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Bead&Button 073 - June 2006
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World's best-selling beading magazine for more than a decade we mG EY See what's new from artists Leah Fairbanks and Celie Fago ian) Peyote stitch # necklace *% embellished with faceted drops p.78 wild about loops? <2 Stitch this multicolored herringbone cuff p. 24 Easy needleweaving Leam a versatile jewelry-making technique p. 98 SBUTTON, | Leah Fairbanks’ sapphire-studded art glass bead p.74 PLUS: Guide to metal beads Chain mail with crystals Basic techniques $5.05 +5 iiiFlower garden bag ‘A vertical mutif of calarful daisien beings a touch of summer to this chacming ncvesory. To make the shaped hag, stazt at che lower left hand corner ofthe patter anal work in peyote etch wich 11* Japanese cylinder beads. Woek the decrease section on one side, then mirror the shape 06 the other side schde maintaining the pattern, desired incorpaeate the daisy motif im the strap, an did. = Kuthleca Worden, Gonand Jeti Colorado, gobathBbresnanact Dare to bead different (Gur Head Girl has appeared con the Reade+Mutton Shaw T-shires for the put theee years, and thin year we thoxaghe i'd be fu to tut hes into a pattern for ur eradets to enjoy as well. Ue peyore stitch with 18° seed heads to make his 264.0 avec. 17x 10.86an) panel. i desired, stitch another ten 10 12 renee cof white a the top to weapit around a wiee ar woodkei hanger BeaderBuston ‘Editorial Assistant Lora Groszkiewicr, whe beaded the pune] at right, alse Tosa «pate sens hae caps ace rhree-hesd picot ta the edges, Seer ~ the editors of BendScButton Fofe i? Weaeta wooed 2 Rel Aan | Leta+ SWAROVSKI CRYSTAL + SEED Beans * SILVER COMPONENTS = Goue Commoners + Pewner COMPONENTS + ALPHABET BEADS + Sityen & Power CHARM + TWAl HiLLTme Siiven * EARRING COMPONENTS + Gemstone cans + GLASS BEADS + FRESHWATER PEARLS + SrRiMGING MATERIALS + WIRE & CHAIN + Teas Ane SUPPLIES » BRACELETS & NECKWEAR + ooxs CyncAf » ACCESSORIES & Craft Items:_Your Work Moon collar Arar frete, | mete 1! acrid i "8 Petar tube. | pas The recktace to my een, ‘othork terior rer ginara.s raltrs Boobie Thoamer, Erorsen, Wisshingon Under the sea (ones reels arc we a dhear exer Hun, FUSE peyole vtech, Agti-arggn Wena, ard on, ‘Chariene Sioane, Groat Mack, Akw York, benaingorestons. comTears of Joy tt MATERIALS al projects, teva basing win, O14 ‘ channesw or cimpng chars vers carers ‘gohlace 20, (Steen) 901 erry mart or faceted glass bei 92004 erm tarts boas 9 hax Geren reise ogg cup | crm beats bbracelat Fin, Eee) #5 Town eure oF faneted ans beads | 960 2 x Gren acrexo boats 912.44 Erm nonce ‘9 logge ease = Besimp peach enrages 9164 6mm teardrop baat = aa Gem roasts * 2owrn beans * pak oteamne wes String small teardrop beads belween large glass beads for an easy, yot Substantial, two-strand necklace. The matching bracelet and earrings are a cinch. desioned hy Helene Tsigistras: step! (photo a). Crimp the. [5] Repeat ateps 3 and 4 nine pane fesd {faces p28), times Repeat sep 3. You wil Necklace [3] Over beh ends, sring a have 11 101m beads. [A] Cuca 4-f1, (1.2m) piece —rondelle,a 10mm bead, and [6] Over bork ends, string a ‘of beading wire, andcenter a ronidelle (phata bh. sstimp bead a rand, anid the laup end vf be clasp omit. [44] Separate the wiresyamd the other clasp half, Go back [2] Over bok ends, string a stringten teardrop heads or srough the last four beads rondelle anel a crimp bead each (pote ch. (prota a). Saue wp the beads 20 Bead tie | Leslanlinaton cmto remove any slack, Cremp the-crimp bead, ant rim the wire ends. Bracelet [i] Cara 20m. (Stem) pace of beading wire, and center the loop ex of the clasp on in. Follaw steps 2am 3 of the necklace, [2] Follow step 4 of the ecklace, but string six reacdeop beads on each end Iphoto ¢}. [3] Repeat the partern (roodelle, LOns, rome alternation with six tear. drops} four times. You will have five 10m beads and will end with teardrops. [6] Finish ain step @ of the treeklace. Earrings [4] Caza 6-in. (15cm) piece of beading wire, and center four teardeop bead on it, String a rundelle over hols ends iphoto n. [2] Saring two teardrops on sich end. Over borh ends, saring a rondelle, «crimp bead, and an earring ire Go back theogh the crimp tread and the top rondelle (hate Som up she beads, and crimp the crimp bead (Pasi). Tri the excess ice. [8] Make second earring 0 TC the Fist. @ Cameact Helene Teiptstras i L1S0 5, Bobolink Dx, Brookfield, Wisconsin $3005, (262) 756-1194, or emait ker st hetsigistrasGearthink met,Garden Variety MATERIALS ‘one pair of marrings © 32mm oud oystat Tre-peteted bars kor & * 10-4 Beane cra, cue + fpece 17" sowd bends #24 im Gow chan, arm ints + Berm amp mgs + Bare jaro ings ar of eirng face © me 8 oF * beuctria retin, #12 * hutrrnsa pers ke eters Dangle Sparing blessoms from chain for a pair of pretty camngs, ( a f designed hy Mareia DaCostor stephystep ‘Seed bead base [4] Thresd a nese with Ved. (9m) of yim, and Pick up 16 11* seed beads. Tie the ends together with a square knot (asics, p. 128) to forrm a tg [2] Go theauph the next two bea on the tig. Pick up seven 11's, skip cw hheads-on the fing. and go through the text wu beads PRUNE 1. abi [8] Fick up tive 10%, Go through the last ewa beads 4 the previous loop, tbe twee beads you just went through om the ring. and the first two beads yo picket yp for this loop (bc). (4) Pick up five 11%, skip wo an the ting, and go. through the newt we (each, $5) Repeat steps 3 and4 wie fda, [6] To comple the final Jap. en theotghs the fre ewes 11% om the first hoop, and pick up three 115, Go through the ‘astro 1 on the previous 34 HewtA Bata | Aeatandttomscvnbop, and continae through the eet four 11% the ings (2-f. Embellishment (4) Pick up a bicone crystal. Skip tue 113 on the center ning, and jo theesugh the next wo (igure 2, abl, Repeat three times (o-e) (2) Go through the first crystal added ia the prevsows sep, and pick op an 11" (igure 8, ab). Go throush J EDITOR'S NOTE: ‘Because the design of ‘your earring findings ‘may vary from those used here, you may ‘ine your earrings longer or shorter than desired, To get them Just right, experiment ‘with different etssin ‘lengths before cutting | the chain segments, \ the newt erst, ane pick upp an 11°, Repeat twice (bel. then reteave the thread path for sability (e-d), [8] Flip the beadwork ores, find repeat steps and Zen the other side. Corinto a nearby 1 on the center ring, and go through the seven FIs of a Inop to get inte pasition far the next ssep figure 4, a-b), [4] Pick up.a round eryetat ir fire-polished bead, nd wn down the nwo LI" on the other side of the boap {bc}, Repeat weve times (ema) Hipy the beadwork, and repeat on the other side Finishing [4] Bit through a three Ines exoup om the onside ‘ode. Pick up fire 11%, and ge through the next three ‘bead group igure 5).Tis 3 Salésbiteh ket (Htasics), and sgn butch through the three ‘bead ketntp and the five FIs in the oppertite direction, [2] Tee off the tats in the hheadkwork with kall-hicch knots, and arm she excess, [8] Cut a tin, (8.2m) picee ef chain. Attach « dm jump ning ea ane end and a Suet jurip rig to the other cru! omoto a). [4] Arack the 6mm jamp ‘ing 10 the five-bead loop on a flower, and atrach the 4mm jump ring co ee raring finding (220th (Glose the jump rengs. [5] Make a second earring tov match the first. ® Contact Marcia DeCaster sat (619) 301-8197 ar eral ‘her at wiarcieBdecostenorg. Visit herseebaste, marche decosterorg.een MeO RCE ea Te Ta dazzling colors and brilliant cuts provide an extensive palette for all COMO M TMI ECR LN) ee We ad Term Wied co ea Ren energy Treasures of YOHO Beading Contest "Majestic Splendor" By Andrea Alyse CME AL AL fo Second Winner of the Wearable Category Treasures af TANO Beadine Conte:pememy Charming Glass Spirals | MATERIALS bracelet 8 in, ter) #93616 12-18 nace ila banc (Pernty Glass, ferrygianshc cary Omen tours store a beac shor beads #8-gnuge cred jump ergs (Fo Grande, BO0-648.65605) * Beta eras # Berin covers * tee tat * rourdrese psy crmping per faotiona® + tebnean piers + Hechter | hing catalog. and it gs am Family Gi to tum the beads into chans. nape and radiant colors were imesistitve, | played with these beads for months, HERR Phan trying to showe: am in a bracelat steplyste dace an oval jump Sse = peyatep ‘to photo a) ae Charme [2] Hotd the sige ofthe loop [i] cus em) With chainnase pliets. Apote } Piece of 24-gauge wire, Using pressure ve he see | Foundnose pliers, rare at with yur index finger while fine end of the wire, and rurming che Boop with the fal fe} roll a loop large enough to pliers (photo bi. i_Welcome | From the Editor 10| Letters, ete, 14| Tips & Meza heads 26) Origins Hasian Vodou Rawiers iy Pant O'Cenvon | For Beginnses Teeo-strand nese iby Hutesse Tsieassias 34) Simply Earrings Sparkling blossoee om chair by Marcia DeCaste 4()| Chic & Easy ‘Glass-spial bracelet ey Curse. Priniass Myf shapes and criars ame 4 peek ags-arnl-earig pe ly Caruisrene ffi | Quick Stitch Supple herriaghene rapes by HLL Wise | Reversiblo Knittes Bracelets -tantaided barube by Atay Laney Nesnas 50 | Two-Hour Expross 2006 Healer uation Show Arr ead Neckbase: fy Aka Furzancr Deaconn ‘On the Fringes fringe toa seed bead fui | Glaanty Crystals ladder base fir bask necklace ‘Artbesqee bnacelet by Juve Zrcameee ‘58 | Wirt Expressions Easy flower earrings by Wear Were[3] Continue coiting the ‘These decorative hende will wire around the initial loop snug the wire against the for two or three revolutions. bead, ‘Then bend the straight wire [8] Repeat steps 1-7 with below the coiled spiral the remaining disk beads, (photo c), [4] Slide a disk-shaped glass Assembly bead on the wire. fend the [4] Cut a 12-in, (30em} wire sa the spical is slightly —_lengrh of flexible beading higher than the edge of the wire, and tape one end of bead. Then bring the wire up — the beading wire to your against che back of the bead — work surface. Starting with a so itis parallel with the Tomm round bead, string a seaight wire under the spiral charm between 1mm {photo a). rounds (photo h) until your [5] Tem the straight wire braceler is abour 11-2 in, to 1 in.