Imagine Spirit e Starter Guide
Imagine Spirit e Starter Guide
Imagine Spirit e Starter Guide
As the saying goes, always trust your gut. Gut feelings, which many call intuition,
give us answers to what is going on in and around us. Certainly our lives would be
a whole lot easier if we believed we can rely upon our intuition for answers when
making decisions or when an intuitive hit comes to us out of the blue. For most of
us, however, it is often difficult to determine the difference between wishful
thinking and true flashes of psychic intuition. Is there a way to tell the difference?
Yes there is. You can learn how to read your intuition to the point that it becomes
perceptibly clear and dependable to you.
Your intuition never lies. Intuition is often accompanied by sensations in the solar
plexus area or in other parts of the body, e.g., having chills when thinking of
something or someone. When a seemingly intuitive flash comes to you, for
example, knowing a certain something is going to happen, see if you can ascertain
what kind of feelings accompany your thoughts at the time. Are they positive or
negative? How do you feel about them? This takes practice and patience so please
do not become discouraged if you are not perfect at discerning the differences
between intuition and your own created thoughts right away.
The illustration below shows the seven main chakra centers we all have. Several of
the chakras listed hold the various psychic attributes which are annotated on the
right of the figure by the arrow. It is through these specific centers that psychic
abilities can occur. On the next page is a description of each psychic attribute, or
clair. The word clair means clear in French.
One of the most effective tools many psychics use to strengthen their intuitive skills
is through meditation. When done correctly, meditation works because it helps us
to filter out all of the noise created by our mind chatter and emotions whereby
allowing us to tune in with our inner self. If we can learn how to recognize what our
true self may be saying to us, we will ultimately make much better decisions in our
careers, finances, and personal relationships when practicing meditation on a
regular basis.
There are several forms of psychic meditations you can explore. It is important to
remember that whichever type of meditation you ultimately choose to practice; the
objective is to eventually clear your mind so that you can connect to your true self.
This is not always easy and might even take quite a while to master.
Empty Mind Meditation is one of the more difficult forms of meditation, but
also one of the most effective. To begin, find a comfortable place free of noise
and other distractions. Sit in an upright position so that your spine is as straight
as possible. Close your eyes and relax so a sense of peace comes over you.
Focus on gently emptying your mind of all of thoughts and feelings as they
arise. Not everyone can do this right away but if you continue to practice you
will eventually learn how to empty the mind.
5. Keeping your main focus on the third eye area, now gaze peripherally just
past your shoulders and head and into the infinite distance. Notice any
rippling waves of energy that might start to appear. You might even see or
sense flashes of light, shadowy figures, or feel a presence close by you. They
could be to the side or above you. Do not worry that you may have attracted
something negative. You have said a prayer so this will be an energy source
or a being of light. (cont.)
4. Keeping your breathing deep and natural, soften your gaze. Keep looking at
that point allowing your eyes to be very relaxed. While still looking at the
point, now allow your peripheral sight to extend out and begin to notice a
glow around your body. This is what is called, the etheric body. You may
begin to see or sense colors. Again, soften your eyes if you are straining to
see. Intense staring makes your eyes tire.
6. Ask higher beings to visit with you and see what happens. It may take
several weeks, but you will start to see presences. You may not know what
these beings want in the beginning, but you will sense information about
them and even receive messages.
7. If your eyes become tired or hurt, blink them several times--or cease
viewing. Document what you have seen and experienced in your journal. If
you do not see anything at first, please do not become discouraged. You will
eventually start to notice various phenomenon happening. Be open to what
you see, hear, or sense. If you are uncomfortable with what you are seeing,
stop using this technique and wrap yourself in gold light.
8. When you are done, clean off your mirror or clear it with your mind and store
it away where no one else will use it. Its a good practice to place a cloth
over it. I use a black velvet cloth to cover mine when its not in use.
Your Higher Self gives intuitive input based on its needs and is working tirelessly
behind the scenes to allow you to grow through, love, plenty of stimulating growth
experiences, perhaps an urge to help others, and the ultimately the desire to free
You are an immortal spiritual being housed in a human body. As a spiritual being, you
have a tremendous source of divine wisdom to tap into. Of course you arent just a
spiritual being. You also have a mind and a body that gives you a lot of input all the
time. The kind of input your spirit can give you is quite different from the input the
mind and body generates. Your body and mind provides input based on its wants
and needs and, the needs of the ego. This is perfectly reasonable as we are all
human and usually operate from a human standpoint. Lets talk about the needs of
our spiritual self also called, The Higher Self.
yourself base concerns. Of course, there is nothing wrong with earthly concerns.
This is one of main reasons we incarnate--to experience life. If you follow the needs
of the mind and the body, this is what you are doing in the shortterm. However,
when you follow the voice of your spirit, it will certainly direct you down the path of
spiritual growth for the longrun. Knowing the difference takes effort and practice
but it doesnt have to be difficult.
