False News in UK's Daily Mail The Latest in Misinformation

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State Counsellor Daw

Aung San Suu Kyi
receives BIMSTEC S-G

Local business

Five arrested for

accepting cash for
Maungtaw unrest

page 3

Foreign investment
slumps by nearly
US$ 650 million

page 6

Vol. III, No. 237, 10 Waxing of Nadaw 1378 ME


page 5


Friday, 9 December 2016

False news in
UKs Daily Mail
the latest in
A news report in a British tabloid
claiming torture of a child by a
Tatmataw soldier using a stun
gun has been debunked, but is
only the latest example of inaccurate coverage that has hurt the
countrys image, according to the
State Counsellors Information
The news article written by
David Burke containing photos
and video in Wednesdays online
version of the UKs Daily Mail
allegedly showed a Rohingya
toddler tortured with a stun gun
by a laughing Burmese soldier as
Burma continues crackdown on
the countrys Muslim minority
that quickly circulated on social
media was found to be false.
The incident actually took
place in the Mondulkiri province
of Cambodia, it is learnt. A Dutch
man and two Vietnamese men
have been arrested for the horrific
torture of the child. A third Vietnamese man is still being sought.

The story was taken down

from the Daily Mails website
soon after it was found to be inaccurate, but archived versions
of the article continue to circulate
on Twitter, Facebook and other
social media.
The Information Committee
of the State Counsellors Office
noted that even though the story
was deleted from the newspapers
website, no apology, explanation
or clarification was given concerning the accuracy of the report
or the damage it has caused.
The Daily Mail deleted the
news without taking responsibility and without making a news
correction for wrongly describing
the incident, according to the
Information Committees statement. Description of this false
news, which did not actually
occur in Myanmar, made misunderstanding of the country only
State Counsellor Daw Aung

Archived images from the now-deleted Daily Mail post. Photo: State Counsellors Office

San Suu Kyi and presidential

spokesperson U Zaw Htay have
consistently stated that inaccurate, manufactured news that is
being fed to international news
organisations is being disseminated without appropriate vetting.
This has occurred, the Information Committee said, following
the October 9, November 12 & 13

attacks on Myanmar security forces and after security forces carried

out area clearance operations.
Invented news with false
photos and video recordings from
other places are being spread
among the people according to
the State Counsellors Information Committee.
Recently, BBC, CNN,
CNA and Al Jazeera described

the false news based on unreasonable statements made by John

McKissick, one of the UNHCR
based in Coxs Bazaar, Bangladesh according to a release from
the Information Committee.
The Information Committee
said an appropriate response to
the false Daily Mail report will be
forthcoming.Myanmar News

Investigation Commission invites those in affected communities to give factual information

Investigation Commission has been formed to probe into the violent attacks in Rakhine.
Following the full text of the
press release.
Following the formation of
Investigation Commission by
the notification 89/2016 of the
President Office on 1 Decem-

ber 2016, Commission members held its first meeting on 8th

December 2016, headed by the
Vice President 1 U Myint Swe
as its chair.
The Commission is mindful

of the heavy burden of responsibility placed on its members and

the right timeframe to undertake its responsibility including
the causes of the attacks, deaths,
injuries, destruction and other

damages; documentation of measures taken to establish stability

and rule of law; verification of
allegations during the clearance
operations; status of guarantee
for security and human rights of

the people and the situation humanitarian aid as well as provide

recommendations for conflict
prevention and measures to avoid
similar incidents in the future.
See page 3 >>

2 national

9 December 2016
Pyithu Hluttaw

Pyithu Hluttaw debate agricultural loans and public security

Deputy Minister for Home Affairs

Maj-Gen Aung Soe. Photo: MNA

Union Minister for Agriculture and

Irrigation Dr Aung Thu. Photo: MNA

Extending agricultural loans

through a door-to-door system
and public security were discussed at the Pyithu Hluttaw session yesterday.
As agricultural loans have
increased from Ks2 billion in
1994-94 fiscal year to Ks1,700
billion this year, it is impossible
to grant the loans through a doorto-door system, Union Minister
for Agriculture and Irrigation Dr
Aung Thu told the session.
Another difficulty pointed
out by the union minister was the
cost for transportation of a very

large sum of cash and security

arrangements for the cash as well
as for staff members.
In addition, the banks extending the agricultural loans do
not have enough staff to provide
the service, according to the union minister.
The union minister was responding to the motion urging
the union government to grant
agricultural loans through the
door-to-door system.
Some representatives also
pointed out some of the difficulties the union minister mentioned

while others debated in support

of the motion.
The Pyithu Hluttaw session
put the motion on record.
Concerning public security, Deputy Minister for Home
Affairs Maj-Gen Aung Soe
said that the police are taking
measures to reduce the number
of crimes in cooperation with
partnership organisations, elders and youths while laws are
being amended to take effective actions against offenders.
Myanmar News Agency