(2,Sem} above the (3,8-Sem) short of the spiral. Start atthe end of desired length. the wireyand make a second [2] String a silver spaces, a spiral to match the first 3mm round silver bead, a {photo e). spacer, a crimp bead, and a [6] Open an oval jump ring 3mm sound. Being the wire (Basics, p. 128), and slide it through the loop of a clasp through the center loap of half attd back through the both spirals (photo. Close silver beads just sb the jump ring. (photo i). [7] With chainnose pliers, [3] Remove the tape make bends in the straight from the other end of the wire that resemble a zigzag heading, wire, and repeat orlightning bolt (phate g). step 2 with che other clasp half, Leave a lirtle slack between the beads so the charms hang freely on the wire, [4] Carefully check the fir of the bracelet, and add or remove beads as necessary, Crimp the crimp beads {Basics}, and trim the excess: wire. Cover each crimp bead with a crimp coveril Contact Bobby Rhoades of desired. @ Faurily Glass. vitt email at fansilygtasskc@yahoo,com, oF visit, Family Glass will bo exhibiting at the Bead& Burton Show: in Milusterkee iit Jue CynchinMATERIALS beth projects + Fine 6b, fest * beading needias, #1Dor #12 ecklace 16 in, (41¢m) = 80 size 1 (mm) buge beac * 7g Japenese cyincer beads bracelet 7 in. ¢18¢m) * 495201 Grim) bugle beads | * 49) Japaness cylinder beads: A repeating pattem of bugle beads and Japanese Cylinder beads worked in herringbone stitch creates interesting suriace texture on a graceful rope. fOpe as a necklace, or make a shorter version 2 bracelet. Finish both witha Peyote stitch toggle clasp, designed by Jil Wiseman stepbystep Herringbone rope [4] On 2 yd. (1.8m) of Fireline, pick up four cylinder beads. Go through them again in the same direction, leaving a 6-in. (1 Sem) tail. Align the heads to start a ladder (Basics, p. 128), as in figure 1, ab, [2] Continue making a adder with twa cylinders per stitch unnil you have @ toral ‘of cight stitches (ac). [3] Conneer the last stitch tothe first to form a tube (figura 2. a-b). [4] Work one round of herringbone (Basics) as follows: Pick up two cylinders, Supple Herringbone Ropes Enjoy the to wear as go down through the top eylinder in the adjacent stack, and come up through the next cylinder (figure 3, a-b), Repeat around the tube, [8] To starr the next round, step up hy going through the top cylinder in the adjacent stack and the first cylinder in the first round (figure 4, ab), Continue ia herringbone using cylinders (b-e}, and. Step up as before, [8] Work the next round using buple beads, [7] Continue stitching two Touads of herringbone using eylinders and vy idesired length of your neck- lace ot bracelet, End with three ronnds of cylinders. [8] Pick up two cylinders, and go down through the tap elinder in the nest stacle (figure 5, ab), Go back through the cop two cvlinders in the previous stack (b-o), and continue through the top wo in the next stack (od), This straightens the two sets cof cylinders $6 they look like the ladder stisch row at the rope's start, Come up through the rop cylinder in the next stack (d-o}. [9] Pick up one cytindes, go back down through the top two eylinders in the previous stack, and come up through the top twa in the next stack (ef). Pick up one cylinder, go down through the 1p eylinder on the next stack, and come up through the top two cylinders in the previous stack. Go back down the rep two eylinders in the next stack (fg), [10] Repear step 9 uncil you reach the starting point. ‘Connect the last stitch to the first, a5 in figure 2, a-b. [91] Sccure the thread in the beadwork, and 1 Repeat with the tail ar the starting end. Clasp [1] On a comfortable length of Hiteling, pick up a stop bead (Hasics}, leaving a 6-in. tail, Pick up ten cylinders, turn, and work back across the row in flat, evert-count peyote stitch (Basics), Stitch a [2] Roll the peyore strip into atube, and zip up the first and last rows (Basies and photo a). [3] Secure the thread, and trim. Remove the stop bead, and secure the ocker tail. [4] Start a mew thread at » fone ent) of the rope, and exit t any bead in the end row. Pick a @ aves FIGURE 1 fh. ornw a up six eylinders, go through two cylinders at the center of the peyote tube, and pick up two more cylinders, Go through the fanrth evlinder of the first six, pick up three eylinders, and go through a bead on the rope’s end row opposite the starting point (photo b). 3 [5] Retrace the thread path twiee, then secure the thread, aod trim, [6] To make the loop end of the clasp, start a thread at the ‘ther end of the rope, Exit a head in the end row chars in ‘i. the same coftenn of beads as the toggle connection. Pick up ennugh cylinders (approx- imately 27) to form a Joop a. large enough to go over the toggle, Go through che fourth cylinder of the 27, pick up three cylinders, and go through a bead on the end TOW Opposite the starting, point (phato ¢}, [7] Reteace the threed path ‘three times. If desired, work 4 row of peyore scitch around the loap (photo d). Secure the thread, and trim. @ GUE 4 FIGURES [a] You eave rewtch fill Wiseman at
[email protected]
, or visit her website, roral of ten rows. 68 Bevel XMlentton f [acuelsiyclbattae scones z en2006 Bead&Button Show Art- Bead Necklace MATERIALS. ‘pecklnce 18 in, (€8cm) + ROS BeABButton Show ‘bend BGO) S84-0197, Ibeeclnnetorahon: coe) 1 Sarowell oyotats (Gtr round, Fgh ezore AB A Brum binone, at AB 2 38 Gir bicune, jot AB OX 3a drm vicone, jot AB.2 28 4mm round, oot, The 2006 Bead&Button 6 Seu bcos, pacts buat Show commemorative bead # Bnoe 1 or ratty seo y Stuart on ee by Stuan Abeiman is the ‘s-efohna bx clasps beataiful focal piece of a (eftracks, com Sparkling fringed necitace. + 36mm teat eng °° Doomp beads fy Anna Elizabeth Draeger 4 tute beacana wire, 10 + crevping plore ee cuts stepiy take the tail back through the bicune, is alae rest aif che beads (photo al, 6mm [4] Curfour 24-in. (stem) Onethe remaining sirands, icone, picces of flexible beading string the following patterns, Jénta bicone, wire, Fold a piece af rape. ahd secure the tails as before, 4mm round, around cach strand about Strand “ed bead, Jn ‘6mm bcone, 6 in, (LSeen| fram eae end, bicone, 4mm round, éme 4mm round, [2] On the fin.end ofthe — bicone, Gish icone, 4mm = 3mm bicone, first strand, string the Fire bicone, 4em round, 3mm weed bead. fringe: a seed bead, a 3mm bicone, 4rim comd, 4mm Srrand 4: seed bicone crystal.a 4mm round — bicone, 6mien bicone, 4mm. bead, 3enm bicone, érun ‘stystal,.a 4mm bicuere crys icone, 4mm round, Sm bicone, 3mm bieone, mm tala 6mm bicone crystal,» bicone, seed bead_ roand, 4mm bicowe, Omen 4mm hicone,a 4mm round,a Strand 3: seed bead, Sum. bicone, 4inm bicone, +m Jum bicune, and a seed icone, dist rewid, dimiry round, 3mm bivone, seed head. Skip the seed bead,and —bicone, (min round, 3mm bead (pate b}- BD esl atm | Lean@ two-hour express [9] Remove the rape, Pur all four strands ane! the tails fv the fringe through tb lange apeningof a bead cap, an Sti bigone, and the ssnall end df anenhice head 2p (ahote o} [4] String « tom crimp bead over all four serandh and fringe tails {photo e).Crimp the crimp head! (Basics, p. 125), and rim the fringe tails next ra te crimp. {5} On al four-wives, string the show bead a 4am Bicone, the large end uf ead cap, and a Simin bicone (proto o} [6] Splic the strands into two pes, and string an eee Ibicone on exch pair tohota U7] Sising, the totlowing, pattern on etch pairs Jam bictme, denen rood, ea bicome, fmm icone, Yum round. Geum bicape, mmm hiconse, dima round, Si bicone, mm bicone, Repeat the pattern twice. [8} String the following pattern on each pais Sean bison, oun rosnd, denen bicune, 6anen biceme, 4mm bicone, 4mm sound, Sima hhiconc, ann bicore, Repeat, [8] String the following pater am cach pies Samm bicone, im ‘rund, are ibicame, 6mm bicone, 41m icone, 4mm round, eum bicone, [10] Cra eae pie sering « timp bead and half the clayp, Go back through the srimp bead, ans crimp i, Trim the sail. Reese with -the other pie Starr Abutncan is exhibiting at the Beade>Button Shu fe Melecrrkce in fue. Te see mare of his work, visit his seebsite, abelmarartghasscome._ Arabesque Bracelet Tonge oxo = Bénm ume regs = Fret 66, to » beading nssatag, #12 sizes of crystals, and seed bea: | the glamour with this cross-needie-weave technique, designed by Joanie Jenniges | stepbystep Base 9) Cut a 2,18) leneth cof Frreline, Thread a teedle in hot end 2) Center ton 15° seed beads on the Fireline: Pick ap ar 11%, atm color A icone crystal, 1 tn the fist needle, Cross he second needle throagh the cA, and the 11° in the opposite decton figura 3 3) yecde, pick wipe an 11%, a denn olor B bicune crpstal,and at 1 Oh thse first needle, pack ups an 11°, 6mm color C bicone erystal,and an | 1¢ ‘Cross the second ncedlc through the LIS the , ind the 11° in che oppesite stirection ffiqure 2, and gh Gn each needle, pick up an 1"ya Cand an 11°, Oa the frst needle, pick ap an 11%4 Cand an 114, Cross the seein neodle chrouch the 11°, the C, nnd the 11° jes the empunine direction bec nnd hip. 5] On each seed pick up an 14 Band an 11°. On the first needle pick ep an 1% a0 A and an 11" Crass the second eoadlc throush thee TY" the A ard he 41a the opposite devtion (od i Fs 3] Repeat steps 325 six fiimes or ru ehe desired length, cic with step 5. 