Accrual Recognition of Interest Income: @GD - DR Unearned Compensation @YEARLY - DR Compensation Exp
Accrual Recognition of Interest Income: @GD - DR Unearned Compensation @YEARLY - DR Compensation Exp
Accrual Recognition of Interest Income: @GD - DR Unearned Compensation @YEARLY - DR Compensation Exp
Includes transactions when an entity: 1. has obligation to pay on behalf of another entity, or 2.
conversely receives gds/svcs when another entity has obligation to pay. Non-employee: Use
gds/svc fair values if can be measured reliably -Identifiable goods/svc< FV of equity instruments,
treat difference as unidentifiable gds/svc Employee Svc: Use FV of instruments bscus not possible
to determine FV of service
Estimated no. of options
FV of options at grant
-> May change at
-> Kept constant
->may change, accelerate
reporting date (for non-> Factored in
(1)Options lapse: no JE
market conditions)
possibility that market
DR Share-based payment reserve CR
-> On the vesting date, it price target being met
Share Premium Expired Shares Options
will be actual # that will
*exception: can change (2)Options exercised
becus of exercise price
DR Share-based payment reserve DR
-> Does not change (for
Cash (Exercise price x No. of options
market conditions)
exercised) CR Share Capital
Modifications to Plan (T&C)s, Cancellations & Settlements, Cash-Settled SB
Modifications to Plan (T&C): Recognise any increases in total fair values of share-based
payments (at modification date) / do not recognise decreases of total fair values of share based
payments (original amount is expensed). - Replace cancelled equity is treated as a modification.
Re-measure on settlement date. Any incremental FV = FV of replacement equity Net FV of
cancelled equity. Net FV of cancelled equity = FV of cancelled equity - payment
Cancellations & Settlements: Both treated as acceleration of vesting, i.e. recognise remainder
services immediately. Cash-settled SB payment transactions -> Remeasure FV of liab at each
reporting/settlement date, re-measurement differences recognised in P/L
Option Value
Expected early exercise: risk aversion,
options non-transferrable, have to exercise
vested options when they cease employment,
length of vesting period, ave length of time
options remained outstanding in the past,
underlying share price, employee seniority
within firm, expected volatility of share prices.
Factors That Affect Fair Value Of Options
Expected volatility factors: implied volatility from traded share options or convertible bonds,
historical volatility of share price over recent period, length of time shares have been traded,
tendency of volatility to revert to mean, regular & consistent intervals for price observations. Newly
listed: compute historical volatility for longest period trading activity is avail, consider historical
volatility of similar entities following comparable period in their lives. Unlisted: If int mkt of shares
available, use their volatility, use historical v of similar listed entities, consider expected v of net
asset/earnings if valuation on shares is based on it. Factors to estimate expected dividends:
historical div payments, plans for changes in div payments, comparable peer group. Risk-free
interest rate: zero coupon govt issues & Capital structure: consider dilutive effects on share
price and estimated FV of options at grant date
Types of Share-Based Transactions & Journal Entries
Issue of ESOP subject to vesting conditions
DR Staff/Compensation Epense
Staff/Compensation/Renumeration expense
CR Share-based Payment Reserve
Restricted Stock Plans transfer of shares to
@GD -> DR Unearned Compensation
employees, subject to an agreem that shares
CR Share Capital Ordinary
cannot be sold, trsf or pledged until vesting occurs
@YEARLY -> DR Compensation Exp
Less dilution, better align incentives, nv worthless
CR Unearned Compensation
If forfeited, DR Share Capital Ordinary
CR Comp Exp CR Unearned Comp
Employee Share Purchase Plans (ESPP)DR Cash (qty of shares x discounted price)
employees to buy shares at discounted prices,
DR Compensation Expense (mkt exercise
amount of discount recorded as compensation exp
price)x qty of shares
CR Share Capital Ordinary (qty x mkt $)
Shares Appreciation Rights (SAR)- can be in
DR Compensation Exp