Amyotha Hluttaw

More households in Rakhine to be supplied with electricity

Judge of the Union Supreme Court

U Soe Nyunt. Photo: MNA

Deputy Minister for Electric Power

and Energy Dr Tun Naing.
Photo: MNA

Over 31,000 households in

the towns of Minbya, Pauktaw, Kandauntgyi, Kyaukpru
and Tuttaung in Rakhine State
will be supplied with electricity
starting from early 2017, Deputy Minister for Electric Power
and Energy Dr Tun Naing told
the Amyotha Hluttaw session
In response to the question
raised by another representative, the deputy minister said

Union Minister for Information

talks about media freedom
A workshop on the promotion
of media freedom was held at the
Ministry of Information yesterday,
with the opening address by Union Minister for Information Dr Pe
In his speech, the union minister said that the Ministry of Information is implementing reforms
for the democratic transition and
contributing to its success as the
ministry appreciates its duty for
freedom of expression, which is
the essence of democracy.
In addition, the union minister said that the focus is placed on
freedom in drafting laws for, the
media and publishing, but existing
laws cannot meet the international
standard as it is difficult to move
too far from the current situation,
the union minister said.
It is thus necessary to carry
out infrastructural reform properly
so that the transition can be smooth

Union Minister Dr Pe Myint addressing Workshop on promotion of

media freedom. Photo: Myanmar News Agency
while compatible changes are required in the practical field, according to the union minister.
In conclusion, he pointed out
that it is vital to amend laws in such
a way that they are practical and
make efforts for freedom.

that land for an oil and gas pipeline was confiscated as part of
a project of the Myanmar Oil
and Gas Enterprise, with land
ownerships transferred to the
MOGE. As a result, it is unnecessary to make a new agreement
with the foreign ministry in
question, according to the deputy minister.
The deputy minister was responding to a question whether
the union government has plans

to make a new agreement for

Kyaukpru-Kumming Oil and
Gas Pipeline, as a foreign company bought most of farmland
from farmers directly, which
breached the law.
The deputy minister denied that the foreign company
bought the land directly from
the farmers and said ownership of farmland had already
been transferred to MOGE.
Myanmar News Agency

NRCs, border passes

seized in Shan State
clearance operation
Government troops conducting
a security patrol near the village of Namkoot in Mongko
Township, Shan State were attacked with gunfire and artillery
Monday evening by a combined
force of the KIA and the TNLA.
Tatmataw troops returned
fire, causing the KIA/TNLA
group to retreat to the south.
There were no fatalities, but
some military officers and rankand-file were injured, according
to the Office of the Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services.

Government troops clearing a nearby site discovered

7 thatched huts in which they
found two national registration
cards and two border passes.
According to the news
release of the Office of the
Commander-in-Chief of Defence Services, the documents
are evidence that the attackers
were members of a KIA armed
group from the region of Karmai and Tanai in Kachin State,
holding border passes in order
to trespass for armed attacks.
Myanmar News Agency

Afterwards, a senior legal officer from the Article 19 explained

the disciplining of the television
media, the public service media
and comparison of the News Media
Law with the international standards.Myanmar News Agency

Traffic fatalities on the rise in Taungoo

NEARLY 120 people died in 865
traffic accidents in Taungoo District over the past 11 months, while
over 650 individuals sustained injuries, according to the district traffic
police. Although non-fatal injuries
decreased by over 130 compared
with last year, traffic fatalities rate
far exceeded last years total of 92.

In 2015, a total of 428 road accidents occurred in six townships in

Taungoo District, leaving 92 people dead and 785 others injured.
The high death toll in road
accidents is the result of failure by drivers and pedestrians to
abide by traffic safety rules and
regulations, a police officer said.

To reduce road-related deaths,

traffic rule enforcement efforts
have been made throughout the
district, with the result that the
number of traffic rule violators
has significantly decreased since
September, when the project was
started to implement, police said.
Kyi Thar

Border passes found during the area clearance operation in Mongko.