7] Pick up ten 15°% om the Cue hinfirst needle. Cross the second needle through the ren 15%. Cross bath through the 11%, Avand 11" fram step 5, [8 Sectite the tails in the loop of 15°s using half-hiteh knots (Basics, p. 128), Embellishment [1] Thread a needle on borh ends of a new lengrh of Fireline. Center it in the 112, Gand Ll" on one end of the bracelet (figure 3, ag), [2] On each newdle, pick up ain 11" and a4mm calor D hivone crystal. Sew through an 11° with both needles (a-b and gy). [3] On each needle, pick up aD and an 11%, Cross bah needles through the next 11°, Cyand 11 on the base (bee and hp, [4] On each needle, pick up four 15%. Pick up a & with the first needle, and sew ‘through it tn the same dircetinn with the secomd needle (md and |-j).On each needle, pick up three 15%, Cross boch needles through the next 11°, Ayand 11° on the base {de and jek), [5] On each needle, pick ap three 15%. Pick up a B with the first needle, and sew through it in the same direction with the second needls (4 and kl). On each needle, pick up four 15%, and cross both needles theough the next 11", C, and 11° on the base tf-g and em). [5] Repear steps 2-5 over the length of the bracelet, ending with step 3. (7) Scctire the tails in the loop of 15%. BE Aeaabi tations | hecadaniltoat [8] stata new thread, and secure one end in the beadwork, exiting at figure 4, point a. [8) Sew through the 11%, the four existing 13, and the B (ab), (10) Pick up an A, and dew ‘through the next B (b-c), ‘Continue to sew through the existing heads, exiting ar point d. [14] Sew through to the fext section to repeat steps 8-10, Secure the tails. [12] Open a jump ring (Basics), and attach halt of the clasp to either of the 15" loops on the cnds of the bracelet. Close the jump ring, Repeat on the other end, & ‘Comact Joanie Jenniges at joanie@beadworkdesigns com, oF visit beadwork FIGURE _Clever Petals MATERIALS: ne pie af earings + orm gions cryatala Zoaora 2ooior B + amm bicone systaie 2oatyG Peace D 63-67 ater epavers or bead cane #10 sem) 1epa9e wre, deadnt #0 (ROT) we, nad aot * pak ofwuereg trains * charmoes pers © roundrose piers ps curlers + horn * tteed Hocico arn ‘+ dell with carmen bt (etion) ay | tr Gring the garden indoors with a pair of easy flower earings, This whimsical summertime accessory blooms all year jong. designed by Wondy Witehnar step/ystep Doering the wire int a surface, carve a design flower shape tpheste by ito the hedd of @ barames [4] Cuca Sim. (em! piece Trimany excess wire, (phata d) using w drill with, of 18-gauge wire. Using [3] Phice the flower shapes 3 diamoud bic before you rouadnose pliers rll one ‘end of the wire inte enall loop faétata al. [2) Refer to the temple fa figure 1, and sominue steel Wack or anviland use 1 hamnaer to flatten aa aiff ie tomato 6), Adjust the lower shape with phers av mux. To ive the wire a textured hammer ite [8] Cua din, (10cm piece tf 2aepauge wire. Roll be tnd of the wire inzo a small foo as in step 1. Cantiawe CHE hin@ wire expressions roll until yest have ew belrw the lap tbat fons tphota 0}. Make a couple more wraps, (5] Make a bend inthe wire’ and end with the wire dircetly below the foops,ind crossing aver the front of Ming Gmm color A crystal the petal [photo hl. ‘on the Wize (phote f}, (7) Strings silver spacer or [6] Being the enc! of the wine head cap, a 4rum colar G rough the flower’ center crysealya silver spacer or Toop, Sccire the erystal in the bead cap, and a sin color B loop by wrapping the mire pstal (pote ‘around the side of the petal [8] Prsition theat beads: (80 Hewes | Inika van -apaiogt the flower iimd bend the wite-dinecely bela the beads as shown ia figure 2, [8] String a 4mmcolor D crystal and a silver spacer or bead cap. Make a small loop bor cal, apd trem the excess wire (hata). (10) Open the loop (Basics, P.128) on an earring fiading, sand connect it co she middle Teal (ahato Ky. Close the kaop 194] Makea second easring th patel the first, @ Contact Wendy Wieelmer at (S40) 748.6364 or swireweentt She will be exhibiting amd teaching at the BesdieButten Shoner iy ‘Méfreaukev nv fame, CY nthinFA) Astistry in Bloom ‘Avcommersation with beadaaker Leah Fairhaks fo Maw O'ConvoH 78 | Sumptuous but Simple: rep, sions colors pir svi sparing, lange in this pepote sth necsce by Aaa Maser 82) To Your Heart's Content Embellish a peyote band vice Devel jewels an brick stitch hearts fey Lammas Jow Mrvcriena SG | Decorative Vessels [eess up poyore stitch ssotaiers with lively babs fy Wexoy Lutsrorne 90 | Bayond Chain fy Anne Mircea 814 | Flesta Bangle ven up 3 herringhone tube swith hundreds of colorful loops ey Manca Kare 98 | Pretty in Pearis Satring clusters of peas anal errata using an cany ncedleweaviog wechajue fy Sterna Can LU2 | Cotio Fago A protilef the 2006 Eagellence on Bel tity. Aveard nips by Paw O'ConNO tas Koored feather nad and ieads team spin a versitile choker ty Miseeioe DeTrano 4 olymer clay las pendant Tie One On Ctaymaker by Caumistt Pueses mo 124 128 202 Bead Soup Caendar Bakes ‘Spotlighta - is & » V LV F ~ Miranda! Playlul shapes and colors unte in a fastive necklace-and-earring se designed Im Christine Strube to party when vou wear the e colors favored by the queen of Brazilian samba, Notice how the soothing influence of blue and rose balances the sizale of mango, fuchsia, and lime. Use the bead colors and patterns shown here, or design a color palette of your own, Making substitutions is half lhe fim! byt foltowing combinations on [2] Make e wrapped foop eepineer scainless szeel head pins. 128) ahare each Necklace * a Gunn teal peal ane tise Dangle U1 seed beds (photo al The mare dangles you make, (make 24) s the fuller the piece will be, #8 10e1m tango pest! [4] Make the first half of a Lacs vaca 36 danles. iphoto b) (inake sie) wrapped loop at ane end 14) To make the necklace © a paddle bead (photo o) the ein, {1 Getn) wire, dangles, stringeach of the (make six) [2] Cur a six-link piece ofJem chain. Stide the end link into the wrapped loop (phate Fish the wraps. anal trim the excess wire. [8] String the foltowing combiasbers os a sterling silver head pin (phate €)- # a Simin ocamge fire-potished bead, a6 12°, and a 3mm range bread a Joan orange bead und aan Sanm rose pear! #4 6mm olivine bicoae expe i andl a Sen Fochsia peact + 9 10min mange pearl © a 60mm teal pearl, two Is, ans] an Simm blue roncelle 4 deum sun hicone and an Smit fuchsia round erystal = an ¥1%, a 6mm teal peas, aad ewe 11S © a Ginn fire-opal round exys- tal abil a dene fuchsia bicone (4) Make the first half of a wrapped leap above cack dangle, ({8| To make a dagger bead sdaagle, cut the head off a fread pin, Slade 2 dazuer one hid of the way onto che ‘wire, Cross the wire ends above the bead (photo 0. Tend both eds steaighe up ‘where they cross, then ruske the frst halfofa wrapped loop veith the lunges wie (photo gh{make three). (8) Atach one dangle to the boron chal link andl finish the wrapped top. [7] Atrach a dangle wo each side of the reinaining five Hinks fphota hp. Finish the ‘weapped Toop, am trim amy excess wire. (8) Usechainnese pliers 10 renily aqucee the top chain Fink and the wrapped loop there ir (| Strong the Foes! head over the wire and the squeszed hain link. Seriog a form olivine bicone and a 4rum fuchsia biceme, and make a ‘wrapped lnop (photo i. Necklace assembly (1) Cura 22-in, (56cm) piece ‘of beading wire, and center the focal piece on it. (2) On ase side, string a Sem fucksia pearl, an Seam hue ronelle, two ial dangles, 0 610 teal peatl, 2 Sen fuchsia pearl, a spade dale San fuchsea peal, a 6mm fire ‘opal round crystal. teal dangle.a 10mm chalcedony roncletle 2 teal dangte Sim orange bead, a dagger, amanga dangle, and a danas [phot jh (3) String a Simm orange: head a veal dangle, an ram Hive rondelle, teal dangle, ‘2 Gram teal pearl, Simm fuchsia pearl, paddle sdangleya Sin fustsia pearl, a brn fire-opal round erye ‘tal,atenl dangle, 1mm shalcedoay rondelle, a teal dangle. 3mm orange bead, 3 slagges, a many dangle, ane -adazzer iphoto W), Repeat (4) Steing 2 Seum orange bea, an mm bue-rondelle, a emp teal pearl, two dag pers, a 10mm mango pearl, dm torquoise bead, a 1mm chalbedeny roratelle, aa dmmm olivine bicone, a2 Siin blue rondelle, ewes Semi fuchsia pestls, ans! a 4mm clisine bicose (gate N. ([B) String a crieap bead! a -4nin turquise bead, at ‘one end link of the Sr chains, Go back throogh the last three heads {photo m). [G) Repeat steps 2-5 on the other end, substmiring tbe slasp for the Sm chain in seep 5.