Jagan, 22-6-2016 Resume
Jagan, 22-6-2016 Resume
Jagan, 22-6-2016 Resume
Jagan Mohan
Work Experience: 15 years [10 Years (Teaching) + 5 years (Industry)]
Worked as Software Engineer from TST Software Pvt Ltd, 12-5-1999 to 30-5-2004.
1. No.of Research Papers: 21
Research Journals:
International: 19
National: 2
Conferences attended:
International: 5
National: 0
Workshops attended: 8
2. Research Areas: Software Engineering, Image Processing and Data Mining.
3. Reviewer to Research Journals: 1) IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE).
2) International Journal of Network Security.
3) PAK Publishing Group as a Reviewer from Review of
Computer Engineering Research.
4. Review to the Ph.D Thesis:
1) Evaluated of the Ph.D Thesis for Mr.D.B.kshirsagar guided by Dr.U.V.Kulkarni,
PG/04/Thesis Engg./2016-17/1235-2, Dated: 6-9-2016. Swami Ramanand Teerth
Marathwada University, NANDED-431606(Maharashtra State).
2) Evaluated of the Ph.D Thesis for Mr.Bagh V.V guided by Dr.U.V.Kulkarni,
PG/04/Thesis Engg./2016-17/1534-2, Dated: 28-09-2016.Swami Ramanand Teerth
Marathwada University, NANDED-431606(Maharashtra State).
5. Review to the Research Papers Conference/Journals: 2(Conference) + 20(Journals).
6. Consultancy Projects: 1) Mobile Application with ISO Standards from Yashi Tech.
7. Patent: Applied on Directional Image Angle Analysis: An Identification Using L-axial Model
8. Books: 1). Proposal Submitted on Insight of Fog Computing, Taylor and Francis, CRC
2). Proposal Accepted on Directional Image Angle Analysis-A T-nary Software
Engineering, LAP Lambert Publications, Germany.
9. DST Project: Proposal submitting on Dissecting Autism Trajectories in Longitudinal
Electronic Health Records, India-Israel S&T Cooperation Proposal for DST-OCS Joint
Research Project For 2017-2019.
Research Guide in Dept of Computer Science and Engineering from Swamy Ramanand
Teerth Marathwada University at Nanded, Maharashtra State.
Written Five Chapters in Big Data Analytics with Hadoop and R Text Book from PHILearning Education Pvt Ltd.
Knowledge in CBCS Program of Autonomous Syllabus for R16 Academic Regulations from
Swarnandhra College of Engineering and Technology.
Microsoft Certificate Exam Trainer in MTA HTML-5 and Microsoft Certification Course like
MTA HTML 5.0 Passed in 2014 got 73%.
BOS Member for UG and PG in Dept. of CSE from Swarnandhra College of Engineering
and Technology.
Attended Workshop on Geo-Spatial Mining, JNTU-KKD Sponsored by IEEE, March 19th20th, 2011.
Swarnandhra Institute of Engineering and Technology, on 3th and 4th March 2016.
Attended A Five Days Faculty Development Programme on Big Data Analytics on 2nd
-6th August 2016 from Dept of CSE, Shri Vishnu Engineering College for Women
(Autonomous) Under TEQUIP-II.
Attended a Guest Lecture on BIG DATA and HADOOP for B.Tech (CSE) students on 2409-2016 at Srinivasa Institute of Engineering and Technology, Cheyyeru, Amalapuram-533
Attended a Guest Lecture on HADOOP & BIG DATA for B.Tech (CSE) students on 17-102016 at AKRG College of Engineering and Technology, Nallajerla-533 112.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and Subbarao. R: Increasing the Reliability of Angle Oriented
Face Recognition using DCT, published In the Proceedings of International Congress on
Productivity, Quality, Reliability, Optimization and Modeling, Indian Statistical Institute,
New Delhi, Allied Publishers 2011.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. and Raja Sekhara Rao, Kurra: Advancement Reliability of Angle
Oriented Face Recognition Using Data Locking, ANU Journal of Physical Science, VolIII(1&2),P-33, June-December, 2011.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and Subbarao. R. and Raja Sekhara Rao K., Similarity of Inference
Face Matching on Angle Oriented Face Recognition, Published in Journal of Computer
Engineering and Intelligent Systems from www.iiste.org, ISSN 2222-1719 (Paper) ISSN
2222-2863 (Online), Vol 3, No.2, 2012.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and Subbarao. R. and Raja Sekhara Rao K., Efficient K-Means
Cluster Reliability on Ternary Face Recognition using Angle Oriented Approach,
Published In the Proceedings of International Conference on Advances in Communication,
Navigation and Signal Processing Technically Co-Sponsored by IEEE, Hyderabad Section,
March 17th-18th, 2012, Dept of ECE, Andhra University College of Engineering (A).
