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Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2015, 5(1): 33-42

DOI: 10.5923/j.jmea.20150501.05

Comparative Study of Evolution of Residual Stress State

by Local Mechanical Tensioning and Laser Processing of
Ferritic and Austenitic Structural Steel Welds
Jibrin Sule1,*, Supriyo Ganguly1, Harry Coules2, Thilo Pirling3

Welding Engineering and Laser Processing Centre, Cranfield University, Bedford, UK

Solid Mechanics Research Group, University of Bristol, Bristol, UK
Institut Max von Laue-Paul Langevin, 6 rue Jules Horowitz, Grenoble, France

Abstract Complex thermal stresses generated in welded structures are undesirable but inevitable in fusion welding. The

presence of residual stresses can be detrimental to the integrity of a welded joint. In this research, redistribution of residual
stress magnitude and profile was studied and compared in two multi-pass welded structural alloys (API X100 and 304L
stainless steel) after cold rolling and laser processing. The residual stress field was studied by neutron diffraction using the
SALSA strain scanner at their reactor neutron source at ILL, Grenoble. In addition to a complex distribution of residual
stress state, multi-pass welds also forms dendritic grain structure, which are repeatedly heated, resulting in segregation of
alloying elements. Dendritic grain structure is weaker and segregation of alloying elements may result in formation of
corrosion microcells as well as reduction in overall corrosion prevention due to depletion of alloying elements in certain
areas. The modification of as-welded residual stress state was done by cold rolling which was followed by laser processing
to create a recrystallized microstructure to minimise segregation. The main objective of this study is to understand the
suitability of this novel manufacturing technique to create a stress free weldment with recrystallised grain structure.
Hardness evolution in the welded structures was scanned following welding, post weld cold rolling and cold rolling
followed by laser processing. Hardness distribution in both the structural alloys showed a significant evidence of plastic
deformation near the cap pass of the weld metal. Residual stress redistribution was observed up to 4 mm from the capping
pass for ferritic steel, while in austenitic steel weld, post weld cold rolling was effective in modifying the residual stress
redistribution throughout the entire thickness. Laser processing in both cases reinstated the as-welded residual stress
distribution and resulted in softening of the strained area.

Keywords Ferritic and austenitic structural steel, Residual stress, Multi-pass welds, Neutron diffraction, Rolling, Laser


1. Introduction
Multi-pass fusion welding by a filler welding electrode is
normally carried out to join thick steel sections used in most
engineering applications. Welded joints in any installation,
is an area of critical importance, since they are likely to
contain a higher density of defects than the parent metal and
their physical properties can differ significantly from the
parent metal. The arc fusion welding relies on intense local
heating at a joint where a certain amount of the base metal
is melted and fused with additional metal from the filler
wire. Intense local heating causes severe thermal gradients
in a welded component and the uneven cooling that follows
* Corresponding author:
[email protected] (Jibrin Sule)
Published online at http://journal.sapub.org/jmea
Copyright 2015 Scientific & Academic Publishing. All Rights Reserved

generates residual stresses. The locked-in residual stress is a

major concern in structural alloys [1-2]. In multi-pass welds,
multiple thermal cycles resulted in a variably distribution of
residual stress field across the weld and through the
While some residual stresses may be beneficial, most are
detrimental to the integrity and the service behaviour of the
welded part [3]. For example, tensile residual stresses near
the weld area have adverse effects in the material. It was
reported that tensile welding residual stresses can contribute
to fatigue crack development in a structure even under
compressive cyclic loading [4-5]. Residual stresses can also
affect fracture processes [6-7] and has been reported to
accelerate the onset of creep damage [8-10]. This explained
why significant resources are devoted to the inclusion of
residual stresses in engineering integrity assessments [11],

Jibrin Sule et al.: Comparative Study of Evolution of Residual Stress State by Local Mechanical
Tensioning and Laser Processing of Ferritic and Austenitic Structural Steel Welds