cash-settled or equity-based. Upon exercise of the
CR Liability under Share-Appreciation Plan
right, employee receive in cash the difference
between current stock price and exercise price
When executives rec cash
(intrinsic value). Remeasure FV of liab at each
DR Liability under Share-Appreciation Plan
reporting date/settlement date
CR Cash
SEMINAR 2: Employee Benefits (FRS 19)
Employee benefits provided under (1) formal plans (2) legislative requirements (3) informal
practices creating constructive obligation where employer has no realistic alternative but to pay
employee benefits. Includes: (1) S/T benefits (2) post-employment benefits (3) other L/T benefits
eg. long service leave (4) Termination benefits [Vesting = cash payout for unutilised, Non-vesting
= no cash payout]
Defined Benefit Plan: benefit determined by plan, employer contribution varies, risk borne by
employer Actuarial assumptions: demographics - mortality rates, employee turnover, prop of
plan members w/ dependents eligible for benefits, claim rates under medical plans, financial
discount rates, benefit levels, future medical costs incl claim handling costs
Defined Benefit Plan
Determine deficit/surplus using actuarial technique and discount the benefit to determine PV of
DBO and current svc cost
Adjust net DB liab/asset for asset ceiling (PV of surplus; either get refunds or contribute less in the
Determine P/L recognition: current svc cost, past svc cost and gain/loss on settlement and net
interest to net defined benefit liab/asset
Determine re-measurements of net defined benefit liab/asset recognized in OCI: (1) actuarial
gains/losses (2) return on plan assets, excluding amounts in net int on net defined liab/asset (3)
any change in effect of asset ceiling
Statement of Financial Position (on B/S): Recognise net defined liab/asset and Net defined
benefit at lower of surplus in define benefit plan, and asset ceiling (PV of refunds from/reductions
in contributions to the plan)
Pension Components & Journal Entries
Components of Pension Expense
Service Costs (+ve)
Volatility in pension expense can
Interest on the Liab outstanding during the period (+ve)
Arise from
Actual Return on Plan Assets (+ve/-ve) increase in
1. Changes in the FV of plan assets
pension funds from int, dividends, realized and unrealized
Unexpected gain/loss
actual changes in FV of plan assets [Actual return = (PA
2. Changes in actuarial
End Bal PA Beg Bal) (Contributions Benefits paid)]
assumptions that affect the amount
Past Service Costs (+ve) but can be ve if it reduces
of DBO
Actuarial Gain/Loss (+ve/-ve)
Expected return = expected rate x plan
assets // Unexpected gain/loss =
actual expected
Termination benefits: recognise liab
and exp at earlier of two dates: when
entity can no longer withdraw offer of
benefits, and when entity recognises
costs for restructuring (FRS37)
DR Expense CR Provision for
termination benefits
Disclosures: Characteristics of DBP &
risks; identifies & explains amt arising
from DBP; describes how BP may
affect amt, timing & uncertainty of
entitys future CFs
SEMINAR 3: Deferred Taxation
Income tax expense (IFRS) whereas Income
tax payable (tax authority)
Difference -> in DTL during the year DTL:
the increase in taxes payable in future years as
a result of taxable temporary differences
existing at the end of the current year \\ DTA:
the increase in taxes refundable (or saved) in
future years as a result of deductible temporary
differences existing at the end of the current
Working Presentation
! Rent or subscriptions
reported on collected in advance
the tax return
! Other revenue collected
in advance
! Accelerated depreciation
on tax return (straight-line
on income statement)
! Prepaid expenses (tax
deductible when paid)
! Installment sales of
property (installment
method for taxes)
IAS 39 Amortised cost -HTM debt and equity securities -Loans & receivables, FVTPL - Trading
debt and equity securities- Elected for FVO, FVOCI- Available for sale (AFS) debt and equity
Bifurcation rule Are economic characteristics and risks of embedded derivatives closely related
to host instrument? Yes, similar-> Do not bifurcate. No->Bifurcate, cus risks are NOT closely rated
like bond is i/r risk but equity option is equity risk and option risk.
