NO. S5005))
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Table of Contents
Introduction ........................................................................................ 4
I. Metering System Overview ........................................ 5
This document is intended to serve as the Operation and Maintenance Manual for Metering System Unit supplied for
350,000 M3 Floating Storage Offload Unit.
Part I covers topics like, System Overview, Data Communications, Software Installations, Initial Installation & Start-up,
and System Startup/Shutdown Procedure & System backup/restore procedures in general.
Part II covers topics like, Operations overview & System Functionality, which essentially describes DanPac software
functionality & navigations through the different displays/ menus of the software.
Part III, covers S600+ Flow Computer operating procedures, S600+ configuration files upload/download procedure.
Part IV, contains information and guidelines for system maintenance.
Operation and maintenance manual of the major component of the system like, flow computers, Turbine meters,
Motorized Operated Valves, Control Valve, Prover etc shall be referred for operation and maintenance of these devices
It is strongly recommended that the personnel operating and maintaining the unit are properly trained for the given task.
Improper operation of the unit and maintenance of the instruments by untrained personnel may result in personal injury,
incorrect measurement and/or damage to the instrument
Functional Design Specifications, P & ID, System Architecture drawings, Panel wiring drawings and all other
engineering documents shall be referred to aid the operation and maintenance of the unit.
Understanding of overall system is essential for operation and maintenance of the metering system. This section
describes the overall system hardware, software functionality and interface connectivity of the metering system. Refer to
System Architecture Drawing for details of hardware and their interconnections.
each metering stream with 16 150# strainer with air-eliminator, inlet manual ball valve, one 12 Daniel Liquid Turbine
meter, pressure/temperature instrumentation and outlet MOV DBB plug valves on each stream. The outlet line is
provided with DBB plug valve (MOV) and Fisher butterfly type control valve.Need to make sure flow rate through
metering skid is stable when proving turbine meter using prover.
30 150# Daniel bidirectional ball prover shall be provided to prove the individual Turbine meters. The skid
dimension is 21.5m (L) x 5.7 m (W) x 10.2m (H), estimated weight: 81380 kg.
The metering control panel is located in unclassified Control Room. The panel shall be for safe area installation and
shall house the metering control equipment. The panel is Rittal make series TS 8800.
One no. ProPlus station shall be located inside the panel for monitoring metering skid and connecting to DanPac
Flow computers (S600+) 3 nos are mounted on the front side of the panel. The panel also houses DanPac System
(comprising of MD Plus Controllers, Serial communication module, rack mounted I/O modules, power supply modules).
System Architecture
All field devices are interfaced to the metering panel in central control room.
The prover is equipped with two detector switches that transmit a digital input as the sphere passes through. This output
is connected to a series of relays within the metering panel and the prover flow computer that correspond to a calibrated
one prover volume.
A 4-way diverter valve controls the forward and reverse cycle of the sphere within the prover loop. This forward and
reverse feedback is monitored through a digital input to the prover flow computer. A differential pressure switch is also
provided at the 4-way diverter valve cavity to verify the integrity of the valve seal. The PDISs digital input is transmitted
to the prover flow computer to abort a proving operation in the event a leak is detected.
Each stream flow computer receives the inputs from the flow meter, stream pressure, temperature transmitters and the
outlet densitometers for flowing pressure, temperature and density respectively. Based on these values it performs the
flow calculations and this data is then further passed to HMI/SC for batching/ reporting purpose.
Skid FCV shall be connected to flow computer and shall be controlled by operator from the ProPlus workstation.
4 ~ 20 mA output from BS&W monitor and Frequency signal from Density Transducer on main outlet line will be
connected to each of the stream flow computer through repeaters. The temperature at the density transducer is
measured by a RTD sensor and is connected to FC through a panel mounted 4-20 mA transducer isolator. Header
Density is calculated by individual stream flow computer based on analog input signal from build-in temperature sensor
in density meter; from Header Density flow computer calculates Standard Density at 15C and from Standard Density it
calculates Meter density which is at meter temperature.
All flow computers are linked to the DanPac system through redundant VIM (Virtual I/O module). The workstation
(ProPlus workstation) is linked to DanPac through Ethernet link over a TCP/IP protocol.
The field MOVs are controlled through soft-key pushbuttons in operator workstations HMI. All MOV control and status
signals are transmitted through a discrete digital input to & from the DanPac modules. The inlet gate valve statuses are
also connected to DanPac IO module for monitoring purpose.
All Sampling system IOs (Digital output to Sampler solenoid valve, Sampler Can changeover solenoid, Can Weigh
system Analog Input) are connected to DanPac I/O modules and all Sampling functions are performed by DanPac
Reference Documents
DMC Drawing / Document No.
P & I Diagram
System Architecture
Design Basis
MR For Turbine Meter
MR For Pressure & Diff. Pressure Transmitter
MR For Temperature Transmitter
MR For Ball Prover
MR For Flow Computer
MR For Control Valve
MR For Sampling System
MR For Density Meter
Utility Consumption List
Cable Schedule
Control Panel Layout
Control Panel Wiring & Power Distribution Drawing
Instrument Hookup Diagram
I/O Address
This section contains information about the general procedures for installation and startup of the system. The
information is intended only as a guide. There may be regulations governing the installation and startup of systems
handling electronic automation systems, as per the organization or local agencies, which should be followed, to install
and start-up, these types of systems to insure that the installation is safe and secure.
Initial Installation
The on-site installation of the system is not within the scope of this manual. The client or contractors field installation
personnel will install all signal interconnect cables, all power feed, and other utility services as required. The new field
equipment will be interconnected to the control-room equipment room by others.
Initial Startup
The initial startup procedure should be followed for the first time startup of the system after installation or anytime that
the mechanical and/or electrical integrity of the system is not known.
The operations personnel should be aware of potentially hazardous conditions that can result from careless operation of
a remotely operated process system that handles a pressurized and flammable product. Dangerous conditions can be
created by normal field maintenance procedures that are not completed during system down time or idle time.
Some conditions to be especially watchful for:
Instruments that are connected directly to process line, such as pressure transmitters, may be removed from
the system and the process connection or instrument isolation valves left open to the atmosphere.
An electrical junction box for field cables or instruments can be left open thereby corrupting the hazardous area
integrity of the electrical system.