(7) Test the ft, and add o remove beads an necessary, (8) To maake the options! two datigles foe the chain extender, string a 10m rang peasl and a em fuchsia bicone ot a steting silver head pin, String a Gin olivine taco and wn Sie ‘Mae roadelle an another serding silver bead pin, Attach the daitgles 0 the List chain link with wrapped loops (photo ny [4] Cura towrtiek piece af Sum chain, [2) To make the seven dangles string each of the following combinations on sterling silver head pine + a 6mm ceal pearl, nwo 11 seed 8mm blue ‘ondelle, and two 11% ‘© a 6runt teal pearl and bo 11 * 4 100m mango pearl a sun Bicone crystal and an Ym fochsia bicene * an Seman peer rondele _ B10 701m facut re eee, fe “Seen oud, rom Mt tnt ® orld drops, toe = Swart crates ‘ren urd, chia Témmmreina, fee-opat 2-3 Gr bieone, ote Jam con, 44mm bron, dem bscone un #1112 Boum ss eres Ble "196 16mm gs Gage bees, ime gen + diem glass Deack, hureuasa #1850 beat, orange # Sgeien 11" sood boas. fa SSS S| and a 6mm teal peasl *- an Bem rose peat! aitd 4 4mm olivine bicone ‘+ a 4inm fochsia bigone and a 1dr faccted fiber optic cane (S) Make the fétsr ball of wrapped loap (Wasies) abore each dangle (8) Shite the Loop af the hte soridelle ais into the end chain link. Finish the wrap (5) Amach a dangle to each sie of the remiiig three chain links with wrapped Japs tphote a}. th (107) 2g i wie rer Os i ‘soi Deeds, ime green ~ (290mm tasoted moun, Pongo . F, 2éiren muni ne mm mund. teal * Sioreveh Goyal (2 em troere, tur 2 aren icon, 2 ane Score, obvi Pann bcore, sin © 2.fenm olsea ronctilien, ble + Liman gecaconoetes, grr © 12.ezo 11° s80 beass, bre | #200 eixlogsivwe eran, ‘ron is #1421, 2-gargosteang ‘her a pra pr ot sng wes (8) Open the loop of an ‘earring wite (Basics). and sartach the chain (phat ph ‘Clase the loop. [7] Make a second earring Fo ntttch the fra. & (Christine Strobe hor bate availzble for this necklace, Te fitul out more, contact Christine ia eal at chatrucbesteartlink set 2,ig evel comfortable working ick Fine versatile If you're knitting 8 les making these prac jee of colors and enjoy! nate sit ori iging bea in ye pallens: then si avery row. The bracelets ‘wp quickly weBead-Knitting Tips + Hefore taking on a rd oF ee! ‘pend-Lnitting-ponject, beac each ot 2 tsa goat flea to be Soler A = 1-2. wide ease ito. 928 yo. er New this braeeler, you need etc 2 py eee © to know how 16 cast an, i E-or wom bamorhole | ise off. sbp arith: twetaits Purlvise, and work tn y (8 Dytetac-wine or'Blig Eye: nit stitch, naruto To check the accuracy + taoestny nce, £24 of yor pattern when * pa of tad ting stringing beads for a rede, eeu C0 exiting for etosfct) * chan japon} Project, wring several * pobLi (oetira Pattern repeats, and make a enlar copy of the ead. Theniyas you! string, the entire length cf beads for the project, coinipace the hed nouns oun 2 une 3 Pace teen ea ns yous copy. You should be able 20 spor sak er land correct any errors j ‘before your project gots underway % Tn bead knitting the i heesd will show aoe fewe berween beads and along the edges, xo stephystep [S] Knit figures 4 ard 5) arrbe start. Curthe thread, chonse n hard-twisted saceoss te rem. Feaving a tts tail. thread or yarn in a [9] Center arwistedarire [5] Skip the Gest Gatch acct [6] Thread a tapestry colar that enmplemenss or Beg Eye ncedle on 24 yd, topurl, hut Keep the thread needle on anc of the tals your beads, (22m) of theead, Line wp back inthe Kai position Sewrhe clasp ta the bracelet —_* Slide ar eatrimy bate the tails ea they ure even, (photo a), Slide Bagainse by stitching throwph a clasp on-one end of cach af and seen 10 9c. (hn) of the noodle, and knit one loop and through the nearest’ yomr-double-poinced thread anto a Bobbin (reuse ssitch, keeping the bead aa atitch (photo). Sew throusk _seeel haltingaseelles tw aw eipty thread package the hack of the knissing every stitch foe 3 frm eren Protect yourself froen the i available}, (photo b). Make sure your connection, Repeat ow the sharp tip. Par tn eacring [2] Seng a repeating, tension is tight enough to ether ena. Add small churns. ack an the nevlle’s Pattern of six color Aand prevent the bead fron tothe clasp loops if desired. @ warring end we keep the six color & 8 cylinder or ‘coming theough to the front. stitebes from sliding off seed beads 60 times (120 Repeat across. the raw: Mary Libby Neji moms On when the needles are tae jrebeasing chread [6] Repeat step 5.'The fix the Surface, She ix she thor imiase_ from the bobbin as needed. row of beads will fxce-you; of eae Kvting and Beal ary Litey Neiman Distribute the beads along the second rave will Cencher Bases prised boy the length of the thrend, 2nd ack iphoto-e). Continee Dig Originals. Contact her rewind the bobbin, i your bracelet is about at many, [3] Leaving a t-F. (30cm) [Sem Hort of the it der website, omsarface sail, cast on gure 1-3) dlesited length ‘She willbe exhibiting at seven stitches, keeping the [7] Case off (Baure6), the BeadécBartton Shes ty tension lavse, eeping the tension loose, 2x Milarsuke in lune,Stich a.wealth of glotous tings toa Seed bead ladder base to make a lush necklace designed ty san Zieareltgraceful drape, U color lends a bit of spiky fun, stephystep Ladder [1] Thread a needle with a Lyd. 1.9m) length of Nrmo or Fireline, Pick up four #* seed beads, ga throtiph them action che same direction, and texhien the thread 30 you have two pairs of beads sirring side by side (iguro 1, a-B), [2] Bick up two 8%, g0 theaiugh the fast pair again, and wo: back through the pair just added Ore}. Repeat (e-d}. ‘Continue stitching a rwo-bead [idaler (Basics, p. 128) atl ya cf 133 pairs and the ladder is appro ‘ately 16 in, (4c) long, Because seed heads cai vary in size, pou may need to use tare os fewer chan 133 pairs to pet the desired! lemgth. To adjosr the count, add of ‘omit pairs in multiples of four, Fach four-paie segment is about ¥ in, 1 knens {Basice) and trun Fringe Ti you hinged the number of beads mn your ladder, you'll also oeed ts adjast one or more of the fe sections as well. Be sure the stine adjustment on each side ‘of the necklace for symmetry ach Fourie segment adjustment, y04'll need 9 ad or omit rw iringes, ane per [A] Secure u 2-yd, (1.8m) lengch af thread in the Ladcr two rows to the Tight of center, and sizzag thracigh the tneads to exit the middle pac £2] Pick up 25 11%, one bape head, and cwes PTs (guia 2, eb), Ships che East 11° and go through che nest 11%, the bugle, and an 11° fe}. long in front makes a frothy necklace with a sing bugle bea in a cont asting To Stn 4 a &, owe[5] Pick upacs 14%,0 buiplejond reo 11s (G-d), Ship the lase 11% and jo thack throu the bug Continue through three 11% 01 the rain bantch (dee). [4] Repear step 3 seven times fo-fh for a broncted fete with a zonal at nine buales. [5] Go up through the ewo Laditer bee the fringe, pick up three 11's, po soaigh the next par of beads on the ladder and pick up an 11" gh [6] Go buck through the two ladder beads and che third HT? above the Lasider (9-1. [7] Pick up two 11%, and ge through the mexe pair on the tdder Oh [8] Repear steps 2-7, bn daroxigh the ladder, and pisk up twee 11 ‘of thite before going shrowgh the nest palit as in steps Gand 7, Make a tocal nes with nine bugles e ue steching as in step foot make gradually short fringes by rmking the following ad) istments in five fringe gromps Section 2: Pick ap 22 (1s, Make a total nf tive fringes wath cighr bugles cach. Section 3: Fick up 1911'S, Make atonal of five fringes With sever hagles each Section 4: Bick up 16 11%, Make a total of five fringes Section $. Pick upp 13.11% Make a total of five fringes vith five bugles Seceinm 6: Pick upp ten 11%, Maki of five fcinges with fox ules exch Section 7: eK up seven 11", Make a total nf five fringes wath three bales each, Afeer the final feimge, go back ups 2 I it through the ladker beads above the fringe, but do not ge through the 11 above the ladder. End the thecads, sand tc [10] Secure a new thresil neat the middle of the laddes, and exic the 11° athove the center lider row. Repeat step # going in the other direction, bu imulke omly three more nine-bgle fringe fr the center section, giving Fou a tocal tof seven fringes with nipe bugles, Rey step 940 make this end the muireer nage oo the first. Clasp [4] Secure 4 new chread at ene end, and comme ot the Liss paie of lader breads. Pick up an 11, a clasp half, at an 11° {photo 8). Ga fick through the ast pai of ladder heads (hat Revrace the thread path several tics for s cure the thread! in the tneadreork, ans! EB] Repeat int the other end, @ fan icareli is from Excelsiay, Miaaiesota. She will be teaching at the BeadScBiurton Shr i Madu Contace ber at jam.eicareMEmecsi.cowm. MATERIALS rneckacs 184 In. 41-9cral 2 foment Baye beds 25g sie 11" # Yein. (1-20) eso with toops 2 25mm satiena prineng + beading resides, #12 1 nymo D enasttonec ith besa EDITOR'S NOTE: To customize your look, try one of these variations: + For a fuller sltect, use 6° seed beads for the base, and fringe ‘every ladder pair rather than ‘every other. * Vary textures by using bugle beads ina few different colors and sizes, Add sparkle by substituting 2. 3mm bicone crystal for the 41° seed bead picked up after ‘each bugle Pam O'Conner huown for he ng renditions of azaleas, strawbe eel Susans, and other garden delights. Leal Fairbanks has the greenest of (hambs when it comes to glass. A respected teacher and jewelry she now c ines her busy Is of motherhood. 74 Weilesons |Early on in your career, vou worked with place in different sway, changing focus from stained glass to neon to fusing, Why did yaa stick with beadmaking? Vind molten glass much more resting than flat glass, I's fascinating to take chin, pencil-sized fplass rede and turn them into some- thing completely differen ‘Other beadmakers have wld wie they love the fact that they make sontething solid mave. Do you feel shat way ‘Wocking at the warch is completely absorbing, yen yee entranced, With any other type of arr form, you can doa lire bie sad walk away for a-while. You scant do thac when you ate head. You are work swith molien glass, You are known for your lush oral beads, Have you always been a lover of mature... flawer child? Well, yeah, Growing wp in Marin County, California, f spent a lor of time omdoors with my dad and my friends. And Eve always lowed gardens, We hare a wonderful ane ins Oregon. ‘You recently mowed from Califocnia to Ashland, Orogen, and had a baby daughter. How are these big shanges affecting your beadmaking? We found out 12s peognane right afeer we moved here, and twas wortied about how E would wel with a baby. Mydaughter, Tara, is almost a year old now, and i's warking out veey ad, Derck Lusk, isa lapictary artist who also warks at bore, sand ray mou Lives herein Ashland, tow. AL fiest wasn't sure about living here, burnow f Jove it t's right ower the honder from Callfoenia, and if you hend ‘west, you'll see lash forests. Bat look east, and