Equity-linked product -> bifurcate, dual ccy deposits with fx & ir risk-> bifurcate
Classification for FRS 9
FV changes of FL due to own
credit risk -> OCI
FV changes of FL due to interest
rate risk -> P/L
IFRS 9 Amortised cost - Debt instruments that meet business model, contractual cash flow tests,
FVTPL - Debt instruments not meeting biz model, - Debt instruments that contains embedded
derivative - Debt instruments elected for FVO -Equity instruments held for trading
-Equity instruments not held for trading and not designated at FVTOCI, FVOCI- Equity instruments
not held for trading and designated at FVOCI
- Debt instruments that meet contractual CF test & biz model objective is both to collect
contractual CFs and to realize CFs thru sale
Under a fair value option, an asset or liability that would otherwise be reported at amortized cost or
FVOCI can use FVPL instead. IFRS 9 also incorporated a FVOCI option for certain equity
instruments that are not held for trading. Under this option, the instrument is reported at FVOCI
similar to FVOCI for debt. However, this version of FVOCI does not permit "recycling." Whereas
when debt instruments using FVOCI are sold, the gain or loss on sale is "recycled" from other
comprehensive income to profit and loss, for FVOCI equities the gain or loss is never reported in
profit and loss, but rather remains in OCI
Business model objective is to hold assets to collect contractual cash flows or not. Sale of FA
before maturity may still be consistent with hold-to-collect biz model if its infrequent sales, sales of
insignificant amts, sale of investment close to maturity. Floating rate to fixed rate via IRS does not
change biz model. 3 elements: principle, time value of money, credit risk
Contractual cash flow tests: solely payments of principal and interest. Interest is consideration
for time value and credit risk associated with the pincipal outstanding. If variable interest terms,
change in IR must correspond to changes in market IR. Re-set of IR must be consistent with the
change in market interest rates for the remaining tenure. Contractual term that changes timing and
amounts of payment can represent solely payments of principal and interest if: -(1) it is a
prepayment/extension provision that meets special conditions relating to contingent events and
settlement terms (2) It is a variable interest rate that is consideration of time value of money &
credit risk on principal amt. Prepayment/put/extension = solely payments of p & I if term is to
offer protection from credit deterioration, changes in control of issuer and changes in relevant tax
laws. AND prepayment amt rep unpaid amt of P&I on principal.
Leverage DOES NOT rep solely payments of P&I. Test of cash flows done in the ccy in which the
FA is denominated. Convertible bond does not meet CCF test -> FVTPL
Reclassification 6 Scenarios
(1) From AC to FVTPL, difference in FV on RD and carrying amt is recognized as P/L.
(2) FVTPL to AC, FV on RD is new carrying amt, do not reverse FV.
(3) From AC to FVOCI, difference in FV on RD and carrying amt is recognized in OCI.
(4) From FVOCI into AC, cum gain/loss in OCI adjusted against FV at RD, effective I/R not adjted.
(5) From FVTPL to FVOCI, FV at RD is the new carrying amt.
(6) From FVOCI into FVTPL, FV at RD becomes new carrying amt. Cumulative gains/loss
previously in OCI is reclassified from equity to P/L as reclassification adjustment on RD.
Original-FVTPL: dont reverse them, Original-FVOCI: hv to reverse OCI bal/deferred gain or loss
I/S Presentation
Formula to compute income
tax expense:
***Tax payable + in DTL
in DTA = Income tax
Redemption of Bond
Difference btw fair value and carrying value of debt
Fair value of debt at xx -> recalculated w new yield
& shortened time period
Carrying value of debt at xx -> from the table
Difference = Bond redemption expense
Interest revenue
Calculated on asset gross carrying
Lifetime expected
credit losses
Lifetime expected
credit losses
SEMINAR 7: Translation Of Foreign Ccy Trns & Bal By A Stand-Alone Entity (FRS 21)
Functional Ccy: ccy of the primary economic environment in which the entity operates (demand &
supply factors) Use judgement to determine FC that represents the economic effects of the
underlying transactions, events and conditions
Primary Indicators: ccy which mainly influences sales prices for gds/svcs, country whose
competitive forces and regulations mainly determine the sales price of its gds/svcs, ccy mainly
influences labour, matl, and other costs of providing gds/svcs Additional Indicators: ccy of
financing activities (debt and equity issues), ccy in which receipts from operating activites are
usually retained (operational CFs in the ccy of bank a/c) FC of Subsidiary likely to be Parents
ccy if: 1. Operations of S is an extension of P (not autonomous), inter-co transactions with high
proportion of Ss operations, high impact of Ss CFs on P, dependent on P in debt repayments
Stand-alone entity: Translation from Foreign Ccy to Functional Ccy
@ Initial recognition: Foreign ccy transaction x Spot @ B/S date: (1) Foreign ccy monetary item
rate @ mid-point: (1) Settlement of monetary item
x Closing rate (2) Non-monetary items @
