Promoting Development, Saving The Planet
Promoting Development, Saving The Planet
Promoting Development, Saving The Planet
Promoting Development,
Saving the Planet
United Nations
New York, 2009
The Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat is a vital
interface between global policies in the economic, social and environmental spheres and
national action. The Department works in three main interlinked areas: (i) it compiles,
generates and analyses a wide range of economic, social and environmental data and
information on which States Members of the United Nations draw to review common
problems and to take stock of policy options; (ii) it facilitates the negotiations of Member
States in many intergovernmental bodies on joint courses of action to address ongoing or
emerging global challenges; and (iii) it advises interested Governments on the ways and
means of translating policy frameworks developed in United Nations conferences and
summits into programmes at the country level and, through technical assistance, helps build
national capacities.
Symbols of United Nations documents are composed of
capital letters combined with figures.
ISBN 978-92-1-109159-5
Unprecedented steps have been taken to halt the global financial meltdown and to enable the world to recover from the
economic crisis that emerged in 2008. But the world also faces a climate crisis which has been building over a much
longer period of time. If we do not bring to this challenge the same determination and sense of common cause with
which we have addressed the economic crisis, not only will the climate catastrophe feared by the scientific community
occur, but recovering from it will be an impossibility. Fortunately, the appropriate responses to the climate crisis can
also contribute to long-term economic prosperity.
Scientists warn that global emissions must peak within a decade or we will face grave consequences,
particularly in the developing world, where the vast majority of humanity live and where the vulnerability to climate
impacts is greatest. If rising incomes in the developing world are to be achieved through high-emissions growth,
such as that pursued by today’s developed countries, then our environmental fabric will be stretched to the breaking
Indeed, the tremendous scale of the climate challenge reflects two centuries of unchecked emissions growth.
Continuing along this route is not what was promised under the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change. The sad fact is that we have missed multiple opportunities to change course.
Developing countries are the first—and worst—sufferers from a problem for which, from a historical perspective, they
bear the least responsibility. Issues of equity and burden-sharing must be addressed.
The United Nations Climate Change Conference, to be held in Copenhagen in December 2009, will
provide an unprecedented opportunity to map out a more sustainable economic future. As the advanced economies
have the resources and the responsibility to lead the way, they will be required to make bold commitments to reducing
their emissions and helping developing nations undertake mitigation and adaptation.
Climate change represents a global challenge whose impact can be addressed only through open, inclusive
and frank dialogue. The United Nations is at the heart of that dialogue. The World Economic and Social Survey 2009
makes the case for meeting both the climate challenge and the development challenge by recognizing the links
between the two and proceeding along low-emissions, high-growth pathways.
There is no single blueprint for achieving these goals. The Survey examines the key building blocks in order
to assess the best possible options available to countries at different levels of development. At the same time, it rejects
the polarization of mitigation and adaptation and the notion that one must choose between them. Both are essential,
as are the financial and technological resources needed to support them.
There are huge synergies to be generated through big investments in energy efficiency, renewable energy,
reduction of vulnerability and broader development projects. This will necessitate truly integrated policy responses,
as well as enormous adjustments in the global economy. Yet, we must demand no less of ourselves if we are to put the
world on a more sustainable path of development. The onus is on the international community to deliver the resources
and leadership required to ensure that whatever is feasible becomes both practical and fair. The present Survey makes
a timely contribution to that effort, and I commend it to a wide global audience.
The World Economic and Social Survey is the annual flagship publication on major
development issues prepared by Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United
Nations Secretariat (UN/DESA). This year’s Survey was prepared under the general
supervision and leadership of Rob Vos, Director of the Development Policy and Analysis
Division (DPAD) of UN-DESA. Richard Kozul-Wright led the team that prepared the
report. The core team at DPAD included Imran Ahmad, Piergiuseppe Fortunato, Nazrul
Islam, Alex Julca, Oliver Paddison and Mariangela Parra. Alex Izurieta, also of DPAD,
provided the model simulations presented in chapters I and IV. Important guidance for the
overall analysis was provided by Tariq Banuri of the Division for Sustainable Development
(DSD) of UN-DESA, who, together with David O’Connor, Chantal Line Carpentier and
Fred Soltau, provided the principal inputs to chapters II and V of the report. Manuel Montes
and Frank Schroeder of the Financing for Development Office of UN-DESA provided
principal inputs to chapter VI. Jan McAlpine and Barbara Tavora-Jainchill of the secretariat
of the United Nations Forum on Forests provided inputs to chapters III and VI.
Inputs and comments were also gratefully received from funds and organizations
across the wider United Nations system, including the Global Environment Facility, the
International Finance Corporation, the International Labour Office (Employment Strategy
Department), the United Nations Development Programme (Bureau for Development
Policy, New York), the United Nations Environment Programme (Division of Technology,
Industry and Economics, Paris), the United Nations Environment Programme Risø Centre
(Copenhagen) and the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
secretariat (Bonn). Specific inputs were also received from researchers at the Australian
National University, Tufts University and the University of Oregon and from the South
Centre, Geneva.
The analysis benefited from a number of background papers prepared especially
for the Survey by a number of prominent experts on climate change and development.
Those background papers are available at
Helpful overall guidance was provided by Jomo Kwame Sundaram, Assistant
Secretary-General for Economic Development at UN-DESA.
Addressing climate change is the concern of all
The central message of the World Economic and Social Survey 2009 is that addressing the
climate challenge cannot be met through ad hoc and incremental actions. In the first
place, it requires much stronger efforts by advanced countries to cut their emissions. The
fact that in this regard more than a decade has been lost since the adoption of the Kyoto
Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change1 only adds
urgency to those efforts. However, even if advanced countries begin to match their words
with deeds, their efforts are, by themselves, unlikely to be sufficient to meet the climate
challenge. The active participation of developing countries is now required and such par-
ticipation can occur only if it allows economic growth and development to proceed in a
rapid and sustainable manner.
This Survey argues that switching to low-emissions, high-growth pathways in
order to meet the development and climate challenge is both necessary and feasible. It is
necessary because combating global warming cannot be achieved without eventual emis-
sions reductions from developing countries. It is feasible because technological solutions
that can enable a shift towards such pathways do in fact exist. It is, however, neither inevi-
table nor inconsequential. Such a switch would entail unprecedented and potentially very
costly socio-economic adjustments in developing countries—adjustments, moreover, that
will have to be made in a world more rife with inequalities than at any time in human his-
tory. If it is to happen, the switch will require a level of international support and solidarity
rarely mustered outside a wartime setting.
The Survey also argues that achieving such a transformation hinges on the
creation of a global new deal capable of raising investment levels and channeling resources
towards lowering the carbon content of economic activity and building resilience with
respect to unavoidable climate changes. Most developing countries do not currently have
the financial resources, technological know-how and institutional capacity to deploy such
strategies at a speed commensurate with the urgency of the climate challenge. Failure
to honour long-standing commitments of international support in those three areas re-
mains the single biggest obstacle to meeting the challenge. Bolder action is required on
all fronts.
The Survey contends that, in line with common but differentiated responsibili-
ties, the switch will demand an approach to climate policy in developing countries differ-
ent from that in developed ones. It will, in particular, require a new public policy agenda
—one that focuses on a broad mix of market and non-market measures while placing a
much greater emphasis than has been seen in recent years on public investment and ef-
fective industrial policies, to be managed by a developmental State. The mix in developed
countries is likely to entail a larger role for carbon markets, taxes and regulations.
Finally, issues of trust and justice will need to be taken much more seriously so
as to ensure fair and inclusive responses to the climate challenge. The Survey argues that
one determinant of success will be the capacity of developed and developing countries to
create a more integrated framework and joint programmes with shared goals on, inter alia,
climate adaptation, forestry, energy (including energy access), and poverty eradication.
1 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2303, No. 30822.
vi World Economic and Social Survey 2009
2 Key message 1: (Climatic trends) from the International Scientific Congress Climate Change: Global
Risks, Challenges and Decisions, Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009.
3 A gigaton is equal to 1 billion metric tons.
Overview vii
Figure O.1
The income gap between G7 and selected regions, 1980-2007
Difference in average income per capita
10 000
Purchasing power parity (PPP), current United States dollars
5 000
G7 income line
-5 000
-10 000
-15 000
The climate crisis is the result of the very uneven pattern of economic development that
evolved over the past two centuries, which allowed today’s rich countries to attain their
current levels of income, in part through not having to account for the environmental
damage now threatening the lives and livelihoods of others. Indeed, it has been estimated
that for every 1o C rise in average global temperatures, annual average growth in poor
countries could drop by 2-3 percentage points, with no change in the growth performance
of rich countries. It is even possible that the advanced countries will actually benefit from
Overview ix
temperature rises in the medium term thanks to, for instance, improved agricultural yields
(due to carbon fertilization) and lower transportation costs (across ice-free arctic shipping
routes). That uneven pattern of development is reflected in per capita emissions, which are
still on average 6-7 times greater in advanced than in developing countries.
Working these considerations into a consistent climate framework has
proved a difficult task. Since the United Nations Conference on Environment and De-
velopment, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992, it has been agreed that countries have “com-
mon but differentiated responsibilities” for dealing with the climate challenge. (The
principle was restated at the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 4 held in Bali, Indonesia,
in December 2007). It has been difficult to reach a consensus on what this means in
practice, however, because rich countries do not want to give too much significance to
past actions that would place the bulk of the responsibilities on their shoulders, while
developing countries fear, for the same reason, giving too much importance to current
and future emissions.
An investment-led approach
All economic success stories have enjoyed a sustained burst of growth, on the order of 6-8
per cent per annum, allowing them to raise living standards and close the income gap with
the developed countries. Growth, moreover, is strongly correlated with a broad set of social
indicators, including poverty reduction, which together describe a more sustainable and in-
clusive development path. But this path does not emerge spontaneously. Even after a period
of rapid growth, countries can get stuck or even fall back. Others struggle just to take off.
A rapid pace of capital accumulation, accompanied by shifts in the structure
of economic activity towards industry, is usually a critical factor behind a sustained ac-
celeration of growth. A good deal of early development policy analysis was focused on
raising the share of investment to a level that would trigger a virtuous circle of rising
productivity, increasing wages, technological upgrading and social improvements. Th e
successful versions of this “big push” concentrated on selective leading sectors whose
development would attract a further round of investment through the expansion of
strong backward and forward linkages. As described, the development policy challenge
was less about detailed planning and more about strategic support and coordination,
including a significant role for public investment in triggering growth and crowding in
private investment along a new development path.
In the 1980s and 1990s, investment-led development models had been aban-
doned in favour of market-oriented economic reforms. However, for most developing
countries, freer markets and greater exposure to global competition did not produce
the outcomes expected by the proponents of those reforms, particularly with respect to
investment performance.
A return to an investment-led approach in developing countries makes sense
once the climate challenge is properly integrated with the development challenge. Such an
approach has already begun to take shape in richer countries with the inclusion of green
investments in stimulus packages designed to create jobs in the face of a severe economic
downturn. For developing countries where the shift to new sources of energy must take
place in the context of their need to urbanize, strengthen food production and diversify
into competitive industrialization, the challenge is of an even larger magnitude.
Figure O.2
Historical evolution of, and a possible future for, the global energy system,
in the context of the relative shares of the most important energy sources, 1850-2100
Percentage of share
Sources: Grübler, Nakicenovic
and Riahi (2007), and
Nakicenovic and Riahi(2007),
and International Institute
for Applied Systems 0
Analysis (2007). 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100
Overview xiii
Forests are a source of livelihoods for close to 25 per cent of the world’s peoples,
many of whom are under threat from climate change. Important elements of forest protec-
tion encompass not only improved climate forecasting and disease surveillance systems
but also strategies for preventing and combating forest fires, including the construction of
fire lines, controlled burning and the utilization of drought- and fire-resistant tree species,
such as teak, in tropical forest plantations. Measures aimed at assisting forests in adapting
to climate change encompass, for instance, facilitating the adaptive capacity of tree species
mainly by maximizing silvicultural genetic variation, and also management approaches
such as reduced-impact logging. More generally, investments in economic diversification
and employment creation, as well as improvement of land, soil and water management,
will be part of a more integrated strategy.
The impacts of a changing climate on health and sanitation will be just as
significant. While warming has already contributed to an additional 150,000 deaths an-
nually in low-income countries, higher temperatures will further increase the survival and
replication rates of bacterial contaminants of food and water sources, exacerbating the
impact on health. Further, increased water scarcity will worsen already inadequate sanita-
tion and hygiene standards; in Africa alone, 200 million people are already facing water
stress. In many cases, water management is made all the more difficult by the variability
in water availability, a consequence of both population increases and a changing climate, a
situation that requires increased resilience in water management systems. Although efforts
are already under way to strengthen those systems in a number of developing countries,
significant public investment will be needed to achieve sustainable results.
More than half of the world’s population now live in urban areas. City dwellers
are expected to make up three quarters of the world’s population by 2050, with almost all
the growth in the developing world. Urban environments face their own adaptation prob-
lems, linked, in particular, to the quality of social infrastructure and building. In rapidly
expanding coastal cities, for example, protection against sea-level rises and increased wind
strength is an urgent priority. A combination of poverty, population density and poor
social services makes for particularly vulnerable communities for which sudden climatic
shocks can prove devastating. As things currently stand, most of the risk to urban areas is
associated with the incapacity of local governments to, inter alia, ensure the development
and protection of infrastructure and the adequacy of disaster risk reduction and disaster
Combined large-scale investments, information management and collective
action have already been undertaken by countries and communities with advanced econo-
mies that are vulnerable to the threat of climatic shocks. For many developing countries,
however, the core of adaptation is still closely tied to the need to diversify their economies
away from reliance on a small number of activities, particularly those in the primary sec-
tor that are sensitive to climatic shocks and changes. The Government of Mozambique,
for example, has drawn up ambitious plans for the sustainable development of the coastal
region, including infrastructure (transportation, drainage and water supply), land-use
changes, and soft options to manage beach erosion. Such plans, which present unique
opportunities for an infusion of massive development projects, need to deal with climate
risks in an integrated manner, across seasonal, inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales.
A combination of public investment, cheap credit and access to appropriate technology
will be essential to meeting the adaptation challenge.
Overview xv
A New Deal?
Those organizing a more integrated policy approach to the development and climate chal-
lenges could certainly learn from the experience connected with introducing the New
Deal policies in the United States of America in response to the Depression of the 1930s.
In particular, the interconnected investments in energy, transportation, agriculture and
health laid the foundations not only for a return to full employment but also for a strong
industrial take-off in some of the most underdeveloped parts of the United States, crowd-
ing substantial private investment into new sources of job creation.
Since 1945, successful developing countries have also used a mixture of market
incentives and strong State interventions to generate rapid growth and structural changes.
Such support was often guided by an encompassing development vision that judged policy
interventions in terms of their contribution to diversifying economic activity, creating jobs
and reducing poverty.
By contrast, many developing countries have suffered from a rollback of the
role of the State during the lost decade of the 1980s. As a result, the ability of the public
sector to provide effective and innovative leadership in such a complex area as climate
change is severely strained. Those countries will need support in rebuilding the State in-
frastructure in order to be able to discharge the additional responsibilities attendant upon
achieving the objectives of the climate agenda.
and aimed at weakening the climate constraint on global growth. If history is any guide,
industrial-scale production and distribution of cleaner energy should exhibit scale econo-
mies and trigger a range of complementary investment opportunities in different sectors of
the economy and in new technologies. Figure O.3 presents some of the major technologies
involved and how soon they might be ready for large-scale deployment. Related invest-
ments, in many developing countries, will be needed to raise agricultural productivity,
improve forest management, and ensure, along with a more reliable water supply and a
more efficient transport system, the steady expansion of green jobs.
In the short and medium run, however, mitigating and adapting to climate
change increase the cost of development. Perhaps as much as $40 billion might be needed
to make existing investments climate-proof, and the figure for ensuring resilience in the face
of future developments will be much larger. The United Nations Development Programme
(UNDP) has estimated that this would require $86 billion annually (by 2016) and failure to
act quickly on mitigation will only add to that figure. Investment in mitigation will be of a
much higher order. Estimates by McKinsey & Company, a global management consulting
firm, suggest that additional investments of up to $800 billion annually by 2030 would be
needed to meet stabilization targets. The Survey argues, however, that many of these invest-
ments will have to be front-loaded. The figure is likely to be in excess of one trillion dollars.
Financing these investments will be among the big constraints on the shift to
low-emissions economies in most developing countries, particularly where domestic mar-
kets for low-emissions technologies are small. Macroeconomic policies will need to be con-
sistently pro-investment; and institutional reforms, including the revival, recapitalization
and refocusing of development banks, will need to be adopted. However, such constraints
serve as an important reminder that this time around, any “green new deal” will need to
have a global dimension.
Figure O.3
Technology development and CO2 mitigation for power generation
The scale of the financing needed to make the big push to a low-emissions
development pathway is several orders of magnitude greater than that available through
current financing arrangements. Financing the mitigation challenge might therefore war-
rant making more radical changes in the existing international architecture. Some possible
measures include:
• A global clean energy fund . In light of the urgency of this challenge, a new
global fund to address climate change mitigation in developing countries, es-
tablished outside the existing multilateral financing institutions and with a
governance structure acceptable to all parties to the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change, needs to be considered. In time, exist-
ing mitigation funds could become part of this larger mechanism
• A global feed-in tariff regime. A global feed-in tariff programme could provide
guaranteed purchase prices to producers of renewable energy in developing
countries over the next two decades. Th is mechanism would lead to an auto-
matic drawdown of subsidies over time as production and incomes increase.
Delivery mechanisms would have to be carefully designed so as to ensure a
level playing field for all competing technologies and on-grid and off-grid op-
erators and benefit targeted low-income consumers. The programme should be
accompanied by provision of support to local renewable components industries
to ensure that national production capacities are spurred and countries are
able to satisfy a growing share of the increased demand for renewable energy
locally, thereby benefiting from additional job creation
• A reformed Clean Development Mechanism. The United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change Secretariat estimates that, by 2020, offsetting
could yield up to $40.8 billion per year, although this is still only a fraction
of estimated incremental costs in developing countries. The present deficien-
cies of the Clean Development Mechanism for facilitating large-scale resource
transfers are widely acknowledged. Much attention has focused on reforming
the Mechanism in such a way as to replace its project focus with a program-
matic and/or policy focus, in the expectation of larger impacts, shorter funding
cycles and lower transaction costs
• Forest-related financing mechanisms. Forestry accounts for about 17 per cent
of global greenhouse gas emissions. Several new financing initiatives have been
launched to help reduce emissions from deforestation and forest degradation,
including the World Bank Forest Carbon Partnership Facility and the United
Nations Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation
and Forest Degradation in Developing Countries (UN-REDD Programme).
Sustainable forest management is the right approach to dealing with mitiga-
tion in the forest sector as well as other forest sector challenges; financing
should enable not only climate change mitigation but also adaptation.
Technology transfer
Existing best-practice technologies for a low-emissions economy are already in place in
advanced economies and further breakthroughs are likely. Technology transfer is therefore
a critical international public policy issue. At the same time, developing countries will
Overview xxi
need support in building their own technological capacity so as to ensure that they both
undergo a smooth transition to a low-emissions economy and maintain competitiveness in
an open global economy. The supporting architecture for dealing with these dimensions of
the challenge is still poorly developed and in need of urgent attention focused on:
• A climate technology programme. An operational programme, supported by
a Secretariat and various panels of experts, needs to be established, possibly
under the auspices of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change to examine the various dimen-
sions of the technology challenge in developing countries and, where appropri-
ate, to provide technical assistance with respect to, inter alia, energy efficiency
in buildings; greening industrial supply chains; deployment and maintenance
of renewable energy infrastructure; integrated waste management; water and
sanitation; and extension services to promote sustainable agriculture
• A global research, development and deployment fund . Current trends have
not been favourable for technology development and demonstration. Public
expenditures in countries members of the Organization for Economic Coop-
eration and Development (OECD) on energy-related research, development
and deployment have declined to some $8 billion from about $12 billion two
decades ago, while private expenditures have declined to $4.5 billion compared
with almost $8 billion a decade ago. Th is means that in the world today we are
investing barely $2 per person per year in energy-related research, development
and deployment activities. This needs to increase by a factor of 2 to 3 in or-
der to enable the transition towards new and advanced technologies in energy
systems. Given the interrelated threats of climate change and food security,
special attention may need to be given to the challenges facing agriculture in
the developing world in the context of the green revolution
• A balanced intellectual property regime for technology transfer. The parties
to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change need to
agree on the role of intellectual property in the transfer of technology. There
are several flexibilities available within the framework of the Agreement on
Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights5 such as compulsory li-
cences, exceptions to patents rights, regulating voluntary licences, and strict
application of patentability criteria. These measures may enable access to tech-
nologies to a certain degree but their use is limited to specific circumstances
and they are usually more difficult to operationalize in developing countries.
Options such as allowing developing countries to exclude critical sectors from
patenting, as well as a global technology pool for climate change, merit serious
consideration, as these options would provide certainty and predictability in
accessing technologies and further enable much-needed research and develop-
ment for local adaptation and diff usion, which would further reduce the cost
of the technologies. In addition, modalities for access to publicly funded tech-
nologies by developing-country firms need to be explored.
5 See Legal Instruments Embodying the Results of the Uruguay Round of Multilateral Trade Negotiations,
done at Marrakesh on 15 April 1994 (GATT Secretariat publication, Sales No. GATT/1994-7).
xxii World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Serious discussion of the links between trade and climate change has been stymied by the
impasse in the Doha Round of negotiations. As Governments are becoming serious about
addressing climate change, the old trade and environment debates on how to distinguish
between legitimate environmental and health protection measures as allowed under the
rules of the World Trade Organization and disguised trade protectionism measures need
to be revived.
Trade is important because environmental technologies and know-how are
generated primarily in developed countries and transferred to developing countries
mainly through embodied technologies in imported goods and services, FDI or licens-
ing. If Governments of Annex I countries should choose to pursue border measures (for
example, border tax adjustments) to protect their energy-intensive industries based on
the carbon directly and indirectly emitted in the production of a product, it would be-
come necessary to address the unresolved issue of how to treat processes and production
methods. Because subsidies are and will continue to be used to support the develop-
ment of alternative energies, the issue of determining how to handle those subsidies and
which ones are non-actionable under the rules of the World Trade Organization will
also have to be dealt with.
Last but not least, these issues need to be resolved taking into account the
principle of common and differentiated responsibilities as embodied in the United Na-
tions Framework Convention on Climate Change and its equivalent within the frame-
work of the World Trade Organization, namely, special and differentiated treatment
for developing countries. If these issues are not resolved adequately, they may result in
protracted trade disputes.
Sha Zukang
for Economic and Social Aff airs
June 2009
Preface .................................................................................................................................................................................................................. iii
Acknowledgements ..................................................................................................................................................................................... iv
Overview ............................................................................................................................................................................................................. v
II. Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift ............................................................... 35
Introduction ...................................................................................................................................................................................................... 35
Stabilization scenarios and mitigation options............................................................................................................................ 36
Energy and economic development ................................................................................................................................................. 40
The evolution of the energy system ............................................................................................................................. 40
Energy and growth .................................................................................................................................................................. 42
Achieving convergent economic growth and energy consumption............................................................................ 44
The energy investment push ............................................................................................................................................. 46
xxiv World Economic and Social Survey 2009
IV. A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge ........................................................... 99
The role of developmental States in a warming world .......................................................................................................... 100
An investment-led strategy................................................................................................................................................. 100
From technological learning to technological leapfrogging ......................................................................... 102
Managing creative destruction......................................................................................................................................... 105
Diversification challenges .................................................................................................................................................... 106
The revival of industrial policy........................................................................................................................................... 108
Some policy steps towards a low-emissions future ................................................................................................................. 117
Energy efficiency ....................................................................................................................................................................... 118
Cleaner coal .................................................................................................................................................................................. 119
Renewables................................................................................................................................................................................... 120
Conclusion.......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 122
I. 1 Burden-sharing proposals......................................................................................................................................................................... 10
I. 2 The limits of conventional economic models .............................................................................................................................. 13
I. 3 Carbon indebtedness .................................................................................................................................................................................. 19
I. 4 Green jobs .......................................................................................................................................................................................................... 20
II. 1 Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the North-eastern
United States of America: the 3 per cent solution................................................................................................................... 52
III. 1 The multiple threats to livelihoods from climate change: the Andean case............................................................. 66
III. 2 In the face of the storm: extreme vulnerability to climate change ................................................................................. 67
xxvi World Economic and Social Survey 2009
I. 1 The income gap between G7 countries and selected regions, 1980-2007 ............................................................... 4
I. 2 Increase of global mean temperature since 1850 ...................................................................................................................... 5
I. 3 Annual per capita emissions, selected regions, 1950-2005 .................................................................................................. 9
I. 4 Emissions stabilization wedges, 2000-2060 ................................................................................................................................... 20
I. 5 Growth of world income and of energy use................................................................................................................................. 26
II. 1 Alternative scenarios for CO2 emissions and equilibrium
temperature increases for a range of stabilization levels, 1940-2100 ............................................................................. 37
II. 2 Global GHG abatement cost curve beyond business-as-usual, 2030 ............................................................................ 39
II. 3 Major categories of abatement opportunities............................................................................................................................. 40
II. 4 Global primary energy requirements since 1850 ....................................................................................................................... 42
II. 5 Per capita energy consumption and human development, selected countries .................................................... 43
II. 6 Historical evolution of, and a possible future for, the global energy system,
in the context of the relative shares of the most important energy sources, 1850-2100 .................................. 47
II. 7 Energy systems investment, 2000-2030 ........................................................................................................................................... 48
II. 8 Electrical capacity expansion and capacity replacement by 2030,
developing and industrialized countries ......................................................................................................................................... 55
II. 9 Share of carbon-free in electricity generation in the A2r scenario (A) and the B1 scenario (B) ..................... 57
Contents xxvii
II. 10 Share of carbon-free in primary energy mix in the A2r scenario (A) and the B1 scenario (B) ......................... 58
III. 1 Rising temperatures and vulnerabilities in the Australasian region ................................................................................ 65
III. 2 Differential adaptive capacities to global sea-level
rise, developed and developing countries, 2000-2100 ........................................................................................................ 69
III. 3 Differentiated regional impacts at various degrees of average global temperature rise .................................. 75
IV. 1 Technology development and CO2 mitigation for power generation.......................................................................... 117
V. 1 Share of patent ownership in the areas of renewable energy and
motor vehicles abatement among selected countries, 2000-2004 ................................................................................ 128
V. 2 Commonly identified renewable energy technology needs and energy
efficiency technology needs in the building and residential subsectors, selected regions ......................... 144
VI. 1 Strategic investment and financing mechanisms for developing countries ............................................................ 153
VI. 2 Range of estimates of annual additional cost of mitigation strategies,
550 ppm and 450 ppm scenarios, world and developing countries ............................................................................. 155
I. 1 Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, perfluorocarbons,
hydrochlorofluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride) by sector, 2000 ........................................................................ 5
I. 2 Emission scenarios and their impact.................................................................................................................................................. 7
I. 3 Per capita emissions in 2005 and share in cumulative emissions during 1840-2005,
selected developed and developing countries and economies in transition ......................................................... 9
I. 4 Probability of exceeding the temperature increase (relative to the pre-industrial level)
at different greenhouse gas concentration stabilization levels ......................................................................................... 14
I. 5 Business-as-usual damages in 2100 .................................................................................................................................................... 17
I. 6 Energy use and total investment, selected country cases: 20-year averages taken in 1990............................ 25
I. 7 Energy use and total investment (model output: 20-year averages taken in 2030) ............................................. 26
II. 1 Increases in population, economic activity, energy
use, mobility and greenhouse gas emissions, 1800-2000 .................................................................................................. 41
II. 2 Per capita energy consumption, selected countries, 2005 .................................................................................................. 44
III. 1 Potential measures of adaptation to climate change for different sectors................................................................. 86
IV. 1 Illustrative list of industrial policies in support of production and investment,
with a special focus on energy, transport and extractive sectors.................................................................................... 112
V. 1 Innovative mechanisms to promote technology development and transfer .......................................................... 146
VI. 1 Range of estimates of global mitigation costs according to various studies............................................................ 156
VI. 2 Additional investment and financial flows needed for adaptation in 2030, by sector ....................................... 157
VI. 3 Bilateral and multilateral financing mechanisms for
mitigation and adaptation in developing countries.............................................................................................................. 158
VI. 4 Possible breakdown of climate-related ODA flows for Annex II countries to 2020 ............................................... 180
xxviii World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Explanatory notes
The following symbols have been used in the tables throughout the report:
.. Two dots indicate that data are not available or are not separately reported.
– A dash indicates that the amount is nil or negligible.
- A hyphen (-) indicates that the item is not applicable.
- A minus sign (-) indicates deficit or decrease, except as indicated.
. A full stop (.) is used to indicate decimals.
/ A slash (/) between years indicates a crop year or financial year, for example, 1990/91.
- Use of a hyphen (-) between years, for example, 1990-1991, signifies the full period involved, including the beginning and end
Reference to “dollars” ($) indicates United States dollars, unless otherwise stated.
Reference to “billions” indicates one thousand million.
Reference to “tons” indicates metric tons, unless otherwise stated.
Annual rates of growth or change, unless otherwise stated, refer to annual compound rates.
Details and percentages in tables do not necessarily add to totals, because of rounding.
BIGCC biomass integrated gasification combined cycle FDI foreign direct investment
CCS carbon capture and sequestration GATT General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade
CDIAC Carbon Dioxide Information Analysis Center GCCA Global Climate Change Alliance
(European Commission)
CDM Clean Development Mechanism
GDP gross domestic product
CERs certified emission reductions
GDRs Greenhouse Development Rights
CFCs chlorofluorocarbons
GEF Global Environment Facility
CFI Climate and Forest Initiative (Norway)
GFDRR Global Facility for Disaster Reduction
CFLs compact fluorescent lamps
and Recovery
CIF Climate Investment Fund
GHG greenhouse gas
CIS Commonwealth of Independent States
GIS geographic information system
CO2 carbon dioxide
GNP gross national product
CO2e carbon dioxide equivalent
GPM United Nations Global Policy Model
CSP Concentrating solar power (Global Environment
GPS Global Positioning System
Gt gigatons
EPA United States Environmental Protection Agency
GtCO2 gigatons of carbon dioxide
EPPs environmentally preferable products
GtCO2e gigatons of carbon dioxide equivalent
ESTs environmentally sound technologies
GW gigawatt
ETF-IW Environmental Transformation Fund-International
Window (United Kingdom) GWh Gigawatt-hours
Explanatory notes xxix
IISD International Institute for Sustainable Development SDRs special drawing rights
ILO International Labour Organization SECCI Sustainable Energy and Climate Change Initiative
(Inter-American Development Bank)
IMF International Monetary Fund
SGP Small Grants Programme (Global Environment Facility)
IOE International Organisation of Employers
SPA Strategic Priority on Adaptation (Global Environment
IPCC Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
ITUC International Trade Union Confederation
SRES Special Report on Emissions Scenarios
kg kilogram (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change)
km2 square kilometres tCO2e ton of carbon dioxide equivalent
kW kilowatt Three-Country Energy Efficiency Project
kWh kilowatt-hours (Brazil, China, India)
LDCs least developed countries TRIPS Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual
LDCF Least Developed Countries’ Fund (Global Property Rights
Environment Facility) TVA Tennessee Valley Authority
LPG liquefied petroleum gas TWe terawatts electric
LTMS long-term mitigation scenarios UNCTAD United Nations Conference on Trade and
MDGs Millennium Development Goals Development
MIT Massachusetts Institute of Technology UN/DESA Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the
United Nations Secretariat
mm millimetres
UNDP United Nations Development Programme
MOC meridional overturning circulation
UNEP United Nations Environment Programme
MW megawatt
UNFCCC United Nations Framework Convention
NAFTA North American Free Trade Agreement
on Climate Change
NAMAs nationally appropriate mitigation actions
UN/ United Nations Human Settlements Programme
NAPA National Adaptation Programme of Action
ODA official development assistance Office of the United Nations High Commissioner
OECD Organization for Economic Cooperation for Refugees
and Development United Nations Collaborative Programme on
OPEC Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and
OTA Office of Technology Assessment Forest Degradation in Developing Countries
(United States Congress) USSR Union of Soviet Socialist Republics
ppm parts per million WGP world gross product
PPMs processes or production methods WHO World Health Organization
ppmv parts per million by volume WIPO World Intellectual Property Organization
ppp purchasing power parity WMO World Meteorological Organization
PRSPs Poverty Reduction Strategy Papers WTO World Trade Organization
xxx World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The designations employed and the presentation of the material in this publication do not imply the expression of any opinion
whatsoever on the part of the United Nations Secretariat concerning the legal status of any country, territory, city or area or of its
authorities, or concerning the delimitation of its frontiers or boundaries.
The term “country” as used in the text of this report also refers, as appropriate, to territories or areas.
For analytical purposes, unless otherwise specified, the following country groupings and subgroupings have been used:
Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Japan, United Kingdom of Burundi, Comoros, Democratic Republic of the Congo,
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, United States of America. Djibouti, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Kenya, Madagascar, Rwanda,
Seychelles, Somalia, Sudan, Uganda, United Republic of
European Union (EU): Tanzania.
Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Denmark, West Africa:
Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,
Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, Netherlands, Burkina Faso, Benin, Cape Verde, Côte d’Ivoire, Gambia,
Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, Ghana, Guinea, Guinea-Bissau, Liberia, Mali, Mauritania,
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland. Niger, Nigeria, Senegal, Sierra Leone, Togo.
Austria, Belgium, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Cameroon, Central African Republic, Chad, Congo,
Germany, Ireland, Italy, Luxembourg, Netherlands, Portugal, Equatorial Guinea, Gabon, Sao Tome and Principe.
Spain, Sweden, United Kingdom of Great Britain and Subgroupings of Asia and the Pacific:
Northern Ireland. Western Asia:
New EU member States: Bahrain, Iraq, Israel, Jordan, Kuwait, Lebanon, Occupied
Bulgaria, Cyprus, Czech Republic, Estonia, Hungary, Latvia, Palestinian Territory, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Syrian
Lithuania, Malta, Poland, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia. Arab Republic, Turkey, United Arab Emirates, Yemen.
Economies in transition: East and South Asia:
South-eastern Europe: All other developing economies in Asia and the Pacific
Albania, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Montenegro, (including China, unless stated otherwise). This group is
Serbia, the former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia. further subdivided into:
Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, India, Iran (Islamic Republic of ),
Kyrgyzstan, Republic of Moldova, Russian Federation, Maldives, Nepal, Pakistan, Sri Lanka.
Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, Uzbekistan. East Asia:
Developing economies: All other developing economies in Asia and the Pacific.
Africa, Asia and the Pacific (excluding Australia, Japan, New Subgroupings of Latin America and the Caribbean:
Zealand and the member States of CIS in Asia), Latin America South America:
and the Caribbean.
Argentina, Bolivia (Plurinational State of ), Brazil, Chile,
Subgroupings of Africa: Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela
Northern Africa: (Bolivarian Republic of ).
Algeria, Egypt, Libyan Arab Jamahiriya, Morocco, Tunisia. Mexico and Central America:
Sub-Saharan Africa, excluding Nigeria and South Africa Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, Honduras, Mexico,
(commonly contracted to “sub-Saharan Africa”): Nicaragua, Panama.
All other African countries except Nigeria and South Caribbean:
Africa. Barbados, Cuba, Dominican Republic, Guyana, Haiti,
Jamaica, Trinidad and Tobago.
Country groupings xxxi
Chapter I
Climate change and the
development challenge
We are living in the best of times and in the worst of times. Over the long sweep of its his-
tory, our world has never been more prosperous, inventive or interconnected than it is to-
day. Yet, economic insecurity has become ubiquitous (and was becoming so even before the
financial meltdown), social divisions are greater than ever, and the health of the planet has
never been so fragile. These are interrelated challenges that can be effectively addressed only
through cooperation and collective actions, at both the national and international levels.
In recent years, collective actions have been hampered by technocratic com-
placency, which privileged private means over public ends. A combination of deregulation,
at both the national and international levels, and corporate leadership skills was deemed
all that was needed to find the quickest and most efficient solutions to a wide range of
contemporary policy challenges, from health-care provision and urban renewal to pov-
erty alleviation and climate change. This mindset has been dominated by the rhetoric
of targets, partnerships, synergies, etc., which, draining policy discussion of much of its
substance, inevitably tends to ignore or gloss over the conflicts and difficult trade-offs that
accompany all big policy challenges.
Climate change will be among the biggest of those challenges over the com- An estimated 300,000
ing decades. It is, at a very profound level, an existential threat. Recent estimates suggest people are dying each
that 300,000 people are dying each year as a result of global warming and the lives of 300 year as a result of global
warming and the lives of
million more are being seriously threatened. We know a good deal more than ever before 300 million more are being
about why this is happening. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), seriously challenged
established in 1988 by the United Nations Environmental Programme (UNEP) and the
World Meteorological Organization (WMO), has proved an invaluable source of informa-
tion and analyses concerning why and how our climate is changing and with what conse-
quences. The members of the wider scientific community have backed up their efforts with
a mountain of supportive evidence and modelling exercises. Theirs is a sobering picture of
how the stretching of our environmental fabric due to the emission of man-made green-
house gases (GHGs) has already led to serious tears and is getting closer to a snapping
point. The race to keep global temperatures within safe bounds is now a race against time.
By 2050, there needs to be a cut in global emissions, in the order of 50-80 per cent, which
is equivalent to a reduction in carbon dioxide (CO2) levels from roughly 40 gigatons (Gt)
per year (at present) to 8-20 Gt.
So far, however, increased scientific understanding and greater public aware- The failure of advanced
ness have not translated into a focused policy response. This is particularly true in today’s countries to match words
advanced industrialized countries: although it is two centuries of their carbon-fuelled with deeds in respect of
the climate challenge has
growth that lies behind the warming trend, they have failed to commit the resources and
made it difficult to convince
the ambitious political will needed to establish an alternative development pathway. At developing countries to
the same time, the international community—most recently at the thirteenth session of turn to alternative (and
the Conference of the Parties of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate expensive) energy sources
Change,1 held in Bali, Indonesia, in December 2007—has reaffirmed that growth and
development remain the overriding objectives of the vast majority of people on this planet.
The failure of advanced countries to match words with deeds in respect of the climate chal-
lenge has made it difficult to convince developing countries to now turn to alternative (and
expensive) energy sources to meet their own (significant) development objectives.
In 2009, a new round of climate negotiations is expected to move the agenda
a big step forward. Some key questions will likely shape those negotiations, namely, How
much emissions reduction should take place, and where and by when? How much will it
cost to meet the targets and how will they be covered? How should a proper and enhanced
global adaptation response be framed in light of the significant impacts of climate change?
The present Survey does not try to provide any hard-and-fast answers to these
questions. The answers can be found only through open, inclusive and frank negotia-
tions among all the contracting parties. But even assuming that an agreement is reached,
the work of translating it into an effective programme of transformative change will be
an ongoing process which evolves through adjustments, continuous consultation and re-
sponse to persistent policy challenges. Accordingly, the Survey has chosen to assemble
agreed building blocks of a long-term solution—mitigation, adaptation, technology and
finance—in order to consider what is being asked of developing countries in terms of ad-
justments, trade-offs and challenges, and what the international community must do to
ensure that those countries are able to contribute to meeting the climate challenge without
jeopardizing their development goals.
The Survey proceeds essentially by working back from 2050, by which time
there will be another 3 billion people on this planet, the vast majority of whom will be
urban-dwellers and living in the developing world. If current trends continue, not only
will most of them still be poor and insecure but they will also be much more vulnerable to
climate-related threats posed by warmer temperatures.
Developing countries A necessary part of the solution lies in lowering the level of emissions released
pursuing catch-up growth into the atmosphere, which is feasible to the extent that the technological know-how that
and industrialization must can help build low-emissions pathways exists or will exist shortly. This shift, however, is
find alternatives to the neither inevitable nor inconsequential. In advanced countries, significant emissions re-
profligate energy model
of the past
duction has to be accompanied by a return to full employment and a search for energy
security. In developing countries, pursuing a low-emissions path must be compatible with
catch-up growth, industrialization and urban expansion.
Since the focus of this publication is to a great extent on the interrelated cli-
mate and development challenges facing policymakers in the developing world, it conse-
quently pays particular attention to the mitigation challenge linked to energy use (chap.
II). But inasmuch as building resilience with respect to climate threats is, for many poor
countries, just as, or even more, important (chap. III), the Survey seeks to avoid fostering
the erroneous notion that countries must choose between mitigation and adaptation. To
this end, it spells out the shared opportunities and synergies to be derived from invest-
ment-led responses to both these challenges, from forging truly integrated strategies and
from reviving the role of an effective developmental State (chap. IV).
A level of international The adjustments that are being asked of developing countries are unprecedent-
support and solidarity ed and will carry heavy investment costs, particularly in the initial stages of the transition.
rarely mustered outside a Those costs present the major obstacle to the development of low-emissions, high-growth
wartime setting
pathways. But if properly managed, the investments involved can provide developing coun-
is required
tries with a productive basis for mobilizing their own resources to meet the climate chal-
lenge. Still, if such a transition is to happen, it will require—so as to ensure both sufficient
technological transfers (chap. V) and sufficient access to financial resources (chap. VI)—a
level of international support and solidarity rarely mustered outside a wartime setting.
Climate change and the development challenge 3
Figure I.1
The income gap between G7 countries and selected regions, 1980-2007
Difference in average income per capita
10 000
-5 000
-10 000
-15 000
Table I.1
Greenhouse gas emissions (carbon dioxide, methane, perfluorocarbons,
hydrochlorofluorocarbons and sulphur hexafluoride) by sector, 2000a
The consequences of rising emission levels are now becoming clear. Global Climate change is significantly
average surface temperature increased by almost 1o C between 1850 and 2000, with a affecting forests largely owing
to changes in temperature
noticeable acceleration in recent decades (see figure I.2). The global average sea level has
and rainfall
Figure I.2
Increase of global mean temperature since 1850
0.6 14.6
Annual mean
Smoothed series
0.4 14.4
5-95 per cent decadal error bars
0.2 14.2
Difference (o C) from 1961-1990
0.0 14.0 o C
-0.2 13.8
-0.4 13.6
-0.6 13.4
Source: Intergovernmental
-0.8 13.2 Panel on Climate Change
1860 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 (2007a).
6 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
increased at an average rate of 1.8 millimetres (mm) per year over the period 1961-2003.
In the more recent period 1993-2003, this rate of increase has risen to 3.1 mm per year.
There have been large changes in the pattern of precipitation, with significant increases in
eastern parts of North and South America, Northern Europe, and northern and Central
Asia, and decreases in the Sahel, the Mediterranean, Southern Africa and parts of South
Asia. The area affected by drought has increased. Extreme weather events have increased
in number, scope and intensity. Climate change is significantly affecting forests: there have
been changes in their physiology, structure, species composition and health, largely owing
to changes in temperature and rainfall. Many tropical forests in Latin America have expe-
rienced losses in biodiversity. Increased temperatures and drought result in more frequent
outbreaks of pest infestations, more forest fires and increasing alterations in populations of
plant and animal species, severely affecting forest health and productivity.
The latest findings of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change suggest
For many key parameters, the climate is already moving beyond
the patterns of natural variability within which our society and
economy have developed and thrived. These parameters include
global mean surface temperature, sea-level rise, ocean and ice-sheet
dynamics, ocean acidification, and extreme climatic events. There
is a significant risk that many of the trends will accelerate, leading
to an increasing risk of abrupt or irreversible climatic shifts.3
That the situation will worsen is no longer in doubt, the only question is by
how much. Table I.2 below presents the emission scenarios identified by the Intergovern-
mental Panel on Climate Change and their likely impact on temperatures and sea level
by the end of this century.4 Generally speaking, the A1FI scenario involves the greatest
amount of emissions and hence the greatest change in climate, while the B1 scenario en-
tails the least amount of emissions and hence the smallest change in climate.
