Stack Project Report On Smoke Detector - Ilovepdf-Compressed
Stack Project Report On Smoke Detector - Ilovepdf-Compressed
Stack Project Report On Smoke Detector - Ilovepdf-Compressed
Mr.N Jayaprakash
Dept. of ECE
Submitted By:
Santhosh kumar H O
Shoukath ali
Mayank Pratap Singh Gaur
Ramachandra Hegde
We would like to take this opportunity to express out
profound gratitude to all those people who were directly
or indirectly involved in the completion of project we
encouraged each and every one who encouraged us in
every possible way
We would like to thank our principal Dr. G. L. Shekar for
letting me to be the part of this institution and letting me
to explore the abilities to the fullest.
We would also like to extend my sincere gratitude to our
HOD Dr. Rohini Nagapadma for being a source of
inspiration and Instilling an enthusiastic spirit in us
through out the process of project making
We would like to express our heartfelt gratitude towards
our stack project guide Mr. N Jayaprakash for his
constant guidance, valuable knowledge and experience
with regards,
Santosh kumar H O
Shoukath Ali
Mayank Pratap singh
Ramachandra Hegde
1. Introduction
2. Theory behind the project
2.1 smoke sensor module
2.2 Arduino UNO R3
2.3 LCD display
2.4 Buzzer
2.5 Resistors and Connecting
3. Circuit diagram and explanation
3.1 schematic circuit diagram
3.2 Implemented circuit
3.3 Implementation
3.4 Interfacing MQ2 with
Arduino UNO R3
Technology is a very important part of our life.
We can use this technology in a very
sophisticated area like safety and security
purpose. Using the smoke detector and alarm
circuit be conducive to save our life as well as
households from fire accidents which have
shown in this project. We design and develop an
Arduino circuit with a smoke detector, LCD
Display and alarm. When the smoke detector
detects smoke (the detect measurement of
smoke can be configured regarding the size and
surroundings of the room), there is a LCD Display
which shows "Fire in room!" and the alarm rings
immediately. So someone can be aware about
the fire accidents even if he/she is in home at
the moment.
7. Patch chords
1. Dimension: 32mm x 22mm x 30mm Specification:
2. Operating voltage: 5v
3. Detection Zone: 300 - 10000ppmm
4. Characteristic Gas: 1000ppmm
5. Sensitivity: R in air/ R in typical gas > 5
6. Response Time: <10s
7. Recovery time: <30s
8. Heating Resistance: 31ohm
9. Heating Current: <181mA
10. Heating Power: <900mW
11. Measuring Voltage: <24
12. Ambient Temperature: -20C - 55C
13. Humidity: <95%
14. Oxygen Content: 21%
Pin configuration
Schematic Diagram :
Working :
The sensitive material of MQ2
smoke sensor is SnO2 which with lower
conductivity in clean air. When the target
combustible gas exists, the sensors conductivity
is more higher along with the gas concentration
The above is basic test circuit of
the sensor. The sensor need to be put 2 voltage,
heater voltage(VH) and test voltage (VC). VH
used to supply certified working temperature to
the sensor, while VC used to detect voltage (VRL)
on load resistance (RL) whom is in series with
2.2 Arduino-UNO R3
Arduino Uno is one of the microcontroller boards
manufactured by the Arduino and based on the
Atmels ATmega328 microcontroller, Uno means
one in Italian and the uno board is the latest in
a series of USB (Universal Serial Bus). Meanwhile,
Arduino board is a reference model for the
Arduino platform. The Arduino Uno board has a
16 MHz ceramic resonator, a USB connection, a
power jack, an ICSP header,
v a reset button, 6
analog inputs and also 14 digital input/output
pins. It uses the Atmega16U2 programmed as a
USB-to-serial converter. The board has 32 KB flash
memory of which 0.5 KB is used by boot-loader, 2
KB of SRAM, 1 KB of EEPROM and 16 MHz clock
speed [32].
Architecture of Arduino-UNO R3 :
There are many varieties of Arduino boards that
can be used for different purposes. The Arduino
UNO components are:
IDE Parts
1. Compile: Before program code can be sent
to the board, it needs to be converted into
instructions that the board understands. This
process is called Compiling.
2.Stop: This stops the compilation process.
3.Create new Sketch: This opens a new window
to create news ketch.
4.Open Existing Sketch: This loads a sketch from
a file on our computer.
5.Save Sketch: This saves the changes to the
Circuit Design
2.4 Buzzer
Here buzzer is used for alarming purpose
whenever the smoke detecting circuit detects the
smoke then the buzzer will start buzzing here the
buzzer used is piezoelectric buzzer. A piezoelectric
element may be driven by oscillating electronic
circuit or other audio signal source, driven with
a piezoelectric audio amplifier. Sounds commonly
used to indicate that a button has been pressed
are a click, a ring or a beep.
3.3 Implementation :
initial steps in implementing the
smoke detector starts with interfacing all the
external components with the microcontroller
Arduino UNO R3 and the components involved in
interfacing are
1. Smoke sensor
if (sensorValue>=200)
lcd.print("Fire Alert");
digitalWrite(greenLed, LOW);
tone(buzzer, 1000, 200);
digitalWrite(redLed, LOW);
digitalWrite(greenLed, HIGH);
lcd.print("SAFE NOW!!");
The following imaged attached will indicate the no
smoke detected condition
Fire Alert
Indicating the smoke detected condition
following images
attached below will prove the smoke detected
4. Conclusion:
The Smoke detector alarm system using
Arduino UNO R3 has been designed and
developed . We use 5V from Arduino board.
Finally, we have designed and developed and
tested using Smoke detector. We fix all the
problems encountered during the design and
testing of the system. Finally, we successfully
achieved in getting the correct output. So, our
Smoke detector alarm system using Arduino
UNO R3 is suitable.
5. Application
Smoke detectors found the general use as they
give the highest level of protection. They must
be used in escape routes to provide sufficient
early warning to allow the evacuation of
In this project we made use of
ionization smoke detecting sensor which finds
following applications as given below: