Astm A586 - 92

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puesecan SOCIETY FOR TESTING AND MATERIALS ‘tio ocr Praseb, Pe et, epee ty ea Sook a arts Cop AST A MEGae Ife trt conned mane snp nt eon Zinc-Coated Parallel and Helical Steel Wire Structural Strand* “Tis standard is sued under ie fined desgration A S86: the mumber immesaely following he designation dienes the year of cnginalsdoption a thee of revisor the year fla ein. A number in paar eae he yea Ft eapproval. A Soper eollon (indicates an eral ange since Ihe ast reision br eapova. 1. Scope 1.1. This specification covers zinc-coated parallel and heli- cal steel wire structural strand, prestretched or nonpre- stretched, for use where a high-sirength, high-modulus pre- fabricated xinc-coated stee! multiple-wire tension member is desired as a component part of a structure 1.2 The strand is furnished with Class A weight zinc- coated wires throughout. It can be furnished with Class B weight or Class C weight zinc-coated outer wires where addi- tional corrosion protection is required 1.3 The values stated in inck-pound units are to be re- sarded as the standard 2. Referenced Documents 2 ASTM Standards ‘A90 Test Method for Weight of Coating on Zinc-Coated (Galvanized) Iron or Steel Articles? B 6 Specification for Zinc (Slab Zinc) 3. Ordering Information 3.1 Orders for material under this specification shall include the following information: 3.11 Length of strand, 3.1.2 Nominal diameter of strand (Table 4), 3.1.3 Prestretched (see 7.3) or nonprestretched, 3.1.4 Coating weight class on outer wires if other than Class A (Table 3), 3.1.5 Mechanical tests if required (see 7.5 and 9.1), 3.1.6 Special packaging requirements (11.1), and 3.1.7 Inspection (10.1). ors 1—-A typical ordering description isa follows: 2500 f, 1 x 19 galvanized helical strand, class A coating, on wooden reels, 10 ASTM Specification A S86 4. Material 4.1 Base Metal—The base metal shall be carbon ste! ‘made by the open-hearth, basic-oxygen, or electric-furnace process and of such quality that the finished strand and the hard-drawn individual zine-coated wires coated by the hot- dip or electrolytic process shall have the properties and char- ‘acteristics as prescribed in this specification. 4.2 Zinc—The slab zine when used shall conform to Spec- iftcation B6. "This specifiction is under the Jurision of ASTM Commitee AS 09 Meatie-Costed tron and Steel Product, and is the dec respnsiliy af ‘Subcommitee A03-12 on Wire Speciation ‘Curent eon approved Fetrary 13,1982 Publihed Apo! 1992, Oily pulled ab A S864. Las previous edition A $86 ~ 86 (991) Anal Book of ASTM Standards, Vol 106. Vaal Bk of STA Standede, Vot 0208 5. Physical Requirements S.A Tensile Properties: 5.1.1 The zine-coated wire used in the parallel wire strand shall, prior to fabrication, conform to the mechanical prop. erties in Table 1. In this case the prestretching provision of the test sample of 5.1.2 is not permitted 5.1.2 The zine-coated wire used in the helical wire strand shalt conform to the mechanical properties in Table 1 prior to fabrication, but the wire test sample may be prestretched to $5 % of the minimum tensile strength specified in Table 1 prior to conducting the tests. 5.1.3 The tensile strength and the stress at 0.7 % extension shall be based on the actual cross-sectional area of the fin- ished wire, including the zine coating 5.1.4 Test Specimens—The test specimens shal be free of bends or kinks other than the curvature resulting from the usual coiling operation. The hand straightening necessary to permit insertion of the specimen in the jaws of the testing machine shall be performed by drawing between wood blocks or by some other equally satisfactory means. 5.2 Stress at 0.7 % Extension Under Load—The value of stress at 0.7 % extension under load shall be determined by one of the following procedures, depending on the type of extensometer used: 5.2.1 Non-Awtographic Extensometer—When a non-auto- ‘graphic extensometer is used to measure the 0.7 % extension, it shall have a gage length of 10 in. (254 mm), and it shall be 30 graduated that the smallest division corresponds to a strain not larger than 0.0001 in./in. (0.0001 mm/mm) of ‘gage length, Apply 2 load corresponding to the tensile stress indicated in Table 2, using the nominal diameter of the specimen. Maintain this load while a 10-in, extensometer is attached