Moreover, as the Intergovernmental Panel has noted, the scenarios described in
its Special Report on Emission Scenarios (Nakicenovic and others, 2000) (SRES scenarios),
as well as most post-SRES scenarios, fail to take into account the uncertainties with re-
spect to various aspects of “climate processes and feedbacks”. These include (a) transmis-
sion of heat to lower depths of ocean, causing thermal expansion, (b) contraction of the
Greenland ice sheet, (c) contraction of the western Antarctic ice sheet, (d) reduction in
the terrestrial and ocean uptake of atmospheric CO2 as the CO2 level rises, a phenomenon
referred to as “positive carbon cycle feedback”, (e) cloud feedback, (f) slowing down or
even reversal of the meridional overturning circulation (MOC), etc. These feedbacks add
another layer of complexity (and uncertainty) to future projections; however, the Intergov-
ernmental Panel suggests that the impact of climate change will likely be more severe, or
even catastrophic.
3 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, Key message, “Climatic trends”, from the International Scientific
Congress on Climate Change: Global Risks, Challenges and Decisions in Copenhagen, 10-12 March 2009.
4 Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change broadly identified four possible economic pathways (or
“storylines”), referred to as A1 (a convergent world with fast economic growth); A2 (a non-convergent world with
slow economic growth); B1 (a convergent and more environment-friendly world); and B2 (a non-convergent
but environment-friendly world with an intermediate rate of economic growth). In addition to the above four
broad storylines, the following three sub-variants of A1 have been distinguished, depending on the energy
composition of economic growth: A1FI (relatively greater dependence on fossil fuels); A1B (a more balanced
dependence on different energy sources); A1T (a greater reliance on non-fossil energy sources).
Climate change and the development challenge 7
Table I.2
Emission scenarios and their impact
Sea-level rise
(metres) in 2090-
Temperature change (in o C) in 2099 relative to
2090-2099 relative to 1980-1999 1980-1999
Model-based range
Greenhouse gas (excluding future
concentration in rapid dynamical
Case 2100 (ppm of CO2e) Best estimate Likely range changes in ice flow)
year 2000
concentration 0.6 0.3-0.9 ..
B1 scenario 600 1.8 1.1-2.9 0.18-0.38
A1T scenario 700 2.4 1.4-3.8 0.20-0.45
B2 scenario 800 2.4 1.4-3.8 0.20-0.43
A1B scenario 850 2.8 1.7-4.4 0.21-0.48
A2 scenario 1250 3.4 2.0-5.4 0.23-0.51
A1FI scenario 1550 4.0 2.4-6.4 0.26-0.59
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007a), table 3.1.
What seems certain is that even if the annual flow of emissions were to stabi- Even if the annual flow of
lize at today’s rate, the stock of greenhouse gas emissions in the atmosphere would reach emissions were to stabilize
double the pre-industrial level by 2050, resulting in a high probability of dangerous tem- at today’s rate, the stock of
greenhouse gas emissions
perature rises, with potentially destabilizing economic and political consequences. The would reach double the
most recent modelling exercise, using the Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT) pre-industrial level by 2050
Integrated Global Systems Model, a detailed computer simulation of global economic
activity and climate processes, suggests that without massive policy action, there will be a
median probability of surface warming of 5.2o C by 2100, with a 90 per cent probability
range of 3.5-7.4o C. This can be compared with a median projected increase of just 2.4o C
in an earlier (2003) exercise.5
Table I.3
Per capita emissions in 2005 and share in cumulative emissions during 1840-2005,
selected developed and developing countries and economies in transition
Figure I.3
Annual per capita emissions, selected regions, 1950-2005
United States of America
Metric tons of carbon
Developing countries (96 countries)
trade, financial flows and commodity processes, and ultimately for growth in developing
countries. Sectoral policies, with respect, for example, to biofuels, can also have serious
consequences for the incentives facing developing countries. Policies with respect to the
transfer of technology, such as those involving intellectual property rights, will likely have
a significant impact on developing countries (see chap. V).
To possibly label developing countries “free riders” for resisting commitments
imposed against this backdrop does not make much sense and in fact a much more nu-
anced framework will be needed within which to address the issue of managing the bur-
den of protecting the climate on an equitable basis. Several proposals for advancing the
discussions are currently on the table (see box I.1).
Box I.1
Burden-sharing proposals
Numerous burden-sharing mechanisms have been introduced both in the literature on climate and
development and in the global climate negotiation process. A few of the most common proposals
y Equal per capita emissions rights. Every person has an equal right to the global sink for
greenhouse gases. A limit is set on world annual emissions. This limit is divided by world
population to arrive at an equal per capita right to emit. Each country is allocated a level
of emissions calculated by multiplying the per capita emissions right by the country’s
population. The limit on global emissions would be reduced over time to achieve a de-
sired stabilization trajectory (Agarwal and Narain, 1991; Narain and Riddle, 2007)
y Individual targets. This approach assigns equal emissions rights (or a “universal cap”) to
individuals in order to meet a desired stabilization trajectory. Each nation’s emissions
allocation is the sum of its actual individual emissions, for all residents with emissions
less than the cap, and its target individual emissions, for all residents with emissions
equal to or greater than the cap. In this way, high emitters in a low-emissions country
do not free-ride by de facto absorption of low emitters’ unused rights (Chakravarty and
others, 2008)
y Contraction and convergence. This plan combines equal rights to emit with grandfather-
ing (or assigning of rights based on past emissions: the higher the past emissions, the
larger the grandfathered emissions rights). Each country is allocated emission rights
based on its past emissions. Countries that exceed desired per capita global emissions
have their allocation reduced in each succeeding year, while countries that emit less
than this target receive a higher allocation each year. Over time, global emissions con-
tract while high- and low- emitting countries converge on the same target per capita
emissions (Global Commons Institute, 2008)
y One standard, two convergences. Each country is allocated a right to a total contribution
to greenhouse gas concentrations based on equal per capita cumulative allowances
targeted to meet a desired stabilization trajectory. Differentiated annual emissions
ceilings for industrialized and developing countries are adjusted each year to achieve
convergence. A relatively high ceiling (in comparison with current emissions) for de-
veloping-country emission allows these countries to increase their annual emissions
so as to achieve economic growth before having to decrease emissions to stay within
their cumulative cap. Trading of emissions rights makes it possible for all developing
countries to use their entire allowance (Gao, 2007). A few burden-sharing plans reject
the assumption that each country must pay for its own abatement and include a more
explicit discussion of who pays for abatement and where
y Greenhouse development rights. The burden of emissions reductions is shared among
countries according to their capacity to pay for reductions and their responsibility for
Climate change and the development challenge 11
Still, in a very real sense the future of the planet rests with the efforts of the
developing world. Already, the share of rich countries in total global population is less than
one sixth and almost all of the additional 3 billion people to be added to that population
over the next four decades will reside in the developing world. Developing countries will be
central to any international action to protect “their future” (Stern, 2009, p. 13). At the same
time, developed countries will have to bear a disproportionately larger share of the initial
costs of ensuring that future, in keeping with both the cumulative history of emissions and
the differences in economic resources. By the same token, the developing countries them-
selves will have to take measurable and verifiable steps towards securing that future.
While it is impossible to escape history, in terms of the responsibility for con-
tributions to climate change, it is also prudent to remain focused on potential synergies
over the coming decades between the efforts by advanced countries to cut the stock of
existing emissions and those aimed at attenuating and eventually reversing the higher
emissions that will accompany higher growth, industrial development and urban expan-
sion in developing countries.
Developing countries’ scepticism regarding participation in international miti- The level of support
gation efforts has been driven as much by developed countries’ recent performance regard- provided to various
ing multilateral responses to climate change as by their past developmental record. For adaptation funds has up to
now remained very low and
example, the Clean Development Mechanism, established under the Kyoto Protocol to the
has not matched the scale
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change,6 which was supposed to be of the problem
an important link between developed countries’ emission reduction efforts and efforts of
developing countries, has failed to live up to expectations, in terms of both quantity and
quality. Similarly, the level of support provided to various funds set up to help developing
countries in respect of adaptation has up to now remained very low and has not matched
the scale of the problem (see chaps. III and VI). Lack of bold and generous leadership has
given rise to a lack of trust, which now represents a serious obstacle to mustering the inter-
national cooperation needed to deal effectively with the climate challenge.
Charles Kindleberger (1986, p. 10) observed that in a world of interdependent The urgency of the climate
nation States with widely differing access to economic resources and political power, ef- crisis certainly calls for a
renewed leadership role
fective multilateral cooperation depends on “positive leadership, backed by resources and
from those countries most
readiness to make some sacrifice in the international interest”. He also recognized that responsible
6 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 2303, No. 30822.
12 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
the leadership role often goes unapplauded, particularly at home, and has a tendency to
retreat or atrophy, but that, particularly in a time of crisis, the hallmark of leadership is the
willingness to assume responsibility. The urgency of the climate crisis certainly calls for a
renewed leadership role from those countries most responsible.
Strong state capacities are International cooperation does not, however, hinge on leadership alone. Strong
needed to help shape a State capacities are needed, at all levels of development, to help shape a common and inclu-
common and inclusive vision
sive vision, to ensure that the conceding of national sovereignty in some areas is balanced by
the opportunities opened up in others, and to guarantee effective participation in the nego-
tiation and implementation of international rules, regulations and support mechanisms. In
this respect, the erosion of State capacity in recent years, particularly in developing countries,
represents an obstacle to international cooperation and has contributed to the lack of trans-
parency and democratic accountability in many multilateral institutions, particularly those
dealing with the development challenge. Correcting this is an urgent priority if real progress
on the climate issue is to occur at the required pace (for further discussion, see chap. IV).
Economists are latecomers to the climate debate and, more generally, have Economists are latecomers
entered the fray with a less-than-honourable record on environmental issues (Dasgupta, to the climate debate and
have entered the fray with
2008).8 However, they have been quick to fashion policy options. Theirs is a language of
a less-than-honourable
risk assessment, measured trade-offs between costs and benefits, marginal price changes, record on environmental
discounting of future outcomes, etc. Their so-called integrated assessment models confer issues
an aura of quantitative rigour and precision on their discussions, in which they typically
endorse an overly cautious approach to policy, whether by demonstrating the advantages
of going slow on climate action or by offering quick solutions to “externalities” which
allow the market to reassume its central role (see box I.2). In the context of climate change,
practical policy advice has focused on the mechanics of carbon taxes or trading schemes,
and on the dangers of ambitious climate initiatives constraining future growth. Self-
regulation has become the mantra, and when policy action is proposed the framework is
predisposed to gradualism and delay (Ackerman, 2009).
Box I.2
The limits of conventional economic models
Good climate policy requires the best possible understanding of how climatic change will impact on
human lives and livelihoods, in industrialized countries and in developing countries. Unfortunately,
many climate-economics models suffer from a lack of transparency, in terms of both their policy rel-
evance and their credibility. Building a model of the climate and the economy inevitably involves nu-
merous judgement calls; debatable judgements and untestable hypotheses turn out to be of great
importance in evaluating the policy recommendations of climate-economics models, and should be
visible for purposes of debate.
A good climate-economics model would be transparent enough for policy relevance,
yet sophisticated enough to get the most important characteristics of the climate and the economy
right. Unfortunately, many existing models fall short on the first count or the second, or both: some
are very complex—often to the point of being entirely opaque to the non-specialist—while others
represent the climate and the economy incorrectly, as discussed below.
The different types of model structures provide results that inform climate and devel-
opment policy in very different ways. All have strengths and weaknesses. Many of the best-known
integrated assessment models attempt to find the “optimal” climate policy, the one that maximizes
long-term human welfare. This calculation depends on several unknowable or controversial quanti-
ties, including the numerical measurement of human welfare, the physical magnitude and monetary
value of all current and anticipated climate damages, and the relative worth of future versus present
General equilibrium models can be extremely complex, combining very detailed climate
models with intricate models of the economy; yet, despite the detail of general equilibrium models,
the commonly used assumption of decreasing returns seriously limits their usefulness in modelling
endogenous technological change. Partial equilibrium models circumvent the problem of increasing
returns, at the price of a loss of generality. In some cases, there appears to be a problem of spurious
precision in overly elaborate models of the economy, containing, for example, projections of long-
term growth paths for dozens of economic subsectors.
Simulation models are well suited to representing uncertain parameters and to develop-
ing integrated assessment model results based on well-known scenarios of future emissions, but
their policy usefulness is limited by a lack of feedback between their climate and economic dynam-
ics. Finally, cost minimization models address policy issues without requiring calculations of human
welfare in money terms, but existing cost minimization models may be marred by a spurious preci- Source: Ackerman and
sion, a characteristic they tend to share with some general and partial equilibrium models. Stanton (2009).
8 Ackerman (2009, p. 12) notes that researchers in the field of “ecological economics” have examined the
economy as embedded in and constrained by the earth’s ecosystem but without offering a complete theory of
economics and the environment; nor have they had much influence on their colleagues in the wider domain of
14 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The fact that, while being concerned with overall costs and benefits, integrated
assessment models generally have little to say about structural inequality or historical de-
velopment. This has been a long-standing target of criticism of conventional economic
models.9 Perhaps more surprising, however, has been the cavalier attitude of many econo-
mists towards climate risk. Helm (2008) has argued that current climate policy and targets
are being designed on the basis of current economic structures and of how marginal emis-
sions reductions can be achieved from such a starting point, but with very little attention
paid to long-term structural trends. This approach is likely to seriously underestimate
the size and cost of the challenge. Stern (2009) acknowledges this bias; but as Weitzman
(2009, p. 22) has suggested, economists still seem preprogrammed to react to an impend-
ing climate disaster by adjusting their flow instruments to control the stock accumulation
that is producing the disaster, a position he likens to “using an outboard motor to manoeu-
vre an ocean liner away from an impending collision with an iceberg”.
The risks of catastrophic The probabilities that scientists attach to the occurrence of higher temperatures
global warming merit are given in table I.4; they are of an order that is a good deal higher than what would lead
a significant planetary
individuals to take out insurance against worst-case scenarios. On this basis, Ackerman
insurance policy
(2009) has suggested that the risks of catastrophic global warming merit a significant
planetary insurance policy.
Moving the agenda In light of these various shortcomings, there is a suspicion among many poli-
demands an integrated cymakers in developing countries that none of the constituencies shaping climate policy
approach, that is to
are paying sufficient attention to the kind of adjustments that are being asked of them
say, a climate-inclusive
developmental approach with regard to meeting the climate challenge. Industrialization and urbanization are hot-
wired into the development process, hence restricting these processes, and the attendant
expansion of the energy sources that they require, is not an option. A low-emissions push
in developing countries requires not only a massive injection of renewable sources of en-
ergy in the energy mix along with technologies that help improve energy efficiency and
prevent deforestation (in affected countries) but also changes in land-use planning, the
organization of transport and water management. These requirements are sure to entail
major costs for developing countries—costs that explain their objection to the imposition
Table I.4
Probability of exceeding the temperature increase (relative to the pre-industrial level)
at different greenhouse gas concentration stabilization levels
Stabilization level
(ppm CO2e) Increase in temperature (relative to the pre-industrial level (degrees celsius))
2 3 4 5 6 7
450 78 18 3 1 0 0
500 96 44 11 3 1 0
550 99 69 24 7 2 1
650 100 94 58 24 9 4
750 100 99 82 47 22 9
Source: Stern (2009, p. 26).
Note: The probabilities are based on the Hadley Centre Ensembles and are available from Murphy and others
9 Ironically, conventional economic models have their intellectual roots in the natural sciences of the nineteenth
century. However, while natural scientists have moved on to exploring more complex, chaotic and unstable
systems, including the threat of dangerous climate change, economists have clung doggedly to the idea of a
harmonious system in or close to equilibrium.
Climate change and the development challenge 15
of any forced emission commitments. Moving the climate agenda forward demands an
integrated approach, that is to say, a climate-inclusive developmental approach: treating
climate and development separately, as has largely been the case in the past decade and
even earlier, no longer can be deemed the basis of a tenable framework.
Interrelated threats
Climate change and development are closely interconnected and the feedbacks and reac-
tions, particularly through the production and use of energy, are cumulative. Economists,
as suggested earlier, have a poor record when it comes to analysing these kinds of feed-
backs and cumulative linkages. Policymakers appear predisposed to underestimate both
the scale of the threats that are being posed and the cost of removing those threats.
More recently, however, policymakers have shown signs of recognizing the
urgency of the situation, which seems to reflect a growing awareness that the international
community faces a series of interrelated threats which can no longer be effectively tackled
in isolation. A climate crunch, an energy crunch, a food crunch and, perhaps most signifi-
cantly, a credit crunch have all exposed the danger of subordinating risk management to
the self-regulating forces of the marketplace.
Since the summer of 2008, policymakers in more advanced countries have
been struggling to deal with the cumulative and interconnected shocks of a housing crisis,
excessive energy consumption and financial collapse which have rippled and intensified
throughout an increasingly fragile global economy (Klare, 2008). In some communities,
these shocks have been further compounded by weather-related disasters. However, the
challenges posed by the fact that climate change, economic insecurity and political conflict
are interlinked are even greater for developing countries and the consequences are likely to
reach well beyond their own borders, as has been made clear by the testimony of the newly
appointed United States Director of National Intelligence, Dennis Blair (2009).
Adaptation without mitigation could prove an ineffective response for many There is real concern that
developing nations, and the failure to deal with these interrelated threats will almost cer- neither the time nor the
tainly have much more widespread and damaging consequences. There is real concern that resources exist for dealing
with a multiple syndrome
neither the time nor the resources exist for dealing with a multiple syndrome encompass- encompassing intensified and
ing intensified and interrelated shocks and crises. interrelated
shocks and crises
A New Deal?
Parallels have often been drawn between the climate challenge and the interwar experience of The call has been for a
overcoming an economic crisis, defeating fascism and rebuilding ravaged economies. A Mar- global new deal capable
of responding to the
shall Plan to tackle global warming is a logical consideration (Gore, 2007; and chap. VI). The
economic and climate
call, however, particularly since the sharp downturn in the global economy starting in the sum- threats simultaneously
mer of 2008, has been for a global new deal capable of responding to the economic and climate
threats simultaneously (New Economics Foundation, 2008; United Nations Environment
Programme, 2009; United Nations Department of Economics and Social Affairs, 2009).
Historical analogies always need to be treated with a degree of caution. However,
the original New Deal, as noted in chapter IV, certainly did deal with a series of interrelated
threats, including threats to the environment, through an expanded and transformative poli-
cy agenda of a sort that needs to be revived in light of today’s threats and challenges. The scale
of the response is also worth recalling. The New Deal had committed 3 per cent of gross do-
16 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
mestic product (GDP) each year between 1933 and 1939, and a good deal more was added to
counter the threat of fascism. Moreover, once the fighting stopped, the United States, through
the Marshall Plan, committed almost 1 per cent of its GDP each year for five years to rebuild
Europe. This constituted a massive resource commitment over a 20-year period.
If the shift to low level Economists have suggested that a smaller effort will be needed to counter the
carbon development threats arising from climate change. This seems an optimistic stance. As Stern (2009, pp.
pathways is to take place
12-13) indicates, the kind of 30-year strategy that is needed to keep climate risk manage-
in a timely and orderly
fashion, the commitments able will involve long-term planning and a massive investment programme and will require
should be made sooner the kind of leadership and cooperation that helped defeat fascism and rebuild shattered
rather than later economies. Moreover, if the shift to low-emissions development pathways is to take place in
a timely and orderly fashion, the commitments should be made sooner rather than later.
Table I.5
Business-as-usual damages in 2100
may be exposed not just to potentially catastrophic large-scale disasters but also to a more
permanent state of economic stress as a result of higher average temperatures, reduced avail-
ability of water sources, more frequent flooding and intensified windstorms.
Climate change will deepen By increasing vulnerability in developing countries, climate change will deep-
inequalities, with least en inequalities, with least developed countries and small island States being the most
developed countries and
affected. As Dodman, Ayers and Huq (2009, p. 152) puts it: “The uneven distribution of
small island States being
the most affected climate change risk mirrors the existing uneven distribution of natural disaster risk—in
2007, Asia was the region hardest hit and most affected by natural disasters, accounting
for 37 per cent of reported disasters and 90 per cent of all the reported victims.” In other
words, people with limited assets and resources and with less reliable access to decent jobs
will continue to be the most affected by the adverse impacts of climate change.
The adaptation challenge is The adaptation challenge is essentially a development challenge. It will require
essentially a development significant investments, not only to climate-proof existing projects and ensure effective
responses to natural disasters, but also to diversify economic activity and address a range
of interrelated vulnerabilities that are already exposing communities to threats from quite
small changes in climate variables.
There is some confusion about whether we need mitigation or adaptation—in
fact, we need both. For a number of countries, the challenge of adaptation looms very large.
However, in many cases, adaptation and mitigation cannot be so clearly distinguished—
for example, energy conservation measures could be classified under both mitigation and
adaptation. Chapter III develops these arguments.
Box I.3
Carbon indebtedness
Scientific consensus has established a non-catastrophic global warming threshold at 2° C above
pre-industrial levels. On one recent assessment (Meinshausen and others, 2009), this translates into
a 1,440 gigaton (Gt) (equivalent to 393 gigatons of carbon) limit on the amount of CO2 that can be
emitted in the atmosphere between 2000 and 2050, that is, if we want to have a 50:50 chance of stay-
ing within that threshold. To shift those odds to a 75 per cent chance of staying on track, we should
emit no more than 1 trillion tons of CO2 (273 Gt of carbon) in total. Up to 2000, 271 Gt of carbon had
already been emitted into the atmosphere,a of which 209 GtC (77 per cent of the total) had come a Climate Analysis Indicators
from Annex I countries. Tool (CAIT), version 6.0.
One scenario, associated with a 50:50 chance of staying within the 2° C threshold, implies (Washington, D.C.: World
Resources Institute, 2009).
a global reduction of 50 per cent over 1990 levels. The big question is how that happens. Under this
scenario, the emissions limit for the period 1850-2050 is 650 GtC. The sharing rule proposed by many
European countries to convince reluctant big developing countries to actively cooperate in the post-
Kyoto regime (the so-called “shared vision”) would make Annex I countries responsible for 85 per cent
of the overall emissions reduction burden. That would imply an additional emission of 85 Gt of carbon
for that group of countries in the period 2000-2050, and a total emissions of 314 GtC. In other words,
these countries would be allowed to consume 48 per cent of the available carbon budget.
This is a figure considerably higher than their share of global population. On those
grounds Annex I countries should only consume 21 per cent of the global carbon budget for the
period 1850-2050, leaving 79 per cent for non-Annex I countries. That would mean an allocation of 137
GtC for Annex I countries. As they have already used 209 GtC and expect to consume another 85 GtC
until 2050, this would mean that they would have consumed 177 GtC over and above their “fair” share.
By contrast, non-Annex I countries would have to restrict their emissions to 336 GtC over the whole
period. Pricing that debt, moreover, can give an indication of the compensation owed to developing
countries under this scenario to help finance their shift to a low-emissions, high-growth pathway.
in 2050 and leading to global reductions thereafter (Pacala and Socolow, 2004; and figure
I.4) The alternative has been to use integrated assessment-type models to determine mitiga-
tion costs. These two approaches are not mutually exclusive, however. Various estimates are
considered in subsequent chapters.
While the absolute values of required investment can appear quite high, the While the absolute values
costs of inaction are even higher. It is also clear that the lower the stabilization level cho- of required investment can
appear quite high, the costs
sen, the safer the future, but the higher the initial investment costs. As noted above, very
of inaction are even higher
broadly, even an annual cost as high as 2 per cent of GDP is small in comparison with
the potential damage from following business-as-usual pathways. Thus the benefit-to-cost
ratio is hugely in favour of urgent actions taken to mitigate climate change.
Figure I.4
Emissions stabilization wedges, 2000-2060
Fossil fuel emissions (gigatons of carbon per year)
Box I.4
Green jobs
The Green Jobs Initiative was launched in June 2007 as a partnership between the United Nations En-
vironment Programmes (UNEP), the International Trade Union Confederation (ITUC), the International
Organisation of Employers (IOE) and the International Labour Organization (ILO). Its aim is to promote
the linkages between environmental sustainability and employment and labour markets.
Green jobs are defined as those that reduce the environmental impact of enterprises
and economic sectors, ultimately to levels that are sustainable. Such jobs are found in many sectors
of the economy ranging from energy supply to recycling and from agriculture and construction to
transportation. They help to cut the consumption of energy, raw materials and water through high-
efficiency strategies, to de-carbonize the economy and reduce greenhouse gas emissions, to mini-
mize or eliminate altogether all forms of waste and pollution, and to protect and restore ecosystems
and biodiversity. Green jobs can thus play a crucial role in reducing the environmental footprint of
economic activity. There is evidence both of the rapid growth of green or greener jobs and of sub-
stantial spillover or indirect employment effects: jobs in Germany’s renewables sector, for example,
rose between three- and fourfold between 1998 and 2006.
A number of observations are of particular importance in the discussion of green jobs.
First, there are many that already exist worldwide (table 1); indeed, half of all jobs in renewable energy
are in the developing world. Second, some green jobs are associated with new green industries (such
as renewable energy), and clearly some of these jobs are also new themselves, for example, that of
photovoltaic cell engineer (table 2). On the other hand, in years to come, the far more widespread
phenomenon will be the “greening” of existing jobs in what are otherwise traditional occupations.
New occupations and the greening of existing ones will in fact pose a broad challenge
to education and vocational training systems, even if the vast majority of green jobs are in the same
areas of employment that people already work in today, as demonstrated in the table below. Take,
for example, the occupation of automotive mechanic in connection with the introduction of hybrid
automobiles. This is a traditional occupation for which new skills will need to be learned. In fact, the
Source: ILO, Employment absence of adequate or rapid action on the supply side of the labour market through skill “retooling”
Strategy department. and upgrading constitutes a constraint on addressing environmental sustainability.
Climate change and the development challenge 21
Table 2
A greener economy with familiar occupations
Some question the wisdom of this approach, pointing to the costly practice
of second-guessing the market and “picking winners”, that is to say, using policies like
subsidized credit and infant-industry protection to back one industry or technology rather
than another. For others, experimentation, whether with new technologies or with older
but previously untried ones, involves learning and uncertain outcomes. Such initiatives,
whether undertaken by the private or the public sector constitute grounds for socializing
the risks involved. These issues are discussed in greater detail in chapters IV and V.
adjustment of real and financial assets and liabilities. An important long-run characteristic
is the assumption of endogenous productivity growth generated by economies of scale.
Under this assumption, Government policies affecting aggregate demand and market size
will have long-term growth effects. When the model hits on supply constraints, it adjusts
prices and exchange rates, along with endogenous macroeconomic policy responses (based
on past policy behaviour) and adjustments in financial markets. Supply constraints arising
from pressure exerted on natural resources and energy will trigger higher world market
prices for commodities and fuels, affecting production and consumption throughout the
system. The basic version of the model distinguishes 16 countries and country groups.12
While mainly macroeconomic in nature, the model does spell out simultane-
ously energy production and demand for country groups and an international market (a
pool) which sets the equilibrium price. Energy demand is estimated based on historical
observations, tracing changes in relation to output (income), population and the state of
technology measured in the form of relative income per capita, as well as the international
price. Energy production is assumed to be determined by domestic energy resource en-
dowments, technology and demand dynamics linked to change in the production struc-
ture, consumption patterns and relative prices of energy. The model does not specify car-
bon emissions linked to economic activity; therefore, inferences regarding climate change
scenarios are drawn from trends in energy efficiency and energy use.
The business-as-usual (BAU) scenario used as the basis for the present analysis
assumes that the world economy will recover from the financial crisis in 2010. The return
to the past pattern of growth, moreover, will lead to a continuation of the current trends in
(high-emissions) energy intensity and the economic inequality of past decades. The impli-
cation is that, in the business-as-usual scenario, the world would resume growth on a path
deemed unsustainable from both a development and an environment perspective.
The alternative, low-emissions, high-growth (LEHG) scenario, having been con-
structed as a policy-driven departure from the business-as-usual scenario, requires interna-
tional policy coordination. Three types of policy adjustment are considered as follows:
• Countries worldwide are assumed to increase public spending levels by be-
tween 1 and 5 per cent of GDP, with developed countries in the lower end of
the range and developing countries in the upper end. The investment push is
expected to trigger faster economic growth and will embrace efforts towards
energy efficiency, as well as help increase the supply of primary commodities
and food at a rate that is consistent with the growth of world income;
• The investment push and international agreements should contribute to reducing
high-emissions energy demand (reflecting, for instance, a cap-and-trade mecha-
nism) to yield lower emissions and greater energy efficiency. Such improvements
in energy efficiency are consistent with the investment patterns discussed below;
• Economic resilience of developing countries is strengthened by providing those
countries, especially the poorest among them, with full and duty-free market access
to developed-country markets, leading to greater economic diversification.
12 These include the United States of America, Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, other developed countries, East
Asian newly industrialized economies, the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS) (here incorporating all
countries of the former USSR for reasons of historical data consistency), China, Western Asia (excluding Israel
which is grouped under “other developed” countries), India, other South Asia (Afghanistan, Bangladesh, Sri
Lanka, Nepal and Pakistan), East Asian middle-income countries (excluding the newly industrialized countries),
other East Asian low-income countries, Central America (including Mexico and the Caribbean), South America,
African middle-income countries and African low-income countries.
Climate change and the development challenge 25
Table I.6
Energy use and total investment, selected country cases: 20-year averages taken in 1990
2010 and 2030.13 As noted in figure I.5 below, with the world economy growing at about
5 per cent during this period, the effective reduction per unit of world output will be about
6 per cent, broadly consistent with the numbers obtained for energy demand given above
(see table 1.7).
Improving energy efficiency The scenario presented here would lead to a cumulative reduction in the use
is not enough: it will need of oil and coal of about 50 billion of tons of oil equivalent between 2010 and 2030. This
to be complemented by
reduction is about three times the level of world consumption of fossil fuels in 2008.
massive investments in
renewable low-emissions Clearly, this is not sufficient to achieve the required 50-80 per cent reduction by 2050 or a
energy sources, leading
Table I.7
over time to a drastic
change in the composition
Energy use and total investment (model output: 20-year averages taken in 2030)
of energy sources
Efficiency: change in Stimulus: rate of growth Elasticity: ratio of
energy use per unit of of total investment in impact of investment
output (percentage) real terms (percentage) to efficiency
Developed countries -5.20 2.90 1.80
Japan -5.00 3.75 1.30
Europe -4.80 2.92 1.60
United States -5.40 2.54 2.10
Developing countries -5.80 6.80 0.90
China -6.40 6.45 1.00
Least developed countries -6.65 9.90 0.70
Source: United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, Global Policy Model.
Figure I.5
Growth of world income and of energy use
Annual growth of energy production in its current composition
Rate of growth of gross world product
13 The aggregation into tons of oil equivalent assumes the evolution over time of the current composition of
energy production.
Climate change and the development challenge 27
commensurate reduction of 25-40 per cent by 2030, as required. In other words, improving
energy efficiency is not enough: it will need to be complemented by massive investments
in renewable low-emissions energy sources, as assumed in the model simulations, leading
over time to a drastic change in the composition of energy sources.
Admittedly, this is an optimistic scenario and the impact of the investment
push on energy efficiency may not be as successful as the model outcome signals. Suppose,
for example, that the improvements in energy use per unit of output are in the order of
4 per cent per annum instead of 6 per cent. Still, it would be possible to reach the same
target for reduction of fossil fuel production (and thus of environmental contamination)
if, alternatively, the investment strategies were geared towards the production of non-fossil
fuels. This case will require annual increments of low emitting energy of the order of 2
per cent sustained over the long term—a requirement that is not impossible to fulfil. In
a study of various country experiences, the Department of Economic and Social Affairs
of the United Nations Secretariat and the International Atomic Energy Agency (2007)
note that, between 1980 and 2000, Brazil increased the production of biofuels and hydro-
electricity (covering about 40 per cent of the total demand for energy) at the rate of 2.25
per cent per annum. Significantly better records have been obtained in France through
its shift to nuclear energy.14 The biofuel or nuclear alternatives are not, of course, free of
causes for concern. However, other sources, like wind, solar and hydroelectric, are valid
options and are likely to become far more efficient as technologies advance.
prices in the European Union (EU) and elsewhere), their rapid expansion will benefit not
just developing countries themselves but developed countries as well.
As soon as there is a plan However, as indicated in chapter VI, the initial investment push will inevita-
in place to increase the bly require financial support extended from developed to developing countries and, most
market share of developing
particularly, to the least developed among them. As soon as there is a plan in place to
countries in manufactures
and services, the need for increase the market share of developing countries in manufactures and services, the need
external resources will for external resources will diminish sharply. Furthermore, in the absence of an external
diminish sharply debt burden, a combination of stable prices of commodities and a sustained growth of
income in both the developing and the developed world will contribute to a significantly
less dramatic set of fluctuations in domestic prices, interest rates, exchange rates, etc., thus
helping to avert sequences of stop-go adjustment-stabilization processes which have been
so damaging for long-term development over the last decades.
Price shocks during 2008 in food, fuel and housing markets laid bare the world
economy’s shaky foundations—excessive debt, unregulated capital flows and rampant spec-
ulation. The cost in terms of declining asset values and government bailouts of collapsed
financial institutions has been staggering, while more widespread damage is now being felt
in the real economies of advanced, emerging and least developed countries alike.
As policymakers seek to turn their economies around, much attention has Turning the page on “casino
been given to using economic stimulus packages not just to help meet the short-term goals capitalism” and establishing
of creating jobs and securing homes but also to achieve longer-term security goals, includ- truly sustainable low-
emissions alternatives will
ing a stable climate. This is a welcome development. However, turning the page on “casino require policymakers to
capitalism” and establishing truly sustainable low-emissions alternatives will require poli- draw some hard lessons
cymakers to draw some hard lessons from recent experience. from recent experience
As pointed out in World Economic and Social Survey 2008 (United Nations,
2008), a wealth of historical experience and thoughtful reflection has demonstrated that
markets—and not only financial markets—do not regulate themselves but depend on an
array of institutions, rules, regulations and norms to correct coordination failures, moder-
ate their more destructive impulses and manage the tensions these impulses can generate.
There is now agreement that a return to robust economic health will mean breaking with
the policy agenda of the past three decades; and while a new consensus has yet to emerge,
there is no doubt that active government is back (Rudd, 2009).
The shift to a low-emissions, high-growth development path is a transformative
challenge that requires just such a break with recent policy approaches as well as a long-term
commitment to a new development path capable of generating full employment in advanced
countries and catch-up growth in poorer countries. It will involve smarter incentives, stron-
ger regulations and, above all, significant investments, including in the public sector.
The current crisis serves as a reminder that financial institutions need to get
back into the business of securing people’s savings and of building stable networks and
levels of trust between industry and banking that can support more socially productive
investment opportunities. These policy challenges are of long standing in many develop-
ing countries, where financial markets have repeatedly failed to build long-term com-
mitments. Adding in the climate challenge only reinforces the urgency of reforming the
financial system given the scale of resources that will have to mobilized over the coming
decades and the trade-offs that will have to be made if economies are to secure a low-
emissions future.
Market forces have an important role to play, but the real leadership will have Market forces have an
to build upon a strong public policy agenda and a revitalized social contract—at both the important role to play, but
national and international levels. Markets are prone to generate wrong information (risk of the real leadership will
have to build upon a strong
mis-pricing), giving rise to perverse behaviour (ranging from moral hazard and free-riding
public policy agenda and a
to outright fraud) and undesirable outcomes (excessive leverage, the proliferation of toxic revitalized social contract
products, hidden accounting practices). In a world of concentrated economic power, dis-
torted information and uncertain outcomes, systemic instability is an ever present threat
(Soros, 2008). The strengths and weaknesses of price incentives need to be kept firmly in
mind as market-based solutions are extended to meet the climate challenge. Government
action to establish a market for carbon, for example, whether through taxation or cap and
trade, needs to be guided by an understanding of the limits of price signals with respect
to meeting any large and complex challenge—whether it is achieving full employment,
engendering catch-up growth, guaranteeing financial stability or tackling the climate cri-
sis—and managing the threat of catastrophic risk.
30 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The current financial crisis The current financial crisis has provided a reminder that Governments are the
has provided a reminder only agents capable of mobilizing the massive financial and political resources needed to
that Governments are the
confront large systemic threats. It has also served to demonstrate that policymakers can
only agents capable of
mobilizing the massive act with real urgency when faced with such threats. Th is is encouraging from both the de-
financial and political velopment and the climate angles, given that both challenges involve large resource com-
resources needed mitments over the long term, and at both the national and the global levels. Meeting these
to confront large challenges will entail not only surmounting traditional market failures which occur as a
systemic threats result of externalities and free-riding but also dealing with systemic threats and managing
large-scale adjustments in economic activity. The only sensible response is to mix market
solutions with other mechanisms, including regulations and public investment.
Climate change and the development challenge 31
Figure A.I.1
Low-emissions, high-growth global scenario: trends in income per capita, by country groups, 1970–2030
(2005 United States dollars purchasing power parity)
Developed and newly industrialized countries Commonwealth of Independent States Western Asia
45 000 45 000 45 000
LEHG scenario
40 000 40 000 40 000
BAU scenario
35 000 35 000 35 000
0 0 0
1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1970 1980 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
Source: UN/DESA, simulations with UN Global Policy Model (see text for model assumptions).
32 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure A.I.2
Low-emissions, high-growth global scenario: GDP growth by country groups, 1970-2030
(long-term income growth, 20 years moving average (percentage))
Developed and newly industrialized countries Commonwealth of Independent States Western Asia
10 10 10
9 LEHG scenario 9 9
8 BAU scenario 8
7 7
6 6
5 5
4 4
3 2 3
2 1 2
1 0 1
0 -1 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
9 9 9
8 8 8
7 7 7
6 6 6
5 5 5
4 4 4
3 3 3
2 2 2
1 1 1
0 0 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
Source: UN/DESA, simulations with UN Global Policy Model (see text for model assumptions).
Climate change and the development challenge 33
Figure A.I.3
Low-emissions, high-growth global scenario: growth of real public spending, 1970-2030
(long-term income growth, 20 years moving average (percentage))
Developed and newly industrialized countries Commonwealth of Independent States Western Asia
14 12 14
LEHG scenario
12 10 12
BAU scenario
10 8 10
8 6 8
6 4 6
4 2 4
2 0 2
0 -2 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
12 12 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
12 12 12
10 10 10
8 8 8
6 6 6
4 4 4
2 2 2
0 0 0
1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030 1990 2000 2010 2020 2030
Source: UN/DESA, simulations with UN Global Policy Model (see text for model assumptions).
34 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure A.I.4
Low-emissions, high-growth global scenario: world market prices of
oil, primary commodities and manufactures, 1970-2030
(relative price indices, 200 = 100)
Primary commodities Oil Manufactures
3.50 3.50 3.50
Green and catch-up growth
3.00 3.00 3.00
2.50 2.50 2.50
Source: UN/DESA, simulations with UN Global Policy Model (see text for model assumptions).
Note: Commodity price indices were deflated by implicit price deflator of world gross product.
Chapter II
Climate mitigation and
the energy challenge:
a paradigm shift
A maximum temperature increase of 2o C above pre-industrial levels is the consensus target Developing countries must
established by the scientific community for stabilizing carbon concentrations at a level that achieve a sustained catch-
prevents dangerous anthropogenic interference in the climate system. At the same time, up growth rate of 6-8 per
cent per annum
developing countries need to achieve a sustained catch-up growth rate of 6-8 per cent per
annum to close the income gap with countries at the top of the development ladder. These
two broad objectives frame the mitigation challenge facing policymakers at the national
and international levels. The present chapter attempts to detail mitigation options that are
consistent with convergent economic growth in developing countries.
The preceding mitigation target translates globally (in terms of actual emissions
reduced) into a reduction from roughly 40 gigatons of carbon dioxide (GtCO2) annually at
present to 8-20 GtCO2 by 2050. This is no small undertaking and will involve significant
economic adjustments in developed and developing countries. There are certainly win-win
options linked, particularly, to energy efficiency; but, as discussed in chapter I, this is nec-
essary but not sufficient to meet stabilization targets. Large-scale and upfront investment
in the means of production of electricity along with new sources of renewable energy will
be needed, as well as related investments in transportation and construction.
What is required is a gale of “creative destruction” driven by massive invest- What is required is a gale
ments and innovative technologies. This is not inevitable but will require dedicated and of “creative destruction”
strategic policy action at all levels. The threat is that, by delaying such action, existing driven by massive
investment and innovative
investment projects will lock in older technologies for decades, leading to a ratcheting up
of the stock of emissions to dangerous levels, and requiring much more costly economic
and social adjustments in the future (Stern, 2009).
In spite of all the accumulating scientific knowledge and growing public aware- Serious and effective
ness of the climate challenge, effective mitigation action has been lacking in developed mitigation action is lacking
countries. One of the fundamental reasons for this is a persistent disconnect between in developed countries
environmental objectives and economic goals. This has begun to change with the recogni-
tion that the interrelated threats from the financial, energy and climate crises will need to
be tackled together (New Economics Foundation, 2008).
Addressing the challenge of climate change mitigation in developing countries
requires not only a change in global and national focus on climate and development policy,
but also strategic thinking in terms of the most relevant mitigation options using develop-
ment as the essential trigger: poverty reduction, rural development, energy access, industrial
expansion and infrastructure provision all need to be integrated with mitigation strategies.
The energy sector, broadly defined, accounts for 60 per cent of global emissions Energy is the pivotal issue
(table I.1) and unless significant emissions reductions are achieved from the way energy at the interface of the
is produced and consumed, it will not be possible to meet stabilization targets. Energy is, climate and development
moreover, the pivotal issue at the interface of the climate and development challenges. For
this reason, it is the focus of this chapter.
36 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Deforestation and forest Deforestation is the other major source of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions.
degradation in developing In 2004, the forest sector accounted for the release of approximately 8.5 gigatons (Gt)
countries are the primary
of carbon dioxide (CO2), mostly from deforestation, which contributes 17.4 per cent of
sources of carbon emissions
from these countries all human-generated CO2 emissions. Deforestation and forest degradation in developing
countries are the primary sources of carbon emissions from these countries. Deforestation
accounts for 35 per cent of carbon emissions in developing countries and 65 per cent in
least developed countries. According to estimates of the Food and Agriculture Organiza-
tion of the United Nations (FAO), on average, 13 million hectares of forest were lost each
year between 2000 and 2005. Over the same period, 5.7 million hectares were added to
forest area annually, resulting in a rate of net forest loss of 7.3 million hectares per year, a
slowdown from the rate of deforestation experienced between 1990 and 2000.
While we are focusing on the energy sector, at the same time we do not wish
to suggest that addressing mitigation options in other sectors like land-use change and
forestry, agriculture, transportation, waste and industrial processes is unimportant or ir-
relevant: these options remain equally important and for some developing countries, they
are a key focus. But unless the energy challenge is addressed, as we argue in this chapter,
we will experience neither the required mitigation in developing countries nor the catch-
up growth needed to allow the transformative change in the economies of developing
countries so crucial to their climate and development success.
The next section considers some stablization scenarios and the technological
options that will be needed to pursue them. Those options include energy efficiency and
new approaches to existing sources, as well as the utilization of new energy sources. Th is is
followed by a discussion of the links among energy, growth and development and what is
implied by ensuring income and energy convergence while meeting the climate challenge.
The following section considers the big investment push onto a low-emissions growth
path. Finally, some elements of an integrated strategy combining energy security, energy
access, expanded capacity and research and development are proposed.
and withdrawals (through sequestration and albedo effects). Recent stabilization studies
indicate that land-use mitigation options could provide from 15-40 per cent of total cu-
mulative abatement over the century (ibid.).