Photo: Information Team of the State Counsellors Office

national 3

9 December 2016

State Counsellor receives

Vice President to Rakhine
commission: The world is waiting BIMSTEC S-G
Vice President U Myint Swe
yesterday said the goal of the
Rakhine State investigation commission should focus on seven
key areas and be diligent and
swift in their mission because of
the international scrutiny being
focused on Myanmar.
The Office of the President
of the State laid down 7 key points
to be reported the background
situation of armed attacks in
Maungtaw region, casualties and
losses in armed attacks, arrangements for peace and stability of
the area and rule of law, investigations as to whether accusations
over the area clearance operations are right or wrong, ensuring
the safety and basic rights of the
populace, prevention of conflicts,
providing humanitarian aid and
plans so that similar incidents
will not happen again, the Vice
President said at the first meeting
of the Investigation Commission
on Rakhine State held yesterday
morning in the meeting hall of
the Office of the Union Government in Nay Pyi Taw.
Present at the meeting were
the Vice President, who is the
chairman of the Investigation on
Rakhine State, and members U
Aung Kyi, U Tun Myat, Dr Thet
Thet Zin, Dr Aung Tun Thet, U

Nyunt Swe, U Saw Thalay Sao,

U Aung Naing, Dr Hla Maung, U
Tha Nyan, Secretary U Zaw Myint Pe and responsible officials.
This is the first meeting
of the commission formed under the notification of the Office
of the President of the State on
December 1, 2016. Our commission is required to enquire into
the background situations over
the attack of October 9 and attacks on November 12 & 13 in
Maungtaw region, Rakhine State,
arrangements for prevention of
further incidents, submitting to
the President of the State reports
on suggestions after investigating
whether the process of dealing
with these armed attacks were
managed in accord with the nations existing laws and regulations not later than 31 January
The investigation will require on-site inquiries, the Vice
President said.
The commission is to go
to the places at which incidents
occurred for investigating on-theground situations three incidents on October 9, 12 incidents
from October 10 to November 9,
three incidents on November 12
and two incidents on November
13 to compile a detailed report,

Vice President U Myint Swe addresses the first meeting of the

Investigation Commission on Rakhine State. Photo: MNA

hence the need to go the places in

Buthitaung and Maungtaw region
as soon as possible, the Vice
President said.
U Myint Swe defended the
ongoing clearance operations that
have been conducted since 9 October.
Tatmataw-Myanmar Police
Force combined troops made a
series of area clearance operations, with a view to investigating those involved in armed attacks and recapturing looted arms
and ammunition, confronting
frequent attacks. Starting from
October 9 till now, 7 soldiers and
10 policemen were killed with 3
soldiers, 7 policemen and one civilian injured, and 2 firearms of
the Tatmataw and 39 units from
the police force lost.
The actions, recommendations and behavior of the commission are especially important
because of worldwide attention
being given to events in Rakhine
State, he said.
International organizations
and the public are watching the
incidents that occurred in Buthitaung and Maungtaw region, Rakhine State, with great interest.
Therefore, the commission needs
to make a prompt response so
that it can reduce their worries.
Afterward, U Zaw Myint Pe,
secretary of the commission clarified the assignment of duty to the
commission and the process of
activities to be performed further.
On behalf of Myanmar Police Force Cief Police, Brigadier-General Myo Swe Win
explained in detail about the
background situation of the
armed attacks in Maungtaw region and causes of the incidents.
Then commission members
discussed based on their respective
News Agency

Myanmar drug policy consultations conclude

The third and final round of drug
policy consultations convened by
the Ministry of Home Affairs,
Myanmar Police Force (MPF)
Central Committee for Drug
Abuse Control (CCDAC) and the
United Nations Office on Drugs
and Crime (UNODC), concluded
this week in Nay Pyi Taw, laying
the foundation for a new drug
policy and related legal reforms
in 2017.
The final session closes a process which began with high-level
meetings between a Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw (the Myanmar Parliament) committee, the Ministry of
Home Affairs, MPF and the UNODC Regional Representative
and Country Manager in late June,
followed by rounds of consultation with staff and experts from
government ministries, agencies
and civil society in October, No-

vember and December.

