Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games: Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

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Formalizing Perfect Information

Extensive Form Games
Game Theory Course:
Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games


The normal form game representation does not incorporate

any notion of sequence, or time, of the actions of the players

The extensive form is an alternative representation that makes
the temporal structure explicit.
Two variants:
perfect information extensive-form games
imperfect-information extensive-form games

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N is a set of n players

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A is a (single) set of actions

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H is a set of non-terminal choice nodes

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H
Action function: : H 7 2A assigns to each choice node a set of

possible actions

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H
Action function: : H 7 2A
Player function: : H 7 N assigns to each non-terminal node h a

player i N who chooses an action at h

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H
Action function: : H 7 2A
Player function: : H 7 N

Terminal nodes: Z is a set of terminal nodes, disjoint from H

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H
Action function: : H 7 2A
Player function: : H 7 N

Terminal nodes: Z
Successor function: : H A 7 H Z maps a choice node

and an action to a new choice node or terminal node such that

for all h1 , h2 H and a1 , a2 A, if (h1 , a1 ) = (h2 , a2 ) then
h1 = h2 and a1 = a2
Choice nodes form a tree: nodes encode history
Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

A (finite) perfect-information game (in extensive form) is defined by
the tuple (N, A, H, Z, , , , u), where:
Players: N
Actions: A
Choice nodes and labels for these nodes:
Choice nodes: H
Action function: : H 7 2A
Player function: : H 7 N

Terminal nodes: Z
Successor function: : H A 7 H Z
Utility function: u = (u1 , . . . , un ); ui : Z 7 R is a utility

function for player i on the terminal nodes Z

Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

Example: the sharing game



11 HHH


H 2



no  AA yes
A yes
A yes













Game Theory Course: Jackson, Leyton-Brown & Shoham

Formalizing Perfect InformationExtensive Form Games

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