The formation of residual stresses in welded components

is compounded by several factors. The contributing factors
are (1) structural parameters which include the geometry,
size and the joint design; (2) material parameters which
reflect the response of a material to the transient thermal
cycle; and (3) fabrication parameters include the welding
process which determines the heat input, cooling conditions
and the restraint applied. Therefore, the thermal response
and residual stress generation in these two different
structural alloys would be different owing to their
difference in physical properties and welding conditions.
Previous investigators have developed several methods to
reduce the residual stresses attributed to welding of both
ferritic and austenitic steel. These methods include; heat
treatment, hammering, preheating, vibration stress relieving,
weld sequencing, modification of the structural
configurations and the implementation of thermal
tensioning techniques [14-18]. The water-shower cooling
during welding was also reported to reduce tensile residual
stress in austenitic stainless steel welding [19].
In this research, two stages were proposed. In the first
step application of high pressure cold rolling on the
multi-pass weld. This is done by applying a large
compressive force in the direction normal to the welded
objects surface cause plastic expansion in the in-plane
directions [20]. Although, application of post weld cold
rolling to reduce weld residual stress and distortion for a
thin plate has been in practice for many years [21-23].
Recent works by Coules etal [24] and Altenkirch etal [20]
have shown that the post weld cold rolling methods was
effective in reducing residual stresses in single pass welds.
However, application of this technique on multi-pass welds
is not yet reported.
In the second step, laser processing was carried out
following the rolling. The purpose of laser processing is to
induce recrystallization after cold rolling the weld metal.
Weld metal solidifies as dendrites which causes segregation
which is specifically prominent in case of high alloyed steel
such as austenitic stainless steel. Cold rolling of the weld
metal resulted in local plastic deformation which introduces
strain energy to relax the tensile residual stress field.
Application of laser was intended to induce recrystallization;
however, excessive application would result in reinstating
the residual stress state which was eliminated during cold

To the best knowledge of the author, there are no

reported works in the literature relating to the application of
post weld cold rolling followed by laser processing of weld
metal in a multi-pass weld.
The aim of this research is to apply this novel processing
to improve structural integrity of multi-pass welds by
redistributing locked-in residual stress and creating a
recrystallised grain structure minimising segregation
generated during solidification of weld metal.

2. Experimental Procedures
2.1. Materials
2.1.1. API X100 Steel Plates
This material was machined to the dimension of 300
150 20 mm3 and a narrow groove edge preparation of 5
angle with backing bar was made as shown in Figure 1. The
filler wire used was Union MoNi (1.0 mm diameter), while
the shielding gas was 92% Ar and 8% O2 at flow rate of 30
lit.min-1. Chemical compositions of the API X100 steel
plates and the filler wire are shown in Table 1 and Table 2
2.1.2. 304L Stainless Steel Plate
The second material was also machined to the dimension
of 300 x 150 x 12 mm3. The welding preparation is as
shown in Figure 1. The filler wire used was Lincoln MIG
308L Si of 1.0 mm nominal diameter. Table 3 shows the
chemical compositions of the 304L stainless steel plate.
Table 4 shows the chemical compositions of the filler wire.
The shielding gas used was 98% Ar and 2% O2 at flow rate
of 30 lit.min-1.

Figure 1. Welding setup preparation with backing bar

Table 1. Composition (wt. %) of the API X100 steel plates

























Table 2. Composition (wt. %) of the filler wire used for API X100 steel









0.4 -0.8

1.3 - 1.9


0.25 - 0.65

0.8 -1.3





Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2015, 5(1): 33-42


2.2. Experimental Method

This experiment was carried out in three stages. Firstly, welding using Tandem GMAW DC with electrode positive
(DCEP) polarity; post weld cold rolling was done with rolling load up to 150 kN using a local rolling machine, and finally
the post weld cold rolling was followed by laser processing using 8 kW fibre laser machine as shown in the flow chart.
Microstructural observations, hardness scanning and residual stress measurement were carried out after each stage. The
experimental details are shown in figure 2.

Figure 2. Experimental methodology

Table 3. Composition (wt. %) of the 304L stainless steel plate

















< 0.01

< 0.005



< 0.01

Table 4. Composition (wt. %) of the filler wire used for 304L stainless steel plate













2.2.1. Welding
Tandem GMAW DC positive welding process was used for both the alloys. Figure 3 shows the welding torch used. The
contact tips were fed by two independent power sources and two independent wire feeding units. A number of researches
on this welding process has been reported and can be found in [25-26]. The welding parameters are shown in Table 5 and
Table 6 for API X100 steel plates and 304L stainless steel plates respectively.

