A. Program and Budget Activity Detail
A. Program and Budget Activity Detail
A. Program and Budget Activity Detail
D. Carryforward:
Our Committees request information on any carry forward funds, the legal
citations, purpose, and the total funds to carry forward from FY2016 to
E. FTE Information:
Our Committees request information about FTE information along with
agency structure and organization. Please provide the following information:
1) An organization chart that is detailed and divides the agency out by
"sections" or "divisions" led by a director or manager
2) List of pending position requests or pending offers to individuals
3) FTE counts by fund since 2009
4) Number of FTEs of each of the following classes of employees by fund:
a) Deputy Commissioner(s)
b) Assistant Commissioner(s)
c) Directors or Managers (Managerial Plan)
d) Assistant Directors or Managers (Managerial Plan)
e) Supervisors (MMA)
f) Professional Staff (MAPE)
g) Clerical Staff (AFSCME)
h) Unclassified or temporary positions
5) List salary history from 2009 to 2017 for employees under "a, b, c, and d"
in item 4 above.
F. Potential Adjustments:
The current budget process limits responses to requests for upward
adjustments. Please identify how your agency would adjust your budget with
a zero to 10 percent downward adjustment. You are expected to examine
your proposals, as well as your existing operations, areas where adjustments
can be made and the amount of
those adjustments. This should be
outlined in writing, with sufficient explanation as to how these adjustments
will be accomplished.
G. Other Information - if applicable
1. Please indicate if the agency is engaged or planning any rulemaking
2. Please indicate any future federal funding the agency is planning to apply
for in the next two years, and any competitive grant opportunities
3. Please detail any internal financial transfers that took place during the
current biennium.
4. Please detail the agency's use of state-owned vehicles and provide the
Committee with a description of how the vehicles are utilized by the
agency and the assignment of vehicle, if any are utilized by the agency. In
addition, please submit seven-year information including the number
vehicles utilized by each department or section of the agency and the
assignment of vehicles to employees.
5. Please detail any pending lawsuits against the agency or any lawsuits
initiated by the agency, including union grievances. Provide a description
of the lawsuit, a list of the parties of each lawsuit, the Court jurisdiction,
any timelines, and the estimated cost of each lawsuit.
Providing this information to the Committees will be vital to the process, as well as
provide you with adequate opportunity to address your budget adjustments. Please
submit your materials for items A through E to the staff listed below upon
the date we request you to appear and in accordance to Committee
handout submission rules. For items F and G, please submit your materials
to the staff listed below by February 1, 2017:
John Hultquist
Committee Administrator
House State Government Finance
Paul Carlson
Committee Administrator
Senate State Government Finance &
Policy and Elections Committee