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A The Authors Gratefully Acknowledge The Financial Support by The Swiss National Science Foundation Through The Grant 320030-149567. R

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World Academy of Science, Engineering and Technology

International Journal of Mathematical, Computational, Physical, Electrical and Computer Engineering Vol:10, No:12, 2016

The authors gratefully acknowledge the nancial support
by the Swiss National Science Foundation through the grant

International Science Index, Mathematical and Computational Sciences Vol:10, No:12, 2016 waset.org/Publication/10006134

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Aymen Laadhari received the Engineering degree

from Tunisia Polytechnic School, Tunisia, in
2006. He received the Ph.D. degree in Applied
Mathematics from Grenoble University, France, in
2011. He was a scientic collaborator with the
Mathematics Institute of Computational Science and

Engineering at the Ecole

Polytechnique Federale de
Lausanne (Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Lausanne), Switzerland. He is currently a researcher
with the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology
Zurich, Switzerland. His current research interests
include mathematical modeling and software development of new
computational methods for the simulation of biomedical phenomena.

Gabor Szekely is currently a Prof. em. Dr. with

the Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Zurich,
Switzerland. He has been working at ETH Zurich
since 1997, and as a full professor since 2008. His
research focuses on medical image analysis, a eld
in which he has conducted pioneering work on the
automatic recognition of organs in CT and MRI data.
This has resulted in substantial contributions to the
computer-assisted planning and implementation of
surgical interventions. With other driving forces, he
has developed his Computer Vision Laboratory into
one of the leading global centres for training surgeons using virtual reality
simulation methods.



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