Definition Essay Examples
Definition Essay Examples
Definition Essay Examples
ones siblings and parents, of gift giving and festive meals, of white-haired, cheek-pinching
grandmothers, of back-yard barbeques and celebrations. In the traditional sense, Family has generally
come to refer to this group of people, those who are related by blood or marriage. But the term today
actually has several other meanings as well (especially in the American English vernacular) and carries
various sociolinguistic implications: the term, for one, applies to people who are as close on a personal
level as family, if not more so. Family can refer to those who may belong to the same religious or
spiritual group or community. Lastly, Family also has scientific meanings, one of which refers to a
group of objects associated by a significant shared characteristic.
Quite naturally, family refers to ones blood-relatives such as ones immediate family: ones brothers
and sisters and parents; and then ones extended family: ones grandparents, cousins, nephews, uncles and
aunts, et al. But, then again, since the social institution of marriage is constantly evolving, notions of the
family are also bound to be changing and having different meanings for everyone. For example, some
peoples family may include other people who are not even related to them through marriage or blood or
adoption. They may be their most cherished of friends or life companions and even future spouses. Bonds
with these kinds of family members are sometimes stronger than the ones shared by siblings. Because
society should not decide who exactly one is allowed to consider family, it should be accepted and even
encouraged for people to consider their best friends and companions as family, even if theyre not related
through blood or marriage.
Secondly, while family most certainly refers to ones immediate family, the term can also include all the
descendants of a common ancestor. And since many religions, such as Christianity and Islam, consider
themselves and others the children of God or Allah, believers of those religions are believed to be familial
to others who practice the same faith. Also, family can refer to those who belong to the same,
immediate faith-based community, if they attend the same local church, synagogue, or mosque. People
who are part of these communities do spend a great deal of time together, attend many of the same events
and ceremonies, and consider themselves part of their Christian or Islamic family.
And, finally, although family does suggest a group of people united by blood or marriage, it can also
refer to a group of animals, or any group of objects, with a similar characteristic. For example, a fox is a
carnivorous mammal of the dog family, with its pointed muzzle and bushy tail. The common
characteristic in this example is the fox being part of a species of animal the dog family because it
shares similar physical traits, DNA and even similar habits of survival with the dog. In such a
scientifically and technologically developed society, most people would be able to understand the context
of family used as a way that indicates a group with a shared feature or attribute.
In conclusion, people in the 21st century, as a whole, see, understand and use the word family in
different ways. So a person should not be caught off-guard if another refers to their life companion or best
friend as family, or if by family, a person means the people who attend their local church; and, once
again, a person who says that a certain flower or group of flowers belong to the rose family, most
people will understand the context of family. And since the social institution of family is changing, one
may inquire if the change is detrimental or beneficial, though it is a question that is quite subjective in