CBT Exercises PDF
CBT Exercises PDF
CBT Exercises PDF
1995). Blanchard, et al., (2006) found that 36% of parents report concerns about the
possibility of their children struggling with anxiety.
If left untreated, anxiety disorders can persist into adulthood (Keller, et al., 1992, Pfeffer et al.,
1988; Spence, 1988) which may in part explain why the lifetime prevalence rate for anxiety
disorders is 28.8%, with a 12-month prevalence of 18.8% (Kessler, & Merikangas, 2004). The
same study reported the most common subtypes of anxiety disorders to be specific phobia
(12.5%), social anxiety disorder (12.1%), and post-traumatic stress disorder (6.8%).
Rational Emotive Behavior Therapy (REBT) is based on the theory that emotional
disturbance is largely the result of illogical and irrational patterns of thinking (Ellis, 1962,
1994). Such ideas date back to the first century A.D. when the Stoic philosopher, Epictetus
(1890) wrote, Men are disturbed not by things but by the views they take of them. In
other words, it is not external events alone that cause emotional disturbance, but those
events plus a persons perceptions and evaluations about them, as a good many ancient and
modern philosphers have stated.
To make clients more aware of their self-talk and internal dialogue and particularly of
their self-defeating Beliefs, so that they will be able to think more rationally, clearly,
logically and self-helpingly.
To teach clients to evaluate their thinking, feeling and behavior in order to experience
more healthy emotions and fewer dysfunctions.
3. To teach clients the skills to use rational emotive behavioral principles so he or she will act
more functionally and be better able to achieve his or her goals in life (Wilde, 1992).
Studies have compared CBT to other forms of treatment and found it to be an effective
treatment for adults suffering from various anxiety disorders. Butler et al (1991) compared
CBT to behavioral therapy (BT) with results showing a clear advantage for CBT over BT.
Borkovec and Costello (1993) examined the efficacy of Nondirective (ND), applied
relaxation (AR), and cognitive behavioral (CBT) therapies for generalized anxiety disorder
(GAD). Results for AR and CBT were generally equivalent in outcome but superior to ND at
post-assessment. A preliminary meta-analysis comparing CBT to pharmacological treatment
found both offered efficacy to patients. The authors reported that CBT was associated with
significantly greater effects on anxiety severity and was associated with clear maintenance
of treatment gains (Gould, et al, 1997).
REBT/CBT has an extensive history of being successfully applied to anxiety problems in
children (Brody, 1974; Cangelosi, Gressard, & Mines, 1980; Cristea, Benga, & Opre,2006;
DiGiuseppe & Kassinove, 1976; Knaus & Bokor, 1975; Knaus & McKeever, 1977; Meyer,
1981; Micco, et al, 2007; Miller & Kassinove, 1978; Omizo, Lo, & Williams, 1986; Von Pohl,
1982; Warren, Deffenbacher & Brading, 1976; Wilde, 1994, 1995, 1996a). The utility of CBT
with anxiety disorders has led mental health officials in the United Kingdom to identify CBT
as the first-line approach to treating anxiety disorders (National Institute for Clinical
Excellence, 2004).
Rational-emotive and cognitive-behavior interventions have also been found to be beneficial
in a host of other commonly occurring childhood problems such as low frustration tolerance
(Brody, 1974); impulsivity (Meichenbaum & Goodman, 1971); poor academic performance
(Block, 1978; Cangelosi, Gressard, & Mines, 1980), and depression (Wilde, 1994). Research
also suggests that CBT is effective in the prevention of depression (Clarke, et al., 2001,
Gilliam, et al., 1995) and in the improvement of self-concept and coping capabilities
(DeVoge, 1974; DiGiuseppe, 1975; DiGiuseppe & Kassinove, 1976; Katz, 1974; Maultsby,
Knipping & Carpenter, 1974; Omizo, Lo & Williams, 1986; Wasserman & Vogrin, 1979).
Finally, several studies have established cognitive-behavioral interventions to be effective in
increasing rational thinking in children and adolescents (DiGiuseppe & Kassinove, 1976;
Harris, 1976; Knaus & Bokor, 1975; Miller & Kassinove, 1978; Ritchie, 1978; Voelm, 1983;
Wasserman & Vogrin, 1979; Wilde, 1997a).