Figure 3. Typical tandem GMAW torch

Jibrin Sule et al.: Comparative Study of Evolution of Residual Stress State by Local Mechanical
Tensioning and Laser Processing of Ferritic and Austenitic Structural Steel Welds


Table 5. Welding parameters on narrow groove welds of API X100 steel plate

Travel speed






















Fill 1











Fill 2











Fill 3











Fill 4











Cap pass











Table 6. Welding parameters on narrow groove welds of 304L stainless steel plate


Travel speed
























Fill 1











Cap pass











2.2.2. Local Mechanical Tensioning (Rolling)

m.min-1. A flat roller was used and under all rolling

conditions, the rolling force was applied on the top of the
weld metal. The roller did not touch the plate surface on
either side of the weld.
2.2.3. Laser Processing

Figure 4. Photograph of the rolling set-up

After welding, local mechanical tensioning by cold

rolling was applied to the welded sample. The in-house
rolling machine was capable of rolling with a constant force.
The principle of operation of this machine is that, the
hydraulic cylinder applies a vertical force through a single
roller supported in a fork assembly. The roller is made from
hardened BS 4659 BH13 tool steel. It has an effective width
of 30 mm and its diameter is 100 mm. The welded plate
were firmly clamped on the base plate of the rolling rig as
shown in Figure 4, while the crossbeam with the roller, is
translated by a linear drive system. Post weld cold rolling
was carried out on the capping pass of the multi-pass welds
using a rolling load of 150 kN for API X100 steel and 100
kN for 304L stainless steel with constant travel speed of 0.7

Figure 5. Schematic set-up of laser

As explained before, laser processing was carried out

after the rolling process. The laser processing parameters
used are designed to ensure that the weld metal was heated
to a pre-determined temperature to avoid excessive input of
thermal energy. An IPGYLR-8000 fibre laser machine was
used and the laser beam was transmitted to the laser head
through an optical fibre of 300 m diameter. Laser beam
was collimated using a lens of 125 mm focal length. After

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2015, 5(1): 33-42

collimating, focussing lens of 250 mm focal length was

used to focus the beam. This would produce a spot size of
0.61 mm at the focal point. However, the laser power in this
specific experiment was used to increase the temperature at
a controlled rate and a defocussed beam of 20 mm spot size
was used on the sample surface as shown in Figure 5. The
vertical distance for defocussing was determined using a
beam diagnostic system. The laser head was positioned at
10o angle to avoid any back reflection which could damage
the lens.
2.3. Experimental Measurement


taken at 2, 10 and 18 mm below the plate surface on which

the capping pass was laid for API X100 steel. While for
304L stainless steel, measurements were taken at 2, 6 and
10 mm below the plate surface on which the capping pass
was laid. Longitudinal, transverse and normal strains were
measured assuming these directions, by symmetry, to be the
principal stress directions. The coordinate axes shown as L,
T and N in Figure 7, represents the longitudinal (parallel to
the length of the weld), transverse (perpendicular to the
length of the weld and parallel to the plate) and normal
(perpendicular to the length of the weld and perpendicular
to the plate) respectively.

2.3.1. Weld Thermal Cycles Determination

temperature-time relationship of the weld metal with the aid
of a scopecorder 750 instrument. A hole was drilled through
the plate thickness (from backing bar) to the weld metal into
which K-type thermocouples was placed. The
thermocouples were placed at 1.0 mm below the weld cap.
Laser power of 3.0 kW with travel speed of 0.3 m.min-1 was
used for API X100 steel. While laser power of 2.0 kW with
laser travel speed of 0.3 m.min-1 was used for 304L
stainless steel. The difference in laser power was to due to
the difference in thermal conductivity of the two materials.
Figure 6 shows the sketch of thermocouple positions in
weld metal.
Figure 7. Schematic diagram of the multi-pass welded plate showing lines
of measurement with reference comb sample

Figure 6.

Thermocouple positions in weld metal cross-section

2.3.2. Hardness Test

The welded samples were cut, ground and polished
according to standard metallography procedures for
microstructural observations and micro hardness tests. For
the micro hardness testing, 500 g load and 5 seconds dwell
time was applied. Hardness scan was done along the weld
metal with an interval of 1.0 mm within successive points.
2.3.3. Measurement of Residual Stresses
SALSA neutron diffractometer at the Institut Laue
Langevin in France was used to measure the residual elastic
strain [27]. The residual stress state was analysed from the
measured elastic strain [28]. Measurements were made on
the mid cross-sectional plane of 400 mm sample (plane
PQRS) shown in Figure 7. This was based on the
assumption that, the stress state in the middle will be from
steady state welding condition. The measurements were