The drug challenges facing Myanmar are significant,
including areas of opium poppy
cultivation and heroin production, increasing methamphetamine production and trafficking,
cross-border precursor chemical
trafficking, and increasing drug
use and associated harms. Given the situation, the three rounds
focussed heavily on reviewing
and considering data, what has
been done or not done, and what
is needed. To ensure relevance
and so that no aspects would be
missed, CCDAC structured the
sessions to follow themes of the
United Nations General Assembly Special Session on the World
Drug Problem (UNGASS) of
April this year, including law enforcement and justice, supply reduction and alternative develop-

ment, prevention, treatment and

rehabilitation, and cross cutting
issues including human rights.
Discussions also emphasised regional cooperation to respond to
the transnational nature of the
drug problem and associated organised crime Myanmar is a
key player in the Mekong MOU
on Drug Control which facilitates
cooperation and collaboration between countries of the region.
During the closing, Brigadier
General Kyaw Win, Commander
of the Drug Enforcement Division
and Joint Secretary of CCDAC,
called on stakeholders to consider
drug control part of the larger development discourse of the country. The drug problem requires all
parts of the Government of Myanmar, civil society and our partners
UNODC to work together, he

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi meets Mr Sumith

Narkandala, Secretary-General of (BIMSTEC). Photo: MNA
Daw Aung San Suu Kyi, State
Counsellor and Union Minister for Foreign Affairs of the
Republic of the Union of Myanmar, received Mr Sumith
Narkandala, Secretary-General
of Bay of Bengal Initiative for
Multi-Sectoral Technical and
Economic Cooperation (BIMSTEC) Permanent Secretariat
based in Dhaka, Bangladesh, at
10 am on 8th December 2016 at

the Ministry of Foreign Affairs

in Nay Pyi Taw.
At the meeting, they discussed matters related to the
cooperation between Myanmar
and BIMSTEC and future cooperation of BIMSTEC.
Also present on the occasion were Minister of State for
Foreign Affairs U Kyaw Tin
and officials.Myanmar News

State Counsellor Daw Aung San Suu Kyi holds talks with Turkish
Ambassador Mr Kerem Divanhoglu. Photo: MNA

Turkish Ambassador calls

on State Counsellor
Mr Kerem Divanhoglu, who
has been appointed as Ambassador of Turkey to Myanmar,
called on Daw Aung San Suu
Kyi, State Counsellor and Un-

ion Minister for Foreign Affairs

of Myanmar, at 11 am on 8th
December 2016 at the Ministry
of Foreign Affairs in Nay Pyi
Taw.Myanmar News Agency

Investigation Commission invites

those in affected communities . . .
>> From page 1
Commission members are
committed to conducting its work
in an open and transparent manner and in accordance with national and international norms.
The Commission looks forward
to collaborating with relevant
national and local actors and

individuals including affected

communities to uncover factual
information that will contribute to
designing measures to avoid incidents and conflict in the future.
In this regards, the Commission
will spare no effort in undertaking
its responsibility.Investigation

4 local news

9 December 2016

RFID to be installed in licensed taxis

The Yangon regional government ministry in charge of
transportation will install an
RFID (Radio Frequency Identification Device) system in licensed taxis so that authorities
can take action against unlicensed taxis that are operating in the Yangon region, it is
There are a total of over
80,000 vehicles running in
Yangon, some with a permanent license, some with a temporary taxi license and the rest
without any license. We will
install the RFID in the licensed
taxis so that we can easily to

take action against unlicensed

taxis drivers, said Daw Nilar
Kyaw, the regional minister for
electricity, industry and transportation on Tuesday at the 2nd
Yangon Region Hluttaw Third
regular session.
Regional Hluttaw Kyauktada township Constituency2
representative Daw Mya Hla
San tabled a motion to discuss
traffic congestion problem in
Yangon region.
Traffic jams occur in Yangon region because stands have
not been properly installed in
the Yangon region. This forces taxi drivers looking for the

passengers to stop on the road,

blocking other cars. The authorities must be strict with the taxi
drivers, to be able to solve those
About 50 per cent of the
vehicles that are towed are not
demanded back because most
of the vehicles are unlicensed,
it is learnt from the ministry of
electricity, industry and transportation.
Modem Traffic Control
Centers, CCTVs and traffic
lights are being installed around
the city of Yangon to help control the traffic problems.
Myitmakha News Agency