and adjusted to the initial setting shown in Table 2. ‘Then increase the load uniformly until the extensometer {indicates an extension of 0.07 in, (1.78 mm) or 0.7% extension Record the lod for this extension. The stress corresponding to this load shall meet the requirements for the sires of 0.7 % extension specified in Table 1, depending on the class of coating under consideration. Hold the specimen at 0.7 % extension under load and remove the ‘extensometer used to measure the stress at 0.7 % extension; then replace it with an elongation extensometer. Continue the application of load until fracture occurs. Record the elongation attained from the elongation extensometer and add to it 0.7% obtained from the stress at 0.7 % ‘extensometer to get the total elongation. 5.2.2 Autographic Extensometer—When an autographic extensometer is used, it shall have a gage length of at least 2 in, (50.8 mm) and the magnification of strain shall not be Jess than 250. Apply 2 load, corresponding to the tensile siress indicated in Table 2, using the nominal diameter of the qh ase6 ‘TABLE 1 Mechanical Requiremonts ‘Brees OTR Tae ‘tre Coates Nomea oametar ‘extension Terste sieng min gn Or ‘ese, reer tas, min ‘mormon no om es MPa ea wa * x Goidw—oTe is ware 600001000 0000 1620 20 111 wrsiager* 2.820 an igor e000 1100 zoom 1820 40 5 00 wraleger 2.286 ane inger® 10000 1000 210000 450 40 e 0.000 andiager* 2.286 aed lager# 140000 970 2000001380 40 “This sot wn Ba arger wre wilbemanfacured ary Ged amele 1 ony Epis alte we Sues hase bythe Ser ance mT ES tne equrements oft specie TABLE 2_Iniial Setings for Determining Stross et 0.7 X Extension Tome Ciro Tala Suess inal Seng of Exiensareter, 7. im ee ro Pe ‘omer ‘O40 0068, ra Tarot 225 md 4 100 ‘0008 (05 5 entonsord 3.09010 0.118, fs 22910902. ing 2 180 0.0010 (0.10 x extonser) 2.120 anata 308 arc ergo 2 200 0.0015 0.15 5 extonser) “Trae rot owl a agar wre wa be manuleciured 10 any urd darter ony ples Wai he wre aire Chosen by he sand manuiacurer Tus eet tne raquerents of ts spcseaton, specimen. Maintain this load and attach the extensometer. Then increase the load uniformly until the extension re- corded by the extensometer is at least 0.7 %. Determine the load at 0.7 % extension from the load-strain curve. The stress corresponding to this load shall meet the requirements for stress at 0.7 5 extension prescribed in Table 1, depending on the class of coating under consideration. Hold the specimen at 0.7 % extension under load and remove the extensometer used to measure the stress at 0.7 % extension; then replace it with an elongation extensometer. Continue the application of load until fracture occurs, Record the elongation attained from the elongation extensometer and add 10 it 0.7 % ob- tained from the stress at 0.7 % extensometer to get the total elongation, Nore 2—The extensometer used for the stess at 0.7 % extension and the elongation extensometer may be the same instrument. Two, Separate instruments are advisable since the more sensitive sires at (0.7 % extensometer inat could be damaged when the wie fractures may bee removed following the determination of the 0.7 % extension. The ‘longation extensomeier may be constructed with less sensitive pais or be constructed in such a way that litle damage would result if fracture ‘eeurs while the extensometer i attached to the specimen, 5.3. Elongation—In determining total elongation (elastic plus plastic extension) autographic or extensometer methods ‘may be employed. If fracture takes place outside the middle third of the gage length, the elongation value obtained may not be representative of the materia 5.4 Tensile Sirength—The tensile strength is determined from the maximum load during the total clongation test 5.5 Ductility of Steel—The zine-coated wire, prior to fabrication into strand, shall be capable of being wrapped two turns in a close helix at a rate not exceeding 15 turns per minute around a cylindrical steel mandrel equal to three times the nominal diameter of the wire under test without fracture of the wire. 5.6 Weight of Zinc Coating—The weight of zinc coating ‘on the individual wires prior to fabrication of strand shall be ‘ot less than that specified in Table 3. 