you cad see the desert, We really lacked ous with ott louse Frecause it had a wonderful garden, Do you find inspication in yeu garden? Yes, Loften nike flowers into the Studs0 and look at them while [ For bah: ied azole treriores tena! — 1d DOSSOr Elie} wth ite on, ia Vreat, Cente, age pls essen bead — vor tomers oot all pee nd bE SapchvYor: PectEsc8 cal Mare ard 8h ook. Con bat, sateles Qranches bina tinkesnd= Atle VonOra ext vem pink atopic, Sr brown vines Above. bacrbenas ‘ane Foe beties bod — vibe tet SoM UE:BEAD From the Editor ra. Marocina Eee seins | ‘pence Caters foe dk ad Cy an ei . ope ee ‘When, if ever, is it acceptable ta sell ner : Ft tnt or teach another person’s designs? eee : Fe hae Thar’s a question we hear frequently at ia z Come muars ests Beadeé>Button, and it cells us that many of trope Reet oe ter ‘our readers care about the ethical and legal Seger ar me issucs involved when tt comes t che money-making aspects pelea ——, of beading, Unforrunarely. we also have firsthand experience (euanes To REACH Us swith beading’s darker side = the dishonest few who cause aT el 265-730 heartache and financial harm by cashing ia on anther uae sryeta Er person’: original work. And when unethical people prrafie eee oe ponies from ideas that don't belong to them, it hurts us all jena fines Maybe i was inevitable thar as heading becaine more bpp 2 popular. peuple would look for shortcuts to exploie the eee To sumsceieg | Erowing number of luctative appormnities, and maybe tea dooareene there i nothing one editor or ane editorial ean do to ‘Atrereng uses voaovermee | change that, Su, if jeratifyimg to know that my concerns. Lele ee ea haute ass Sie eS-55erSexees about the ethies of beading are shared by the cditors of (Chere Rloek. Moots Pecan a“ other beading magazines, including: Cathy Jalacic of at Seca Paeauntstivg geapanurron | BeadStyle, Marlene Messing of Beadwork, Pamela Hawkins eee wetersuxsis | of BeadUnigne, and Leslie Rogalsk of Step ey Step Reads, cena kee aan re They will alsa be covering this topic i marist | THT wil ts Be covcting stop i rouming as of Sreten Mawae neta : Siete tncninairs To address the question presented at the starr af this seresueienr easy editorial, BeaderButton’s position on copying: designs ts ‘igi oy ale Drie as follows: eee 5 Proton 1, Iti unethical to copy an artist's work to sa “sere na ‘without the art's permission. Prodicion Conceta 2, 11's unethical to copy any wark that has ee ppoared n'a magazite, book, er website and hacatclogad represent I in any vonue onginal design, ache comer SS. Itt unothical fo teach a beading preject that View Prin eat has appeared in a magarno, book, or website Seer without the artist's parmession. Ceomened nema 4, Itisunethical to teach a beading project ate nc i Jeamed in anothar toacher’s class without the i) pace eens teschers permission Sneae eet Ifyou agree, please help disseminate this ttewsage ESS Diy includiag 4 copy of these statemeers with your class lt Ua materials, your Kits, and the pieces you sell. You can down. Err fh tre A). Pre ae sr ene Pet ha hia ones load a copyright-free version at —%, Mines a | Ediror, ead purmonr ; editor bea (tronsang write busscrre ard: whilo Oaese Set W/IN irks Seporina. Cankir;lnavex econo alr Moral Beced— towers 1) dhop ied ane chads of pew set mt pricgacpas on nee ats: nck (bog sears Triourradna ond 12k qua. ort: acim branc'es bad —jovers Histories of ember eet win pop pee: Greer kanes: conti ren res. Fat 18 eva work. alee havea big collection of bora mica! and syarcle books, When we mined to this hese we wise, and there was nothing. in the garden. Bur ont neighbors talc us we would ‘be suepeised was exciting to soe things happen 2 spring came, Some- thing uew was alters Coming up. You alse are a wouderful jewelry designer, Most beadmakrs dom’ scally do ranch jewelry making. Nowe beadmaking, bat i's Intense and eolicary, Jewelry making is also-salitary, hut bess imeense. Henjay selecting beads fi necklaces and palling in the-colors ‘that ane in nny beads. (You are also quite soughe after sa teacher, What do you enjoy abour teaching? Have she energy {get from teaching. People in the keginncr ‘chises are excited about being. in shiss.and making s bead. Isa grest fooling ue see peuple dou for the first Site: The advanced classes have a completely different hind of energy. Everyone is there because they really wantto be, Jove sharing what fe fearied. If Tean eave people time a fnuseratinn. E feel prea You've helped many beadmakery «get their start, Now thar the field kas grown so mnuch, what are your hopes far the futerc? Thape people keep disceres ich an unlimiced art form, Ia 1 5ce people fall inta a pain by- nbers inetho! of making, beads ‘Ohe of the things ['m concerned abet is health and safery. This is such a ‘sew discinfine, and there isn't mmch reseasch om the health cflects of work= fg wih ass irs Are there any new developenents that you are excited about? Tam alwaysexcited by new glass colors. There's a glass aaw being made inza lam psork rods called) Kuglar, which is used primarily for glasshlowing. The colors are Cap Pee Autver: ec fara popes — deep red F308 OF frown i Cert Lek tebe bebe! = Sowers n sree ol Diok eet in pink sonerieees ren whee. RPh craros pled bead — Orrnge fawrrs set wn rutioer green OTE Peohbcn eran of roped ‘persion ae 1k Ge, scmconeraced in thick bars, and 10 get the enlot, youchip off small pieces to add co clear glass, Fin always trying eo ‘enulote the colors I find in nature, and smarty Mawes petals ase deep purples and pinks that | cantor pet in the ftalian glass I primarily use, But Lean gettin Kuglar and mux iin, When ya feel tappeat out, where J do.yna book foe inspiration? Un diest’s happen often, but | know ie important ta get our of the studio, One of the best things aber ity Aslan is thar John MeL aren, who designed Sia Feaneisco's Gulden Gate Park, ako designed Ashland’s Eithia Patk. Like Goldes Gate, # has sanious garters, including 3 Japanese tane that Tove. Onig of my favorite places to ga when f was srenving up was the Japanese tea garden in Sant Francisco, especially i spring when the chotey blossoms are in bloom ‘Translating these images tw my beads is ‘ery falfilling. Fain always seiving to make my beads more intricate without being fou entbellished. (Your busband is a lapidary reise. ) Da you 190 collaborate at all Yes, we've been doing anew line af beads that have gemstones, ‘Sct iaside the flowers. That's all my husband's work, He takes ty finished beads, deitls them, and sets the stones. No one else is doing this. We've alec) heen experimenting with faceting some of my beads. Derek used to mine opals here an Oregan, and now he mines Oregon sbnstones. We are sending seine af it ‘out to be made inte brads, [Tell me about how being a mother J has changed bow you work. Qoworked! on the torch uneil 1 was \ sever months pregnan, and at that poise Fwas ready for a boca. sgot back on the torch when Tara was.a manth alk. Twas so sleepy deprived that Iwas nor sarc if Loould make a decent looking bead or 11 was going to burn ‘ryself an epaste glass, Fortunately, was like riding a Poeyete Infact, my first beads came our really well. fm ‘surprised how much more | ean pet séone inthe shop since Ud Tara. Detek anal I have bot increased our jrealy fon =I guess out of iecexsry, Hove being with Tara and feel very forrunte ta have a wide support sys tem of family and friends co help me, and Heel forcanate to be able ta work fram bome. It makes ic possible for me (a bean tinegral part of her upbcitgy ing, Detek and Fare also looking far- ward to having Tara help with our ‘musiness someday, Of course, she may bbe jaded by then. *Noe beads, Mom!" don’ take my time ar she earch for sszanted. Crenting beads is aot only baw A make my biving, sa parte whe fam, Combining these two things bas been tricks, butit’s worth every minute, @ Leal Fairbars will be teachiny and exhibiting at the BeatScButton Shore ft Mibesaukee én June, Fur more about ther end, her teaches, oe lor shone | schedule, visit, Parr ©°Commar is a ecmnridnatitng editor for BendS Banton. Cuntact her At pampaliiiasmcom,Deep, lustrous colors pair with Spariding dangles in t I seyote stitch necklace designed by Aasia Hamid he traditio nd gold Jewelry worn in Aasia Hamid’s native country, Pakistan, are cieh in both color and texture, Inspired by those als, she combined faceted drops with hex- cylinder beads in metallic and pearl finishes, Her a picee L perfect for a Loecasi clothing, stepbystep eb). ick upan A, and go through the last Bh added (-e), Garnet necklace [3] Continwe seine! inflas, Peyote band even-count peyote (Basics [A] Theead a celle until your hand is appeoxs Lyd.