Electronic Trading Efficient Excecution
Electronic Trading Efficient Excecution
Electronic Trading Efficient Excecution
Yuriy Nevmyvaka
Carnegie Mellon
[email protected]
Michael Kearns
University of
[email protected]
In this paper, we address the importance of efficient
execution in electronic markets. Due to intense
competition for profit opportunities, trading costs can
represent a significant portion of overall return. They
must be taken into account both when a specific trade is
being executed, and when a general investment strategy is
being designed. We empirically demonstrate that by
combining market orders (which offer immediate
execution regardless of price) and limit orders (which
offer uncertain execution at a specified price), we are
able to obtain a superior average price than by using
market orders only. Our analysis highlights the trade-off
between expected price improvement from limit orders
and the risk of non-execution. We show how to determine
the optimal limit order price in a simplified setting and
suggest how this approach can be generalized to a
complete solution. All of our experimental results are
obtained on an extensive collection of NASDAQ limit
order data.
I. Introduction.
Execution considerations permeate every aspect of
investment activity from the development of high-level
trading strategies to post-trading performance attribution
because the actual prices at which trades occur are a
direct consequence of the execution mechanism in place.
Every market participant should be concerned with
transaction costs regardless of their investment goals and
style. Ideally, one would like to have a comprehensive
execution system, which aims to minimize the costs of
trading. Classifying and quantifying various trading costs
is a complex task (see [Kissell and Glantz, 2003]), and a
comprehensive trade optimization system must solve a
challenging multi-dimensional problem.
The goal of this paper is not to offer the ultimate
solution to efficient execution, but rather to develop a
simple building block, which can be easily implemented,
quantified, and then extended into a more comprehensive
system. In our study, we concentrate on a single but
important aspect of the overall problem: the immediate
price received or paid for a transaction of a fixed size over
a fixed period of time. This makes our setup stylized and
yet practical. More specifically, we ask the following
question: how should one buy (respectively, sell) V shares
of a given stock over T seconds while spending the least
(respectively, receiving the most) cash? In the framework
Amy Papandreou
Lehman Brothers
[email protected]
Katia Sycara
Carnegie Mellon
[email protected]
Figure 3. Trade-off between risk and return. Only the
top portion where higher risk results in higher returns
should be used for execution.
This is the pivotal part of our analysis: we run
historical simulations to construct return and risk curves,
combine the two into the risk-return profile, and
ultimately extract the efficient pricing frontier. Using this
frontier, the trader can do one of two things pick a target
level of returns (price improvement) and find a strategy
that will deliver these returns in expectation with minimal
risk; or he can select a level of risk he is comfortable with
and get the strategy which will deliver the highest
expected return for that level. Obviously, after picking a
point on the frontier, we need to refer back to the returns
and risk graphs to determine the corresponding limit
V. Results.
In this section we present a summary of our results.
Our goal here is two-fold: to show practical applications
of the suggested model, and to point out various
microstructure variables that must be taken into account
during the analysis. We first examine the effects of
modifying the inputs of the execution strategy order
size, execution window, and time of the day, and then
explore the real strength of our approach: conditioning the
execution on the state of the market trading volume and
book depth in this case. For every variable we examine
we provide plots of returns, risk, and pricing frontiers.
Order Size.
Time Window.
Market Conditions.
1 share
60 min
59 min
Bid -1
1 min
Bid+100 Bid+99
0 min
Table 1. Look-up table for optimal price updates.
While we can adopt this data-intensive approach and
run a large number of experiments to construct the lookup table exactly as described above, this is not very
practical. First, it will take a significant amount of time,
processing power, and raw data to create such table; then,
the resulting database will be very large and difficult to
maintain and update; and, finally, most information will
be repetitive and thus redundant because of the
In this paper, we propose a limit order book approach
to efficient execution. We demonstrated how to estimate
return curves, risk curves, and risk-return profiles by
using historical data, and how to derive optimal pricing
frontiers. Our quantitative method allows traders to
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Figure 5. Execution over shorter time periods can be more expensive, but less risky.
Figure 6. When executing over 60 minute period, time of the day should be used as one of the models inputs.