The timing of emission reductions depends on the stringency of the stabiliza-
tion target. The lower the stabilization target, the sooner the peak of CO2 and CO2 equiva-
lent (CO2e) emissions.2 In the majority of the scenarios with stringent stabilization targets,
(as is the case for category I, with a stabilization level below 490 ppm CO2e) (figure II.1),
emissions are required to decline from around 2015 (at the latest by 2020), dropping to less
than 50 per cent of today’s emissions by 2050. For somewhat more stringent stabilization
levels (for example, below 450 or even 350 ppm CO2e), global emissions in the scenarios
generally peak around the same time, followed by a decline to 80 per cent or more below
1990 levels by 2050. These kind of radical emissions reductions depart fundamentally
from the current trends and will require a paradigm-changing transition of the global
energy system towards full decarbonization.
Figure II.1 displays global CO2 emissions from 1940 to 2000 and presents six
categories of stabilization scenarios from 2000 to 2100 (left-hand graph); and the corre-
sponding relationship between the stabilization targets and the likely equilibrium global
average temperature increase above pre-industrial (right-hand graph). Coloured shadings
show stabilization scenarios grouped according to different targets (stabilization categories
I to VI). The right-hand graph shows the ranges of global average temperature change above
pre-industrial, using (a) “best estimate” climate sensitivity of 3° C (black line in middle of
shaded area), (b) upper bound of likely range of climate sensitivity of 4.5° C (red line at top
of shaded area) and (c) lower bound of likely range of climate sensitivity of 2° C (blue line
at bottom of shaded area). The black broken lines in the left-hand graph portray the emis-
sions range of recent baseline scenarios published since the Special Report on Emissions
Scenarios (Nakicenovic and others, 2000). Emissions ranges of the stabilization scenarios
encompass CO2-only and multi-gas (all greenhouse gases and other radiatively active sub-
stances) scenarios and correspond to the 10th-90th percentile of the full probability distri-
bution for each.
Figure II.1
Alternative scenarios for CO2 emissions and equilibrium temperature
increases for a range of stabilization levels, 1940-2100
140 10
Equilibrium global average temperature
V: 710-855 ppm CO2e 8
IV: 590-710 ppm CO2e
III: 535-590 ppm CO2e
II: 490-535 ppm CO2e
80 I: 445-490 ppm CO2e 6
Post-SRES range
20 Source: Intergovernmental
0 Panel on Climate Change,
-20 0
Abbreviations: SRES,
2 CO2 equivalent concentration takes into account the radiative forcing of other greenhouse gases
besides CO2 and, often, also other radiatively active substances such as sulphur aerosols and
carbon black.
38 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure II.1 indicates the urgent need for fundamental changes in the global en-
ergy system, land-use patterns and also in human behaviour. Managing those changes will
require an integrated policy framework to effect a fundamental paradigm shift from current
emissions-intensive patterns of wealth creation to a future low-emissions and decarbonized
global economy. Of the utmost importance for achieving stabilization targets and keeping
down their cost will be widespread technology improvements adopted on a timely basis, in-
cluding the diff usion of new technologies, and induced changes to existing technologies.
What seems clear is that drastic CO2 reduction targets of 50-80 per cent by
2050 (compared with 1990 emission levels) will require reduction in the rate of energy
intensity and improvement in carbon intensity by a factor of 2-3 with respect to their his-
torical levels. All stabilization scenarios indicate that a huge share of emissions reductions,
in the range of 60-80 per cent, would come from changes in energy systems. It has been
found that this will require different sets of mitigation options across regions, with vary-
ing shares of renewable energy, nuclear energy, carbon capture and sequestration (CCS),
biomass and hydrogen and other advanced energy carriers.
Energy efficiency can play a catalytic role in achieving radical emissions reduc-
tions. In a way, it is a prerequisite for increasing shares of zero-carbon energy systems.
However, it would be wrong to overestimate its contribution, even in advanced economies
(Barker, Dagoumas and Rubin, 2009).
Achieving low stabilization Even efficiency gains will require some investments, though not on the scale re-
levels will require early quired to develop and diffuse new technologies and change existing technologies. Achieving
(upfront) investments
low stabilization levels will require early (upfront) large-scale investments and substantially
and substantially more
rapid diffusion and more rapid diffusion and commercialization of advanced low-emissions technologies. Such
commercialization of investments will need to be made worldwide on the required scale, implying that effective
advanced, low-emissions technology and resource transfers will need to be made to those countries lacking those
technologies means (see chaps. V and VI for further discussion).
Currently, there are several options for curbing emissions without jeopardizing
economic growth, especially in developing countries. These include a switch to renewable
energy technologies (of which the most significant is solar energy), the adoption of CCS
technologies both to curb emissions from fossil fuel plants and generally to facilitate nega-
tive emissions, the enhancement of terrestrial sinks through afforestation in conjunction
with sustainable biomass use, and investment in energy efficiency solutions.
The greenhouse gas abatement cost curve developed by McKinsey & Company
provides a useful quantitative estimate of both the costs and the actions needed to achieve
such reductions (figure II.2). The curve ranks technologies and industrial processes according
to the net costs of avoiding a ton of CO2 emissions, taking into account both the capital costs
and the operating costs of low-emissions technologies. Figure II.2 suggests opportunities for
negative cost (or win-win) emissions reductions where the upfront capital costs are more than
offset by future energy savings. Most of these savings are achieved through improved energy
efficiency. Technical abatement opportunities up to a cost of €60 per ton of CO2e include: en-
ergy efficiency, low-emissions energy supply, terrestrial carbon (forestry and agriculture) and
behavioural change (figure II.3). The first three options generate a total abatement of 38 Gt
CO2e per year in 2030 relative to annual business-as-usual emissions of 70 Gt CO2e. Abate-
ment opportunities in these three categories are spread across many sectors of the economy:
with approximate figures of 29 per cent for the energy supply sectors (electricity, petroleum
and gas); 16 per cent in the industrial sector; 22 per cent in transport, buildings and waste;
and 33 per cent in land-use sectors (forestry and agriculture). In all, developing countries have
70 per cent of the reductions opportunities, while developed countries have 30 per cent.
Gas plant CCS retrofit
Abatement cost Coal CCS retrofit
€ per tCO2e Iron and steel CCS new build
60 Low-penetration wind Coal CCS new build
Figure II.2
Figure II.3
Major categories of abatement opportunities
The central feature of these options is that they assume a start date of 2010—a
delay of 10 years would almost certainly mean missing the 2o C degree target. Many devel-
oping countries are already taking steps on mitigation. However, more action will be re-
quired. The policy challenge is to ensure that such action supports, rather than obstructs,
the achievement of development goals.
Table II.1
Increases in population, economic activity, energy use,
mobility and greenhouse gas emissions, 1800-2000
Absolute size and cumulative increases
1800 2000 Factor
Population (billions) 1.0 6.0 x6
WGP (trillions of US dollars 1990) 0.5 36 x 72
Primary energy use (exajoules) 13 440 x 34
CO2 Emissions (gigatons of carbon) 0.3 6.4 x 21
Mobility (kilometres/person/day) 0.04 40 x 1 000
Source: Nakicenovic (2009).
animal workers with machines fuelled by fossil energy and the resulting release of labour
into high-productivity manufacturing activities.
This historical transition is reflected in the enormous increase in global energy
needs, by a factor of 34, during the last two centuries. Primary energy increased at half the
rate of GDP, meaning that energy intensity of the global economy has declined at the rate of
about 1 per cent per year. The CO2 emissions increased even less, indicating a pervasive his-
torical trend towards decarbonization of the global economy at about 1.3 per cent per year.
The energy intensity of economic activities has in fact declined 2-fold but the 72-
fold increase in economic activities has required ever more energy. The share of fossil energy
sources, taken together, increased (from 20 to 80 per cent) between 1850 and now, as did
the emissions of CO2 (as an unavoidable by-product of combustion). Consequently, energy-
related emissions of CO2 increased 21-fold to about 6 billion tons of carbon (6 GtC) in 2000.
Nevertheless, their increase has remained at a substantially slower pace than that of energy
requirements, indicating a strong historical trend towards decarbonization of societies.
Figure II.4 shows how drastically the composition of energy services has been
transformed through replacement of traditional (non-commercial) energy sources by fossil
fuels—first coal and later oil and natural gas.
In 1800, the world still depended on traditional biomass (mostly fuelwood and By the 1920s, coal provided
agricultural waste) as the main energy source for cooking, heating and manufacturing. almost 70 per cent of global
primary energy needs …
Human physical labour and animals were the main sources of mechanical energy, with
some, but much more humble, contributions from wind and hydraulic power. By 1850,
coal had already provided some 20 per cent of global primary energy needs; the figure
peaked to almost 70 per cent by the 1920s. Th is shift may be characterized as the first
energy transition. The coal age brought railways, steam power, steel, manufacturing and
the telegraph, to mention just some of the technologies that constituted the coal techno-
economic paradigm or the “coal cluster”.
Around 1900, motor vehicles were introduced along with petrochemicals, elec- … while today, fossil
tricity and many other technologies that constituted the “oil cluster”. It took another 70 energy sources provide
some 80 per cent of global
years for oil to replace coal as the dominant source of energy in the world. Today, the
energy needs
global energy system is much more complex, with many competing sources of energy and
many high-quality and convenient energy carriers ranging form grid-oriented forms such
as natural gas and electricity, and liquids which are mostly used in transportation, to solids
(coal and biomass) which are still used in the developing parts of the world (whose one
third of global population still do not have any, or any reliable, access to modern energy
services). Taken together, fossil energy sources provide some 80 per cent of global energy
needs, while fuelwood, hydropower and nuclear energy provide the rest.
42 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure II.4
Global primary energy requirements since 1850
Primary energy (exajoules)
Commercial Nuclear
aviation energy
300 Gas
200 Oil
Gasoline tube
Electric engine
100 Steam
engine motor
Source: Nakicenovic (2009). 1850 1900 1950 2000
Figure II.5
Per capita energy consumption and human development, selected countries
1.0 Japan
United States of America
Human development index
Brazil Russian Federation
0 100 200 300 400 500 600
Gigajoules/year per capita Source: Banuri (2007).
Part of the aim of any big public investment push is to increase the marginal
return to private investments in new and more modern technologies by creating rents
and market opportunities for the private sector (see chap. IV). Albert Hirschman (1958)
recognized that the key to such a push was not just the speed with which cost advantages
in the targeted sectors were realized but also the links those sectors established backwards
to suppliers of inputs and forward to new activities and markets that used the goods pro-
duced by the targeted sector, and whose expansion could trigger new investment oppor-
tunities. Hirschman associated these backward and forward linkages mainly with large-
scale industrial investment, but he also recognized that the power sector had very strong
linkage potential which could trigger cumulative development prospects (see also Toman
and Jemelkova, 2003).
The importance of electrification to rural development has long been recog- Increased earnings from
nized. Major investments in rural electrification projects, mainly grid extension (United agricultural and local
industry and commerce
States Congress, Office of Technology Assessment (OTA), 1992) have been an integral
lead to greater household
part of successful growth experiences. In rapidly developing agricultural regions, electric- demand for electricity
ity helps to raise the productivity of local agro-industrial and commercial activities by
supplying motive power, refrigeration, lighting and process heating. Increased earnings
from agricultural and local industry and commerce lead, in turn, to greater household
demand for electricity. Energy availability for cheaper and better lighting can increase the
productivity of education inputs generally and lead to an augmentation effect in human
capital provision, as well as raise output by extending the length of the workday.
44 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Table II.2
Per capita energy consumption, selected countries, 2005
the Organization of the Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC), the newly industrialized
countries and regions (Singapore, Republic of Korea, Hong Kong Special Administrative
Region of China and Taiwan Province of China, which approach OECD levels), and some
emerging economies (such as South Africa at 85 kWh, Malaysia at 72 kWh, and Chile at
57 kWh). Most countries from sub-Saharan Africa, and all South Asian countries con-
sume well under 20 kWh per capita per day. The differences are even wider in the case of
consumption of electricity, the pre-eminent form of modern energy service, and the very
symbol of modernity and affluence.
The threshold of 100 kWh per capita per day can be used as a convenient divid-
ing line between energy poverty and energy sufficiency. In figure II.5, this consumption
level is equivalent to 130 megajoules per capita per year, which corresponds to a human
development index of 0.9, somewhat to the left of Japan’s. Achieving this human develop-
ment target would imply a significant expansion of energy infrastructure. Here is where
the climate and energy agenda of developing countries begins to diverge from that of
developed countries.
In developed countries, there is greater scope for energy conservation and en- In developing countries,
hancement of energy efficiency, especially since most developed countries consume well energy efficiency does
not obviate the need for
over 100 kWh of energy per capita per day, and a scaling down of energy consumption
expansion of the energy
could very well be consistent with the same or higher levels of income and well-being. In infrastructure
developing countries, in contrast, while the energy efficiency agenda is still important, it
does not obviate the need for expansion of the energy infrastructure. Enhanced energy ef-
ficiency could mean the difference between the desired target indicated here, namely, 100
kWh per capita per day, and, say, 200 kWh per day or higher. Regardless, most countries
will need to expand energy services to the threshold level of 100 kWh per day in order to
meet the bulk of their human development targets.
The second reason for divergence hinges on the question of affordability. Cur- The vast majority of the
rently, the expansion in energy services in developing countries is impeded partly because population in developing
countries are too poor to
of the fact that the vast majority of the population is too poor to afford these services
be able to afford energy
without some form of subsidy. Even populations with incomes of $10 per day would not services without some
be able to spend more than, say, $1-$2 per day on energy-related expenditures (electricity, form of subsidy
cooking, heating, transport). If energy is priced higher than, say, $0.05 per kWh, they
would not be able to access adequate amounts of energy services.
This would seem to call for the creation of three complementary agendas. At
the aggregate level, it would make sense to set a minimum global target of 100 kWh per
capita per day in order to overcome energy poverty. Second, it would also make sense to
institute energy efficiency measures in order that this optimal target might correspond to
the achievement of economic and human development targets. At the most urgent level,
there would also be a need to address “energy destitution”, namely the lack of access to
modern energy services.
The faster-growing developing countries have been able to follow this trajectory
with reasonable success. However, even where the project has been successful—the outstand-
ing example is China, which has doubled energy consumption in five years—it has been
based on exploitation of the least-cost energy source, namely, coal, which is also the most
polluting energy source in the context of climate change. However, while technological alter-
natives to coal and other fossil fuels do exist, they are far more costly. If developing countries
resort to these resources at other than pilot scales, they would end up putting modern energy
services beyond the reach of the bulk of their populations for a generation or more.
46 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure II.6
Historical evolution of, and a possible future for, the global energy system,
in the context of the relative shares of the most important energy sources, 1850-2100
Percentage of share
Sources: Grübler, Nakicenovic
and Riahi (2007), Nakicenovic
and Riahi (2007), and
International Institute for
0 Applied Systems Analysis
1850 1900 1950 2000 2050 2100 (2007).
eventually be. At the same time, taking the opportunity window for achieving substantial
cost buy-downs will require research, development and deployment (RD&D) as well as
massive investments to achieve accelerated diff usion and adoption of advanced energy
It was suggested above that there are significant global mitigation opportuni- The adoption of a pure
ties which correspond to less than €60 per ton of CO2e. This potential could be larger, carbon market strategy
especially if the price of carbon increased (Fisher and others, 2007). In mid-2008, for would require the provision
of direct subsidies to
example, the oil price reached almost $140/barrel indicating that the equivalent price of
developing countries
carbon in this range is not outside our recent experience of energy price volatility. How-
ever, it is also clear that the spike in oil prices in 2008 was part of a multifaceted devel-
opment crisis, creating balance-of-payments challenges for energy-importing developing
countries, adverse impacts on fiscal solvency, and increases in the costs of a range of basic
needs, including food, transportation and energy. Even though the spike was short-lived,
a prolonged escalation in energy prices would have been costly in developmental terms for
many countries. In this regard, the adoption of a pure carbon market strategy would re-
quire the provision of direct subsidies to developing countries in order to off set the adverse
impacts of higher energy prices. But these subsidies alone will not suffice: they will need to
be supplemented with adequate domestic measures to translate the international subsidies
into targeted subsidies aimed at poor and vulnerable groups (see also chap. VI).
Technological learning and the change that it produces are essential for reduc-
ing mitigation costs and increasing mitigation potentials (chap. V). It is true that increasing
the price of carbon (and other greenhouse gases) could trigger some of the technological,
institutional and behavioural changes required for effective emissions reduction. Given the
low mitigation costs in developing countries, least-cost mitigation efforts would channel
investment to these countries, assuming that appropriate institutional arrangements could
48 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
be made. However, these measures would have to be combined with a suite of compensa-
tory policies so as to offset the social and economic costs of the price increase.
“Upfront” investments To realize the benefits of technological learning, “upfront” investments would
would need to be made in need to be made in new and advanced carbon-saving technologies which would, after
new and advanced carbon-
scale-up and adoption, lower the mitigation costs and increase the mitigation potentials.
saving technologies
Chapter I suggests that these will initially have to be public investments.
Energy system investments are shown in figure II.7 for two scenarios, A2 and
B1. The former is similar to that depicted in “business-as-usual” scenarios, with a high in-
crease of greenhouse gas emissions leading to a global temperature change of about 4.5o C.
B1 corresponds to a more sustainable future with vigorous investment in new technologies
and lifestyle changes which result in global temperature change of less than 3o C. The total
investments are in the range of $20 trillion by 2030 and are slightly higher for the more
sustainable future of B1, owing to the build-up of capital-intensive energy systems. Ensur-
ing that a 2o C target is achieved would imply higher investment still, almost certainly
above the trillion dollars-a-year target (see chap. VI). However, in the long term, beyond
2030, the capital costs of ensuring the more sustainable future are significantly lower ow-
ing to induced technological change and learning. In other words, early upfront invest-
ments would have to be made to enable potential buy-downs along the learning curves.
This means that large upfront investments would have to be made in currently developing
countries. Indeed, again assuming that they will have the lowest costs and highest mitiga-
tion potentials, and largest opportunities for new markets, investments in the energy sec-
tor in developing countries should dominate in the coming decades.
Figure II.7
Energy systems investment, 2000-2030
Trillions of 2000 United States dollars
200 Long-term
(~40 trillion)
75 “Upfront” investments
(~2 trillion)
A2 B1 A2 B1
Sources: Grübler, Nakicenovic
and Riahi (2007). 2000-2030 2000-2100
Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift 49
the ability of the international community to make progress in its efforts to stem CO2
emissions, will preclude a greater reliance on coal-using existing combustion technologies.
This reveals the even greater urgency of developing cleaner coal-based technologies and,
in particular, carbon capture and sequestration technologies (Ansolabehere and others,
2007); however, without the commitment of much greater resources, the commercial em-
ployment of these technologies appears quite some way away.5
Another possible substitute for oil is nuclear energy. Because nuclear energy
releases no CO2 emissions, some energy experts see it as an attractive alternative to fos-
sil fuels. Nuclear energy, however, also entails many risks and radioactive waste-related
storage problems which have kept costs exceedingly high compared with those of other
sources of energy, thereby discouraging Governments and private utilities from building
too many reactors. The tempo of reactor construction may pick up in the years ahead in
response to rising demand for CO2-free electrical power, but it is difficult to imagine a
scenario entailing enough new plants to raise nuclear power’s share of total world energy
significantly above its current level of 6 per cent.
From what can be foreseen, therefore, oil will remain the world’s leading source
of energy for the next quarter-century, even if its share moderately declines from its cur-
rent level (37 per cent).
Not enough resources are The only practical solution to energy insecurity and climate threats is the rapid
being devoted to ensuring development of alternatives derived from climate-friendly renewable sources of energy—
that renewables will
wind, solar, geothermal, advanced biofuels and so on. Th is is among the great challenges
replace non-renewable
sources of energy within that will be facing policymakers over the coming century. However, despite the fact that
any realistic time frame the importance of this task is very widely recognized, not enough resources are being de-
voted to alternative energy development so as to ensure that renewables will be capable of
replacing non-renewable sources of energy within any realistic time frame.
According to the United States Department of Energy, renewable sources of
energy will account for only about 8.5 per cent of world energy use in 2030, an insignifi-
cant increase above their 7.7 per cent share in 2005.6 No doubt these projections will be
revised upward in response to fresh efforts by the European Union (EU) and the Admin-
istration of the new President of the United States, Barack Obama, but it will take a major
investment push to lift the share of renewables by more than a few percentage points. After
the sharp fall in oil prices between September 2008 and January 2009, many Govern-
ments and utilities indicated that they would not be able to proceed with ambitious plans
to develop new renewable energy projects because of inadequate funding.7
Fully realizing the great Fully realizing the great potential of renewable sources of energy will require
potential for renewable overcoming a number of technological hurdles. Before wind and solar power can be used
sources of energy will
more widely, for example, it will be necessary to devise more efficient electrical storage
require overcoming a
number of technological devices—devices that would be able to store energy when the wind and sun were strong
hurdles and to release it at night or when the weather was cloudy or windless. More efficient trans-
mission systems are also needed to carry electricity from areas of greatest reliable wind and
sunshine to areas of greatest demand. Likewise, new methods are needed to convert waste
5 In the United Kingdom for example, the chief executive of Centrica, one of the United Kingdom’s
largest energy suppliers, has warned that coal plants fitted with carbon capture and storage
equipment are unlikely to be ready to make big cuts in the country’s emissions for two decades
(see “Carbon capture won’t work until 2030, says energy boss”, The Guardian, 26 February 2009).
6 International Energy Outlook for 2008, table A2.
7 See Clifford Kraus, “Alternative energy suddenly faces headwinds”, The New York Times, 21 October
2008; and Stephen Castle, “European nations seek to revise agreement on emission cuts,” The New
York Times, 17 October 2008.
Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift 51
plant matter into ethanol, so as to spare food crops and other valuable species. Sources of
energy like geothermal, tidal power, hydrogen, nuclear fusion and so forth will require a
more visionary approach and even greater scientific and technological advancement. These
advances, in turn, will require substantial investment which, at present, is not forthcoming
from public and private sources on a large enough scale.
As a result of all these challenges, the world is experiencing persistent energy
insecurity, which will make it very difficult to overcome recurring economic insecurity.
Only by ensuring a reliable, affordable supply of energy will it be possible to chart a stable
course for economic recovery and growth. Addressing energy insecurity and transform-
ing the global energy system must therefore constitute a major priority for any long-term
programme of economic and climate stabilization in advanced countries.
Without going into detail one can argue that, the ultimate goal of such an
effort must be to reduce the world’s reliance on fossil fuels, especially oil and coal, and
to increase reliance on renewable sources of energy, especially wind, solar and advanced
(non-food) biofuels. Such a course will simultaneously address the climate challenge. For
advanced countries this, in turn, will require action on:
• Conservation: efforts to reduce the consumption of fossil fuels, especially oil.
This means, among other things, driving less, driving slower, carpooling more
often, trading in gas-guzzling vehicles for fuel-efficient cars, expanding public
transportation, and improving the energy efficiency of homes, businesses and
electrical appliances of all types.
• Innovation: developing ever more fuel-efficient vehicles, factories, appliances,
heating systems and so forth; moving from oil-powered cars to gas/electric
hybrids, plug-in hybrids and all-electric cars; improving the efficiency and util-
ity of wind and solar power; developing advanced biofuels derived from non-
edible plants.
• Investment: greatly increased public and private investment in energy alter-
natives and public transportation. Creative financial inducements for the de-
velopment and utilization of energy alternatives, including, inter alia, green
bonds and a cap-and-trade system for carbon emissions.
Efforts along all fronts must start immediately if real progress is to be made (see
box II.1 for an example of possible measures at the regional level in the United States).
Energy access
Given the overall low level of energy consumption in developing countries, the concept of Limited access to cleaner
energy security is predictably somewhat different in those countries from that in the more energy services supplied by
modern energy carriers is an
advanced economies. Modern energy services are characterized by inequitability of access,
important contributor
notably between the poor and the affluent, as well as between rural and urban areas. In- to rising levels of poverty
deed, about 2 billion people in the world, one third of the world population, are entirely in some sub-Saharan
without access to modern energy; and about 1.6 billion are without access to electricity, African countries
while 2.4 billion cook with traditional forms of biomass. Limited access to cleaner energy
services supplied by modern energy carriers is an important contributor to rising levels
of poverty in some sub-Saharan African countries (United Nations Development Pro-
gramme, 2007a and b). The current investments in the global energy system are estimated
at some $500 billion per year (Nakicenovic, Ajanovic and Kimura, 2005). The sustainable
scenario depicted in figure II.7 would require at least twice this during the coming de-
cades. In comparison, the share required for ensuring access is relatively small.
52 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box II.1
Greenhouse gas emissions mitigation in the North-eastern
United States of America: the 3 per cent solution
To achieve the necessary reductions required to stabilize concentrations at 450 ppm or less requires
a long-term goal of reducing emissions by 80 per cent, and then establishing a strategy for achieving
that goal. If reductions begin by 2010, it will be possible to meet reduction goals by reducing emis-
sions by 3 per cent per year over the next 50 years. If this goal is to be reached by 2050 (in 40 years),
it will be necessary to cut by 4 per cent per year. For the 3 per cent annual reduction case, emissions
will drop in half in 23 years and by 75 per cent in 46 years and will be decreased by 80 per cent by
the start of the forty-eighth year. For a 4 per cent annual reduction rate, the 80 per cent reduction
will occur in the thirty-seventh year; postponing action will require that we reduce by even greater
amounts in later years.
Much of the focus on emissions reductions has, to date, been at the national level.
However, local and regional policies will also likely play a critical role in achieving the desired out-
come. In the case of the United States, a combination of local and national policies providing incen-
tives and forcing technology to improve by setting strong standards on everything from power
plants and buildings industry to transportation are likely to be strongly shaped by actions at the
State and local levels.
Policy initiatives in specific sectors will cause transformation to low-carbon infrastructure
and reduce the energy and emissions embedded in specific technologies that are part of our day-
to-day life. For example, building efficiency standards, appliance efficiency standards, and vehicle
emission standards impose a ceiling on inefficiency or emissions and drive the widespread adoption
of available efficient technologies. More aggressive mandated efficiency and demand reduction
measures for gas and electric utilities, as well as increasing State renewable portfolio standards so that
all North-eastern States require at least 20 per cent renewables (as does New Jersey) will further spur
the transition to low-emissions energy sources. These policies can be implemented with or without a
cap on greenhouse gases, but will be most effective in a strong cap-and-trade environment.
Institutions and small and large commercial customers have multiple options for reduc-
ing emissions of greenhouse gases. Through a combination of purchasing energy-efficient equip-
ment (appliances as well as lighting), using green building design concepts, installing renewable
energy supplies, using combined heat and power, purchasing fuel-efficient transportation fleets, and
purchasing green energy, these entities can significantly reduce their emissions of greenhouse gases,
while realizing significant economic savings and improving the quality of their workspace.
Industrial customers can rely on energy-efficient lighting, equipment and energy man-
agement principles, as well as on installing renewable energy sources and combined heat and power
applications. Many companies have effectively used a combination of efficient technologies, renew-
able technologies, process redesign, and transportation fleet improvements to realize energy cost
savings, reduce their waste stream, and improve their products and services.
State and local governments, in addition to using policy tools to move the North-east
on a low-emissions path, can pursue a number of options including direct action to reduce emis-
sions by developing and implementing a climate change action plan, purchasing renewable pow-
er, setting and achieving goals for energy efficiency, purchasing efficient equipment for State and
municipal use, purchasing efficient vehicles for State and municipal transportation needs, adopting
policies to encourage employees to reduce their vehicle miles travelled (for example, encouraging
telecommuting and subsidizing use of public transport) and providing incentives for purchase of
low-emission vehicles.
There is also the issue of embedded energy in products. For example, the embedded
energy in the manufacture and disposal of a vehicle is in the range of 5-10 per cent of the energy
that it will consume during its operating life. Ideally, the emissions associated with manufacture and
disposal would be taken care of at the auto factory or recycled steel plant. In the absence of such a
Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift 53
y Replace 12 conventional electric bulbs with compact fluorescent lamps, thereby reduc-
ing a typical home electric bill by 3 per cent.
A part of the vast potential future markets for energy are people who are exclud-
ed from access either because of the lack of service or because the services are unaffordable.
The actual figure for those excluded, which includes the “energy-destitute”, varies substan-
tially between 1.6 billion (International Energy Agency, 2005 and 2008b) and 2 billion
people (Nakicenovic and others, 2000; and Goldemberg and others, 2000 and 2004). Most
of those excluded live in rural areas; about 260 million are estimated to be urban-dwellers
(International Energy Agency, 2005). Provision of access over the next two decades would
create a huge energy market, increasing the potential benefits from technological learn-
ing through much larger scale economies. In addition, this would be equitable and have a
highly positive effect in respect of creating new economic activities and development.
An average connection Assuming an average connection cost for those excluded at 1,000 dollars per
cost for those excluded household (Nakicenovic, 2009) yields global investment needs of some $25 billion per year
from energy access of 1,000
over the next 20 years. This is a huge sum for the poorest of the developing countries but
dollars per household
results in global investment it is a humble one in comparison with other financial flows. It pales beside the hundreds
needs of some $25 billion of billions pledged by many Governments of the countries members of the Organization
per year for Economic Cooperation and Development to rescue the financial sector, automotive
industry and many other sectors of the economy. In comparison, the cost of bringing 2 bil-
lion into the modern energy service system would appear to be a real bargain. Still, Official
Development Assistance (ODA) spent on energy is only about $4 billion annually, which
is about 4 per cent of total ODA, estimated at about $100 billion in 2007 (Tirpak and Ad-
ams, 2007). Therefore, connecting those excluded exceeds substantially the sums that the
developed regions are prepared to invest in energy development in the rest of the world.
Capacity expansion
Going beyond the immediate needs of the energy-destitute in scenarios of future energy
development, substantial improvement of energy services is assumed. Th is renders the
developing countries, with their large share of global population, the largest future energy
markets. Figure II.8A displays the cumulative installed capacity in the A2r scenario of
all power plants in industrialized countries (the North) and the developing countries (the
South) from 2010 to 2030 (Grübler, Nakicenovic and Riahi, 2007).
Capacity expansion in the Capacity expansion in the South is expected to be double that in the North
South is expected to be over the coming decades, demonstrating how significant growing energy markets will be
double that in the North
in the developing parts of the world. Capacity replacement is much larger in the North
over the coming decades
because of its huge existing stock of power plants and their substantial ageing. In business-
as-usual scenarios with continuous reliance on fossil energy, especially coal in the United
States, China, India and the Russian Federation among others, the total new capacity to
be installed is almost 50 terawatts electric (TWe) or at least 12 times the current global
installed capacity. Even under these scenarios, developing parts of the world would expand
installed renewable capacity through 2030 equivalent to that of all power plants in the
world today and half as much again as that in additional nuclear plants. The potential
improvements of this installed capacity are truly huge in the developing countries alone,
indicating important investment opportunities for the private sector. However, in this
scenario their impact in terms of climate mitigation would be dwarfed by the expansion
of traditional fuel sources.
Figure II.8B shows that this picture changes radically in respect of zero-emis-
sions power plants in the stabilization world even if they are based on the fossil-intensive
A2r scenario. Stabilization, even with the modest goal of 670 ppm CO2e by 2100, leads to
Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift 55
Figure II.8
Electrical capacity expansion and capacity replacement by 2030,
developing and industrialized countries
A. A2r scenario
Fossil Nuclear Renewables
Cumulative installed capacity (terawatts electric (TWe))
Industrialized countries
Developing countries
Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
expansion replacement expansion replacement
B. A2r-670 scenario
Cumulative installed capacity (terawatts electric (TWe))
Industrialized countries
15 Developing countries
Capacity Capacity Capacity Capacity
expansion replacement expansion replacement
Source: Grübler, Nakicenovic and Riahi (2007).
Notes: The figure illustrates electrical capacity expansion and capacity replacement by 2030 in the developed
countries (industrialized) and in developing countries in the reference A2r scenario (panel A) and in stabilization
at 670 ppm CO2-equivalent A2r-670 scenario (panel B). Capacity expansion refers to new power plants, while
replacement capacity refers to the power plants that are built in place of those that are to be retired between now
and 2030.
56 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
substantial restructuring, especially for the new power plants that shift so as to be based
predominantly on renewable energy sources and much more nuclear power. Here (and in
stabilization versions of the B1 scenario), we assume a universal global mitigation effort.
This could be based on minimum costs and free trade in carbon and other goods and
services. Alternatively, as discussed in the previous chapter, it could be pursued through a
more proactive policy.
The total capacity additions are somewhat lower owing to additional efficiency
improvements beyond those in the baseline A2r. Nevertheless, the capacity additions and
replacements are huge, especially of renewable and nuclear power plants. About 4TWe of
capacity expansion is foreseen in the developed parts of the world, with 2TWe as capacity
replacements. In the developing regions, the corresponding installations are about 6TWe of
capacity expansion and about 0.5TWe of capacity replacement. Together, over 12TWe of re-
newable and about 10TWe of nuclear power plants would be installed, or five and half times
more than the total installed capacity of all power plants in the world. The interesting feature
is that half of all of these plants would be built in the now developing parts of the world and
most of them as new capacity expansion and not as replacements of ageing power plants.
Leapfrogging by This leads to a number of considerations. First, there is a potential risk of lock-
developing countries in in the traditional technologies if the needed new capacities are not built with the best
to the most advanced
technologies. In other words, there is a huge incentive for the capital to be attracted to
technologies would
likely lead to large the newest technologies and for there to be free access extended to those in the currently
cost reductions developing parts of the world (for further discussion, see chap. V). Second, there are real
and performance possibilities in developing countries of leapfrogging to the most advanced technologies,
improvements as the market is huge and would likely lead to large cost reductions and performance
improvements (see also chap. IV). Third, there is obvious potential for a virtuous growth
circle (which also meets the climate challenge), in which a big public investment push in
mitigation action leads to the crowding in of private investment, technological upgrading
and productivity growth. This will require strong policy intervention.
There is a strong potential Figures II.9 and II.10 illustrate the shift towards decarbonization of electricity
incentive to invest in generation and primary energy with increasing stringency of climate stabilization goals.
developing countries,
Figure II.9 exhibits this trend for A2r and B1 scenarios for electricity generation and figure
assuming appropriate
institutional and financing II.10 does the same for the total primary energy. With increasing stringency of stabiliza-
arrangements tion, there is a significant shift towards decarbonization and increasing investment in
carbon-free and carbon-saving technologies. As we have seen above, the largest growing
market for these technologies is in the now developing parts of the world (the South). This
means not only that increasing financing needs to be secured for these critical investments,
but also that most of the induced technological learning, and thus cost reductions, is likely
to occur in these regions. In other words, there is a strong potential incentive to invest
there, assuming appropriate institutional and financing arrangements.
Feed-in tariffs
A feed-in tariff (FIT) is a policy that obligates utility companies to “feed into” the grid
and purchase, at a legally mandated price (or “tariff ”), energy generated by any individual
or organization from renewable sources. Tariffs are the rates paid per kilowatt-hour for
electricity. Thus, feed-in tariffs are the tariffs or rates paid per kilowatt-hour of electricity
generation fed into, or sold to, the grid.
FITs constitute one of the array of policy options available to Governments for
inducing investments in renewable energy. The other options are (a) renewable portfolio
Climate mitigation and the energy challenge: a paradigm shift 57
Figure II.9
Share of carbon-free in electricity generation
in the A2r scenario (A) and the B1 scenario (B)
A. Share of carbon-free in electricity generation in A2r (percentage)
10 2030
1430 1390 1090 970 820 670 590 520 480 450
Parts per million by volume (ppmv) of CO2
50 2100
830 670 590 520 480 450
Parts per million by volume (ppmv) of CO2
Figure II.10
Share of carbon-free in primary energy mix
in the A2r scenario (A) and the B1 scenario (B)
A. Share of carbon-free in primary energy mix in A2r (percentage)
10 2030
1430 1390 1090 970 820 670 590 520 480 450
Parts per million by volume (ppmv) of CO2
50 2100
830 670 590 520 480 450
Parts per million by volume (ppmv) of CO2
standards (RFPs), which require utility companies to supply a mandated share of electric-
ity from renewable sources; (b) price-based mechanisms, which raise the price of carbon-
based energy, for example, through a carbon tax or a cap-and-trade system; and (c) direct
or indirect support for the renewable sector, for example, through allocation of funds for
research and development, provision of subsidized credit or land, or even direct public
involvement in renewable energy investments.
There is considerable overlap among the various policy options. For example,
other forms of support for renewables often accompany FITs. Similarly, cap-and-trade
systems are often implemented through RFPs. In some cases, like that of California, FITs
were used for implementing a RFP scheme. In practice, FITs have proved to be far more
successful at producing verifiable results (Mendonca 2007, Gipe 2009).
FITs have been used for over two decades and are now on the books in at least
45 countries or States across the world. The state of the art has also evolved over time. The
one that has received the most favourable attention is the advanced renewable tariff (ART),
deployed initially in Germany and now utilized in several other countries and regions.
In terms of history, FITs had first been developed in the United States of
America under the aegis of the Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act (PURPA), a part of
the National Energy Act of 1978, which allowed connection of renewable generators to the
grid and specified that they should be paid for the cost of generation that they avoided. In
response, different States developed contractual arrangements, called “standard offer con-
tracts”, which were offered to renewable generators. Specifically, in 1984, the California
Public Utility Commission instituted Standard Offer No. 4, which fi xed the amount to
be paid per kilowatt-hour for a long period (generally 10 years, over a 30-year contractual
period). This fi xed tariff was estimated on the basis of the long-term avoided cost of con-
ventional generation.
For this reason, Standard Offer No. 4 is often perceived as representing the first
instance of a successful FIT. It resulted in the establishment of 1,200 megawatts (MW) of
new wind generation plants by the mid to late 1980s, which have consistently contributed
about 1 per cent of California’s consumption for more than two decades. However, Stan-
dard Offer contracts were offered only up until 1984 before the collapse of oil prices.
Germany had implemented its Stromeinspeisungsgesetz (StrEG), literally, the
law on feeding in electricity to the grid, in 1991. Germany based its tariffs upon a fraction
of the retail rate (that is to say, the price at which electricity was sold to consumers), not
the wholesale rate (that is to say, the cost at which utilities purchased electricity from other
generators). In Germany, consumption taxes constitute a large fraction of the ultimate
retail price of electricity. Wind energy and solar energy were paid 90 per cent of the retail
rate and hydroelectric plants were paid 80 per cent of the retail rate.
However, these rates too were not sufficiently stable to attract adequate financ-
ing. This was corrected in Germany in 2000 by the stipulation that renewable sources of
electricity would have priority access to the grid for a host of environmental, social and
economic reasons. It also set different tariffs for different technological options (based
on the respective cost of generation plus a reasonable profit) and guaranteed them for 20
years. Many developing countries have followed this model, comprising so-called Ad-
vanced Renewable Tariffs, since it corresponds with standard practice in respect of other
private electricity plants.
In the case of residential rooftop solar photovoltaic (PV), for example Ger-
many’s 2004 law offers € 0.57/kWh (~US$ 0.75/kWh), which is a much higher figure than
that for other sources. The Canadian Province of Ontario recently revised its laws for the
60 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
services. In all cases, this means a vigorous improvement of energy efficiencies, from sup-
ply to end use, expanding shares of renewables, more natural gas and less coal, vigorous
deployment of carbon capture and storage, and—in some cases, where it is socially accept-
able and economically viable—also nuclear energy. All of these transformational changes
in the energy system need to be empowered by vigorous RD&D efforts, investments,
removal of barriers, provision of information and capacity-building (including know-how
and know-why).
Current energy RD&D trends are unfortunately moving in the opposite di-
rection. Public expenditures in OECD countries have declined to some $8 billion from
about $12 billion two decades ago, while private expenditures have declined to $4.5 bil-
lion compared with almost $8 billion a decade ago (International Energy Agency, 2008a).
This means that today we are investing barely about $2 per person in the world per year
in energy-related RD&D activities. Many studies indicate that this needs to increase by at
least a factor of 2–3 in order to enable the transition towards new and advanced technolo-
gies in the energy systems (Bierbaum and others, 2007). However, it should be noted that
Finland, Japan and Switzerland represent important exceptions, with substantially higher
public and private energy RD&D efforts.
All told, RD&D efforts need to be tripled and energy investments at least
doubled in order to assure the timely replacement of energy technologies and infrastruc-
tures (see chaps. V and VI).
A more sustainable future requires large “upfront” investments. The required investments
are likely to exceed a trillion dollars per year from now to 2030, or at least twice the current
level of investments, with most of the requirements coming from developing parts of the
world. Achieving a transition towards more sustainable development paths will also require
substantial and complementary investment in energy RD&D.
The great benefit of these additional investments in a future characterized by
carbon-leaner energy systems and a more sustainable development path is that in the long
run (to 2050 and beyond), the investments would be substantially lower compared with
the business-as-usual alternatives. The reason is that the cumulative nature of technologi-
cal change translates the early investment in a carbon-leaner future into lower costs of the
energy systems in the long run, along with the co-benefits of stabilization.
This all points to the need for radical change in energy policies in order to as-
sure that the investment effort will be adequate in our common future and to promote ac-
celerated technological change in the energy system and end use. The global financial and
economic crisis offers a unique opportunity to invest in new technologies and practices
that would generate both employment and affluence as well as pave the way for a more sus-
tainable future with lower rates of climate change. The crisis of the “old” offers a historic
opportunity to sow the seeds of the “new”.
Chapter III
The adaptation challenge
The previous chapters have argued that rising living standards in developing countries
need not jeopardize efforts to stabilize global emissions, reverse the threat of dangerous
global warming or avert catastrophic environmental damage. It is clear, however, that the
development path followed by today’s rich industrialized countries can no longer serve as
a model for catch-up growth. Rather, powering industrial expansion, rapid urbanization
and population growth in the developing world will require a big push into cleaner and
more efficient technologies, above all in the production and consumption of energy. This
will require a transformative public policy agenda and a massive redirection of investment,
at both the national and international levels.
But even if policymakers can quickly undertake the transition to a low- Rising global temperatures
emissions growth path, rising global temperatures are unavoidable and will bring serious will, in the coming decades,
environmental damage, through spreading drought conditions, a rising sea level, ice-sheet threaten and destroy
economic livelihoods,
and snow-cover melting, and the occurrence of extreme weather events. These phenomena
in particular of already
will, in the coming decades, threaten and destroy economic livelihoods around the vulnerable populations
globe, in particular of already vulnerable populations, including in developed countries.
The scientific community is becoming increasingly alarmed about the potential scale of
environmental damage from what it previously considered manageable changes in global
temperatures (Adam, 2009a). The threats to livelihoods and security are, correspondingly,
likely to be all the greater.
For many developing countries, environmental constraints and shocks are al- A warming world is set
ready part of a vicious development cycle, which traps them at a low level of income, un- to become an even more
dermines their resource base and restricts their capacity to build resilience with respect to unequal world
future shocks (United Nations, 2008). The constraints and shocks are sure to become even
more challenging with global warming. Poor health-care systems, lack of infrastructure,
weakly diversified economies, missing institutions and soft governance structures expose
poorer countries and communities not just to potentially catastrophic large-scale disasters
but also to a more permanent state of economic stress from higher average temperatures,
reduced water sources, more frequent flooding and intensified windstorms. These stresses
will likely increase the risks of food and income insecurity, further exposing thereby the
inadequate levels of health care, sanitation, shelter and social infrastructures.
Adapting to climate change will have to be a central component of any compre-
hensive and inclusive climate agenda. Several funds have been set up, at the international
level, to finance adaptation measures in developing countries, but these are woefully inad-
equate for meeting the challenges involved. Scaling up these funds is the first challenge in
the adaptation agenda. There is also greater awareness among domestic policymakers of the
growing threats from climate change, as well as harder thinking about coping strategies
and adaptation programmes. Still, adaptation is seen primarily as an environmental issue
and there is a tendency to compartmentalize climate change policies and isolate them in
environmental ministries. This constitutes the second big challenge in the adaptation agen-
da (Ahmad, 2009). Adaptation has to be understood not just as a development challenge,
but as one that can be solved only with the full backing of the international community.