(9m) length of Fieelinc, mately 13 in. (38cm). Use an and string a stop bead even number of Hs, and end (Basies, p. 128) about in, with a B. (Som) [rom the end, [4] Remawe the srop bead, (2) Pick upone color A and secure the tails in the peyore swo color I$" hex-cur beads. snd with a few halftutch ‘Ga Inick thtomgh the Ain thc kauots (Basics) between heads, ‘opposite direction figure 1, and trim,# Myrna 8 * beaceng noodiag #12 garnet necklace 18 in (Cem © 96 x Oren gerree Pela 15 106 x 6mm garnet trol, 4 a1 nin Bicone cysts = ze d* Japanese cys or rect eecls WGgeate A \S9eoiur D = faite 15° Joponese peed boats Nomen crystal button, ‘rom ox bronze necklace iin 91865 x19he oye teerop of £5 x my -ystalilen + a0 arm thcane eyes + sm 6 Japanese pacer ce Peron cess 1g calor A 16 cir 8 | * tgs 157 Japanata toot teas 135mm otal bation Embellishment [4] Find the center pose af che peyene band. Count 63 Be in one direction, and slide a needle oe ocher plaeeholder theough that 65nd head. This you'll begin the crystal pcs das step 5. sath of where FR) Secure a tye. Nymo ncar the end marked Band [3] Pick up thece 15° seed breads. See through the next Band the A above it ro the Sight igure 2, ab). fa] Pick up three 18%, and seve through the next A and el. [5] Repeat spy 3 an 4 un you reach the marked B, Remon the needle or placebnalde, [6] Pak ep 2B, bicone srywtal,and a 15%. Ga back wagh the eryetal pick mp a B, and sew through the nese Rand & (igure 3, a-b). Stich three thece-eael roups as shown {bec}, [8] Repeat seeps and ten times to make a total of 11 Crystal picots thar alternate With three chrec-bead grotps photo a} [9] Pick up a Bh a oryssaly wo 15% a amall briolette, al 4 156, Sew lack through the crystal, pick ap 4B, and sew though the ext Band A thgure 4, a-bp. Pick up thtee 15¢s, and 0 through the mest A and Bto-o) (10) rick upa Ba crystal, four 15%, a large briolete, ul four E5%s, Go back through the crystal, pick wp a B. and pothrough the bet sad A fed, Pick up three 15%, aad go chrough the next And B tebe) [44] Repeat step 9 amd 10sight times, then repeat step once more [12] Repeat steps 6 aod ? ca ake 11 crystal pleorsae the in this step (ea). other end. Repeat steps + the end {43} nd the thread, and eam. the bastion, (7) Sew dhrough the B ar Ciacp. the base af te sri, and go. thtough the tice 15% as stun (hawra 6, Gos thraugh both en heal up shrawgh the three 15%, aod aad back up through the fb ‘Go up throogh the unattached epthree —152.0n the endl a the long and back dave through the adjacent 15° (o-a. Rettace the dead jah afew times. End the thread, and erim, [1] Secuce ae 1S, [46cm length of one end, and exit an end bead, [2] Pick up three 15%, B, four 18% the barror four US. Go back dirough the # {phate b). P 15%, anil ew inte the orher sedge bead (photo of, Retrace she Piread path a few times dor security. Ena the thread, al teen, [3] secure.a |-ya. length of yma the other er, and ‘exitanend bead, [4] Pick up three 15%, th and two 18%, Ga bask through the B figura 8, a-b), Fick up three 15%, and sew through the sw end beads (P-e). Sew back through the thtee 1%, the By ant the fest 15° shove the Bled), (5) Pick up reo 15%, aod po. down thraagh the 15° below, ip through the adjacent 5 ancl the First 15° adfdeal [6] Repeat step 5 untit the hog: enoagh te go Groen or bronze necklace £9] Make a peyoee hand 2 im the gartiet ecktace, [2] Fotis seps 1-8 of *Embellishmenc,” bur begin the pscots ar the 62nd bead from the cemtes. [3] Fottow seep of “Emel Uishimest,” but pick up a Ba serpstalthtee or four 15% a reardrap bead ar beinleas, and three ut four 1% foe each dangle. Repeat for a tonal of 18 dangles. [4] Embelievt the ocher end [5] Follow stepe 1 and 2 cf the clasp irsaeuctions for the garnet ticcklace i attach the burton. (6) For the loop. begin by picking up four 15%, an A, aiid enough 13° ta 20 around the button, Go back throagh tbe A, pick up four 15%, and spo through te pwoend hex set heads ¢gure 7, -b), [7] Go back eheongh the four 15%, the A, and she fest 15" of the loop, Pick ep a 18%, skip-a 15% and go through the next 13° foe, Repeat around the Ina te) stitch a row of flat peyote (ordh, then go throu the A, the four 15%, and the two cee! hex cut beads fd-e) 1B] Sew through the beads as shawn foo thes itch one fore row of fie peyare fa) End the theead, and trim, @ Aasiz Hamid sewcles beading at The BEADerie amd Another Bead Please in Arisaua. Contact her at iassa0Beux ered er FRO) 722.9198,ae ah eee Sea aen? (CASE A,‘Te O Your » Heart's Bogin with a ba heart’s conte jaunty ehariy br the many vari: stepbystep Tonnis bracolet (p. 82, center} Peyote base [2] On a coinfurtable enget of thread, string a stap bead (asics, p. 128), faving a 6-in. {Sem tail, [2] Pick up seven cylinder beac, uum, skip two beads, and go back through the thie head feaen the end [figure 1}, Complete the eow in flat, even count peyore (Basics). (3) Chntinue stitching in flat peyone font the busi fs "4 in. (13cm) longer than the cxreismference of yaur wrist fora snaps closure, ar !4 8, shocter thaet the circumference of your wrist far a magnictic clasp, [4] Scowre the working thread in the beadwork with a few balichitch knons {Basics} herween beads, and ein, Remave the stop bead, and secure the sal the samme way: {B] For a soap clusure, secure a new thread (Basics! at one endl, aunt acw one ‘siajy half in plaue near the end of the band, Secure the tail, and tim, Secure 4 new thread it the other end, pusition the other snag-half ont the underside of 1.4 peyote band with bezeled jewels and brick stitch hearts Whether youy ons on this versatile hence, Content ddesagned by Linda Joy Mitehent peyote band, and then embellish it to. you nba slimy tenn elet, she bari fines up-correctly, and Sew itn place, Fora magnetic clasp, taper the ene asfollows: With the thitad exiting {igure 2, point 8, umm as shown [a-b), Go back through the bead your thread i exiting anal the last bead added! el Work two peyote stitches (o-d), morn {eo}, and go back through the edge bead and the last bead picked! up (oe Work oa mote sritch (lg and phat a. Fick ap the efasp, and go through the auhiacent bead {pote b), Retrace the thread path several rimes, Secure the a. tail, and trim, Repeat oa the nther cod 5 (8) Itmaking the eutf style, as shawn t fon p85, repeat steps 1-8 t0 make a second peyate ats,BRRSRRGB8 HSOBSeS 8068 Goo8 aaa tenn bezel charm bracelet, or open aut iin (16,Ser) {1 TS00 are crys fre. polehed Gxées end garratanes, or mag morte + An Jacana eyreet bec. Yasizn 15" sped baacic # Tor 2 sete of snaps or magnetic clasps 1+ Myre B ar 8 conditions wit been, ar Fanine 6: fost bescing nectar, 412Embetlistynent (1) Determine the number of 4 ‘ends you wish 49 embellish your bbraselet with and where you will place theen. Space them as desired. The shown here are spaced every seven heads (eed aod silver bracelets) anal every 11 {headls blue aint gold beagelets) (2) Secure a Lyd. Lt) length of ‘thyead atone end. Weave through beads to-extt the edge ead of rove 4 thigured, point a), ancl go through she next edge bead fab 13] Pick up 13° seed bead, » dnt, and 15°, and go through the edge bead as shown fh-c}. Tamm, go theowgh the edge Ibead of the prior row, and then ga baek theaugh the 18%, drum, and 15° (e-d (8) Fock Up five 15%, yuide them along ‘one side ofthe Aram, and go bask theoagh the 15%, 4mm, and E5* (Sah, Pick up five 15%, and side them along the sther xide ofthe ram, Go hack through the 13°, dnam, and 15, and continue through the edge bead 4 pet B fo“, through the next seven or 1] heads or the number determined by your desired spacing. [6] Repeat steps 3-5 to the end of the band. Se Charm bracelet (p. 82, right and left) Fallow the inctructions for the tennis bbraceles, then make the hearts harms is follows. If desired, diamonds inszead of hearts, or make rh ivan asseirimenit af shapes, fi tren, Brick stiteh hearts [1] Thread s beedle on a 1-yd, length of ‘Nemo, and pick up ewo cylinder beads, Ga throogh therm agin isthe kare direction, and adjust thetn so they sie aide by side. Working in fader stitch: (asics), sites an eigh-bead ladder Zigrag back ebro the lade [2) Work six tower en brik ti IBasicr) ending with a two-bead row (figure «). [S] Pick wpa 15%, 04mm, and.a 18% Go bsck through the 4mm and she frst 15%, and sow into the siliacent cylinder bead ghigure $9. Cetine thermagh he ridge beads, ening at the end of rave 1 (4) Work a rowed brick sic with three bead (gute 6, o-b) cher a row with rw reads (o-eh. Go throagh the last bead in ach of the top ewo roves, an continue thranieh the foureh bead os row 1 fed 18] Go up through the west bead in any | fbbe).and repeas sup $ to make ‘ae teim, (8) Repeat sec 1-5 to make os many branes as desired. Assembly, [1] Derren the placement af your hearts, Spate them evesly across the lor of ehe han 12) Secure a i-pd. length of thread ae ‘one end, andl weave through the beads tb exie atthe frst connection pin, £3] Go onder the thread bridge ar the 0p af one tobe of the heart, and jo back cheomgh the bead your thread is (igure 7, ab, [8] Sew through the next three edge beads; and repeat step 3 [ta [5] Zigeag through the edge bead Feach the next connection point, ind sic 3 atid + with the next heart. Continue until all your hearts fe conneesed to the hand. Secure the sand teen. 1 ouris a0 a rary serch Ph by beck ovat sino, ‘Open cuff (below) 1) Begin a6 for the tennis Braccter, ut make two identical peyote bands. [2] Follow steps 1 and 2 af the brick sutch hearts. After completing the sixth ow of brick stich, pick up a evlinder and a 13%, and go back thrtwph the eylinder bead. Fallow steps 4-6 10 soonplete the heart. Male a5 many hhcarts as iesired Connect the tien peyote bunds 2¢ tine end a8 follenes: Place the banals oa vor Work surface se they are parallel ure a thread in the top band, and fit the cxmer head on the lower edge, up 12 cylinder beads and a 1S, and sew thraueh the corner bwad on the upper edge of the orher base (igure B, Se6]. Turn, and 6 throw the next sedge bead an the 13° fog) [4] Work six peyite artches, sew back through the bead you exited on the rop feand, turn, and scw through the pest eclge bead (e-d (8) Work a peyote sitches, and go through the secoad edge bead! cin the second band (dhe), Retrace the thread path on this connector at lease oace {6} Determine the plicement of the hears. You tay position thers to alternate ditection, a8 shown in the ‘blue bracelet, below, ar have thems all fave the same way, Fol steps 2-5 af the charm bracelets assembiy, but when attaching the bottom point nf a bear, cote tn the edge bead, go through the 15°, and go- back into the edye teu (igure 8), Rereot to amach the hearss to the other peyore hand. & Contact Linda Jory Mizell at (702) 645-5107 oF