ICMR 2010 - Specimen
ICMR 2010 - Specimen
ICMR 2010 - Specimen
1. Write your Roll Number clearly in the designated space on the answer sheet and on the question
2. The enclosed paper contains 2 Sections. Section I (A) has 50 questions and is
compulsory for all candidates with each question carrying 1 mark.
Sections II and III pertain to Life Sciences (B) and Social Sciences (C). The candidate may
attempt questions in one of the two sections (II (B) or III (C)). Each division of Section II (B)
or Section III (C) has 100 questions and the candidate is to attempt any 75 questions in the
pre-designated area of Section B or C. Candidates are required to indicate the option for
section B or C.
3. In case a candidate attempts more than 75 questions in Section II (B) or Section III (C), only the
first 75 attempted answers will be considered for evaluation.
4. The answer to the questions in the enclosed question paper shall be written on a separate
answer sheet. Chosen alternative is to be indicated by darkening the appropriate numeral on the
answer sheet e.g.
Q No. 1 2 3 ●
5. Negative marking for wrong answers (responses) will be done to the tune of -0.25 mark for
every incorrect answer.
8. The question paper is confidential and on no account be removed from the examination hall. It
must be handed over to the invigilator at the end of the examination together with the answer
sheet before leaving the examination hall.
9. Candidates must not deface the question paper or the answer sheet.
10. Please dispossess yourself of any paper or material from which you may be able to derive help in
the examination. If any material is recovered from your possession, you will render yourself liable
to action for resorting to unfair means.
11 Smuggling by writing of questions on a piece of paper or any part of your body is liable to
disciplinary action and may lead to cancellation of your examination.
Section I (A)
Aptitude (compulsory for all candidates)
4. Which of the following tests will be used for testing 14. xxxxxxxxxx
of mean between two groups?
1. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Students unpaired ‘t’ test 2. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Students paired ‘t’ test 3. xxxxxxxxxx
3. ANOVA 4. xxxxxxxxxx
4. Chi square test
15. xxxxxxxxxx
5. When p < 0.05, which of the following is true?
1. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Probability of type I error is less than 0.05 2. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Probability of type II error is less than 0.05 3. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Probability of type I error is more than 0.05 4. xxxxxxxxxx
4. Probability of type II error is more than 0.05
16. xxxxxxxxxx
6. Aspirin was first obtained from the bark of:
1. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Cinchona tree 2. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Neem tree 3. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Willow tree 4. xxxxxxxxxx
4. Eucalyptus tree
17. xxxxxxxxxx
7. An isotope of an element has:
1. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Same number of neutrons 2. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Same number of electrons and neutrons 3. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Same number of protons and neutrons 4. xxxxxxxxxx
4. Same number of protons
18. xxxxxxxxxx
8. The branch of science that deals with cancer is
known as: 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Serology
3. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Oncology
4. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Pathology
4. Radiology
19. xxxxxxxxxx
9. Which of the following waves cannot be transmitted 1. xxxxxxxxxx
through vacuum: 2. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Light waves 3. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Heat waves 4. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Sound waves
4. Electromagnetic waves 20. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
10. Luc Montagnier and Robert Gallo are the co- 2. xxxxxxxxxx
discoverers of the following virus: 3. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Ebola 4. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Hepatitis-B
3. Small Pox
4. HIV
21. xxxxxxxxxx 32. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
43. xxxxxxxxxx 47. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
Section II (B)
Life Sciences
51. Which of the followings is rich in triglycerides? 56. Which of the following is an inhibitor of protein
1. Chylomicrons
2. LDL 1. Pencillin
3. VLDL 2. Chloramphenicol
4. HDL 3. Actinomycin D
4. Bacitracin
52. Which enzyme has impaired activity in Vitamin B1
deficiency? 57. The Ames test is used to:
1. Succinate dehydrogenase 1. To detect bacteria
2. Pyruvate dehydrogenase 2. To detect viruses
3. Transketolase 3. To detect enzymes
4. Citrate synthase 4. To detect mutagens
53. Which of the following is useful for identifying 58. In which of the following tissues insulin enhances
amino terminal residue of proteins? transport of glucose?
1. Cyanogen bromide 1. Brain
2. Fluorodinitrobenzene 2. Lens
3. Performic acid 3. Red blood cell
4. Dansyl chloride 4. Adipose tissue
54. Which is the most abundant RNA in a cell? 59. Which class of RNA characteristically contains
methylated purines and pyrimidines?
1. tRNA
2. mRNA 1. tRNA
3. rRNA 2. mRNA
4. SnRNA 3. rRNA
4. 16sRNA
55. Which of the following statements concerning
characteristics of histones is FALSE? 60. Km of any enzymatic reaction describes:
1. They are highly basic proteins found in the nucleus 1. Reaction velocity expressed as mols per second
2. They form non-covalent bonds with eukaryotic 2. Dissociation constant of E-S complex
DNA called nucleosomes 3. Amount of the enzyme required to convert half of
3. They are very highly conserved proteins the substrate to E-S complex
4. They are associated with both prokaryotic and 4. Substrate concentration to achieve half of Vmax
eukaryotic DNA
61. A Codon consists of:
1. One molecule of amino acyl-t RNa
2. Two complementary base pairs
3. Three consecutive nucleotide units
4. Three individual nucleotides
62. One mmol of NaCI contains: 72. xxxxxxxxxx
1. 35.5 g 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. 35.5 mg 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. 58.5 g 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. 58.5 mg 4. xxxxxxxxxx
83. xxxxxxxxxx 94. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
105. xxxxxxxxxx 116. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
127. xxxxxxxxxx 138. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
149. xxxxxxxxxx 150. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
77. xxxxxxxxxx
68. Haemophilia, a sex linked disease affecting only 1. xxxxxxxxxx
males, is:
2. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Recessive X-linked 3. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Dominant X-linked 4. xxxxxxxxxx
3. Y-linked
4. Dominant autosomal 78. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
69. Array is:
2. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Comparing a number of people affected by a 3. xxxxxxxxxx
disease and who are at risk
4. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Another alternative in displaying data pictorially
and allowing rapid assimilation of finding by the
reader 79. xxxxxxxxxx
3. A display where the horizontal and vertical axes 1. xxxxxxxxxx
of a graph are formed according to the scale 2. xxxxxxxxxx
values and the frequencies of the distribution
respectively 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. A systematic arrangement of the gathered data 4. xxxxxxxxxx
either in an ascending or descending order
80. xxxxxxxxxx
70. Incidence: 1. xxxxxxxxxx
1. Is the number of cases that will occur within a 2. xxxxxxxxxx
population during a specified period of time 3. xxxxxxxxxx
2. Indicates what proportion of a given population 4. xxxxxxxxxx
is affected by a condition at a given point of
3. The ratio of the number of people affected by a 81. xxxxxxxxxx
disease compared to a number of people at risk 1. xxxxxxxxxx
in a given population
2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. Is a snapshot picture of the presence of a
particular disease over the year 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
71. xxxxxxxxxx
82. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
72. xxxxxxxxxx
83. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
73. xxxxxxxxxx
84. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
74. xxxxxxxxxx
85. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
75. xxxxxxxxxx
86. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
76. xxxxxxxxxx
87. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx
88. xxxxxxxxxx 99. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
110. xxxxxxxxxx 121. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
132. xxxxxxxxxx 142. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx 1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx 2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx 3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx 4. xxxxxxxxxx
141. xxxxxxxxxx
1. xxxxxxxxxx
2. xxxxxxxxxx
3. xxxxxxxxxx
4. xxxxxxxxxx