Marketing Mix On Customer Value
Marketing Mix On Customer Value
Marketing Mix On Customer Value
reminds us that without proper marketing, you cant get close to customers and
satisfy their needs and if you cant, a competitor surely will.
Getting close has become more important than ever as digital and mobile
technology make inroads into all aspects of life. This revolution has also provided
new tools to make marketing more targeted, relevant and effective. Today, as
competitive pressures increase, marketing skills have never been more highly
valued. What was once seen as a departmental activity is now regarded as a
frontline business attitude for all employees. The professionals who shape and
implement marketing strategy contribute directly to the economy. Their skills
attract and retain customers, build sales and increase profits generating wealth for
2.1.1. The Functions and Criticism of Marketing in an Organization
As weve seen the key objective of an organizations marketing efforts is
to develop satisfying relationships with customers that benefit both the customer
and the organization. These efforts lead marketing to serve an important role
within most organizations and within society.
At the organizational level, marketing is a vital business function that is
necessary in nearly all industries whether the organization operates as a for-profit
or as a not-for-profit. For the for-profit organization, marketing is responsible for
most tasks that bring revenue and, hopefully, profits to an organization. For the
not-for-profit organization, marketing is responsible for attracting customers
needed to support the not-for-profits mission, such as raising donations or
supporting a cause. For both types of organizations, it is unlikely they can survive
without a strong marketing effort.
Marketing is also the organizational business area that interacts most
frequently with the public and, consequently, what the public knows about an
organization is determined by their interactions with marketers. For example,
customers may believe a company is dynamic and creative based on its
advertising message. While marketing is viewed as offering significant benefits to
organizations and to society, the fact that marketing is a business function
operating in close contact with the public opens this functional area to extensive
criticism. Among the issues cited by those who criticize marketing are:
1. Marketing Encourages People to Purchase What They Do Not Need
Possibly the criticism most frequently made about marketing is that marketers
are only concerned with getting customers to buy whether they want the
product or not. The root of this argument stems from the belief that marketers
are only out to satisfy their own needs and really do not care about the needs
of their customers. As we will discuss, while many marketers are guilty of
manipulating customers into making unwanted purchases, the vast majority
understand that undertaking such tactics will not lead to loyal customers and,
consequently, is unlikely to lead to longer term success.
2. Marketers Embellish Product Claims
Marketers are often criticized for exaggerating the benefits offered by their
products. This is especially the case with the part of marketing that engages in
customer communication, such as advertising and salespeople. The most
serious problems arise when product claims are seen as misleading customers
into believing a product can offer a certain level of value that, in fact, it
cannot. But sometimes there is a fine line between what a rational person
should accept as a reasonable exaggeration and what is considered
downright misleading. Fortunately, many countries offer customers some level
of protection from misleading claims since such business practices may
subject the marketer to legal action. Again, using such tactics is likely to lead
to marketing failure as customers will not be satisfied and will likely not
3. Marketing Discriminates in Customer Selection
We will see later that a key to marketing success is to engage in a deliberate
process that identifies customers who offer marketers the best chance for
satisfying organizational objectives. This method, called target marketing,
often drives most marketing decisions, including product development and
price setting. But some argue that target marketing leads marketers to focus
their efforts primarily on customers who have the financial means to make
more expensive purchases. They contend that doing so intentionally
discriminates against others, especially lower income customers who cannot
afford to purchase higher priced products. This group ends ups being targeted
with lower quality (and in some cases less safe) products or for some groups,
no product options. While this criticism is often valid, it is worth noting that
while many lower quality products are inferior to current high-end products,
comparison of their quality to similar products from just a few years ago
shows there has been significant improvement. For instance, low cost
is a function that must be achieved by each of these sections. For the marketing
function itself, there are some things that a function of the part. Some functions of
the marketing division of which are:
1. As part of introducing the company to the public, through the products made
by the company. This role is referred to as a promotional role.