himbds4ie@yahorLetters, ete. ln se April isnt, ure aed our dates raatiomal readers co tell ws where they fre. and tbe response bas been eromcterfi. Wee gotten letters fron all exer the world. Many thanks tt everyome mbes anyote, We hope you enjoy this sammphiag of respomees: Vm from the Netherlands, and I've been reading BeadcBratton sine Aust 1005.1 absolutely love at! | faunal the magazine when 1 was browsing the Torermet he lookout For ice oa bead store. When iny issve arrived read icoover to cover again and agi AIL can say is keep up the good wor ans, of course, happy beading! Gieenda Rabedink Lam writing to you from Heckingtom, a Willage in South Kinceliabire i the UK Hove your magazine and have heen goig through my back copies to mark all the projects planned to do and haven't yet po arcand tot Lam recovering fren a hip replacement operation and am looking forward ro many hours af happy easing. whilst my por hushand carries out all the domestic duties Mareen fie Greetings feors Tanja, Fads. Hi the southwestern part af Finland, the coastal area. 1 go interested in beading afer sexying in Kenya a few years ag0 land seeing] the Maasai aiad Sambuca necklaces, bracelets, and rims. M Problem is thar heads are expensive in Finland. I eannos dream about buying glass beads cceen the plastic anes are very. expensive! Tama Virranen rm an avid reader of Beauder Bution from =| Kuopio, Fland, Pe AARC been subscribing for three pears, Las fall wats the frst ine Lsaw the magazine in our local seare. ns so in Helsinki, but nor here. {usually read yes, really read the magazine from fron ta cores. Joloarna Kiseki We are in northern ARberta Canads ~ Falmonton to be exact. We lame Reade Buttons patterns and uleas, We dae’ pet to the United States often, but when How do you Peet reeset, Teheran aan Ee maine atti etn tabs Feb bd one ii bene Ae pee te merinen macs fume bead Paria it pst, lh boa san keke. (ora reser ‘Xb alba i kay my sn ak Ae nahn pete tans useberes tnhtsk, 10 Heelie tmin | esian ta CyncamDecorative Vessels Dress up peyote stitch containers with lively embelksned licis designed oy Wendy Ellsworth Colorful beaded containers with a slouchy-basket look Work up rather quic! ing size 8" Japanese seed beads, You'll be surprised to see how soon you have a cute Lillle containe coring what else? — mare beads! stepbystep with a peyote increase hy Round 11: 2A6 per stitch Qed, picking up two color 8 8s ‘Bs per stitch fm}. | MATERIALS: fi you are using Nymo, work per stich, Step up throngh Round 13: Alternate berercen. | containor wih et for s Wwith it doubled and with the first wo fs added in this 2As and 3As per stitch {mn}. | © ansonmert of dtr moderate tension, [isn't sce (bo). Carn dhl This is the last row cf the ecend bevel kr cover nnesessary to double Firekine, rounds, working in fla batom of the vessel. (The | 48 dem Fre boars Tused 3-yd. (27m) kengehs circular peyote as follows, bottom may nor lie flat, hat |» 457 ac & daparrons pom and added thread four times stepping up aftereach round: this ean be adklressed Later.) | brads, each of 2 ects: th cotuplete the comainer ——- Rauind 3: As, adding a AB ‘When approximarely 6 i. bead berween-cath bead ‘waits * pmo B-eorettonet th {15em} of thread remai from round 2 (end, ‘Work in rw three ad ‘sreswe, Power Pra or secure pour tails with half Rocnd 4s 2Rs.per stitch fa). fourdrop circnlar peyote as | Frets 19 tat hitch kiws (Basics, p. 128). Round 5: 1A peratitch, as in foows, monitaring, + bmading mood, #10 round 3 (o-f) rension for each row by ene |_— 1 Container Rownd 6 IB per stitch (Fgh letting the thread show, Base Round 7: Aheenate between Round 14:28 per-stitch. Round 2: 3B per stitch, (1) Ragin round & by 2Asand Lib perstitch igh), Round 15: 3Asper stitch, Round 27-28; Repeat rounds pecking up thie color AS* Round $: 1B per stitch, sewing Round 16-23: Alternate 2 and 26, seed beads, Tic them into a through bch increase beads herwcen tomnd 14 and 17 Round 29: Alternate betwues fing with a square knor.and fom the previous round (he four tines, SAS and Ac per stitch sem through the next bea Round 9:2As per stitch (Round 24; Akemute berween Round 40: 38a per tirch, (faure t, anti, Rowiod 10; Alternate between 285 anal 3Bs per stitch Round 31:4As per stich, [2] Work dhe next reuad 1B arub 28s perstitch (Pk). Round 25: 3As per stitch. Ronin 32-36: Aleernate BS Ten tao Cynchinbetween rounds 3 and 31 nwice. Round 36: Alternate berween Shs and 4s per stitch Round 37/448 per stitch, Raunct 34: 48s por stitch, Round 39-50: Alreenate between rounds 37 and 39 six ome, Round 5124s per stitch, Round 52: 30 perstiteh, Round 53:44s per stich Round $465; Alrernaze between rounds 4f $Bs per atisch andl $043 per stitch sin ‘mes. Sceure th tail 1] Start a neve theese, and altermate three Ax and three Bo 13 timacs, Tie she beacls into a rye, an plage them: road the top cin of the contuiner (photo 4) [2] Waring i ehzcc-dsrop Pefoee, complete rem round ‘cdi with As. Work these foundson the cumtaitet wo the Tid isthe correct size. Adhane Sur tension as you work $6 she fl 51 to tht aot Coetimae working im crsulir peyote. Besin with rw and theee-drep, thers decrease wo single peyote as follows Round 11: 2 per stich Round 12: 3s per stitch, Round 13: 2B per sti Round 14: 34s per stitch, Round 15; 286 pee stitch Round #6: 1A per stitch, Rowne 17-26: Alternate reands {5 and 16 five times Round 27: 1B pee stiech, per stitch (igure 2, ob). wing through the next A (b-cl. rk three Bs (one bead per ), skip a stitch, and work three Bo as before, Skip re Lat stirch, and sep up through tie fist addled in this step fend Round 30: Decrease ro nine beac im this road. § tone A, skip a sits then work the remaining stitches wath As (dee), Raund 31: Decrease wo sheee beads in thia round. Stitch ‘one B every third stiech (o-f Round 32° 1A per sench fheg), Reswlocce the last round with a second thread py Embellishment 4) Starta new thread, and pick up cnough accent heads tn fit around the ledge of the thd iphoto <} Sew the beads a ring, and secure the tails If the ringis very loose, sew theouh a few beads 0 the lis 10 secure it £2) Exiethe last raund of the Lhd, and pick up one or twer fringe beads (photo ¢, depending oa how sowsh spuce is beemeen the beads Sew throat the trext bead in the last sound, Compinve to add as many deinge beads as slosired. Secure the tail and Pash gently om the Contact Wendy EMssecich at eflaworthstrdios a “GCAChain Incorporate @ strand of crystals in @ chain mall bracelet and choker designed by Anne Mitchell Combine two ¢ mail techniques — Lipanese: Overlay and Corduroy Weave — to make an unusual chain with layers and a flat base, Add color to the chain with crystals, as shown here, or substitut glass beads, se Tecious SloMes, oF freshwater pearls. stepbystep [4] Separate the four sings in 4 fourin-one set taro two Bracelet Patra. Flip ese pair of sigs ‘Connect the jump rings 40 they are siske by side'on Always ope add close jump your work surface (phota b ing sting twee pars of Slide 2 Omni theo pers. Hold the juinp ring the two side-byeside $. Senin with one paig and open ‘ings (phota 6}. tal tlece it with the kecond pair [5] Clone the 10mm ring, e (fhasies, p. 123), ‘ind tape iew your work (A) Close #4 and open 11 surface sa the rings are easier SSimm jump rags, 1 positon, Flip the ether pair [2] slide four closed $.Smim of S.Sium rings toward each ings om a8 open S.Smim thee. The inside edge af the fons (photo a). Close the rings will ouch, And the rings jump ring. Repeat with the will noe lic fixe(photo dl). maining ringsto make 11 [6] Repeat step 4. Cormect ie ta sets. the new 10mm ring to the ———__ [3] Open 12 10mm tings. available pair of $.Smin rings,ee eee) Cite eee resfel MATERIALS: ath projpets = chainnose plore = bertnoge gies ‘+ ermang piers + win cutiors ‘enol Bin, cm) #14-6rum count crys + aimee Nea aetna ses krnp ngs, Tore free ormote, 15-3896 set famomelche rods val + Vatroy ax. gh tering seer Lamp as, BST ins darter, V7 gage 6 erie, eds 06} bbextor claw cage Berwbawss fixie wading we, 004 ‘choker 14 fa, (38m) + 226mm eur eryatos 91 top 2.220 ae ig ssher jmp tes, 109rn ined claret, 1o-pege eta faethe nat ode WM 6 Te nop Og sng har bare regs. 5.5mm (rete ameter, frag i ernst code 00} 1 ater caw eam © 2orimp bewls + Tania Beading were 1 os Buco | Sisto jon the previo: fourimone set, Remove the tape, clase she [mm cing, snd flip the nest pair af §.5rim rings 3x in step $ tphate-o} {7] Continue connecting fowrrinvone sets wit the rexhaining 10neh rieg from step. 3 fphatof) You won't need to tecure the chain to. ‘your work surface, Cannect the lase 10mm ring. to the end pair of 5,Soum rings. [8] Open 20 5.5mm rings. [9] Starting at the second Dra ring om the chain, slide a 5.5mea sing through the wp wo 5.5mm rings within the 10mm ring {photo g). Close the 5.Smm sing, and ecpeat swith the bortam nwa S.Smum rings (phot h- Consinae along the lengeh a the chain. [10] Close one §,5mm ring, end open 10-5,5imm fis. [14] Working on one end the shain,coanect two 4.