A city taxi is being hired by passengers in Yangon. Photo: Phoe Khwar


been named Bank of the Year in
Myanmar 2016, a title it has held
for four consecutive years.
Bank Chairman U Aung
Ko Win accepted the award at
the Banker Awards 2016 ceremony held at the Hilton London
Bankside Hotel in London on 7th
December. The title is bestowed
annually by the Financial Times,
the well-known business journal
based in London.
Awards for the best banking
services were won by banks from
149 countries including Bank of
America in the United States,
China Merchant Bank in China,
Mitsubishi UFJ Financial Group
in Japan, Lloyds Banking Group
in England, DBS Bank in Singapore and Bangkok Bank in Thailand.
The ING Group in the Netherlands was crowned Global
Bank of the Year 2016 at the
ceremony. The Financial Times
awards the prizes based on set
criteria against which data concerning banking services collected by reporters and the media are
This years award comes
at the time when the Financial
Times, which was founded in
1926, celebrates its 90th birthday.
KBZ Bank was chosen as
the winner for its important role
in improvement of the economy of Myanmar, being the most
reliable bank for the people in
Myanmar, achievements in im-

Bank Chairman U Aung Ko Win.

Photo: Supplied
proving banking services and
system efficiency, the establishment of ATM machines and bank
branches nationwide, owning a
large share of the market, making
a large number of loans to businesses, showing higher income
and profits, the improvement of
the calibre of its staff, the use of
modern equipment, connectivity with other international banks
and being number one on the
countrys tax-paying list for four
years consecutively and taking
a leading role in philanthropic
works in the country.
KBZ Bank was also crowned
with the title of Best Bank in
Myanmar by the London-based
publication Euromoney on 14th
July, 2016, Best Bank in Myanmar by Finance Asia on 1st
September and World Quality
Commitment by Spain-based
Business Initiative Directions in
2016. Thiha Tun

Stimulant tablets, ICE seized in northern Shan State


K 900 million worth WY

tablets seized in Maungtaw
Security forces arrested five
men and seized stimulant tablets
from a boat at the south of Kin
Nyin Creek, eastern Maung Ni
village, Maungtaw yesterday.
Acting on a tip-off, security forces on patrol with military
vessels inspected a boat crossing to Bangladesh and arrested
five men: Nu Mamad, 18, son of
Nu Kar Mar living at Shwe Zar
middle village; Har Bar Lu Raw
Harman, 18, son of Adu Halik;

KBZ named Bank of the Year in

Myanmar for four consecutive years

Awli Mati, 19, son of Raw Shi

Tar Mauk; Arhat, 19, son of Shar
Ah Laung living at Shwe Zar west
village and Mamad Sultan, 55,
son of Zaw Lar Mauk, together
with 446,500 stimulant tablets
stamped with the WY/R logo
worth Ks893,000,000.
Security forces continued to
take measures that will ensure that
the suspects will be able to appear
in court in accordance with the
law.Myanmar News Agency

searched a vehicle driven by
Yan Chon Kyone, 32, with
Kwan Mai, 35, on board on
Lashio-Mai Yaw Road yesterday and discovered large quantities of cash and illegal drugs.
Police seized methamphetamine (ICE) weighing 33

kilograms, ephedrine powder weighing 5 kilograms and

Ks304,000, according to the
Information Committee of the
State Counsellors Office.
Similarly, a special task
force searched a farm hut at
a rubber plantation near Shin
Lon Kyaing village in Kunlon

Township on Thursday.
Police arrested Kwan
Chain, 40, and his wife
Ma Aye Lu (alias Pan Mein),
36, after they discovered 60
grams of heroin and 38,000
theWY/88/1 logo.Myanmar
News Agency

Car crashes into palm tree

A car trying to avoid a motorbike
instead hit a palm tree yesterday
on Hinthada-Inbin- Myan Aung
Highway, Hinthada district, Ayeyawady region, at which point
the driver of the car boarded a
bus and fled.
Currently, we are looking
for the driver who fled from the
scene. We will proceed accord-

ing to the law, said sub-inspector of police Aung Kyaw of the

Myan Aung police station.
The accident occurred near
Ohn Gon village, beyond milepost 55/5.
The car was heading from
Inbin to Myan Aung township.
The road is too narrow, forcing
the drivers to drive very careful-

ly. The car was trying to avoid

a motorbike, then it hit the palm
tree. The driver was not injured.
He got onto a passenger bus
to flee in the direction of Htoo
Gyi, said a villager from Ohn
Gon. The police are still investigating the case and are searching
the driver who fled the scene.
Myitmakha News Agency

Accident kills three on Hinthada-Myan Aung Road

Five men with stimulant tablets pose for a photo in Maungtaw.