at Spot Rate (2) Extinguishment of non-monetary
Hist. cost x Hist. rate on initial recog
items (eg: Depreciation, COS) at historical/original
date(no FX)
spot rate
(3) Non-monetary item @ Fair Value x Rate
[Non-monetary items that are measured at fair
at date FV was determined
value in a foreign ccy are translated using the
exchange rates at the date when the FV was
DR Fixed Asset @ HR
DR Payable @ HR
DR Depreciation @ HR
CR Payable @ HR
CR Bank @ SR
CR. Acc. Depreciation @ HR
DR/CR Exchange Gain/loss
Monetary Items
Units of ccy held and assets and liab to be recd or paid or determinable no. of units of ccy/ right to
receive or obligation to deliver a fixed or determinable no. of units of ccy
Unamortized premium/discount are monetary items following the nature of debt
Monetary Items
Non-Monetary Items
Variable rate interest loan, marketable
Marketable equity securities, goodwill,
debt securities,
intangible assets, inventories, provisions that
Debt/loan/bonds, Cash, A/R, A/P,
are to be settled by the delivery of a nonpensions and employee benefits to be
monetary asset, inventory, PPE, prepaid
paid in cash, provisions that are to be
expenses, non-refundable deposits, Equity
settled in cash, cash dividends that are
securities*, deferred revenue, deferred
recognised as liability
charges, common or preference stock
FX changes = E sum of A to D -> to P/L
taken to P&L. Perfect hedge: amt and timing match, -ve correlation of -1
Cash flow hedge changes in IV deferred in equity, the deferred gains/losses in equity are
transferred out to the cost of the asset when the asset is recognized, changes in TV (a trxn cost)
expensed off. No firm commitment a/c, only deferred gain/loss account (OCI balance)
Effective hedge only if In-The-Money. OTM time value amount goes to P/L
Cash flow and P&L effect of hedging is the same amount
Interest Rate Swaps
FVTPL unless its hedging instrument. Involves exchanging variable (fixed) int rate payments for
fixed (variable) int rate obligations. Principle amt not exchanged.
Convert from floating rate debt to fixed rate debt-> Cash Flow Hedge
Convert from floating rate investment (hedge variable cash inflows) into fixed rate
investment -> Cash Flow Hedge
Fixed rate debt exposed to changes in FV -> Fair Value Hedge (I/R up, FV of debt falls)
in debt value = in swap value
Swaps fair value determined
using discounted cash flow.
Cash flow hedge is hedge of
variable interest rates
changes in FV of swap taken
to equity; !OCI=!swap value
Fair value hedge applies to
fixed rate debt- fixed rate
debt carried at fair value !FV
of debt=Swap value
DR Interest exp CR Accrued Int
DR Interest exp CR Cash
DR FV adj (OCI) CR IRS Liab
DR IRS Liab/asset CR FV adj
Criteria for Hedge Accounting
@ inception, there has to be formal designation and documentation of hedging r/s, risk mgt
objective and strategy for undertaking the hedge. Hedge effectiveness tests under ifrs 9 are (i)
economic r/s btw hedge item and hedging instrument (ii) credit risk does not dominate the value
changes from (i) (iii) hedge ratio of hedging r/s is the same as that resulting from qty of hedged
item that entity hedges and quantity of hedging instrument the entity uses to hedge that qty of
hedge item
IFRS 9 requires that change in time value component of hedged item be recognized in OCI.
Cumulative change in fair value as a separate component of equity is accounted for as follows:
(a) if hedge item results in recognition of non-financial asset or liab -> change in FV is removed
from equity and added to the initial cost of asset or liab (b) For other hedging r/s, the amount is
reclassified from equity to P/L as a reclassification adjustment in the same period during which the
hedged expected future cash flows affect P/L (c) any portion that is not expected to be recovered
is reclassified into P/L as reclassification adj
Derivatives classified under FVTPL and changes in FV to P/L Exception: designated as a hedge
of an identified risk and designated as an effective hedge, follows hedge acctg rules
FV hedge only takes into account FV changes.. therefore some asset dont have to use historical
rate, just historical cost x relevant rate. A hedge of the exposure to changes in FV of a recognised
asset or liab or an unrecognised firm commitment, or an identified portion of such an asset, liab, or
firm commitment that is attributable to a particular risk and could affect P/L
Firm commitment, fin assets classified as FVOCI, inventory -> Fair value hedge, uses Current SR
Previous SR x notional amt
!fair value of a Forward Purchase Contract = {Current fwd rate Previous fwd rate} x Notional
amt !time Value of a fwd purchase contract or change in premium = [{Current FR- Current SR}
{Previous FR-Previous SR}] x notional amt. !intrinsic value of fwd purchase contract = {Current
SR- Previous SR} x notional amt
If FV hedge, changes in FV of hedging instrument taken to P/L. If Cash Flow hedge, changes in
FV of hedging instrument that is an effective hedge taken to equity (OCI) and ineffective portion
option, entity shall presume that the contract will be settle in ordinary shares and the potential
shares shall be included in DEPS if dilutive.
