1 T3IMBR - Core - R9.01
1 T3IMBR - Core - R9.01
1 T3IMBR - Core - R9.01
Modification of tax record values will not modify the tax already calculated.
Input a tax record with an effective date, if the rates change
The Tax account number format is: CCY-5 digit Category Code-4 digit suffix. If
UNIQUE.SUFFIX is not set to Y, all the transactions involving Tax will be posted to
the same internal account (suffix 0001), as a result, there could be delay in case of
large volume transactions to be simultaneously posted. When the UNIQUE.SUFFIX
field is set to Y, then the tax transactions will be posted to different internal accounts
with different suffixes, generated as a random number, thus avoiding locking
situation. The random number is by default between 1 and 20, but can be increased
by setting the field MAX.TAX.SUFFIX in ACCOUNT.PARAMETER.
In field TAX.CODE, ID of a TAX record without the date part will be specified.
T24 will use the parameters in the latest dated record.
When charges for the currency of the contract or the currency of the charge bearing
account in case of FT is not defined, the contract amount or the transfer amount in
case of FT is converted into the local currency (if charges are defined for local
currency) or into the default currency (if charges are not defined for local currency
but only defined for default currency). Then the charges are calculated as per the
parameters for calculation, and finally the amount is converted into the currency of
the account bearing the charges
This table is used for LIBOR type rates of this nature . Rates vary depending on
the length of time and for Bid and Offer purposes.
For contracts that are set to rollover automatically, this table can be linked for rate
reviews. At the scheduled dates the system will refer to this table and automatically
pick up the relevant rate and apply that to the contract until the next review date.
This table maybe automatically updated/interfaced daily with an external feed such
Reuters, or maintained manually by the user.
PERIODIC.INTEREST keys are generated daily by the System. It is possible to
effect changes in rates of dates prior to system date.
As a result, all MM contracts which had accessed the (changed) key at an earlier
date, will recalculate interest based on the changed interest rates.
It is possible to stipulate the extent of interest tolerance to be allowed for MM
contracts in the field Int Tolerance. A tolerance entered here will be used to check if
an over-ride is required for any interest rate difference found on any money market
contracts entered.
COUNTRY: Contains static details of each Country, for example, Country Name, Currency Code
etc. Dummy Country codes may be used for entities that do not have an official Country code but
have a Currency Code, for example, the European Currency Unit.
HOLIDAY: This table is used to indicate the public holidays for each Country, or Region within a
Country, for the calendar year over which the bank's current business is spread. User must indicate,
for each Country or Region, the public holidays and which days of the week make up the weekend.
All T24 Application will refer to this table during input validation to check that if any dates entered
by the User are holidays and/or to raise an override to accept any contract event that fall on a
Holiday. It is also used to determine the delivery date, by taking non-working days into
It is possible to specify different exchange rates for different markets using the multi
value fields.
The rates mentioned here are the market rates for the currency. A negotiable
amount upto which the departments can use the above rates is also mentioned for
each market. If the transaction value exceeds this, then rates are to be obtained
from Treasury department.
Over and above the market rates, Treasury department margin and marketing
department margins can also be added and this could be different for small value
transactions and medium value transactions.
Trsy.small.sprd : Defines the spread Treasury require from small value transactions.
This default Treasury spread will be used by the System to calculate the Treasury
Buy/Sell rate in any transaction where the amount is less than the Upto Small
Cust.small.sprd : Defines the default spread marketing areas require from small
value transactions. This spread will be recognised as the default exchange profit of
the transaction attributable to the Marketing area. When the user does not want to
apply this default spread on any particular transaction, he will always have the
possibility to input the spread at the transaction level. The spread will be used by
the System to calculate the Customer Buy/Sell rates by modifying the Treasury
Buy/Sell rates. Quotation or use of a rate, other than the Customer Buy/Sell rate,
will only affect the profit margin of the marketing area.
The category table is one of the most important table for the accountants. In T24
You will not be able to create an account without having a category linked to, or you
will not be able to input a contract based transaction without link to a category
which indicates which product or sub-product the transaction belongs to.
The use of these codes, together with selection criteria defined in the
CONSOLIDATE.COND table, e.g. Residence, Status, Industry and Sector codes
etc., enable the Bank to produce balance sheets and returns reflecting a coordinated
and structured view of its operations, by directing business transactions to their
appropriate place on the report.
(1) Loans by Industry (Criteria - Industry) segment
(2) Geographical distribution (Criteria - Residence) of Loans & Deposits
(3) Sectoral (Criteria - Sector) distribution of Loans & Deposits
A Category table is delivered with every T24 implementation to save time creating
thousands of records from scratch. Client can decide to use the delivered
categories, add new ones within specific ranges, modify those that need changes and
mark as `Reserved for future use those categories that they do not need for the
There is in-built validation to prevent non PL codes being assigned as PL.
Accounts use 1000 to 199999 range. Accounts are classified into 2 broad ranges as
Customer Accounts and Internal Accounts. Customer Accounts are allocated the
range of 1000 to 9999, whereas Internal Accounts are allocated the range of 10000
to 19999. It is possible to accrue Interest for Customer Accounts, whereas it is not
possible to accrue interest for internal accounts. Within Customer Accounts,
product wise ranges are also suggested by Temenos.
Contracts use 20000 to 49999 range. Under this broad range, each application has
its own allocated range.
FOREX application can use only 20000 to 20999 range while
MM.MONEY.MARKET and LD.LOANS.AND.DEPOSITS applications share the
same range of 21000 to 21999, as their business is similar.
However, as these handle deposits as well as loans, and as accounting is automatic,
there are sub ranges for deposits and loans. If a loan business product is made to use
the range meant for a deposit product, accounting entries will be passed as though it
were a deposit. Hence, we should be careful in using the correct range for the
correct business product.
While Securities have a range of 22000 to 22999, they use only one single defaulted
category code of 22999.
Similarly for every other Contracts application, there is a particular range to be
used, all of them falling within 20000 to 49999 range.
These ranges and sub-ranges within facilitate automatic accounting.
The Profit and Loss items are broadly classified as Product related items and Non
product related items or overheads.
Accordingly, 50000 to 59999 is used for product related Profit and Loss items and
60000 to 69999 is used for overhead items.
Product related income or expenditure arise from Banks operations like Loans,
Deposits , Letters of Credit ,Overdrafts , Savings accounts etc.
Overheads cannot be linked to any specific banking product and are mostly internal
expenses and income resulting not from day to day operations.
The Closing category specified in FX.POS.TYPE table (69999) is used during
annual closing to transfer balances from all Profit and Loss items. This is finally
transferred to Internal Account specified in ACCOUNT.CLASS table with Id of