Retrofit Love Working With Apis On Android Sample

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Retrofit: Love Working with APIs on Android

Take delight in building API clients on Android.

Marcus Phls
This book is for sale at
This version was published on 2016-11-20

This is a Leanpub book. Leanpub empowers authors and publishers with the Lean Publishing
process. Lean Publishing is the act of publishing an in-progress ebook using lightweight tools and
many iterations to get reader feedback, pivot until you have the right book and build traction once
you do.
2015 - 2016 Future Studio

Also By Marcus Phls

Picasso: Easy Image Loading on Android
Glide: Customizable Image Loading on Android
Gson: Enjoy JSON (De-)Serialization in Java
Gson Workbook

Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
What Topics Are Waiting for You?
Who Is This Book For? . . . . . .
The Source Code . . . . . . . . . .
Retrofit Book for Version 1.9 . . .
































Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

Retrofit Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Why Use Retrofit? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Retrofit vs. OkHttp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Quick Start: Add Retrofit to Your Project . . . . . . . . . . .
Sustainable Android REST Client . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Retrofit in Use . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


















Outro . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .


Due to the popularity of the Retrofit blog post series published in the Future Studio blog, weve
decided write a book on Retrofit. Were delighted about the amazing popularity of the Retrofit series!
Thanks a lot for all of the positive feedback, comments and encouragement! Your kind words
go a long way and keep us motivated to publish more content on Retrofit.
This is the second edition of our Retrofit book. Weve updated the content including code examples
to address Retrofit 2. The first edition was completely geared towards Retrofit 1. If youre using
Retrofit 1 and want to read the first edition of this book, please visit this books extras on Leanpub
to download the package with PDF, mobi and epub files.
Within this book, we keep the kind of techy style from the tutorials to make this book a great resource
for every developer working with Retrofit.

What Topics Are Waiting for You?

You probably scanned the table of contents and know what to expect. Let me describe the chapters
in short before we move on and dig deeper into Retrofit and its functionality.
Covered Topics:

Introduction to Retrofit
Quick Start Guide to jump right into Retrofit
Create a Sustainable Android REST Client
Extensive manipulation and customization of requests
Comprehensive overview of response converters and data mapping
Handling Authentication on Android (Basic, Token, OAuth, Hawk)
Advanced File Handling, like File Up- and Download
How to handle errors in your Android app
Debug requests and response using logging
App release preparation including ProGuard configuration

Covered Topics: Give Me the Deatails

The book starts out with an overview about what Retrofit is and how to prepare your Android project
to use Retrofit. Further, well walk you through the setup on how to create a sustainable REST client
basis. Additionally, well dive into the basics on how responses get mapped to Java objects and create



the first client to perform a request against the GitHub API (learning by doing is an effective method
Once we managed the jumpstart, we show you the details about Retrofits requests: how to perform
them synchronous and asynchronous and how to manipulate requests to your personal needs, like
adding request parameters, path parameters, request payload and a lot more!
Well also walk you through Retrofit responses, show you how to change the response converter and
how to mock an API on Android itself.
Knowing the basics about Retrofit, we touch a common use case: authentication. Besides basic and
token authentication, well explain how to use Retrofit for OAuth (including OAuth 2) and how to
use OAuths refresh token to get back a valid access token.
File handling can be kind of tricky, so lets take the road together! We guide you through file upand downloads with Retrofit and show the actions required to send and receive different types of
files like images and compressed packages (e.g. ZIP).
Last but not least: once you get your app (using Retrofit) out the door, you need to prepare the
release for Google Play. This chapter digs into the correct configuration of ProGuard for Android
projects integrating Retrofit and presents examplary rules to keep your app working correctly after
distributing via Google Play.

Who Is This Book For?

In short: this book is for you. We believe that every developer reading this book will take away new
ideas on how to optimize their Android apps in the sense of interacting with APIs or webservices
using Retrofit. Youll recognize goodies that are applicable for the projects youre working on.
This book is for Android developers who want to receive a substantial overview and reference book
on Retrofit. Youll benefit from clearly recognizable code examples related to your daily work with

If youre just starting out with Retrofit (or coming from another HTTP library like Android
Asynchronous Http Client or even Volley) this book will show you all important parts on how
to create sustainable REST clients on Android. The provided code snippets let you jumpstart and
create your first successful API client within minutes!

