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Modern Anterior Endodontic Access and Directed

Dentin Conservation
Written by David Clark DDS and John Khademi DDS MS
The authors are Dr. David Clark, a general dentist and pioneer in Biomimetic Microendodontics and Minimally Traumatic Restorative Microdentistry; and Dr. John Khademi, an endodontist and pioneer of Restoratively Driven Micro-Endodontics. Together they explore the Endodontic-Endo-Restorative-Prosthodontic (EERP) continuum. This article focuses on the pervasive endodontic problems vexing patients, restorative
dentists and endodontists. The authors provide alternative models and thought processes to treat the tooth in a non-traditional approach -- from
cusp tip to apex. Finally they will propose immediate tools to implement these important changes.

During patient treatment, the clinician needs to consider a multitude of factors that will affect the ultimate
outcome. In simple terms, these factors can be grouped
into three categories: the operator needs, the restoration
needs, and the tooth needs. The operator needs being
conditions the clinician needs to treat the tooth. The
restoration needs being the prep dimensions and tooth
conditions for optimal strength and longeity. The tooth
needs being the biologic and structural limitations for a
treated tooth to remain predictably functional. In this
article we want to discuss failures of endodontically
treated teeth that occur not because of chronic or acute
apical lesions but because of structural compromises to
the teeth that ultimately renders the tooth useless. We
want to shift the coronal focus to the cervical area of the
tooth and create awareness for an endo-restorative interface. This article will introduce a set of criteria that will
guide the clinician in treatment decisions to maintain
optimal functionality of the tooth.
Endodontic accesses are traditionally conservative to
the occlusal/incisal tooth structure. However with the
changes that occurred in restorative dentistry, this technique is unnecessarily restrictive for the operator and
potentially damaging to the more critical cervical area
of the tooth.

A New Model For Endodontic Access

As we deconstruct endodontic access, it is crucial to understand the five catalyst forces that will change the future of endodontic access and coronal shaping. They are:

Implant Success Rates (The bar is raised)

Operating Microscopes and Micro-Endodontics
Biomimetic Dentistry
Minimally Invasive Dentistry
Esthetic demands of patients combined with
manufacturers recommendations for axial reduction
for porcelain crowns

In both of our practices, our endodontic goals and armamentarium have been in a constant state of flux for nearly
a decade as we have collaborated to bring the EERP continuum to maturity. The goal? To satisfy the demands
of the afore mentioned big 5 forces for change. In so
doing we have come to realize that when cutting endodontic access our previous needs as dentists were often
in conflict with the needs of the tooth.

The Hierarchy of Tooth Needs

This table (left) represents

the hierarchy of needs to
maintain optimal strength,
Extremely High Pericingulum
and fracture resistance,
along with several other
Pulp in Immature
characteristics needed for
Cingulum Enamel
long-term full function of
Axial Wall DEJ
the endodontically treated
Cervical Enamel
tooth. This brief article is
Peri-incisal Enamel
designed to simply introLow
2 Dentin
duce the reader to the reNo Value or
3 Dentin
shuffling of the values asLiability
Inamed Pulp in
signed to different tooth
Mature Teeth
Exposed Dentin in structures and of the nuIncisal Area
anced role of the importance of regional tissues. A full explanation of the new
hierarchy will be presented in future articles.
Table 1
The Hierarchy of Tooth Needs
for Anterior Teeth

The brevity of this article precludes a full definition for

all of the terms of the glossary. However, there are four
terms that will be explained below. Others will be mentioned in the context of the featured case.
The Inverse Funnel and Blind Tunneling are demonstrated by the two endodontic accesses performed on
my younger brother Tom, who occasionally bumps his
teeth while on the ski slopes and soccer field (Figure 1).
A round bur was used by his general dentist as he labored to discover the canal systems in these calcified in-

Table 2 Glossary of Terms for Modern Endodontic Access

and Acronyms
Note: The red text indicates a nondes irable outcome, or technique.
Glossary of Terms


The endodontic-endorestorative-prosthodontic continuum


Three-Dimensional ferrule

3-D Ferrule

Peri-Cervical dentin


Peri-Cingulum dentin
The inverse funnel
Blind tunneling

Figure 1

Blind funneling

My younger brother Tom received trauma to both upper and lower central incisors and the teeth subsequently underwent dystrophic calcification. Although the
teeth are still in function, they have been badly weakened. His dentist lacked the
proper tools and followed an access form that is no longer appropriate.