Complete piping components such as valves or flow meters can be removed, retaining the process fluid
depending on the upstream and downstream meter line block valves.
When a control system is furnished by Daniel, the system passed a factory-acceptance test at the Daniel plant.
Therefore, it can be assumed that the wiring of the control cabinet is correct. However, it will be necessary to
check correctness of field cable termination at the skid devices & at the metering panel before start up of the
Verify that primary process piping and secondary instrument tubing is secure with all flanges and all couplings
are tight.
Verify that all skid edge, equipment, and instrument power and signal junction boxes are secure with all box
covers in place.
Verify that the field cabling from the skid edge junction boxes to the control cabinet is properly installed and
connected at both skid edge junction boxes and the equipment cabinet.
Verify that all signal cables between all components of the system are installed properly.
Verify presence and proper connection of the AC power input to the service boxes located in all control
Verify proper connection and presence of instrument air to the pneumatic instruments located on the Skid.
Verify that there are no leaks in the instrument air distribution circuit or pneumatic instruments.
Verify that all instruments are properly installed and that instrument signal and power wiring is connected.
Verify that the data cables and AC power cables to all equipment are routed properly.
Verify that covers are installed properly on the AC power distribution boxes
Check that no tools or other foreign objects are in the control cabinet.
Check that all wiring and cables are connected and secure.
Check that no equipment remains connected to the AC utility outlets in the control cabinet.
The complete system should now be ready for operation. Other sections of this manual contain information on the
operation of the system components. The manuals provided in the Final Documentation contain specific details on
each major component of the system.
Ensure the integrity of the piping and instrumentation system before charging the fluid to the metering
Ensure that all utilities like instrument air, MOV power etc are available
Ensure that loop checking is completed and all instruments and MOV are operating correctly
Safety and operation permission shall be observed as per guideline of operating company
Ensure that all valves in the skid are in closed position including pressure transmitter tap off process
isolation valve.
Charge the fluid in to the inlet header line in stages with reasonable increment of pressure during each
stage. The holding time and pressure increase shall be as governed by the operation code of the
operating company. Check and ensure no leakage of fluid at any point on the header line
Open the inlet isolation valve. Fill in the stream piping with fluid. Check and ensure no leakage of the
liquid at any point on the metering stream. Ensure very low charging flow rate.
While charging the liquid in to the line, vapor is required to be vented using the drain line
Once the stream pipe lines are charged, open the process isolation valve of the pressure
transmitter/Differential pressure transmitter.
Vent the trapped air using flash valve of pressure transmitter. Check that pressure and temperature
indicate expected process pressure and temperature in the control room.
To charge the outlet header / piping, put the MOV actuator control in local mode and open the outlet
isolation valves.
It is to be ensured that the flow rate is not exceeding the max flow limit of the stream flow rate. Control
the flow rate from Proplus Work Station using downstream flow control valve which should be in
manual mode of operation.
Once the downstream piping is fully charged with liquid, close the outlet valves and put the MOV
actuators in Remote mode of operation
Charging of the liquid in to the metering stream shall be in stages in controlled manner with
reasonable increment of pressure during each stage. Check and ensure no leakage at any point on
the metering stream.
shall be carried out & a new M-factor shall be generated. This procedure can be performed directly from the
Danpac graphic screen.
7. Applying new M-Factor to Turbine Meter Flow Computer: After proving new M-Factor is obtained. The New MFactor that is generated during proving shall be applied immediately. I.e. New M-Factor that is generated during
proving shall be downloaded immediately after proving is completed. So this point onwards, correction of flow
rate & hence totalizers starts using new M-Factor.
8. Final proves report: when the flow computer reaches the completed phase or aborted stage, final prove
report can be viewed on DanPac. The same report gets archived into its hard drive & can be printed to printer.
9. Abort a Prove: Prover Data screen helps to monitor the M-Factor for every run, while proving is being carried
out. If it is observed that, M-Factor repeatability is too out of tolerance limits & there is necessity to stop the
proving then user/operator can Abort the proving by clicking on the Abort Prove button of the Prove Sequence.
This will abort proving & DanPac gives an option to restart proving. So user/operator rectify problem, if there is
any & restart proving.
10. Realigning valves & M-Factor download: After successful proving, valve re-alignment need to be done if there
is no need to re-prove meter & only during this time onwards M-factor download button is enabled & M-Factor
download can be performed. Before this stage the button is inactive during proving operation.
11. Resetting Prove Settings: User/operator need to click on Reset Prover settings button at the bottom of the
flow chart to clear all the settings & make the system ready for next proving.
For details on valve and operation sequencing, refer the Function Design Specification
The S600+ accepts a 4-20mA signal, which represents stream temperature / Stream Pressure in C/barg. Should the
stream transmitter failure takes place, this signal will either drop down below 3.5mA or it will shoot up above 20.5mA.
The flow computer will detect this condition as failure of transmitters & mode for this device will be changed to KEYPADF automatically & metering will continue to take place normally with the KEYPAD-F value. HMI/WS shall generate an
alarm to alert the user/operator to take note of failure of this device. User/operator can key in most appropriate keypad
value & put the device in KEYPAD mode using the detail display from OPS.
Both flow computers (Primary and Secondary) shall receive flow, pressure and temperature signals for both metering
streams. Both flow computers shall perform flow computation for both streams.
Flow totals of Primary flow computer shall only be displayed and reported by Pro+.
In case of failure of Primary flow computer such as watchdog alarm occurred, Secondary flow computer will switch over
to become Primary automatically and Pro+ shall recognize the failure of Primary flow computer and shall display and
report the flow totals from the Secondary flow computer.
Primary and Secondary status of flow computers is applicable on Pro+.
If a Primary flow computer fails, healthy Secondary flow computer shall take over the Primary function automatically.
When the failed flow computer is replaced, it shall take up the status of Secondary and its status will not be changed to
Primary automatically.
In case of failure of the prover flow computer, the proving will be aborted/could not be started and the user/operator
should inform maintenance group for further investigation.
Pro+ failure:
The DanPac shall be functional in the event of failure of any of the following components of the DanPac:
1. Failure of Controller: The DanPac consists of redundant MDPlus controllers; hence the failure of one of the
controllers does not affect the DanPac system operation.
