Syllabus JR 2017
Syllabus JR 2017
Syllabus JR 2017
TOK is a journey. Your search for knowledge is your journey for life.
The Theory of Knowledge course is the unifying core of the International Baccalaureate Program. The
intent of the course is the allow students to reflect on the academic knowledge they acquire in their IB
classes. Students are asked to think critically about knowledge itself. In other words, how do we know
what we think we know? How can we be certain we know anything?
In TOK we focus on ways of knowing (WOKs): reason, perception, language, emotion, intuition,
imagination, memory, and faith. We apply these ways of knowing to subject areas of knowledge
(AOKs), from the more objective fields of mathematics and the natural (experimental) sciences, to the
more subjective areas of social (human) sciences and history, to the more differtiating areas of ethics,
the arts, religious knowledge systems, and indigenous knowledge systems.
We want students to develop minds well formed rather than simply well filled. The ultimate goal is to
help students obtain a deeper level of understanding and confidence in the knowledge they acquire.
Semester Focus: TOK is not a content course. The purpose of the
course is to analyze how knowledge becomes accurate and
appropriate. We will also work to improve student skills in three
areas. First and foremost is critical thinking. Then to
communicate those critical thinking skills, we will work on
writing and presentation skills.
The course begins with a focus on knowing and knowers. Then
we analyze the ways of knowing and how they inform the areas
of knowledge. The class will be made up of a variety of
activities including readings, discussion, writing, and
presentations. Students final formal TOK assessments (senior
year) include an in-class presentation (IA) and an essay on a
prescribed title (external assessment).
Online Enhancement: We will supplement the traditional classroom setting with online learning using
Schoology for online forum posting.
Recommended Books:
Quotes: We begin most classes with a discussion of quotes and TOK moments/current events. Students
select the quotes and write them on the white board before class begins. Each student will be expected to
share at least one thought-provoking quote or bring up one current event or TOK Moment each six
Attendance and Participation In-Class and Online: Attendance is essential! Be on time! Because
this is a discussion course more than a content course, attendance and participation is mandatory! Class
discussions and activities provide you opportunities that cannot be easily replicated on your own outside
of class. If you miss a class, it is your responsibility to find out what you missed and how you can make
it up. Virtual Attendance Online is also essential! Activities and discussions posted online require
weekly to bi-weekly participation. The online activities should provide you with a little more flexibility,
but it is your responsibility to check in regularly to meet those requirements. Attendance, Participation,
and Preparation (APP) will be approximately 10-15% percent of your grade.
Students will lose points for each absence (even when excused for school activities) if it is not made up.
Special consideration may be given for students with extenuating circumstances. Absences and tardies
must be made up within one week of returnthis includes absences (i.e., lack of participation) from
online activities. Weekly postings are due by midnight on Wednesdays, unless otherwise posted.
You may make up each absence by emailing me in advance and then making up any work missed or by
meeting with me during access or one of my planning blocks (blocks 3, 6) to discuss options with me.
Semester Assignment Categories with Approximate Percentage Value
APP, Assigned Readings,
Quotes, TOK Moments,
and Current Events
Attendance, Preparation, and Participation. Assessment for
reading assignments may include quizzes but generally
will be determined by participation in class discussions.
Class participation includes writing a quote and/or TOK
Moment, or current event on the whiteboard before class
starts at least once each six weeks. You are expected to
participate in the discussions.
Discussion forums will be posted online weekly. You will
be expected to post responses and read other students
responses on a weekly basis.
Purpose: to prepare you for the TOK External Assessment
of Grade
Late Assignments: Assignments not turned in on the due date will lose 10 percent if they are one
school day late or 20 percent if not turned in until the next class session. After that, work may be
accepted for half credit but must be made up within a month of the original due date. Assignments given
before you are absent are due on the due date even if you are absent on that day. Exceptions may be
made for extenuating circumstances that make it impossible for you to complete an assignment for an
extended period of time, but you will need to discuss this with me individually as soon as possible.
Grades are cumulative and will be posted regularly on Infinite Campus. Points will be continuously
added up to determine current grades. Check to make sure grades have been posted correctly:
Course Grade:
90 100%
80 89%
70 79 %
60 69 %
00 59%
Good; Effectively meets requirements
Adequate; meets most requirements
Attempted but did not meet requirements
Academic Honesty: Plagiarism is an especially serious violation for writers. It applies to any material
written by someone else including materials published on Web sites via the Internet. Dont be tempted to
claim other peoples work as your own. Learn to properly cite borrowed material and unique ideas. Your
grade will be in serious jeopardy for cheating and acts of plagiarism.
Rules of the Class: My key word for this is RESPECT.
Food and drink are NOT allowed in the academic wing. Water in closed containers only.
No headphones or ear buds (by request of the administration.)
Gum is okay as long as we neither see it nor hear it.
Tuck your cell phones away during class. No text messaging.
Be considerate, respectful, and appropriate both in class and online, especially when the discussions
become heated.
Care about yourself, your work, your classmates, your instructors, your school, and your life.
Attendance: excellent, averaging less than one absence per six weeks period
All absences are effectively made up
Participation and Prep: well prepared; obviously ready, motivated, involved.
Participates regularly by speaking up appropriately and listening attentively
Demonstrates clear evidence of having read and understood reading
Always completes both online and class assignments on time and passes
quizzes successfully
Shares at least two TOK relevant passages, quotes, TOK Moment, or current
event each six weeks
Participate effectively and on time each week with the online forums
Attendance is good, averaging no more than one absence per six weeks period
All absences are reasonably made up
Participation and Prep: usually prepared; appears ready, motivated, and interested.
Passes most quizzes and turns in online and class assignments on time
Frequently speaks up and shares relevant questions and thoughts
Shows evidence of completing reading assignments
Listens attentively
Shares at least one quote, TOK moment or current event each six weeks
Writes effective responses in weekly forums as assigned
Attendance is adequate (no more than six absences for the semester)
Most absences are made up
Participation and Prep: adequately prepared; attempts to be ready and involved;
Passes majority of the quizzes and is fairly well prepared for activities and
presentations for both class and online
Indicates understanding of a majority of the reading assignments
Occasionally speaks up to share questions and thoughts; good listener
Shares at least one passage or quote each six weeks.
Posts to the discussion board each week.