5.7 Adherence of Coating—The zinc-coated wire, prior 10 fabrication into strand, shall be capable of being wrapped two turns in 2 close helix ata rate not exceeding 15 turns per ‘minute around a cylindrical steel mandrel equal to five times the nominal diameter ofthe wire under test without cracking ‘or flaking the zinc coating to such an extent that any zinc can be removed by rubbing with the bare fingers. Loosening or detachment during the adherence test of superficial small particles of zinc formed by mechanical polishing of the sur- face of zinc-coated wire shall not be considered cause for rejection, 5.8 Ifany sample breaking within the arips or the jaws of the testing machine results in values below the specified ‘TABLE 3. Minimum Weight of Coating ‘nemea! Date of Cotas Wire ‘Woght of Ee Coning, rn at of Unoaied Wire Sate fr of ncaa Wire Saco ie a Gash Cuneo Gass GissA Cass Oss Coatrg Coury Coming Sowtrg ___aateg Coating Soa wooe, na Toige 1500, ha 040 080 120 1 oa 366 0062 5 0079, et 21575 162007 nd 250 100 150 153 fos 438 2.080 1 0.082, es 208216 2397. nt 060 123 1a ie Se 50 9093 1 0308, et 2.962 2516; net, oro 140 210 2 a ee 0104 10418 ne 2254210 3028 nc 000 180 240 2a 40 7 9320190142, re ‘2.066 16 2.607 ne. 085 170 255 239 59 78 0443 1 0387, et 5.892 we 4750, net 090 180 270 25 510 a 2:08 oe ager {4775 ad roe” 100 200 300 208, eo a8 “Tie not ery fa rer wre wi ba mankfactured io By Unries Garter ony Wipes tat he wre zee hasan bj fe sane menace mat et tne equterts of te Spectator fh a see limits for tensile strength, stress at 0.7 % extension or elon- gation, the results shall be considered invalid and retesting shall be required. 5.8.1 If any test fails to meet the minimum value re- guired, two additional tests shall be made on samples of wire from the same coil or reel and if failure occurs in either of these tests, the coil or reel shall be rejected. If both of these tests pass, the coil or reel shall be accepted 5.9 Finish—The zinc-coated wire surface shall be free of imperfections not consistent with good commercial practice. ‘The zinc coating shall be continuous and of reasonably uni form thickness, Nore 3—It is recognized that the surface of heavy zine coatings, particularly those produced by the Rot-dip galvanizing proces, are not TABLE 4 Properties of Zine-Costed Steel Structural Sand ‘evr Breaking Swength in Tons of 200010 perfectly smooth and not dvoid of iereglaits 6. ‘Test for Coating Weight 6.1 The weight of the zine coating shall be determined by 4 stripping test made on the individual wires prior to fabri- cation of strand, in accordance with Test Method 90. 7. Strand 7.1 The zine-coated strand shall consist of layers of wire about a center wire. The number of layers and number and size of wires in each layer shall be determined by the manu: facturer. 7.2 The minimum breaking strength of helical strand properties are shown in Table 4. Specifically dimensioned TABLE 4A Properties of Zinc-Coated Stee! Structural Strand “Repronirate Mimi Breaking Seng in Met Tons CaseA Case 8 Cassa Cans & Ceetng — Coatlg Avior Contes Coating Noming Gass Aner tet ABDOF page Nomina Glass Arner) Inner) Approx arctan in. Conieg ares, res. Grosp ACR Dames, Coatng —Wres Wren, WetaheQi=Or Twowgh Chae’ Case © Matte, WO ‘Te’ Tregh Cass Gass Arg, MOBY ‘ot Coatrg —Souirg Area, n? ‘out Coatrg Coating in? ‘Suter “Guta One “Date eo waz 052 a7 We eee 130 O68 ies v2? 3s 260 092 169 Be 0s 7s 20 099 a5 23055 Dt 380 18 wet me 033s 200 138 205 Bs 5252855 460 +o 22 470 8s Bees 580 135 238 07s 85s Sao 610 210 2a 33 87 8 ers 620 ay Ba es oy kata yao 187 285 268 ms 6a? gr? ao? eo 298 502 mo TTA 5B 00a 328 a8 Bs act 10803040 382 333 2 0d 85S 601140 a7 Br 102 03a 10077290 so 1200 434 365 438088 aan eo 350 43 383 vs2 ts eB ari foo wre 33 307 erie 08 6201500 555 "3 urd a2 MDB 10258 vo ree 538 a3 $07 t80 1533 Naa 180 180 633 us wos 16891633 Hers 2201980 460 3306 1780 260 2120 8 wes 1923197861380 200 2260 192 7 2502S 250 2410 508 my 2188 2158 325 ao sre su gan 32 Stes? 183, 2703130 sto gid 27 aa) tua 4 y30 2300 00s 38 pea 2622278 ass 150 3100 3050 1064 512 2276731 Hetd 158 Bro a0 er a7 fer a0 187 34g EO 1185 603 oat ors zo 21807 178 3500 3550 1248 613 mes eet 388 tam? 188 3760 3700 1313 5 aay 357 Ban data 188 goo 3080 1320 654 3556 38027 sare 208, aro ano a7 7 ga) yee 3s eas 2S foo dao ata iste ea ara base amy zimas 228 ‘20 aso ae 158 os os ay ora ano a8 aco a0 a7 36 338 42 ues a0 258 soso 300 S220 aso 182 fee; moe amas amas 28 Seo E80 Bb ns rea fae te Sas aa? a 50 ego 6080 aw 26 sero 5885008 H0909 230 e730 65306580 ae 887 eis OS Sze Sass 358 mao uo Toxo Br 8 eee | B77 Buea aren 78075707450 7BB PED S20: 606? e679 sone att 20007873 bas 2950 $53 mer Tua TO SSE? AD frao asa) Sa STD one yes Tar 7728 Seles 89 S250 now) SGD ms fo2 Sats? Bt @h ass TABLE § Minimum Modul of Elasticity of Prostreiched Structural ‘Strand Rat ee Tira Noctis Gass A Seating m a a wa wae 1270. 