Partial de-roong
Stepped access
Secondary dentin

2 Dentin

Tertiary dentin

3 Dentin

Biomimetic endodontic shaping


Arbitrary round shaping


Figure 2

A new model for lower incisor

access is depicted, along with
the new EndoGuide Bur 1A
which was used to create ideal
access. Note that the access
has been moved away from the
cingulum and towards the incisal edge. The diminutive size
of the tip, along with the conical
shape of the cutting surface are
helpful to both visual (dentists
using microscopes) and tactile
(little or no magnification) endodontics.

The dentinal map

The Dentino-enamel junction


The junction of primary and secondary dentin


The junction of primary and tertiary dentin


Pulp tissue remnant


Points of negotiation


cisors. Note that as the access goes deeper into the tooth,
it becomes wider internally, hence the term inverse funnel. In the new approach advocated by Clark/Khademi,
the access and EndoGuideTM Bur (SS White Burs, Inc.
Lakewood, NJ) selection should allow the formation of
a true funnel; wherein the narrow portion of the funnel
is in the pericervical dentin zone, and the cavosurface
has a 45 angle with an infinity edge margin which becomes a generous mouth or top of the funnel. Models contrasting the C/K funnel created with EndoGuide
Burs, the inverse funnel and the blind tunnel are shown
in Figures 2 and 3. The stark difference between the tip
size of the patented EndoGuide Bur designed for use
for endodontic access & exploration and a comparable
round bur is shown in Figure 4.
Peri-Cervical Dentin or PCD is the dentin near the alveolar crest. While the apex of the root can be amputated, and the coronal third of the clinical crown removed
and replaced prosthetically, the dentin near the alveolar
crest is irreplaceable. This critical zone, roughly 4 millimeters above the crestal bone and extending 4 millimeters apical to crestal bone, is sacred for 3 reasons: 1)
ferrule, 2)fracturing, and 3)dentin tubule orifice proximity from inside to out. The research is unequivocal;

Figure 3a, b, c, d, e

Blind Tunneling: Gouging that is common with round burs and cingulum access.
BuccalLingual gouging which is not easily seen in x-rays, occurs in nearly every
traditionally accessed case. Fig 3b, 3c, 3d, 3e; The Inverse Funnel. As the size
of the access cavitation is enlarged internally, an inverse funnel results. Vital
peri-cervical dentin is removed each time the bur enters the tooth.

long term retention of the tooth and resistance to fracturing are directly relational to the amount of residual
tooth structure.1, 2 The more dentin we keep, the longer
we keep the tooth.
Peri-Cingulum Dentin: In the instance of incisor access, the research done by Pascal Magne 3 and others in
regards to the importance of the cingulum directly conflicts with traditional cingulum positioned endodontic
access that is currently taught. There are severe tensile
forces that are concentrated at the cingulum when the
maxillary anterior teeth are functionally loaded. These
forces can lead to structural breakdown when the peri-

Figure 4

This illustration compares the EndoGuide Bur to a corresponding

round bur. The tip size of the EndoGuide Bur is less than half the
width as the corresponding round
bur. The EndoGuide Bur (right)
is shown in contrast to the corresponding surgical length round
bur (left). The EndoGuide Bur,
designed by Dr. Clark and Dr. Khademi, were introduced in February


Figure 5

Lingual view of the C/K model of lower anterior access. This extremely calcific tooth shows the ideal
cavity outline to satisfy operator, restorative, and
tooth needs.

Collage of Gouged Access

(Mural is described in the text) Note: Blue arrows indicate gouges. Red arrows
indicate perforations. JK indicates that case was done by Dr. John Khademi
with adherence to the modem model of directed dentin conservation.

Figure 6

Facial view of the access and the

tiny lingual notch. In a case with significant wear and significant exposed
dentin, the access will go directly
through the incisal. The facial extension of the exposed DEJ becomes
the facial margin of the access.