2. Failure of Ethernet Switch: The DanPac consists of redundant Ethernet switches for communication between
MDplus controller & workstation; hence the failure of one of the Ethernet switch does not affect the DanPac system
3. Failure of Workstation: The DanPac consists of two workstations (ProPlus & Operator Workstation); hence upon
failure of Operator Workstation, operation from Pro+ Station is possible.
4. Failure of Power Supply: The DanPac consists of redundant Power Supply modules; hence the failure of one of the
Power Supply module does not affect the DanPac system operation.
5. Failure of VIMs: The DanPac consists of redundant VIMs; hence the failure of one of the VIM does not affect the
DanPac system operation.
Dot-matrix printer (serial) is used for report printing from stream flow computer while laser jet printer (Ethernet) is used
for report printing from Pro+. In case of failure of any of these printers (serial & Ethernet), individual stream flow
computer archives reports and keep data in its memory while Pro+ archives its reports in hard disk. So all those
achieved reports can be printed later, once printer comes back to normal stage
ProPlus is installed with two dual LAN Cards for the Ethernet communication using Modbus/TCP protocol. A ProPlus is
connected to the Ethernet Switch. All Ethernet devices will be communicating to each other through the Ethernet Switch.
Stream Flow Computer communicates with DanPac over redundant Ethernet link using Modbus/TCP protocol.
Prover Flow Computer communicates with DanPac over redundant Ethernet link using Modbus/TCP protocol.
Software Installations
This section describes the various software components on the Supervisory Computer (HMI/SC) and the installation
process. All software components described below have already been installed on the HMI/SC as per the system
architecture requirements.
The ProPlus server is Windows 2008 Enterprise Edition server used for communication with DeltaV MD+ controllers.
DeltaV Software 11.3 is installed on this. Administrator can configure database & graphics on this. This serves as Alarm
& Historian server for the system. All alarm log & historian is saved on the hard drive. This is used to generate periodic
& event based reports. These reports will be saved on hard drive of the system. As flow computers are connected via
Ethernet to this machine they can be accessed using Web browser functionality. Laser Jet Report printer is connected to
this system via Ethernet.
In order to startup the various components of the DanPac system, metering control panel has to be powered on.
Specific sequence should be followed while powering on various components like, Ethernet Switch, S600+ FC &
DanPac system etc.
Ethernet Switch
Once control panel is powered on, first component of the metering system that shall be powered on in Ethernet Switch.
All Ethernet switch should be powered on before powering up other communication devices like S600+ & HMI
Once control panel is powered on & Ethernet switch is powered on, all S600+ Flow Computers shall be powered on
All Flow Computers shall be powered off one by one. There is as such no specific procedure for shutting down of Flow
Computers; they can be powered off directly by turning off appropriate fuse terminals.
There is a specific sequence as well as procedure for shutting down ProPlus and Operator Workstation.
Below is procedure to shutdown workstations.
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
The DanPac software allows the user/operator to navigate through screens and issue commands for operation.
Commands are accessed from the Base Display. By selecting the preferred area of operation in the system, the
user/operator is able to:
View detail displays for different devices like Pressure, Temperature & Flow Transmitters
View Alarm/Event Summary
Tool Bar
Data Viewing
Summary &
Menu Bar
Alarm Banner
Active Module
Main Graphics
DeltaV Logon
DeltaV Diagnostics
Process History View
User Level
FC Status
Stream data
Command Buttons
The Command Buttons include the following:
Click on the System Overview Button, opens following window in the Data Viewing Area.
DeltaV VIM
DeltaV MD+
The System Overview shows the integration & interconnection of the various components of the system.
When clicked on the Flow Computer icon, Internet Explorer will be launched for connection to the flow
computer, which will display data in S600+ flow computer, depending on the security level.
A click on the Skid Overview Button opens the following window in the Data Vie\wing Area:
KF Curve
Alarm button
The Alarm Button opens the following window in the Data Vie\wing Area.
Outlet MOV
LUSM Meter
Flow Control
Metering & Proving System
Page 27 of 174
Total Alarms
Other displays like Alarm Summary, Alarm History & Events be accessed from menu bar of alarm which is shows as
History View
Below picture shows the Alarms & events through Process History view.
Trending Button
By click on the Trend Button, the following sub menu for Trend will appear in Data Viewing Area.
When clicked on the METER X TREND, the following window will appear in Data Viewing Area. This shows
real time trends of parameters like Flow rate, Pressure and Temperature for Meter X.
Historical Trending:
When right clicked on the Current Trend picture and select Process history view option on above screen, the
following window will appear in Data Viewing Area. This shows Historic trends of parameters like Flow rate,
Pressure, Temperature, Standard Density, BS&W Measured and Meter Factor for Meter X. Same way operator
can view the Prover Historian data by selecting the same option on Prover trend screen. User can enter
required Time Span from date time filter .Important Note: The historical data is archived in ProPlus and
Operator Workstation system Hard drive
Configure Chart
(Time Span
When clicked on the Configure Chart, the following window will appear. Select Time Scale tab and choose the Time
start and Span. Then click OK, the historical chart will display the selected time span.
A click on the Prover Sequence Button opens the following window in Data Viewing Area.
Prove Sequence
By click on the Prover Data Button, the following sub menu for Prover Data will appear in Data Viewing Area.
By click on the Report Manager Button, the following sub window will appear in Data Viewing Area.
Current Report
Select Report
View Selected
Report Type
Current Report
Hourly Report
Batch Report (Start)
Batch Report (End)
Batch Report (Final)
Prover Report
Current Report
Hourly Report
Daily Report
Reporting Web
User Login
Password operator
Step 5: On drill-down the flow-computer and details of configured reports are displayed
Flow-computers details
and configured reports
are displayed
Step 6: On clicking Hourly the details of generated Reports are displayed in the viewing area as per months and dates
Segregation according
to months and dates for
Hourly Reports
List of generated
Hourly pdf reports
Step 7: On clicking any respective date the list of Hourly Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 8: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Hourly Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing
option to save or open the report file.
Daily Report
Step 1 Step 6: Step 1 up to Step 6 is same as above for Hourly reports
Step 7: On clicking Daily the details of generated Reports are displayed in the viewing area as per months and dates.