2. Marketing in charge of generating revenue for the company by selling the
company's products. This role is one of the marketing function in the field of
3. To establish good relations with customers and the community as well as
being a bridge between the company and the external environment. This is
done as an embodiment of the concept of marketing communication.
4. Marketing has the task to absorb and deliver information to companies about
everything useful to support quality improvement and product sales. It is the
role of marketing in the field of research and development.
2.1.2. Social Responsibility In Marketing
Most marketing organizations do not intentionally work in isolation from
the rest of society. Instead they find that greater opportunity exists if the
organization is visibly accessible and involved with the public. As weve seen,
because marketing often operates as the public face of an organization, when
issues arise between the public and the organization marketing is often at the
center. In recent years the number and variety of issues raised by the public has
increased. One reason for the increase is the growing perception that marketing
organizations are not just sellers of product but also have an inherent
responsibility to be more socially responsible, including being more responsible
for its actions and more responsive in addressing social concerns.
products with a surrounding service element (for example, a customer care helpline for a software retailer) or services with a tangible element (the skill of a hair
stylist is a service but tangible products are required to deliver it). So it could be
wise, even for product manufacturers, to consider all 7Ps in their marketing mix.
According to Kotler & Armstrong (1997: 48), "The marketing mix or
marketing mix is a set of tools that can be controlled tactical marketing, product,
pricing, distribution, and promotion of the combined company to produce the
desired response in the target market".
While according to Gilbert A. Churchill (2006: 8), "Marketing Mix namely
product or 4P (product) or service, price , where (place) or channels of
distribution, and promotion
companies to influence consumer responses ". and more over, "Marketing mix is a
strategy combining marketing activities, in order to create maximum combination
which raises the most satisfactory results". (Alma, 2006: 205). Simply put the
Marketing Mix is a tool used by businesses and Marketers to help determine a
product or brands offering. The 4 Ps have been associated with the Marketing
Mix since their creation by E. Jerome McCarthy in 1960:
According Sumarni and Soeprihanto (2010: 274), "The product is every
anything that can be offered in the market to get attention, demand, usage or
consumption that can meet the desires or needs." The products not only
always in the form of goods but could also be a service or a combination of
both (goods and services). As seen in the goods-service continuum, your
product can have both tangible and intangible aspects, and is the thing you
offer to satisfy your customers wants and needs. Within this element, you
need to consider such things as your product range; its quality and design; its
features and the benefits it offers; sizing and packaging; and any add-on
guarantees and customer service offerings.
The perfect product provides value for the customer. This value is in the
eye of the beholder we must give our customers what they want, not
what we think they want.
Find out what customers needs are now and whether they believe these
will change in future.
Beware the product quality trap dont take it too far by trying to sell a
Rolls-Royce when the customer really wants a Nissan Micra.
According Sumarni and Soeprihanto (2010: 281) the price is, "The amount of
money (plus a few products that may be) required to obtain a number of
combinations of items and their ministry". Once the products are
manufactured ready for marketing, the company will determine the price of
these products. Sound pricing decisions are crucial to a successful business
and should be considered at both long-term strategic and short-term tactical
levels. Within this element of the mix you should consider list price and
discount price; terms and conditions of payment; and the price sensitivity of
your market. Worth remembering is the connection of price to your position in
the marketing specifically that only one operator in any market can be the
cheapest. Jostling between competitors for this position is rarely wise. There is
no point in developing a product or service that no one wants to buy, yet many
businesses decide what to offer first, then hope to find a market for it
afterwards. Successful companies find out what customers need or want and
then develop the right product with the right level of quality to meet their
expectations, both now and in the future. When considering the price of your
product, its important to look at it from the customers perspective:
The more a company charge, the more value or quality your customers will
expect for their money.
Everything that the customer sees must be consistent with these higher quality
expectations packaging, environment, promotional materials, website,
letterheads, invoices, etc.
Existing customers are generally less sensitive about price than new customer
a good reason to look after them well.
