Academic Performance
Academic Performance
Academic Performance
form of regular payment of salary, fringe benefit, such as allowance, bonus on the job training,
promotion of the teachers, provision of good working environment, maintaining high degree of
relationship and improving the teachers general well being. Hence, any teacher that enjoys the
above named items is band to give all his best in discharging of his duty because, he would
derive satisfaction of being a teacher.
In educational sector, motivation plays a great role. When teachers are motivated, this will lead
to good performance and high productivity to the sustain of the national growth and development
and also, the welfare of its citizens at large. According to Alu, Eya, Odo, Ede and Ugwu (2001)
education is an ancient enterprise designed to be the vehicle of social change and over
development of self, culture and society. Education is a process designed to help all human
beings to grows into persons.
In the view of the above the national policy on education (1981), section one paragraph two
stated that the Nigerians philosophy of education, therefore is based on the integration of the
individual into a sound and effective citizens and equal educational opportunities for all citizens
of the nation at the primary, secondary and tertiary levels, both inside and outside the formal
school system.
Consequently, the Nigeria policy on education section nine paragraph 57, stated that teachers
education will continue to be given a major emphasis in all our educational planning because, no
educational system can rise above the quality of its teachers. Therefore, various purposes or aims
of teachers education should be inculcated into our schools. It will be necessary for the
provision of highly motivated, conscious and efficient classroom teachers for all level of our
educational system and also to encourage teachers commitment to the teaching profession.
Also motivation has an effect on the society in various ways for the development of the nation of
the hallmarks of the development and economic prosperity while low performance create
problem of underdevelopment. Since the future of the country lies with the students, so those
students need to be well educated, so that they can be equipped with the knowledge and skills to
pilot the affairs of this country.
Therefore, the impact of motivation and academic performance of the students when properly
treated, will lead to good performance and high productivity to the sustenance of the national
It is obvious that professional trained teachers always give in their best in carrying out their
duties and responsibilities. However, it is pertinent that teachers activities must be compensated
or rewarded as an encouragement as well as enabling them to work harder in order to achieve the
main objective of teaching and learning. The absent of motivation has a negative effect in the
standard of education in the country as the students are being deprived of the needed knowledge
because the teachers are to motivated to impact the needed knowledge. Hence, the problems
associated with this negative attitude towards motivation result to this:
Teachers do not give their best, due to o payment or salary by the authority to the teachers
students inadequate knowledge as a result of not being taught adequately since the teachers are
not motivated to give in their best, Teachers life look deplorable as they are being deprived of
their benefit they ought to enjoy and mike them effective as efficient in their teaching job, low
standard of education in the country is noted since the qualitative education needed is absential.
Society human resources will be lagging since the character and knowledge moulder (teacher)
cannot satisfactorily perform his duty.
Therefore, the resultant effect of this problem affects the society at large, since the educational
sector cannot produce the desired result as designed in the national policy of education I 2004.
The purpose of this research is aimed at finding out the impact of motivation on teachers
performance in the school system. The study specifically tends to;
i. To find the extent to which supervision of instruction influence learning and enhance students
academic performance.
ii. To find out the extent to which government regular payment of salaries at and when due to the
iii. To find out the extent to which promotion of teachers at and when due influences teaching
and learning process.
iv. To find out the extent to which such programmes like seminars, conferences and workshops
that are conducted for the teachers can enhance their personal academic and professional growth.
It is hope that the final result of this research work will help in finding possible ways, how
motivation can influence productivity/performance in teaching and learning process and also
improve learning on the part of students. It is important for the researcher to put into
consideration, the significance of teachers motivation and academic performance of students.
However, this research will be significance in the following ways:
1. When teachers are being motivated, the society/government will benefit immensely in the
sense that the teachers put in their best, the students (youth) will contribute properly to the
economic growth and development of the nation and the welfare of its citizens.
2. Parents will also benefit when teachers are being motivated in the sense that the students will
be responsible to their parents and also the money spent on them will not be in vein because they
will help in carrying out families responsibilities.
3. Students will benefit equally when teachers are motivated because the research will enable
them to enhance and improve their academic performance.
