This document outlines a three-tiered system of science instruction and intervention for freshman students. Tier I focuses on core instruction for all students through strategies like pre/post assessments, project-based learning, and literacy activities. Tier II provides strategic supplemental instruction for students through tutoring, online interventions, and mandatory after-school programs. Tier III involves intensive interventions like weekly personalized instruction for struggling students and mandatory after-school classes for students failing classes. The goals are to identify student needs, provide targeted support, and ensure all students succeed in their freshman science courses.
This document outlines a three-tiered system of science instruction and intervention for freshman students. Tier I focuses on core instruction for all students through strategies like pre/post assessments, project-based learning, and literacy activities. Tier II provides strategic supplemental instruction for students through tutoring, online interventions, and mandatory after-school programs. Tier III involves intensive interventions like weekly personalized instruction for struggling students and mandatory after-school classes for students failing classes. The goals are to identify student needs, provide targeted support, and ensure all students succeed in their freshman science courses.
This document outlines a three-tiered system of science instruction and intervention for freshman students. Tier I focuses on core instruction for all students through strategies like pre/post assessments, project-based learning, and literacy activities. Tier II provides strategic supplemental instruction for students through tutoring, online interventions, and mandatory after-school programs. Tier III involves intensive interventions like weekly personalized instruction for struggling students and mandatory after-school classes for students failing classes. The goals are to identify student needs, provide targeted support, and ensure all students succeed in their freshman science courses.
This document outlines a three-tiered system of science instruction and intervention for freshman students. Tier I focuses on core instruction for all students through strategies like pre/post assessments, project-based learning, and literacy activities. Tier II provides strategic supplemental instruction for students through tutoring, online interventions, and mandatory after-school programs. Tier III involves intensive interventions like weekly personalized instruction for struggling students and mandatory after-school classes for students failing classes. The goals are to identify student needs, provide targeted support, and ensure all students succeed in their freshman science courses.
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Title: Science Focus: Academics
TIER III- Intensive Instruction & Intervention
● Freshman Academy ● Freshman Academy ICS ● After each 5-week grading
students who are CST’s pull out into a period, mandatory 5- struggling in Honors specified period by period week after-school class Biology/ICS will be pulled common area for all for failing students - out of class (perhaps Life teacher’s from their ICS Teacher supervised, AP Skills class) and given class to a specified ICS students tutoring focus specific personalized area at the 5, 10, 15 week standards - failure to instruction to “catch grades. Duration 1 week. attend results in addition up” students who are IE: period 1 fails go to the to No-Go list (see Tier II) struggling. teacher who’s conference ● Parent conference is 1st period for facilitation required for students and intervention. escalating to Tier III
TIER II- Strategic or Supplemental Instruction & Intervention
● Freshman Academy Honors ● Follow-up common assessments ● Biology/Chemistry/Physics/
Biology students will receive with grouping of students from Geology before and after school monthly Saturday review/ all teachers who did not meet programs enrichment sessions. standards for before school / after ● No-Go List - Students who fail These sessions will monitor school / lunchtime intensive re- class & refuse to participate and review the students teaching (paid???)(not necessarily in out-of-class academic progress in order to ensure if done during conference period) interventions are refused success on the Biology CST. ● Online Intervention through Moodle teacher permission to miss class ● Freshman Academy Honors ● (purchase for any activities (field trips, Biology intervention will be license) athletic competition, etc.) conducted by FA teachers. ● Peer to peer tutoring e.g. ● Parent letter home signed & ● Hands-on Labs for ICS AP biology tutors biology. returned before escalation to intervention for CST with incentives - students assessed Tier II pre/post assessment (CST after tutoring & can receive Questions). class credit for standards ● Weekly grade check sent learned / tutors can receive home credit in AP classes for tutee success
TIER I- Core Instruction
● Freshman Academy ● Common Standards -based ● Vertical Lesson Planning. Literacy
Honors Biology Assessments - finals, unit ● Avid Strategies in the ● Common templates for incorporates the exams classroom. thinking maps expectation that ● Project-based ● Diagnostic Testing Pre/ ● Word walls Agilemind will be part assessments Post ● Analysis of high frequency of the students everyday ● Use data from PA & ● Pacing Plans / Brochures word parts - common homework. common department ● My Data- CELDT, IEP’s, prefixes, roots, suffixes ● Freshman Academy will assessments to modify 504’s ● Reading comprehension / utilize Pre/Post test in all instruction throughout the paired reading activities sciences and monitored school year ● Cooperative learning for areas of needs. ● Common Standards-based ● High interest ● Freshman Academy labs supplemental reading - Biology/ICS labs will be ● Instructional Guides / Popular Science, World conducted regularly in pacing plans Ark, Popular Mechanics, order to assure access Physics of Christmas, etc. to hands on laboratory ● CST Grade change activities. incentive - depending on ● Freshman Academy results from 2009-2010 Physical Geology will conduct Initial Assessment, Unit Exams, Mid-Terms (power point and/or project), Finals 2 parts 1st project based and 2nd Exam based. ● Freshman Academy Physical Geology will work with Chemistry,Physics and Biology Department for lesson planning, and vertical teaming. ● Freshman Academy science teachers will all use common labs ● Freshman Academy will work academy-wide to put all grades online to parent can view current data.