If youve already worked with Retrofit, youll profit from our extensive code snippets and apply the
learnings to your existing code base. Additionally, the book illustrates various use cases for different
functionalities and setups like authentication against different backends, request composition, file
up- and downloads, etc.!



The Source Code

With the purchase of this book, you benefit from the sample project that await your download within
the extras section on Leanpub. The sample project is an Android project based on gradle. You can
directly touch and use classes that are only illustrated in excerpts within this book.
Check your Leanpub Library and select Retrofit: Love working with APIs on Android to
download the sample code base.

Retrofit Book for Version 1.9

This is the second edition of the Retrofit book. Its fully focussed on Retrofit 2, no hint or code snippet
that points to Retrofit 1. If youre interested in the first version of the book that based on Retrofit 1,
please visit this books extras page on Leanpub. As a reader of this book, the first version is of
course also available for you!
Now, lets jump right in and get started with Retrofit!

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a

Sustainable REST Client
Within this chapter were going through the basics of Retrofit, give a brief overview to jump-start
with Retrofit in your project and create a REST client foundation that well enhance and apply within
multiple chapters of this book.
Precisely, we start with a short overview of the Retrofit project and why you should make use of
it. Afterwards, we show you how to prepare your Android project to utilize Retrofit. To get you
hooked on the Retrofit train, we create a sustainable Android REST client including the assignment
of a JSON response converter.
To clarify our usage of the term Retrofit throughout this book: we always refer to Retrofit 2. The
content completely gears toward Retrofit 2 and we just keep it short by using Retrofit.
Remember, al ready mentioned in the Introduction chapter: if youre interested in the previous book
version on Retrofit 1.9, weve added the books PDF, mobi and ePub files within the extras of this
book on Leanpub.

Retrofit Overview
Retrofit is a type-safe REST client for Android and Java.
Retrofit abstracts your REST API into Java interfaces. Youll use annotations to describe your
individual API endpoints and their HTTP requests. Support for URL parameter replacement (like
query and path parameter) is integrated by default, as well as functionality for form-urlencoded
and multipart requests. You can of course execute requests using the HTTP methods GET, POST, PUT,
PATCH, DELETE. Anyway, this is literally just the tip of the iceberg and theres a lot more to discover
behind Retrofits scenes.

Why Use Retrofit?

Working with APIs can cause a lot headaches due to various scenarios and edge cases. Problems
already arise when just giving the low-level networking some thoughts. Handling connections and
interruptions, caching, request retries and SSL handshakes. Also, the worry about worker threads

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

or runnables or even lovely AsyncTasks definitely causes a lot pain in the a**! Think about the pain
and effort you need to put into your own implementation.
Youll safe yourself a lot of time and anger when leveraging a well thought-out and tested library
like Retrofit. If you scrolled through the outline of this book, youve already an impression about the
functionality and flexibility that comes with Retrofit. Benefit from the library and put your work to
pieces where your attention is actually needed!

Retrofit vs. OkHttp

Downright this book, well make use of OkHttp and show you how to achieve a solution leveraging
the functionality of OkHttp. And the reason is simple: OkHttp is a pure HTTP/SPDY client
responsable for any low-level network operation, caching, request and response manipulation, and
many more. In contrast, Retrofit is a high-level REST abstraction build on top of OkHttp. Retrofit 2
is strongly coupled with OkHttp and makes intensive use of it. Thats the reason why we sometimes
need to borrow OkHttps classes to accomplish the solution.

Quick Start: Add Retrofit to Your Project

Now lets get our hands dirty and back to the keyboard. If you already created your Android project,
just go ahead and start from the next paragraph (Internet Permission in Androids Manifest). If not,
create a new Android project in your favorite IDE. We use Android Studio and prefer the Gradle
build system, but you surely can use Maven as well.

Internet Permission in Androids Manifest

We use Retrofit to perform HTTP requests against an API running on a server somewhere in the
Internet. Executing those requests from an Android application requires the Internet permission
to open network sockets. You need to define the permission within the AndroidManifest.xml file.
If you didnt set the Internet permission yet, please add the following line within your manifest

<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET" />

A common practice is, to add your app permissions as the first elements in your manifest file. The
following snippet is an excerpt from the sample project you can find within the extras of this book
on Leanpub.