On clicking any respective month the list of Daily Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 8: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Daily Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing option
to save or open the report file.
Step 7: On clicking Batch Start the details of generated Reports are displayed in the viewing area as per months and
dates. On clicking any respective month the list of Batch Start Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 8: On clicking any respective date the list of Prover Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 9: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Batch Start Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing
option to save or open the report file.
Step 8: On clicking any respective date the list of Prover Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 9: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Batch Start Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing
option to save or open the report file.
Step 8: On clicking any respective date the list of Prover Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 9: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Batch Start Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing
option to save or open the report file.
Prover Report
Step 1 Step 6: Step 1 up to Step 6 is same as above for Hourly reports
Step 7: On clicking Prover the details of generated Reports are displayed in the viewing area as per months and
dates. On clicking any respective month the list of Prover Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 8: On clicking any respective date the list of Prover Reports are displayed in the viewing area
Step 9: On clicking any respective pdf file from the list of Prover Reports a pop-up will appear as below, providing
option to save or open the report file.
The Data Viewing Area is the primary region of the Basic Display. Selection of specific navigation commands from
the Main Menu Bar causes specific displays to open this region.
8.3Log On/Off
When system gets started, DeltaV Flex Lock will appear on screen. To view the system in
runtime Operator has to login with OPEARTOR as user name & appropriate password.
Only ADMINISTRATOR User can access Windows Desktop. Click on the DeltaV
Logon for Log On/Off. Below picture shows the Flex Lock & Login window.
Log On/Off
Use the Login button as shown in below picture. Select the Username and enter Password. When
entered Username and Password is matched with the system, Login will become successful. Add or
modify the rests of user password has to be done in User Manager with Administrator level (refer to
section 8.5).
8.4Alarm Acknowledgement
Click on the Alarm button from Main Menu will bring the Alarms window on display.
Click on the Un-acknowledge alarm to acknowledge a single alarm and the Ack column will show
CHECK sign. If the acknowledged alarm still active, the alarm will remain in alarm summary page until
the alarm goes off.
ACK column
Right Click on the Alarms page (on any alarm), Options will be available like continue updating,
acknowledge single alarm, suppress alarm.
Click on the DeltaV\Engineering\User Manager .DeltaV User Manager will get open. Here
Administrative level user can add new Users & he can assign passwords, can change
existing password.
User Manager
Existing Users
New User
Step2: New added users can be assigned with different function keys as shown in below picture.
Step3: After addition/changes in User Manager, When User Manager is closed; it will prompt a message to Download
ProPlus. ProPlus Physical setup data download is must for User Manager Changes to be effective. To
download a ProPlus setup data, Open DeltaV Explorer \Go to Control network\ProPlus & click on ProPlus to
select the download \setup data option. See the below picture for ProPlus Setup data download (Dongle key
needs to install while download the Setup data).
(Note: Do not delete any existing users.)
The User addition, password change and Application portion is applicable for Administrative level ONLY.
Data Display
When the dynamo is blinking, it may be caused by following reason:
The signal from instruments is un-healthy as under-range or over-range.
If data under the Low or High alarm activated condition. i.e. The value is exceed hi alarm limit setting or
below low alarm setting.
Communication problem
Dynamo Alarm ellipse is animated on priority level for alarm.
Red: - Critical Alarm
Yellow: - Warning Alarm
Grey :- No Alarm
Pink: - Communication Alarm.
Dynamo Oval is animated for mode status.
Green: - Measured
Red Blinking:- Keypad
Pink Steady:- Keypad-F
Alarm Ellipse
Mode Status
This section will show how to enter the Keypad, Lo Limit and Hi Limit setting.
Move the cursor to the instruments as Pressure Transmitter, Temperature Transmitter. The icon will
show highlighted when cursor move on it.
Turbine Meter
Click on the Temperature Transmitter icon, a faceplate of Temperature Transmitter will open.
Click on the Keypad value (Red Circle). Then enter the value that needs to be updated.
Press the Mode button that want to select. All the detail information regarding the faceplate is shown
in below picture.
Alarm Status
Acknowledge current
Detail Display
Click on the Detail Display button as shown in above picture. Detail faceplate will open as shown in
below picture. Click on the limits tab. Here Operator can enter the HI and LO limits of the
corresponding parameter.
HI Limit, LO
Limit, entry
Shown below, are the different displays, that will pop up when clicked on Turbine Meter, PT, TT etc.
If the user level is not Operator and above, a Notification Message will occur to inform the current user
is not authorized to update the data. Else the new data will be updated.
MOV details
CLOSE Command
OPEN Command
Current MOV Position
Current MODE Status
MODE Selection
MOV Travel Time
Current MOV Status
Current Density
KF popup display
Batching flow-chart
Field Description
The following table describes the Table-1 fields that need to be entered before loading can be started:
Station Name
Batch No.
Station Name
Batch No.
Ship Name
Product Name
Preset Quantity
Select Stream
The following table describes the Table-2 fields that determine the flow behavior of the batching operation:
The following table describes the Table- 3 fields that determine the flow behavior of the batching operation:
Current Delivery Gross
Indicates the current gross volume delivered by individual streams & the current total
gross volume delivered in the batch.
Current Delivery Std
Indicates the current standard volume delivered by individual streams & the current
total standard volume delivered in the batch.
Gross Vol. Flow Rate
The current gross vol. flow rate of individual stream & the total gross vol. flow rate for
the batch.
Temperature (C)
The current Temperature of individual streams.
Pressure (barg)
The current Pressure of individual streams.
FCV Opening (%)
Percentage opening of FCV for individual stream.
Step 1:
Log on to the WorkStation with the appropriate user account and password. Click on the stream FCV
that you intend to use for loading. Ensure that the Control Mode is in MANUAL and the Manual
Operation is set to 0 % (Fully closed = 20 mA).
Step 2:
Click on the Batch Manager button. Check that the flow computers are in the Idle mode and the
current deliveries are zeroes. If not, ensure that flow rates are zero for all streams & click on Reset
Button at the bottom of the flow chart.
Step 3:
Enter the Ship Name, Batch No., Customer, Ship Name, Product Name, Preset Quantity, and select
the stream(s) to load the batch.
