4@ 1.06m
153.1 m /m
3@ 1.1 8m
3@ 1.43m
U nreinforced slope
Slope Angle
Factor of Safety
Fig. 11: Extreme total displacement vectors in the reinforced slope mass
Incremental shear strains as depicted in Fig. (12) reveals that strain localization occurs mainly in the
interface area between soil-geotextile layers. It can be seen that maximum shear strain increment is measured
as % 0.93. These low values prove that geotextile layers adequately mitigate the strains within the slide mass.
Fig. (13) Shows the plastic points of the slope, once again showing that maximum displacements occur in
the soil-geotextile interface, and that no clear failure mechanism is forming in the slope. Moreover, comparison
between plastic points and incremental strains show that plastic points are attributed not to the base soil of the
embankment, but to the interface area of soil-geotextile layers. This is due to low interface properties of nonwoven-geotextile layers. Although woven geotextiles have higher interface properties, however, drainage
characteristics of non-woven geotextiles result in an increase of shear strength in the interface area, thus
increasing interface properties compared to woven geotextiles. Therefore, the observed behavior in the
reinforced soil is inevitable and shear strength properties may only be increased through other methods such
as the sandwich technique.
Fig. 15: Shear strains within the unreinforced embankment revealing circular failure surface.
Limit equilibrium analysis and stress-strain analysis performed both on unreinforced and reinforced models
of Flourd landslide were performed in this study. General conclusions were drawn as follows:
1. Finite element analysis on the slide mass revealed that circular failure surface developed in the landslide,
therefore approving the circular failure mechanism assumed in the LE analysis.
2. The analyses showed that using in-situ cohesive soil reinforced with geotextile layers is adequately able
to mitigate shallow to medium landslides.
3. In order to make full use of beneficial effects of reinforcement, the reinforced area should extend into the
harder medium.
4. Reinforcing the slope reduces both horizontal and vertical displacements substantially.
5. Non-woven geotextile layers are more suitable for reinforcing cohesive soils than woven geotextiles, due
to proper drainage properties.
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Schmertmann, G.R., V.E. Chourey-Curtis, R.D. Johnson and R. Bonaparte, 1987. Design Charts for
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