Phobia (n = 16) were randomly assigned to individual (n = 65) or group (n = 62) treatment.
Forty-eight percent of the children in the individual versus 41% in the group treatment were
free of any anxiety disorder at post-treatment and 62% versus 54% were free of their
primary anxiety disorder. Regression analyses showed no significant difference in outcome
between individual and group treatment.
Maes and Heimann (1970) examined the relative effectiveness of client-centered, rationalemotive, and desensitization therapies in reducing test anxiety among high school students.
Thirty-three subjects with high State anxiety but average or low Trait anxiety were selected.
Each student was counseled from seven to eleven times during a five-week period by
advanced graduate students. There were no significant differences between the four groups
in the Spielberger State-Trait Anxiety Inventory (STAI); but significant differences at <.05
level were found in the predicted direction between group treatments and controls on
criteria of galvanic skin response (GSR) and heart rate (HR). Post hoc analyses disclosed
significance for the desensitization treatment group on GSR, and the rational-emotive
treatment group on HR. Final analysis revealed differences only with the rational-emotive
treatment group and controls on HR.
Wessel and Mersch (1994) examined the effectiveness of REBT and exposure in vivo on testanxious adolescents. The treatment was more effective than a control waiting-list period in
reducing test and social anxiety, the degree of anxiety experienced in individual anxietyprovoking situations, and the degree of avoidance of these situations.
Sometime during the first session some type of anxiety instrument should be administered
as a means of assessing the severity of the symptoms. A simple screening tool can also be
introduced as a pre- and post-test to determine improvement. Below is a short screening
instrument that can be used as such. It is not statistically validated and should only be used
as a pre- and post-test measure.
6.1.1 The anxiety survey
1. If something bad might happen, I have to worry about it.
2. I have no control over my worrying.
3. Worrying about something can keep it from happening.
4. If what I worry about did happen, it would be the worst thing in the world.
5. My worries have a mind of their own and cant be managed.
6. If what I worry about did happen, I couldnt stand it.
7. Because I worry about things, it proves Im worthless and weak.
8. Worries never seem to go away. Once youve got them, youre stuck with them.
6.2 Lesson 2: Thoughts and feelings
From an REBT model, it is vitally important that clients understand the connection between
thoughts and feelings. The next activity is designed to help clients learn that thoughts
influence, and largely control, feelings.
What follows is the story if the blind student in the hall. It is a commonly used story in
REBT circles designed to illustrate the connection between thoughts and feelings.
Let's pretend you were walking down the hall at school and somebody came up behind you and
knocked all your books out of your hands. How would you feel? You'd start whistling a happy tune,
right? No, seriously, how would you feel? If youre like most people, you'd probably be angry or
anxious or maybe both.
But when you turned around to see who hit your books, you realized it was a blind student who
accidentally bumped into you. He couldnt see where he was going and he bumped into you. Now
how would you feel? Would you still feel angry and/or anxious? Probably not.
Here's the important part. You still got your books knocked out of your hands so this event (having
your books scattered) can't make you feel anything. People would have different reactions to having
their books knocked around. Some would feel angry, some would get anxious, and others would laugh
it off along with everyone else. If events caused feelings, then everyone would feel the same way after
the same events. But people dont feel the same way about things. People tend to feel differently about
events so the experiences dont cause emotions. It must be something else.
That "something else" is your thoughts. Your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas determine your
feelingsnot the events. (Wilde, 2008, p. 31-32.)
The second part of the lesson is designed to provide clients with additional practice making
the connection between thoughts and feelings.
Below is a list of thoughts. Your job is to match the feeling that would go with each thought. You'll
probably be able to do this pretty easily. Why? Because thoughts influence feelings. If they didn't,
your answers would be totally different from your friends but I'll bet they'll be mostly the same. Give
this a try and see how it goes.
6.2.1 Thoughts and feelings
What type of feeling would you have if you thought:
"Oh, no...I didn't know there was a test today."
"What do you mean I'm grounded?"
