PD Flow
PD Flow
PD Flow
The chip design is a complex process which has to be
handled in hierarchy block level. The entire design is
partitioned into sub-blocks depending on the logical
connectivity and level of hierarchy. Typically standard cells
have a constant height that allows them to be lined up in rows
on the integrated circuit. So the physical design is directly
related to the technology nodes, irrespective of coding
technique. So this ASIC physical design is hot domain in
VLSI industry.
This project is carried out with the help of Synopsys IC
Compiler tool by preparing Milky-Way database.
The chip will consist of a very large number of rows (with
power and ground running next to each row) with each row
filled with the various cells making up the actual design.
Placers obey certain rules: each cell is assigned a unique
(exclusive) location on the die map. A given gate is placed
once, and may not occupy or overlap the location of any other
gate. Using the placement netlist and the layout view of the
standard cells, the router adds both signal connect lines and
power supply lines. The fully routed (physical) netlist
contains the listing of cells (from synthesis), the placement of
each cell (from placement), and the drawn interconnects
(from routing).
In 1958 IC has been invented, at that time only few
numbers of transistors are placed per unit area. In 1965 it is
D. Compaction:
Compaction is the process where the redundant metals are
removed and extraction of the parasitic is done for actual
timing analysis.
A. Data Setup
The library or data set-up preparation is done initially before
proceeding into the implementing the physical process of
block. It involves sourcing the required datas, files into the
home directory. The following are important files needed and
setting the parameters as per the design.
E. Timing Verification:
In this step the parasitic resistance, capacitance are
extracted with the help of wire load models. Wire load models
The following process flow in figure 4.1 shown is used for the
implementing this project. In each process step there will be
many or few steps to finish the process. The input for the data
set up flow is verilog, technology files, physical and logical
libraries. And output is GDSII in the form of layout.
Figure 4.3: power metal routes for power supply in core area.
D. Placement
Placement of the standard cells and macros are carried out
depending on rule specified and floor-planned design. The
following flow diagram shows the placement steps as,
Placement involves the iteration process, initially all cells
are placed randomly called coarse placement and then the
cells are placed according to timing driven or congestion
driven or rout-ability driven requirements. After one level of
placement is done the placement is legalized and saved in
database in db format for further steps of physical design
analysis and implementation.
i) Timing-driven placement tries to place cells along
timing-critical paths close together to reduce net RCs and
meet setup timing.
ii) Congestion driven placement sees the number of metals
routes could be routed in the specified channel. So the
congestion driven placement spreads apart the cells that
contribute to high congestion.
iii) Addition and modification of blockages is added to the
cells usually for macros. Blockage may be hard or soft.
The blockage means the keep out of the cells from one
macro to another or to the boundary.
Congestion is calculated by,
Congestion = [number of nets crossing the global routing/
number of available routing tracks]
Table 4.1: Clock tree network before cell insertion with DRC
I acknowledge Dr. Siva Yallampalli, Professor, UTL
Technologies Ltd., Mr. Mahesh C, Design lead, Smartplay
Technologies Ltd and Dr. Ramesh K, Engineering Director,
Smartplay Technologies Ltd. For the continuous suggestion
and encouragement to carry out this project. Also I thank Ms.
Vijayasree for helping me to submit the paper to the journal.