For API X100 steel, the inter-planar spacing (d) of the

{211} crystallographic plane was chosen for measurements
of all the principal strain directions. The strain response of
{211} family of crystallographic planes in the BCC lattice
structure closely follows the macroscopic strain response
over the measured gauge volume [27]. While for 304L
stainless steel, the inter-planar spacing (d) of the {311}
family of crystallographic planes was chosen for
measurements of all the principal strain directions since this
plane gives the macroscopic average strain over the
measured gauge volume [27].
The measurements were made using a neutron incident
beam of wavelengths, 1.648 , which gives a diffraction
angle (2) of 87.62o and 95.99o for API X100 and 304L
alloys respectively. Through-thickness scan was used for
accurate positioning of the gauge volume within the plate.
The gauge volume dimension was determined by using slits
in front of the in-coming beam and collimating the
diffracted beam to maintain the through thickness resolution.
An incoming beam of 2 2 mm was used for the
longitudinal strain measurement while a 2 mm collimator
was used for the diffracted beam to achieve the desired
spatial resolution. For transverse and normal strain
measurement an incoming beam of 2 20 mm was used,
with the assumption that the stress state and magnitude will
remain constant in the welding direction. The increase in
gauge volume along the welding direction, in these two

Jibrin Sule et al.: Comparative Study of Evolution of Residual Stress State by Local Mechanical
Tensioning and Laser Processing of Ferritic and Austenitic Structural Steel Welds


directions, allows faster measurement with more grain

The stress-free inter-planar spacing was measured using a
comb sample of dimension 6 mm 6 mm 5 mm
machined out from the parent plate by electrical discharge
machining (EDM). The dimension of the individual comb
would ensure relaxation of any macro residual stress field
and will allow positional correction of the measured strain
for compositional variation across the weld [29]. The
stress-free lattice spacing (d0) were measured in all the three
principal strain directions.
The lattice spacing d is related to scattering angle hkl by
Braggs law as shown in equation 1.

{} = 2d hkl sin hkl


Where is the wavelength

Gaussian fitting routine was used to fit the intensity
profile and precise determination of the peak position. The
stress-free lattice spacing (d0) measurement combined with
the lattice spacing measurements were used to calculate
strain () using equation 2.
(d d )
{ hkl } = hkl 0 hkl
d 0 hkl


Where is strain, d is the lattice spacing of {hkl} family

of crystallographic planes, and d0 is the strain- free spacing
(measured in the same plane).
Once the strain is determined, the principal stress could
be analysed using the Hookes law for three dimensional
state of stress as shown in equation 3, using the appropriate
elastic constants for the specific crystallographic plane.

{ ii } =

ii +

(1 + )

(1 2 )

m.min-1 was approximately 759oC (1032 K). With the laser

power of 2 kW using the same travel speed and the same
position in the weld, the peak temperature was
approximately 619oC (892 K). The laser processing
parameter was chosen keeping in consideration that
excessive heat would reinstate the residual stress state while
too low thermal input would be insufficient to induce

( 11 + 22 + 33 )


Where and are the plane specific Youngs modulus

and Poisson ratio respectively, and i, = 1, 2, 3 indicate the
component of stress and strain relative to chosen to the
principal strain directions. Elastic constants values of E =
225.5 GPa and = 0.28 [30] for API X100 steel and E =
200 GPa and = 0.27 [31], for 304L stainless steel are used
to calculate stress from measured strains.

3. Results and Discussions

The transient thermal cycle is described in section 3.1 of
this paper. The hardness and residual stresses profile as
obtained in the two alloys are described in sections 3.2 and
3.3 respectively.
3.1. Time - Temperature Plot
Figure 8 shows the weld thermal cycle for different laser
power and travel speed at constant beam diameter of 20 mm.
As shown in the figure, the peak temperature of 3.0 kW at
1.0 mm below the weld surface using a travel speed of 0.3