$meu rings to the end Hmm ring, Flip the vines as shownl, and comecd the obser claw clas to the tw 5.5mm rings using a thizd ting (photo), Connect ewe rings so she $Snm tings within the end 10min ring, 2 in step {photo D. [42] Repear step 11 at the shes end of the chsie, substinsring the elosed 3.5mm cing for the lobster claw clasp. [43] Ope 11 toi eins [44] suring ar one end, snke a 10mm ring throu the vertical §.Seam ious the centers of the first re ‘time ings (phot. Chose she ring, Repeat along thechain {photo 9. Phatom shows the side view of the finished chain, ‘String the crystals [i] Coes tote, em) length of Flentble Beading wite, and string a crimp bead. Seating atone end of the chain, Side the end of the ware berween the two vertical 5.5mm rigs and up theough the ceatee of the 10mm ring, Being the weire back trough the enimp bead. Position the crimp bead anette the 10mm ring, csitnpe the enimp bead {Basics}. and trim the wire exil 35 cloge ta the erimp beac! as passilic photon), [2] Stnng.a crystal, and beings the cbs! af the wire wnler the ater side of the 1 nun ng, between the next nea vertical FSi rings, sal out chrowsls the center of the next Hots ring: (photo 0}. £3} Pull on the wire, popping the erysal into the center af fhe first 101m sin phate pi (4) Repeat seeps 2 aid 3 along the chaia, String a crimp head after the last crystal, ant crimp the wire to the wher end ax in step 1, Choker ollow the disestions for the Inracele, using the number nf inimp tings necessary to seach your desired length, When stringing the exystals wwe a length of flexible beading wire 4 in, (10cm) longer than the chain lenges. @ Ane Mitchell i reaching at ‘the PeadSBuscon Sane in Mulisauber an June, Contact her at PO Box 153, Pacific ‘Grow, Cabsfornts 93950 pr anne @annemitebel met. Viet cmeemuitchellwet 40 cariter kits. EDITOR'S NOTE: Tolkeep the crystals from sliding Insite the Rue ees See ee uy ea eu ee oie eee CE eee ee te ee GC auch pede edBaniele Uver-up a herringbone tube with hundreds of ooteriul loops designed by Marcia Katza Statement mnoverment, With a few simple stitehes and seed. you ean wate th tubt i eclet cvalve inloa vibrant accessory that will complement your next Done stephystep Bengle with single-calared loops [A] Cura pice of plairie rabing- long enough to fit Wrosely over the-largest part of your hand. Cut a Min. (1,9cm| pioce of tubing, then cue itis half lengrhwise (phote a}. Discard one half, Dab xtue- inside one enai af the long, tobing. Push the Mein. tubing halfway into-the ong piece, smearing the ‘gloe around, Set the tubing aside to dry. [2] Work with comfortable lengthy of thr joni ell have-to add thread many times, Secuse ‘your tails by sewing into previous rows and ryiris. half-hitch knoes (Hasicx, p. 128). Stitch a ladder {Basics} 14 beads long, using size 11" seed beads ‘Connect the ladder ime a nig fahato b)- Avena Sayer[3] Using LES, ayork a round of rubalar herringbone (Basis Step up throaygh the first 11! in the mew round. {You nizy want To pur sour work over ‘the long tabling as you stitch 60 yoru know your work will ff over the when yois assemble the bape) [4] Modify the remaining rounds as follows to add colorful loops 20 each rounl: Wark a stich in herringbone with 11% tout des not sew through the first bead in the pest stack. Pick up 20 seolae A Charlottes, Sow hack theaugl the fiest Charlame, making a loop {photo ¢). Then sew ap theeragh the fist Ipead is the next stack (photo d} ‘Complete the roan, adsing herr ‘bone sriches with 11%: and loops with (Chatlones in colors B-HL Work the next round in the same mariner, using ears N for the loops 5) Repeat step $ until the bangle is 1 n.(3.8em} shaw oF the desized lenesh [6) Comer the herringbone tube om the Plastic tubing. Dah gor on the exposed tend of the %-inctubsng (photo ob. Then push the open end of the hong ti et the remainder of the Mia. piece; Hold the rwo together until the we sce (photo f [7] Work as man extra rounds of herringhone as needed to cover the rufbing, mar dent asl loops to the last two rounds, Twist the herringbone robe, then pile ap am 14%, and sew ie the correspemdling 11" in the first round (photo 9), Pick up another 11° and sew inta the corresponding. bead in the last eound {phota hy. Repeat 1 ‘cumplete the eo [B] Add colorful loops sa the last few rounds of the herringbone tube to over the join. Bangle with multicolored loops 119] Tas begin the enulsicoloned- loops kangle, follow steps 1-3 of the single-colored luops bangle. [2] Work sep 4, bur modify it by using the following bead patter. You will ‘make Soojis thar have 26 beads instead Round 1534, 20, 2C, 20,2, IF, 2, 2D, 2C, 28, 2A, Round 2: 3B, 2C, 2D, 2E, 2F, 26, 1A; 2G, 2, 2E, 2D, 20, 28. Round 3: 3C, 2D, 2E, 21 24,26, 2F, 2F, 20 Row 2G, 2A, 1B, Kound 6: 38, 26, 2, 28, 2G, 20, Lt, 21,26, 28, 2A, 2G, 2F, 2B, 2D, 2C, [3] Repea round 1-7 une the bangle is 1% in. (3.8m) shor of the desired length. [4] Work the remainder of the bangle 4s in steps 6-8 of the single-colored loops bungle, © Marcia Kurtz ithe author of two books, Sculptural Flowers L The Trumpes Flower anud Adorned Wrists. Cuntuct her at (76) 425-1559, email her at mbatepote.wet, oF yo cam visit er rocsite, festoomerycosnt, She will be exbabitiny at the Besd8eBiotton Shore Hr Mite ix Jee. = beading neccies, #13 + plasic: oqunrum er aurgfool 1d Timm diart «airy cysnoncrysee gluet ee Ce i eG a Modified toggles Te yoo wanr clasps zo march yor jewelry, here's a preas solution ~ customized toggle clasps. “Keep scveral Interchangeable toggles an hand to-suit your moo), ousfit, ae occasion First finish both ends of your necldace with the cicle end of a rgzle clasp (photo), Thread a needle or a Ty (sr) Feng of Fire 8 Th, tet, and string a stop bead (Bacics, pp 128) anal the bar end of the clasp (photo bi. 5-Sem) of beads atad the other Ak through all the beads anal the (frst bar end photo e). Retrace the thread pat, toa few halFhitch knots (Basics) od trun ‘Another uption isto rake a bead-and- gemstone dangle to hang frorm one bar coe of a clasp tabove, right). Begin as above, but string about 3 in. (76cm) of heads, and ora the second bar end. Finish as sbowe. Wear this design as a Y-nceklace with the clasp in fn = Darbant Scbwarts, East Meadow, New York Cleaning tarnished spacers Cleaning tarnished spacers thoroughly, cam be difficut because they'ntso small, £5 devised the fobooing mechod “To polish spacers on a finished piece, ‘spray 8 Cotton swab liberalty with Hagarty’s Silversmit's Spray Palish (or olter spray polish), and rub the: ewab over esch spacer unt it's shiny. Jo polish loase spacers, place them oma eth danar ar cotton 3, Spy ‘them wah polish, and rub ina ecular Mmetion until shiny, = Keil Poduzzl, Poughkeepsie, Naw Yark _Tips & Techniques LR ‘|, o>, Chopstick solution Use round chopsticks shar come with Ast take-ot as starting finrins for mubular 5 bead stitches. The ers chopsticks are smooch su your thread ¥e00't catch, and the tapered end makes them casy te she inte your beaded tube. Perfect! Manat McConnell, Minnetonka, Minmenots - CynghlinAfter taking Sheilah C! y's class on ut ing a modified needleweaying technique to create a necklace featuring a tagua nul centerpiece, pearls, crystals, anda mother-o Virtue of the design, step/ystep For instructions ex bow 10 cemd and add 9 weaving thread, seep. 100, Necklace, [A}Determine the finished length af yen necklace. {Mine is 2014-4n/82Nem.) Subtract the length of the clasp, divide that number in hl, and adh 4 i (101m). Cut four pees af Conse to that length, These care tho cone threads, Center the
Bictom Show in Milwaukee in June. FED Health ty | JebelBead Soup Making Colorful Wire and Beaded Jewelry Nlancy Eur, Creative Vision 5290915, ISBN 0.065 semi er eb som pps Paracel ¢ GolTags? § pore rere: eo of Fabulous Woven Jewelry y Het eae nate Cbeebies sir oer MICROSTIUM? CORPORITION and nora (B00) T43- 3543 « (626) 723-9489 ona hepJiwersimicrasampusscorn accompany ber e-mail mcrostimp@earthink nee isthe amie | = Swivel + Procinio mete! Findings * Peroni armal bends eta etn oe 38 Main Strat ‘yor MIA TAS2 ore-772-4788 Stormeloud Trading Co. (eae eer eer Beads Supplies lass, and fires silver clay Pangan, sod een wt me oreo tess Serer ea oe | ig’ Se ea (Bie rte aed ma oi Cat crenauar ake 290) Tarayen tbe, LP. (2911 5 Tew Eat aubaTe-is2e ome tr Basics KNOTS. Half-hitch knot |, Bxitabead, and form loop \ecooe. Ietwrcn Beads. Big the needle tnder that dha and away Grom NY theloop. Then goback over ) thethresd and throwgh the top Pl gently wa the knot 1 prematurely. Overhand knot (Cross the ends to makea opp lea Square knot ss aa Joy! left, and pou the loos right-tane tees Surgeon's knot Ne Print ef a brand thread over tng) te rightdhand thread ‘ice; Pull the ends to oct POLYMER CLAY Candlitioning polymer Conditaning softens and warms clay, making it easy to ell and mold, Knead the ela in your hands ‘or roll through a pasta machine co the widen setting ten times. STITCHES AND THREAD __ Brick stitch ZC Work offa stitched Gpey badder Gee Ladder Whenever posse, begin each bckck = itch row so 0 thread shows on the edge: Pick wp two beads Go under the thread bridge between the sevens! anc third beads. the Lider fromm back to fromt, Go up the secant head acide and then down the firs Cocne back up the sees bead, Far the row’s remaining stitehes, pick up one bead Go under the next thread idge ae the previous rove fram back to frow Gu back up the new bead Conditioning thread Use ether beeswax (not candle wax ot pacafin) or Thread Heaven '6 dition nylon thread (Nynu0}, Sire the thread, then pull i through the conditioner, with the ena! that comes th spool fit | Ending/adding thread \ ‘Ta end thread. weave back into the beadwork, fbotring, the exist ing thread path and tying twoor three halé-itch kuots (soe Krotsl between beads, Sew through few beads after the last knot, and tear “To add a theead, start several rows below the point where the lat bead was added, and weave through the beadwork. ty ig half bitch knots between beads Cyrectinbe aa rine AAOUNTAIN "Friendly Service" Since 1973 ‘one Fire ttouriain Wey, Dept COI ‘Greats Pass, OR 87026-2373 America 's Favorite Beading Supply Company = Call © 1.800.355.2137 to Order Your Free comprehensive Jewelry-Maker's Catalog You supply Over 68,000 Hot, the creativity, Jewelry-Making we supply Products From everything Around the World. else!”S15 = Tips & Techniques
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