64 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Increased investment, But even when adaptation measures have been linked to a development strat-
improved access to egy, the tendency has been to focus either on poverty alleviation (and thereby view the pol-
finance and strengthened
icy challenge as entailing the promotion of stronger safety nets and innovative insurance
institutional capacity are
at the heart of confronting mechanisms for vulnerable groups and sectors) or on business opportunities (by strength-
the adaptation challenge in ening climate-related markets). These actions have a role in a more integrated strategy
most developing countries but they cannot frame it. Rather, the present chapter argues that increased investment,
improved access to finance and strengthened regulations and institutional capacity are, as
in the case of the mitigation challenge, at the heart of confronting the adaptation chal-
lenge in most developing countries. Indeed, synergies between adaptation and mitigation
strategies need to be explored much more fully, as an integral part of low-emissions, high-
growth development pathways in countries vulnerable to climate change and shocks.
The next section looks at the growing climatic threats that are likely to accom-
pany a warming world, the need to address these threats from a development perspective
and the limits of existing approaches. This is followed by a more detailed examination of the
threats to rural and urban communities and the more systemic risks associated with health
and sanitation, the big challenge for policymakers stemming from the fact that these threats
are often interrelated and, more often than not, compound existing vulnerabilities in poorer
countries and communities. Some elements of a smarter and more integrated approach to the
adaptation challenge are then set out. The final section emphasizes that this challenge will
require the full support of the international community—support that, to date, has not been
forthcoming on a scale that is anywhere close to being adequate, much less effective.
Figure III.1
Rising temperatures and vulnerabilities in the Australasian region
Water security
Coastal communities
Energy security
Major infrastructure
Health: heat-related deaths
Agriculture and forestry
Food security
Natural ecosystems
Sustainable development
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Source: UN/DESA, based on
Temperature rise (o C) Intergovernmental Panel
on Climate Change (2007c),
Coping range Adaptive capacity Vulnerability chap. 11, figure 11.4.
66 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box III.1
The multiple threats to livelihoods from climate change:
the Andean case
The impacts of climate change are cumulative and are closely linked to other vulnerabilities, often in
a dangerously reinforcing manner. This is clearly illustrated by the accelerated melting of mountain
glaciers, which are a critical source of livelihoods for about 500 million people worldwide and essential
contributors to regional and global biodiversity (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c).
Most of the world’s tropical glaciers are located in the Andean mountains of Peru, the
Plurinational State of Bolivia and Ecuador, where melting threatens the water supply and livelihoods
of at least 30 million people. Over one fifth of the surface of 18 mountain glaciers in Peru has already
melted over the past 35 years, while most of the lower-altitude Andean glaciers are expected to
diminish substantively during the next 10-20 years.
Direct impacts of this trend are being felt in large cities in the region, which depend
on glacial run-offs for their water supply. Quito draws 50 per cent of its water supply from the glacial
basin, and La Paz, 30 per cent. The loss in volume of the glacier surface of Peru, equivalent to 7,000
million cubic metres of water (about 10 years of water supply for Lima), has meant a reduction by
12 per cent of the water flow to the country’s coastal region, which is home to 60 per cent of the
population of Peru.
As glaciers retreat, the capacity to regulate water supply through run-offs during dry
and warmer periods and to store water in the form of ice during wet and colder periods is being lost.
Notably, with the increasing scarcity of water supply, agriculture and power generation are also at
Source: “Retracting glacier risk. Without sufficient run-offs, pasture land upon which to raise livestock and continue small farm-
impacts economic outlook ing (including, for example, alpaca and sheep herding) will be insufficient. As the cultivation of native
in the tropical Andes”, tubers and other staples, for example, potatoes and quinoa, is likely to dwindle, farmers may have to
a highlight of the 2007
resort to planting costly staples that need chemical fertilizers.
World Bank report on the
impacts of climate change Moreover, most Andean countries are also dependent on the glaciers for hydroelectric
in Latin America, available power generation, which accounts for 50 per cent of the energy supply in the Plurinational State of Bo-
at livia and 70 per cent or more in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru. With rising temperatures, energy genera-
PVZHO48WT0 (accessed 20 tion will be diminished in areas where water basins depend on glaciers. This will, inter alia, increase the
April 2009). need to invest in additional power capacity and explore, as in Peru, thermal-based power options.
risk.2 The extreme case of sea-level rise puts the existence of entire countries, in particular
small island developing States, at risk (see box III.2; and Huq and others, 2007).
The number of displaced The same environmental change and shocks will have, of course, different im-
persons in developing pacts, depending on the level and sophistication of the adaptive capacities that countries
countries will be several
and communities can muster.3 When developed countries are exposed to environmental
times higher than the
number in developed shocks, they can draw on financial resources and institutional strengths that enable them
countries to bounce back and bolster their resilience with respect to future impacts (Leary and oth-
ers, 2008a). This is not the case in most developing countries. For instance, the areas of
dryland and wetland losses in developing countries resulting from the same sea-level rise
could be approximately 1.5 times larger than those in developed countries by 2100, while
the number of displaced persons in the former (4 million) will be several times higher than
that in the latter, and the protection cost will also be higher in developing countries (see
figure III.2).
2 Updated information on ice and glacier melting can be obtained from World Meteorological
Organization-International Council of Scientific Unions (2009), available at
images/uploads/IPY_State_of_Polar_Research_EN_web.pdf; and at
3 The term “adaptive capacities” covers a range of practices which include, inter alia, readiness
to deal with climatic changes and shocks, resilience in the face of shocks, responsiveness to the
damages that do occur, and recovery once the crisis is over.
The adaptation challenge 67
Box III.2
In the face of the storm: extreme
vulnerability to climate change
Climate change may pose the greatest threat to the world’s small island developing States and many
of the least developed countries. These countries have contributed the least to overall greenhouse gas
emissions.a However, owing to low levels of gross national income per capita, low levels of human re- a For instance, the
source development, severe structural weaknesses and a narrow resource base, they are also the most combined average annual
vulnerable to, and have the least adaptive capacity to deal with, the impact of climate change. CO2 emissions of small
Global warming contributes to a steady rise in sea level: by the end of the twenty-first island developing States and
least developed countries
century, sea levels are expected to have risen by between 0.19 and 0.58 metres (Intergovernmental amounted to less than 1.3
Panel on Climate Change, 2007c), though a number of climate models indicate that there will be per cent of the global total
geographical variations. The consequences of such a rise are potentially devastating. Indeed, while for the period 2000-2004,
sea-level rise poses a real existential threat to many cities and entire countries, which may potentially and were exceeded by
find large parts of their surface being permanently inundated and submerged, the threat is particu- those of France alone.
larly real to low-lying small island developing States which may be submerged completely. This could
result in large-scale migration (see also box III.3).
Climate change is dramatically affecting weather patterns in many areas. Evidence in-
dicates that the number of storms of category 4 or 5 has increased globally since 1970. Among small
island developing States, there has already been a noticeable increase in the number of reported
natural disasters over the past decades (see figure). In fact, small island developing States are con-
sidered to be the country group most vulnerable to the effects of climate change (Heger, Julca and
Paddison, 2009).
Another issue requiring urgent attention is the impact of global warming on exist-
ing freshwater sources. In many coral atoll countries, freshwater is available from extremely fragile
groundwater lenses that are dependent on rainfall; already less than half the population of Kiribati
40 Floods
Frequency (number per year)
Source: UN/DESA, based
on statistics obtained from
0 EM-DAT: Emergency Events
Many poorer countries and populations will not have the capacities to deal
with the damage triggered by warmer temperatures even below the 2º C threshold. Small
increases in sea level, the rate of ice-sheet melting, the length of droughts, and the intensity
of storms could all prove catastrophic for some countries and communities with limited
response capacity. The threats will only further intensify as climate variability becomes
the norm and hard-to-predict extreme events become more frequent. For some communi-
ties, the climate threat already seems too close and too daunting to allow for measured
responses (see box III.3).
In addition to adding new threats and intensifying existing ones, climate
change can also be expected to multiply the challenges facing vulnerable communities by
compounding interrelated threats (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c).
For instance, the number of outbreaks of tropical diseases is likely to be larger in areas
experiencing an increased incidence of heatwaves, leading to the extension of drought-
prone areas, while the incidence of water-related diseases is likely to rise in areas with an
increased incidence of floods. Increased hurricane activity will also lead to an increase in
respiratory diseases (for example, influenza), in particular when emergency shelter is in-
adequate and in areas with little or no medical assistance. The well-being of people whose
main sources of livelihood are lost as a result of these threats, particularly people belonging
to vulnerable groups such as children, older persons and women, will be further jeopar-
dized by food insecurity, inadequate shelter and health deterioration.
The recent winter drought in northern China provides an example of the va-
riety of direct and indirect threats to livelihoods and the compounding effects of those
threats that can be triggered by climatic shocks. As a consequence of the absence of rain
and snow since November 2008, China’s Ministry of Water Resources reported in early
February 2009 that about 3.7 million people and 1.9 million large animals had limited
access to drinking water in northern China, while reduced soil moisture had indirectly af-
fected an estimated 9.7 million hectares of crops, representing 43 per cent of winter wheat
The adaptation challenge 69
Figure III.2
Differential adaptive capacities to global sea-level rise, developed and developing countries, 2000-2100
Developing countries
1 000 5 1 000
Billions of US dollars
People (millions)
0.7 2
0.6 1 1
Dryland loss 1
Wetland loss Land losses
Population displaced Protection costs
Sea level (metres)
0.1 0 0.1
100 100
Billions of US dollars
People (millions)
10 10
1 Dryland loss 1
Wetland losses
Land losses
Population displaced Protection costs
-0.1 0 0.1
Source: Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007c).
sources.4 The scarcity of water resources and the reduction in crop harvesting are likely to
increase food insecurity and also add to health risks, including that posed by the greater
susceptibility of water-stressed birds to avian flu.5
4 See
5 Again, compounding threats will not be limited to poorer countries. The recent collision of economic
and environmental risks in California’s Central Valley has led to a surge in unemployment rates and
food prices and in the number of large areas that are being left fallow. According to McKinley (2009):
(The United States of America’s) biggest agricultural engine, California’s sprawling Central Valley is
being battered by the recession like farmland most everywhere. But in an unlucky strike of nature,
the downturn is being deepened by a severe drought that threatens to drive up joblessness, increase
food prices and cripple farms and towns. Across the valley, towns are already seeing some of the
worst unemployment in the country, with rates three or four times the national average … With
fewer checks to cash, even check-cashing businesses have failed, as have thrift stores, ice cream
parlors and hardware stores.
70 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box III.3
Relocation: desperate measures?
In December 2008, the Executive Secretary of the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change said in a press conference that relocation as undertaken by populations of small island devel-
oping States was “depressing” and showed that they were “giving up”. But is relocation an option only
for those who have lost faith, or is it a realistic solution which should have already been considered
by now?
At the sixtieth session of the United Nations General Assembly, in 2005, the President of
Kiribati mentioned the need for nations to seriously consider the option of relocation: the “ultimate
form of adaptation to climate change” (Loughry and McAdam, 2008). In late 2008, the President of
Maldives proposed buying land overseas to resettle the population. These small islands are aware of
their vulnerability to sea-level rise and are taking their future seriously. Other areas may not perceive
the threat as directly, but may be just as vulnerable.
Would it be possible, for instance, to simply move a coastal city inland? What would
the implications be for the surrounding communities, the peri-urban landscape and ecosystems? If
island residents are considering abandoning their lands, the concept of relocating an entire city is
not totally outlandish. However, research on recovery processes following disasters shows that even
when new housing settlements are built in new locations, people tend to return to their previous
home, even if it is “high risk”. There are a number of factors to account for this, but they are usually
related to livelihood necessities, mobility and social connections.
How does relocation relate to migration, and how might these processes conflict? Mi-
gration requires making decisions that involve risk, because people give up their livelihoods to look
for better opportunities. Some specialists predict that the magnitude of the flow of environmental
refugees as a consequence of climate change will multiply in the next decades, to as much as 75
million by 2030 (Global Humanitarian Forum, 2009), and in consequence urge nations to take preven-
tive measures and strengthen international cooperation for better management of migration flows.
In fact, the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) (2008) noted that
little thought had been given to the humanitarian consequences of climate change and cautioned
against the possibility of relocation, especially as a result of:
y Hydro-meteorological disasters (flooding, windstorms, mudslides, etc.)
y Zones designated by Governments as being too high-risk and dangerous for human
y Environmental degradation and slow-onset disaster (for example, reduction of water
availability, desertification, recurrent flooding, salinization of coastal zones, etc.)
y The case of “sinking” small island States;
y Armed conflict triggered by a decrease in essential resources (for example, water, food)
due to climate change.
Guiding Principles on Internal Displacement, which could help facilitate movement, do
exist, as well as other frameworks to support the equitable treatment of displaced persons. However,
as noted by UNHCR (2008), climate change may put a strain on these frameworks. It may be neces-
sary therefore to reconsider more formally how displaced groups, including cities, would be treated,
especially if they were undertaking relocation as a precautionary rather than as a reactive strategy
(Schipper, 2009).
and their effects will inevitably involve large investments to protect existing activities and
livelihoods and to facilitate adjustments in respect of livelihoods aimed at limiting the
potential damage, coping with the consequences and even exploiting potential opportuni-
ties (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c). Such adjustments can emerge
spontaneously as individuals and communities respond to repeated shocks or incremental
changes in their surrounding environment. However—and particularly when the changes
are on a larger scale—it is deliberate policy decisions and public action, based on research
by the scientific community, assessment of previous crisis episodes and consultations with
local residents and grass-root groups that have been threatened by environmental changes,
that will constitute the basis of lasting solutions.
The burden of adjusting to the growing threats from climate change will be a Countries that are the
particularly heavy one for populations that are already challenged by multiple vulnerabili- most vulnerable to
climatic shocks often find
ties associated with low levels of economic and human development. Poorer countries and
themselves trapped in a
communities with poor health care, lack of infrastructure, weakly diversified economies, vicious circle
missing institutions and soft governance structures may be exposed not just to potentially
catastrophic large-scale disasters but also to a more permanent state of economic stress as a
result of higher average temperatures, reduced availability of water sources, more frequent
flooding and intensified windstorms. These stresses will likely increase the risks of food
and income insecurity, further exposing inadequate levels of health care, sanitation, shelter
and social infrastructures (Oxfam International, 2007). Thus, countries that are the most
vulnerable to climatic shocks often find themselves trapped in a vicious circle of economic
insecurity, persistent poverty, vulnerability to shocks and inadequate capacity to cope with
those shocks (United Nations, 2008).
For many developing countries, breaking this vicious circle is at the heart of Constraints on mobilizing
the adaptation challenge. The magnitude of the challenge is already familiar from experi- the resources needed
ence with climate-related disasters, as is the difficulty of judging how much of the result- remain binding for poor
ing impacts can be attributed to “normal” economic as opposed to “abnormal” climate countries, preventing them
from investing in effective
factors (Datt and Hoogeveen, 2003). To recognize this difficulty is at the same time to adaptation responses
underscore the interrelated nature of climatic and development-related pressures in the ad-
aptation challenge. In addition to the fact that the scale of the damage can often be much
larger than that of the resources available to provide suitable protection, what is also clear
from the experience with climate-related disasters is that the constraints on mobilizing the
resources needed remain binding for poor countries, preventing them from investing in
effective adaptation responses.
But even when developing countries have broken this vicious circle and entered a
period of more sustained growth, vulnerability to shocks, both internal and external, remains
a persistent concern for policymakers. Poor neighbourhoods in growing economies, includ-
ing in developed countries, are more at risk from shocks, including climatic shocks, because
they have fewer coping resources and are inadequately served by day-to-day services, which
are taken for granted in areas that are more affluent (Dodman, Ayers and Huq, 2009).6
In responding to the adaptation challenge, policymakers can draw usefully Local circumstances and
on experiences with adjusting to exogenous economic shocks in developing countries. capacities have a profound
influence on outcomes and
Perhaps the single most important conclusion that emerges from a careful examination of
policy responses should be
those experiences is that local circumstances and capacities have a profound influence on tailored accordingly
outcomes and that policy responses should be tailored accordingly. However, some more
general lessons can also be drawn of which three, in particular, stand out:
6 Vulnerability due to inequalities is a problem not only in developing countries, however, as became
apparent from the experience with hurricane Katrina in 2005 (see Guidry and Margolis, 2005).
72 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
• If countries are left to make the adjustment themselves, they will likely be
forced to squeeze down incomes, which would result in a prolonged and de-
stabilizing adjustment process, increasing poverty levels, damaging long-term
growth prospects and adding to further vulnerabilities
• Economies that are more diversified (both structurally and spatially) tend to
show greater resilience with respect to external shocks and recover more quick-
ly, as do economies that are strongly integrated both internally and externally
• Societies with greater equality are better able to manage shocks by distributing
the burden of adjustment and avoiding the possibly dangerous conflicts that
adjustment can trigger.
Economic development is Adapting to climate change is also very much a local challenge which will
the most reliable insurance require strategies and mechanisms that are tailored to differing circumstances and initial
against the adverse impact
adaptive capacity (Yohe and Moss, 2000). There is no one-size-fits-all strategy to deal
of climate change
with the adaptation challenge. Still, in general terms, economic development is the most
reliable insurance against the adverse impact of climate change (United Nations, 2008).
On the whole, populations that have access to adequate food, clean water, health care and
education are better prepared to deal with a variety of shocks, including those arising from
climate change. Access to adequate resources with which to invest in adaptive capacity, in-
cluding human and social capital, determines how resilient countries and communities are
likely to be in the face of climate change and variability. In addition, access to technologies
and know-how will play an important role in strengthening adaptive capacity. In respect
of all these factors, the ability of decision makers to mobilize and manage resources and
to engage in difficult trade-offs involving their use will be an essential component of the
response to the adaptation challenge.
Food security remains a There are still many developing countries that, remaining heavily dependent on
basic challenge, particularly natural resources-related activities, are likely to be seriously threatened by projected climate
where agriculture is
changes (Leary and others, 2008b). Communities and countries that primarily produce and
dominated by smallholder
production, productivity is export low value added agricultural goods and primary commodities are typically found at
low and support services the lower end of the development ladder and face some of the greatest development-related
are poorly developed risks, including small market size, heavy import dependence, low technological capacity,
etc.7 Food security remains a basic challenge, particularly where agriculture is dominated
by smallholder production, productivity is low and support services are poorly developed.
The failure to provide more stable livelihoods under these conditions remains a basic policy
challenge and one certain to be compounded by climatic changes.
However, many developing countries are undergoing the transition to more
urban and economically diversified economies and must often cope with new risks and
interrelated shocks, as is apparent in the current economic crisis. By 2030, it is estimated that
60 per cent of the world’s population will reside in urban areas, compared with 47 per cent in
2000 (United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2008).8 Moreover,
cities matter now more than ever, as even predominantly rural nations generally derive more
than half of their gross domestic product (GDP) from industry and service enterprises, most
of which are based in urban areas (Satterthwaite, 2007). Cities also serve as hubs for the
stimulation of national and regional growth and are “key nodes of the globalization process”
7 Of the estimated 3 billion people living in rural areas in developing countries alone, 2.5 billion are
involved in agriculture.
8 Although developing countries are associated with rural landscapes, many actually boast high
urbanization rates. For instance, in Africa already two fifths of the continent’s inhabitants are
urban (United Nations, 2006).
The adaptation challenge 73
(Sanchez-Rodriguez, Fragkias and Solecki, 2008). The policy challenges accompanying this
transition are often compounded by acute levels of insecurity and inequality, as new urban
residents oftentimes find themselves forgoing the minimal levels of protection offered in
rural communities without adequate (or often any) Government support.
Overall, in the absence of more effective adaptation strategies, the vulnerabil-
ity differentiating rich and poor countries as well as the rich and poor communities within
countries will likely deepen in the face of rising global temperatures. This is a concern for
the international community not only in its own right but also because of the fact that, in
an increasingly divided and unequal world, agreement on an international framework for
tackling climate change is likely to be all the more difficult to achieve.
PRSPs are unlikely to provide the framework for meeting the adaptation chal-
lenges facing most developing countries in a warming world. Rather, developing countries
have to develop new policies that build robust links among investments, growth and di-
versification which will allow them to make progressive adjustments to climatic changes
and to strengthen national resilience with respect to climatic shocks.
Figure III.3
Differentiated regional impacts at various degrees of average global temperature rise
2-5 per cent decrease of 5-12 per cent decrease Crop yield
wheat and maize in India of rice in China potential
Additional people
Asia Up to 2 million Up to 7 million at risk of coastal
0.1 billion-1.2 billion 0.2 billion - 1.0 billion Additional people with increased water stress
warming and a general increase in rainfall are likely to lead to increases in crop productivity
in Europe, particularly as some crops that are traditionally grown in Southern Europe
will become viable further north. Moreover, the area suitable for grain production could
potentially increase in Europe by 30–50 per cent by the end of the twenty-first century
and aggregate yields of rain-fed agriculture could increase by up to 20 per cent in North
America (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c).10 However, while
agriculture in rich countries stands to benefit from climate change, it is not obvious that
the actual gains will be significant as their agricultural sectors continue to shrink and more
land is put to non-agricultural use.
… while in developing Overall, in developing countries, the impact will be more uniformly negative.
countries, the impact will In addition, the greater reliance on agriculture, and the particular vulnerability of small-
be more uniformly negative
scale producers, often occupying marginal lands, limit their ability to deal with even small
and in many African
countries, yields could drop changes and fluctuations. In many developing regions, growing seasons will shorten, areas
by up to 50 per cent suitable for agriculture will decline and land degradation will intensify. Th is will be the
case especially along the margins of semi-arid and arid areas, severely restricting agricul-
tural output (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c). Moreover, heat-related
plant stresses will contribute to reduced yields in key crops, such as wheat, rice, maize and
potatoes. It is estimated that basic crop growing capacity will have dropped by 10–20 per
cent by 2080 in the 40 poorest countries (predominantly located in tropical Africa) ow-
ing to drought alone (Kotschi, 2007), while in many African countries, yields could drop
by up to 50 per cent by 2020, with small-scale farmers being the most affected. Likewise,
extreme wind and turbulence could, for instance, decrease fish productivity by 50-60 per
cent in countries like Angola, the Congo, Côte d’Ivoire, Mali, Mauritania, the Niger,
Senegal and Sierra Leone (Alcadi, Mathur and Rémy, 2009).
Scarcity of freshwater Food security and rural livelihoods are closely linked to water availability and
already threatens use (Ludi, 2009). Scarcity of freshwater already threatens livelihoods linked to agriculture
livelihoods linked to
and forestry in an estimated 40 per cent of rural areas worldwide and the heightened
agriculture and forestry in
an estimated 40 per cent of threat from climate change introduces the risk of far greater damage, thereby increasing
rural areas worldwide the likelihood of social conflict and triggering large-scale migration. There is the likeli-
hood of salinization of rivers caused by rising sea levels which further increases freshwater
stress (see annex, for estimated climate change impacts on Africa).
Moreover, where irrigation is to a large degree absent and reliance on rain-fed
crops is high, and lack of agricultural inputs such as fertilizers, herbicides and insecti-
cides is present as a factor contributing to low yields, as is the case in many developing
economies, climate change can potentially have disastrous consequences in terms of food
security. In Mali, for instance, the proportion of the population at risk for hunger could
increase from 34 to over 70 per cent by the 2050s (Butt and others, 2005).
Forests cover approximately 30 per cent of the global land surface and are a
source of livelihoods for 1.6 billion people (close to 25 per cent of the world’s population),
providing food, fuel for cooking and heating, medicine, shelter and clothing (Food and
Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004). However, only an estimated 5 per
cent—largely forest plantations—of the global forest area provides more than one third
of commercial global roundwood (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007c),
although that share appears set to accelerate over the coming decades. In many rural sub-
Saharan African communities, non-timber forest products supply over 50 per cent of a
farmer’s cash income and provide for the health needs of more than 80 per cent of the
population (Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2004).
10 Provided that temperature changes are not “too” high (see note 9 above).
The adaptation challenge 77
Urban environments
The United Nations estimates that more than half of the world’s population already live
in urban areas; and it is expected that the proportion of city dwellers in world population
will have risen to three quarters by 2050, with almost all of the growth occurring in the
developing world. Urbanization is a major driver of climate change and climate change
will also have a significant impact on urban environments, adding a dangerous feedback
loop to growing urban stresses.
Much of the urbanization in developing countries is unplanned and poses The most obvious
massive challenges, even without taking heightened climatic threats into account. These additional threat from
climate change to coastal
include health problems linked to air pollution and high population density, problems
cities is posed by
associated with transportation and inadequate infrastructure, personal safety problems sea-level rises
linked to high levels of criminal activity and generally deficient access to and deficient
provision of social services. Climate change is likely to exaggerate all these problems.
As noted earlier, the most obvious additional threat from climate change, particularly to
coastal cities, is posed by sea-level rises (Nicholls and others, 2007). Already, 13 per cent of
the world’s urban population live in low-elevation coastal zones (defined as being less than
10 metres above sea level) and two thirds of cities with more than 5 million inhabitants
are located in such zones; and 21 of the 33 cities that are projected to have a population
of 8 million or more by 2015 will be located in vulnerable coastal zones (United Nations
Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), 2007).
While the long-run challenge of sea-level rise presents a particular risk to cer-
tain areas, coping with an increased incidence of natural hazards poses a more immedi-
ate challenge. Tackling this challenge, however, requires greater understanding of what
greater climate variability means for existing infrastructure and what sort of new and ad-
ditional risks it will pose for urban-dwellers. For instance, unplanned urban settlements,
in particular slum dwellings, often materialize in high-risk areas, such as river banks and
unstable hill slopes. While the dwellers in such slums might manage to cope with occa-
sional shocks, more frequent flooding of greater magnitude would likely bring disruption,
pushing them to resettle elsewhere. Given that they were already living in an undesirable
location, chances are that they would be pushed further down the poverty ladder and that
their exposure to climate change would also likely increase (Schipper, 2009).
In the absence of any forward-planning strategy, an estimated 1 billion inhab- An estimated 1 billion urban
itants are already at risk from hydro-meteorological hazards and it is predicted that the inhabitants are at risk from
hydro-meteorological hazards
figure will have increased to 1.4 billion people by 2020 (United Nations Human Settle-
and the figure will have
ments Programme (UN-Habitat), 2007). More frequent and more intense rainfall will, for increased to 1.4 billion by 2020
78 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
instance, increase the risk from landslides and the threat from water inundation. In fact,
while poor drainage is already a serious issue in many cities, particularly in developing
countries (Satterthwaite, 2007), climate change increases the likelihood of flooding and
increases the risk of disease.
Interconnected threats are likely to intensify with rapid urbanization. Part of
that intensification will reflect increased migration from rural areas, as agricultural liveli-
hoods are hit by climate change. Such inflows will increase the pressure on urban services
and water resources, infrastructure and urban ecosystems, which will thereby in turn ex-
acerbate the vulnerability of urban settlements to direct climate change impacts. Greater
levels of inequality often characterize urban societies, which often also have weaker social
networks and informal support schemes, making them more vulnerable to shocks than so-
cieties in rural areas (Moser, Gauhurts and Gonhan, 1994; Pelling, 2003). Climate change
and urban environments are thus intrinsically linked, highlighting the importance of ad-
dressing climate change through an integrated approach to adaptation.
Warmer temperatures will also affect diseases transmitted by insects and other Higher temperatures are
vectors as temperature affects their survival and biting rates, and determines the rates of increasing the risks of
malaria among high-
reproduction of parasites within them. Higher temperatures are already increasing the
altitude populations that
risks of transmission of the most severe forms of malaria among high-altitude populations lack immunity against such
that lack immunity against such diseases (Bouma, Dye and van der Kaay, 1996; Pascual diseases
and others, 2006).
The most immediate effect of climate change on health and well-being is likely
to be a function of the availability of water. It is estimated that one quarter of the popula-
tion in Africa (about 200 million people) experience water stress (Ludi, 2009). Increasing
temperatures and more variable precipitation are expected to reduce the availability of
freshwater, making it more difficult to fulfil basic needs for drinking, cooking and wash-
ing. Meanwhile, a greater incidence of flooding stemming, inter alia, from more intense
precipitation and from sea-level rise in lower coastal zones, will cause a further contami-
nation of freshwater supplies, thereby further increasing water scarcity, as well as create
opportunities for the breeding of mosquitoes and other disease vectors as people are, for
example, forced to store water for longer periods (Nagao and others, 2003). Indeed, water
scarcity poses one of the greatest long-term threats linked to climate change: while already
more than 2 billion people live in the dry regions of the world and suffer disproportion-
ately from diseases related to contaminated or insufficient water (World Health Organi-
zation, 2005b), it is estimated that up to 7 billion people will be at risk from increasing
water stress by 2050 (Alcamo, Flörke and Märker, 2007). Moreover, with irrigation water
withdrawals accounting for almost 70 per cent of global water withdrawals (Shiklomanov
and Rodda, 2003), increased water stress will have a significant impact on health through
growing food insecurity.
Higher temperatures and more extreme heatwaves will increase mortality Higher temperatures and
rates; for instance, the effects of a 1° C increase in (average) temperature on ozone and more extreme heatwaves
will increase mortality rates
particulate levels may lead to an increase in global deaths from air pollution of over 20,000
per year (Jacobson, 2008). Short-term increases in temperature during summers and hot
seasons will also become more frequent and intense. Such short-term fluctuations will
particularly affect urban areas owing to the “heat-island effect” resulting from the high
absorption of solar radiation in urban environments, as against heat reflection from veg-
etation. This effect, which can raise temperatures by 5° C–12 °C in urban areas relative
to surrounding areas, will heighten the threat of hazards such as heatwaves (Aniello and
others, 1995; Patz and others, 2005). The extreme heat of the summer of 2003 provided a
stark reminder of the potentially devastating impacts of heatwaves: temperatures that had
been up to 30 per cent higher than the seasonal average over large parts of the European
continent are estimated to have caused an additional 70,000 deaths (Robine and others,
2008), the majority of which occurred in urban areas.
Thus, overall, a warmer and more variable climate will lead to higher levels Health effects of climate
of some air pollutants, increase transmission of diseases from poor water, poor sanitation change on the poorest
populations are expected
and poor hygiene, increase the hazards of extreme weather, damage agricultural produc-
to be overwhelmingly
tion and lead to severe water stress. While not all of the effects of climate change will be negative
harmful, the overall negative effects of climate change on health are both larger and more
strongly supported by evidence than are the possible benefits (World Health Organization,
2002; Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 2007a). Moreover, the health effects
of climate change on the poorest populations, in contrast to those of the richer nations,
are expected to be overwhelmingly negative and are likely to affect developing countries
80 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
harder and faster than developed ones. In particular, as many developing nations are bur-
dened by high population densities and air pollution and still struggle to supply adequate
drainage, running water for basic sanitation and hygiene, and housing, their vulnerability
to climate-sensitive infectious diseases and health impacts is likely to continue rising.
More importantly, climate variability worsens existing poverty traps, such as those prevail-
ing in rain-fed agricultural sub-Saharan economies, as it will increase the prevalence of
malnutrition and infectious diseases.
which can hold back growth prospects and expose communities to unmanageable shocks.
These include, inter alia, a narrow economic base, limited access to financial resources,
persistent food insecurity, and poor health conditions, which can be addressed only
through the mobilization and investment of sizeable resources.
From this perspective, well-designed adaptation measures for addressing cli- Adaptation measures for
mate threats should simultaneously meet other needs, and not be in conflict with develop- addressing climate threats
should simultaneously
ment objectives, nor should they produce conditions that increase vulnerability to climate
meet other needs and
change (Huq, 2002). For example, adaptation to climate change in agriculture should be should not be in conflict
part of broader agricultural policy efforts to raise productivity and reduce the vulnerabil- with development
ity of the sector to outside shocks. Similarly, forest conservation and reforestation policies objectives
should be an integral part of broad development and poverty reduction strategies, encom-
passing investment in economic diversification, human capital and employment creation
as well as improvement of land, soil and water management. However, the room for “win-
win” (or “no-regrets”) solutions should not be exaggerated. The cost of adaptation is likely
to be high and a majority of solutions will involve difficult choices and trade-offs which
will not be manageable through better project management or calculated technocratic
responses but will require enhanced national regulatory authority and strategic planning
processes encompassing open discussion within the entire community as well as an ac-
ceptance of the fact that negotiating and bargaining will be integral to shaping the final
outcome (Someshwar, 2008; Burton, 2008).
Such an approach is unlikely, however, to make much progress in the absence Developmental States
of more effective and inclusive institutional responses to the adaptation challenge. Th is pursuing an integrated
and strategic approach
would include closer engagement of policymakers with local communities, where the
are needed
impact will be most keenly felt and effective investments will have to be made. Still, the
scale of resources needed to bolster resilience with respect to climate change will, in most
cases, call for national resource mobilization and effective developmental States pursuing
an integrated and strategic approach. Integration of adaptation measures into their overall
planning and budgeting should start with the assessment of local vulnerabilities to exist-
ing climate threats, including their variability and extremes, and of the extent to which
existing policy and development practice has served to reduce or increase those vulner-
abilities. In many cases, such an approach will need to draw lessons from past govern-
ment failures to build a more integrated approach to the development challenge owing
to insufficient dialogue and cooperation among different ministries, as well as investing
in new capacities to deal with the specifics of the adaptation challenge. For example, me-
teorological services in many developing countries, especially least developed economies
which to a large extent do not have real agro-meteorological services (Intergovernmental
Panel on Climate Change, 2007c), would need to be improved so as to be able to provide
agriculture with more reliable forecasts.
An initial step towards achieving a more integrated approach has been taken by
some countries through National Adaptation Programmes of Action which were conceived
as a means through which least developed countries could secure financial support for
adaptation to the averse effects of climate change. The concept was negotiated during
the seventh session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change,11 held at Marrakech, Morocco, from 29 October to 10
November 2001. These Programmes of Action, which are structured through a bottom-
up approach, are action-oriented and tailored to specific national circumstances; they
identify “urgent and immediate” investment projects that could significantly contribute
11 United Nations, Treaty Series, vol. 1771, No. 30822.
82 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
to adaptation and poverty alleviation (see box III.4). Broadly, the participation of
Government agencies and civil society, the consistency with national development plans,
and the focus on vulnerability assessment have been among the main strengths of National
Adaptation Programmes of Action. Yet, difficulties in scaling up projects, and funding and
institutional shortcomings (Huq and Osman-Elasha, 2009), as well as the failure to adopt
a more broadly developmental approach, need to be overcome.
Box III.4
National Adaptation Programmes of Action: adaptation
strategies and mechanisms in least developed countries
In 2001, the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate
Change, at its seventh session, had acknowledged that least developed countries did not have the
means to deal with problems associated with adaptation to climate change, including funding in-
vestment and the transfer of technology. Recognition of the need to “fast-track” adaptation action in
those countries led to the establishment of a work programme on least developed countries, which
included the preparation of National Adaptation Programmes of Action to identify “urgent and im-
a See document FCCC/ mediate needs” for adaptation.a Each least developed country is granted US$ 200,000 to prepare its
CP/2001/13/Add.1 and National Adaptation Programme of Action. Prioritized activities are identified in project proposals,
Corr.1, sect.II, decision which are then submitted to the Global Environment Facility (GEF).
5/CP.7, paras. 11 and 15. Although National Adaptation Programme of Action projects tend to bear a strong re-
semblance to “regular” development projects, each country does in fact propose at least one or two
activities that are revealed to be directly related to climate change and variability; sectors involved in-
clude food security, infrastructure, coastal zones and marine ecosystems, insurance, early warning and
disaster management, terrestrial ecosystems, education and capacity-building, tourism, energy, health
and water resources. In general, there is a strong emphasis on poverty reduction and food security.
Currently, 39 National Adaptation Programmes of Action have been completed and an
additional 10 are being prepared. As of April 2009, 28 countries had submitted projects for imple-
mentation to the Global Environment Facility, of which 23 were approved. Many countries note that
barriers to implementing their National Adaptation Programmes of Action are related to many of
the problems that each faces in general: insufficient institutions, lack of capacity, policy gaps and
insufficient funding. The following cases, on the other hand, highlight how National Adaptation Pro-
gramme of Action priorities also depend on local characteristics and challenges.
In Cambodia, for instance, National Adaptation Programme of Action priorities concern
waterways that are considered essential for flood mitigation and generation of fertile soil. Specifi-
cally, Cambodia’s coastal area lies in the south-west along the Gulf of Thailand, while the interior of
the country contains a large lake, the Tonle Sap, which is seasonally connected to the Mekong River
and is extremely important for providing services such as food production and flood protection. As
might be expected, one significant project proposed by Cambodia is the rehabilitation of the upper
Mekong and provincial waterways for the purpose of addressing frequent flooding. In addition to
the importance of these waterways for flood mitigation, they also provide the water used for irriga-
tion, household consumption and transportation. The project therefore aims to clear the waterways,
which have become silted, so as to reduce the risk of floods, improve aquatic resources, supply water
for irrigation and domestic use, and improve provincial water transportation.
Further, the largest project in Cambodia involves the development and improvement
of community irrigation systems to address the risk of drought, which is linked to a prolonged dry
season. As very little land in Cambodia is irrigated, this project aims to provide sufficient water for
rice farming, reduce the risk of crop failures due to water shortage, and enhance food security and
reduce poverty in the rural areas. The project entails rehabilitating 15 existing community irrigation
systems as well as constructing 15 new ones, including reservoirs, and is expected to encompass
the establishment of water-user associations and the conduct of training on the maintenance and
operation of irrigation systems.
In Eritrea sea-level rise is considered one of the main concerns related to climate change
owing to the fact that this country has an extensive coastal zone along the Red Sea. Flash floods,
The adaptation challenge 83
Climate-smart development
As noted above, long-term planning and anticipatory action are necessary to prevent increas- Development must become
ing vulnerability to climate change in the course of the development process. Tackling only climate-smart through its
awareness of the range of
the impacts will fail to address the long-term consequences of climate change: fragmented
development risks
actions are at best only partial solutions. Moreover, in managing climate change, it is im-
portant to avoid considering its impacts in isolation from other processes of change, such as
urbanization, economic development, and shifts in land use and resource demands.
Development policy must become climate-smart through its awareness of the
range of development risks that will emerge over the coming decades. The commitment
of resources to meet these risks should be beneficial if those resources protect the growth
path from unforeseen and large-scale shocks. Such a commitment could, however, entail
a potential cost to the extent that the resources could have been used directly in financ-
ing other productive investments. Policymakers must plan adaptation efforts accordingly,
with an eye to boosting broader development efforts. Among such adaptation efforts, spe-
cial attention could usefully be paid to:
• Vulnerable populations, whose “coping range” with respect to climate shocks is
limited. For example, consider food-poor groups in Viet Nam. Groups vulnerable
to food poverty are spread throughout the country and encompass different
occupations, ethnicities and age groups (Food and Agriculture Organization of
the United Nations, 2004). In 2002, 40 per cent of the population belonging
to ethnic minorities (mainly located in isolated upland areas of Viet Nam) lived
below the food poverty line. The risk of being affected by conditions of destitution
84 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
was thereby three times higher for these minorities than for the average rural
population of the country. In another example, some 28 per cent of people in the
Mekong and Red River Deltas (some 8.7 million people) belonging to small farm
families, including many female-headed households, are currently estimated to
be food-insecure or potentially food-insecure. The populations of both these
“groups” are likely to be affected by the adverse consequences of a changing
climate. Shifts in rainfall patterns and intensification of extreme events in the
uplands, for example, will impact agricultural livelihoods of ethnic minorities.
The livelihoods of the already vulnerable landless or small farmers in the Deltas
may be subject to additional stress arising from a changing climate, including
salinity intrusions in the summer, and potentially higher-than-historic flooding
in the monsoon season. Given the already high levels of food poverty and low
levels of resilience, the impacts of a changing climate on these groups would be
devastating and would require priority considerations in adaptation plans. An
exclusive focus on the “poorest of the poor” via programmes of cash transfers,
insurance and other safety nets (see United Nations Development Programme,
2007a, chap. 4) can be useful in the short term; but often, for relief purposes,
this approach is not likely to be sustainable unless scaled up to include wider
rural groups which can often face spells of economic insecurity and poverty.
• Synergies in responding to multiple development risks. The failure of key in-
frastructure systems typically results not from a single factor, but from a com-
bination of risks. For example, a set of factors might comprise declines in the
amount and the area of irrigation due to the manifestations of a changing
climate (such as higher levels of evapotranspiration induced by higher diurnal
temperature) and failures of the socio-polity to ensure employment, food se-
curity and, ultimately, a decent standard of living for burgeoning populations.
The two processes are apparently disconnected but when they do come togeth-
er (owing, for example, to a strong El Niño), their combined impacts devastate
socio-economic and ecological systems. The interrelation between adaptation
and mitigation also provides opportunities for unlocking investment synergies
in cases, for example, where irrigation systems expanded to meet adaptation
challenges can be used to open up new markets for low-emissions technologies
such as those developed to provide renewable energy.
• Scale economies, arising from extraordinary opportunities, such as the develop-
ment of an entire river basin or coastal zone, and long-term development deci-
sions, such as major infrastructure investments in coastal roads, hydropower
and irrigation systems. In this regard, the maritime coast of Mozambique, one
of the longest in Africa, extends over a distance of 2,400 kilometres, and is home
to about 60 per cent of the population. Key economic activities encompassing
fisheries, tourism and ports, as well as mining, oil and gas, are of immense
economic value today, and will continue to be so in the future, both to local
people and at the national level. However, competing claims (from agriculture
and manufacturing) for such resources as water and land and waste-water dis-
charge are resulting in a significant reduction in water quality and quantity in
the coastal zone, and significant impacts on the delta and mangrove forests. In
addition, intense coastal dynamics (for example, wave actions, dispersion of
sediments and strong winds and tides), combined with tropical cyclones and
The adaptation challenge 85
heavy rains, are worsening coastal erosion.12 Current ecological and economic
stresses are likely only to increase in the future, owing to increases in population
and intensification of development. Climate change is further expected to result
in an increased incidence of destructive cyclones, especially in La Niña phases.
The Government of Mozambique has drawn up ambitious plans for the sustain-
able development of the coastal region, including infrastructure (transporta-
tion, drainage and water supply), land-use changes, and soft options to manage
beach erosion. Such plans, which present unique opportunities for an infusion
of massive development, need to deal with climate risks in an integrated man-
ner, across seasonal, inter-annual and multi-decadal time scales.
• Complementarities, achieved by piggybacking on efforts already under way,
such as the expansion of a metropolitan water supply and sewerage system.
The need to investigate and deal with the risks arising from a changing climate
to the hydropower project on the Rio Amoya in Colombia has led to the con-
sideration of an adaptation project in the Las Hermosas massif in the central
range of the Andes. Design of the 80 megawatt run-of-river generation facility
on the Rio Amoya had assumed (as has been the case in many other parts of
the world) a climate stationary with regard to stream flows, which continues
to be the most common assumption in this location and elsewhere. However, a
growing recognition of the potential negative impacts of climate change on the
surrounding high-altitude moorland biotope has led to a consideration of the
potential risks to biodiversity in the project plans. The Las Hermosas adapta-
tion project now offers an opportunity to reconsider stream flows in the com-
ing decades and formulate plans for dealing with climate-related surprises.