Place in the marketing mix commonly referred to as a distribution channel, the
channel where the product is up to the consumer. Definition of Sumarni and
Soeprihanto (2010: 288) of the distribution channel is "Channel used by
manufacturers to distribute the products from producer to consumer or
industrial user". Marketers love models that explain the way they work; they
love it even more when elements of each model begin with the same letter
hence the use of the word Place to describe distribution channels. Choice of
such channels is important, as is the variety of channels you use. For example,
a common issue for businesses beginning to trade on-line is how that will
affect their off-line business, for example selling directly through the web
could alienate retail outlets that have been the mainstay of your business in the
past. The place where customers buy a product, and the means of distributing
your product to that place, must be appropriate and convenient for the
For the same reason, all firms that sell online should consider how the
product will be delivered to the consumer even if this is handled by a
third party.
According Tjiptono (2008: 219), in fact the campaign is a form of marketing
communications. What is meant by marketing communication is the
marketing activities that tries to spread information, influence / persuade, and /
or remind the target market for the company and its products to be willing to
accept, purchase, and loyal to the products offered by the company concerned.
This is the element of the marketing mix that most people mean when they
talk about marketing. But jumping straight into decisions about what
promotional tools to use without considering their relationship to the rest of
the mix can be a sure-fire way to waste money. There are many different
promotional techniques, each with their own strengths but essentially they can
be broken down into four broad categories: Advertising; Public Relations;
Sales Promotions; and Direct Selling. These techniques are used to
communicate the specific benefits of your product to your customers.
- Good promotion is not one-way communication it paves the way for a
to keep it fresh.
Explore new channels from traditional print ads to the latest social media
trends, there is now a world of possibilities to explore. The important
Ps Principle. This now allowed the extended Marketing Mix to include products
that are services and not just physical things:
This factor refers to the service employees who produce and deliver the
service. It has long been a fact that many services involve personal
interactions between customers and the site's employees, and they strongly
influence the customers perception of service quality. The impact that people
can have on a companys marketing cannot be underestimated. At its most
obvious, this element covers the companys front line sales and customer
service staff who will have a direct impact on how the companys product is
perceived. Companies need to consider the knowledge and skills of staffs;
their motivation and investment in supporting a brand. Any element of the
marketing mix will also have its impact on other elements of a business, but
the people element is one where the importance of regarding marketing as an
integral part of the way company do business is crystal clear. Of both target
market and people directly related to the business. Thorough research is
important to discover whether there are enough people in target market that is
in demand for certain types of products and services. The companys
employees are important in marketing because they are the ones who deliver
the service. It is important to hire and train the right people to deliver superior
service to the clients, whether they run a support desk, customer service,
copywriters, programmers. When a business finds people who genuinely
believe in the products or services that the particular business creates, its is
highly likely that the employees will perform the best they can. Additionally,
theyll be more open to honest feedback about the business and input their
own thoughts and passions which can scale and grow the business. This is a
secret, internal competitive advantage a business can have over other
competitors which can inherently affect a businesss position in the
In the age of social media, every employee can potentially reach a mass
audience. Formulate a policy for online interaction and make sure
everyone stays on-message.
Superior after sales support and advice adds value to your offering, and
can give companies a competitive edge. These services will probably
become more important than price for many customers over time.
Companies have to look regularly at the products that account for the
highest percentage of their sales. Do these products have adequate after
sales support, or are the company being complacent with them? Could
they enhance their support without too much additional cost?
Process is generally defined as the implementation of action and function that
increases value for products with low cost and high advantage to customer and
is more important for service than for goods. the pace of the process as well
as the skill of the service providers are clearly revealed to the customer and it
forms the basis of his or her satisfaction with the purchase. Therefore, process
management ensures the availability and consistence of quality. In the face of
simultaneous consumption and production of the process management,
balancing services demand with service supply is extremely difficult. The
design and the implementation of product elements are crucial to the creation
and delivering of product. The systems and processes of the organization
affect the execution of the service. So, companies have to make sure that you
have a well-tailored process in place to minimize costs. It could be entire sales
funnel, a pay system, distribution system and other systematic procedures and
steps to ensure a working business that is running effectively. Tweaking and
enhancements can come later to tighten up a business to minimize costs and
maximize profits.