Photo: Information Committee of the State Counsellors Office

A motorbike with four people

on board collided head-on with
a passenger bus on Hinthada-Myan Aung Road in Hinthada district, Ayeyawady Region
on Wednesday, leaving three
The passenger bus driven
by Tun Tun with a conductor on

board was en route to Pyay from

Hinthada when it crashed into
the motorbike between mileposts
56/5 and 56/6 near Jin Kar Gone
Village, Myan Aung Township.
Three people aboard the
motorbike died at the scene.
The fourth person who had been
on the motorbike, Lin Lin Tun,

was seriously injured in the accident. He is receiving medical

treatment at Myan Aung General
The police have opened an
investigation into the matter and
plan to take action against the
News Agency

9 December 2016


Myanmar bank
begins issuing
debit card from
Japans JCB
A second major Myanmar
bank has begun offering a
debit card in conjunction
with Japanese lender JCB
following the first issuance
earlier this year.
widely known as CB Bank,
began issuing the CB
MPU-JCB Co-Brand Card
on 1 December. It combines the JCB brand of JCB
International Co. and the
MPU brand of Myanmar
Payment Union Public Co.,
which operates a national
banking network connected
with 23 local banks.
A ceremony launching
the JCB debit card was held
at CB Banks headquarters
on 30 November in Yangon, Myanmars commercial capital.
The card comes in
platinum, gold and standard types, allowing all
cardholders to access JCB
services including staffed
counters around the world.
In addition, platinum
and gold cardholders will
receive cash back and discounts at CB Banks member merchants. For platinum card owners, JCB also
offers exclusive services,
including airport lounge,
concierge desk and special
hotel services.
Cardholders can use
over 1,490 automated teller
machines and about 3,000
point-of-sale machines in
Myanmar, as well as JCBs
global network with 31
million merchants in 190
countries and territories.
Kyodo News

Foreign investment slumps

by nearly US$ 650 million
Foreign direct investment (FDI) as of
the end of November in the current fiscal
year slumped by nearly US$650million
when compared to the similar period last
year, according to statistics released recently by the Directorate of Investment
and Company Administration (DICA).
In the same period, FDI of
US$3,943.184million entered Myanmar
in the 2015-2016 fiscal year, with investment in 129 projects. Foreign investments
of US$3293.616million flowed into 71
enterprises in Myanmar as of the end of
November this fiscal year, with FDI of
US$1,615.892million in the Transport
and Communication sector, US$728.215
million in the manufacturing sector,
US$605.672million in the power sector, US$105.000million in the real estate
sector, US$97.226million in the hotels
and tourism sector, US$86.688million
in the livestock and fisheries sector and
US$54.923million in other services, according to the statistics of DICA.

Myanmar Citizen Investments as of

the end of November in this fiscal year
amounted to Ks12,357,648.568million
with a total of 1,223 projects. The Myanmar Citizens investments consisted of
Ks2410475.860million in manufacturing, Ks2,235,982.420million in transport,
Ks2,148,031.780million in real estate development, Ks1,350,030.957million in
hotels and tourism, Ks942,991.690million
in construction, Ks575,305.800million in
industrial estate, Ks456,681.422million
in power, Ks1,38037.711million in mining, Ks66,764.104million in livestock and
fisheries, Ks50,713.390million in agriculture and Ks1,982,633.434million in other
sector, according to DICA.
The Myanmar Investment Commission (MIC) reviews investment proposals
on the basis of the opinions and assessments of relevant regional and state governments to check whether the proposal
meets the criteria before approval is granted.Ko Khant

Mogok precious stone brokers faced with

scarcity of raw stones and high price
Gem stone brokers from
Mogok are being faced with
a scarcity of raw gemstones
and high prices because
the permitted companies
engaged in precious stone
mining in Mogok do not
auction off the stones in
external markets, said the
stone brokers.
The companies are
taking all of the gem stones
dug by machinery and these
precious raw stones are not
put up for auction in Mogok,
resulting in a scarcity of raw
materials in Mogok, said a
merchant dealing in gems
and jewellery.
The scarcity of raw

gemstones in the outside

market results in exorbitantly high prices, making
it difficult for locals to
earn a living. If the companies made an auction
of stones, they could help
the locals to do better financially, said the stone

High-quality raw gem

materials as well as wild
gemstone materials are rare
in the market. The price of
wild stone materials has
risen from Ks50,000 to
Ks10million even, said U
Kyaw Zaw from the stone
brokers group. Aung
Thant Khaing

Individual car importers

can seek permit under old
policy by 23rd December
Those who want to individually import the cars
under the old policy can
apply by 23rd December,
according to an announcement released by the supervisory committee for
motor vehicles.
The car importers have
to seek a permit under the
new policy starting from
2017. There is no deadline
announcement relating to
the cars imported with a
slip issued after de-registration of old vehicles, although the deadline for car
importers who wish to seek
a permit under the old pol-

icy has been announced.