4. The teachers also benefit a lot when they positive motivation is given to them in terms of
promotion, fringe benefit, salaries are paid at and when due, they will give in their best in the
teaching process. And also their standard of living will improve.
The study covers some selected secondary schools in Udi Local Government Area of Enugu
Moreover, the scope of this study is limited to finding the impact of motivation on teachers
performance and the academic performance of students.
1. To what extent does irregular payment of teachers salaries affect the teachers performance on
their academic desk?
2. To what extent does the conducting of seminars, conferences and workshops for the teachers
influence the teaching learning process?
3. To what extent does inadequate promotion of teachers affect them in disposing their duties
effectively and efficiency?
4. To what extent does negligent of teachers welfare affect his service (teaching)?
This chapter deals with the review of related literature. The review is presented under two broad
headings. The theoretical and conceptual frame work, and the empirical studies.
In practical study of this nature, it is obvious to develop sound conceptual and theoretical base
that are capable of unveiling the wide concepts situations and similarities in this study. Under the
theoretical framework, the literature review is organized under the following sub- headings:
Theories of motivation on learning outcome.
Importance of motivation
The related empirical studies were also carried out under the following sub-headings:
Motivational strategies for teachers
Problems affecting teaching performance
Where M = Motivation
E = Expectancy
V = Value expected.
Expectancy theory has two outcomes. First, outcome that are highly valued, and have high
expectations of being realized will direct a person to make a greater effort in his taste. Secondly,
outcome with high expectations, which are less highly valued or even dislike will reduce the
effort expected. The significance of this theory is that an administration should take cognizance
of the relationship of the first and second outcomes and use them to motivate his subordinates.
Another human relation theorist Mc Gregor (1960) in his work the human side of enterprise,
advanced to belief about human behaviour that could be held by different managers. He sees two
sets of assumption made by managers about their employees. First is what he calls theory which
view man on the following set of principle:
Average human beings have an inherent dislike of work and will avoid it if possible.
Because of this, human characteristics of dislike of work, most people must be coerced,
controlled, directed and threatened with punishment to get them to put forth adequate effort
towards the advancement of the organization objectives.
The average human being prefers to be diverted, wishes to avoid responsibility, has relatively
little ambition and wants security above all. The holders of this vie believe that motivation of
workers can be attained through authority and fear and that employees have to be closely
watched if result must be obtained.
In summary, this x side of the theory emphasized control and extrinsic rewards. On the other
hand, the second assumption called theory y, sees man in a more favourable light. Here workers
under this concept of management posses potential that is generally untapped by most working
It has the following assumptions:
The time spent on physical and mental efforts in work is as natural as play or rest.
External controls and the threats of punishment are not the only means for bringing about effort
towards organizational objectives.
People will exercise self-direction and self control in the service of objective to which they are
committed. Committed to objective is a function of the rewards associated with their
achievement. The most important of such rewards is the satisfaction of ego and self-actualization
towards organizational objectives.
Average human being learn under proper condition not only to accept but also to seek
The capacity to exercise a relatively high degree of imagination, ingenuity and creativity in the
solution of organizational problems is widely not narrowly distributed in the population.
Under the conditions of modern industrial life, the intellectual potentialities of the average
human beings are only partially utilized. This theory in summary presents it is aspect of
participation and concern for workers morals, encouraged managers to begin to delegate
authority for making decisions, enrich or enlarge jobs by making them less respective as the way
to motivate employees to higher performance.
In conclusion, this theory summarized the employees behaviour using the two sides of its X and
Y. As it was stated above, the x side of it emphasized control and extrinsic rewards the y side of
it emphasized the managerial concern for workers morals and encouraged manager to begin to
delegate authority for making decisions enrich or enlarge job by making them less repetitive as
the ways to motivate employees to higher performance.
The educational implication of this theory is that teachers should always be able to effectively
exercise control and proper management of their classroom while they teach students with
various teaching methods, considering individual differences among learners, environmental
conditions, teaching aids etc which will enhance easier learning. And also, while they do these,
they should also externally aid faster learning by the introduction of reinforcement, that is giving
of rewards to students who perform well in classroom work or examination.