Step 4:
Click on Begin button, which will prompt you for the entries in Table-1. Click on Yes to continue and
time synchronization is performed.
Step 5:
Once the Table-1 settings are completed, click on Accept Batch Setting button, which will again
prompt for the confirmation of selection of streams. Sequence will checks and a message will prompt
to user/operator if one of the parameter is zero or empty.
Click Yes button to confirm the selection of streams. (Note: only selected batch stream MOV are in
remote mode is allow to proceed to next stage).
Step 6:
Once the Batch Settings are confirmed, confirm cargo pump is started and running. Sequence will
check and a message will prompt to user/operator to ensure the confirmation.
Step 7:
Click on individual S (x) Standby button, (where x Stands for the Stream number) to make that
stream ready for batching. A pop-up will appear to inform operator to open the inlet manual valve
Step 8:
Click on individual S (x) Start button, (where x Stands for the Stream number) to make that stream
ready for batching. At the same time, define batch command is given to selected stream, start batch
report is generated, batch start date/time stamped.
If the selected Stream inlet, outlet MOVs for the stream are OPEN then a command is given to
CLOSE those MOVs.
Step 9:
Select Stream 2 for batching and the Stream 2 Standby button is enabled
Step 10:
When Stream 1 Batching is started a pop-up will appear informing operator to enter set-point for FCV
Step 11:
When Stream 1 Batching is started a pop-up will appear informing operator to start Sampling from the
Sampling display
Step 12:
FCV faceplate will open up for Operator to enter the set-point. FCV control is by the Stream 1 flow
Step 13:
Step 14:
Once Stream 1 outlet MOV is completely open then OPEN command is given to Skid outlet MOV
Step 15:
Stream 1 outlet MOV and Skid outlet MOV both are completely open and Batching is started
Step 16:
Step 17:
While Stream 1 batching is on-going and if operator clicks on Stream 2 standby button then a pop-up
appears which indicates that Stream 2 batching cannot initiate as Stream 1 is already under batching.
As the Batching for Streams is 2x100%
Step 18:
When Suspend is clicked by the Operator, Skid outlet MOV is first closed and Stream 1 outlet MOV is
closed after the Skid Outlet MOV is completely closed; then Batching for Stream 1 is suspended
(This suspend mode helps to resume loading using that stream again, should the laboratory
analysis of the sample indicates that, some more additional quantity needs to be loaded.)
Step 19:
Step 20:
Once Stream 1 Batch is suspended then Stream 2 Batch can be enabled and started
Step 21:
Step 22:
After both Streams batching is suspended the Batching sequence logic can be stopped to generate
Batch End & Final reports
(Note: Once a batch for any stream is over then, user/operator cannot start batch again for that stream
unless next fresh batch is to be started. This interlock is provided in order to maintain the totalizer,
which are registered by this stream flow computer during loading of current batch.)
Step 23:
If the Flow is still present in the streams then the Batching Sequence logic will not allow to stop the
sequence execution. Flow must be less than 5 m3/hr to stop the Batching sequence logic
Step 24:
If the Flow through the Streams is less than 5 m3/hr and the operator clicks on Stop button a pop-up
appears to confirm the operators decision to stop the batching and generate reports
Step 25:
Once the Batching is stopped then the Batch End time is recorded and End button is enabled
Step 26:
When the operator clicks on the End batch button Batch End report is generated
Step 27:
After Batch End report Batch Final report needs to be generated. When operator clicks on the Final
Batch button a pop-up appears to ensure operators decision to generate Final Batch report.
Step 28:
Once the operator clicks on Yes another data entry pop-up appears which allows operator to enter
the Std Density and BSW % data from lab results.
Step 29:
After the operator enters the relevant lab results Batch Final report is generated
Step 30:
After the Batch reports are generated operator should reset the current batch sequence. When the
Reset button is clicked a pop-up appears to confirm the operator decision
Step 31:
When the operator confirms the reset of batching sequence, the Batching Sequence reset action
takes few seconds to reset the existing batching and a message is flashed Please Wait. Until the
reset action is complete
DanPac checks and prompt message to customer if
New proved M-Factor is not downloaded.
This chapter describes the procedure to start a new proving process using the DanPac.
Following picture shows a Proving Sequence, this is used for proving stream meter with reference to the Bi-directional
Base Volume
Proving flow-chart
New K-Factor
Proving Run/Abort
Status/Alarm details
Field Description
The following table describes the prove parameters that can be modified prior to the meter proving operation:
Required KF tolerance
Select Stream
One of the streams needs to be selected in order to Prove. Only one stream can be
selected one at a time.
Two base volumes and only one base volume can be selected one at a time.
Volume-1: Sphere switches 1-3
Volume-2: Sphere switches 2-4
The setpoint for required flowrate.
Indicates Actual flow rate through prover.
The stability band for flowrate stability checking.
Proving stage will not proceed if ABS(Prover Flowrate Setpoint Actual Flowrate) >
Flowrate Stability Band
This is a Beta factor of the prover. i.e. Effect of Pressure on Liquid in Prover.
Indicates Prover pipe diameter.
Indicates Prover wall thickness.
This is a Prover coefficient CTSp i.e. Effect of Temperature on Prover Steel.
Indicates calibrated volume-1.
Indicates calibrated volume-2.
Indicates in use calibrated volume.
Indicates the achieved repeatability for the K-Factor
Indicates the new Meter Factor for the stream, which is proved.
Indicates selected stream current Pressure
Indicates selected stream current Temperature.
Indicates Prover inlet current Pressure
Indicates Prover inlet current Temperature.
Indicates Prover outlet current Pressure
Indicates Prover outlet current Temperature.
Indicates Current Meter Factor for the stream.
Indicates the new K-Factor for the stream, which is proved
Indicates Status of Prover like, Idle, Switch1 Hit, Retrieve etc.
Indicates the Prover phase like, Operator etc.
Indicates the proving sequence status like, Press ALIGN Stream MOV to proceed etc.
Indicates the proving sequence alarm like, Stream 4010 MOV is in LOCAL Mode etc.
Indicates the 4-way valve status Forward or Reverse.
Indicates the current Prover Run in progress.