Note: In this eGuide, we are only covering the basics of everything. In our classes, we
present much deeper concepts and practices.
Higher Self
The I Am Presence
The I Am That I Am
Pure Being
Cosmic Consciousness
Universal Mind
The Tao
God, Source, or the Divine
Christ Consciousness
There are countless practices in the world that serve the purpose of restoring your
awareness to that of your Higher Self. Ultimately, it does not matter which practice
you choose, but choosing one and applying it consistently is what will lead you to a
continual and ever-present state of enlightenment ... the state of directly
experiencing your God Self in every moment.
When one reaches this stage of desire and intention, developing a spiritual practice
that can consistently restore you to a direct experience of your Higher Self
becomes essential. One begins to realize that spiritual belief is empty without a
frequent personal and direct linkage with Divine energies.
Here are some of the common bodily sensations felt when a guide or higher aspects
of you as soul are "in touch":
The reduction of fear in the body except for when the energy of the guide or
teacher is strong, (or if you have just started this work), then your body may
feel fear until it adjusts and realizes that it is safe
The most important thing to consider is that our guides and angels are more easily
'felt' than seen or heard. This is because the body is a powerful intuitive instrument
that is connected to energetic, subtle bodies which are communicating and feeding
the physical body with information nearly all the time. Here is an example:
You may enter a room and 'sense' that it feels safe and uplifting or you may feel
uncomfortable and threatened. You are not sure exactly why you are feeling these
opposite sensations but instinctively you trust this kind of information from prior
To address some of these concerns, whatever fears you may have had or have in
the future, must be uncovered and dealt with if you truly wish to progress. The
purpose here is not to devalue or dismiss any fears a student might have, but to
defuse them and keep them from getting in the way of forward progress. I always
say that the more we resist something, the more it becomes firmly entrenched
within our mind and body energy field. If you can accept that you have certain
fears or feelings of trepidation--even small ones, the easier it will become to move
For the most part, fear is the not knowing feeling of what might happen. It is the
what ifs. What if talking to Spirits is really the work of the Devil? What if I
dont succeed? What if I do succeed? What if I see scary things? What if I
panic? What will my friends say? What if I can do this for a while and then I
cant? and on and on...
beyond them and forge ahead with your training. In our Mediumship Home Study
Course, we work with both psychic and Mediumship development fears.
It is imperative that one learns all the concepts of Mediumship and fully
understands word definitions. Throughout our mediumship course, people will run
across words and phrases such as astral plane, Spirit Operator, transfiguration, and
the like. It is important to take time to learn the meanings of unfamiliar words or
terms. It can make a huge difference in understanding about the art of Mediumship
and appearing knowledgeable, not only to your peers, but clients as well.
Dedication and Practice
Just as a musician or artist might study and practice, making the commitment to
stick with your Mediumship unfoldment and doing the exercises presented will
likewise enhance your success in communicating with Spirits. I always say to
students, Practice, practice, and more practice! If life seems to get in the way of
your Mediumship study program, or if you are feeling stressed for not practicing,
put it aside for a while and return to your studies when you are more refreshed and
Mediumship and psychic training takes patience and a willingness to go through the
different stages of development. Realize that noticeable improvement of your
abilities does not happen overnight. It takes time. Too many people get
discouraged too soon if major improvement and perfect linkages and as well as
obtaining validating evidence from spirits doesnt happen right away. This is a
If someone is looking for a fun thing to do on a weekend afternoon or just want to
impress theirs friends, they will be limited in their accomplishments. By having a
sincere desire to grow and progress in Mediumship skills, there will be a more pure
and successful connection with the spirit world. There should be a strong desire to
help others for Mediumship skills to fully blossom.
A Sense of Responsibility
9. Now it is time now to give this person a parting message and perhaps
mentally tell them you would like to make contact with them again at some
future meeting. You may want to linger and carry on a more lengthy
conversation, but in the beginning, its best to keep the initial contact short.
Let them know it is now time for them return to the plane of Spirit and thank
them for coming. Come back into full awareness and touch something to
ground yourself. You have now held your first session with a Spirit!
I hope you liked our Free Psychic-Medium Starter Guide. To learn so much
more and become certified in your choice of programs, purchase a Home
Study Program today! Upon completion of a program or class, if you wish
certification, or a Certificate of Mastery, you will be sent a real certificate
also be listed on our Directory of Graduates! After you have requested the
quiz that goes with the course, completed it, and returned it to us at
Imagine Spirit, you can become certified. More fascinating and informative
classes are being added all the time.
Carol Nicholson, PhD.
Certified Psychic-Medium
[email protected]
Try one or both of our great Psychic and Mediumship development home
study courses.