6508 Zoo 165 500 Bie andiarger 8667 and larger zscco 158600 "For Gass 8 0 Class C weight of anocnaled outer wes, reduce mnwTn modus 000 lo 8900 MPa strand bigger than 4 in. (101.6 mm) may be employed pro- vided that the breaking strength, gross metallic area, and weight per unit length are defined. The properties of parallel wire strand shall be as agreed upon between the purchaser and the manufacturer. 7.3 When specified, the helical strand shall be pre- stretched under tension of not more than 55.% of the break- ing strength listed in Table 4. 7.4 The modulus of elasticity shall be as shown in Table S. 7.5 If specified, a test for modulus of elasticity shall be made on cach manufactured length of strand, The modulus of elasticity shall be determined from gage length of not less than 100 in. (2.54 m) and shall be computed on the sum of the gross metallic cross-sectional areas ofthe wire making up the strand, including the zinc coating. Throughout the range from 10 % to 50 % of the breaking strength listed in Table 4, the modulus of elasticity shall not be less than the value shown in Table 5 8. Joints and Splices 8.1. The wires shall be made in such lengths that the hel: cal strands can be manufactured with no splices or joints in the finished outer wires. Welds made in the outer wires prior to drawing are permitted. Splicing of the inner wires during the stranding operation is permissible. Joints in the wires of strand shall be dispersed sufficiently so as to maintain the ‘minimum breaking strength as listed in Table 4. When joints are necessary in any wires, they shall be made in accordance ‘with best known acceptable practices and shall be recoated i @ workmanlike manner with zine or a lead-zine compound containing a minimum of $0 % zinc. 9. Sampling and Testing 9.1 If specified, a test sample shall be taken from each manufactured length of strand and tested to the minimum. breaking strength. If it fails to meet the minimum breaking strength requirement, and has not broken in the cone or grips, two additional samples shall be cut from the same ‘manufactured length and tested. If either additional sample {ails the retest for breaking strength, the manufactured length in question shall be rejected. If both of these wo samples ‘pass the retest for breaking strength, the manufactured length in question shall be accepted. Any test, however, which fails due to faulty attaching of the sockets shall be disregarded. 10. Inspection 10.1_ All tests and inspection shall be made at the place of ‘manufacture unless otherwise specified and shali be so conducted as not to interfere unnecessarily with the opera- tions of the works. The manufacturer shall afford. the inspector representing the purchaser all reasonable facilities to satisfy him that the material is being furnished in accordance with this specification. When specified. inspec- tion may be waived, and certified copies of test reports furnished. HL Packagis Hit Structural strand shall be packaged in coils or on feels at the discretion of the manufacturer unless otherwise specified. Strand shall be packaged in such a manner so that no permanent deformation of wires in the strand will occur. 12. Keywords 12.1 structural strand; zine coated strand The American Soity lr Testing ard Materials takes vo postion respecting he vay of ay patent ips asserted connection ‘th ary 't mtioned ne standard. Uses of is sandra re wpresd navies ha catrmiation he valeky ay sh Pato rts, and te Mak of witingomon: ouch rigs, are etal Ine own xpos ‘Ths tans suet fo rove a any tne bythe responsi echnical cane and mist be revi evry iv years and ‘00 vevised, er reaporoved or wivean You Conner ar Mitad ete for rein of senda ro adeina stacerse {nd shouldbe accrosoed to ASTM Hoare. Your conmerts wil cave cara conataration mw mowing ofthe response {cma canmtion which you may sta a Tol Pat Ya Consents have 29 Tcaved 2 far Rew ou sho moke Your ‘ows known ote ASTM Crnmitee on Stands, 1078 Race St. Phases, PA 1402

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