Step 1:
Log on to Pro+ or Operator WorkStation system with the appropriate user account and password.
Click on the Batch Manager button to start a batch loading using the meter to be proved.
(Note: In order to start proving operation, it is necessary that, the stream to be proved should be
Step 2:
Ensure the Flow-rate is steady. Do not begin a proving operation towards the end of the batch
Step 3:
Click on Prove Manager button to open a Prover Sequence display in the Data viewing area.
Step 4:
Step 5:
Click on one of the check boxes on the right hand side of the flow chart, in order to select a stream to
be proved. Select the Base Volume to be used. If these selections are not done, a message will
prompt to user/operator to complete the selection.
Ensure select
A message The stream is not selected for batching, stream selection rejected will prompt to user/operator
when the stream is not selected for batching.
Step 6:
Once all above settings are done, click on Begin button at the top of flowchart, which will prompt a
message to user/operator to, ensure about stream selection and all parameters are entered.
From this point on, user/operator should not change any of the settings; otherwise it will affect the
accuracy of the proving.
User/operator will take note of all these settings once again & if these settings are acceptable then
only click on the Begin button
Step 7:
A confirmation message will prompt to user/operator to confirm the setting. Click on Yes to proceed
to next step.
Align Stream
Step 8:
Once user/operator accepts the settings then, flow chart moves further & now align stream Valves
button turns green. Here user/operator needs to click on Align Stream VALVES button.
Once Align Stream VALVES button is clicked, following steps are carried out by the system
automatically, (e.g. Stream1 is being proved)
1. Check the respective MOV Local/Remote status.
2. Prompt Operator to open Prover Inlet & Outlet manual valves. Close Skid outlet MOV
3. Once Skid Outlet MOV is confirmed CLOSED, then proceed to next step
If one of the MOV fails to open or close then sequence will generate fail Alarm. Sequence will wait till
MOVs is fully open or close.
Step 9:
Once MOVs are aligned for Proving, the Permit to start Proving button can be clicked. This check is
required as the proving should be started with stable flow rate, otherwise it will fail to complete
successful proving. After starting proving, if the flow rate is observed not to be stable then flow
computer aborts the proving for stability reasons.
Step 10:
Before proceeding with actual proving, check that the Prove Run Stage is in the Idle & status of
Four-way valve of Prover is Reverse.
Here user/operator needs to click on Permit to Start Prove button from the Pro+ Workstation to issue
a start prove command to the proving streams flow computer.
Once proving is started, prover ball starts moving with the liquid from one end to other, in Forward
cycle of proving. On its way it hits Detector switches S1-S2. )
Once it finishes forward cycle, 4-way valve changes the direction & Ball moves back in reverse cycle &
again hits the detector switches on its way back.
If Stream 1 is selected for proving then the valves will be aligned as below
If Stream 2 is selected for proving then the valves will be aligned as below
Proving started
Flow chart color code
Green-Phase in
Flow chart color code
Red-Phase Yet to start
A message The proving is started, stream selection rejected will prompt to user/operator to prevent change the
proving stream after proving is started.
Step 11:
Once Proving Started following steps will take place in flow computer.
Stage 0: - Idle
Await sequence command to start the sequence, and then proceed to the next stage.
Seq Stage 1: - Validate
1. The stream number is valid
2. The stream is flowing
3. The prove permit state (i.e. key switch) is on
If conditions allow a prove to take place then
1. Copy the stream meter variables into the proving set.
2. Initialise proof run data (via initialise command to run control task).
3. Determine required proof flow rate from current rate (snapshot) or preset flow rate.
4. Save all the FCV settings.
5. Proceed to next stage.
Seq Stage 2: - De-energise Sphere Ram
De-select Sphere Ram Digital Output
Wait timer period (default 30 seconds)
Proceed to next stage.
Seq Stage 3: - Seat sphere
Issue command to drive 4-way valve to reverse (through seat sphere command to run control task).
Wait for the valve to reach reverse then proceed to next stage.
Go to the abort stage if the valve fails to move to reverse.
Go to the abort stage if abort command is issued.
Go to the abort stage if no flow at stream.
Go to the abort stage if stream telemetry fails.
Go to the abort stage if on line stream telemetry fails.
Go to the abort stage if permit state is off.
Go to the abort stage if the valves are not correctly aligned.
Seq Stage 4: - Energise Sphere Ram
Set Sphere Ram Digital Output
Proceed to next stage.
Seq Stage 5: - Hold stable temperature, pressure and flow rate
Wait to achieve stability (through stabilise command to run control task) for temperatures, pressure and rate of change
of flow rate.
Upon achieving stability, wait for stability to be held for a user configurable time, then proceed to the next stage.
Go to the abort stage if stability not achieved.
Go to the abort stage if stability not maintained.
Go to the abort stage if abort command is issued.
Go to the abort stage if no flow at stream.
Go to the abort stage if stream telemetry fails.
Go to the abort stage if on line stream telemetry fails.
Go to the abort stage if prove permit state is off.
Go to the abort stage if the valves are not correctly aligned.
As Prove Runs completes one by one, User/Operator can view the RUN data on PROVER_DATA screen.
If Prove aborts due to any error, User/Operator can view that error under Prove Abort Stage.
Step 12:
If User/Operator needs to restart proving then, user/operator can click on Yes button while proving
sequence is in Restart proving phase in progress. If user/operator clicks on Yes button then
flowchart prompts to issue Permit to Start Prove command to restart proving process. If user/operator
selects No, then proving sequence moves to the next step.
Once user/operator clicks on No button proving sequence will prompt a message as follows, Realign
Stream MOVs.
Restart Proving
Re-Prove message
Current Run
New Meter factor is calculated & User/Operator can download this to stream. When operator will click on the YES button
message box will popup. It will show current Meter factor, MF repeatability to operator. Then again operator can choose
YES to download or NO to keep existing Meter factor.
The K-Factor is required to perform at the 1st time proving at site with the meter factor 1. Once the new K-Factor
linearization curve is established, then subsequently proving will prove the Meter Factor in single point.
A message Error Number: -1577058241 (A200003F) will prompt to user/operator where user privileges is
OPERATOR or below.