Herberg established what he called hygiene or maintenance factors and motivators. According to
him, here are certain extrinsic factors which by their presence do not increase the workers
satisfaction or the job, but there absence may lead to job dissatisfaction and lower productivity
among employees. Such extrinsic job conditions were environmental factors over which the
employee has limited influence. They include payment, interpersonal relations, organizational
policy and administration, supervision and working conditions. These he called hygiene factors
or dissatisfier. The significance of this factor is that is does not only rely on extrinsic rewards for
motivating employees for higher production but also incorporates in the job itself those
ingredients that could help motivate employees.
Though researcher support Herberg, it is not freed of criticism. Critics argued that how he
gathered his data is questionable. However, despite that, Herbergs theory is in many ways a
gross over simplification as various aspects of the motivations theories clearly show in it. It has
made a major contributions in focusing attention on jobs redesign for the purpose of making the
work more intrinsically satisfying.
Hence, Herbergs theory have been found to be applicable in the field of education in the
following ways:
Motivation is related to leadership, for good leadership sets an example, provides guidance,
encouragement and instructions. This can be one of the greatest motivational strategies of all
secondary school, which effective principals will use to motivate staff and pupils.
Another feature of motivation of teachers is that if teachers are properly motivated, this can
change an otherwise mediocre group into a highly productive team.
Good motivation of teachers is definitely related to morale. In a large organization, high moral is
difficult to attain and motivation of teachers is a prime factor in achieving it.
This theory was popularized by Kurt Lewin. In an attempt to explain the theory, he proposed
certain motivational constructs. These are:
In an organism, tension is created by disequilbruim within the organism, which the organism
wants to release through activities. The activities which help in releasing tension have positive
valence and those that have opposite effect have negative valance. Tension induces valence in an
organism and valence directs behaviour. Tension continues till the organism attain its goals.
Two types of need were proposed by Lewin. They are genuine need and quasi need. Genuine
needs can come from the physiological conditions of the organism such as hunger, thirsty, shelter
etc. Quasi need is tension that arise from intentions, acts of will and other arbitrary commitments
of the individual. Every organism has a characteristic structure of needs which create tension
thereby making the organism to be activated.
The desirability of an activity is called valence and the tendency to engage in the act is called
force. Valence influences choice while force is more useful for speed or persistence of behaviour.
Need gives rise to force signifying a valence activity. If the organism has no need, the
environment registers no valence and no force is also generated.
In summary, the cognitive field theory of motivation is a direct function of the combinations of
tension, need, force and valence.
Hence this theory is applicable in the field of education and also to what happens in the life of a
teacher. For instance, like one of the motivational constructs Needs such as hunger, thirsty,
shelter etc. the teacher that is characterized with these problems will not perform well in the
classroom and in this case the students academic performance will be very low. But when teacher
are being motivated such as given housing and transport allowance, when their salaries are paid
regularly, when they get car loan and car basic allowance, these will enhance positive attitude
towards task and as such improve high performance in the classroom.
The term motivation is derived from a Latin word movers, which means to move into action.
This means that motivation is simply the cause and why of human behaviour. To further-stress on
the meaning of motivation, Monday Holmes and Flippo (1980), sees motivation as a process of
stimulating an individual to take decision and action in order to achieve a specific desired goal.
Morgan, King and Robinson (1984) defined motivation as a state, which individual or animal
gingers or derives behaviour towards some specific goals. Furthermore, Herberg (1978) was not
far from the perception of motivation from the above view as he defined motivation as the
psychological process that arouse, direct and maintain behaviour towards a goal.
Hence, going by the definitions of motivation as x-rayed above, one can simply conclude that
efficiency, good performance and high productivity is a direct function of adequate motivation
on the part of workers in an organization. And when workers were properly motivated, leading to
efficiency, good performance and high productivity, the implication of this is sudden and
sustained rise in national growth and development and invariably the general improvement in the
welfare of the citizens.
That is why Mayor studies the work habits of the employees at the Hawttone Western plane in
the 1920s as recorded by Pugh (1990), and discovered that efficiency in the production process
and increased output were been realized when employees were being motivated and the reverse
is the case when they were not motivated.