"I'm worthless. Everyone hates me."
"Life stinks."
"I hope my parents won't forget to pick me up after basketball practice."
"Its snowing hard right now. We might have a day off of school tomorrow."
"My mom and dad are having an argument."
(Wilde, 2008, p. 36-37).
6.3 Lesson 3: Focus on anxiety
At this point it is time to start the examination of a clients anxieties. The following activity
provides information about specific anxiety provoking situations as well as the intensity of
the feelings related to that event or situation.
Below is a list of things that some kids worry about. Next to each item, check either yes, I worry
about it or no, I dont worry about it. If you checked yes, theres another column where you can
record your rating from 1 to 100. This rating is called a SUDs scale, which stands for Subjective
Units of Discomfort. Scores closer to 1 mean you have less worries and scores nearer to 100 mean
you have more worries. Your lowest score should be the item you
have the least worries about and your highest score would be the event that you worry about the most.
6.3.1 My worry list
Spiders or other bugs
Being away from
my parents
Being made fun of
No SUDs Score
The point of this exercise is to try to help you gain some perspective. Sometimes we get ourselves so
worked up worrying about the possibility of a bad event that worrying about it is worse than when it
actually happens! (Wilde, 2008, p. 42-43).
It is also important to acknowledge that some clients have anxieties related to events that, if
they did transpire, would have a profound impact on their lives. The treatment of these
anxieties must be addressed differently. Previously the goal was to help clients gain some
perspective on the negative consequences of the event (it it were to occur). When the anxiety
provoking event actually has the potential to be life-threatening, it is better to focus on the
statistical improbability of the event actually occurring.
But for some of you, your # 1 worry is something that would change your life forever like something
bad happening to a parent or maybe a terrorist attack or a natural disaster. You probably wont be
able to list three things worse than your # 1 (but try anyway). If this is you, your worries are coming
from an entirely different place. Your worries are coming from exaggerating the possibility of
the bad event really happening.
Lets say your worries are related to another terrorist attack like the one that took place on 9/11. While a
terrorist attack is always possible, the odds of you personally being harmed are incredibly slim. Thats
because your brain gets stuck on a certain worries and completely ignores other potential dangers. For
example, Ill bet you didnt know that there have been more than 50 people killed by falling vending
machines since 1978. Yet, Ive never met a single person who constantly worries about being crushed to
death by a pop machine.
Thats sort of like people who are afraid to fly on planes. They know that they are much safer traveling
by plane than by car but they are still worried. And you know why? Knowing something in your
brain is much different than feeling it in your gut. When your brain and your gut get into a
disagreement, your gut usually wins. At least for a few rounds until the brains gets better prepared
(Wilde, 2008, p. 44-45).
6.5 Lesson 5: Distraction
The cardinal tenet of REBT is that emotions are not caused directly by events but are
primarily the result of the thoughts and beliefs an individual has about the event. Therefore,
if children are able to modify their thoughts about an event, they will change their feelings
as well. One of the simplest and most effective techniques designed to bring about a change
in thinking involves the use of a distraction technique (Wilde, 1997b; Wilde 1996b; Wilde
Distraction is not an elegant solution as Ellis would say. It does not involve a change in
assessment of the event and, therefore, it would not be considered to be bringing about
cognitive restructuring. Distraction, as the name implies, merely attempts to help children
think of something other than their current situation. This is more difficult than it sounds
because when children are getting anxious, the only thing they seem to be able to think
about is the situation at hand. That is why clients need to decide what to think about before
they start becoming anxious.
Encourage clients to pick "a scene" to use before they encounter the event they become
anxious about. This memory should be either the happiest, funniest, or most relaxing scene
they can remember. For example:
A memorable day at the beach or on vacation
The time they won a game
A hysterically funny event from their past
A memorable birthday party
Have clients take a few minutes and think about the distraction scene. You may need to help
clients select the scene that fits their individual needs. Now they need to practice imagining
this scene several times daily for the next few days or weeks. When clients have some free
time have them close their eyes and picture their distraction scene. Clients should be
advised to bring in all the details that they can possibly remember to make the scene vivid.
What were the people wearing?