Figure 7

Invisible Restoration of the C/K access and tooth at 3 year recall. The
margins were heavily beveled before
restoration (not pictured). This is
the Bob Margeas or Infinity Edge
Margin. The access was closed with
Filtek Supreme Plus. Our SEM evaluation of this technique combined
with the unique properties of such
microfills shows ideal wear and microleakage resistance.

cingulum dentin is compromised during traditional

access near the cingulum. The situation is further exacerbated by deep axial reduction when a crown preparation is performed and the deep margin is also cut in
the palatal area. For that reason, Clark/Khademi accesses which utilize EndoGuide Bur 1A have moved toward the incisal edge. In the instance of the worn tooth
with exposed dentin, the access includes this landmark
as the incisal-facial border of the access (Figures 5-7).

Gouged Access Collage:

Top row Maxillary Anteriors: These anteriors represent a spectrum of gouging typically seen in anterior
teeth. The first case shows very common occult mild
cervical gouging stemming from an access placed too
far cervically with round bur use. Stress focusing me-

sial and distal gouges nearly eliminating ferrule quality resulted from using square ended carbides as shown
in the second case. Round burs which are used both
cervically and deeper in the root system have severely
compromised the PCD. This eventually results in perforation (in red) of the root system in the fourth case.
Note that the access gets wider (inverse cone) as it progresses apically in this lateral incisor. Keep in mind that
the gouging is usually more severe in the bucco-lingual
plane. Correct incisally placed access maximally preserves the irreplaceable PCD.
Bottom row Mandibular Incisors: The sequence of
lower incisors show the same types of errors, starting with
mild occult gouging and over-enlargement of the pro
cervically placed access and ending with a perforation in
the fourth case. As the earlier drawings show, these teeth
are invariably gouged to the buccal as well. The paradox
of these case types is perhaps best illustrated by the third
case with the traditional cingulum style access and the extensive cervical gouging: the more calcified the case, the
more incisal the access must be placed. In the fourth case,
the access was extended completely to the incisal edge, reoriented and the canal was located. The perforation was
repaired with MTA, and Ca (OH)2 was also placed. The
canals were obturated at a subsequent visit. The Monday morning test is that the correct access is invariably
farther incisal than traditionally described, and in the calcified case, may go straight through the incisal edge (as
shown in the earlier drawings.)

Why are round burs so destructive?

In reality, it is truly impossible to cut flat walls in three

dimensions with a round instrument. In reality, with
the use of a round bur the chamber is unroofed in some
areas leaving pulpal and necrotic debris, and the walls

are overextended and gouged in other areas. Further,

the internal radius of curvature at many of the pulpal
line angles is simply too small for all but the smallest of
round burs.

Figures 10, 11

Feature Case: Following the

new hierarchy of tooth needs,
the preservation of peri-cervical dentin dictates that incisal
composite be sacrificed, an
easy compromise.

In the final analysis, round burs end cut, or point cut, in

an endodontic access application, when instead what is
needed is planing. What is needed is a new set of mental
models based on vision, and a new set of instruments
reflective of the task at hand and the desired shaping
outcomes. The new vision based mental model is Look,
Groom, Follow. The new instruments are the EndoGuide


The Calcified Incisor (Clark)

The maxillary left central incisor (#9) in a 21 year old
female was undergoing dystrophic calcification (Figures
8-9). For such teeth, a cingulum positioned round or fissure bur driven access runs a high risk of gouging. When
the access is moved toward the incisal edge utilizing EndoGuide Bur 1A, there are many benefits. Additionally,
with the use of the EndoGuide Burs, the conical shape
encourages the bur to follow a more true course. Because
this tooth contained a failing composite restoration on
the incisal edge, I had the luxury of moving the access
through the incisal edge and with a generous cone (Figures 10-11). The patented shape of EndoGuide Bur 1A
(Figure 12) is ideal for large incisors. The conical shape
produced by the EndoGuide Burs has many advantages
over other modalities. For example, ultrasonic tips allow good visualization, but do not end cut well, and do
not leave a polished dentinal surface. The rough surface
left by the diamond is much harder to read than a polished surface that is produced by the EndoGuide Burs
when studying the nuanced differences in color, opacity
and texture of dentin. Access routes created by tapered

Figures 8,9

Feature Case: This patent 21 year old female patient was engaged to be married and had requested
comprehensive esthetic treatment. The first treatment planned for the left central incisor was elective/proactive removal of the degenerating pulp,
then internal bleaching, and then finally a porcelain

Figure 12

EndoGuide Bur 1A is shown.