However, in the field of education, the role of motivation cannot be over emphasized. That is to
say that motivation plays a very significant role in attaining the overall educational aims and
objectives through teaching and learning process. To further buttress this argument, Ormond
(2003) sees motivation as a direct behaviour towards attaining a particular goal. Bandura (1997)
stated that the use of model to motivate students is recommended because, students may model
after the personalities society approves. Huffman et al (1991) sees motivation as a goal directed
behaviour. Steers and Porter (1983) viewed motivation as concerned with how human beings are
energized, sustained, directed, stopped and the type of subjective reaction presents in the
individual whole as all these processes are taking place. As if these were not enough, Ugwu
1997) still on motivation implies that behaviour has an origin, which terminates when the goal of
an individual is achieved. And Ekong (2000) emphatically stated that to achieve effective
performance in the teaching learning process, the teachers as well as the students must be
The reasons behind this are outlined bellow:
In the classroom, motivation helps to increase efficiency and adequacy of behaviour. For
instance, a motivated child would face his classroom work with zeal and interest. Such a student
will always be in school, and carry out the necessary assignment. Motivation of teachers on the
other hand, are seen to be working tirelessly in the schools. They prepare their lesson notes at
and when due, teaches students, gives assignments, conduct tests, exams and marks, and records
them appropriate. Hence, Herzberg (1978)stated that if teachers are properly motivated, this can
change an otherwise mediocre group into a highly productive team. Equally, motivation brings
about the use good teaching methods in the classroom. This is because, a motivated teacher
presents his subjects matter in a variety of ways thereby bringing novelty in his teaching.
Example, the use of teaching aids, various illustrations using concrete objects which makes the
lesson more interesting, effective and realistic.
Motivation also brings competition and increases learning efficiency on the part of the learners.
For instance, if the teacher uses positive reinforcement to reward students who answers questions
correctly, or who performs highly in tests or examinations, other students who did not perform
well will be challenged and hence encouraged to study harder bring about competition in such
Studies on motivational strategies on teachers have shown that teachers by some kind of
incentives are recognized as being effective. Incentives are often given in the form of money, that
is money can be seen as part of the reward system designed to reinforce behaviour and therefore
to motivate people to work towards that goals and those of the organization.
The realization of the goals and objectives of any establishment or organization largely depends
on how the workers perceive and react to their jobs, that is attitude which to a great extent
determine the output.
Without motivation, teacher performance would be highly hindered. The level of motivation of
workers will determine the teachers response to the organizational rules, responsibilities and
Smith (1973) conceptualized the economic basis of human motivation. He believes that people
work primarily for money and they are motivated to do only that which provide them with the
greatest rewards.
Apart from the monetary reward as a motivating factor, according to Herberg (1978),
recognition, achievement, responsibility and the challenge of the work it self are vital parts of the
reward system that can be offered by the management, as positive motivation irrespective of
money. In view of Seligman (1990), motivation is an inner feelings that generates a desire to
achieve bigger and better things. Mayo (1970), agrees with Seligman M. when she said that
productivity was directly related to job satisfaction, which was derived more from intrinsic factor
such as recognition and sense of fulfilment than from extrinsic factors such as pay and working
According to Waitley D. (1996), he observed that apathy and lack of effort are healthy reactions
of normal people to an unhealthy industrial situation. He was of the belief that people are
naturally motivated to act responsibly, and to be self reliant and independent.
needs money for the payment of workers salaries, putting up structures for classrooms, offices
etc. purchasing of equipments and where the money is inadequately provided, it becomes an
obstacle for the school, to the implementation of its programme.
Irregular payment of teachers salaries or lack of motivation to teachers this is another problem
militating against teaching performance. That is, no motivation is given to teachers in terms of
promotion, seminars and workshops also, there is irregular payment of their salaries at and when
due. These affect the teaching performance and academic performance of the students.
Administrative problems the administrative style of the principal effects teaching performance to
a large extent. Hence, the administrative style of principal should be democratic, empathy,
consultation and goal oriented. But when the administrative style of the principal is very poor, it
leads to poor performance of the students in the school. As a result of this, it may lead to low
self-esteem. This in turn may lead to truancy and dropping out of the school and the will likely
cripple the students future as Bowker and klein (1998) noted.