- That means the process of delivering the product or service, and the
behavior of those who deliver it, are crucial to customer satisfaction. A
user-friendly internet experience, waiting times, the information given to
customers and the helpfulness of staff are vital to keep customers happy.
Customers are not interested in the detail of how your business runs, just
that the system works. However, they may want reassurance they are
Companies have to ensure that their systems are designed for the
perceived by the
customers about service quality. The components of the service experience are
called the services-cape-that is, the ambience, the background music, the
comfort of the seating, and the physical layout of the service facility, the
appearance of the staff can greatly affect a customers satisfaction with a
service experience. The environmental dcor and design also significantly
influence the customers expectations of the service. Services normally cannot
be displayed, therefore firms should create a suitable environment to highlight
the fact to the customers . In the service industries, there should be physical
evidence that the service was delivered. Additionally, physical evidence
pertains also to how a business and its products are perceived in the
marketplace. It is the physical evidence of a business presence and
establishment. A concept of this is branding. For example, when you think of
fast food, we think of McDonalds. When we think of sports, the names Nike
and Adidas come to mind. we immediately know exactly what their presence
is in the marketplace, as they are generally market leaders and have
established a physical evidence as well as psychological evidence in their
marketing. They have manipulated their consumer perception so well to the
point where their brands appear first in line when an individual is asked to
broadly name a brand in their niche or industry.
- A clean, tidy and well-decorated reception area or homepage - is
reassuring. If a companys digital or physical premises arent up to scratch,
More Comprehensive
More detailed
More refined
Broader perspective (includes
Participants/people, process
Its a model standardizations
Signals marketing theory
Easy to memorize
Ability to adapt to various
More complicated
Extra elements can be
incorporated in 4Ps
Controllability of
between variables Static
nature of 4Ps
"one who frequents any place of sale for producing what he wants ... ". (Customer
is someone who several times came to the same place to fulfill what he wants ..).
And essentially, in other words, the customer is a person who, repeatedly come to
a place that is equal to its desires having a product or obtain services by paying
the product or services.
2.3.1. Customer Behavior
As the increasing number of companies that offer products and services,
that makes consumers have more choices, thus the bargaining power of consumers
increases. Therefore, the company should know what are the consumers needs
and wants, and then try to meet those needs and wants. In order to increase the
corporate profits, one of the many strategies that adopted by the company are by
doing promotion but before a company doing promotion the company should first
know the consumers market.
Does the consumers that is expected by the companies come from middle and
upper level or medium, in addition to the company must be able to understand
what is expected from the company. By knowing the buyer desires clearly,
companies can tailor the promotions to the needs and desires of consumers so that
we can achieve a better the results. Therefore the company should determine
consumer behavior first before running a campaign.
What is a consumer behavior? Consumer behavior as defined by Kuester
(2012:110), is Consumer behavior is the study of individuals, groups, or
organizations and the processes they use to select, secure and dispose of products,
services, experiences, or ideas to satisfy needs and the impacts that these process
have on the consumer and society.
exciting competition of the players in this industry. It was, we never see the level
of competition is so fierce in advance. Many players in the industry, would prefer
to do a price war. For newcomers, not much choice but to offer cheap prices.
The industry is already approaching saturation levels. The operators are
aware that the acquisition process will be slower and more expensive. One time,
they will be difficult to find new users, but must make acquisitions with a way to
take it from other operators. How to seize the fastest customer is through price.
With the low price, the customer value will quickly rise. From the formulas
already mentioned earlier, we can estimate. When the quality is not considered
important by the customer, then by lowering the price, customer value will rise.
Especially for those who are relatively sensitive to price.