Table III.1
Potential measures of adaptation to climate change for different sectors
teak, in tropical forest plantations. Moreover, various measures aimed at assisting forests
in adapting to climate change are needed to enable sustainable forest management. These
would include, for instance, facilitating the adaptive capacity of tree species mainly by
maximizing silvicultural genetic variation, but also through management approaches such
as minimizing slash, reduced-impact logging and widening buffer strips and firebreaks. In
this context, adaptation measures to reduce deforestation would have to entail developing
alternative and sustainable economic activities for the communities affected (Phillips,
2009). For instance, in the Brazilian Amazon the livelihoods of approximately 27 million
people, many of them poor, mainly depend on activities linked to deforestation such as
logging. This ongoing deforestation accounts for about 8 per cent of the world’s annual
carbon emissions. Measures to be taken to adapt to climate change in both natural and
planted forests should enhance forest resilience as well as provide a range of co-benefits,
which could include biodiversity conservation, benefits for the hydrologic cycle, soil
stabilization and the maintenance of a wide range of livelihood options.
In many poorer countries, In many poorer countries, increasing productivity of the agriculture sector and
increasing productivity of reducing its vulnerability to climatic shocks are key to long-term sustainability. Maximiz-
the agriculture sector and
ing yields over good and bad years, particularly when subsistence farming is involved, by
reducing its vulnerability to
climatic shocks are key to decreasing the chance of crop failure will be an important means of adapting to climate
long-term sustainability change. This would entail reducing vulnerability as a whole rather than maximizing the
yield in an optimum year (Altieri, 1990). Strategies to decrease crop failures will include
The adaptation challenge 87
diversity farming, which is potentially one of the most important strategies for achieving
food security in a changing climate, and the utilization of new crop strains—strains that
are more weather-resistant and have higher yields. For example, at the Njoro division in
Kenya, farmers have been trying to switch from wheat and potatoes to quick-maturing
crops such as beans and maize, while planting every time it rains inasmuch as there is no
longer a clear-cut growing season (Dodman, Ayers and Huq, 2009). Yet, it is not clear
how sustainable this strategy could be, in particular given the multiple vulnerabilities that
these types of community often face. Stressed ecosystems and possible reduction of bio-
diversity could further weaken livelihoods and multiply the adaptation challenges of the
most vulnerable, among them women, children, the sick and older persons.
In Bangladesh, whereas people traditionally grew low-yield deep-water rice
during the monsoon season, they now grow, in areas covered by flood management proj-
ects, one high-yield rice crop (aman) that is planted during the monsoon, another (boro)
that is planted in the dry season, with irrigation, and a third (aus) that is planted in the
pre-monsoon season as the predominant crop (Banerjee, 2007). Innovative approaches to
protecting agriculture in Bangladesh, which is particularly prone to natural hazards and
frequent flooding, also include dap chas (floating gardens), where crops are grown on float-
ing rafts to protect them from floods.
The interconnections of the risks arising from development and climate are The interconnections
particularly apparent when considering food security. In the Sudan, persistent and wide- of the risks arising from
development and climate
spread drought is very likely to worsen owing to climate change. On the other hand, a more
are particularly apparent
integrated approach to climate risk and livelihoods has increased resilience in some commu- when considering food
nities. Water harvesting, new crops and types of livestock, and rehabilitating rangelands, security
along with access to finance and improving farm skills, all taken together, have enhanced
capacity for adaptation and improved food security (Osman-Elasha and others, 2008).
More generally, economic policies to promote agricultural development should Economic policies designed
focus on extending support services, particularly for smallholders, and improving infrastruc- to promote agricultural
development should focus
ture (such as roads and storage facilities as well as irrigation networks). Those policies should
on extending support
address the issue of land reform and build research and technical capabilities. The establish- services, particularly
ment of strategic food reserves, including at the international level, would allow Govern- for smallholders, and
ments to reduce price volatility by releasing food in times of emergency and crisis. These re- improving infrastructure
serves would have the potential to benefit poor countries which might not have the capacity
to respond quickly to sudden scarcity, while proving more effective than other approaches in
controlling international price volatility. The need to adapt to climate change could reinforce
strategies to promote adaptive agricultural research and development, particularly in the
case of Africa, where there is a large gap between current yields and agricultural potential
(Smith, Klein and Huq, 2003). For example, a new rice variety was successfully developed
by the Government rice research station in Sierra Leone, with the technology having already
been transferred among farmers. The new rice has a higher yield and is more adapted to drier
climate conditions (Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, 1999).
Urban environments
Urban adaptation requires the adoption of a long-term perspective, one that addresses the
factors underlying the vulnerabilities associated with rapid urbanization. The strain on
cities in developing countries is already enormous; adding climate change to the picture
will perhaps require a paradigm shift in urban planning. Settlements often materialize in
88 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
high-risk areas, such as river banks or unstable hill slopes, in the absence of any planning
strategy or any consideration of future consequences. National policies to identify and
influence formal and informal development in these areas are essential, as is the allocation
of alternative areas for development in order to anticipate and shape the vision for the city
and provide sustainable expansion land for affordable housing. Preventing informal settle-
ments in areas that should not be developed requires governance structures and a solid
institutional basis, with city visions and master plans supported by an institutional fabric.
Such a fabric is often weak or non-existent in many developing countries.
Disaster risk reduction is an Disaster risk reduction is also an important component of adapting to climate
important component of change in the urban sector. Institutions established to address disasters are typically weak
adapting to climate change
and need to be strengthened and the traditional focus is on disaster relief. Anticipatory
in the urban sector
adaptation, in contrast, would encompass preparedness, including relief plans and aware-
ness-raising activities. Thus, abstracting from the emergency dimension of post-disaster
response, which consists largely of searching for missing persons and providing short-
term shelter and food, anticipatory adaptation in this context will need to focus on infra-
structure, land-use planning and regulatory measures. Particular emphasis will need to be
placed on temporary dwellings, such as shanty towns and slums, as well as on areas built
in vulnerable locations and in high-risk areas, such as river banks or unstable hill slopes,
while in many developing countries sewerage and drainage systems would need to be built
to reduce the risk resulting from more intense precipitation. Some approaches such as con-
structing elevated walkways to cope with flooding—an approach adopted, for example, in
Bangkok—are mere stopgap measures designed to increase pedestrian mobility in high-
traffic areas, rather than to shield people from exposure to stagnant surface water.
The goal should be to reduce vulnerabilities to the impacts that climate change
will exert on more extreme weather events and to emphasize thereby the importance of the
reduction of sensitivity and exposure to hazards. The urgency of doing this is particularly
acute, considering that often 30–50 per cent of the entire population of cities live in settle-
ments that have been developed illegally (Satterthwaite, 2007), many of which are located
in vulnerable areas.
Adaptation of urban Taking a long-term perspective means that measures must address vulnerability
areas to climate change to climate change in the context of rapid urbanization. This would include tackling, for
requires governance that
instance, urban legislation that withholds tenure and thus obstructs the consolidation of
is focused on sustainable
development and buildings, thereby contributing to the expansion of areas with shanty towns (Sanderson,
supported by appropriate 2000). At their best, plans and policies would facilitate urbanization and a process of ad-
institutions aptation. At their worst, they would create perverse incentives which encouraged develop-
ment in high-risk areas (Satterthwaite, 2007) or activities that increased vulnerability to
climate change. In particular, adaptation of urban areas to climate change requires strong
governance—governance that is focused on sustainable development and supported by ap-
propriate institutional arrangements (see box III. 5 for the case of Durban, South Africa).
As things currently stand, most of the risk to urban areas is in fact associated with the in-
capacity of local governments to, inter alia, ensure provision for infrastructure, for disaster
risk reduction and for disaster preparedness.
shortfalls in providing basic public-health services leave much of the global population
exposed to climate-related health risks, making it difficult for health services to look beyond
the horizon of current urgent health gaps. Thus, there is a need for both additional investment
to strengthen key functions, and forward-planning through which to build on these systems,
so as to address the changing pattern of the challenges posed by climate change.
This having been said, it should also be noted that adapting to the potential The links between poverty
impacts of climate change on health also requires a broader cross-sectoral approach, as and vulnerability to climate
change are probably
the risks that climate change poses to health are very much embedded within the wider
nowhere as evident as in
challenge of achieving genuinely sustainable development. In particular, the links between the health sector
poverty and vulnerability to climate change are probably nowhere as evident as in the
health sector, highlighting the need for pursuing further development as the overarching
strategy for adapting to climate change. Indeed, the largest determinant of vulnerability
to climate-related health risks is probably poverty.
There is therefore a general need for more proactive engagement of the health
sector with other sectors in adapting to climate change, as health is a cross-cutting issue.
For instance, as malnutrition is already the largest single contributor to disease burdens
(Ezzati and others, 2004), with the greatest risks in this regard expected to arise in Af-
rica (Parry, Rosenzweig and Livermore, 2005), adapting to climate change-related health
risks will entail tackling the impacts of climate change on agricultural yields.
Box III.5
Putting climate change in the agenda: the Durban case
In the wake of the change of Government strategy in South Africa following the fall of the apartheid
system in 1994, the Government had on its hands the massive task of including all sectors of society
in its development plans. Local government was seen as a key actor in this regard, “given its direct
interface with local communities and its pivotal role in service provision” (Roberts, 2008, p. 523).
Because of tensions stemming from differences between the development agenda and
the environment agenda, as well as from differences between short- and long-term needs and priori-
ties, the issue of climate change was squeezed between conflicting requirements. Very little internal
institutional momentum and knowledge had been developed around the issue of climate change,
in part because municipalities did not have an understanding of climate change science nor its local
relevance; and “without developing a meaningful understanding of the science, climate change and
its significance are unlikely to be effectively understood at the local government level” (ibid., p. 525).
The Durban example illustrates that certain conditions are necessary to ensure institu-
tional and individual ownership of climate change as an important issue. In this regard, the following
“institutional markers” have been suggested:
y Emergence of an identifiable political/administrative champion or champions for cli-
mate change issues
y Appearance of climate change as a significant issue in mainstream municipal plans
y Allocation of dedicated resources (human and financial) to climate change issues
y Incorporation of climate change considerations into political and administrative deci-
Based on how those conditions were met in Durban, it may be concluded that “reason-
able progress” has been made in mainstreaming climate change concerns at the local government
level. Capacity-building of local government personnel was “key to unlocking this process”, which
suggests that this can also “unlock endogenous resources and interest in climate change – ultimately
making the likelihood of sustainable climate protection interventions greater” (ibid, p. 536). Source: Roberts (2008).
90 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box III.6
Water and river management
in the context of climate change
It is predicted that climate change will have a multiple range of impacts on water resources. Water
resources are being eroded, and it is very likely that floods and droughts will become more signifi-
cant risks in many temperate and humid regions. This will likely affect infrastructures and safety. Ap-
proximately 2.3 billion people live in river basins under water stress, where annual per capita water
availability is below 1,700 cubic metres. If current consumption patterns continue, at least 3.5 billion
people, or about 48 per cent of the world’s projected population, will live in water-stressed river
basins in 2025.
One example of how building community capacities, applying technologies that are
locally available, and undertaking small-scale measures can add up to effective large-scale and pro-
poor adaptation is provided by a pilot project undertaken to restore 1,200-year-old village water tank
systems (modest earthen dams) in the Godavari River basin in India. Through restoration of 12 tanks
serving villages of 42,000 people in the Maner River basin (the Maner is a tributary of the Godavari)
for $103,000 in cash and kind, agricultural production and profitability increased owing to more se-
cure access to water; soils enhanced with silt from the tanks; and reduced input costs. In fact, WWF
(2008) calculated that the increase in water storage capacity attained by de-silting all the village
tanks in the Maner River catchment, at a cost of US$ 635 million, would be similar to that achievable
through construction of the proposed Polavaram dam on the Godavari River. While the dam may
refill more than once per year, it would cost US$ 4 billion, displace 250,000 people and inundate key
habitats, including 60,000 hectares of forest.
Similarly, the restoration of 2,236 square kilometres of floodplains in Eastern Europe,
similar in scale to the area inundated in the 2005 and 2006 floods, is providing room to retain and
safely release floodwaters along the lower Danube River. International agreements signed between
Governments to ensure better water and river management have been a powerful driver of change
The adaptation challenge 91
strike. This is a development challenge that can be properly met only through large-scale
investments and strategic policies that strengthen economic and social capacities at the
local and national levels and that can draw on the help of the international community
in order that those countries may cope and recover when disaster strikes (see box III.7 on
international cooperation). Third, finding the right response to adaptation can point the
way to developing more integrated responses to other shocks that threaten peace, security
and well-being.
Increased destabilization Setting aside their responsibility for the heightened threats from climate
and violence resulting change, the fact remains that developed countries themselves stand to benefit from helping
from climate-induced developing countries adapt. The wider consequences of climate impacts, such as increased
conflict have the potential
to jeopardize national and
destabilization and violence resulting from climate-induced conflict, have the potential
international security to jeopardize national and international security (German Advisory Council on Global
Change (WBGU), 2008; Schwartz and Randall, 2003). Moreover, the rising level of
global inequality that could result from climatic shocks is in neither the economic interest
(given the lost export and investment opportunities that this would entail) nor the political
interest (given the threat to global cooperation) of rich countries seeking to forge a global
framework for better managing climate change. Developing countries, in turn, should
give priority to formulating plans for adaptation and take advantage of expertise made
available by adaptation funding to establish more integrated and transparent strategies,
which would include close consultation with and the participation of their citizens most
immediately affected by rising temperatures and climatic shocks.
Box III.7
International cooperation and the
national adaptation strategy in Bangladesh
The effective early warning system of Bangladesh has already saved tens of thousands of lives. When
cyclone Sidr, one of the strongest storms ever to develop in the Bay of Bengal, hit Bangladesh in No-
vember 2007, improved early warning technology had already reported the direction and intensity
of Sidr 72 hours before. This was made possible by a network headed by the World Meteorological
Organization (WMO) global cyclone observatory which fed key data to its regional outpost at India’s
Meteorological Office in New Delhi.
The message had been relayed to authorities in Dhaka, who passed it on to the local
Red Crescent office. Some 40,000 trained volunteers, who then disseminated the information to the
15 districts most likely to be affected, cycled around the country, using megaphones to order resi-
dents into the 1,800 cyclone shelters and 440 flood shelters available. When Sidr hit, 2 million were
under shelter.
A cyclone of similar magnitude had killed over 190,000 people in 1991; from Sidr, the
estimated death toll was in the range of 5,000-10,000.
The system operates in conjunction with a broader action programme supported by
donors including the United States of America and the European Union, which since 1991 has sup-
ported disaster preparedness and improved post-disaster relief and reconstruction. Under this pro-
gramme, early warning and evacuation systems are integrated with infrastructure such as cyclone
walls to protect Bangladesh from storm surges.
The Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies has also been a pioneer in preparing as-
sessments of vulnerability to climate change, while the Bangladesh University of Engineering and
Technology has analysed greenhouse gas emissions from different sectors and devised policies and
measures designed to ensure better adaptation to climate change in the future.
Yet, Bangladesh has very few financial resources of its own for supporting the required
scientific research, with almost the entire budget for the universities and research institutes spent on
Source: Based on Huq and salaries and running costs, leaving the little, if any, research work to be supported by international
Ayers (2008); and Huq (2001).
The adaptation challenge 93
Scientists confirm that the time frame for acting to curb global greenhouse gas The gap, in terms of sheer
emissions and reduce the probability of catastrophic events is no more than decades and size, between the resources
necessary for adaptation
possibly years (Pachauri, 2008). Estimates of the cost of adaptation are still quite tentative
and those actually
and incomplete. The risk, however, lies in underestimating the scale of the challenge, which mobilized and available
becomes even greater given the slow pace to date of the efforts undertaken to mitigate global is enormous
Currently, there are three main flows of adaptation funds (see box III.8):
North-South flows, channelled through multilateral adaptation funds and official devel-
opment assistance (ODA); domestic flows from which developing countries generate and
use adaptation funds; and South-South flows. The Global Environment Facility (GEF), an
intergovernmental organization launched in 1991, has been entrusted with managing the
multilateral adaptation funds sponsored by the United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (see also chap. VI). The World Bank has also developed the Climate
Investment Funds, which were set up to promote innovative approaches to mitigation and
adaptation, including increasing resilience among the most vulnerable communities. Even
so, the difference between the sheer size of resources necessary for adaptation, in the range
of $50 billion–$100 billion per year and the amount actually mobilized and available
(about $154 million) is enormous.
A key issue with respect to adaptation funding is its relation to ODA. The diffi-
culty in scaling up aid is a real cause for concern, given the urgency of the adaptation chal-
lenge in many countries. The current bilateral instruments are unlikely to match up to the
adaptation challenge: more innovative (and predictable) sources of funding will be needed
(Müller, 2008). The principles set out in the United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change, which distinguish between development and adaptation financing, insist
on the need for additional funds above the commitments made to meet traditional devel-
opment challenges. This rightly highlights the responsibility of rich countries for funding
adaptation challenges; however, it runs the risk of ignoring the interconnected nature
of these two sets of challenges, of sidestepping the long-standing debate on the adverse
impact on aid effectiveness of excessive and cross conditionalities, and of leading to a pro-
liferation of funding mechanisms and facilities that would, if history is any guide, likely
reduce the effectiveness of international support (see chap. VI for further discussion).
Box III.8
Adaptation funds
A number of funds have so far been established to provide support for the adaptation challenge.
They are described directly below:
y The Global Environment Facility (GEF) manages a number of funds: Strategic Priority on
Adaptation (SPA)—GEF Trust Fund, Least Developed Countries’ Fund (LDCF)—United
Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, and the Special Climate Change
Fund (SCCF)—United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, with a total
pledge of about $320 million, of which about $249 million is in disbursal
y Recently, the World Bank Group, in partnership with the three regional development
banks (the Asian Development Bank, the African Development Bank and the Inter-
American Development Bank), received pledges of about $6.1 billion for the Climate
Investment Funds. Of this amount, less than $1 billion is earmarked for adaptation
y The Cool Earth Partnership of the Government of Japan has committed about $10 bil-
94 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The adaptation challenge from warming temperatures is one that all countries must face
in the coming decades, even if rapid progress is made towards a lower-emissions global
economy. However, for some, the threat to livelihoods is already very real and, in some
extreme cases, approaches catastrophic levels.
The adjustments required to adapt to climate change cannot be assessed in iso-
lation or undertaken incrementally. Rather, they are closely interconnected with other risks
and vulnerabilities that accompany the development process and will be heavily constrained
by local institutional and technological conditions. Successful adaptation hinges critically
on faster and more equitable growth, even as failure to adapt threatens those goals.
The adaptation challenge 95
This chapter has argued that, in many cases, the response will involve a sizeable
investment of resources to make countries and communities more resilient and to address
vulnerabilities that can turn even small climatic shocks into long-term development disas-
ters. This excludes a one-size-fits-all policy response. The right approach is an integrated
national strategy which will require mobilization of domestic resources and the guidance
of an effective developmental State.
Meeting such challenges will require a break with recent policy approaches
which have given undue attention to market forces and competition. Adaptation, like
mitigation, is a public policy challenge, the complexity of which will require using a broad
array of strategies to build resilience.
The chapter has suggested that a smarter approach will build adaptation re-
sponses into ongoing development challenges by paying particular attention to vulnerable
populations, by making use of large public works and taking advantage of scale econo-
mies, by addressing the issue of the thresholds below which current systems consistently
fail and by exploiting investment complementarities.
Even so, many countries for whom the challenge is simply too big cannot be
expected to meet it by themselves. Hence, it was agreed in Bali that finance and technical
assistance would be available to help developing countries meet the adaptation challenge.
So far, that assistance has been woefully inadequate and poorly organized. Improvements
in this regard are likely to be a prerequisite for making real headway towards putting those
countries on more sustainable development paths.
Sectoral impacts of climate change in Africa
Agro, fisheries, livestock Ecosystems Water resources Human health Settlements, infrastructure,
farming and aquaculture industry
By 2100, Northern African Endangered species, including In Northern Africa, six climate By 2050 and continuing In Northern Africa, potential
agricultural losses might manatees and marine turtles, models show a likely increase into 2080, a large part of flood risks may arise by 2080
represent 0.4–1.3 per cent of could be at risk, along with in the number of people who the western Sahel will likely across a range of scenarios of
GDP migratory birds (Democratic could experience water stress become unsuitable for malaria the Intergovernmental Panel on
In Egypt, climate change could Republic of the Congo, Ghana by 2055 transmissiona Climate Change Special Report
decrease production of many and Seychelles) In the Ouergha watershed in By the 2080s, areas in the on Emissions Scenarios (SRES)
crops (ranging from -11 per In Central Africa, mangroves Morocco and for the period Angola highlands currently (2000)b and climate change
cent for rice to -28 per cent for could colonize coastal lagoons 2000-2020, a 1° C increase in having low rates of malaria projections
soybeans) by 2050, compared because of sea-level rise temperature could reduce transmission could also become In Western Africa, rise in sea
with their production under By 2099, enhanced sand dune run-off by 10 per cent, assuming highly suitable for transmission. level will significantly impact
current climate conditions activity/mobilization (Angola) that precipitation levels remain In general, the highlands of coastal megacities because of
In the Gulf of Guinea, sea- constant eastern Africa are likely to the concentration of the poor in
Lake Tanganyika: aquatic losses become more suitable for potentially hazardous areas
level rise may breach and of about 20 per cent, with In Egypt, water used in 2000 was
destroy low-barrier beaches estimated at about 70 km3, far malaria transmission. In Western Africa, potential flood
30 per cent decrease in fish
that limit coastal lagoons, yields. Climate change may in excess of available resources. In Central Africa (for example, risks may arise by 2080 across
while precipitation changes further reduce lake productivity More than 70 per cent of in the Congo area), places of a range of SRES scenariosb and
World Economic and Social Survey 2009
could affect discharges of the (Democratic Republic of the cultivated area depends on interest, including wildlife areas climate change projections
rivers feeding them (affecting Congo) low-efficiency surface irrigation and parks, may attract fewer In Western Africa, flood risks
lagoonal fisheries and systems, which cause high tourists under marked climate and water pollution-related
aquaculture) There are indications that, by water losses, decline in land changes
2020, the ice cap on Mount diseases in low-lying regions
Coastal agriculture (palm oil productivity, waterlogging and Based on parasite survey data, (coastal areas), as well as coral
Kilimanjaro (United Republic of salinity problems. Unsustainable
and coconuts in Benin and Côte Tanzania) could disappear for it is expected that previously reef bleaching, could negatively
d’Ivoire; shallots in Ghana) is agricultural practices malaria-free highland areas impact tourism
the first time in 11,000 years and improper irrigation
at risk of inundation and soil in Ethiopia, Kenya, Rwanda Indian Ocean islands could
salinization Disappearance of low-lying management affect the quality and Burundi could experience
corals and losses of biodiversity be endangered by potential
of the country’s water resources. modest incursions of the disease
In Guinea, between 130 and are expected (Djibouti) changes in location, frequency
Reductions in irrigation water by the 2050s, with conditions for
235 square kilometres (km2) of and intensity of cyclones
In Eastern Africa, proliferation quality have, in their turn, transmission becoming highly
rice fields (17 per cent and 30 harmful effects on irrigated soils Eastern African coasts could be
per cent of the existing rice field of algae and dinoflagellates suitable by the 2080s. By this
could increase the number and crops affected by potential changes
area) could be lost owing to period, areas currently with low
of people affected by toxins in the frequency and intensity
permanent flooding by 2050 In Egypt, sea-level rise could rates of malaria transmission
(such as ciguatera) owing to of El Niño-Southern Oscillation
impact on the Nile Delta and in central Somalia could also
By 2100, Western African consumption of marine food events and coral bleaching
people living in the Delta and become highly suitable
agricultural losses might sources (Comoros) other coastal areas. Temperature In Eritrea, a one-metre rise in
represent 2–4 per cent of GDP In Eastern Africa, the probability
Losses of nyala and zebra rises will likely reduce sea level could cause damage
that sea-level rise could increase
With a rise in annual global (Malawi) productivity of major crops and of over US$ 250 million with the
flooding, particularly on the
temperature (for example, increase water requirements, submergence of infrastructure
By 2099, enhanced sand dune coasts of Eastern Africa, may
1.5° C–2.0° C), fisheries in north- thereby decreasing crop and economic installations in
activity/mobilization (Zambia have implications for health
western Africa will be adversely water-use efficiency. A general Massawa, one of the country’s
impacted and northern South Africa) two port cities
increase in irrigation demand is
Table III.1 (cont’d)
Agro, fisheries, livestock Ecosystems Water resources Human health Settlements, infrastructure,
farming and aquaculture industry
In Cameroon, a 15 per cent In Eastern Africa, aquatic losses expected. A projected decline Rift Valley fever epidemics, In Eastern Africa, flood risks
increase in rainfall by 2100 of about 20 per cent, with 30 in precipitation and projected evident during the 1997-1998 El and water pollution-related
would likely decrease the per cent decrease in fish yields population of between 115 Niño event in Eastern Africa and diseases in low-lying regions
penetration of saltwater in in Lake Tanganyika. Climate million and 179 million by 2050 associated with flooding, could (coastal areas), as well as coral
Wouri estuary, while an 11 change may further reduce lake will increase water stress in all increase with a higher frequency reef bleaching, could negatively
per cent decrease in rainfall productivity (Burundi, United sectors, while a high degree of of El Niño events impact tourism
would extend the reach of Republic of Tanzania, Zambia) uncertainty about the flow of Using 16 climate-change Potential flood risks may arise
saltwater up to 70 km upstream In South Africa, expected the Nile is expected scenarios, by 2100, changes in by 2080 across a range of SRES
(affecting lagoonal fisheries and changes in estuaries as a result In Eastern and Western temperature and precipitation scenariosb and climate change
aquaculture) of reductions in river run-off Africa, more people will likely could alter the geographical projections
In Kenya, losses of mangoes, and inundation of salt marshes experience a reduction rather distribution of malaria in
cashew nuts and coconuts following sea-level rise than an increase in water stressa Zimbabwe, with previously
could cost almost US$ 500 In South Africa, losses of Rainfall is likely to increase in unsuitable areas of dense
million for a sea-level rise of one 51–61 per cent of Fynbos and some parts of Eastern Africa, human population becoming
metre Succulent Karoo Biomes by 2050 resulting in various hydrologic suitable for transmission. Strong
Agriculture and the growing outcomes southward expansion of the
Kruger Park study estimates
transmission zone will probably
seasons in parts of the Ethiopian 66 per cent of nyala and zebra In Southern Africa, six climate
continue into South Africa
highlands may lengthen under could be lost (South Africa) models show a likely increase
climate change, owing to a in the number of people who In general, areas of Southern
In Southern Africa, projected
combination of increased could experience water stress Africa are likely to become more
losses of over 50 per cent of
temperature and rainfall by 2055 suitable for malaria transmission
some bird species by 2050. Also,
six bird species are estimated to In Southern Africa, almost all
Southern Africa will likely lose substantial portions of their countries except South Africa
experience notable reductions range will probably experience a
in maize production under significant reduction in stream
In Southern Africa, there
possible increased El Niño- flow. For South Africa, the
would be complex impacts on
Southern Oscillation conditions stream flow increase under the
grasslands, including the role
In South Africa, crop net of fire high-emissions scenarios is
revenues will likely fall by as modest, at under 10 per cent
much as 90 per cent by 2100, In terms of precipitation, six
with small-scale farmers most
The adaptation challenge
a Expected benefits.
b The A1 scenario assumes a world of very rapid economic growth, a global population that peaks in mid-century, and the rapid introduction of new and more efficient technologies; the B1
scenario describes a convergent world, with the same global population as A1, but with more rapid changes in economic structures towards a service and information economy.
Chapter IV
A state of change:
development policy and the
climate challenge
The previous chapters have suggested that there are alternative climate-friendly develop-
ment pathways that steer clear of the carbon-intensive technologies that have driven the
modern growth process. The present chapter considers the policies that might be necessary
at the national level to support what amounts to a new industrial revolution in developing
Economic and technological revolutions that occurred during the course of the
last two centuries have opened up opportunities for “latecomers” to kick-start a process
of rapid growth and development. However, many countries and communities were
unable to utilize, or were prevented from utilizing, those opportunities. At the same time,
the economic gains to “first movers” have often been cumulative, resulting in a highly
divergent pattern of global economic development characterized by rising gaps in incomes,
technological capacity and energy use.
Those precedents are a concern for developing countries which fear being Developing countries fear
locked out of the latest stage of economic development, while being asked simultaneously being locked out of the
to forgo the cheaper technological options that are currently available to them. Moreover, latest stage of economic
development, while being
the latest technological revolution is unfolding at a time of profound economic and finan- asked simultaneously
cial stress in the global economy, which is certain to hit the poorest and most vulnerable to forgo the cheaper
countries and communities the hardest, making it all the more difficult for them to adjust technological options
to a new economic and technological paradigm. available to them
Recently, the Commission on Growth and Development (World Bank, 2008) A big push could be
argued that a conceptual impasse has been reached in the debate centred around the ques- the bridge connecting
tion “how can we cut carbon emissions to safe levels by midcentury while also accommo- economic development
and reduced emissions but
dating the growth of developing countries?” Removing this impasse is fundamental and
would require the presence
urgent. In this chapter, it is argued that implementing a big push, understood as a blend of a strong and dynamic
of pro-investment macroeconomic and industrial policies, built around a transformative developmental State and
low-emissions growth path, could be the bridge connecting economic development and sufficient policy space
reduced emissions. Management of the integrated development strategy needed to achieve
this would require, however, the presence of a strong and dynamic developmental State
and sufficient policy space to allow that State to adapt climate measures to local needs and
The next section looks at some of the traditional functions of the developmental
State and how those relate to the climate challenge. That is followed by a discussion of
industrial policy and its role in an investment-led strategy for meeting the climate and
development challenges. The final section looks at some specific measures with respect to
energy efficiency, cleaner coal and renewables through whose implementation policymakers in
developing countries might begin the transition to a low-emissions, high-growth strategy.
100 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box IV.1
The Tennessee Valley Authority: a successful big push
The post-war economic rebound of the American South, which followed large public capital in-
vestments during the New Deal and the Second World War, is a successful example of a big push.
By triggering an increase in the rates of return to private investment, the infusion of public capital
through the Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) provided a major impetus for the rapid post-war in-
dustrialization of the Southern economy. Both econometric analysis and survey data from firms that
moved South in the years immediately following the War strongly support the notion that big-push
dynamics were at work (Bateman, Ros and Taylor, 2008).
TVA had been established on 18 May 1933 by an Act of the United States Congress
as part of the New Deal, intended by the President of the United States of America, Franklin D.
Roosevelt, to lift the United States out of the depths of the Great Depression. It was conceived both
as a development agency, mandated to raise living standards in the Tennessee River Valley, and as a
construction and management agency mandated to build and operate dams and structures along
the Tennessee River, whose drainage basin over seven States covers some 40,900 square miles (or
105,930 square kilometres). TVA was to function as, in Roosevelt’s words, “a corporation clothed with
the power of government but possessed of the flexibility and initiative of a private enterprise”.
Over the 12-year period spanning its inception in 1933 and the end of the Second
World War in 1945, TVA established its institutional framework, built broad-based local support for
its programmes, and constructed a physical infrastructure that would serve as the backbone for its
accomplishments. This infrastructure included a vast system of multi-purpose dams and reservoirs
designed to harness the potential of the Tennessee River and an extensive transmission system cre-
ated to provide cheap electricity throughout the region. Early and intense efforts to improve agricul-
ture, land use and forestry practices helped to restore and maintain a healthy environmental base,
while access to small-scale credit and technical assistance programmes provided the citizens of the
Valley with the tools they needed to improve their own lives. It was during those early years that the
Tennessee Valley Authority established what may have become its greatest legacy: the integration of
a healthy natural resource base, a strong infrastructure, and human capacity to foster the social and
economic development of a region.
The need for TVA arose from the dire social and economic conditions in the Tennessee
Valley in the 1930s. Although rich in natural resources, the region was largely rural and undeveloped,
poverty-stricken and characterized by degraded environmental conditions. Per capita income was
one of the lowest in the United States, few people had running water or electricity, and poor sanitary
conditions resulted in some of the highest rates of disease and infant mortality in the country. In
some areas near the Tennessee River, 1 out of every 3 people had malaria. Illiteracy rates were high
and the quality of education was poor. Severe erosion, extensive deforestation and exhausted mines
were indicative of a deteriorating environment. Additionally, the navigation potential of the Tennes-
see River remained untapped owing to hazardous shoals, while the heavy rainfall and steep slopes
in the region subjected many areas to repeated and serious flooding. The people of the Tennessee
Valley were trapped in a cycle of poverty. The natural resource base of the economy had been dete-
riorating, which led to widespread poverty and further misuse of the region’s resources. The social
problems in the Valley could be addressed only by improving the economy, which would depend on
a healthy resource base, including land, water and forests.
As the Great Depression of the 1930s deepened and conditions in the Tennessee Valley
worsened, Roosevelt sought to create an innovative programme that would revitalize the economy
and boost morale. The creation of TVA represented a “bold experiment” aimed at accomplishing the
unified development of a river basin. Flood control, navigation and power generation were not ends
in themselves, but the means to advance social and economic development.
The vitality of the TVA as an institution was bolstered by its early, tangible and largely
positive impact on the lives of the people of the Tennessee Valley. Two major dam construction
projects were initiated in the agency’s first year of operation. Over the next 12 years, bolstered by the
need to support the war effort, progress was remarkable: the navigation channel on the Tennessee
102 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
2 The complementarities between technological progress and capital accumulation in the case of
strong productivity growth in the United States were pointed out by Baumol, Batey Blackman and
Wolff (1991), p. 164:
(E)ven if technological innovation is the undisputed star in the scenario (which is by no
means certain), substantial capital accumulation very likely would have been required to
put the inventions into practice and to effect their widespread employment. If, moreover,
saving and investment play a primary role on their own, it becomes all the more important
to explore the nature of that role, recognizing that because of unavoidable interactions
between rates of innovation and investment, any attempt to separate the two may prove to
be artificial, if not ultimately unworkable.
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 103
good deal of active policy support for building technological capacity, including import-
ing technologies from abroad, and learning how to use them most effectively.3
Because major innovations involve the co-evolution of technologies and the in-
stitutions that support them, there is a tendency to favour incumbents (“lock-in”), making
it hard for new technologies to enter (“lock-out”). The removing or reforming of regulatory
and institutional barriers that generally favour incumbent technologies aims at creating a
level playing field for newcomers. A developmental State can play a directly supportive role
by removing barriers and easing entry for a new technology through its procurement poli-
cies and its use of subsidies; and it can also provide temporary support to those adversely
impacted by the resulting shifts in activity.
Government support for tertiary education, publicly funded research, develop-
ment and deployment (RD&D) and subsidized research undertaken in the private sector,
as well as industry-level training, are instruments that have been extensively used. In re-
cent years, such efforts have been focused on establishing a national system of innovation,
including a much stronger partnership between public and private institutions promot-
ing technological development; however, serious financial and institutional obstacles to
building such a system have been identified in many developing countries (Nelson, 2007;
United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, 2007).
As cleaner technologies and diversification will be a critical part of establishing As cleaner technologies
a new low-emissions growth path, a process of innovation and learning has to be ignited and diversification will be a
alongside efforts to raise the pace of capital formation. Given the scope of the challenge, critical part of establishing
a new low-emissions
this process will have to involve traditional sectors such as agriculture and forestry (box
growth path, a process of
IV.2), as well as more advanced sectors linked to mitigation challenges. Th is transfor- innovation and learning
mation will build, moreover, on the technologies of the previous revolution, namely, in- has to be ignited alongside
formation and communications technologies, whose potential to support the smart and efforts to raise the pace of
efficient production, distribution and use of energy in all its forms is vast and still far capital formation
from exhausted. Additionally, those technologies offer many organizational, managerial,
marketing and research-oriented capabilities which will be particularly useful in fostering
productivity growth and finding new markets. If history is any guide, market forces by
themselves are unlikely to make the required adjustments.
An attractive concept in the field of sustainable energy development is that of Developing countries
energy leapfrogging (see Gallagher, 2006), whose thrust is that developing countries can could avoid the resource-
avoid the resource-intensive pattern of economic and energy development by “leapfrog- intensive pattern of
economic and energy
ging” to the most advanced technologies available, rather than by following the path of
development by
conventional energy development that was travelled by industrialized countries. The as- leapfrogging to the most
sumption is that if the advanced, cleaner technologies exist, they can be transferred to, advanced technologies
and be widely deployed within, developing countries. The leapfrogging concept has gained available
ground among policymakers, scholars and students and even, to some extent, in the pri-
vate sector (see, for example, Goldemberg, 1998; Unruh, 2000; and Murphy, 2001).
The potential for leapfrogging is inherent in both new production processes
and new products. Often, there is synergy between the two, as between the use of renew-
able energy sources and energy-efficient products. For example, switching to a compact
fluorescent light bulb makes it economical to supply power from a solar photovoltaic pan-
el. The resulting lighting system is much more satisfactory than its inefficient alternatives:
candles, kerosene or the combination of incandescent lights and an unreliable existing
electric grid (Goldemberg, 1998).
3 Learning by doing and using have been highlighted by economists (Rosenberg, 1982).
104 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box IV.2
Capacity-building for sustainable forestry
During the past several years, efforts have been made to include avoided deforestation and
sustainable forestry in international climate change mitigation agreements. (Deforestation alone
contributes to about 17 per cent of global CO2 emissions.) However, inclusion of these activities in
emissions accounting requires developing methodologies to monitor, evaluate and verify avoided
emissions. Capacity-building needs to include capacity to formulate policies and manage and
monitor projects.
Establishing the procedures for designing, reporting and monitoring forestry projects for
carbon sequestration that are often complex and require in-depth knowledge constitutes a means of
mitigating risks of leakage, non-permanence and uncertainties. Extensive capacity-building is needed
if developing countries are to design and implement such projects successfully. The typical ex post
approach of payment on delivery of carbon credits may prevent necessary upfront capacity-building
measures from being implemented and is a threat to the permanence and quality of forestry projects,
which generally require major investments in the planning and implementation phase.
In specific terms, it is likely that a broad implementation of reduced emissions from de-
forestation and forest degradation (REDD) projects will require training in technical skills such as geo-
graphic information system (GIS)-mapping, the use of Global Positioning System (GPS) technology
and remote sensing. REDD initiatives aiming at simultaneous sustainable development benefits will
require extensive capacity-building on a local level in sustainable forest management, agroforestry,
sustainable logging and alternative income-generation.
On a national level, there is a need for assistance in establishing baseline scenarios for
deforestation and setting up national systems for monitoring, assessing and verifying emissions
(Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, 2008). Many developing countries will also
need assistance in strengthening the institutional capacity for planning, creating policy frameworks
and enforcing policies and laws. Countries need to create a regulatory framework, to ensure not only
climate benefits, but also a fair implementation of REDD practices and sustainable forestry which
does not compromise the livelihoods of local and indigenous communities.
Mechanisms and institutional capacity are needed to ensure effective participation in
programme planning as well as implementation. Contrary to what is often argued, reducing defores-
tation and forest degradation does not automatically lead to sustainable development in a broader
sense. Sustainable development benefits must be taken into account in the planning and project
development phase as well as in the shaping of policy frameworks and mechanisms. Otherwise,
there is a risk that REDD initiatives will yield carbon benefits at the expense of local and indigenous
Leapfrogging to new However, leapfrogging to such new energy technologies, while it has the poten-
energy technologies has tial to yield important savings over the long run, faces significant obstacles. These might be
the potential to yield
on the supply side, for instance, owing to the presence of barriers to accessing the required
important savings over
the long run, but faces technology, whether because of obstacles to importing the technology from abroad, as is
significant obstacles the case for most developing countries (see chap. V), or because of a lack of the technologi-
cal expertise needed to link technology to local conditions. Obstacles may also exist on
the demand side, if a limited market size prevents economies of scale and a rapid running
down of costs to make new technologies locally competitive within an acceptable time
frame. Thus, there is a role for Governments, including at a local level, to build markets for
new technologies, for example, by providing low-cost loans to households and businesses,
providing information about new technologies, etc.
The need for a significant Still, as noted in chapter II, the need for a significant scaling up of adaptation
scaling up of adaptation
capacity in most countries cannot be understated. In order to take advantage of these op-
capacity in most countries
cannot be understated portunities, it will be necessary to invest in training institutes and schools and expand the
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 105
4 Individuals can also be locked in through consumption of high carbon intensive durable goods.
106 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Diversification challenges
For many developing As discussed in the previous chapter, for many developing countries, adaptation to un-
countries, adaptation to
avoidable shocks from global warming is the central policy challenge. Some of the smarter
unavoidable shocks from
global warming is the policy choices for addressing this challenge were discussed in the previous chapter, includ-
central policy challenge ing a more integrated approach to adaptation and mitigation issues.
Agriculture, as one of the most climate-sensitive sectors in many developing
countries, is in need of such policies. Th is will require knowledge encompassing new tech-
nologies such as sustainable irrigation methods and crop selection and diversification. It is
important that a proactive approach be taken in order to prevent production losses and a
further aggravation of the food crisis and poverty in rural areas, especially in Africa.5
Agriculture is an area where At present, however, agriculture is the main emitter of nitrous oxides and
emission reductions can be methane (both with high global warming potential) and contributes about 14 per cent of
achieved relatively cheaply
global greenhouse gas emissions (a share roughly comparable to that for the road trans-
port and forestry sectors) (McKinsey & Company, 2009). At the same time, agriculture
is an area where emission reductions can be achieved relatively cheaply (Enkvist, Nauclér
and Rosander, 2007). The mitigation potential of agriculture is large; on one estimate,
by 2030, agricultural emissions at a business-as-usual level could be more than halved
through a combination of abatement measures yielding reductions below $10 per ton of
CO2 equivalent (tCO2e), with many measures having negative costs because of productiv-
ity benefits (ibid.). Low-cost measures include improving soil quality (for example, restor-
ing degraded lands) and cropland and grazing land management (for example, reducing
fertilizer use, reducing tillage and eliminating burning of crop residues in the field) (Bel-
larby and others, 2008). Thus, sustainable agriculture can meet climate change mitigation
goals as well as the Millennium Development Goals. However, taking advantage of this
mitigation and carbon sink potential will require capacity-building programmes, with
investments in technical training, provision of extension services, and programmes for
sharing good practices.
The sustainable production Like the improvement of land management and agricultural practices, the
of biofuels from biomass sustainable production of biofuels from biomass is another important means of mitigat-
can be an important means
ing climate change and generating income in the agricultural sector. However, this will
of mitigating climate
change and generating require further research on sustainable production methods and the impacts of biofuel
income in the production on food production, along with extensive farmer and farm worker training. If
agricultural sector the biofuel industry grows, it will require not only a large unskilled labour force, but also
skilled labour (Peskett and others, 2007). Consequently, it is important that training be
available in the technical and managerial skills needed in the nascent biofuel processing
industries, including skills required for the operation and maintenance of biofuel plants.
A combination of large-scale investments, information management and col-
lective action have already been undertaken by countries and communities in the advanced
5 On the need for a green revolution in Africa linked to the climate challenge, see Sachs (2008).
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 107
world to protect themselves against climatic shocks. For many developing countries, on
the other hand, the real core of the adaptation challenge is still closely tied up with the
need to diversify their economies so as to be able to move away from reliance on a small
number of activities, particularly those in the primary sector that are sensitive to climatic
shocks and changes, and to shift to new energy sources and to sectors that are less energy-
intensive (see box IV.3).
The appropriate strategy is necessarily context-specific. It depends, among oth-
er factors, on the level of development, technological capacities, the size of the economy,
the natural resource base, government capacities and established State-business relations.
It involves not only manufacturing production but also a viable exploitation of the oppor-
tunities provided by the resource endowments of a specific country and the development
of modern services.
Box IV.3
Diversification of the productive system in South Africa
Historically, low electricity prices have been seen as central to South Africa’s competitiveness. The use
of cheap and abundant coal in the primary energy mix has provided relatively low-cost electricity,
and little incentive for greater energy efficiency. Industrial development has, to a significant extent,
been built around energy-intensive sectors. These sectors are sensitive to changes in energy prices,
so that particular attention needs to be given to them in the move to a low-emissions economy.
While current Government policy has embraced sustainable development goals, the country contin-
ues to provide significant incentives for investment in energy-intensive industries. These industries
are still an important source of employment, investment and income.