Step 13:
If operator selects NO to Restart Prove then the sequence will move to Realign Valves step. Here the
MF Accept button is enabled. When the operator clicks on MF Accept button a message will prompt
to operator to download the new Meter Factor, operator can choose to download by clicking Yes or
keeps the existing Meter Factor by clicking No.
Realign VALVES
Once operator clicks on Realign Stream VALVES button, Sequence will start to realign the valves. (e.g. Stream1 is
being proved)
1. Check the respective MOV Local/Remote status.
2. Open the Skid Outlet MOV. (MOV-003 is given open command)
3. Once Skid Outlet MOV is confirmed OPEN then Close the Prover Inlet XCV and Prover Outlet XCV. (XCV-005,
XCV-006 are manually closed by Operator)
If one of the MOV fails to open or close then sequence will generate fail Alarm. Sequence will wait till MOVs is fully
open or close.
Step 14:
Reset Prove
One Reset Prover Settings button is clicked above pop-up message appears to confirm the action. After Reset Prove
settings sequence will come to original position as below.
Step 15:
Proving report can be accessed from Report Manager. Prover Data screen helps to monitor the KFactor for every run, while proving is being carried out. If it is observed that, K-Factor repeatability is
too out of the expected & there is necessity to stop the proving then user/operator can Abort the
proving by clicking on the Abort Prove button on Prover Sequence. This will abort the proving &
DanPac gives an option to restart proving. So the user/operator can rectify problem, if there is any &
restart the proving.
Prove Report
12.0 Sampling
This chapter describes the procedure to do Sampling using the DanPac. Following picture shows a Sampling Display.
Sampling Layout
Sampling Start
Flow Proportional
Time Proportional
Field Description
The following table describes the Sampling system parameters that can be modified prior to the Sampling operation:
CAN size
Grab Size
Min. Interval
CAN filling
Total Grabs
Grab Count
Grab Remain
Empty CAN weight
CAN full weight A
Preset Qty to Fill 1
Total Time to Fill 1
CAN (hrs)
Total Time to Fill 1
CAN (sec)
Stn Flow Rate
Grab Interval (m3)
Grab Interval (sec)
Step 1:
Step 2:
Step 3:
Click on Sampler button to open Sampler display in the Data viewing area.
Step 4:
Operator must select the Time / Flow Proportional method of sampling before starting the Sampling.
Further when Sampling Start button is clicked, a confirmation message to start the Fast Loop pump
will be displayed.
Loop Pump
Step 5:
On confirmation to start Fast Loop pump then confirmation message to start Sampling is displayed.
Step 6:
Once all above messages are confirmed, Sampling will be started. Grab Count will increase based
on the Grab Interval and selected CAN starts filling. Both Time & Flow Proportional Sampling
buttons are disabled. Sampling STOP button is enabled.
Grab Count
Solenoid OPEN
Step 7:
As the Sampler solenoid valve opens for every Grab Interval, grab count increases. When CAN A is
80% full then the Sampling automatically switches to CAN B
Step 8:
AWhen operator clicks on STOP Sampling button a pop-up appears to re-confirm. If operator wants
to stop sampling then Yes must be clicked
Step 9:
When the confirmation is made to stop Sampling process is stopped and sampling solenoid valve
does not open based on grab interval. Time Proportional button is enabled and Reset button is
enabled. Reset button is used to reset the current data of grab count, grab remain
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
After Reset of Sampling the Grab Count and Grab Remain will be reset.
Sampling mode Time proportional is selected using Time Proportional button. A confirmation message
is displayed for Operator to acknowledge. Further Step 5 up to Step 11 will repeat for Time
proportional mode of Sampling.
When Sampling Start button is clicked, a confirmation message to start will be displayed.
Step 13:
Once all above messages are confirmed, Sampling will be started. Grab Count will increase based
on the Grab Interval and selected CAN starts filling. Sampling STOP button is enabled.
Step 14:
As the Sampler solenoid valve opens for every Grab Interval, grab count increases. When Sampling
STOP button is clicked a pop-up is displayed with message to stop the sampling
Step 15:
When the confirmation is made to stop, Sampling process is stopped and sampling solenoid valve
does not open based on grab interval. Reset button is enabled. Reset button is used to reset the
current data of grab count, grab remain
Step 16:
After Reset of Sampling the Grab Count and Grab Remain will be reset.
LAN 1)
LAN 2)
Step 2:
Step 3:
Step 4:
Step 5:
Step 6:
The S600+ will go to rebooting, once the S600+ has completed its start up initialization sequence, the
Cold Start menu is displayed.
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Select GO BACK this will take you to the NETWORK I/F 1 sub menu.
Select GO BACK again to return to the Cold Start menu.
Step 12:
Step 1:
Open the Network Connections window and double click on the Local Area Connection icon.
Local Area
Connection Icon
Step 2:
Click on the Properties button and the Local Area Connection Properties window will pop up.
Properties Button
Step 3:
Double clicking on the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) will open the Internet Protocol (TCP/IP) Properties
Internet Protocol(TCP/IP)
Step 4:
Step 1:
Step 2:
From S600+ Connections, select Network for LAN connection, select COM1/3 for SERIAL connection.
icon from Config600 folder. The S600+ Config Transfer window will
LAN connection port is bottom rear of the S600+ while SERIAL connection port is bottom of the S600+ front
S600+ Connections
S600+ IP Address
Select the <new> from Available Configurations and click on the Receive Now! button. A Save As
New Config: window will popup.
Step 4:
Upload as a New
Configuration File
Receive Button
Step 5:
From Save As New Config: window, enter the new configuration file name and click on the OK button.
Step 6:
If the below message come out, check on the connection between S600+ and PC. Refer to section
11.4 and 11.5 IP Address Setting for S600+ & PC for more detail.
Step 7:
If the connection between S600+ & PC is healthy, the following message will popup to initiate the
S600+ backup.
If updated software (if a parameter has been changed from the front panel) is to be backed up, click on the
Yes button. Else click on the No button to backup the original configuration file.
Step 8:
Step 9:
The following message popup window shows, backup progress is successfully done. The backup file
progress is incomplete, if the progress bar stops half way.
Step 10:
Step 11:
Open the modbus sub folder, change the all modbus files to small letter. The purpose to doing this is
because the S600+ does not recognize the modbus files in capital letter.