What were the sounds they can remember?
Were there any smells in the air?
Encourage clients to create scenes in their minds just like watching a videotape of the event.
It can also be helpful to have them draw their distraction scene and then explain it to the
The idea is to switch to this distraction scene when the clients find themselves getting
anxious. Instead of focusing on the situation they are getting anxious about, they are to
concentrate on their distraction scene. Instead of getting anxious before an important
examination in school, they are to concentrate on the distraction scene until the feelings start
to subside. Whenever they feel themselves getting anxious, they are to switch to their scene.
It is impossible for clients to think of a distraction scene and still become anxious. Since
anxiety is produced by beliefs, thinking about a funny or happy memory will keep them
from getting upset or minimize the intensity of the emotions.
6.6 Lesson 6: Rational emotive imagery
What follows is an example of how the imagination game or rational-emotive imagery (REI)
can be used with children and adolescents who have anxiety problems. Ellis (1994; 1979) and
Wilde (1995; 1996a; 1997b) have used REI extensively in the treatment of anxiety and
anger problems. This technique is most effective if there is a particular situation (i.e., certain
social situations, public speaking, separation from parents) in which anxiety is likely to
Start by having the child vividly describe the troublesome scenario. Get as many details as
possible about the sights, sounds, and events in this situation. Then have the child get as
relaxed as possible in his or her chair with both feet on the floor. Spend several minutes
describing relaxing images until you can see the behavioral manifestations of relaxations
starting to appear. The use progressive relaxation techniques with the successive contracting
and relaxing of various muscle groups can be very helpful. After the client appears to be
sufficiently relaxed, start with the following dialogue.
Therapist: Anna, I want you to listen very closely to what I'm going to tell you. I want you to be
aware only of my voice and focus on what I say. Try to block everything else out of your mind for the
time being.
Imagine you are back in your classroom and students are taking turns reading aloud. Picture the
room in your mind. See all the posters on the walls and everything else that is in your class. Now go
ahead and let yourself feel like you do when its reading time. Feel all the anxiety you felt back then.
Stay with that scene and try to feel just like you felt in the class. When you feel that way, wiggle your
finger and let me know you're there.
(Author's note - It's a good idea to look for behavioral signs confirming that the child is actually
feeling anxious. The jaw may tighten, eyebrows furrow and many children will shift or squirm in
their seats.)
Stay with that feeling. Keep imagining that you are in your classroom.
(Author's note - Allow the child to stay in this state for approximately 20 to 40 seconds. Remind him
or her to mentally stay in the situation.)
Now I want you to keep thinking you are in the class but I want you to calm yourself down. Stay in
the classroom in your mind but try to calm down. Instead of being very upset, try to get calmer.
Instead of being really anxious, try to work toward feeling calmer. Keep working at it until you can
calm yourself down. When you can make yourself calm, wiggle your finger again.
Usually students can reach a state of relative calm within a fairly short period of time. Once
a child has wiggled his or her finger, it is time to bring him or her back to the here and now.
Simply say something like, "Okay, now open your eyes." Next ask, "What did you say to
yourself to calm yourself down?" If the child was able to calm down, he or she had to be
thinking some type of rational coping statement. The only other way to calm down would
be to mentally leave the situation (i.e., no longer visualize the classroom). This usually
doesn't happen but if it does, try the exercise over encouraging the child to keep imagining
the scene but working to calm down.
After completing the imagination game students should then be able to state the thought
that allowed them to calm down. A typical calming thought that might have been produced
from the above scenario would be, "Even though I don't read well, its not that big of a deal.
It doesnt mean Im a bad person. Other students have problems reading aloud."
Once the child has produced a rational coping statement, write it down. Now he or she can
practice this mental imagery several times a day and use this same calming thought each
time. In effect, this technique allows kids to mentally practice dealing with a difficult
situation in a new, more productive way. It's very important that they practice REI on a
regular basis if they are going to learn to handle their anxiety in a more productive fashion.
