Freysinnet Hoja Tecnica
Freysinnet Hoja Tecnica
Freysinnet Hoja Tecnica
Active anchors
Active anchors are intended to receive the tensioning monostrand jacks and to
transfer post-tensioning forces to the structure. They are composed of cast iron
trumplate embedded in the concrete and of an apparent anchorage block (or
located in the recess) containing the cylindrical-conical holes.
These parts ensure:
> The anchorage of the strands;
Fm max
Standard strand
173 kN
Super strand
186 kN
Standard strand
260 kN
Super strand
279 kN
> The guidance of the strands from the duct to the anchor;
> The connection with the duct (or the unbonded strands). A flat duct
coupling connects the tendon ducts for bonded post-tensioning units (injected
with cement grout). A mastic plug is provided over the connection area for
tendons composed of unbonded strands in order to prevent concrete from
penetrating into the anchor and to isolate the inside of the anchor that is
filled with grease;
> The fixing to the formwork: the front trumplate face is provided with a hole
allowing its fixing to the formwork using a threaded rod and nuts. The
recess is ensured by a reusable plastic formwork; or by a polystyrene or
wooden single use formwork;
These anchors can be installed in the main part of the tendon layout , even in the
middle of the slab, in a special recess allowing their tensioning with monostrand
jack and curved nose. This is very convenient where tendons cannot be stressed
from slab edge. They are used as active anchors, anchors at the tendon ends (at
slab ends) are being fixed anchors.
Freyssinet - 1 bis rue du Petit-Clamart - 78140 Vlizy-Villacoublay - Tel : +33 (0)1 46 01 84 84 - Fax : +33 (0)1 46 01 85 85 -
Approval static tests defined by the EOTA 013 (European Organisation for Technical Approval) have been carried out on the anchors of the B range.
They can be used with all classes of standard or super strands (T13, T13S, T15,
T15S), in concrete structures with nominal compression strength exceeding fcmin
= 20 MPa.
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were made to ensure maximun accuracy of this information, Freyssinet may not be held liable for this accuracy in any respect.
All rights reserved by Freyssinet. The product names are Freyssinet Trademarks. The Information contained in this document is subject to change. Although best efforts
were made to ensure maximun accuracy of this information, Freyssinet may not be held liable for this accuracy in any respect.
ZA du Monay - BP 18 - Saint Eusbe
71210 MONTCHANIN - France
Tel.: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 00
Fax: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 01
Sales manager:
Tel.: + 33 (0) 3 85 73 69 73
[email protected]
Technical contact:
Products developments Division - Technical Department
Tel. + 33 (0) 1 46 01 84 84