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client


<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>

<manifest package=""
<uses-permission android:name="android.permission.INTERNET"/>

Define Dependency: Gradle or Maven

Now lets define Retrofit as a dependency for your project. Depending on your used build system,
define Refrofit in your build.gradle or pom.xml file. When running the command to build your
code, the build system will download and provide the library for your project.
At the time of this book being written, the latest Retrofit version is 2.0.0. There has been a lot activity
in the Retrofit repository on GitHub during the last weeks to finish the second major release. Well
keep this book update to future versions of Retrofit.
Ok, now lets add Retrofit as a dependency to our project:

dependencies {
// Retrofit & OkHttp
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0'



Sync your Gradle or Maven project to import the required packages for Retrofit. Retrofit 2 doesnt
ship with an integrated response converter anymore. We need to manually add the desired response
converters as a dependency to our project. The following section will show you how to add Gson
for JSON response mapping to your project.

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

JSON Response Mapping

As already mentioned, by default Retrofit 2 doesnt come with any response converter integrated.
To add Googles Gson for JSON to Java object mapping, we need to add another Gradle or Maven
dependency to our project. Update your build.gradle or pom.xml file appropriately to import
Retrofits Gson converter besides Retrofit.

dependencies {
// Retrofit & OkHttp
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit:2.1.0'
compile 'com.squareup.retrofit2:converter-gson:2.1.0'



Once again, synchronize your project to import the Gson converter for Retrofit. In the following,
youll learn how to define a service interface to map a given API endpoint.

Declare an API Interface

This part of the quick start guide is intended to get you kickstarted and how applicable Retrofit is
for your Android app. Lets directly jump in and use a code example to make things approachable:

public interface GitHubService {

Call<List<GitHubRepo>> reposForUser(@Path("user") String username);

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

The snippet above defines a Java interface called GitHubService having only one method reposForUser(). The method and its parameters have Retrofit annotations which describe the behavior
of this method.
The @GET() annotation explicitly defines that a GET request will be executed once the method gets
called. Further, the @GET() definition takes a string parameter representing the endpoint url of your
API. Additionally, the endpoint url can be defined with placeholders which get substituted by path
The method signature contains a @Path() annotation for the user parameter. This @Path annotation
maps the provided parameter value during the method call to the path within the request url. The
declared {user} part within the endpoint url will be replaced by the provided value of username.
Well catch up path parameters in more detail in a later chapter.
The snippet above only describes how to define your API on the client side. Thats fine for now.
Well have a look at the practical example in a second. There, were going to execute the actual API

Sustainable Android REST Client

During the research for already existing Retrofit clients, the example repository of Bart Kiers
came up. Actually, its an example for OAuth authentication with Retrofit. However, it provides all
necessary fundamentals for a sustainable Android client. Thats why well use it as a fundamental
part and extend it during future chapters within this book (with functionality like authentication,
logging, and many more).
The following class defines the basis of our Android client: ServiceGenerator.

Service Generator
The ServiceGenerator is our API clients heart. In its current state, it only defines one method to
create a basic REST client for a given class/interface which returns a service class from the interface.
Here is the code:

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client


public class ServiceGenerator {

private static final String BASE_URL = ""
private static Retrofit.Builder builder =
new Retrofit.Builder()
private static OkHttpClient.Builder httpClient =
new OkHttpClient.Builder();
public static <S> S createService(Class<S> serviceClass) {
Retrofit retrofit =;
return retrofit.create(serviceClass);

The ServiceGenerator class uses Retrofits Retrofit-Builder to create a new REST client with the
given API base url (BASE_URL). For example, GitHubs API base url is located at
and you must update the provided example url with your own url to call your API instead of
The serviceClass defines the annotated class or interface for API requests. The following section
shows the concrete usage of Retrofit and how to define an exemplary GitHub client.
Why Is Everything Declared Static Within the Servicegenerator?
You might wonder why we use static fields and methods within the ServiceGenerator class.
Actually, it has one simple reason: we want to use the same OkHttpClient throughout the app to just
open one socket connection that handles all the request and responses including caching and many
more. Its common practice to just use one OkHttpClient instances to reuse open socket connection.
That means, we either need to inject the OkHttpClient to this class via dependency injection or use
a static field. As you can see, we chose to use the static field. And because we use the OkHttpClient
throughout this class, we need to make all fields and methods static.

Retrofit in Use
Ok, lets use an example and define a REST client to request data from GitHub. First, we have to
create an interface and define the required methods.