For example, price-sensitive customers will give the price by 80%
weighting and weighting for quality by 20%. Thus, when prices are lowered by
50%, total customer value will rise by 40%. An easiest way to win new customers.
However, customer value will continue to change and move. One is because of the
reaction of competitors. If then they also lowered the price, then there is a new
balance again. In the end, companies were caught in a price war.
Increased customer value based on the price reduction could backfire. Not
only the price war going on, but the level of corporate profitability will worsen.
Customers who seized because the price is the customers easily move to other
brands as well. Customers who move because the price is a price-sensitive
customers and will not be willing to pay a premium price for a quality hotel.
Finally, the company is difficult to maintain the level of profitability.
Obviously, the market leader will have a variety of problems. One of them
is the need to determine exactly, what service attributes that need to be focused at
this time. In customer value always happen migration. What used to be considered
good by customers, in a few years will become the norm for all competitors can
provide similar things.
Plus, the mobile industry is a fast moving industry. Internet era will soon
change the face of the industry. Therefore, for any company, the vital thing is to
look at business processes and value chain. Changes in customer value will be
very easily adapted by companies that own organization, human resources, and
systems and appropriate technologies. If so, the view that customer value is a
simple concept is proven. Complex is how to build a company that is able to
continually innovate new customer value.
According to an article online by Seravine (2011) explains that there are 3
stages in customer value management:
1. Right Customers (Acquisition)
cycle starts from the customer value management: determining who the
customer is considered "valuable" for our company. The customer is a repeat
customer who will do business with our company. Customers are not the one
all the same. Even customers who have a high value was not necessarily going
to benefit us.
The best source of information about the customers you want is a thorough
analysis of your current customers. (Because of course we've got their
2. Right Relationship (Development)
Customer Relations course is very important and need to be considered.
customer value.
3. Right Retention (Keeping Valuable Customer)
Retaining customers effectively means to retain customers a truly precise. ,
Managers need to focus on their retention measures to customers who do have
a lifetime value of eminence. Retention of the right eye of the profitable
customers stems from knowing which individuals are most valuable, and why.
After identifying customer worth keeping, managers should ensure that their
retention strategy is used to maintain the value and not to reduce the value of
the customer. One reason that loyal customers are more profitable because
they generally tend to be less price sensitive eye. Therefore, companies mainly
managers must maintain customer loyalty, with a variety of ways eg by
providing incentives other than price, such as better service, etc. ,
There are several steps you can take to maintain customer:
1. Differentiation Strategy.
By offering something different than its competitors, so that customers can
distinguish terms of quality., so our products can have more value.
Example: There used to be firm Emery Airfreight, which is the largest
courier service and they serve all types of shipping. Then there are also
Federal Express, which only offer small packaging delivery overnight. The
differences between them are: overnight. The result? FedEx delivery
with the value provided by the product or service, it is very likely to become a
customer for a long time.
3. According to Hadi (2007: 75) definition of satisfaction are response or
feedback regarding the fulfillment of the needs of consumers. Contentment is
the assessment of the characteristic or feature products or services, or the
product itself, which provides consumers the level of excitement associated
with the fulfillment of consumption needs of consumers. Consumer
satisfaction can be created through quality, service and value. Because
customer satisfaction is highly dependent on the perceptions and expectations
of customers, then as a supplier of products need to know the factors that
influence it. According to Hadi there are four factors that influence the
perceptions and expectations of customers, as follows:
What is heard customers from other customers (word of mouth
communication) .Where this is a potential factor that determines the
expectation customers. As an example, a customer has a company that is
expected to provide the highest quality service based on the
Communication with external parties (external communication) of service
providers play a key role in shaping customer expectations. Based
External communication, company service providers can deliver messages
directly or indirectly to customers. As an example of the influence of the
external communication is the price at which the cost of servicing a very
important role in shaping customer expectations.
4. Emotional Factor, customers will be satisfied (proud) for their emotional value
provided by the brand of the product.