Usually children can learn to do the Imagination Game by themselves after having been led
through the technique a few times by the therapist. It is also possible to make a tape
recording of this intervention for the child to use at home as some students like using the
tape rather than leading themselves through this technique. Both can be effective if used
6.7 Lesson 7: Thought stopping
Ever since Joseph Wolpe (1958) first published descriptions of thought-stopping techniques,
clinicians have been applying these types of interventions. There has been a plethora of case
studies published over the years claiming reductions in anxiety symptoms with both adults
and children. However, the results of experimental investigations have been inconsistent.
Several of these studies have suffered from methodological shortcomings such as the lack of
a control group or no follow-up analysis to determine if results have been maintained.
The general framework for teaching clients to use thought-stopping techniques follows a
progression that begins with the therapist being more overtly involved and gradually
diminishing involvement until the client is able to use the intervention independently. This
interventions starts by having clients imagine the anxiety-provoking situation and
vocalizing their thoughts. When clients first utter an irrational anxiety-producing thought
such as, If I did a bad job of reading in front of the class, Id die, the therapist shouts,
Stop. Practice this first step until clients report that the therapist shouting, Stop
interrupted their irrational thinking. The second step involves having clients merely think of
the anxiety-provoking situation and signal the therapist whenever they were thinking an
irrational thought. Upon observing the signal, the therapist again shouts, Stop.
The problem with most thought stopping interventions is that they stop at this point. Clients
can learn how to stop a disturbing thought but unless they can replace the anxietyproducing thought with a rational cognition, the original thought will quickly return. The
next important step involves having clients think about positive, rational and/or calming
thoughts that could substitute for the anxiety producing thought. Clients are taught to
imagine the anxiety-provoking situation and when they began to think irrational thought
they are to say their rational coping statement aloud. Once again, practice this until clients
report that they are able to consistently reduce their anxiety to a manageable level. The use
of a self-report scale (such as the subjective units of discomfort scale) with a range from 1-10
can be helpful to quantify the intensity of their emotions. The final step involves having
clients practice transferring the rational coping statement from an overt statement to internal
dialogue. Now they are to merely think their rational coping statement whenever they
notice they are beginning to feel anxious.
6.8 Lesson 8: Systematic desensitization
This lesson teaches the clients how to use gradual exposure and relaxation as a means of
learning to manage specific phobias.
One of the most common ways to get over a specific anxiety is to start by approaching the problem
slowly. You know, taking small steps toward your goal until you are better able to manage the
anxiety. Mental health professionals call this systematic desensitization and it is used a lot with kids
and adults who have difficulties with anxiety.
If you were afraid of the water, there are a number of ways you could try to conquer your anxiety.
You could get in a boat, drive out into the middle of a lake, and jump in. That would be one approach
but probably not the best one. You could also start by using a pool. At first, you might need to stand
on the deck of the pool and not actually go near the water. After you were able to stand on the deck
without being too anxious, maybe you could slowly wade into the water. Maybe youd have to start
the wading in the baby pool. Each day you could go a couple of inches deeper and stay there until you
were able to relax. With enough time and plenty of support, youd eventually be able to go all the way
into the water. Thats the way systematic desensitization works and were going to try to help you
understand how to apply it to your worries.
One of the first things to do is create a Fear Thermometer which is kind of like the SUDs scale. You
start by listing the things that you get a little anxious about (like standing on the side of the pool),
and you keep going up the thermometer until you list the things you are very anxious about (jumping
in the deep end of the pool). The thermometer goes from 1 to 100 so for each event you have to give it a
score (or temperature).
Using the pool example, a Fear Thermometer might look like this:
Jumping into deep end without life jacket
Jumping into deep end with life jacket
Wading in chest deep water
Wading in waist deep water
Wading in knee deep water
Walking into the water at a pool
Walking into the water at the baby pool
Standing on the deck of a pool
Looking at a pool
Seeing people swimming on video
So the plan would be to start at the bottom with video of people swimming. While watching the video,
you would repeat a self-calming statement while doing rational-emotive imagery just like we
practiced a few pages ago. It might be a self-calming statement like, I am safe. Nothing bad is going
to happen to me in the water or something like that. Some people use a mental picture of a relaxing
event (like clouds floating across the sky) and when they start to feel anxious, they switch to that
image. Feel free to experiment to determine which one works best for you. When you can look at that
video of someone swimming without feeling overwhelmed by worries, it is time to move to the next
event on the Fear Thermometer. You keep using the same set of procedures until you can reach the top
of the Fear Thermometer.
