Belajar Mengkonfigurasi Banner, Telnet, SSH, FTP, HTTP and Customizing Account Privileges in Junos
Belajar Mengkonfigurasi Banner, Telnet, SSH, FTP, HTTP and Customizing Account Privileges in Junos
Belajar Mengkonfigurasi Banner, Telnet, SSH, FTP, HTTP and Customizing Account Privileges in Junos
Belajar membuat banner:
[edit system login]
root@cnc1#set message "\n\n!========================================================!\n\
n!Router cnc, maintened by:iwing !\n\
n!Access to this device is limited to authorized user only!\n\
n!WARNING!!!:ALL unathourized access is prohibited. !\n\
Hasil pengujian
Belajar mengkonfigurasi layanan telnet, ssh, ftp dan http
[edit system services]
root@cnc1# set ?
Possible completions:
+ apply-groups Groups from which to inherit configuration data
+ apply-groups-except Don't inherit configuration data from these groups
> finger Allow finger requests from remote systems
> ftp Allow FTP file transfers
> netconf Allow NETCONF connections
> outbound-ssh Initiate outbound SSH connection
> service-deployment Configuration for Service Deployment (SDXD) management application
> ssh Allow ssh access
> telnet Allow telnet login
> web-management Web management configuration
> xnm-clear-text Allow clear text-based JUNOScript connections
> xnm-ssl Allow SSL-based JUNOScript connections
[edit system services]
root@cnc1# set
[edit system services]
root@cnc1# set ftp
root@cnc1# set telnet
root@cnc1# set ssh
root@cnc1# set web-management http port 80
root@cnc1# show
web-management {
http {
port 80;
Pengujian layanan telnet
root@cnc1# run telnet
Connected to
Escape character is '^]'.
cnc2 (ttyp0)
login: iwing
[email protected]'s password:
--- JUNOS 8.4R4.2 built 2008-05-21 08:47:52 UTC
Pengujian layanan ftp
root@cnc1# run ftp
Connected to
220 cnc2 FTP server (Version 6.00LS) ready.
Name ( iwing
331 Password required for iwing.
230 User iwing logged in.
Remote system type is UNIX.
Using binary mode to transfer files.
ftp> binary
200 Type set to I.
ftp> ls
200 PORT command successful.
150 Opening ASCII mode data connection for '/bin/ls'.
total 4
drwxr-xr-x 2 iwing staff 512 Jun 24 09:24 .ssh
226 Transfer complete.
ftp> bye
221 Goodbye.
Pengujian layanan http
Customizing Account Privileges in Junos
The JUNOS software has four built-in privilege levels:
[edit system login]
root@cnc1# set user iwing class ?
Possible completions:
<class> Login class
operator permissions [ clear network reset trace view ]
read-only permissions [ view ]
super-user permissions [ all ]
unauthorized permissions [ none ]
[edit system login]
root@cnc1# set user iwing class super-user authentication plain-text-password
New password:
[edit system login]
root@cnc1# show
message "\n\n!========================================================!\n\
n!Router cnc, maintened by:iwing !\n\
n!Access to this device is limited to authorized user only!\n\
n!WARNING!!!:ALL unathourized access is prohibited. !\n\
user iwing {
class super-user;
authentication {
encrypted-password "$1$rQy0ZTV0$A1hVDjhzF2niCbd/4MI0K."; ## SECRET-DATA
user opera {
class operator;
authentication {
encrypted-password "$1$6DgOHvQJ$xNr3US1VTandQun3eo452."; ## SECRET-DATA
user read-only {
class read-only;
authentication {
encrypted-password "$1$VgO2OXwN$PNs8KzL.tKe1848Wo1Fw4/"; ## SECRET-DATA
user unauthorized {
class unauthorized;
authentication {
encrypted-password "$1$0hWrv0fl$yCjqi0n8XC4UxjqlZAA0m/"; ## SECRET-DATA
iwing@cnc1> show cli authorization
Current user: 'iwing ' class 'super-user'
admin -- Can view user accounts
admin-control-- Can modify user accounts
clear -- Can clear learned network info
configure -- Can enter configuration mode
control -- Can modify any config
edit -- Can edit full files
field -- Can use field debug commands
floppy -- Can read and write the floppy
interface -- Can view interface configuration
interface-control-- Can modify interface configuration
network -- Can access the network
reset -- Can reset/restart interfaces and daemons
routing -- Can view routing configuration
routing-control-- Can modify routing configuration
shell -- Can start a local shell
snmp -- Can view SNMP configuration
snmp-control-- Can modify SNMP configuration
system -- Can view system configuration
system-control-- Can modify system configuration
trace -- Can view trace file settings
trace-control-- Can modify trace file settings
view -- Can view current values and statistics
maintenance -- Can become the super-user
firewall -- Can view firewall configuration
firewall-control-- Can modify firewall configuration
secret -- Can view secret statements
secret-control-- Can modify secret statements
rollback -- Can rollback to previous configurations
security -- Can view security configuration
security-control-- Can modify security configuration
access -- Can view access configuration
access-control-- Can modify access configuration
view-configuration-- Can view all configuration (not including secrets)
flow-tap -- Can view flow-tap configuration
flow-tap-control-- Can modify flow-tap configuration
all-control -- Can modify any configuration
Individual command authorization:
Allow regular expression: none
Deny regular expression: none
Allow configuration regular expression: none
Deny configuration regular expression: none
login: opera
cnc1 (ttyd0)
login: read-only
login: unauthorized
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