Continuing this approach carries a high risk that the economy will be “locked into”
energy-intensive industries, when environmental, economic and social pressures may push South
Africa in the opposite direction. Significant investment in energy-intensive industries in the 1990s
has had just that effect, and in fact several new megaprojects (including a new aluminium smelter)
are now in the planning stage.
An active industrial policy is required to target sectors that are less energy-intensive and
enable South Africa’s economy to diversify, move away from the country’s mineral-energy complex
and shift to capital and intermediate goods. This would indeed represent a major shift and could
take decades to complete. However, given the lock-in effect, decisions taken today will be critical in
changing the trajectory of South Africa’s energy development path. “Bending the curve” requires a
long-term perspective, but it also involves policy changes in the immediate future.
There is political agreement that, under South Africa’s climate policy, emissions will
have to peak, plateau and decline. The most effective and affordable short-term strategy for reduc-
ing greenhouse gases emissions is an energy-efficiency programme. Multiple studies demonstrate
that significant savings can be achieved at no overall cost to the economy and, often, significant
benefits can be provided. The next strategy would be to change the fuel mix, notably, to reduce the
three-quarters share of coal in the total primary energy supply. In the medium term, reduced-carbon
and non-carbon energy supplies, such as natural gas, hydroelectricity (imported from the region)
and solar thermal technologies could be introduced into the energy system. These measures can
together achieve significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions in relation to business-as-usual
development; but further action will be required to reduce emissions through more aggressive pur-
suit of the above programmes, possibly with the help of international funding.
Renewable energy options in South Africa have been considered both in terms of
electricity-generating renewable technologies (a combination of biomass, solar thermal technolo-
gies and wind energy) and a biofuels industry. The electricity target is in line with the State’s target
108 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
predictability. However, stronger and more reliable civil service capacities and public insti-
tutions will also be needed so that more integrated climate and development strategies can
be devised and specific policies implemented (Ahmad, 2009).
As large up-front investments will be needed in both mitigation and adap-
tation, State-sponsored accumulation will require a coordinated effort to mobilize the
required resources, from both domestic and external resources, and to channel them into
high-productivity and highly energy-efficient activities. It is essential that the autonomy
of financial markets be reduced to the point where macroeconomic policy instruments
can be deployed to support a development mandate dedicated to productive investment,
structural change and rapid growth.
Fiscal and monetary policies should give priority to increasing public spending,
including investments in renewable energy, cleaner energy processes, education, health
and infrastructure. This will also entail using subsidized credits, credit guarantees, tax
breaks, accelerated depreciation allowances, etc., to boost profits in private firms in the
desired sectors. The effects of such policies will be greater if commercial banks make loans
more easily available for such investments. However, as discussed in chapter VI, develop-
ment banks may have a larger role to play in some countries.
As discussed in previous chapters, a big investment push is likely to be aimed
at a limited range of industries and sectors and to begin with a prominent role for public
investment. There has been much warning of the threat of public investment crowding
out private investment. Crowding out, strictly speaking, refers to the variety of channels
whereby additional government spending may have little or even a negative effect on total
output because of its adverse effects on interest-rate sensitive components of private expen-
diture. Neither theory nor empirical evidence provides a basis for clear-cut conclusions
in these respects. (Everhart and Sumlinski, 2001, table 2.2). Our own big-push scenario
allows for considerable crowding in (see box IV.4 and chap. I).
Pro-investment macroeconomic policies are not sufficient by themselves to Contrary to common
trigger the shift to a low-emissions, high-growth development pathway, especially one perception, many countries,
and, notably, the more
where investment is targeted at specific industries with the greatest potential to advance
advanced ones, have
towards the green economy. Contrary to common perception, many countries, and, no- maintained industrial
tably, the more advanced ones, have maintained industrial policies of some type in recent policies of some type in
years. Successful industrial policies have some key ingredients in common: (a) targeted recent years
incentives; (b) regulation; (c) coordination of investment decisions; and (d) control mecha-
nisms. These elements can be implemented through diverse instruments, according to the
particular characteristics of the sector and country. In many developing countries, these
measures have been narrowly targeted at attracting foreign direct investment (FDI).
This implies that many developing countries have the experience and instru- Many developing countries
ments required to target and tailor industrial/productive policies towards a big push in have the experience and
instruments required to
clean energy and towards diversification in support of greater economic resilience. Vari-
target and tailor industrial/
ous factors explain why some countries have been more successful than others in using productive policies towards
these policies. In particular, the subsidies and rents that these measures inevitably create a big push in clean energy
are made available on condition of enhanced performance, linked, for example, to tech- and towards diversification
nological upgrading, and limits are set for how long they can be used. These and other in support of greater
lessons will certainly need to be absorbed as industrial policies are implemented to meet economic resilience
the climate challenge.6
6 Policymakers in more advanced countries are beginning to rethink these policy options in the
context, for example, of the need to transform the automotive sector in light of the climate
challenge (see Rothschild, 2009).
110 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box IV.4
Crowding in of private investments in a
low-emissions, high-growth development path
As demonstrated by the analysis provided in chapter I, simple continuation of past growth patterns
would fail to generate sustained high growth for developing countries and would also fail to generate
the energy saving and emission reduction needed to avert potentially catastrophic consequences for
a In the model, aggregate the world as a whole. To effect a change in course towards a low-emissions, catch-up development
public expenditures pathway, high, upfront public investments are needed. A big push of public investment, along with
are adjusted, but—in other measures, is expected to “crowd in” the private investments that are also needed to achieve the
conjunction with the second desired structural change. However, as the mobilization of large amounts of public resources would
policy component—these be needed, it could well be that the measures would induce some private investors to direct their
may be seen to have been
allocated for achieving
spending towards the greening of the economy, while discouraging others from investing, inasmuch
greater energy efficiency as interest rates might rise and available savings in financial markets might be “crowded out” by pub-
and low-emissions lic sector demand for such resources. The prospect of possibly substantial increases in public debts
energy production in the could further erode private investor confidence in respect of making long-term investments.
developed countries and Existing global models used for the economic analysis of climate change typically do
for a combination of public not capture these financial dimensions. The greatest difficulty lies in modelling investment and finan-
investment projects for
cial behaviour adequately in a context of great uncertainty and over long periods of time, as required
low-emissions energy,
adaptation and general by climate change analysis. The United Nations Global Policy Model (GPM) has been designed to
developmental infrastructure analyse global macroeconomic interactions, but inasmuch as it encompasses the global production
in the developing countries. and use of different sources of energy, it contains the elements needed to analyse the global financial
The size of the fiscal stimulus implications of a big energy and technology push aimed at addressing climate change. The Global
varies by needs, with greater Policy Model considers the channels through which a public investment push could crowd in private
spending increases for the
investment (namely, growth and targeted incentives) and crowd out private resources (namely, inter-
poorer countries, especially
the least developed est rates and changes in market confidence and expectations along with shifts in levels of public
countries, which have debt, inflation, the value of private assets and other financial variables).
greater infrastructural deficits The figure shows the results of simulations with the Global Policy Model in a scenario
and adaptation needs. with three types of policy adjustment: (a) one where countries worldwide are assumed to increase
public spending levels by between 1 and 5 per cent of GDP;a (b) one where high-emission energy
b The constraint is set to
induce a reduction in the demand is constrained (reflecting, for instance, a cap-and-trade mechanism) to yield lower emis-
use of fossil-fuel energy by at sions and greater energy efficiency;b and (c) one where economic resilience of developing countries
least 4 per cent per year. is strengthened by providing them, especially the poorest countries, with full and duty-free market
access to developed-country markets, leading to greater economic diversification.c
c The first policy component
(public investments in
The policy changes would yield faster growth (2.5 per cent per year in developed coun-
infrastructure, energy and tries and 6 per cent per year in developing countries), allowing for growth in private incomes and
human capital) is also consumption spending and promoting private investments. By the model’s parameter estimates,d
expected to support trading these positive effects of the public investment-led strategy towards achieving low-emissions econo-
capacity and economic mies outweigh the crowding out effects through the financial channels. By 2030, the level of private
diversification. In addition, investment would be 1-4 per cent higher than in the business-as-usual scenario. The crowding-in
greater commodity price
effect would be stronger in the least developed countries, where the fiscal stimuli are greater. Rising
stability would support
long-term investments private incomes would also help increase the tax base, but not enough to prevent public debt ratios
towards diversification. In from increasing to relatively high levels. Over the longer run, public indebtedness would stabilize
the model, this is achieved in the developed countries, but at levels of over 100 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP) (see
by triggering supply and the three right-hand graphs), which many Governments may consider too high for comfort. By 2030,
demand adjustments public indebtedness in developing countries would also have risen significantly (by 26 percentage
under international trade
points of GDP over the baseline scenario). In virtue of the assumed international coordination of
these strategies, the model suggests that, even at these levels of public indebtedness, continued
d Please note that all economic growth, energy saving and trade impulses would continue to crowd in private invest-
behavioural relations of ment. Nonetheless, public debts cannot rise infinitely. Complementary measures will need to be con-
the model were estimated sidered to prevent public indebtedness from becoming explosive. For developed countries, these
econometrically, yielding
robust and plausible
would need to be sought in the form of new taxes (such as a carbon tax), while developing countries
parameter values (see might utilize both fiscal measures and alternative non-debt creating financing support (for example,
Cripps, Izurieta and Vos through a foreign direct investment stimulus in some cases or foreign aid in the case of the poorest
(forthcoming)). countries). The various financing options are discussed further in chapter VI.
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 111
2 000
1 500 70
1 000
0 30
Developing countries Developing countries
3 500 130
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500 70
1 000
0 30
Developing countries, excluding major surplus countriesa Developing countries, excluding major surplus countriesa
3 500 130
3 000
2 500
2 000
1 500 70
1 000
0 30
Source: UN/DESA, based on simulations with the United Nations Global Policy Model.
a Namely, China, major oil exporters in Western Asia, and newly industrialized countries of East Asia.
112 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
7 Adapted from Rodrik (2007), p. 122. Chapter V widens the analysis of trade rules pertinent to
climate change.
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 113
summary of the specific rules under the different international agreements.8 Direct export There remains much scope for
subsidies9 are now illegal (for all but least developed countries), as are domestic content coherent industrial policies,
especially if countries do not
requirements on enterprises that are linked to trade, quantitative restrictions on imports,
give up their policy autonomy
and patent laws that fall short of international standards. However, there remains much any further by signing bilateral
scope for coherent industrial policies, especially if countries do not give up their policy au- agreements or adhering to
tonomy any further by signing bilateral agreements or adhering to restrictive international restrictive international codes
codes (see box IV. 5).
Box IV.5
A big energy push in India: the role of renewables
Continued catch-up growth in India will depend, in no small part, on large-scale investments in its
energy sector. With economic growth targeted at 7-8 per cent, energy requirements are expected to
grow at 5.6-6.4 per cent annually, representing a fourfold increase over the next 25 years. Electricity
generation, heavily dependent on coal, will be the primary source of emissions growth.
As part of its efforts to address high energy demand and the potentially adverse envi-
ronmental effects of intense energy use, India has enacted legislation and pursued policies to im-
prove the availability of alternative energy sources. Laws and policies aimed at promoting renewable
energy in the electricity sectors include:
y The Electricity Act of 2003, which mandates the promotion of cogeneration and gen-
eration of electricity through renewable sources of energy. This is achieved by providing
suitable measures for connectivity with the grid, for the sale of electricity, and for pur-
chase of electricity from these sources, specifying a percentage of total consumption
of electricity in the area of a distribution licensee. The Act mandates that newly created
State electricity regulatory commissions fix a minimum percentage of power procure-
ment from renewable energy. Already, about half of the States of India have set, or are
in the process of setting, renewable power obligations. The State electricity regulatory
commissions have also provided preferential tariffs and energy transmission regulations
for renewable power generators
y The National Electricity Policy of 2005, through which authority is granted to each State
legislator to create a renewable energy portfolio standard for transmission and distribu-
tion companies serving their jurisdictions
y The Renewable Energy Plan 2012, which targets achieving a 10 per cent share for re-
newable energy in incremental power capacity. This should lead to an additional grid-
connected 10,000 megawatts (MW) of renewable energy.
Other initiatives include the installment of 1 million household solar water heating sys-
tems; electrification by renewable mini-grids for 24,000 villages that are currently without electricity;
the deployment of 5 million solar lanterns and 2 million solar home lighting systems; and the estab-
lishment of an additional 3 million small biogas plants.
The central Government also provides financial and fiscal incentives to allow renewable
energy to become competitive with other sources of conventional energy in India. These policies
feature, inter alia, income tax holidays, accelerated depreciation of investments in renewable energy
technologies, duty-free import of renewable energy equipment, concessional rates on customs and
excise duties on the import of capital equipment, capital subsidies and concessionary financing from
India’s Renewable Energy Development Agency, requirements for energy purchases by distribution
companies, and exemptions from electricity taxes and sales taxes.
8 Table 4.3 of Rodrik (2007) shows how restrictions are defined under each institution or agreement
and under what conditions they apply.
9 Least developed countries and developing countries with less than US$ 1,000 per capita gross
national product (GNP) are exempted from rules on subsidies under the Agreement on Subsidies
and Countervailing Measures.
114 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The example of the ethanol industry in Brazil demonstrates how critical Gov-
ernment support can be, particularly during the early phase of development and deploy-
ment of a new technology, and how it may need to be sustained until it has taken firm root
in the marketplace (box IV.6). The Government of Brazil, at both the federal and the State
levels, had an essential role to play in providing incentives to scale up production and in
setting up a clear institutional framework. This role included setting technical standards,
supporting the technologies involved in ethanol production and use, providing financial
advantages, and ensuring appropriate market conditions.
The introduction of Replacing old technologies, like gasoline in the case of Brazil, with renew-
renewable sources able sources entails the challenge of making complementary investments along the supply
entails the challenge of
chain. In the particular case of gasoline, consumers are reluctant to buy cars using a new
making complementary
investments along the fuel that may be difficult to find. Service station owners are not interested in investing
supply chain in a parallel fuel distribution system, since the number of potential users is usually very
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 115
Box IV.6
Brazil’s sugar cane-based ethanol industry
Brazil’s ethanol industry was established in the 1930s. With more sugar than it could use, the Gov-
a The price paid to
ernment determined that sugar cane should be utilized for ethanol production and made ethanol,
producers in 1980 was
added to gasoline, a mandatory automobile fuel. Following the international oil crisis in 1973, the in- $700 for 1,000 litres. By
dustry made significant progress. The Government launched the National Alcohol Programme (Pro- 2004, it had reached $200
Álcool) in 1975 to increase production yields, modernize and expand distilleries, and establish new per 1,000 litres, becoming
production plants. Although ethanol production initially had been heavily subsidized,a over time all economically competitive
subsidies were eliminated. In 2008, ethanol was sold roughly at between 50 and 60 per cent of the with gasoline based on
international prices for oil
price of gasoline at the pump, owing to sharp reductions in production costs.
(equivalent to US$ 40 per
Policies that were key to Brazil’s success in substituting fossil fuel consumption for etha- barrel).
nol use include the following: (a) obligating the State-owned oil company, Petrobras, to purchase a
guaranteed amount of ethanol; (b) providing economic incentives to agro-industrial enterprises to
produce ethanol, including loans with low, subsidized interest rates (this policy applied from 1980 to
b This was possible because
1985); (c) incentives to consumers by guaranteeing a price of ethanol at the pump at 59 per cent of the Government had been
the price of gasoline;b (d) requiring the automobile industry to produce cars able to run partially or in charge of setting the
totally on biofuels; (e) allowing renewable energy-based independent producers of electric power gasoline price at that time.
to compete with traditional public utility firms in the electricity market at large; (f) stimulating and
supporting private ownership of sugar mills, which helped increase competition and efficiency; and
(g) stimulating rural activities based on biomass energy to increase employment in rural areas.
The Sugar cane Technology Centre, a privately funded research institute in São Paulo,
was key to improving ethanol production technology, having invested about $20 million per year in
research at the peak of the programme. Researchers at the Centre and other institutions also found
ways to use sugar cane fibre residue, known as bagasse, to produce energy, building on existing
methods of burning bagasse to power steam turbines for electricity generation and using the re-
maining heat from the turbines for the distillation process. They developed cauldrons operating at
greater pressure so that more energy could be produced, allowing many ethanol plants to become
self-powered. This contributed significantly to keeping ethanol production costs low.
Thanks to steady productivity improvements, the cost of producing ethanol declined
by an annual average of 3.8 per cent from 1980 to 1985 and of 5.7 per cent from 1985 to 2005. As
cumulative experience increased, the cost per unit of energy declined and is now one third of its
initial value (see figure).
60 1990
2000 2005
0 200 400 600 800 1000
Cumulative production of ethanol (millions of barrels of oil equivalent) Source: Nakicenovic (2009).
116 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
small. This is why government policies to spur investment and drive demand for selected
technologies are so important (Goldemberg, 1998).
Additionally, in most countries, government is the single largest individual
consumer (see Bhandarkar and Alvarez-Rivero (2008), p. 391). Thus, government procure-
ment policies, including methods such as tendering and holding of reverse auctions, can
constitute an important instrument. As a major purchaser of electricity and vehicles, Gov-
ernments could provide a significant boost to low-emissions options through the appropri-
ate procurement bidding specifications. Such green procurement could extend as well to
new construction of government buildings, ranging from offices to schools and hospitals.
The balance between Specific industrial policies will vary depending on the particular country, with
acquiring technologies some placing a greater reliance on technologies acquired from abroad through trade and
from abroad and
foreign investment, and others exerting greater effort on behalf of local technology devel-
developing local
technology may well shift opment. The balance between the two types of policies may well shift over time as a coun-
over time try familiarizes itself with imported technologies and acquires the capability to replicate,
adapt and improve them.
For some developing countries with strong technological capabilities there may
be even scope for pushing the technological frontier outwards. Thus far, there are relatively
few examples of developing countries that have established and maintained a strong lead
in technologies of global significance, with large markets even in developed countries.
This is changing, however, as a number of middle-income developing countries acquire
stronger technological capabilities and establish innovation systems.
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 117
• Investment tax credits to firms that bring a new technology to market can
lower the upfront investment costs of producing a new type of equipment, and
can be tied either to costs or to the production level. These policies work to
increase the supply of a new technology on the market
• Production tax credits are subsidies granted for a particular type of electricity
generation on a per-unit-of-production basis, making renewables such as wind
more competitive with respect to higher-emissions production methods
• To increase demand for a new technology, tax credits or rebates can be granted
to purchasers as well as producers, reducing the cost differences between old
and new technologies and making the lower-emitting or more efficient new
products relatively more attractive. For example, many States offer tax rebates
to consumers who purchase high-efficiency appliances
• Loan guarantees also subsidize industry by shifting the risk of failure or de-
fault to the government and lowering the costs of capital for private firms
below what would be available on the open market for an unproved but prom-
ising technology
• Limiting legal liability to the users of a new technology constitutes another
implicit subsidy from government, insulating parties from possible economic
damages. This approach may be relevant for carbon-capture-and-sequestration
technology, where a release of geologically sequestered CO2 could potential-
ly undo climate benefits and cause additional harm, giving rise to litigation
against the technology developer.
Energy efficiency
There is a potential for As discussed elsewhere in the Survey, there is a potential for emissions gains from improv-
considerable emissions ing energy efficiency at the industry and household levels. The building sector, transport
gains from improving and industry appear to offer sizeable opportunities for low-cost improvements; but there
energy efficiency at the
are also potential, if less well researched, gains to be reaped in agriculture (Ürge-Vorsatz
industry and household
levels and Metz, 2009). There are also other potential benefits to be derived from creating jobs
in new business activities.
In South Africa, for example, interventions consist primarily of improved
building design and improved heating, ventilating and air conditioning (HVAC) efficiency
(Winkler, 2006, pp. 161–163 and 176). A “cleaner and more efficient residential energy sce-
nario” involves energy-efficient housing shells, efficiency interventions such as deployment
of compact fluorescent lamps (CFLs) and geyser insulation blankets, and a number of fuel-
switching options, including installation of solar water heating, replacement of other fuels
with liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) for cooking, and replacement of paraffin with electric-
ity for lighting, linked to substantial increases in the residential electrification rate. Despite
the promotion of win-win gains, however, widespread implementation requires some initial
investments and efforts to overcome key informational, institutional, social, financial and
technical barriers through “significant policy intervention” (Winkler, 2006, p. 160).
There are a range of incentive measures that aim at reducing initial costs associated
with increasing energy efficiency, including subsidies or grants for energy efficiency investments,
tax relief for purchase of energy-efficient equipment, subsidies for energy audits, and loans or
guarantee funds for energy efficiency projects (Peck and Chipman, 2008). Tax incentives, guar-
antees and other financing measures can help investors overcome the possible constraints on
paying the upfront cost of efficiency improvements (Tufts University, Fletcher School, 2008).
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 119
Cleaner coal10
Coal is an abundant, low-cost energy resource, but it is also carbon-intensive and pollut-
ing. Coal meets just over one quarter of the world’s demand for primary energy. In terms
of its consumption, coal, instead of being replaced by other sources, is expected to expand
rapidly in the years to come. Coal emissions are projected to grow worldwide by 65 per
cent from 2005 to 2030 (see chap. II).
Globally, two market imperfections currently limit the uptake of cleaner Globally, it costs less to
coal technologies: it costs less to pollute than to control pollution; and barriers such as pollute than to control
high development costs slow technological change. Accelerating deployment will require pollution; and barriers such
as high development costs
changes at the national and international levels. Commercial deployment of cleaner coal
slow technological change
technologies requires investment certainty through stable policies which recognize the
costs and risks of long-term capital investment in pollution control, ultra-supercritical,
integrated gasification combined cycle (IGCC) and carbon capture and sequestration
(CCS) technologies.
Experience worldwide shows that deployment of clean coal technologies must Deployment of clean
encompass the entire coal supply chain, and that parallel progress is needed in technical coal technologies must
and non-technical areas for coal to remain an acceptable component in a country’s energy encompass the entire coal
supply chain
mix. A modern coal-fired power plant cannot be considered in isolation from the coal
mines, transport infrastructure and coal markets that supply it. This again underscores the
importance of integrated policy responses.
One major challenge will be to develop and deploy systems for CO2 capture
and storage, a critical technology for coal’s long-term future, but one that has not yet been
demonstrated on a commercial scale at any coal-fired power plant. Such demonstrations
are 5-10 years away in advanced economies. However, this may be an opportunity for
some developing countries, and China is already participating in R&D initiatives that aim
at accelerating progress.
More broadly, China has an unprecedented opportunity to become a major China has an
player in the global market for cleaner, more efficient coal technologies. It has already de- unprecedented
veloped some unique technologies, which it would be sensible for other countries to adopt, opportunity to become a
major player in the global
and it will certainly create more. It should work with other Governments to create a global
market for cleaner, more
market for clean energy technologies, and allow its manufacturing industry to respond efficient coal technologies
with commercially relevant products, for local markets and for export.
China will need to decide for itself how to proceed, but its actions, more than
those of any other country, will shape the global approach to the cleaner use of coal which
is urgently needed in order to avert the worst effects of climate change. Hence, the three
priorities for international engagement with China are:
• Government-industry partnerships to develop and demonstrate low-emissions,
cleaner coal technologies
• Technology transfer and deployment of cleaner coal technologies through
commercial arrangements that respond to the market demand created in
China and elsewhere
• Negotiations leading to successful international accords which create national,
regional and global markets for clean, low-emissions technologies.
New technologies such as direct coal liquefaction, in whose development
China is already a pioneer, and algae-based technologies for reducing emissions will require
greater research efforts.
10 The present section is based on International Energy Agency (2009).
120 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Strategic deployment of new technologies brings advantages by building up new industries
and accelerating movement down experience curves. Strategic deployment policies build
market scale and thereby bring down the cost of technologies (Grubb, 2004). At the same
time, strategic deployment generally requires regulation which fosters adoption of tech-
nologies that would otherwise be uneconomical; in this way, the benefits of learning by
doing and other scale economies are secured.
Even with the expansion of coal consumption in China and India, its growth
does not match that of renewables which is doubling every two to five years. For example,
India, where wind capacity is twice as large as nuclear capacity, is now the fourth largest
windmill installer in the world. Hence, perhaps coal is the fuel of the past and the present,
and alternatives and efficiency are the fuels of the future.
To make a subsidy What form is ideal for incentives depends on the technology being deployed.
programme cost-effective, The market for solar energy products such as photovoltaic panels, solar water heating, and
care should be given to
solar power concentrators encompasses a spectrum of scales ranging from industrial power
eliminating free riders and
reducing transaction costs generation to smaller commercial-scale and domestic installations. Wind power, on the
other hand, is almost entirely produced at industrial scale by large companies. Because
wind farms are financed by large corporations with access to financial markets, the wind
industry has preferred the long-term payback of production tax credits, which provide a
return on every kilowatt produced, as a means of making their power more competitive
on the market. The biggest concern for smaller-scale solar installations, however, is not the
long-term return to the power generated (much of the return is in reduced bills for small
producers, not in profits from selling the produced energy), but rather the initial high
cost of installing a system. In this case, an investment tax credit is a better instrument for
the industry, allowing for a lowering of the price that producers of solar products have to
charge their customers for the equipment. To make a subsidy programme cost-effective,
care should be given to eliminating free riders (those companies that would have upgraded
their equipment even without a subsidy) and reducing transaction costs.
Other policies that have been used to promote renewables include:
• Feed-in tariffs, as adopted particularly in continental Europe but also in parts
of North America and China (see box IV.7 and chap. II), which mandate a
specific (premium) price to be paid for electricity generated from renewable
sources such as wind and solar energy
• Renewable obligations, known in North America as portfolio standards, which
require utilities to source a certain percentage of their electricity from renew-
able sources generally through systems of tradable certificates (see box II.1)
• Other technology or fuel mandates, such as Brazil’s long-standing requirement
that cars run entirely or partly on ethanol (see box IV.6), a requirement that
has also been established in China (see box IV.7).
A state of change: development policy and the climate challenge 121
China now ranks among the top countries in respect of the number of its patents
for renewable energy technologies. The Government of China had to implement diverse policies
to overcome such barriers to renewable energy development as: (a) the high cost of developing
renewable energy; (b) the difficulty of connecting renewable energy to the grid; (c) institutional
impediments; (d) the lack of international investment; (e) a weak legal and regulatory frame-
work; and (f) an uncertain level of future demand and thus of prices for renewable energy.
Box IV.7
Renewable energy in China
China’s power supply has not kept pace with energy demand, despite an annual growth rate of 8 per
cent in installed capacity over the last two decades. When energy shortages in 1986 reached 17 per
cent of annual power consumption, China had begun instituting reforms in its energy sector, focusing
on reducing energy intensity and developing renewable energy. Since the drafting of China’s version
of Agenda 21 in 1994, renewable energy technologies have received increased attention. Guidelines
on renewable energy development were included in the eleventh Five-year Plan (2006-2010). China’s
Renewable Energy Industries Association, established through the United Nations Development Pro-
gramme (UNDP) and the Global Environment Facility (GEF), brought together national and interna-
tional investors in this field. Despite legal and structural reforms in the energy industry undertaken
over two decades, it is estimated that environmental pollution still costs China as much as $64 billion
or 3 per cent of gross domestic product (GDP), in 2004, according to the Green GDP Accounting re-
search project (Zhang, 2007).
The new Renewable Energy Promotion Law (the Renewables Law) became effective
from January 2006. It entails the first comprehensive policy to promote renewable energy in China
and provides the legal basis for all activities related to renewable energy. The law targets a substantial
increase in the share of renewables in total energy consumption.
The relevant provisions of the Renewables Law are: (a) a mandated market share: the
aim is to raise the share of renewable energy goals in gross energy consumption to 5 per cent by
2010 and to 10 per cent by 2020; (b) a competitive bidding process on the basis of Government-
approved concessions; (c) the stipulation that power grids must purchase electricity from qualified
grid-connected renewable facilities; (d) application of a feed-in tariff entailing fixed-term, differential
but favourable pricing for grid-connected renewable energy; and (e) price setting in the renewable
energy sector based on what is required for both the development and utilization of required tech-
nologies and the provision of an economical and reasonable service.
The Government of China has implemented supplementary policy initiatives to support
the implementation of the law. These include, among others, subsidies to assist renewable energy re-
search and development; favourable accounting rules for capitalization of research and development
costs within high-tech institutions; use of income tax revenues to support the local development
of renewable energy development; and grants and preferential loans for small and medium-sized
technical enterprises supporting energy efficiency and renewable energy. Furthermore, through the
National Township Electrification Programme, 20 megawatts (MW) of solar photovoltaic (PV) energy
sources, 840 kilowatts (kW) from wind sources and 200 MW from small hydropower plants were in-
stalled to power 1,000 villages through renewable energy. The Sunlight Programme, which is to be
completed in 2010, implements large-scale grid-connected PV projects, PV/hybrid village power dem-
onstration systems, and home-PV projects for remote areas. The Brightness Programme was instituted
with the support of multilateral assistance to install several solar and wind systems in north-western
China. In addition, the “Ride the Wind” Programme, a bilateral cooperation programme established
to install wind turbines in various parts of China, involves joint ventures of Chinese and international
renewable technology manufacturers aimed at aiding the development of renewable energy for use
by local manufacturing industries. Finally, the Government has issued mandates for blending biofuels
with vehicle fuels. In addition, China’s eleventh Five-year Plan targets the reduction of energy intensity Source: Tufts University,
by 20 per cent between 2006 and 2010. Fletcher School (2008).
122 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Most developing countries are reluctant to accept binding emissions targets. Their con-
cerns are rooted in fundamental development challenges and reflected in the United Na-
tions Framework Convention on Climate Change.11 Under the Convention, countries are
recognized to have “common but differentiated responsibilities” (sixth preambular para.).
While developed countries are to “take the lead in combating climate change” (article 3,
para. 1), for developing countries, “economic and social development and poverty eradica-
tion are the first and overriding priorities” (article 4, para. 7). Developing countries believe
that developed countries have yet to demonstrate their leadership in tackling the climate
challenge and that being held to specific emission levels regardless of the economic conse-
quences would be tantamount to putting a cap on their growth and fostering the perpetu-
ation of unacceptable levels of poverty and inequality.
Developing countries Establishing low-emissions, high-growth development pathways will be key to
require the presence meeting the climate challenge, reducing global inequality and tackling extreme poverty.
of strong and dynamic
If history is any guide, it is unlikely that market forces, by themselves, would be able to
developmental States
capable of providing a establish such pathways and serve as guides through the transition. This chapter has ar-
coherent vision of the gued that developing countries require the presence of strong and dynamic developmental
future, of managing the States capable of providing a coherent vision of the future, of managing the conflicts that
conflicts that arise from arise from change and of establishing the kind of integrated strategy that will be needed.
change and of drawing Such States have managed successful transitions in the past by mobilizing resources and
up the kind of integrated
strategy that will be
providing missing inputs for productive activities, socializing investment risk, removing
needed barriers, and providing temporary support to those adversely impacted by the shifts in
activities. This has involved a blend of pro-investment macroeconomic and industrial
policies. Fiscal and monetary policies have given priority to increasing public spending,
including investments in energy, education, health and infrastructure. Subsidized credits,
credit guarantees, tax breaks, accelerated depreciation allowances, etc., have been used to
boost profits in private firms in targeted sectors.
A new generation of All these elements will certainly be needed if the new generation of develop-
development strategies ment strategies aimed at low emissions and high growth are to be successful. Such strate-
requires a vision for
gies would have to develop a clear vision for energy production and for the energy-intensity
energy production, for the
energy-intensity of the of the production structure, for urban development and transportation, and for natural
production structure, for resource use and natural resource intensity of production.
urban development and An integrated strategy will involve a collaborative effort between a develop-
transportation, and for mental State and the private sector. This will necessarily be context-specific. It will depend,
natural resource use and among other factors, on the level of development, technological capacities, the size of the
natural resource intensity
of production
economy, the natural resource base, government capacities and established State-business
relations. Initial steps can be taken through fostering energy efficiency, implementing
cleaner coal processes and developing renewable energy sources. Yet, mitigation efforts, no
matter how necessary, will not be sufficient to protect developing countries from the threats
posed by climate change. The best defence against such threats remains the diversifica-
tion of economic structures to enable them to shift from a reliance on a small number of
activities, particularly those in the primary sector that are sensitive to climatic shocks and
Chapter V
Technology transfer
and the climate challenge
In previous chapters, it has been argued that a big investment push to transform energy
production and use and to diversify into activities less vulnerable to climatic shocks is the
basis for an integrated response to climate and development challenges. That push is to be
spearheaded by public investments but it will be sustained only by crowding private inves-
tors into an expanding green economy. It must also be accompanied by the technological
advances needed to meet mitigation and adaptation challenges. Those advances will entail
diff using existing low-emissions technologies, scaling up new, commercially ready tech-
nologies and advancing new breakthrough technologies.
A rapid pace of capital formation is often accompanied by an accelerated pace of
technological upgrading and learning. However, noting the familiar market failures which
tend to slow or halt technological progress, chapter IV suggested that a strong public policy
agenda mixing price incentives, regulation and interventionist measures, particularly within
industrial policy, would also be required to ensure a continuous process of technological
learning and upgrading. It also suggested that a developmental State would be needed to
promote such an agenda in most developing countries. When the required technologies are
not available domestically but have to be imported from abroad and adapted to local circum-
stances and conditions, that agenda becomes more complicated, in large part because the
balance between owners and users of technology is tilted even more in favour of the former.
Technology flows through several well-known channels, the most important The countries most
being trade, foreign direct investment (FDI) and cross-border technology licensing. Sci- responsible for climate
entific and technical knowledge also flows internationally through research publications, change, or at least their
corporations, are set to
research collaboration and the movement of skilled personnel. Acceleration of the flows
profit further through the
of climate-friendly technology raises many of the same issues and challenges facing any transfer of technologies to
other sort of technology. What differentiates those technologies from many—but not countries that bear little
all—others is the urgency and scale of the transfers likely to be needed to meet the cli- or no responsibility for the
mate challenge. But there is also an underlying ethical challenge posed by climate-friendly problem
technologies, given that the countries most responsible for climate change, or at least their
corporations, are set to profit through the transfer of technologies to countries that bear
little or no responsibility for the problem.
Implementation of the appropriate measures for facilitating the transfer of clean The transfer of clean
technologies and building the local capacity to use them effectively in developing countries technologies and building
will require much greater collaboration among countries. Such collaboration could help the local capacity to
use them effectively in
bring technologies more quickly to their commercialization stage and encourage further
developing countries
breakthroughs in cutting-edge low-emissions technologies. However, in many developing will require much greater
countries where the key challenge is diff using existing low-emissions technologies, inter- collaboration among
national support is needed for research, development and deployment (RD&D), the re- countries
moval of trade barriers, access to affordable financing, and effective capacity-building. Any
concerted international effort to promote access to low-emissions technologies should not,
moreover, suppress the ability of the developing countries themselves to produce such tech-
nologies and to become competitive on international markets.
124 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
South-South climate The present chapter is concerned with the international transfer and diff usion
technology flows could play of technologies for climate change mitigation and adaptation.1 The focus is on the “North-
a significant role in that
South” transfer of technologies, which would allow developing countries to undertake
transition, given the advances
that have been made in some cost-effective actions consistent with and capable, ideally, of reinforcing their wider eco-
developing countries in areas nomic and social development. It identifies some of the main barriers obstructing such
such as biofuels and renewable transfer and diff usion and proposes measures for removing or overcoming them. In re-
energy sponse to the limited technological flows to date, resulting partly from the slow pace in
blazing low-emissions development pathways and partly from the failure to fulfil promises
made in international agreements, the chapter is largely concerned with how to anticipate
possible future challenges. It suggests, given the scale and urgency of the climate chal-
lenge, that the international community must give much more serious attention to the
kind of architecture needed to ensure greater transfers of technology so as to speed the
transition to low-emissions development pathways. South-South climate technology flows
could also play a significant role in that transition given the advances that have been made
in some developing countries in areas such as biofuels and renewable energy. How to fa-
cilitate such flows will also require greater consideration in subsequent discussions of the
technology transfer challenge.
Box V.1
Lessons learned from the
implementation of the Montreal Protocol
The Montreal Protocol on Substances that Deplete the Ozone Layera was agreed in 1987 and entered a United Nations, Treaty
into force on 1 January 1989. The Protocol was a response to the fact that scientists had showed that Series, vol. 1552, No. 26369.
some man-made substances were contributing to the depletion of the Earth’s ozone layer, which
protects life from damaging ultraviolet radiation. The Protocol is considered one of the most suc-
cessful global environmental agreements and stimulated the development and worldwide transfer
of technologies to protect the stratospheric ozone layer.
The Protocol requires that Parties eliminate emissions of most ozone depleting sub-
stances. Environmentally safe substitutes and related technologies have been used to achieve this
objective. Since many of these technologies are widely available only in a relatively few countries and
since the global market has been slow to bring these technologies to some parts of the world, de-
liberated and active international technology transfer programmes have been needed to eliminate
emissions of ozone depleting substances (Strelneck and Linquiti, 1995).
The Multilateral Fund for the implementation of the Montreal Protocol was established
by the London Amendment to the Montreal Protocol in 1990 to assist developing-country parties to
the Protocol, whose annual per capita consumption and production of ozone depleting substances
is less than 0.3 kilogram (kg), in complying with the control measures of the Protocol. The Fund covers
the incremental costs associated with technology transfer, including the costs of on-site engineer-
ing, equipment purchase and installation, training, and start-up. Capacity-building projects, such as
the establishment of national ozone offices and regional ozone network offices, are also eligible for
funding (Andersen, Madhava Sarma and Taddonio, 2007). As of April 2008, the contributions made to
the Multilateral Fund by some 49 developed countries (including countries with economies in transi-
tion) totalled over US$ 2.3 billion.
Lessons have been derived from implementation of the Montreal Protocol which may
be of interest to those involved in the climate change process (Andersen, Madhava Sarma and Tad-
donio, 2007). The lessons relevant to technology transfer include: the need for developing vision-
ary technology assessments; empowering the financial mechanism to be a proactive instrument for
technology transfer; developing and implementing training programmes; and using regulations and
policies to promote technology transfer.
Figure V.1
Share of patent ownership in the areas of renewable energy
and motor vehicles abatement among selected countries, 2000-2004
Renewable energy (percentage)
China 1.9
Netherlands 2.4
Canada 3
France 3.4
Australia 3.8
Denmark 4.7
Japan 17.8
Germany 18.5
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Canada 0.9
Austria 1.2
Italy 1.3
Sweden 2.2
France 5.6
Japan 28.9
Germany 32.8
In the photovoltaics sector, the developing nations are facing a loose oligopoly with many
entrants. Thus, developing countries like India and China, for example, have been able to
enter and compete in the industry. In respect of biofuel technologies, intellectual property
rights do not appear to be barring developing countries from accessing the current-gen-
eration technologies, as shown by the developments in many countries, including Brazil,
Malaysia, South Africa and Thailand.
A much harder question to answer is what lies ahead. To the extent that de-
veloping countries make a big investment push to establish a low-emissions development
pathway, the market for new technologies can be expected to expand rapidly. Unantici-
pated obstacles to the transfer of technologies could slow that transition, particularly the
emergence of new sectors linked to these technologies, or necessitate large shifts of re-
sources to already advanced economies through technology payments.
The most significant barriers and distortions are likely to be associated with the
market power of a small number of producers located in advanced economies. The wind
sector appears to be the most concentrated of the three renewable energy sectors examined
in the Barton study and a tight control over intellectual property may act to deter technol-
ogy transfer. Even so, some developing nations have been able to build wind farms with
equipment from the global market without incurring unduly steep intellectual property
costs. The challenge for these developing countries is to enter the global market for wind
turbines. The existing industry leaders are strong and they are hesitant to share cutting-
edge technology out of fear of creating new competitors (see box V.2). Two developing
Box V.2
Foreign direct investment (FDI) and
technology transfer in the wind sector
A recent study of wind power in China examined foreign and domestic companies involved in China’s
wind turbine industry and compared the extent of technology transfer in four case studies. These four
cases exhibited three types of ownership models, which greatly impacted the extent of technology
transfer: (a) limited joint ventures, where all materials and technology are developed and owned by
the foreign company but manufactured with Chinese labour and materials (for example, NEG Micon/
Vestas and GE Wind); (b) joint ventures, where a foreign company develops the technology, which is
then owned by a Chinese company and components are made with Chinese labour and materials
(for example, Xi’an-Nordex); and (c) Chinese-owned, where a Chinese company develops and owns
the technology and oversees the production of the materials (for example, Goldwind-China).
The study found that, regardless of the ownership model, very few foreign companies
have transferred wind power technology. Foreign-owned companies have not challenged the local
content requirement because they have been able to do well in the market and retain control of their
intellectual property.
In response, the Government of China is considering the implementation of local intel-
lectual property requirements for wind power in an attempt to push international companies to
transfer more technology. Such stipulations on intellectual property requirements could be con-
tested by international companies under the rules of the World Trade Organization or by simply
limiting new FDI in this sector.
The Government has also been trying, with some success, to promote strong inde-
pendent Chinese wind power companies. Among Chinese wind power enterprises, several manu-
facturers produce equipment that is up to 30 per cent cheaper than that produced by their foreign
counterparts, but generally such equipment is not as advanced in design. For example, Chinese firms
rely on 600-750-kilowatt (KW) capacity turbines, while General Electric offers 1.5-megawatts (MW)
and Vestas provides 2-MW turbines. The manufacturing capacity of China is changing fast, with the
nation on track to exceed the 30-gigawatt (GW) target by 2020. Source: Lewis, 2006.
130 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
nations with significant bargaining advantages in their own right, namely, China and
India, have succeeded in building important firms over the past decade. Whether other
developing countries will be able to replicate that success is uncertain.
Multilateral actions to accelerate technology transfer among countries can be
of several sorts: those that exploit existing flexibilities of the Agreement on Trade-related
Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights, those that require a modification of that Agree-
ment and other disciplines in the framework of the World Trade Organization, and those
that are not necessarily linked to the multilateral trade framework, including initiatives
to foster technology-related absorptive capacity and innovation in developing countries
through international cooperation.
Limiting patentability
Patentability refers to the boundaries established to determine what inventions can be
patented. Article 27 of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Property
Rights states that “patents shall be available for any inventions … in all fields of technology,
provided that they are new, involve an inventive step and are capable of industrial
application”. These relatively loose criteria for patentability leave some space for the
formulation by the individual country of its own policy, including limiting patentability.
Further defining the criteria and thereby limiting patentability can have a positive impact
on technology transfer and innovation by reducing possible conflict with existing patents
(Oliva, 2008).
Certain technologies Based on the stated goals and guiding principles of the Agreement on Trade-
could be excluded from related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights regarding technology transfer, certain tech-
patentability, especially
nologies could be excluded from patentability, especially those that are deemed necessary
those that are deemed
necessary to tackle climate to tackle climate change and/or are subject to anti-competitive measures, while remain-
change and/or are subject ing consistent with the principles of the Agreement (Littleton, 2008). Examples of such
to anti-competitive exclusion already exist within the Convention on Biological Diversity13 and the Interna-
measures tional Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture14 (Littleton, 2008). As
the ongoing negotiations within the World Intellectual Property Organization (WIPO)
of a substantive patent law treaty would eliminate this opportunity (World Intellectual
Property Organization, 2008), its impact on climate-related technology transfer should be
carefully examined before those negotiations are completed.
Exempting climate-friendly technologies from patenting is one way to reduce
costs. The rationale for such a proposal lies in the seriousness of the climate change issue
and the threat that it poses, particularly to developing countries. Variants of the proposal
include: exemption of climate-friendly technologies and products from patenting;
Compulsory licensing
Even when a technology has been patented, articles 30 and 31 of the Agreement on Trade-
related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights offer opportunities for allowing unauthor-
ized, automatic use of a patented technology without the consent of the patent-holder
through compulsory licensing under certain circumstances. For article 30 to be used to
obtain compulsory licensing, countries would have to claim that mitigating or adapting to
climate change qualified as entailing the “legitimate interests of third parties”, as required
by the article. A second exception allows unauthorized use by a country when “necessary
for the protection of its essential security interests” (article 73 (b)) or “the maintenance of
international peace and security” (article 73 (c)). Whether this condition could be invoked
would depend on the existence of a threat of climate catastrophe.