Step 1:
icon from Config600 folder. The S600+ Config Transfer window will
Step 2:
From S600+ Connections, select Network for LAN connection, select COM1/3 for SERIAL connection.
LAN connection port is bottom rear of the S600+ while SERIAL connection port is bottom of the S600+ front
S600+ Connections
S600+ IP Address
Step 4:
Select the configuration file that needs to be opened and click on the Send Now! button.
Configuration files to be
downloaded, eg.
Send Button
Step 5:
If the following message pops up - means the PC Setup Link from S600+ is not enabled yet.
Step 6:
Step 7:
Step 8:
Step 9:
Step 10:
Step 11:
Step 12:
If the following message popup window opens, disconnect the S600+s network cable for 5 seconds
and then re-connect again.
Step 13:
Step 14:
The following message popup window, shows that the download progress is successfully done. If the
progress bar stops half way, this means that the download is incomplete.
IV. Maintenance
14.0 Maintenance
14.1 Overview
This section contains information and general suggestions for system maintenance. The documentation
furnished with the system is an aid in both preventive maintenance and fault correction maintenance. This
documentation includes:
System drawings
The maintenance procedures described in this section are intended to be used as a
maintenance guide only. Operating organization may have explicit maintenance
procedures for the component equipment of the flow measurement system. The
vendor manuals supplied should be reviewed for information on specific maintenance
procedures. Operator may wish to implement a preventive or check maintenance
schedule for some of the instruments and equipment furnished.
It is strongly recommended that the personnel operating and maintaining the
metering system are properly trained for the given task. Improper operation of the
metering system and maintenance of the instruments by untrained personnel may
result in personal injury, incorrect measurement and/or damage to the instrument
Most of the system components do not require routine maintenance other than periodic visual inspections and
routine calibration to assure that the devices and components are clean, not damaged and working within
accuracy tolerance
Refer to the equipment manufacturers Installation, operation and maintenance manuals, supplied along with
metering system, for intricate information of system components.
The primary concern during the performance of any maintenance task is to ensure personnel safety by
observing all safety precautions and to complete the maintenance task quickly and efficiently.
The safety aspect of maintenance is addressed by ensuring that the person(s) performing the maintenance
task is (are) familiar with the proper procedures for working on the types of equipment involved.
The quick and efficient maintenance of an automated process control system requires that the maintenance
tasks are performed at the major component replacement level. That is accomplished by the replacement of
complete units or instruments with known good spare units and then the repair of the bad unit or instrument offline in a maintenance shop.
In some cases, the return of the instrument to Emerson Process Management or the manufacturer for repair
may be the best option. Typically electronics card replacement level maintenance should be performed for skid
mounted and control room instruments. Items such as valves and valve actuators can at times be repaired or
rebuilt in place. However, depending on the extent of the repair job and the in-service requirement for the flow
measurement system, it may be more efficient to replace the failed valve or actuator with a spare unit.
A system maintenance log book should be maintained. Operator may use one log book for both preventive and
non-scheduled maintenance. A simple arrangement of columns for date and time, problem or cause of
maintenance, type of maintenance performed, and if the problem was resolved or is still awaiting parts / work
should be usually sufficient.
The log book entries will document any re-occurring maintenance requirements which sometimes reveal
problem areas in the system or in the method of operation.
General preventive maintenance should include a periodic visual inspection of the system.
Check the following items, correct any problems, and log the work performed.
Verify that all equipment housing covers are in place to ensure mechanical and electrical safety.
Maintenance of the intricate instruments like Turbine meter etc should be carried out only by trained technician
or manufacturers service personnel only. Operator may carry out regular calibration/instrument repeatability
check after having proper training
The meters should be proved whenever the flow rate, temperature, pressure, specific gravity or viscosity
changes significantly. Normally, time or volume is used to determine when the meter should be proved. When
metering a single or similar liquid, the meter factor is normally applied forward to the meter's indicated volume
until the meter is reproved.
Normally, there is a prescribed deviation limit between consecutive meter factors on the same or similar liquid.
When this deviation limit is exceeded, it may be appropriate to reduce the interval between meters proving.
It may also be appropriate to inspect and repair the meter and the proving system. Meter factors are normally
applied forward until the next proving. The proving frequency for new systems should start at short intervals
and be extended to longer intervals as confidence increases in the system. API MPMS Chap 4 shall be
referred for further details on proving system
Is AC power present at the skid site and the control room equipment?
Does the problem seem to be a faulty signal to or from a field device? Many process signal faults are
detected and alarmed by the Supervisory Computer.
Does the problem seem to be an instrument or equipment failure? Check input and output signals and
input power for the instrument / equipment. Substitution of a known good unit is usually the quickest
way to determine an instrument or equipment failure.
Check for blown fuses, tripped circuit breakers, loose wiring connections, loose connectors, and
poorly seated plug-in printed circuit boards in the control equipment.
Determine which signal has failed, process input signal, process output signal, or supply voltage.
If a group of similar signals are not present, determine what fuse, circuit breaker, cable, or printed
circuit distribution board is common to that group of signals.
If the missing signal is a single process loop utilize the appropriate loop diagram to determine which
instruments are affected by that signal.
If all instruments in a process loop are not functioning, check the loop power and loop fuse, the loop
power supply, and the loop wiring. If only one instrument in a loop is inoperable, replace that
instrument with a known good unit.
If AC power input is not present at an instrument, check the fuses / circuit breakers, and power switch
for that instrument. Check that other instruments on the same power circuit are functioning. If only one
instrument on a power circuit is inoperable, replace that instrument with a known good unit.
The process signal input / output boards and the serial data boards contain jumpers that are used to
configure the hardware for each specific application. All jumpers on replacement boards must be
configured prior to installation for each application.
Carefully visually compare the original board to the replacement and consult the documentation before
replacing any of the printed circuit boards.
Ensure that the replacement instrument / component has been pre-checked or serviced and is ready
for operation.
Provide the proper personnel, tools, and handling equipment to aid in the replacement operation.
Do not permit dirt or other foreign objects to enter or damage the new or old component or the open
process piping, if applicable.
Install the replacement instrument / component and ensure that the installation of the new instrument /
component complies with proper flow directions, tubing connections, and wiring connections, as