The societal view of the teachers the attitude of the society towards the education system is
equally hinders the effectiveness of teaching performance in the classroom. The societal view of
the teachers are looked down upon and is not pleasant. Wale (1985), said that he loved teaching,
derived satisfaction from impacting knowledge to his pupil but what repelled him was out of
classroom situation. Also Awaribor (1998). Stressed that the best young people will be attracted
to teaching as life line career, if working conditions of the teacher is comparable to those enjoyed
by other professional groups.
The society do exhibit negative attitudes towards the school, by not showing interest in what
goes on in the school and do not care to contribute its own part to the development of the school.
They expect the government to do it all. Whenever the communities fail to participate in the
affairs of the school, such as financial support, any plan for expansion in the school will not work
out as expected.
Inadequate supervision in school system this is another problem militating against teaching
performance in the school. Supervision is highly dispensable in the school if efficiency and good
quality is to be achieved. Ukeje (1992) defined supervision as the process of over-seeing the
performance of tasks assigned to an individual, a group or groups of people, with the aim of
directing, and controlling its execution to a successful outcome. But when there is inadequate of
supervision in the school, there will be a set back in the teaching and learning process and hence,
the academic performance of the students.
Nwaogu (1986), opined that; supervision of instruction in the school entails the guiding and coordination of the work of the teachers and that the learning will be facilitated. Eze (2002), said
that in order to achieve possible best result, the school administrators should ensure adequate
supervision of the workers (teachers) so as to make sure that the various tasks assigned to them
are carried out effectively.
Lack of accurate and adequate statistics this also hinders the effective of school administration.
The administration sometimes overlook proper record keeping as regards to the resources they
manage, both the teachers, students, equipments, finance etc. sometimes, the statistics are being
either under-casted or overcastted and this constrains effective planning and implementation of
the school plans in the attainment of the school goals and objectives.
When there is proper motivation, it leads to good performance and high productivity to the
sustenance of the national growth and development and also the welfare of the citizens. Hence,
the impact of motivation on students academic performance cannot be over emphasized, and they
are as follows:
Motivation help to direct and regulate the childs behaviour in such a case, the behaviour of such
a student is always guided. The behavior is purposeful and persistent. For instance, when a
motivated child is given an assignment in the school, he puts every effort to ensure that he gets
the assignments correctly. Even when he fails the assignment, he does not get discouraged but
rather puts more effort towards the achievement of his goals Omebe (2001).
Also, the impact of motivation on students can be seen in the classroom settings. Motivation
energizes the behaviour of the students and arouses them for action. Not only the motivation
energizes the behaviour, it also sustain their interests and behaviour for a longer period of
activity. Motivated state helps to increase efficiency and adequacy of behaviour. For instance, a
motivated student faces his class work with zeal and interest. Such student will always be in
school and carryout the necessary assignment.
Another impact of motivation on students performance could be seen in the behaviour of a
motivated student which is selective in nature. The behaviour is directed towards a selective goal
which the individual sets for himself Eze (2002) . In such a situation, the students action or
behaviour does not move in a haphazard manner instead, it is being directed towards the
achievement of a selective goal which the individual sets for himself. Example is when a student
is determined to achieve high scores in examination, such a person selects appropriate behaviour
such as studying hard, so as to attain his set goals. And the motive ends by the achievement of
the goals.
This chapter deals with the discussion of the findings of the study the recommendations based on
the findings of the research and the conclusion drawn from the study. The educational
implications, suggestions for further research and limitations of the study were also included.
The discussion of the findings is done based on the responses of the respondents, as regards to
the research questions that were used to guide the study.
Since the main purpose of this study is to identity the impact of motivation on teachers
performance and academic performance of the students, the researcher made the following
conclusion from the result of the study.
Irregular payment of teachers salaries adversely affects teaching and learning in our schools.
Hence teachers refuse to teach and consequently, some subjects are not taught in the schools and
these hinders the effective and efficient teaching and learning in the sampled schools.
The establishment of seminars, workshops and conferences to the teachers have a great impact in
their teaching performance. These programmes will enable the teachers to improve the academic
performance of the students in the classroom and they will also acquire more knowledge which
will help them in the classroom work.