This bur is appropriate for
larger incisors. The diminutive size of the tip is actually
more delicate than a #2 round
bur and creates the ideal cone
shaped access.

diamonds share the same problems associated with ultrasonic tips. EndoGuide Burs are carbide burs and have an
advantage as they are superior in end cutting and milling
and they leave a polished dentinal surface which allows
for optimal visual navigation.
Slight binding of the file is seen, even after the access is
placed through the incisal edge (Figures 13-15). Upon
re-entry, EndoGuide Bur 2 identifies without deviation,
and eliminates a tiny thread of residual pulp tissue, allowing for the file to re-enter the tooth without binding
(Figures 16-18). When the non-vital tertiary dentin is engaged and removed at the incisal position and carefully
followed into the cervical zone, the perfect orientation of
a long trajectory creates a safe guide and pathway, similar
to how a surgical stint can guide the drill and placement
of an endosseous implant. Incisal access is superior to
cingulum access in the same way that a rifle is more accurate than a pistol; the barrel is much longer and therefore
the trajectory is much easier to control. When combined
with the operating microscope, the properly equipped
clinician can confidently access the canal system early
on from the incisal-apical direction.
Clark Sequence for Large Incisor Access
1. Begin with the EndoGuide Bur 1A, and start with the

Figures 13, 14, 15

Feature Case Number Two Continued: These images demonstrate although the access was
positioned through the incisal
edge, the file is actually binding
slightly against the incisal portion of the access. The series of radiographs depicts the dead on discovery of
an extremely calcified pulp. No unnecessary removal of the vital peri-cervical or
peri-cingulum, occurred.

cavosurface design. Create a beveled margin as

you begin the access, instead of later in the process. You
will get better lighting to enhance vision and the
smaller internal shape will be compensated by a
better funnel shape externally as we insert instruments and gutta percha into the tooth. In the words
of the great John Stropko, Dont fight the case.
2. In a calcific canal case, switch to the EndoGuide Bur 1
or EndoGuide Bur 6, as you move deeper into the
tooth. Constant visualization of the DJ offers guidance for the orientation of the bur, which allows you to
stay centered in the bullseye of the dentinal map.

Figure 16

Feature Case:
Mid treatment radiograph
that the file has encountered the pulp chamber
dead on and early.

Figure 17

Feature Case:
Mid treatment radiograph
with file to length.

Figure 18

Feature Case:
Final radiograph with
adequate shape and obturation for a non-lesion

region of the tooth will resist future staining and wear.

Thus you bless the tooth as you create endodontic access, as opposed to cursing the tooth with traditional
burs and techniques. In vital (non-lesion) cases you can
confidently make very small endodontic shapes, more
consistent with lateral condensation techniques. These
techniques are best accomplished with the use of a microscope and proper instrument selection.

Clark Sequence for Small Incisor Access

For small incisors (typically the lower incisor) you should
begin with an ovoid shape, utilizing the more delicate References
EndoGuide Bur 3 or EndoGuide Bur 4.
1) Lirtchirakarn V. Patterns of vertical root fractures: factors

Final Recommendations

It may seem odd at first, but put away your round burs
and Gates Glidden Burs, and your square end #556 fissure burs. Move your anterior accesses away from the
cingulum and as close to the incisal edge as possible.
For worn anteriors, go right through the incisal edge
with your access and then take the EndoGuide Bur 1A
along the incisal edge to remove a millimeter thickness
of dentin. Generate a long bevel on enamel. Then as you
close the access with a good microfilled composite you
will cover all of the ugly and porous exposed dentin with
at least a millimeter thickness of composite. The color
of the tooth will immediately improve and the incisal

affecting stress distribution in the root canal. J Endod


2) Tamse A., Fuss Z., Lustig J., et.al. An evaluation of endodontically treated vertically fractured teeth. J Endod
3) Magne P., Belser U., Bonded porcelain restorations in the
anterior dentition: a biomimetic approach. Chicago Ill:
Quintessence Publishing, 2002, 2003
Disclosure: Dr. Clark and Dr. Khademi receive a royalty from the sales
of EndoGuide Burs by SS White. For further information regarding
the EndoGuide Burs, contact SS White Burs at www.sswhiteburs.com
The authors would like to thank Dr. Jihyon Kim and Dr. Eric Herbranson for their contributions.

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