Samuel Stetter: 04/2011 To Current Clifton Springs, NY Paramedic Finger Lakes Ambulance
Samuel Stetter: 04/2011 To Current Clifton Springs, NY Paramedic Finger Lakes Ambulance
Samuel Stetter: 04/2011 To Current Clifton Springs, NY Paramedic Finger Lakes Ambulance
I have been a Paramedic since 1990. I am a National Registry Critical Care Paramedic. I worked for Rural Metro
from 1990-2011. I am proficient with IV's, patient care, RSI, intubation and treatment of sick and injured patients.
I am an RSI technician. I currently take the SCT and MICU calls at my present job in Clifton Springs. I keep my
skills current by doing recerts.
BLS/ACLS certified
Airway management techniques
Adept at multiple revival techniques
Cool and collected under pressure
Advanced medical terminology knowledge
EKG expertise
Extensive human anatomy knowledge
Skilled problem solver
Winner of "Outstanding EMT Service" Award, the Star of LIfe. I went to Washington DC for this.
04/2011 to Current
friends, medical records and prescriptions. Maintained a state of readiness and alertness for all assignments.
Provided life support services during medical emergencies on scene and en route to the hospital.
Associate of Applied Science: Paramedic
Corning Community College
received Paramedic diploma
Corning, NY, USA