Remember the duration/period outstanding! Convertible preference shares outstanding
300,000 x 2 x 1.05. Convertible preference shares converted 400,000 x 2 x 1.05
Look at income from continuing operations under BEPS & DEPS, used B at the control number,
from $2.40 to $2 yes dilutive
SEMINAR 10: Introduction to Joint Arrangements & Equity Accounting
FRS 111- A joint arrangement is an arrangement of which two or more parties have joint control.
An arrangement can be a joint arrangement even though not all of its parties have joint control of
the arrangement. Joint operations and joint ventures can coexist when the parties undertake
different activities that form part of the same framework agreement. Need to specify which combi
of the parties is required to agree unanimously to decisions abt the relevant activities of the
arrangement. The contractual agreement must specify that decisions abt relevant activities of the
arrangement require both A and B agreeing. More than one combi possible - unanimous consent
criterion not met. Framework agreement can specify for diff joint arrangements to deal with
specific activities n therefore can have both joint op and JV.
Characteristics of Joint Control: - contractually agreed sharing of control, unanimous consent
on decisions about relevant activities (that significantly affect returns, prodn, mktg, r&d,
investm/financing). Main principle of FRS 111: Consider rights & obligations, type of joint
arrangements & acctg treatment. Rights to assets & obligations for liab = joint operations
measure A, L, R and E in relation to share (Proportional Consolidation) Right to net assets = joint
venture Equity method. Information for decision: (1) Legal form: is a separate legal entity
formed? (2) Contractual terms (rights & obligations) (3) Other facts and circumstances
(purpose & design of the joint arrangement)
When the contractual arrangement specifies that the parties have rights to the assets, and
obligations for the liabilities, relating to the arrangement, they are parties to a joint operation and
do not need to consider other facts and circumstances for the purposes of classifying the joint
arrangement. Only when the contract does not specify, then we consider other facts n
circumstances = primarily designed for the provision of output to the parties = parties have rights
to substantially all the economic benefits of the assets of the arrangement. When parties are
substantially the only source of cash flows contributing to the continuity of the ops, indicates that
the parties have obligations for the liab.
Joint Operator recognizes: (1) its assets, incl its share of any assets held jointly (2) its liab, incl
its share of any liab incurred jointly (3) its revenue from the sale of its share of the output arising
from the JO, (4) its share of the revenue from the sale of the output by the JO and its expenses
incl its share of any expenses incurred jointly -> Proportional consolidation
For unrealized profit on upstream and downstream sale, use one-line adjustment approach,
adjust thru the investment a/c and the share of profit (w footnote disclosures to explain). Gains and
losses only to the extent of unrelated investors int in the associate or JV. Upstream tsfr -> investor
buys from associate Downstream trsf -> investor sells to associate
Investment in Z = Share of Zs shareholders equity (net book value) on acquisition date +
Share of (FV-BV) difference in identifiable assets of Z on acq date + Implicit goodwill
Equity Accounting Journal Entries
EA1: Recognize share of post-acquistion RE of
RE of A as at 1 Jan xx
DR Investment in A CR Opening RE
RE of A as at date of acquisition
EA2: Adjustment for past year unrealized profit in fixed
(Transfer price- NBV) x 0.8 x share
asset transfer
DR Opening RE CR Investment in A
EA3: Adjustment for past years after-tax depreciation on
[(Transfer price-NBV)/No. of revised
Tax expense
+ tax on impairment expense
+ tax on excess depreciation
+ tax on excess depreciation
+ tax on revaluation gain
- inventory resold & written off
+ tax on realized profits
Adjusted tax of A
Share of adjusted tax of A