R.N.V.Jagan Mohan, Dileep Kumar Kadali and Y. Vamsidhar: Similarity based Query
Optimization on Map Reduce using Euler Angle Oriented Approach, International
Journal of Science and Engineering Research (IJSER)Volume 3, Issue 8, Page No.2 August
2012 Edition Statistics.
R.Subba Rao, K.Raja Sekhara Rao and R.N.V.Jagan Mohan: Fuzzy Cluster Index: An
Angle Oriented Face Recognition Using RSA, Published in Mathematical Sciences
International Research Journal, ISSN: 2278-8697, ISBN: 978-93-81583-57-9, Volume
1, Number 3, Page No: 1058-1067, Sep, 13th-14th, 2012.
R.N.V.Jagan Mohan, and Geetha Sri Yendrapati, an Efficient Heuristic Algorithm for
Cluster Analysis, IJAIR-2012, and ISSN: 2278-7844, P.P:374-377, IJAIR. All rights
reserved 374.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. and Dileep Kumar, Kadali: Optimizing of Data Duplication Using
Map Reduce Approaches, ANU Journal of Physical Science, Vol-IV (1&2), P-21, JuneDecember, 2012.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V and Subbarao. R. and Raja Sekhara Rao K.., Efficient K-Means
Cluster Reliability on Ternary Face Recognition using Angle Oriented Approach,
Published in International Journal of Informatics and Communication Technology
(IJ-ICT) Vol.2, No.1, January 2013, pp. 180~187 ISSN: 2252-8776.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and Raja Sekhara Rao K., Optimized Inference of Fuzzy Angle
Oriented Matching Using Bayes Condition, Published in the Proceedings International
Conference on Quality, Reliability & Operations Research (ICONQROR 2013), January 7th
9th 2013, Indian Statistical Institute, Mumbai.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and Srinivas Vegi and Raja Sekhara Rao K., Increasing the
Reliability of Fuzzy Angle Oriented Cluster Using Peer-to-Peer, Published In the
Proceedings 9th International Conference on Heterogeneous Networking for Quality,
Reliability, Security and Robustness (Qshine-2013) January 11th- 12th 2013, Technical
Sponsored by IEEE, Springer, EAI, Goutam Budda University, Noida, Delhi, Published in
Springer Journal of LNICST, Volume No.001.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and K. Raja Sekhara Rao.: Cluster Optimization for Angle Oriented
Face Matching, published in IEEE Technology and Engineering Education (ITEE), VOL. 8,
NO. 1, Page No: 22-26, March, 2013, 1558-7908 2013 IEEE Education Society Students
Activities Committee (EdSocSAC), http://www.ieee.org/edsocsac.
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and P.Haritha, and K. Raja Sekhara Rao. Approximation of
Similarity Failures by Homogeneous Poisson Process published under Caribbean
Jagan Mohan R.N.V. and K. Raja Sekhara Rao, Target Inference on Evaluation of Angle
Oriented Cluster, Computer Science and Information Technology 2(3): 121-125, 2014
DOI: 10.13189/csit.2014.020301, Copyright 2014 Horizon Research publishing all rights
reserved. http://www.hrpub.org.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. Approximation of Similarity Frames Using Bayes Error Rate,
Published in IASTER's International Journal of Research in Computer Applications &
Information Technology, Vol.2, Issue 6, Nov.-Dec.,2014, pp. 39-42, ISSN Online: 23475099, Print: 2348-0009,DOA : 13122014 IASTER 2014, www.iaster.com.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. and Yatam Vekanna Babu. Identifying Adversary of Pattern
Classification under Attacks, Published in International Journal for Research on
Electronics and Computer Science ISSN: 2321-5784 (Print) ISSN: 2321-5485(Online),
V-5, I-2, Page No: 4365-4370, IJRECS @ Nov Dec 2015, www.ijrecs.com.
Dileep Kumar, Kadali, Jagan Mohan, R.N.V., Srinivasa Rao, Majji, Cluster Optimization
for Similarity Process Using De-Duplication, International Journal of Scientific
Research and Development, Vol-4, Issue-06, 2016, ISSN (online):2321-0613.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. Angle Oriented Based Image Analysis Using L-Axial SemiCircular Model, Published in Asian Journal of Mathematics and Computer Research,
ISSN No. : 2395-4205 (Print), 2395-4213 (Online), Vol.:10, Issue: 4, Page No: 320331, Volume-10, Issue-4, 2016.
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. Enhancement of Big Image Processing Using Nave based
Logistic Regression, Published in MAYFEB Journal of Computer Science, MAYFEB
Jagan Mohan, R.N.V. and Y.Vamsidhar and Thota Mohana Laxmi Tulasi.: Bio AnalyticsA Big Data Analytics on Disease Identification Using Pathology, Global Journal for
Operating System, UNIX and Shell Programming, Advanced UNIX Shell Programming.
Father Name: R.V.S.Sastry (Late)
Present Address: R.N.V.Jagan Mohan
D.No:3-3-1/1, Rayasam Vari Street,
Near Raithu Bazar,
Marital Status: Married
Date of Birth: 01-08-1973
Identification Proof: Aadhaar No: 7126 5264 7132, PAN CARD NO: A0RPR3765E.
I hereby inform to that the above furnished particulars are true of the best of my knowledge.