Div Memorandum No. 214 Recruitment Screening of Elementary Junior HS and Senior HS Teachers Applicants For School Year 2017 2018
Div Memorandum No. 214 Recruitment Screening of Elementary Junior HS and Senior HS Teachers Applicants For School Year 2017 2018
Div Memorandum No. 214 Recruitment Screening of Elementary Junior HS and Senior HS Teachers Applicants For School Year 2017 2018
No. .2/4
, s. 2016
Demonstration Teaching
February 27, 20 17
March S, 20 l 7
School Screening Committee shall submit the list of applicants with the corresponding
documents to the Division Selection Committees for kindergarten/SPED, elementary/secondary
and Senior High schools through the Head, Pers01mel Services Section in soft and hard copy not
later than February 16, 2017.
February 13-14, 2017
February 15-16, 2017
3. New applicants and old substitute teachers shall strictly submit to only one (1) elementary or
secondary school head their application forms with the required documents. As much as poss ible,
BSE Graduates and non-BSE with 18 units of Education shall be evaluated only for seconda1y
4. The tplication forms shaU be filed .as fur as practicable in schools tol ed in
where the teacher-applicants reside.
barangay oc cty
5 . An Applicant shall submit to the head of elementary or secondary school a written applicati on
supported by the following documents in a long folder and each eannarked for ease of
examination. If any of these documents are not submitted, the Schools Selection Committee
may refuse acceptance of the application.
CSC Fonn 212 (Revi sed 2005) in tw o copies with the latest 2" x 2" ID picture
Certified photocopy of PRC Certifi cate of Registration and License/renewed
license if expire
Certified photocopy of rating obtained in the Licensure Examination for Teachers/
Professional Board Examination for Teachers
Certified copies of Transcript of Records for baccalaureate course with
computed weighted average rating
Copies of service record, perfonnance rating and school clearance for thbse
with teaching experience
Certificates of specialized training, if any
Certified copy of the voter' s ID
NBI Clearance
Omnibus certification of authenticity and veracity of all documents submitted, signed by the applicant.
6. The School Screening Committee shall verify all documents as to completeness and
authenticity . The committee shall issue a certification to the applicant that it has received th e
application specifying the documents that have been submitted in support of the application .
7. P ublic school teachers requesting for transfer to another assignment are not considered new
ah!icants and should not therefore be subjected to these hiring guidelines.
9. Teacher-applicants shall undergo the pre-employment mental/physical and med ica l examinati ons
required under the Magna Ca11a for Public School Teachers only after the Schools Division
Superintendent has approved their assignment orders/appointments and before they perfo rm
their actual classroom teaching assignments .
10. To maintain the Registry of Qualified Applicants, all school head~ are requested to receive
applications even if there is no available vacancy in their respective schools for future deployment
as replacement/substitute for teachers who will go on leave of absence .I
11. The RQA should be ready by the last week of April of every year so that qualified applicants ma y
be appointed before the ope ning of each school year. The RQA shall be valid for a period of one
(1) school year.
12. Failu~e to sub~it 1the requi.red document~ and to rep01t for scr~ening/e.valuation on th e
forfeiture of one's nght for employment 111 this D1v1s1on. .
prescnbed date Wiii mean
hiring/re~ruitment of Teachers I are subject to change upon issuance of a new
hiring guidelines from the Department of Education.
13. Policy on
14. Particular attention is invited to the schedule of submission of pertinent documents to t his
Office by district for proper implementation of this undertakin s.
15. Immediate dissemination and strict compliance with this memor 1dum is desired.