Inadequate promotion of teachers poses a very big hindrance in disposing their duties effectively
and efficiently. It leads to their low standard of living and hence, they lack some basic needs.
Also, it causes unseriousness of the teachers, sometimes, they abandon their teaching work and
they look for better paid job. Teachers lack housing and transport allowance and this also hinders
the teaching performance in the sampled schools.
The negligent of teachers welfare emanated from all institutions and individuals concerned in
education such as the government, the external agencies like the communities and nongovernmental organisations (NGOs) and even the individual who are directly involved in the
schools such as the school head, and hence, they (teachers) always have problem with them.
The findings of the study have implications for all who are involved in school programmes. It
implies that motivation of teachers will increase their performance and academic performance of
the students in school will also grow.
For the school heads and staff, it will expose their areas of weakness and make them to take
precaution in discharging of their duties. It will also enhance the students knowledge on the
need to motivate their teachers since their academic performance will increase.
And to the ministries of education and educational planners, it will unfold the prevalent
condition in the school and this will call for serving endeavours to provide adequate materials
needed in the school for effective teaching and learning, hence, it implies that insufficient
provision of learning equipment affects educational ventures.
Based on the findings and observation of the study on the impact of motivation on teachers
performance and academic performance of the students, the researcher gave the following
recommendations on what should be done, in order to reduce these problems to the barest
minimum, if not to completely eradication of it. Hence, the following recommendations are
1. There is need for the government to motivate teachers through regular payment of
organization salaries, establishment, of seminar, workshops and conferences and in. service
training in order to enhance productivity.
2. School heads should make use of correct motivational strategies in schools; such as attitude
motivation and recognition. Also autocratic /dictatorship leadership styles should be discouraged.
3. In addition, teachers should work harder to enhance their knowledge and skills. Also the
society should respect and recognize teachers position in nation building. Equally, the
communities should see the school as an institution that inculcates into individuals the societys
value and norms and see it as a responsibility to donate to its welfare.
4. Again instructional materials and other facilities should be made available for teachers to
carryout their duties as no farmer can work without his implements and no doctor can work in
filthy and unequipped hospital.
Lastly, the federal government should implement the proposal in the national policy on education
as contained in section nine (9).
The following problems limited the extent to which the researcher would have gone in carrying
out the research.
1. Inadequate financial resources affected the study, hence the sample size was small.
2. Limite time available to the researcher also influence the research. This was because, the
research was carried out during the school academic programme.
1. Studies should be made on the relationship between teachers motivation and students
academic performance.
2. Further research should be made on importance of school facilities and instructional materials
towards effective teaching and learning.
3. The study sample was based on selected secondary schools not taking cognizance of the
tertiary institutions. Further should therefore be made on the impact of motivation a teachers and
academic performance of the students.
The purpose of this study was to identify the impact of motivation on teachers performance and
academic performance of the students in the secondary schools in Udi local government area of
Enugu state.
Simple random sampling technique was used to select the numbers of schools used for the
research the sample used for the research was 120 persons (teachers only). The main instrument
used for data collection was questionnaire, which contained 23 items. The responses on the
questionnaire items were used to answer the research question and the mean scores of rating of
the items were computed and used as a guide in analyzing the responses as follows:
1. The effect of irregular payment of teachers salaries in the teaching performance. The
background of the problem was discussed and it shows that only when position motivation is
given to teachers that the volume of output would be bridged to the volume of iputs.
2. The establishment of seminars, workshops and conferences to teachers influence the teaching
performance to a great extent and hence, there will be increase in the student academic
3. Inadequate promotion of teachers has a negative impact in disposing their duties effectively
and efficiently, thus, this leads to teachers low standard of living and sometimes, they abandon
the teaching work and they look for better-paid job.
4. The negligent of teachers welfare affect his service (teaching) and it is caused by the attitudes
of all that are concerned in the school such as the government the school administrators, school
heads and even the society at large who does not encourage teachers to put in their best.
Academic Performance The Impact Of Motivation On Teachers And Students In Some
Selected Secondary School In Udi Local Government Area