5. Cost and convenience, customers will be more satisfied if relatively easy,
convenient and efficient in getting a product or service.
Customer satisfaction measurement methods according to Tjiptono,
1. The system of complaints and suggestions
increased customer loss rate shows the failure of the company in satisfying
4. Customer satisfaction survey.
Generally, research on customer satisfaction survey conducted by the research,
either by post, telephone or direct interviews. The Company will obtain
responses and feedback directly from customers and also give a sign (signal)
is positive that the company pay attention to its customers.
Satisfying customer needs is the desire of every company. In addition to
the factors important for the survival of the company, to satisfy the needs of
consumers can increase competitive advantage. Consumers who are satisfied with
the products and services are likely to buy back the products and reuse services at
the same time needs to reappear later. This means satisfaction is a key factor for
consumers to make repeat purchases which represent the largest portion of the
company's sales volume.
2.4. How Marketing Create Value
Customer value is any value which benefits the customer and increases his
aspiration to purchase the product again which he has purchased marketing helps
the customer in selecting the product which he aspires to purchase. A customer
doesn't have idea what is important for himself. he checks out through products
which are marketed in the product and purchases them by tallying with what is
suitable to him and how the product is useful in his daily activities.
For any organization that must compete for customers, there is a real need
to have a viable and strong marketing effort. Unfortunately, marketing may not
get the attention it deserves by senior level management. Given the new
challenges confronting most organizations, finding and keeping customers has
become mission critical. And traditional approaches to marketing, such as
introducing more products or increasing advertising, may not add value. A valueadded approach to marketing is much more complex than traditional approaches.
In today's world, customers are scarce not products and classic
marketing needs to be deconstructed, redefined, and broadened to reflect this new
reality. It calls for a fundamental rethinking of corporate strategy to enable the
ongoing creation and delivery of superior value for customers in both the
marketplace and the market space. And it appoints marketing as the lead driver in
shaping and implementing this strategy, One way to get more out of marketing is
to elevate marketing into your strategic process. In fact, your strategy should be
dominated by marketing since customers drive so much of what a business does.
And when you create more value for your customers than your competition, then
you have a more sustainable future. Another key part of creating value through
marketing is through alliances and partnerships. In order to execute across the
entire marketing chain (supplies, public relations, advertising, product innovation,
etc.), you must align yourself with some critical partners. Just like building a great
sports team, you need highly talented players that can execute on their part of the
marketing mix. This will require strong collaboration within everyone, connecting
the knowledge in a way that marketing is now fully integrated as opposed to
fragmented silos of activity. Fragmented pieces of marketing are less value added
since too many errors and miscommunication problems take place in the absence
of a single, cohesive effort. Once again, you can think of it in terms of a sports
team where everyone on the field clearly understands how they must execute.
Marketing is a matching process, one that pairs the capabilities of a company and
the wants of the customers. What is the unique value that you will create? What
steps will you need to take to create this unique value? What steps will you need
to take to insure that you continue to have a competitive advantage
Finally, the companys marketing effort will need to have processes in
place to monitor and react quickly to changes demanded by your customers. One
way to accomplish this is to fall back on your integrated marketing chain since
this is an invaluable source of knowledge. By tapping into this knowledge, you
begin to manage the entire process. This is commonly referred to as Customer
Relationship Management or CRM. CRM is the process by which you learn about
opportunities on how you can add value to customers in the chain (supplier,
vendor, end-user of products and services). And as long as you can create and
build more value, then you are creating value through your marketing effort.
Customer relationship management (CRM) can be the single strongest
weapon you have as a manager to ensure that customers become and remain loyal.
Implementing CRM is nonnegotiable in today's business environment. Whether
your customers are internal or external, consumers or businesses, whether they
connect with you electronically or face to face, from across the globe or across
town, CRM is your ticket to success.
2.5. How Marketing Create Customer Satisfaction
Customer satisfaction can help your business to achieve a sustainable
competitive advantage. Its about understanding the way a customer feels after