Figure 8. Thermal cycles of laser power 3 kW and 2 kW with travel speed

of 0.3 m.min-1

3.2. Hardness
Hardness scan was performed from the reinforcement
bead (cap pass) to the root pass of API X100 steel as shown
in Figure 9. In the API X100 steel, the effect of cold
working was observed up to about 8 mm below the weld
cap. Up to about 4 mm the effect is more pronounced after
that from 4-8 mm the effect is less pronounced. The
as-welded plate shows an increase in hardness value from
the cap to the root pass of the weld metal, which suggests
thermal straining by successive passes. Hardness scan
performed from the cap pass to the root pass of 304L
stainless steel is shown in Figure 10. The effect of cold
working was observed throughout the entire thickness of the
material. Just like the API X100 steel, up to about 4 mm
below the cap, the effect is very significant. The effect cold
working observed throughout the entire thickness of 304L
stainless steel could be attributed to the closely packed
crystal structure and large number of active slip systems in
the FCC alloy.
Post weld cold rolling followed by laser processing of the
API X100 steel resulted in softening of the weld metal up to
about 7 mm below weld surface but as hardening, the
softening is also more pronounced up to 4 mm (396HV to
300HV). However, post weld cold rolled followed by laser
processing of the 304L stainless steel resulted in lesser
decrease in the hardness value (300HV to 280HV) of the
weld metal. This indicates that the thermal energy applied
was not sufficient to supply enough energy for complete
recrystallization. The minor scattering in hardness could be
due to microstructural variation from re-heating by
subsequent passes.

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2015, 5(1): 33-42

Figure 9. Hardness profile of X100 pipeline steel along the weld metal of
the three conditions

Figure 10. Hardness profile of 304L austenitic steel along the weld metal
of the three conditions

3.3. Residual Stress


Figure 12. Residual stress profile across the weld in sample with different
processing conditions of 304L stainless steel at 2 mm below the top surface

Figure 13. Variation of peak residual stress magnitude through the

thickness of API X100 steel (measured at 2, 10, and 18 mm below the top

Due to the nature of heat flow in a welding process, the

large magnitude tensile residual stresses are formed parallel
to the welding direction and close to the weld zone. As a
result, the authors discussion is focussed on the
longitudinal direction. The residual stress analysed from the
measurements of elastic strain shows a familiar variation of
longitudinal (xx) residual stress across the weld. Figure 11
shows the longitudinal stress distribution in API X100 steel
at 2 mm below the weld surface. Figure 12 shows the
longitudinal stress distribution in 304L stainless steel at
identical position.
Figure 14. Variation of peak residual stress magnitude through the
thickness of 304L stainless steel (measured at 2, 6, and 10 mm below the top

Figure 11. Residual stress profile across the weld in sample with different
processing conditions of API X100 steel at 2 mm below the top surface

The residual stress analysed from the measurements of

elastic strain through the thickness in both alloys showed a
reduction in magnitude from cap to root pass in the
as-welded state. Post weld cold rolling resulted in localised
plastic deformation whereby the tensile residual stress state
near the capping pass in the as-welded samples were
redistributed as compressive residual stress. As shown in
Figure 13 and Figure 14, up to about 4 mm below the weld
surface, compressive residual stress was observed. The peak
tensile residual stress in the as-welded samples (Figure 13
and Figure 14) diminishes in magnitude through the


Jibrin Sule et al.: Comparative Study of Evolution of Residual Stress State by Local Mechanical
Tensioning and Laser Processing of Ferritic and Austenitic Structural Steel Welds

thickness. This is attributed to the fact that, multiple passes

result in thermal straining of previously laid pass from
successive passes. The thermal cycling would cause
macroscopic plastic deformation of previously laid passes.
3.3.1. Effect of Post Weld Cold Rolling through the
A flat roller of 30 mm width was used which determines
the extent to which localised plastic strain is induced and
thereby, generation of compressive longitudinal stress in
both alloys at the cap pass (Figure11 and Figure 12).
However, the compressive zone width is narrower than the
width of roller because the contact area of the roller is
smaller compared to the width of roller. Hence rolling
causes plastic deformation around that region of the weld
which is approximately 20 mm wide.
Post weld cold rolling of API X100 steel (Figure 11) has
changed the longitudinal residual stress state causing it to
become compressive around the weld metal (from peak
tensile stress of 522 MPa to compressive stress of 205 MPa).
Application of rolling to the welded joints causes yielding
of material in the weld region, thereby, relieving the
residual stresses that exists in the region. Generation of
compressive stress state is beneficial in improving the
structural integrity of a component as it reduces defect
formation. The rolling process, applies a compressive load
in the normal direction, thereby causing it to expand in the
plane of the weld, relaxing any tensile residual stresses in
the plane. Similar effect was observed on 304L stainless
steel, changing the peak tensile stress of 395 MPa to
compressive stress of 80 MPa (Figure 12).
It was observed that, at about 10 mm below the weld
surface of API X100 steel (Figure 13); the rolling load has
little influence on the residual stress state of the weld. The
rolling changes the peak tensile stress from 505 MPa to 495
MPa suggesting little impact of the rolling in that region. In
the case of 304L stainless steel, it was evident that, at about
6 mm below the weld surface (Figure 14), the rolling load
has significant influence on the residual stress state of the
weld (changing the peak tensile stress from 319 MPa to 50
MPa). These suggest that, the larger number of slip systems
available in the FCC structure make it easier to deform the
alloy plastically through the thickness which enables
reduction of tensile residual stress state.
As evident in Figure 13, at 18 mm below the weld
surface of API X100 steel, the rolling load did not show any
change in the residual stress state as expected. However, for
304L stainless steel, at 10 mm below the surface (Figure 14)
the rolling load changed the peak residual stress to 74 MPa
which was 208 MPa in as-welded state. Therefore, the
impact of cold rolling progressively reduced through the
It can therefore be deduced from this work that post weld
rolling was effective in significant modification of the
residual stress state up to 4 mm below the weld surface in
API X100 steel whereas, in 304L stainless steel, the post