Article 31 of the Agreement sets out the other conditions for allowing compul-
sory licensing of a patented product. There are two major criteria to be met by a member of
the World Trade Organization in order for it to qualify for an exception under article 31.
First, reasonable efforts must be made to gain appropriate authorization from the holder
of the intellectual property rights in question (article 31 (b)). Th is negotiation requirement
may be waived when the member determines (using its own judgement) that a “national
emergency” or “other circumstances of extreme urgency” demand unauthorized use with-
out delay. The holder of the intellectual property rights must still be notified “as soon as
reasonably practicable”.
Discussions leading to the recognition of public health related exceptions
showed some flexibility in interpreting what constitutes “exigent circumstances”,17 open-
ing the door to potential use of these exceptions in the climate change context.18 Climate
change is increasingly perceived as a public-health “emergency” which would justify com-
pulsory licensing exceptions under article 31 (Th ird World Network, 2008). Indeed, the
United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) had been ordered by the Supreme
Court to rule if carbon dioxide (CO2) was a pollutant that endangered public health and
15 The last two options entail exceptions to patent rights rather than limiting of patentability.
16 However, all developing countries rightly point out that the new technologies are needed to
counter a global threat that was created by today’s advanced countries.
17 Defined as an emergency situation requiring swift action to prevent imminent danger to life or
serious damage to property, or to forestall the imminent escape of a suspect, or destruction of
18 See, for example, the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health (World Trade
Organization, 2001), para. 5 (c).
132 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
welfare, in which case it would be obligated to regulate it under the 1990 Clean Air Act.
On 20 March 2009, the Agency issued an “endangerment finding”.19
Second, sales of protected assets must be predominantly in the domestic mar-
ket for the entity granted the exception (article 31 (f)). Thus, exceptions related to climate
change would have to be sought by firms in various developing countries to ensure an
effective and rapid diff usion of the technology. Limiting the technology to one (small or
poor) country, however, might prevent the capture of economies of scale which would
make the technology cost-effective. Recognition of this fact in the case of the public-
health exception was reflected in the temporary waiving of the domestic market require-
ment in countries with insufficient domestic production.20
The General Council of the World Trade Organization has adopted an amend-
ment of the TRIPS Agreement21 by which the above-mentioned domestic-market restriction
would be waived for developing countries for certain pharmaceuticals so as to enable the ex-
port of those products to regional markets.22 (As the amendment has not yet been ratified by
two thirds of the membership, it has not entered into force.) This waiver could conceivably
be extended to climate-friendly technologies, particularly in light of what is stated in para-
graph 5 (b) of the Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public health, namely, that “(e)
each member has the right to grant compulsory licences and the freedom to determine the
grounds upon which such licences are granted”. Such an amendment would certainly meet
with strong resistance from owners of technologies in countries members of the Organiza-
tion for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD), who could lose potential rents.
However, and even ignoring the health parallel, it can be argued that if such technologies
do not currently reach developing countries, then the loss of rent occasioned by giving them
compulsory access would be limited (Hoekman, Maskus and Saggi, 2004).
A regional approach can also be beneficial in respect of the rules of exhaustion,
which refers to the expiration of patent protection of a specific item once it has been sold
(Littleton, 2008). Article 6 of the Agreement on Trade-related Aspects of Intellectual Prop-
erty Rights leaves the determination of these rules to each member. In general, exhaustion
can be universal or territorial. According to the rule of universal exhaustion, the patent-
holder cannot limit the distribution of the item once it has been sold. This opens the way for
parallel importing and the possibility for others to compete with the patent-holder in other
countries. The rule of territorial exhaustion, usually preferred by patent-holders, limits the
right to sell the item without authorization from the patent-holder and thus no parallel im-
porting can take place without the patent-holder’s consent. These different systems provide
different incentives for technology transfer and innovation. While parallel imports increase
competition and can lead to lower prices and greater accessibility of technology, they may
discourage innovation by limiting patent-holders’ profits. Regional exhaustion could be an
attractive compromise solution. Here, parallel importing would be allowed only when the
product was sold within the region at issue. By creating geographical buffer zones for patent
protection, yet at the same time allowing for parallel importing, regional exhaustion might
properly balance technology transfer with incentives to innovate (Littleton, 2008).
19 Bryan Walsh, “EPA calls CO2 a danger—at last”, Time, 23 March 2009.
20 See the decision of the General Council of the World Trade Organization of 30 August 2003 on
the implementation of paragraph 6 of the Doha Declaration on the TRIPS Agreement and public
health (World Trade Organization, 2003), para. 2 (a) (ii).
21 See the decision of the General Council of 6 December 2005 on the amendment of the TRIPS
Agreement (WT/L/641).
22 Ibid., attachment, annex, para. 3.
Technology transfer and the climate challenge 133
Food and Agriculture.27 For example, intellectual property right holders could provide
developing-country users with technologies for a limited period, with the expectation of
receiving payment once the technology was “tropicalized”, that is to say, adapted to local
requirements. This proposal would work with climate-change adaptation technologies as
well as with mitigation technologies.
Mechanisms through Mechanisms through which to evaluate progress on technology transfer could
which to evaluate progress benefit from being strengthened. Such mechanisms might be TRIPS Agreement-based or
on technology transfer
might involve multiple World Trade Organization Agreements (Maskus, 2004). The prob-
could benefit from being
strengthened lems with current evaluation are the result of both: non-transparency and lack of a viable
enforcement mechanism. In the absence of formal enforcement, “naming and shaming”
would at least provide some measure of accountability.
There are, of course, great political difficulties involved in modifying any
World Trade Organization Agreement. Technology transfer measures can often disadvan-
tage intellectual property right holders, who have great political influence in developed
countries. Moreover, despite the acknowledgment of development goals, it is equal treat-
ment of nations that is at the heart of the TRIPS Agreement. However, equal treatment
of technologies may not be as crucial, as evidenced by the progress in respect of essential
medicines. Global action to address climate change is certainly not a zero-sum game, and
any World Trade Organization member hoping for modification of the TRIPS Agreement
in this area will need to stress common interests in advancing the global public good of a
stable climate. Still, issues of fairness will also need to be addressed in any reform effort.
to basic science and technology “to ensure widespread access to essential scientific results
and to enhance the transfer of basic technological information to the developing world at
reasonable cost”. As a World Trade Organization agreement, this instrument could take
advantage of the dispute settlement mechanisms and other institutional structures.
Establishing such an agreement would encounter some difficulties. For one
thing, drawing an acceptable line between “basic” and “applied” research would be a chal-
lenge. So as to favour climate-friendly technologies, the notion of what is “basic” could be
construed more broadly in the context of global public goods (Barton and Maskus, 2006).
In borderline cases, guidelines concerning which research results were confidential and
which could be made public would need to be established.
mechanism. They would have an important role to play in making technologies accessible
and affordable in developing countries. At least in the initial stages, these centres are likely to
be publicly funded, though the precise mix of donor, public and private funding would vary
across countries and over time. What particular mixture of basic research, field trials, business
incubator services, venture capital funding, technical advice and support, and policy and
market analysis is adopted will be very much contingent on local conditions and challenges.
Recent research on FDI as a vehicle for technology transfer (Todo and Miyamoto, Technology or knowledge
2006; O’Connor and Lunati, 2008) has pointed to a few conditions that influence the extent transfer through FDI is not
of technology, or knowledge, spillovers. Todo and Miyamoto used industry panel data from automatic, but depends
on complementary
Indonesia to examine knowledge spillovers between subsidiaries of Japanese multinational
investments by both
corporations and Indonesian firms. They concluded that the spillovers were significant only foreign and local firms
when the Japanese subsidiaries had invested in RD&D themselves; otherwise, the spillovers
were negligible. Other studies found that the RD&D undertaken by local firms also affected
the extent to which knowledge spillovers from foreign-invested firms occurred. Miyamoto
(2008) found a significant positive relationship in Indonesia between the training invest-
ments of local firms and the extent of knowledge spillovers from foreign ones. All of these
findings lead to the conclusion that technology or knowledge transfer through FDI is not
automatic, but depends on complementary investments by both foreign and local firms.
There has been little research undertaken to date on the role of FDI spillovers in The Government of China
supporting a transformative low-emissions growth path. However, the case of wind technol- will need to consider a
ogy in China suggests that hosting FDI is, by itself, no guarantee (see box V.2). A recent more comprehensive and
integrated policy approach,
study of China’s automotive industry (Gallagher, 2006) is also instructive in this regard. The
one that seeks to bolster
transportation sector is part of an interconnected bloc of related sectors that are expected to local learning
lead China to the next stage of industrial development. The sector has grown particularly
rapidly since the early 1980s, thanks in part to joint ventures with foreign automobile com-
panies producing largely for the growing domestic market. This growth has, in turn, contrib-
uted in recent years to China’s very rapid growth in oil imports. Until 2000, the sector had
been subject to few regulations and standards on emissions. Since then, stricter regulations
have been introduced in an effort to force foreign firms to transfer cleaner technologies.
However, the evidence suggests that, while these firms have introduced more modern pollu-
tion control technologies, they have been reluctant to introduce cutting-edge technology and
the overall impact of their efforts has been dwarfed by the scale effect of rising car ownership.
The study concludes that market incentives are, by themselves, unlikely to help China jump
to the next stage in terms of cleaner vehicles, such as fuel-cell vehicles, given prohibitive
prices and the control exerted over intellectual property by foreign firms. The study showed
that the current producers of hybrid vehicles, for example, have been unwilling to transfer
hybrid-vehicle technologies for production inside China. Rather, the Government will need
to consider a more comprehensive and integrated policy approach, one that seeks to bolster
local learning in the automotive sector through support for RD&D and engineering train-
ing, including through overseas study, and efforts to foster demand for cleaner automobiles
in response to higher prices and tighter regulations. While these measures can provide clear
signals to private investors, both domestic and foreign, to move towards cleaner technologies,
wider national planning initiatives to improve and expand public infrastructure will also be
needed to ensure that the transportation system evolves in line with climate objectives.
transnational corporations from the advanced countries. It was expected that such private
sector transfers would assist in the transfer of environmentally sound technologies to de-
veloping countries.
A few studies have tried to determine to what extent technology transfer is ac-
tually occurring through the Clean Development Mechanism process. Most recently, the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Registration and Issuance
Unit CDM/SDM (Seres and Haites, 2008) issued its own report on the Clean Develop-
ment Mechanism and technology transfer. Based on documentation for 3,296 registered
and proposed CDM projects, it found that roughly 36 per cent of the projects, which ac-
counted for 59 per cent of the estimated annual emission reductions, claimed to involve
technology transfer, indicating that projects claiming technology transfer were, on average,
substantially larger than those that made no technology transfer claim. It also found that
about 30 per cent of unilateral projects, 40 per cent of projects with foreign participants
and 30 per cent of small-scale projects claimed technology transfer, as compared with 36
per cent of all projects. The study found that the technology transferred originated mainly
from Japan, Germany, the United States of America, France, and the United Kingdom of
Great Britain and Northern Ireland, which accounted for over 70 per cent.
One reason for the high Studies find wide variation across countries in the reported technology transfer
rates of technology transfer associated with CDM projects. Dechezleprêtre, Glachant and Ménière (2009) focused on
in Mexico and Brazil is
four countries accounting for about three fourths of all CDM projects: Brazil, China, In-
that in those countries,
foreign companies have a dia and Mexico. While 68 per cent of projects in Mexico included an international trans-
significant involvement in fer of technology, the rates for India, Brazil and China were 12 per cent, 40 per cent and 59
CDM projects, which is less per cent, respectively. One reason for the high rates of technology transfer in Mexico and
the case in China and India Brazil is that in those countries foreign companies have a significant involvement in CDM
projects, which is less the case in China and India. Seres and Haites (2008) observed
that such cross-country variation could also be attributable to trade policy, with some
countries imposing significantly higher tariffs on imported equipment than others. This
factor’s being a handicap to technology deployment clearly depends on whether domestic
technological capabilities are effective substitutes. Technology transfer in a specific type of
CDM project generally declines over time, suggesting a progressively greater reliance on
local knowledge and equipment.
So far, the operation of the Clean Development Mechanism has been on much
too limited a scale and has been too heavily concentrated in a few developing countries to
allow it to initiate and sustain the kind of big push towards cleaner technologies recom-
mended in this Survey. Moves towards the creation of a simplified Clean Development
Mechanism, including sectoral or technological benchmarks, might make it more effective
in raising technological standards in the longer run. However, this is likely to take time.
Organization-compliant, not much progress has been made. The few clarifications pro-
vided have emerged instead from World Trade Organization dispute panels considering
whether importing countries could ban import of tuna and shrimps from countries that
did not use devices to avoid by-catches of dolphins and endangered turtles. More of these
trade disputes are to be expected, given the absence of prior agreements on how to handle
the measures being proposed to account for the carbon-intensity of traded goods and on
subsidies to encourage the development of lower-carbon energy sources.
We review these issues below as well as some proposals that have been put forth
with regard to speeding up the transfer of climate-related technologies in ways that take into
account the principle of common and differentiated responsibilities as embodied in the Unit-
ed Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and its equivalent within the frame-
work of the World Trade Organization, namely, the principle of special and differentiated
treatment for developing countries. Nations agreed upon these principles based on the
understanding that they reflected the differences in capabilities and in the responsibility for
the cumulative greenhouse gas emissions causing climate change. There was also recognition
of the fact that developing countries aspired to attain higher levels of economic development
and social well-being for their citizens.
For instance, under the Kyoto Protocol, developing countries do not have The level and extent of
binding greenhouse gas reduction commitments although they must collect data and developing countries’
undertake mitigation and adaptation measures. The level and extent of developing mitigation actions
will depend in turn on
countries’ mitigation actions will depend in turn on promised financial, technological and
promised financial,
capacity-building support from developed countries. technological and capacity-
Trade-related actions that have been proposed include faster liberalization of building support from
trade in climate-related environmental goods and services, making the intellectual prop- developed countries
erty rights regime more lenient with respect to climate-related environmental goods and
services, and revisiting the Agreements on Subsidies and Countervailing Measures, con-
tained in the Marrakesh Agreement (World Trade Organization, 1994), to allow subsidies
that foster investments in low-emissions technologies.
The potential benefits of trade liberalization to the environment, including
climate change, and development have been highlighted since the adoption of Agenda 21
(United Nations, 1992). Principle 12 of the Rio Declaration on Environment and Devel-
opment (ibid.) states that Governments should “promote a supportive and open interna-
tional economic system that would lead to economic growth and sustainable development
in all countries, to better address the problems of environmental degradation”. Trade is
important because imported capital goods and services provide an additional channel to
access environmental technologies and know-how generated in developed countries, other
than FDI or licensing.
Trade liberalization on its own is not sufficient, however, for effective Trade liberalization on
technology transfer. Indeed, despite unprecedented market liberalization, and several its own is not sufficient,
however, for effective
commitments to the transfer of technology in both the United Nations Framework
technology transfer
Convention on Climate Change and the Kyoto Protocol thereto, as well as within the
World Trade Organization, evidence of technology transfer is slim. It was thought that
early liberalization of environmental goods and services would contribute to environmental
goals by lowering prices of environmental goods and services relative to their non-
environmental or mainstream counterparts, thus facilitating and promoting more
environmentally sustainable production and consumption. To support climate actions,
the World Bank (2008a) proposed accelerated liberalization of products, technologies and
services used in Clean Development Mechanism projects to reduce equipment and other
140 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
costs. Liberalization of environmental goods and services has been slowed owing not only
to the failure to conclude the Doha Round but also to the lack of a definition of what
constitutes environmental goods and services and the different views held by the North
and the South regarding which tariffs should be lowered more quickly.
30 During the Uruguay Round of multilateral trade negotiations, developing countries increased the
proportion of imports whose tariff rates were “bound” (committed and difficult to increase) from
21 per cent to 73 per cent. Data available at the World Trade Organization website, (accessed 13 May 2009).
Technology transfer and the climate challenge 141
Embodied carbon
The contentious environmentally preferable products, or processes and production meth-
od-related, issue has been revived in the talks on border adjustments which would apply
different tariffs to goods entering a country or bloc based on the carbon emitted in their
production processes, or the carbon embodied in them. Lawyers disagree among them-
selves over the details, but they all seem to conclude that most border carbon adjustments
would be hard to implement in such a way as to be compliant with current World Trade
Organization rules.
31 This proposal, as well as the proposal of Brazil to include bioethanol, was resisted by the OECD
142 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Figure V.2
Commonly identified renewable energy technology needs and energy efficiency
technology needs in the building and residential subsectors, selected regions
A. Commonly identified renewable energy technology needs, selected regions
Number of technologies identified
14 Europe
Latin America and the Caribbean
Solar PV
(grid. off-grid)
Mini- and/
Wind (installations
and/or assessments)
Solar thermal
Unspecified RET
B. Commonly identified energy efficiency technology needs in the building and residential subsectors, selected regions
14 Asia
Number of technologies identified
Solar dryers
Solar coolers
Air conditioning
Unspecified appliances
and techniques
Source: United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (2006).
Abbreviations: PV, photovoltaic; MSW, municipal solid waste; RET, renewable energy technology.
Technology transfer and the climate challenge 145
This is particularly true in the area of RD&D, where developing countries lag Publicly funded research
significantly and risk falling further behind as new technologies emerge. Important ex- holds out the best hope
of developing greater
amples of technologies that will be critical to a new development pathway include carbon
coordination among
capture and sequestration (CCS), low-emissions biofuels, and breakthroughs in renewable the myriad research
energy sources such as solar panels. Moreover, developing countries also need access to institutions, in the private
best practices with respect to adaptation technologies, in the areas of agriculture, disaster sector, the non-profit sector
management and urban planning. These technologies are often closely interrelated and link and academia
the climate threat to other threats, such as food and energy security. Consequently, devel-
opments in all these areas are best addressed through a structured global programme and
funding (Stern, 2009, p. 173). Publicly funded research holds out the best hope of develop-
ing greater coordination among the myriad research institutions, in the private sector, the
non-profit sector and academia, that are already working to meet these challenges and is
moreover more likely to ensure the widest dissemination of the results (box V.3). Transpar-
ent and readily accessible research is all the more important because regulatory and legal
frameworks, such as standard-setting, are likely to emerge on the basis of these results.
Particularly with respect to cutting-edge technologies, well-educated engineers Mechanisms to retain and
and managers are essential.33 Enhanced education and sustained training programmes bring back trained labour
include wage flexibility,
are needed in the areas of technical, administrative, financial, regulatory and legal skills
repatriation grants,
(United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2003). In and incentives to start
addition to making improvements in domestic education, developing countries, in order to technology firms
Box V.3
Intellectual property rights and publicly funded technologies
The issue of publicly owned technology transfer was addressed at the United Nations Conference
on Environmental Development, held in Rio de Janeiro in 1992. Agenda 21a (chap. 34, para. 34.18 a United Nations (1992)
(a)) states that Governments and international organizations should promote the “Formulation of
policies and programmes for the effective transfer of environmentally sound technologies that are
publicly owned or in the public domain”. Implementation of this provision has been very weak.
Developed-country Governments sponsor a range of research and development (R&D)
activities geared towards developing climate technologies. For example, in 2001 Governments with-
in the European Union (EU) spent almost 350 million euros for R&D in renewable energy, more than
half of the total expenditure (EU Directorate-General for Research, 2006). Public sector spending is
equally important in the United States of America. For example, for the wind, biofuels and photo-
voltaic sector, the United States Department of Energy spent approximately USA 356 million (2008
budget) (Barton, 2007, p. 7).
Sathaye, Jolt and De La Rue du Can (2005) surveyed Government-sponsored R&D in
the United States, Canada, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland, the Republic
of Korea and other countries members of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Develop-
ment (OECD) and found that it is a common practice for Governments to grant ownership of intel-
lectual property rights (patents, copyrights, trademarks, etc.) to the recipient research institutions.
In the United States, for example, Government-sponsored research usually ends up being patented
(Barton, 2007, p. 8).
Given the role that Governments play as the main driver of R&D for climate technologies,
it will be necessary for modalities for the transfer of publicly funded climate technologies to develop-
ing countries to be explored. OECD countries, which tend to hold ownership of most of the technol-
ogy needed for mitigation and abatement, are in a strategic position to influence technology flows
directly through their influence on the private sector or on public institutes which receive funding for
their R&D and thus should be more active in transferring technologies to developing countries.
33 One advantage of traditional knowledge and technology, on the other hand, stems from the fact
that sufficient human capital is probably already in place in developing countries.
146 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
guard against a “brain drain”, can offer incentives to students. Mechanisms to retain and
bring back trained labour include wage flexibility, repatriation grants, and incentives to
start technology firms. Developed countries, for their part, should subsidize offshore train-
ing, conference attendance and, in some cases, temporary employment for graduates from
developing countries. Grant proposals for research on environmentally sound technolo-
gies involving developing-country teams could also receive special consideration (Maskus,
2004). Capacity-building might also be pursued through cooperation agreements that in-
creasingly accompany regional trade agreements among OECD countries. These would
help developing countries conduct an assessment of the obstacles to their low-emissions
energy development. Aid-for-trade programmes should also be tapped in this regard.
What is clearly required is a massive international effort (United Nations, De-
partment of Economic and Social Affairs, 2009). Table V.1 presents various innovative
mechanisms to promote technology development and transfer. Three closely related initia-
tives could plant the seeds of greater international collaboration in developing the skills
and technologies needed to tackle climate change:
Table V.1
Innovative mechanisms to promote technology development and transfer
Box V.4
The Global Environment Facility
Technology transfer is seen as playing a critical role in the global response to the challenges of
climate change. Indeed, promotion of and cooperation in the transfer of environmentally sound
technologies derive from a commitment embodied in the United Nations Framework Conven-
tion on Climate Change. In order to pursue these goals, the Convention proposed the creation
of a financial mechanism. The Global Environment Facility (GEF) serves as that mechanism for
the Convention.
Over the past 17 years, the Global Environment Facility has been financing proj-
ects to promote the transfer of environmentally sound technologies under the guidance of the
Conference of the Parties to the Convention. During this period, about $2.5 billion for climate
change projects has been allocated, which leveraged approximately $15 billion in co-financing.
Most financing is in the form of grants to developing countries and countries with economies
in transition. Through its Small Grants Programme, the Facility has also made more than 10,000
small grants directly to non-governmental and community organizations.
Some examples of environmentally sound technologies supported by the Global
Environment Facility are described below.
Energy-efficient lighting and appliances
The Global Environment Facility has built a portfolio promoting energy-efficient appliances and
technologies in developing countries. GEF-supported interventions typically focus on institut-
ing energy-efficiency standards and labels, consumer education, and testing and certification
of appliances. In countries where there is substantial manufacturing capacity, the Facility has
also supported enterprises in developing new energy-efficient appliance models and in acquir-
ing technical information and knowledge from more advanced countries.
In Tunisia, for example, 10 out of 12 local appliance manufacturers are offering
more energy-efficient models. In China, the GEF project to promote energy-efficient refrigera-
tors adopted a two-pronged approach comprising technology push and market pull. Technol-
ogy push is achieved through technical assistance to refrigerator and compressor manufactur-
ers, technology upgrades, and designer training programmes, while market pull is achieved
through the promulgation of energy-efficiency standards.
Since the mid-1990s, the Global Environment Facility has supported the dissemi-
nation of efficient lighting technologies in more than two dozen countries. The Facility has also
launched a global efficient lighting initiative, approved by the GEF Council in 2007, to acceler-
ate the phase-out of inefficient lighting through the United Nations Environment Programme
(UNEP) and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP); at the same time, support is
being extended to more countries and programmes at the national level.
Industrial energy-efficiency technologies
The Global Environment Facility has funded more than 30 projects in the industrial sector to pro-
mote technology upgrading and the adoption and diffusion of energy-efficient technologies.
Some projects focus on the development of market mechanisms such as energy service com-
panies, the creation of dedicated financing instruments, and technical assistance to stimulate
investments in new technologies. Other projects are designed to identify one or more subsec-
tors where specific technologies can be promoted. The range of industries includes construc-
tion materials (brick, cement and glass), steel, coke-making, foundry, paper, ceramics, textiles,
food and beverage, tea, rubber and wood. A number of projects also promote energy-efficient
equipment such as boilers, motors and pumps, as well as cogeneration in the industrial sector.
In some projects, the Facility has promoted South-South technology transfer; one such project
has entailed the transfer of energy-efficient brick kiln technology from China to Bangladesh.
Technology transfer and the climate challenge 149
A rapid pace of investment will not be sufficient to meet the climate challenge unless it
is accompanied by a technological transformation, with increased capacity to produce,
operate and deploy climate-friendly technologies. However, for many developing countries,
the cost of accessing those technologies could prove prohibitive. Although developed
countries have committed themselves to leading the change towards cleaner technologies
and ensuring that developing countries are not left behind, neither commitment has been
fulfilled. Innovative transfer of both technologies and know-how will be required to meet
climate change objectives in the context of both mitigation and adaptation.
This chapter has identified possible obstacles to the transfer of technology that
could arise internationally with respect to intellectual property rights, corporate behaviour
and trading rules. To date, these factors have not proved prohibitive. However, they are
likely to take on greater significance if developing countries embark on a big push towards
a low-emissions, high-growth development pathway. Anticipating those obstacles and de-
vising ways around them constitute an urgent task of the international community. Th is
would require consensus, since it might entail the amendment of World Trade Organiza-
tion rules and special climate waivers based on the urgency of the rapidly evolving climate
situation. It will also require careful attention to the implications of the World Trade Or-
ganization principles of non-discrimination and United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change principles, especially that of common and differentiated responsibili-
ties and capabilities. This has to be based on ability and historical obligations. Since any
post-2012 agreement is likely to retain these principles, the challenge will be to ensure the
coherence and compatibility of their applications.
Chapter VI
Financing the development
response to climate change
There is no way round the need for large-scale investments to meet the climate challenge,
in both developed and developing countries. Developed countries have begun to make the
required adjustments focusing, in particular, on energy efficiency. However, and despite
their expressions of concern and commitment, the pace has been slow. In 2008 and 2009,
the inclusion of green investments in stimulus packages in response to the global finan-
cial crisis has raised expectations that a more sustained effort is now under way in those
countries. Still, their policymakers need to think on a much larger scale when it comes to
emission cuts.
Developing countries can be expected to follow the lead of the developed coun- Large-scale investments
tries only if the latter’s response is consistent with long-standing growth and development will need to be front-loaded
objectives. The present Survey has suggested that the key to its being so lies in the adoption
of an investment-led and integrated approach. In particular, large-scale investments will
need to be front-loaded to ensure the achievement of a “big push” into the generation of
low-emissions energy sources and the mitigation of and adaptation to climatic threats and
shocks. These investments, however, will involve significant initial costs and carry a high
degree of uncertainty.
The economic debate within the global discussion of climate policy has been The kind of investment
dominated by assessments of market-based mechanisms such as cap and trade and carbon path to be followed to
meet the climate challenge
taxation, both aiming at changing price incentives so that investments in energy efficiency
will require heavy reliance
and renewables become more attractive. Private investment will, of course, have a predom- on regulation and large-
inant role in any low-emissions economic future and there is little doubt that establishing a scale public investments
realistic price for carbon will have to be part of any policy agenda. The question, however, in order for the necessary
is whether such mechanisms can induce the required shifts in production and consump- transformative shift to take
tion patterns and mobilize the large-scale investments needed to avert the catastrophic risk place
that climate change poses, as well as ensure that the adjustments take place in a fair and or-
derly manner. This seems doubtful. It is generally recognized that price mechanisms are an
unreliable guide in cases where the investments to be undertaken are on a very large scale
and where returns are not immediately visible, are unpredictable and are dependent on a
series of complementary investment efforts and policy initiatives (DeLong, 2005). This is
all the more true today, where the marriage of the climate and development challenges is
taking place against the backdrop of systemic financial market failure and where carbon
markets are exhibiting a degree of price volatility which is not compatible with long-term
investment planning (Nell, Semmler and Rezai, 2009).
While market mechanisms should be assigned their role in a more comprehen-
sive package of measures, the kind of investment path to be followed to meet the climate
challenge will require heavy reliance on regulation and large-scale public investments in
order for the necessary transformative shift to take place.
Historically, public investment, financed both by tax revenues and by long-
term borrowing, has played a transformative role in shaping development pathways,
152 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
including in today’s most advanced economies (Rohatyn, 2009). In many cases, external
financial support has been critical. Achievement of the transition to a low-emissions, high-
growth path in developing countries will also require massive public investment in most
cases, funded to a large extent through external resources, particularly in the early stages.
Together with achievement of non-marginal changes in the cost of carbon emissions, the
aim of such investments will be to crowd in profitable investment opportunities for the
private sector along the new development pathway.
Given the great uncertainties regarding the precise costs and the effectiveness
of the types of measures mentioned so far, it is not easy to define an appropriate financing
framework for climate change. Depending on what target is used for stabilizing green-
house gas (GHG) concentrations and what assumptions are made about the effectiveness
of the measures, estimates of the annual cost of mitigation range from as little as 0.2 per
cent to as much as 2 per cent of world gross product (WGP) by 2030. In all cases, however,
doing nothing would lead to much higher economic losses. Adaptation costs are particu-
larly uncertain, with upper-bound estimates for additional annual investments set at about
$170 billion by 2030. On this order of magnitude, addressing climate change seems quite
affordable. However, most of these estimates seem to understate the scale of adjustments
that will need to be taken. They appear to have taken into account neither the larger global
macroeconomic setting in which it is presumed that a new investment path will take shape
and, in particular, the constraints many developing countries face in raising investment
levels, nor whether those investments have the potential to trigger a high-growth pathway
along which countries can meet long-standing development goals.
The key issues with The key issues with regard to finding the right financing framework are, first,
regard to finding the right what measures will be most effective in both mobilizing the required amount of resources
financing framework are,
and steering investments in the desired direction; and second, how the costs should be
first, what measures will
be most effective in both distributed across nations and population groups. The first issue may be framed along the
mobilizing the required lines suggested by figure VI.1, which depicts various mechanisms for covering the esti-
amount of resources and mated costs of the climate challenge and their evolution over time. Figure VI.I.A, derived
steering investments in from a World Bank study (World Bank, 2009), depicts a rapidly growing role, albeit tenta-
the desired direction; and tive for market-based mechanisms, complemented by a more measured increase in mul-
second, how the costs
should be distributed
tilateral funding. Together, market-based mechanisms and multilateral funding would
quickly establish the right climate for private investment. Based on the analysis in the
previous chapters, this Survey would suggest a somewhat different structure. As depicted
in figure VI.1.B, the required reductions in greenhouse gas emissions will require large-
scale upfront investments to generate a non-marginal push in the desired direction, led by
public investments and strong shifts in incentives to crowd in private investments.
The present chapter begins by assessing the likely scale of resources needed
to achieve low-emissions, high-growth pathways, and to make vulnerable countries and
communities more resilient with respect to climate change and shocks. It then considers
how those resources could be mobilized and, in particular, both the advantages and the
limitations of cap-and-trade mechanisms and carbon taxes as financing vehicles in the ini-
tial stages of shifting to the new pathway. A wide mix of financial mechanisms will likely
be required, including through domestic resource mobilization. The chapter concludes
with a consideration of the elements of an alternative global investment regime, initially
dependent on significant public sector involvement and a prominent role for a multilateral
financing mechanism.
Financing the development response to climate change 153
Figure VI.1
Strategic investment and financing mechanisms for developing countries
Cap and trade
…to leverage
development Developing-country funding
Post 2012 2020 2030 2040 2050
Catalytic climate
Developing-country funding
funding and multilateral
Market-based mechanisms
…to leverage
development Cap and trade, carbon offsets
investments CDM
Post 2012 2020 2030 2040 2050
Sources: World Bank (2009), for figure VI.1A; and United Nations, Department of Economic and Social Affairs, for figure VI.1B.
154 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Mitigation costs
Figure VI.2 and table VI.1 present some recent estimates of mitigation costs. Given the
uncertainties and unknowns in these costing exercises, it is not surprising to find the range
varying from as little as 0.2 to about 2 per cent of WGP, or between $180 billion and $1.2
trillion per annum (by 2030). The range of estimates depends on methodologies used as
well as on whether the target of stabilization of greenhouse gas concentrations is set at 450
parts per million (ppm) or 550 ppm. In all cases, the costs are considerably higher under
a business-as-usual scenario, in which case permanent losses of projected WGP could be
as high as 20 percent.
United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
(2008, table 4) provides a near lower-bound estimate of $200 billion-$210 billion in addi-
tional investment and financial flows globally in 2030 for mitigation efforts that cut CO2
emissions by 25 per cent below 2000 levels by 2030. The McKinsey study estimates that
the figure could rise to as high as $800 billion for the 450 ppm target, more than half of
which would be in developing countries.2 Stern’s latest estimate calls for an even bigger
push, as he puts the additional cost at between $600 billion and $1.2 trillion depending on
whether the target is, respectively, 550 ppm or 450 ppm (figure VI.2 and Stern 2009).
More than half of the More than half of the incremental costs of greenhouse gas abatement are ex-
incremental costs of pected to fall on developing countries, whose energy investments over the coming decades
greenhouse gas abatement
are projected to grow much faster than those of developed countries (see chap. II). Among
are expected to fall on
developing countries the incremental costs are those associated with investments in: renewable energy, which at
Figure VI.2
Range of estimates of annual additional cost of mitigation strategies,
550 ppm and 450 ppm scenarios, world and developing countries
Billions of United States dollars per year
1 400
Stern 2009
1 200 International Energy
Agency perspectives
1 000
United Nations Framework
Convention on Climate Change
800 International Energy
Agency outlook
current prices remains a more costly source of electricity than coal or other fossil-fuel al-
ternatives; more efficient and other lower-emitting coal-based power plants, including in-
tegrated gasification combined cycles and supercritical coal power plants; carbon capture
and storage; and more energy-efficient boilers, furnaces and other industrial equipment.
However, from a development perspective, it is very difficult to separate these incremental
investments from the bigger investment challenge of meeting growing energy demand in
developing countries, as well as interrelated demands on the transportation system and in
urban expansion, improved irrigation and water management to strengthen the productiv-
ity of the rural economy, and so forth.
Adaptation costs
Estimates of adaptation costs have focused on the additional amount of investment needed
to reduce the impact of anticipated future damages caused by weather events, in terms
mainly of measures to increase resilience and reduce the impact of disasters. In addition,
adaptation costs may also include coping and relief expenditures when damages actually
occur. However, because these costs depend on the probability and severity of climatic
threats, whose impact is closely linked to other vulnerabilities, it can be difficult to deter-
mine where traditional development expenditures end and new adaptation expenditures
begin (see chap. IV; McGray and others, 2007; and Bapna and McGray, 2009).
Estimating the costs of adaptation with precision is even more difficult, not only
because adaptation measures will be widespread and heterogeneous, but also because these
measures need to be embedded in broader development strategies, as discussed in chapter
III. The United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat estimates
that additional annual investment and financial flows needed worldwide would be in the
156 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Table VI.1
Range of estimates of global mitigation costs according to various studies
Estimate Estimate
Study (percentage of WGP) (US dollars) Main characteristics
Intergovernmental 0.2-0.6 per cent • Estimates the global mac-
Panel on Climate (median of WGP roeconomic cost n 2030
Change (2007d) reduction); 0.6-3 per for least-cost trajectories
cent (minimum and towards given long-term
maximum estimate of stabilization levels
WGP reduction) • Lower stabilization levels
imply higher GDP reduc-
Stern (2006 and 2009) Annual investment • 500 ppm: 1,200 • Compares investment costs
costs: 1 per cent of billion/year of mitigation with the cost
WGP, revised upwards • 500 ppm: 600 of inaction in order to assess
to 2 per cent; costs billion/year the cost-benefit of acting
of inaction: 5-20 against climate change
per cent of WGP • Aggregates several previ-
reduction by 2050
ous studies in a model to
estimate the costs; does not
provide new estimates
• Methodology and model
assumptions are the target
of criticisms
Vattenfall (2007) 0.6-1.4 per cent of • More accurate method-
WGP by 2030 ology for assessing the
cost-benefit of a group of
policies and interventions
to mitigate climate change
McKinsey (2009) Annual investment • 450 ppm: 680 • Disaggregates the abate-
costs: 1.3 per cent of billion/year ment potential and costs
forecasted WGP in by economic sector and
2030 geographical region
• Presents accurate sensitiv-
ity analysis with respect to
different core parameters
• Presents different abate-
ment opportunities and
assesses the potential
contribution of each one
Sources: United Nations Development Programme (2007a); United Nations, United Nations Framework Convention
on Climate Change (2008); Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (2007d); Stern (2006); Vattenfall (2007);
and McKinsey & Company (2009).
order of $49 billion-$171 billion by 2030 (see table VI.2). Its adaptation scenario covers five
sectors, with the largest element of uncertainty in this estimate lying in the cost of adapting
infrastructure, which may range between $8 billion and $130 billion. Other sources have
produced similar estimates for adaptation. Human Development Report 2007/2008 (United
Nations Development Programme, 2007a) estimates that annual adaptation investment
needs would reach $86 billion by 2015, while recent calculations of the World Bank (2009)
put annual adaptation costs in the range of $10 billion-$40 billion by 2030.
Financing the development response to climate change 157
Table VI.2.
Additional investment and financial flows needed
for adaptation in 2030, by sector
Table VI.3.
Bilateral and multilateral financing mechanisms for mitigation and adaptation in developing countries
(millions of United
States dollars:
exchange rates of
Name November 2008) Use Details
Under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
GEF-4a 1 030 M Time frame: 2006-2010; $352 million already committed as
of December 2008
Sustainable Forest Management 154 M Special programme under GEF-4 for land use, land-use
change and forestry
Strategic Priority on Adaptation (SPA) 50 A Pilot programme on adaptation of the GEF Trust Fund; all
resources have been allocated
Special Climate Change Fund (SCCF 90 A Include pledges as of December 2008; $68 million has
Adaptation) been allocated to 15 projects as of November 2008;
operated by GEF
Least Developed Countries’ Fund 172 A Include pledges as of December 2008; $91.8 million has
been received as of November 2008; operated by GEF
Adaptation Fund 400-1 500 A Time frame: 2008-2012; as of October 2008, $91.3 million
was available (4 million certified emission reductions
(CERs) at €17.5 per CER)
Cool Earth Partnership (Japan) 10 000 A, M Provides grants and loans; time frame: 2008-2012; up to $2
billion to improve access to clean energy, and US$ 8 billion
for preferential interest rate loans for mitigation projects
Climate and Forest Initiative (CFI) (Norway) 2 250 M Provides grants; time frame: 2008-2012; pledged US$ 102
million to the Amazon Fund
International Window of the 1 182 A, M Provides grants and loans; time frame: 2008-2010; most of
Environmental Transformation Fund (ETF- the funds will be allocated trough the World Bank Climate
IW) (United Kingdom) Investment Funds
Amazon Fund (Brazil) 1 000 M So far, only Norway has pledged, in the amount of US$
102; donations to be administered by the National
Development Bank of Brazil
International Climate Initiative (ICI) 764 A, M Provides grants; funding for the initiative will be generated
(Germany) from auctioning 10 per cent of its allowances from the
Emission Trading Scheme of the European Union (EU ETS);
it has earmarked up to €120 million for the next five years
International Forest Carbon Initiative (IFCI) 129 M Provides grants; time frame 2007-2011; as of November
(Australia) 2008, US$ 50 million was allocated
United Nations Development 90 A, M Provides grants; time frame: 2007-2010; Spain has pledged
Programme-Spain MDG Achievement €528 to the Fund and US$ 90 million has been allocated
Fund - Environment and Climate Change for the Environment and Climate Change thematic
thematic window window
Global Climate Change Alliance (GCCA) 76 A, M Provides grants; time frame: 2007-2011; targets most
(European Commission) vulnerable countries (least developed countries and small
Financing the development response to climate change 159
The purpose of a sustained injection of external financing in amounts large A big push from official
enough to give a big push onto a low-emissions development path is to simultaneously sources of finance would
begin to raise domestic
accelerate and sustain growth in developing countries at levels higher than in the past.
sources of finance for
As discussed in earlier chapters, this initial big push from official sources of finance, in investment in both the
combination with various policy mixes, including price incentives, regulation and targeted public and private sectors
industrial policies, would begin to raise domestic sources of finance for investment in both
the public and the private sectors. The evolving mix of public and private investment will
no doubt vary among countries, but for many developing countries, and possibly for some
developed countries, public investment will have to take the lead, along with stronger
regulations, before large-scale private investment begins to materialize.
Insurance markets offer a possible option and various innovative instruments have been in-
troduced in recent years. However, these instruments still operate on a very limited scale,
even in more advanced countries, and tend to be a particularly expensive option in developing
countries where coverage is very limited (Barnett and Mahul, 2007; United Nations, 2008).
Voluntary standards do not Some companies have started to implement voluntary emission caps and a
bite unless accompanied growing number of consumers are adjusting their consumption patterns in order to lower
by regulation footprint levels. Absent more aggressive government intervention, it is unlikely that these
trends will be quantitatively sufficient and timely enough to make a significant impact on
greenhouse gas emissions. Voluntary emissions standards may hurt relative competitiveness
and increase production costs in the short term, reducing incentives to adopt more stringent
standards. The experience of the State of California is perhaps the exception to the rule that
voluntary standards will not bite. California’s emission standards and reduction targets,
obtained by negotiating with private companies, have raised awareness among consumers
and producers: average per capita consumption of energy in California is 50 per cent of the
United States average. In cooperation with 20 other States, California has also established
targets for the use of alternative energy. The California Renewables Portfolio Standard re-
quires the use of 20 per cent renewable energy by 2010. However, these voluntary efforts are
in the context of a State with a strong regulatory record on environmental standards.
The present section reviews a range of mechanisms considered thus far that fall
broadly in the category of market-based measures, as their main focus is on changing the
price of carbon to draw resource allocation away from emission-intensive forms of energy.
Several of these mechanisms are also expected to mobilize resources necessary for financ-
ing other investments in greater energy efficiency and use of renewable energy, including
related public investments.
the Kyoto Protocol to the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change.3
The Protocol (adopted by the Conference of the Parties to the Convention in December
1997) set differentiated targets for industrialized countries, while setting up an emissions
trading scheme to meet those targets. A financing mechanism for projects in developing
countries, the Clean Development Mechanism (CDM), was launched at the same time.
These mechanisms are essentially designed around a cap-and-trade programme,
where Governments set an overall emissions cap and then issue tradable permits to firms
which allow them to emit a specified quantity of greenhouse gases. Those that can reduce their
emissions more cheaply can sell their allowances. Doing so is expected to promote competi-
tion, thereby reducing long-term costs. While the current volume of carbon trading at a little
over $100 billion is still quite small, compared, for instance, with that on financial derivatives
markets, according to some it could become the “world’s biggest commodity market” and
prospectively the world’s biggest market overall within a decade (Lohmann, 2008). The trad-
ing of emission certificates as financial assets and speculative investments can generate a high
volatility in the price of carbon. A recent assessment of the European Union (EU) experience
with emissions trading found that (between September 2005 and March 2008) the price of
carbon was more volatile than stock market indices, with a standard deviation on the return
on the emissions price 10 times higher than the return on equity (Nell, Semmler and Rezai,
2009). Volume instability and price volatility may not provide adequate incentives for long-
term investment decisions as a response to climate change on the part of market participants.
On some counts, trading is necessary to advance the serious regulation needed
to establish a price for carbon. It is also recognized that the cap-and-trade scheme cannot
begin on a global scale, as the trading of permits will initially be confined to developed
countries, with developing countries pulled in indirectly through the Clean Development
Mechanism by the funding of emissions-reducing projects prior to their participation.
