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Technical Sheet Reference : FT A 0030 - 2008 02 22



In order to offer a range of small tendons with

flat anchors especially adapted to post-tensioning of buildings or thin elements (slabs, floors),
Freyssinet developed the system B prestressing
anchorages in complement of the system F.

The B range is made of four anchor types to cover all purposes

This new system is particularly adapted to the

applications with threading of the strand after

Active anchors
Active anchors are intended to receive the tensioning monostrand jacks and to
transfer post-tensioning forces to the structure. They are composed of cast iron
trumplate embedded in the concrete and of an apparent anchorage block (or
located in the recess) containing the cylindrical-conical holes.
These parts ensure:
> The anchorage of the strands;


> The spreading of the post-tensioning forces on the concrete structure;

The system B is suitable for traditional internal
post-tensioning using tendons made up of highstrength steel strands, in accordance with NFA
35-045 or pr EN 10138 standards, with the characteristics mentioned below:
Diameter Type


Fm max



Standard strand

173 kN



Super strand

186 kN



Standard strand

260 kN



Super strand

279 kN

> The guidance of the strands from the duct to the anchor;

> The connection with the duct (or the unbonded strands). A flat duct
coupling connects the tendon ducts for bonded post-tensioning units (injected
with cement grout). A mastic plug is provided over the connection area for
tendons composed of unbonded strands in order to prevent concrete from
penetrating into the anchor and to isolate the inside of the anchor that is
filled with grease;

> The fixing to the formwork: the front trumplate face is provided with a hole
allowing its fixing to the formwork using a threaded rod and nuts. The
recess is ensured by a reusable plastic formwork; or by a polystyrene or
wooden single use formwork;

> The attachment of the cement grout injection tube;

The strands are anchored individually, in cylindrical-conical holes in the anchors, by conical wedges composed of three parts.

External fixed anchors

These anchors are said to be passive self anchors, and are identical to active
anchors. They cannot be used for the installation of the jack, but their jaws are
accessible while the tendon is being tensioned.
Embedded anchors
These anchors can be made in two ways:
> swaging of a sleeve at the end of each strand, bearing on a single plate;
> bond anchors consisting of an oval shaped swelling produced by cold
deformation of the end of each strand.
Pan anchors

Figure 1: 5B15 anchor with sheath

These anchors can be installed in the main part of the tendon layout , even in the
middle of the slab, in a special recess allowing their tensioning with monostrand
jack and curved nose. This is very convenient where tendons cannot be stressed
from slab edge. They are used as active anchors, anchors at the tendon ends (at
slab ends) are being fixed anchors.

Freyssinet - 1 bis rue du Petit-Clamart - 78140 Vlizy-Villacoublay - Tel : +33 (0)1 46 01 84 84 - Fax : +33 (0)1 46 01 85 85 - www.freyssinet.com




A distinction is made between two families

of units, depending of the tendon used in the

Approval static tests defined by the EOTA 013 (European Organisation for Technical Approval) have been carried out on the anchors of the B range.

Bonded post-tensioning units (most

current), composed of bare strands protected
by an oval sheath, usually made of corrugated
steel or high density polyethylene (HDPE)
pipe injected with cement grout to bond the
tensioned strands to the concrete structure;

They can be used with all classes of standard or super strands (T13, T13S, T15,
T15S), in concrete structures with nominal compression strength exceeding fcmin
= 20 MPa.

Unbonded post-tensioning units made up

of unbonded strands. The strands are individually
greased and sheathed, covered by a HDPE
sheath and protected by grease, so that the
strand can slide inside the sheath without
bond to the structure.

Both families use tendons composed of 3, 4 or

5 strands.

Figure 2: 4B13 anchor

Figure 3: 3D view of 5B15 anchor

All rights reserved by Freyssinet. The product names are Freyssinet Trademarks. The Information contained in this document is subject to change. Although best efforts
were made to ensure maximun accuracy of this information, Freyssinet may not be held liable for this accuracy in any respect.


nB15 / n B13 Anchors

All rights reserved by Freyssinet. The product names are Freyssinet Trademarks. The Information contained in this document is subject to change. Although best efforts
were made to ensure maximun accuracy of this information, Freyssinet may not be held liable for this accuracy in any respect.



manufacturing and distribution

The post-tensioning equipment is generally

installed as follows:

ZA du Monay - BP 18 - Saint Eusbe
71210 MONTCHANIN - France
Tel.: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 00
Fax: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 01

Ducts and trumplates installation

Placement of tendons and anchors
The threading of the strands is carried out after
the operation of concreting. When the concrete
reaches a sufficient resistance, the recess formwork is removed to allow the assembly of the
anchorage blocks and wedges.
Tensioning reinforcements
The stressing of the tendons is carried out strand
by strand using a monostrand jack.
Where the tensioning of anchors is not possible
from slab edge a specific adaptation with a curved nose shall be used.

Sales manager:
Tel.: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 73
[email protected]
Technical contact:
Products developments Division - Technical Department
Tel. + 33 (0) 1 46 01 84 84

Local Technical Contact :

Final protection of cables

After tensioning, cement grout is generally injected into the duct through the injection pipe attached near the top of the anchor. The concreting
of the recess is achieved before this operation or
specific cap is used during injection.
Protection of the anchor zones
The recess is concreted after the ends of the
strands have been cut off.
In the case of unbonded prestressing units, after cutting off of the strands ends the protection of anchors is carried out, either by a sealing
concrete, either by a general cap in HDPE filled by
grease and maintained by a metallic plate. This
option will be developed on request.

Local Commercial Contact :

Note: The B range anchors allows all the usual

options of prefabrication:

In internal (bonded) prestressing, installation

in the formwork either by entirely prefabricating
the cable fitted with its two anchors either by
fixing the duct on its supports and threading
the strands before concreting.

In unbonded prestressing, installation in

the formwork of the individually sheathed
and greased strands, fitted with their anchors
and fixed on their supports.
All rights reserved by Freyssinet. The product names are Freyssinet Trademarks. The Information contained in this document is subject to change. Although best efforts
were made to ensure maximun accuracy of this information, Freyssinet may not be held liable for this accuracy in any respect.

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