Now, its time for you to make your own Fear Thermometer. I used eight lines but if you need more,
feel free to take out a separate sheet of paper.
__________________________ Temp.____________
____________________________ Temp.__________
__________________________ Temp.___________
___________________________ Temp.__________
___________________________ Temp.__________
___________________________ Temp.__________
___________________________ Temp.__________
___________________________ Temp.__________
Write down your self-calming statement or calming mental image you will use to relax here.
Remember, start at the bottom and when you are able to manage that situation without feeling too
much anxiety, move up the list. This will take time so be patient. Sometimes it will take weeks and
even months to work through your list. Dont expect to master the list overnight
Wilde, 2008, p. 58-62).
6.9 Lesson 9: Worry brain vs. calm brain
This lesson is to determine if clients have mastered the skill of understanding the difference
between 1) a rational thought and 2) an irrational exaggeration. Clients are challenged to
come up with both for this lesson.
I call this Worry Brain vs. Calm Brain. It can be used with any situation you get anxious about
but its a good idea to use it with the one youve been having the most trouble with. Below are two
sets of brains. Your job is to write a Worry Brain thought and a Calm Brain thought in the lines
Lets use the example of being afraid of storms to illustrate what you are supposed to do. In this
scenario, you have just seen that the sky is turning dark. The worry brain thinks, Oh no, it might
thunder and lightning and that would be terrible. The calm brain thinks, Well, there might be a
storm but that wouldnt be the worst thing in the world. Im safe here inside. Next, the worry brain
thinks, It could turn into a tornado and come right at the house. The calm brain thinks, It could
turn into a tornado but it never has before. In fact, in the history of our town, theres never been a
single house hit by a tornado. The odds are that Ill be safe. Do you see how it works? This will give
your calm brain a chance to practice overpowering your worry brain. Select a situation you get
anxious about and practice writing both Worry Brain thoughts and then countering that with a
Calm Brain answers. Give it a shot! Feel free to take out a blank piece of paper and practice this
Worry Brain vs. Calm Brain all you want. Its easy once you get the hang of it.
1. Worry Brain Thought____________________________
1.a. Calm Brain Thought ____________________________
2. Worry Brain Thought ___________________________
2.a. Calm Brain Thought _____________________________
(Wilde, 2008, p. 66-67)
7. Summary
Anxiety problems are among the most commonly diagnosed mental and emotional
problems to occur during childhood and adolescence. Research suggests that if left
untreated, many children will struggle with anxiety later in life. The interventions
discussed in this article are relatively brief and are designed to be used in a group
counseling setting. While there is an abundance of research on the effectiveness of REBT
and CBT on the treatment of anxiety, there is significantly less when it comes to the
application of these principles in a group setting. The research that is available has
generally found positive results for anxiety management conducted in a group counseling
setting. The lessons presented in this chapter start by setting the stage by helping clients
understand that they have the ability to change their thoughts and thus, change their
feelings. The connection between thoughts and feelingessential when using
REBT/CBTis stressed in the beginning of group. Helping clients understand what kinds
of thoughts contribute to anxious feelings is also an important component of the process.
Several lessons focus on clients practicing ways of minimizing and managing anxiety are
also presented (distraction, thought stopping, rational emotive imagery). Finally, a lesson
designed to allow clients to practice using systematic desensitization is offered.
8. References
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ISBN 978-953-307-560-0
Hard cover, 370 pages
Publisher InTech
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Jerry Wilde (2011). Rational-Emotive and Cognitive-Behavioral Interventions for Children with Anxiety
Disorders: A Group Counseling Curriculum, Different Views of Anxiety Disorders, Dr. Salih Selek (Ed.), ISBN:
978-953-307-560-0, InTech, Available from: http://www.intechopen.com/books/different-views-of-anxietydisorders/rational-emotive-and-cognitive-behavioral-interventions-for-children-with-anxiety-disorders-a-group-
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