weld rolling was effective throughout the entire thickness.

3.3.2. Effect Post Weld Cold Rolling Followed by Laser
Laser processing after cold rolling (measurement was
taken at 2 mm below the weld surface) for API X100 steel
has been shown to increase the longitudinal residual stress
from compressive stress of 205 MPa to peak tensile stress of
770 MPa (Figure 11) indicating a high thermal input.
Similarly, at 2 mm below the weld surface of 304L stainless
steel, an increase in longitudinal residual stress from
compressive stress of 80 MPa peak to tensile stress of 479
MPa was observed (Figure 12).
However, at about 10 mm below the weld surface of API
X100 steel, laser processing after cold rolling did not show
any change in the residual stress state. Indicating that, the
heat conducted through the material at that region was not
sufficient to cause any changes in the residual stress state.
While in the case of 304L stainless steel (6 mm below weld
surface), laser processing after cold rolling, a change on
longitudinal residual stress state was observed, modifying
the peak tensile stress from 50 MPa to 220 MPa (Figure 14).
This could be attributed to low thermal conductivity and
high coefficient of thermal expansion of the austenitic steel.
In the same way, at about 18 mm below the weld surface
of API X100 steel, laser processing after cold rolling did
not show any change in the residual stress state. Laser
processing to the cold rolled of 304L stainless steel (10 mm
below the weld surface) has reinstated residual stress
distribution profile to as-welded state.

4. Conclusions
Comparative study of evolution of residual stress state by
local mechanical tensioning and laser processing of ferritic
(API X100 steel) and austenitic (304L stainless steel)
structural steel welds has been investigated. From this
experiment, it can be concluded that;
Post weld cold rolling was effective in modifying the
residual stress state up to 4 mm below the weld surface of
the API X100 steel. Whereas, in 304L stainless steel, the
effect of post weld cold rolling was effective in modifying
the residual stress state throughout the entire thickness. This
difference in these two alloys could be due to the fact that
the larger number of slip systems available in the FCC
structure (304L stainless steel) make it easier to deform the
alloy plastically through the thickness which enables
reduction of tensile residual stress state.
As the modification of stress state is achieved by
localised plastic deformation, an increase in hardness of the
weld metal was observed in both alloys.
The post weld cold rolling followed by laser processing
at the cap pass of the two alloys, resulted in reinstated
as-welded residual stress state profile. Following this
observation, future processing route was identified which is
presently under investigation. This new route involves cold

Journal of Mechanical Engineering and Automation 2015, 5(1): 33-42

rolling followed by application of high thermal energy

which will be sufficient to sustain a complete
recrystallization kinetic. This would be followed by another
cold rolling to redistribute and eliminate the tensile residual
stress state which will form in laser processing.
In both materials, peak tensile residual stress of the
as-welded sample diminishes in magnitude through the
thickness of a multi-pass weld. This is due to the fact that,
multiple passes result in thermal straining of previously laid
pass from successive passes. The thermal cycling would
cause macroscopic plastic deformation of previously laid



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The authors are grateful for the funding provided by

Petroleum Development Trust Fund in Nigeria, under the
PTDF scholarship scheme no. PTDF/E/OSS/PHD/SJ/391/11.
Dr Supriyo Ganguly acknowledges support from EPSRC
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