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Career Development and Counseling Havighurst

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Developmental Tasks Theory

theory of freedom
theory of constraint
developmental task

Tasks that arise from

physical maturation
Tasks that from personal
Tasks that have their source
in the pressures of society
infancy and early childhood
(0-5 years)

middle childhood (6-12


adolescence (12-18 years)

Developmental Tasks Theory

Robert J. Havighurst
learning is basic and that it continues throughout life span
It assumes an active learner interacting with an active social
that the child will develop best if left as free as possible
hat the child must learn to become a worthy, responsible adult
through restraints imposed by his society
one that arises at a certain period in our lives, the successful
achievement of which leads to happiness and success with later
tasks; while leads to unhappiness, social disapproval, and
difficulty with later tasks.
learning to walk, talk, and behave acceptably with the opposite
sex during adolescence; adjusting to menopause during middle
For example, those that emerge from the maturing personality
and take the form of personal values and aspirations, such as
learning the necessary skills for job success
For example, learning to read or learning the role of a
responsible citizen.
Learning to walk.
Learning to crawl.
Learning to take slid food.
Learning to talk.
Learning to control the elimination of body wastes.
Learning sex differences and sexual modesty.
Getting ready to read.
Forming concepts and learning language to describe social and
physical reality.
Learning physical skills necessary for ordinary games.
Learning to get along with age mates.
Building wholesome attitudes toward oneself as a growing
Learning on appropriate masculine or feminine social role.
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living.
Developing concepts necessary for everyday living.
Developing conscience, morality and a scale of values.
Achieving personal independence. Developing attitudes toward
social groups and institutions.
Achieving new and more mature relations with age mates of
both sexes.
Achieving a masculine or feminine social role.
Accepting ones physique and using the body effectively.
Achieving emotional independence of parents and other adults.

early adulthood (18-30


middle adulthood (30-60


later maturity (60+).

Completing the Tasks

Preparing for marriage and family life.

Acquiring a set of values and an ethical system as a guide to
Desiring and achieving socially responsible behavior.
Selecting a mate.
Learning to live with a partner.
Starting family.
Rearing children.
Managing home.
Getting started in occupation.
Taking on civic responsibility.
Finding a congenial social group.
Assisting teenage children to become responsible and happy
Achieving adult social and civic responsibility.
Reaching and maintaining satisfactory performance in ones
occupational career.
Developing adult leisure time activities.
Relating oneself to ones spouse as a person.
To accept and adjust to the physiological changes of middle
Adjusting to aging parents
Adjusting to decreasing physical strength and health.
Adjusting to retirement and reduced income.
Adjusting to death of a spouse.
Establishing an explicit affiliation with ones age group.
Adopting and adapting social roles in a flexible way.
Establishing satisfactory physical living arrangements.
Havighurst categorised the tasks, in first category are the tasks,
which has to be completed in certain period, and the second are
the tasks that continue for a long, sometimes for a lifetime.
So what happens if the task is not completed in that stage or
completed in a later date. Havighurst reply to that it is critical
that the tasks should be completed during the appropriate stage,
otherwise result will be the failure to achieve success in future

If the person successfully accomplishes and masters the developmental task, he feels pride and
satisfaction, and consequently earns his community or societys approval. This success
provides a sound foundation which allows the individual to accomplish tasks to be encountered
at later stages. Conversely, if the individual is not successful at accomplishing a task, he is
unhappy and is not accorded the desired approval by society, resulting in the subsequent
experience of difficulty when faced with succeeding developmental tasks. This theory presents
the individual as an active learner who continually interacts with a similarly active social


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