Runway Capacity Planning Supported by Dynamic Programming
Runway Capacity Planning Supported by Dynamic Programming
Runway Capacity Planning Supported by Dynamic Programming
The ABS analysis process of the runway expansion problem makes clear that ABS flexibility is
kind of a disadvantage in this case. A lot of user
input is required for setting up the so-called peak
day and yearly cases in ABS. Besides that, the
user has to interact heavily with the ABS in order
to run these cases, evaluate and post-process the
results. Only after having done all of that, a user
could start making comparisons between different runway expansion plans.
The philosophy of HARMOS enables a user
to focus more on the problem at hand and the
users objective, i.e. what would be the best (in
terms of costs) investment plan for runway expansion. By turning the runway expansion problem into a dynamic programming problem, the
analysis and comparison process can be highly
automated which makes identification of the best
plan very efficient.
1 Introduction
Airports these days are more and more becoming a business. In order to survive an airport
must operate efficiently under a set of boundary
conditions imposed by (inter)national authorities.
Therefore, an airport must develop strategies in
order to stay in business in the near and far future. However, due to the increased complexity
of the airport system and its environment, developing strategies is not that easy. Apart from the
yet be produced; therefore these will be presented at the
conference itself.
fact that future conditions for the airport are unknown, a multitude of aspects has to be considered. An airport decision maker also has to acquire insight into the business process and objectives of the other airport stakeholders, such as the
airlines and air traffic service provider, in order
to asses the impact and acceptability of his/her
strategic plans.
Current practice when developing strategic
plans is to (1) model the current airport operation (needed as a baseline for making comparisons) (2) conduct a study that forecasts future
conditions, (3) make an estimation of an airports
future performance (qualitatively and/or quantitatively), (4) identify the bottlenecks in the airport system, (5) define a strategic plan, i.e. which
policies are used and what investments need to
be planned, that deals with the bottlenecks, and
finally (6) evaluate the effectiveness of the strategic plan. After that, the plan has to be discussed
with the other airport stakeholders in order to
reach consensus about the proposed changes to
the airport system, which might result in repeating (part of) the process described above. This
process involves a huge amount of work since
every part of the job is done by different parties
and spans a considerable time. This motivates
the need for decision-support systems for airport
TUD-ADC is therefore working on decisionsupport systems for airport strategic planning.
At the moment, TUD-ADC is developing two
different types of decision support systems,
namely the Airport Business Suite (ABS) which
is based on the concept of non-linear navigation
and HARMOS which uses mathematical optimization techniques.
The objective of this paper is to describe how
both decision support systems are used for analyzing plans for runway investments.
Runway expansion of Amsterdam Airport
Schiphol (AAS) will be used as an example, since
just recently a limited cost-benefit analysis [1]
has been conducted that investigated the social
benefits for expanding the airport with a sixth
and/or seventh runway. It appeared that, although
course on the decision that was made in the previous period. If the previous decision was (1) then
there are four possibilities, namely:
1. Keep the current runway system (5P);
2. Add a runway parallel to the Kaagbaan
Figure 1: Variants for runway expansion
# flights
per hour
number of flights
time [hr]
the airports design, and/or the airports operations. The function of Model 3 is to provide the
tools to enable the user to conduct this tuning
process. Through the ABS flexible Graphical
User Interface (GUI), the airport strategic planner
can test a wide range of alternative approaches to
matching supply with demand.
3.1.4 Model 4: Airport turnover
This sub model (nr. 4) estimates airport revenues
and costs, and - being the difference between the
two - the profits (or losses). At this moment, this
model is reimplemented to make it more generic.
3.1.5 Model 5: Investments and operational
In a capital-intensive business like an airport, investments play a central role. Investments are
therefore covered by this sub model. Just like
the previous model, this model is being reimplemented.
3.2 Using the ABS
An overview of the analysis process with the
ABS is presented in this section. The ABS is
based on working with two type of cases, a socalled peak day case and a yearly case.
Peakday case This is a collection of data related to one single day. For this particular day a
flight schedule, runway use scheme (i.e. a specification of how the runway configurations are
used), and weather type needs to be specified. A
user has to prepare this data beforehand by using the one of the editors that the ABS GUI has
available. After doing this, the appropriate data
can be selected from drop down lists as shown in
Figure 5. When everything is set up, a peak day
case can be run. By running a peak day case, capacity and delay computations are performed for
the entire day. Finally, one can evaluate the output by viewing several graphs.
Yearly case This is a collection of peak day
cases and it is used to evaluate the annual airport performance (such as noise impact, capacity
coverage). A yearly case therefore describes how
each of the runway configurations defined in the
peak day case are used throughout the year. For
each of the peak day cases (i.e. runway configurations) the usage percentage needs to be specified. The runway configurations and the associated usage percentages are used to generate an
input file for the INM so that the noise impact can
be evaluated.
Here, the HARMOS decision support system will
be presented. After that the analysis of the runway expansion problem with HARMOS will be
4.1 Overview
system no specific knowledge or training with respect to the employed optimization techniques is
4.1.1 Functional description
The HARMOS system can best be explained by
discussing the Use Case Diagram in Figure 6,
which displays the functionality of the system at
the highest level.
2. Setup and model airport: an (domain) expert or a team of experts needs to be able to
setup and model the airport. i.e. data collected about the physical layout of the airport and the operations at the airport should
be stored in and managed by HARMOS;
3. Evaluate current airport characteristics
and performance: HARMOS should provide the users with an overview of the airport characteristics and its performance.
This action is a quick way of getting an
overview of the airport layout, operations
and performance. It is used by both the experts and the decision advisers but in different ways. Domain experts will probably
only focus on that part of the airport system (detailed look) that is related to their
expertise. Decision advisers will need to
get a general overview of the system and
its performance (birds view);
4. Define and implement policies: strategic
planning involves the exploration of different policies and their associated effects on
the system. It is therefore essential that
HARMOS provides functionality to define
various different policies;
5 Problem analysis
This section describes how ABS and HARMOS
are actually used for analyzing the runway expansion problem.
5.1 Using the ABS
In ABS the following steps for providing quantitative data needed for evaluating the runway expansion problem, need to be taken:
1. Setting up projects and peak day cases;
2. Running peak day cases and evaluating its
Figure 7: Example of peak day case output
The graph shows the demand for either arrivals or departures in the form of bars per 15
minutes. The runway capacity is plotted with a
Since there are three variants for runway expansion, three additional ABS projects (6P, 6PK,
7PK) have been setup in order to be able to analyze these expansion options. Although tools
for capacity, delay, and noise impact are integrated in the ABS, the activity of setting up the
projects, analyzing and comparing all the results
is an elaborate task. Note that comparing the different runway investment plans (delay costs versus capacity costs) did not even start yet.
The creation of yearly cases in each project requires a user to interact heavily with the GUI.
Another thing that adds to user workload is the
fact that for each yearly case, peak day cases with
the appropriate data need to be created. Therefore, it might be beneficial to try to automate
some of the above mentioned tasks. That is exactly what has been done in HARMOS, which
will be discussed in the next section.
5.2 Analysis with HARMOS
The actual analysis with HARMOS could not be
conducted yet, since the GUI is still being implemented. At the moment HARMOS is however
able to import data from ABS projects. After doing that the peak day cases defined in the ABS
project are available for processing within HARMOS, which will be explained in some more detail in the next sections.
Each decision, i.e. stick with the current runway system or invest in a new runway, has costs
associated with it. The first decision leads to increasing delay cost which may or may not be
acceptable. The second decision results in additional capacity becoming available which will
decrease delay cost but - next to the cost of the actual investment - increases operational and maintenance cost. By turning this decision problem
into a dynamic programming problem it will be
very easy to determine the best investment plan.
5.2.4 Conclusion
Like mentioned before, HARMOS incorporates
mathematical optimization techniques for conducting airport performance analysis and planning. With respect to runway capacity planning it
turns out such an approach makes this task much
more efficient too because the analysis tasks to
be performed (done manually with ABS) can be
highly automated.
Performing the analysis with another scenario
is therefore very easy and does not require a user
selecting new datasets everywhere (as it is the
case in ABS).
6 Conclusions and recommendations
This paper presented two kind of decisionsupport systems for strategic airport planning.
The ABS, which is based on the philosophy of
non-linear navigation and HARMOS which is
based on the philosophy of mathematical optimization. For both decision-support systems
the support for analyzing the runway expansion
problem has been investigated. Based on this preliminary investigation, the following can be concluded:
ABS flexibility turns out to be a disadvantage in this case. Because of heavy data requirements, a lot of user input and interaction is needed with the system even before
one can actually start making comparisons
between different runway expansion plans.
More automation in ABS is needed before
a user can efficiently analyze this problem;