Between 2004 and 2007, the Clean Development Mechanism implemented 700
projects with a total value of $6 billion for developing countries, albeit with almost 4 out of
5 projects concentrated in just four countries: Brazil, China, India and Mexico (United Na-
tions, United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2007b, and chap. V). The
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change secretariat, (United Nations,
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, 2008) has estimated that the
mitigation potential in 2020 in developing countries will be approximately 7 gigatons of CO2
equivalent (Gt CO2e) and that most of the potential projects will be available at a cost of less
than $25 per ton of CO2e. Total demand for credits for certified emission reductions (CERs)
in 2020 is estimated at between 0.5 and 1.7 Gt CO2e, which could represent $10 billion-$34
billion in additional investments in developing countries (New Carbon Finance, 2008; IDE-
ACarbon, 2008; Point Carbon, 2008). Moreover, if permits for developed countries are auc-
tioned, this will provide additional financing for mitigation efforts in developing countries.
However, there are serious limitations to the scaling up of this mechanism to
generate in a timely manner the required resources for developing countries (Griffith-Jones
and others, 2009). The need for effective regulation and monitoring of innovative financial
instruments may raise administrative costs and act to deter some, particularly developing,
countries. Significantly, the largest carbon market, the Emission Trading Scheme (EU
ETS) of the EU, was created by government regulation. Significant investments in train-
ing and education are also likely to be required. The success of the sulphur trading scheme
in the United States of America certainly appears to have depended on these supportive
conditions being in place (see box VI.1).
Box VI.1
Sulphur trading and why it worked
Market mechanisms do not work in a vacuum: they are shaped by many factors. The United States
system of sulphur emissions trading, the inspiration for many cap-and-trade proposals, is often cred-
ited with having triggered a dramatic reduction in the costs of pollution control. The Clean Air Act
Amendments of 1990 had established the system, setting a cap on sulphur emissions at about half
of the 1980 emissions and distributing allowances to businesses, roughly in proportion to past emis-
sions. All large stationary sources of sulphur emissions, primarily coal-burning power plants, were
included. The trading system was phased in from 1995 to 2000, with costs of controlling sulphur far
below the levels that had been anticipated in advance.
However, this result cannot be attributed to trading alone: the low cost made itself
apparent quite early, at a time when the volume of emissions trading was quite small. Several other
events also played important parts in driving down the costs. Just before trading began, a sharp
reduction in railroad freight rates made it affordable to bring low-sulphur coal from Wyoming, re-
placing high-sulphur coal from the closer Appalachian coalfields, to Midwestern power plants. Some
State regulations required even greater sulphur reduction than that stipulated by the national law, so
it took no extra effort for power plants in those States to comply with the new national standard. At
the same time, prices were declining for scrubbers, the pollution control devices that remove sulphur
emissions. In this context, the emissions trading system may have made some contribution to lower-
ing costs, but it operated on a field tilted in its favour. Without all the helpful coincidences, sulphur
emissions trading would have looked much less successful.
If the United States sulphur emissions trading experience is the model for the carbon
market mechanism, then the most important question about market incentives may be, What other
initiatives are needed to complement the market and again tilt the field in favour of success? It is
not hard to identify the areas—energy efficiency, and low-carbon and no-carbon energy sources—
where investment in research and development are needed. This is not just a matter of costs, but
also of opportunities—to create new industries and jobs and to launch a promising new path of
Source: Ackerman (2009). technological development.
While in theory carbon trading sets an absolute limit on a pollutant, the Kyoto
Protocol permits developed countries to substitute reductions in their own greenhouse gas
emissions by financing projects that reduce emissions in other countries.
The cap-and-trade system From a development perspective, the danger of cap and trade is that it allows
has been designed to richer countries to continue their emitting according to unchanged patterns of consump-
conform to the policy tion and production. This approach arguably takes the attention of these countries away
experience, institutional
capacity and economic
from the more urgent efforts of tackling climate mitigation at home, even as it closes de-
conditions of rich countries veloping countries off from relatively cheap options of future emissions reductions (Banuri
and Opschoor, 2007). In this respect, it is important to recognize that the cap-and-trade
system has been designed to conform to the policy experience, institutional capacity and
economic conditions of rich countries. By default, this provides significant advantages to
them, as the essential baseline is the current emissions of the high-emitting countries.
Emissions trading and International negotiations are likely to address some of the weaknesses of cap
the Clean Development and trade as an approach to climate financing and will probably establish targets by sectors
Mechanism have not been
with standardized benchmarks (see, for example, the Harvard Project on International
particularly effective in
encouraging a transition Climate Agreements (2008)). However, even though financial flows and participation
away from fossil energy levels have grown since their inception, emissions trading and the Clean Development
Mechanism have not been particularly effective in encouraging a transition away from fos-
sil energy. To date, the EU scheme has not been effective in reducing emissions among the
main traders (Capoor and Ambrosi, 2008; WWF, 2007). Moreover, advocates of cap and
trade tend to ignore the long history of successful State regulation of environmental issues
Financing the development response to climate change 163
Carbon taxes
By increasing the cost of emissions to private parties in a more predictable manner than
cap and trade, carbon taxes provide the opportunity to both raise public revenues and
mitigate climate damage by increasing the cost of emissions to private parties. Their pos-
sible advantage lies in the more predictable price impact and the ease of design and admin-
istration. On the other hand, they can provoke political resistance.4 In mature economies,
properly designed carbon taxes could play an important role. In developing countries,
their role is likely to be more limited. Hence, proposals by, for example, the International
Monetary Fund (IMF) (2008b), for a global tax on carbon as the best means of mitigating
climate externalities need to be treated with caution.
Estimates by the United Nations Development Programme (2007a) put the po- While carbon taxes appear
tential revenue at $265 billion if a $20 tax per ton of CO2 is charged in countries members to have contributed to
energy efficiency, they
of the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) at current emis-
have hardly been sufficient
sion levels. Many OECD countries already have carbon taxes aimed mainly at financing to counter the threat of
their domestic budgets (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 1997), warming temperatures
rather than at financing low-emissions development or other public goods. EU also applies
differential taxes on energy to products, such as natural gas compared with diesel or petrol,
when they are used as motor or heating fuel. It is worth noting that, while these taxes ap-
pear to have contributed to energy efficiency, they have hardly been sufficient to counter the
threat of warming temperatures.
Other schemes have been proposed to specifically finance climate change ac-
tivities. A proposal similar to France’s solidarity tax, which is intended to finance access
to HIV/AIDS treatment in low-income countries, maintains that a $7 levy per passenger
on international flights could result in $14 billion per year (United Nations Development
Programme, 2007a; UNITAID, 2007). Because air fuel is often tax-exempt, such a levy
actually reduces the implicit subsidy for air travel relative to other modes of transporta-
tion. Reducing subsidies to fossil fuels could help lower emissions and provide incentives
for the transition towards a low-emissions economy. Subsidies to oil fuels—the difference
between the end-user price and the price in a competitive market—have been estimated at
$300 billion per year or 0.7 per cent of WGP (United Nations Environment Programme,
International Labour Organization, and others, 2008). But, particularly in developing
countries, raising the price of essential goods (energy as well as food and water) could
render them unaffordable by lower income groups. Not only would this be regressive, it
would also be socially unacceptable and environmentally unpredictable.
A related mechanism entails imposing fees and levies for activities/services
whose benefits are not adequately captured by market prices. Owing to their specificity,
ecosystem services cannot be traded as easily as liquid financial assets. As an alternative,
several methodologies have been created to assess market value of these services and charge
4 On the political resistance to both cap-and-trade and carbon tax proposals in the United States, see
John M. Broder “From a theory to a consensus on emissions”, The New York Times, 16 May 2009.
164 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
the potential beneficiaries, using a “pay as you use the service” approach involving using
shadow prices (Costanza and others, 1997). The idea of preserving ecosystems through
the use of the services they provide is at the core of the strategies to reduce emissions from
deforestation (see box VI.2).
Box VI.2
Financing forests and the reduction of emissions from
deforestation and forest degradation (REDD)
In addition to providing multiple services and goods, forests can play a key role in tackling climate
change. Forestry, as defined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, accounts for about
17.4 per cent of global greenhouse gas emissions, and is therefore the third largest source of an-
thropogenic greenhouse gas emissions after energy supply and industrial activity. Loss of tropical
forest results annually in emissions that are comparable to the total annual CO2 emissions from the
United States of America or China. Emissions from deforestation alone could increase atmospheric
carbon stock by about 30 parts per million (ppm) by 2100. In order to stabilize the current CO2e level
of 433 ppm at a targeted 445-490 ppm, forests will need to form a central part of any global climate
change deal.
The Stern Review, among other studies, considers curbing deforestation a highly cost-
effective and relatively quick way of reducing greenhouse gas emissions. The resources required to
halve emissions from the forest sector by 2030 could lie between $17 billion and $33 billion per year
if forests are included in global carbon trading. If the international community does nothing to bring
deforestation to a halt, the global economic cost of climate change caused by the degradation and
losses of forests could reach $1 trillion per year by 2100. This is additional to the cost of the impact of
industrial emissions.
At present, only a very small share of the existing investment in the forest sector is
allocated to addressing climate change and less than 25 per cent of that share is invested in devel-
oping countries and economies in transition. Fortunately, the importance of limiting deforestation
and forest degradation has been recognized by climate change negotiators, as reflected in the final
outcome of the thirteen session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Framework
a See, for example, FCCC/ Convention on Climate Change, held in Bali, Indonesia, from 3-15 December 2007.a
CP/2007/6/Add.1, decision To fully realize the potential of reducing emissions from deforestation and forest deg-
2/CP.13. radation (REDD), several new financing initiatives have been launched. By far the most significant is
Norway’s commitment to provide $600 million annually towards efforts to reduce carbon emissions
from deforestation and forest degradation in developing countries. Other donors, including Austra-
lia, Finland, Spain, Japan, Switzerland, the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland and
the United States of America, have contributed or have signalled their intent to contribute funds to
climate change and forests programmes.
The World Bank has established the Forest Carbon Partnership Facility to help reduce
emissions from deforestation and degradation and to help build capacity for REDD activities in 25
pilot developing countries. The target capitalization is at least $300 million. The World Bank is also
currently developing the Forest Investment Programme to support REDD-related efforts of develop-
ing countries, providing upfront bridge financing for readiness reforms and investments identified
through national REDD strategies. The targeted level of funding for the proposed Forest Investment
Programme is $500 million.
The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, the United Nations De-
velopment Programme and the United Nations Environment Programme have jointly launched the
Collaborative Programme on Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation in De-
veloping Countries (UN-REDD), including a portfolio of $52 million (to be financed by Norway), to
provide assistance in REDD capacity-building to pilot developing countries. The immediate goal is
to assess whether carefully designed payment structures and capacity support can create incentives
for emission reductions while maintaining and improving the other ecosystem services that forests
provide. To be successful, this initiative warrants the wider participation of United Nations bodies
involved in climate change and forests.
Financing the development response to climate change 165
However, the level both of the knowledge required to set an efficient tax and
of the capacity needed to administer it are generally quite high and may not yet be achiev-
able by many developing countries. Moreover, as indicated, estimates of damages caused
by carbon emissions vary hugely, because of the different assumptions made in order to
value inter-temporal trade-offs or non-monetary damages, or to account for incomplete
information and uncertainty (Schroeder, 2008).
Any global carbon tax would require multilateral cooperation to harmonize
tax systems so as to facilitate a joint decision on the level and incidence of the tax and on
how to allocate the revenues. Without a robust international framework, differentiated
taxes may serve discriminatory political or trade objectives instead of furthering climate
change mitigation (as in the case, for example, of United States subsidies to ethanol and
barriers to Brazil’s ethanol exports). The idea, moreover, of stripping national authorities of
their powers in this regard has met with stubborn resistance in a number of countries.
An unavoidable feature of a uniform global carbon tax, even if it were to be
introduced gradually, would be the taxation of developing countries at several times the
rate of industrialized countries, measured as a proportion of GDP. Th is would impose a
disproportionate burden of adjustment on developing countries, although per capita emis-
sions in developing countries are low compared with those in industrialized ones.
Moreover, carbon pricing will affect the level and distribution of real household
income, both directly through a household’s use of fossil fuels and indirectly through the
prices of other commodities. A carbon tax has been found to place a disproportionately
heavy burden on low-income groups in some contexts, by raising not only the direct cost
of energy but all final prices for goods in which that energy has been used. In such cases,
lower-income households would pay disproportionately more in environmental compliance
costs. In order to avoid undesired distributional effects, one option would be to introduce
differentiated pricing (and hence taxation) by, for example, increasing prices commensurate Carbon taxation would therefore
with the amount of energy used; alternatively, compensatory mechanisms in the form of in the first instance need to be
subsidies for lower-income groups could be put in place. an instrument for providing
Carbon taxation would therefore need to be in the first instance an instrument incentives towards mitigation in
advanced countries and a source
for providing incentives towards mitigation in advanced countries and a source of financ- of financing of climate-related
ing of climate-related programmes of action, including in developing countries. Poten- programmes of action, including
tially, this could yield significant resources to cover international funding requirements. in developing countries
166 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
With a carbon price of $50 per ton of CO2, renewable energy like onshore wind would be
roughly competitive with dirty coal; and with oil prices at $150 a barrel, wind would be
competitive with coal and gas, in the absence of a carbon price (Stern, 2009, p. 43). Even
without a market-determined carbon price, taxing greenhouse gas emitting sources of
energy would help make renewable sources economically more attractive. A tax of $50 per
ton, through which many renewables would become economically viable, could mobilize
$500 billion in resources annually and suffice to cover part of the mitigation costs accord-
ing to the higher estimates reported in figure VI.2.5 Carbon taxes will not provide an
unlimited source of funding and will drop off as greenhouse gas emissions are effectively
reduced to low levels, but in the initial stages, they may play an important role in sourcing
a substantial part of the investment costs of the big push that needs to be accomplished in
the coming decades.
the price of carbon and government intervention through regulatory measures and fiscal
incentives, the private sector will not find these instruments sufficiently attractive based on
the standard risk-return calculus. For example, the value of equity investments in biofuels
has recently fallen as a result of lower energy demand and oil prices. Second, in order for
this to become an important vehicle for investment in developing countries, the supply of
climate-accountable financial instruments has to increase significantly. Currently, almost
all investment opportunities are concentrated in developed countries.
Nonetheless, some private equity investment firms that are focused on climate Some private equity
change mitigation are beginning to perceive clean infrastructure, primarily renewable en- investment firms that
are focused on climate
ergy, as offering viable financing opportunities.6 This is taking place on a limited scale,
change mitigation are
however, even in fast-growing developing countries (like China, India and Brazil), as they beginning to perceive clean
are all still faced with deficiencies in terms of an infrastructure adequate enough to sup- infrastructure, primarily
port production and distribution of renewable energy. Although China is likely the largest renewable energy, as
market for this type of private financial flow, there remain challenges to private investment offering viable financing
because of national policies requiring links with firms based in China. Nevertheless, an in- opportunities
creasing number of investment banks are beginning to see increasing opportunities, most
likely because of renewable energy quotas and feed-in tariff s rewarding investment in this
area, and investors are beginning to act on these prospects. Again, this trend underscores
the need for rapid action in policy creation; private investors, particularly in this market,
may take significant time to respond to incentives.
Microfinance could be another vehicle for mobilizing local private resources for Scaling up microfinance
investments in sustainable development. Over the past three decades, microfinance has for long-term investment
in productive activities and
grown dramatically. According to recent estimates, there were more than 7,000 microcredit
sustainable development
institutions in 2006, serving about 80 million people in about 65 countries, including some will require support
developed ones. Microfinance has expanded beyond merely encompassing programmes of through a broader
credit provisioning so as to now include schemes of microsavings and microinsurance. Some development strategy
of these schemes already have a climate dimension. Given the close links between poverty
reduction and climate vulnerability, scaling up microfinance has been considered a pos-
sible source of finance for climate adaptation (Hammill, Matthew and McCarter, 2008).
The Grameen Bank has already begun to extend loans for clean energy products, such as
solar home systems, with spin-offs to microenterprises, while further opportunites exist in
cleaner cooking products, biofuels and low-emissions agriculture (Rippey, 2009). However,
scaling up microfinance for long-term investment in productive activities and sustainable
development will require support through a broader development strategy, including in-
vestments in infrastructure and human capital (United Nations, 2008).
Public-private partnerships and guarantees can provide meaningful support to
stimulating private financing in projects for increasing energy efficiency and renewable
energy in developing countries. Partnerships have assumed growing importance in recent
years as a vehicle for infrastructure projects and delivery of health services (Nikolic and
Maikisch, 2006). They have also been used to bolster technological development, including
in the field of clean energy (Sagar, Bremner and Grubb, 2008). However, there are doubts
about their cost-effectiveness and whether they represent the best way to deliver at scale.
Guarantees can take various forms. A consumer financing programme for solar
photovoltaic systems in southern India is a good example of a case where Government-
guaranteed credits helped overcome lack of access of consumers to what was needed to
allow them to make the necessary upfront investments for using the solar energy (see
box VI.3). Lack of knowledge or experience may also create barriers to investments in
6 For example, Climate Change Capital, a London-based investment private equity firm, is currently
working on launching a China-based clean infrastructure fund.
168 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box VI.3
Establishing a consumer financing
programme for solar photovoltaic (PV)
systems in southern India
The low rate of access to electricity, and shortages even when electricity is available, have led house-
holds of India to look to alternative power supply systems such as inverters, diesel generators and, in
some rare cases, solar photovoltaic (PV) systems. Though India has one of the most comprehensive
renewable energy development programmes among the developing countries (see chap. IV), sev-
eral barriers have prevented the wider adoption of solar home systems which could provide clean
energy for lighting. In particular, a combination of insufficient credit and lack of awareness about
solar home systems among potential customers has restricted market development. The United Na-
tions Environment Programme (UNEP) in collaboration with local stakeholders has established a pro-
gramme to increase access by rural households to credit to allow them to buy solar home systems.
The objective was to help India’s banking partners develop lending portfolios specifically targeted
at financing solar home systems in poorly served regions of southern India, including, in particular,
poor households in rural and semi-urban areas, which bear the brunt of power shortages and have
limited access to expensive alternatives. The project was initiated in 2002 and completed in 2007.
An important step in the course of the project was consultation with stakeholders,
particularly potential bank partners and vendors. After consultations, an interest rate subsidy was
decided on as the financial mechanism of the project. By providing loans with an interest rate buy-
down, the project addressed the “high upfront cost” and the high credit cost, which were the barriers
identified by stakeholders. The project was also expected to help increase awareness and confidence
in solar home systems technology, bring down the financing costs of the technology in India, and
widen the market.
The project was formally launched by the partner banks in 2003: in April by the Canara
Bank and in June by the Syndicate Bank. Four solar vendors had met the qualification criteria and
could send their customers either to Canara or to Syndicate Bank branches for solar home systems
financing. Prior to the launching of the project, only about 1,400 solar home systems had been fi-
nanced in Karnataka. The project plan had set an ambitious target of 18,000 over the project lifetime.
By the time the project ended in May 2007, more than 19,000 loans had been financed, through more
than 2,000 participating bank branches, the fastest growth having been in rural areas, in part owing
to the increasing participation of the nine Grameen banks.
A properly designed programme, involving stakeholders both during the design and
execution stages, can help develop markets for renewable energy, as is evident from the success of
India’s solar project. Continuous monitoring and involvement of stakeholders at all stages of execu-
tion were the key to the success of the programme. The longer-term success of any such programme
Source: UNEP, Risø Centre. is dependent, however, on in its ability to transit smoothly to the commercial market.
renewable energy. The International Finance Corporation (IFC), the private sector arm
of the World Bank Group has been particularly innovative in this area. By establishing
partnerships with banks in developing countries, IFC helps local financial institutions
identify which of their clients could implement energy efficiency programmes. When
a loan is given, training is provided on how to structure those programmes to further
encourage investments, IFC also issues a partial risk guarantee against default. In practice,
default rates are significantly lower for energy efficiency projects than for those in other
sectors.7 The guarantees and training thus seem to have been conducive to an efficient
use of IFC resources, helping the private sector overcome its initial reluctance to invest in
energy efficiency and renewable energy sectors in developing countries.
both the climate impact and the single-minded focus on this subsidy are questionable.
Faced with higher energy prices, low-income households have been known to substitute
unpriced energy sources, such as firewood, which has a negative impact on the environ-
ment and their own productivity and standard of living.
A vector of subsidies, tariffs In the designing of a low-emissions financing strategy, there will have to be
and taxes will have to be deployed a vector of subsidies, tariff s and taxes, of which energy subsidies for the poor
deployed, of which energy
should constitute only a part. Simply emphasizing the removal of energy subsidies could
subsidies for the poor
should constitute undermine equity objectives and thus set back structural transformation and development.
only a part On the revenue side, equity considerations will also have to play a key role in generating
the needed financing for low-emissions energy investment, and progressive approaches to
taxation and fees will need to be a key element in the climate financing strategy.
The issuance of “green A number of developing countries have witnessed the growth of markets for
bonds” to fund the climate Government bonds in recent years. In light of the financial crisis and the calls for reforming
challenge, could be an
the financial system, issuance of “green bonds” to fund the climate challenge could be an
additional financing tool,
along the lines of war additional financing tool, along the lines of war bonds, in some emerging economies and a
bonds, in some safer haven for the rising level of personal savings in a more regulated financial system (see
emerging economies box VI.4 and New Economics Foundation, 2008). Government guarantees and tax breaks
could also be used to channel savings into investments that reduce carbon use, including
infrastructural investment, as is the case in the United States municipal bonds market.
Box VI.4
Green bonds
The need for capital to finance projects targeted at either mitigation of or adaptation to climate
change is immense. Securing finance for investments in such areas which have the inherent charac-
teristics of public goods is less clearcut, however. In particular, given the volume of funds required,
as well as the need for sustaining such investments over longer periods of time, relying on public
coffers may not be a sufficient or feasible option if this implies either a diversion of expenditure from
other items or a significant increase in taxation. An obvious solution is to tap capital markets and to
entice members of the private sector into willingly investing their savings in such projects by issuing
debt securities that are backed by a larger public entity.
Demand for securities that specifically support low-carbon activities or foster adapta-
tion to climate change is likely to be significant; in contrast to common debt securities, such green
bonds (also called “climate bonds” or “environment bonds”) could also yield a feel-good dividend
generated by the support of environmentally friendly projects. Interest in green bonds appears to
be increasing at all levels.
While still small compared with that of the United States of America, the international
market for sub-sovereign bond issuances has deepened over the last decade, with greater overall
volume, larger issues and longer maturities (Platz, 2009). Several municipalities and cities have already
issued green bonds on a small scale and Governments have now sprung on board. For instance, $2
billion worth of AAA-rated bonds were issued in the United States in 2004 to finance reclaiming of
contaminated industrial and commercial land, to encourage energy conservation and to promote
use of renewable energy sources. Similarly, a bond issue worth $530 million was approved in Malaysia
in 2006 to finance planting of trees on 375,000 hectares of land.
International institutions have also recognized the merits of green bonds: the European
Investment Bank issued climate awareness bonds worth more than €1 billion in 2007 to fund renew-
able energy projects; and the World Bank, in partnership with Skandinaviska Enskilda Banken (SEB) in
Sweden, issued green bonds worth $300 million (SEK 2.325 billion) in 2008.
The idea of offering debt securities that appeal to an investor’s conscience is not a
new one: a number of countries issued war bonds to finance military operations during the Second
World War. Moreover, history shows that such instruments are able to leverage significant amounts of
Financing the development response to climate change 171
The scale on which “green” debt instruments can be issued depends in part on
the sophistication of domestic financial markets and the overall debt burden of the coun-
try. Expansion of a market for such funds is ultimately contingent on the national Govern-
ment’s ability to raise tax revenues and to set the rate of return on domestic investment.
Equity and development considerations are important in respect of relaxing constraints
on both. Progressive taxation will ensure greater government revenues as income grows,
including from the growing class of bond owners, who are likely to be in upper income
brackets. State intervention in establishing rates of return on domestic investment involves
capping income from capital in exchange for less risky and less volatile income streams.
The capacity of national Governments to influence average domestic returns on invest-
ments critically depends on their ability and willingness to manage capital flows. By im-
posing taxes and restrictions on capital and controlling flows in and out of their borders,
Governments will restore their ability to exercise an independent monetary policy, and to
influence interest rates in a manner appropriate for stimulating long-term investment.
Public sector development banks provide an alternative funding channel for In the absence of effective
long-term investment in many developing countries. The record of these institutions in regulatory, policy and
institutional frameworks,
generating long-term financing is uneven, although they have had a particularly impor-
the record of the private
tant role to play in infrastructure development. Success stories suggest that these banks sector when it was left with
are most successful when they also encourage the development of complementary private providing the required
financial institutions, are assiduous in monitoring the recipients of their own funds and financing, particularly
avoid excessive public sector risks and badly targeted interest-rate subsidies (United Na- to essential utilities and
tions, 2005, pp. 24-25). These institutions have been neglected in recent years in favour services such as energy, has
not been a satisfactory one
of private capital markets and public-private partnerships. However, in the absence of
effective regulatory, policy and institutional frameworks, the record of the private sector
when it was left with providing the required financing, particularly to essential utilities
and services such as energy, has not been a satisfactory one. In many cases, reforming and
recapitalizing development banks will be important for a successful transition to low-
emission development pathways. Brazil, China and India have gained some experience in
using both development banks and special lending windows of commercial banks under-
written by Government guarantees (see box VI.5).
172 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box VI.5
Developing financial intermediation mechanisms for
energy efficiency projects in Brazil, China and India
The potential high returns accruing from energy efficiency projects have been demonstrated; and
if the proper delivery mechanisms can be developed, large profit-making investment should be-
come available. However, the sustainable mechanisms that can help overcome many of the barriers
inhibiting investment in energy efficiency are still in their infancy and their effectiveness has not
been proved. The objective of the Three-Country Energy Efficiency Project (the 3CEE project) was to
achieve major increases in energy efficiency investments by the domestic financial sectors in Brazil,
China and India by addressing those barriers through a set of activities, and to identify viable financial
mechanisms targeting the banking sector and energy service companies in each country. Initiated in
November 2002, the project was completed in May 2007.
The activities included technical assistance, training, and applied research covering the
following four areas of country interest: development of commercial banking windows for energy
efficiency projects; support for energy service companies; guarantee funds for energy efficiency; and
equity funding for energy service companies/energy efficiency projects.
Other important project activities included multiple international cross-country ex-
change workshops and dissemination to allow practitioners from each of the three countries to learn
from each other and to tackle jointly the practical problems that each faced in overcoming barriers
to increased efficiency investment.
Technical analysis was one of the major activities across various components and sig-
nificant work was completed in all three countries in this area. In Brazil, venture capital, private eq-
uity capital, and shared risk in energy efficiency project work finally led to approval by the Brazilian
Development Bank (BNDES) of a new risk-sharing credit line for energy efficiency projects in May
2006, with the participation of several local banks. Support to energy service companies through
the project increased their capacity to implement energy efficiency projects through performance
contracting. The Energy Sector Management Assistance Programme is providing support for the
implementation of the scheme.
In India, new appraisal methodologies and financial structures for energy efficiency proj-
ects were developed and training programmes for bankers were conducted. Five of India’s banks (the
State Bank of India, Canara Bank, Union Bank, the Bank of Baroda and the Bank of India) had launched
new schemes for energy efficiency lending by the time the project was completed in 2007.
In China, emphasis was given to developing larger energy efficiency schemes at indi-
vidual banks which have received strong support from Chinese stakeholders. A large World Bank
pipeline project was developed, focusing on promoting the direct bank financing of medium and
large-sized energy efficiency projects, whose chief goal is to establish sustainable energy efficiency
lending businesses in China’s banks. Two of China’s domestic banks were selected to act as finan-
cial institutions. Capacity-building of energy service companies was carried out through training
programmes conducted by the China Energy Management Company Association, the association
of energy service companies. The project also catalysed the outreach to local banks and financial
stakeholders, supplementing the efforts under the World Bank/Global Environment Facility Energy
Source: UNEP, Risø Centre. Conservation II Project guarantee fund in China.
International financing
International support International support is indispensable for effective financing of public investment to meet
is indispensable for mitigation and adaptation goals. The urgency of increased support arises against a back-
effective financing of
drop of persistent weaknesses in the architecture of development finance at both the bi-
public investment to meet
mitigation and lateral and multilateral levels. The financial mechanisms uniquely designed to manage the
adaptation goals climate challenge under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change
include a number of grant-based adaptation funds operating under the administrative
Financing the development response to climate change 173
auspices of the Global Environment Facility (GEF). These rely on a mixture of voluntary
contributions and resources from a 2 per cent levy on transactions under the Clean Devel-
opment Mechanism. The Global Environment Facility is particularly important because
it is able to fund more risky projects and has demonstrated its competence in working in
countries that may not attract foreign investors either through the Clean Development
Mechanism or directly. Since its inception in 1991, the Facility has allocated more than
$3 billion for projects and has co-financed an additional $14 billion. A second channel en-
compasses funds and programmes arising from the loans and grants of bilateral agencies,
the largest of which is Japan’s Cool Earth Partnership, established in 2008, which aims
to allocate $10 billion in funds over five years. The third channel comprises existing mul-
tilateral development institutions, which not only include a variety of mechanisms with
a climate-related component but have also set up several specific funds to provide loans,
grants and concessional funding, the largest of which are the recently established Climate
Investment Funds of the World Bank, a $6 billion multilateral initiative announced at the
July 2008 G8 meeting.
As summarized in table VI.3, this emerging climate architecture is as unnec- The emerging climate
essarily complex as it is massively underfunded. The array of funds and funding mecha- architecture is as
unnecessarily complex as it
nisms lack adequate coordination, leaving many gaps and overlaps. Even though there is
is massively underfunded
still great uncertainty about the level of required transfers for developing countries, there
is little doubt that the funding gap is the single largest constraint on progress in climate
negotiations. Moreover, even assuming that donor countries met the target of 0.7 per cent
of gross national product (GNP) for ODA, and developing countries agreed that the addi-
tional resources, of between $160 billion-$200 billion, could be used for climate purposes,
the funding shortfall from ODA would still be in the order of hundreds of billions of dol-
lars per year (Müller, 2008, p. 7).
The key to any scaling-up exercise resides in finding more predictable multi- The key to any scaling-
lateral sources of finance. These could come, in part, from the sale of emissions permits or up exercise resides in
finding more predictable
increased carbon taxes in donor countries; more innovative sources of finance, however,
multilateral sources of
will likely be needed. An innovative source of finance framework is a wide-ranging initia- finance; a hallmark of
tive to pilot and implement a variety of new and predictable financing mechanisms and this approach is global
to mobilize countries of widely varying situations for the common purpose of achieving solidarity
internationally agreed development goals. A hallmark of this approach is global solidarity,
with sources of finance coordinated internationally but implemented at a national level.
Unlike traditional development financing approaches, which still depend on the political
goodwill of rich countries, albeit with a greater emphasis in recent years on “partnerships”
in the use of resources, the innovative sources of finance framework entails joint design
and decision-making by developing and developed countries for the purpose of raising the
resources required to meet a common goal.
The amounts raised to date have not been significant in comparison with
ODA flows and so far have been mainly directed at meeting global health objectives.
However, a number of proposals raise the possibility of much larger funding possibilities
(see box VI.6). Starting with the proposal to use special drawing rights (SDRs) for
development purposes, as contained in paragraph 44 of the 2002 Monterrey Consensus
of the International Conference on Financing for Development, there have been a wide
range of creative ideas emerging. The proposal on special drawing rights already embeds
the feature of cooperation on the revenue-raising side of development finance, since all
member countries of IMF would have to contribute their currencies under this mechanism.
174 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Box VI.6
Proposals for mobilizing new, additional
and significant financial resources
Between the thirteenth session of the Conference of the Parties to the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change, held in Bali, Indonesia, from 3 to 15 December 2007, and
the fourteenth session of the Conference of the Parties, held in Poznan, Poland, from 1 to 12
December 2008, a number of financing proposals have been advanced by the parties. The
major ones are briefly summarized below, along with some others not advanced by the parties
themselves. They relate principally to the means of mobilization of financial resources, but some
of them also address the issue of the institutional architecture and governance structure of a
financing mechanism.
Developing countries emphasize the central role of public finances and the im-
portance of predictability of resource flows. Developed countries generally support the use of
existing institutions to channel any additional funds and stress the important role to be played
by the private sector in financing through foreign direct investment (FDI) (Santarius and others,
2009). Some of the main alternative proposals for financial resource mobilization are:
• Enhanced Clean Development Mechanism (offsetting). The deficiencies of the Clean
Development Mechanism at present for facilitating large-scale resource transfers
are widely acknowledged. Much attention has been focused on reforming the
Clean Development Mechanism so as to replace its project focus with a program-
matic and/or policy focus, with the expectation of larger impacts, shorter funding
cycles and lower transaction costs. The United Nations Framework Convention on
Climate Change secretariat estimates that, by 2020, offsetting could yield up to
$40.8 billion per year, still only a fraction of estimated incremental costs in devel-
oping countries
• Compulsory leveraged offsetting. One proposal (Pendleton and Retallack, 2009)
a The American Clean suggests that the Annex I emissions to be covered by developing-country Clean
Energy and Security Act of Development Mechanism projects should be offset not ton for ton but in a ratio,
2009 contains a provision for example, of 2:1 or higher.a Thus, a developed-country emitter wishing to use
of this sort, whereby a ton
the Clean Development Mechanism to cover one ton of its own unmitigated emis-
of domestic CO2 emissions
could be offset against sions would need to invest in two or more tons of emission reductions in devel-
only four fifths of a ton oping countries. This proposal has the virtue of simplicity, essentially utilizing the
of developing-country existing Clean Development Mechanism framework but applying a compulsory
emissions. This means that to leverage ratio to the Mechanism’s transactions. Also, depending on the leverage
cover the full ton, a United ratio chosen, the proposal could generate significant financial transfers. Thus, an
States emitter would need
Annex I reduction target of 40 per cent below 1990 levels by 2020 and a 2:1 lever-
to buy 1.25 tons of credit
from the Clean Development age ratio could generate $130 billion per year in Clean Development Mechanism
Mechanism, representing a financing
leverage of 1.25:1.
• Mandatory assessment. The Group of 77 and China have proposed that Annex I
parties contribute from 0.5 to 1.0 per cent of their gross national income to climate
change financing in non-Annex I countries, to be channelled through a multilat-
eral climate technology fund under the authority of the United Nations Frame-
work Convention on Climate Change. This would generate approximately $150
billion-$300 billion per year at pre-crisis income levels of major Organization for
Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) economies
• Assessed contributions based on the criterion of fairness and the polluter pays prin-
ciple. Mexico has proposed the creation of a multilateral climate change fund, to
which all countries would contribute, on the basis of greenhouse gas emissions,
Financing the development response to climate change 175
Subsequent proposals have explored the possibility of using special drawing rights
for development financing as well as liquidity provisioning (Aryeetey, 2003; Soros,
2002). International levies collected on air travel or financial transactions also
overcome the traditional dependence of multilateral resources on the outcomes of
political processes in the donor countries. One mechanism already being discussed
within this framework is the currency transaction tax, which could raise at least $50
billion per year at a rate of 0.5 per cent; a tax on carbon market transactions has also
been considered as a possible source of multilateral finance.
176 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
A development accord
Equity is an essential ingredient of an effective global climate change policy, as reflected Equity is an essential
in the principle of “common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities”, ingredient of an effective
global climate
as set forth in paragraph 1, article 3, of the United Nations Framework Convention on
change policy
Climate Change. Not only have today’s high-income economies generated about 80 per
cent of past fossil fuel-based emissions, but those same emissions have helped carry them
to high levels of social and economic well-being. These countries carry the responsibility
for the bulk of climate damage but they also have the capacity to repair it (Müller, 2008).
However, from a long-term perspective, limiting further damage also requires that de-
veloping countries shift their energy and land use and their consumption needs towards
low-emissions options.
Compelling developing countries to cut emissions at this stage of their devel-
opment constitutes an inappropriate—and unworkable—approach to facilitating prog-
ress. Such an approach would almost certainly freeze a pattern of income inequality that
already exhibits intolerable income gaps within and, in particular, across countries. Catch-
up growth and convergence remain fundamental policy priorities. Reconciling this with
climate objectives can be achieved only if the investments needed to drive growth assume
a technological profile different from the one that drove the historically unprecedented
growth performance of today’s advanced economies.
178 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
rected. International cooperation should assist the integration of mitigation and adaptation
in the national policies of developing countries under the “country-led and country-owned”
principle. Second, there will be an urgent need to rationalize and minimize proliferation of
funding mechanisms. There has been a proliferation of specific funds administered by bi-
lateral agencies, which differ widely in terms of purposes, amount mobilized, time-horizons
and mechanisms for channelling resources to developing countries. The “bilateralization”
of multilateral aid should be minimized by imposing coordination between funds and in-
tegrating resources; for example, funding for reducing emissions from deforestation and
forest degradation could expand by combining resources and approaches from different
institutions (such as the forestry funds of Norway and Australia, and the Amazon Fund).
That the capacity to scale up multilateral financing exists has been revealed by
the financial crisis and this bodes well for climate financing. However, with the attention
of the international community focused on the deepening global economic crisis, there is
the danger that efforts to finance an effective response to climate change will be delayed.
Delaying investments in a new energy, transportation and health infrastructure, bolstering
the productivity of the rural economy and making it less susceptible to climatic shocks, is
as unnecessary as it is self-defeating (Stern and Kuroda, 2009). Making up for the loss of
private demand from the ongoing economic crisis will require vigorous counter-cyclical
fiscal policies for which a truly global coordinated response is appropriate (United Na-
tions, 2009). In this context, increased public investment to meet climate as well as devel-
opment objectives will bring short-term benefits through a demand impulse while aiding
the transition towards low-emissions economies.
However, developing countries are concerned that a dominant role for existing
multilateral institutions in future climate-related financing will perpetuate the unsatisfac-
tory practices associated with past development finance. The kinds of conditionalities at-
tached to that financing are seen as particularly unacceptable given that climate finance,
even more than development finance, is required to make adjustments to the past actions
of richer countries. Moreover, developing countries insist that decision-making should be
based on the one-country, one-vote principle (as under the framework of the United Nations
Framework Convention on Climate Change) and not on the amount of money contributed,
as is still the case in the international financial institutions. In these respects, many of the
recently established climate funds appear to represent, on one recent assessment, “a distinct
step back from the GEF compromise” and “are almost certain to create a new level of
North-South political discord over the funding for global environmental action at a histori-
cal juncture, when the world can ill afford it” (Porter and others, 2008, p. 47).
As suggested earlier, the initial responsibility for ensuring adequate multilateral The initial responsibility
funding lies with Annex II countries. Using the Greenhouse Development Rights (GDR) for ensuring adequate
multilateral funding lies
methodology discussed in chapter I, a possible breakdown of their contribution is given in
with Annex II countries
table VI.4. For every 100 billion dollars of climate financing, EU would contribute 32.9
billion, the United States 47.7 billion and Japan 11.2 billion. The Commission of Experts of
the President of the General Assembly (the Stiglitz Commission) (United Nations, 2009) has
recently proposed that industrialized countries dedicate 1 per cent of their national stimulus
packages, in addition to traditional ODA commitments, to help address the strains imposed
by the global economic downturn on the poorest citizens. In respect of the OECD countries,
the average weighted stimulus package will account for about the 3.4 per cent of GDP over
the period 2008-2010 (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development, 2009).
That would generate additional ODA of over 1.3 billion dollars over two years. As such, this
represents a symbolic acceptance of the global nature of the challenge.
180 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
Table VI.4.
Possible breakdown of climate-related ODA flows for Annex II countries to 2020
The steady increase in the finance, on a scale that is commensurate with the
projected scale of public investment that is required in order to shift to a low-emissions
development pathway will need new international funding instruments of the kind sug-
gested earlier. These will have to be considered in an open and dispassionate manner if real
and timely progress is to be made.
The bigger question concerns the management and allocation of financial re-
sources. It is often argued that the World Bank and other multilateral development banks
might be better positioned to scale up financing than a fund under the authority of the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change. However, these institutions
have major limitations in the context of global environmental finance (Porter and others,
2008). For instance, the newly established Climate Investment Funds that are administered
by the World Bank have been criticized not only for their governance structure, which
replicates the existing asymmetries of the Executive Board of the World Bank, but also for
undermining the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change and for not
being truly additional to existing ODA commitments (Tan, 2008). Indeed, on their own
assessment, multilateral development banks still do not seem to be systematically factoring
climate change into their investment choices and need to do more to ensure that all of their
investments and lending operations take climate change into account (World Bank, 2008b;
Ballesteros, 2008). Moreover, the bias in the lending activities of multilateral development
banks since the mid-1990s raises questions about the suitability of these institutions for
administering a publicly led global investment programme. The largest decline in World
Bank lending for infrastructure projects since the mid-1990s has occurred in the electricity
sector, triggered by the expectation that the private sector would take up the slack (Platz
and Schroeder, 2007). While the direction of the trend has been reversed since 2002, new
commitments on average have not yet reached the levels of the mid-1990s.
Developing countries have also pointed out that additional financing, even
on concessionary terms, to help them switch to cleaner energy sources will likely mean
their acquiring additional debt to address a problem to which they contributed relatively
little. This raises long-standing concerns for many developing countries about the role of
development finance, including the privileged position of creditors in international finan-
cial negotiations, and the use of adjustment lending, through attached conditionalities,
to shape their policy options across a broad range of economic and social issues. They are
concerned that housing any new financing mechanisms in the international financial in-
stitutions would subject them to the same governance arrangements and conditionalities
as were imposed on previous loans from these institutions. The Group of 77 and China
have expressed their preference for a global fund to be governed, not by the international
financial institutions or the Global Environmental Facility,9 but by the Parties to the
United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change, following the model of the
Multilateral Fund for the Implementation of the Montreal Protocol and of the Adaptation
Fund under the Kyoto Protocol. On the other hand, a number of Annex I countries have
reservations about following the Montreal Protocol model for climate change financing.
Entrusting a Conference of the Parties-accountable body with the mandate for Entrusting a Conference of
a global investment programme could be an important first step towards the development the Parties-accountable body
with the mandate for a global
of a broader institutional structure on global climate change financing. However, such a investment programme could be
response could introduce the danger of locking new financing into an environmental proj- an important first step towards
ect-based approach, which would run counter to the arguments presented in this chapter. the development of a broader
institutional structure on global
climate change financing
9 The Global Environment Facility has indicated its intention to review and reshape its governance
structure in response to developing-country concerns over representation.
182 World Economic and Social Survey 2009
The creation of a “new Marshall Plan” could thus be the means of providing
a concrete operational basis for such ideas as “ownership” and “partnership”, which oth-
erwise risk degenerating into empty slogans. Moreover, a coherent national programme
bolstered by popular support, indicating where outside assistance could be most effective,
ipso facto becomes a powerful vehicle for persuading potential donors to respond to na-
tional priorities instead of following their own preferences with regard to what might be
available in a basket of seemingly unrelated projects.
In terms of the need to secure international cooperation, the climate financing challenge
is substantial and daunting. It is clear that, while market-based and voluntary approaches
will have an important role to play over time, they are inadequate for meeting the im-
mediate financing requirements. The shift to a low-emissions, high-growth development
pathway in the developing world is unlikely to be led by private sector investment and risk-
taking. Thus, more binding modalities of international cooperation must be pursued at the
same time that countries are dealing with the financial crisis. The same limitations that
dog international cooperation in respect of financing development apply to the response
to climate change. In the face of this predicament, it is important to realize, however, that
the international community can overcome the two sets of limitations simultaneously by
recognizing that a global investment programme directed towards climate change objec-
tives represents a key intervention in favour of development.
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