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

GitHub Client
Well use the already defined GitHubService interface from above that has only one method
to request the repositories for a given user. Remember that were replacing the path parameter
placeholder ({user}) with the actual value of user when calling this method.

public interface GitHubService {

Call<List<GitHubRepo>> reposForUser(@Path("user") String user);

The interface above defines a GitHubRepo class. This class includes the required object properties
to map the response data. For illustration purposes, we just define the repositorys id and name
properties. GitHubs API response for this endpoint has a lot more data, but is sufficient to show
you how things work.

public class GitHubRepo {

private int id;
private String name;
public GitHubRepo() {}
public String getId() {
return id;
public String getName() {
return name;

With regard to the previous mentioned JSON mapping: the created GitHubService defines a method
named reposForUser with the return type List<GitHubRepo>. The List<GitHubRepo> is wrapped
into a Call. Well cover the Call within the next chapter. For now its ok to know that you need
wrap your response into a call object.
If an appropriate response converter is present, Retrofit ensures that the servers JSON response gets
mapped correctly to Java objects (assuming that the JSON data matches the given Java class).

API Example Request

The snippet below illustrates the usage of the ServiceGenerator to instantiate your client, specifically the GitHubService, and the method call to get a users repositories via that client. This snippet

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

is a modified version of provided Retrofit github-client example.


protected void onCreate(final Bundle savedInstanceState) {
// Change base url to GitHub API
// Create a simple REST adapter which points to GitHubs API
GitHubService service =
// Fetch and print a list of repositories for user fs-opensource
Call<List<GitHubRepo>> call = service.reposForUser("fs-opensource");
call.enqueue(new Callback<List<GitHubRepo>>() {
public void onResponse(
public void onResponse(Call<List<GitHubRepo>> call,
Response<List<GitHubRepo>> response) {
if (response.isSuccess()) {
for (GitHubRepo repo : response.body()) {
Log.d("Repo: ",
repo.getName() + " (ID: " + repo.getId() + ")");
} else {
Log.e("Request failed: ",
"Cannot request GitHub repositories");
public void onFailure(Call<List<GitHubRepo>> call, Throwable t) {
Log.e("Error fetching repos", t.getMessage());

Youve got a first impression of Retrofit and know how to define an interface which represents your
API endpoints on client side. Besides that, you know how to create the API client with the help of
Retrofits Retrofit class and how to create a generic ServiceGenerator for static service creation.

Chapter 1 Quick Start & Create a Sustainable REST Client

Well update the ServiceGenerator in the following chapters within this book with examples for
The next chapter shows you how to define and manipulate requests with Retrofit.

Chapter Summary
Youve mastered your first steps to become a proficient developer using Retrofit. Within this chapter,
you got an overview on Retrofit and we walked through a practice related example. You should have

[x] What is Retrofit

[x] Why use Retrofit
[x] How to define a service interface representing an API endpoint
[x] How to create an instance of the service interface
[x] How to execute an API request

The next chapter is all about requests. Well guide you through the setup of Retrofit to receive and
send data with your request.

Our goal is to truly help you getting started and ultimately master Retrofit. We hope you learned
many new things throughout this book. We want you to save time while learning the basics
and details about Retrofit. The existing Retrofit documentation lacks various information and
this book should help you to gain extensive in-depth knowledge without loosing time searching
StackOverflow for correct answers.
Were currently planning new chapters and sections on Retrofit that will be added within the
upcoming months. We feel the need for an extra chapter about reactive extensions on Android
using RxAndroid/RxJava. That is the current high priority item on our idea list. Besides that, we
plan to add content on the testing chapter.
Nonetheless, well update the content of this book to later Retrofit versions as new releases become
available. However, it will take some time to update the code for breaking changes introduced to
Retrofit. Of course, well let you about any book updates.
As a reader of this book, well always reward your loyalty by publishing exclusive content and any
future update will of course be free for you!
For us its really important to exceed our readers expectations. In all our products and guides we
aim for a high quality. If you feel like a section or chapter in this book wasnt clear or extensive
enough, please let us know at [email protected]. We always love hearing back from you, so if
you have anything to say, dont hesitate to shoot us an email. We welcome any feedback, critic,
suggestions for new topics or whatever is currently on your Retrofit mind!
Dont forget, were publishing new blog posts every Monday and Thursday, mainly about Android
and Node.js within the Future Studio University. Feel free to visit our homepage and the University
Thanks a lot for reading this book! We truly appreciate your interest and hope you learned a lot
from reading this book! <3
Marcus & Norman

mailto:[email protected]

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