Those who fail to apply for
an import permit by 23rd
December will be denied.
They can reapply for a
permit only after 1st January. The committee has
already imposed the model-year limits for imported
cars in 2017. Currently, the
change in policy resulted
in an increase in the car
price. However, there is
not much demand in the
auto market. The price for
2011 model cars with 1300
CC engines is higher than
the previous price, said car
brokers. 200

6 national

9 December 2016

Nearly 300 schools

reopened in
Maungtaw district
Myint Maung Soe
According to U Ohn Myint,
head of Maungtaw district education department, all government basic education schools
have been reopened following
outbreaks of armed attacks in
Maungtaw district.
He said, Starting from
October 21, schools were
opened gradually in the area
which gained peace and stability in Maungtaw district.
Now all schools in Buthitaung
in Maungtaw district have

been reopened.
That there were 10 State
High Schools, 106 State Middle
Schools and 103 State Primary
Schools in Maungtaw District
and all had been reopened.
Similarly, there were 9
State High Schools, 29 State
Middle Schools and 32 State
Primary Schools70 in all reopened, it is learnt. Yet, according to the office of Maungtaw
District Education Department,
7 SHSs, 79 SMSs and 113 SPSs
are still left to reopen.
U Ohn Myint added, Out

Two Bangladeshis
arrested in Maungtaw
Security forces detained
two migrants from Bangladesh
found in a boat on Wednesday,
according to the Information
Committee of the State Counsellors Office.
While patrolling by watercraft, security forces found the

two illegal migrants, Adu Shuku, 43, and Bulu Myar, 42, from
Teknaf, Bangladesh, in a boat in
the middle of the night. They will
be charged in accordance with
rules and regulations, said the
press release of the committee.
Myanmar News Agency

Arms and ammunition

seized in area clearance
operations around Mongko

Photo: A One Soe

of schools that remain to open,

50 or so are to be reopened this
week with the rest 50 left are to
gradually reopen depending on
peace and stability of the area.

Teachers have been assembled

at a place.
Schools left to reopen are
in villages of northern Maungtaw and more schools are to be

opened as soon as the area gains

peace and stability. Presently,
nearly 300 schools have been
reopened in the whole district
out of 402 schools.

Five arrested for accepting

cash for Maungtaw unrest
Security forces arrested Imran Nu Saung in Maungtaw yesterday on suspicion of receiving
and transferring cash assistance
from abroad to violent attackers, according to the Information
Committee of the State Counsellors Office.
The arrest came following

the interrogation of four other men who were arrested on

Tuesday on suspicion of being
involved in provoking unrest in
Maungtaw, Rakhine State.
The security forces, acting on
a tip-off that some people accepted money from abroad in return
for fomenting discontent in their

More bodies of police

found in Mongko
According to the news released by the State Counsellor
Offices Information Committee, the government troops
found 3 corpses of police who
died of gun wounds near the
bushes between the school and
police station at 9 am or so on

Thursday during the thorough

area clearance operation in
Mongko area.
Out of 16 missing in action in
series of Mongko attacks, northern Shan State, four were found
alive, 9 killed and three missing.
Myanmar News Agency

villages in Maungtaw Township,

inspected Thawunchaung (North)
Village and Chainkharli Village
at about 5:30 pm on Tuesday and
arrested four suspects together
with Ks3 million.
Action will be taken against
the five in accordance with the
law. Myanmar News Agency

KIA armed group

forces to recruit
two men
The State Counsellor Offices
Information Committee released
the news that KIA armed group
conscripted two men residing in
the town of Anjanyan in Kachin
State on their way to their terraced farming at 8:30 am on
December 7. Myanmar News

Improvised bombs found in Kutkai

Arms and ammunition seized by the government forces are seen in
Mongko. Photo: Information Committee of the State Counsellors Office
After reinforced troops had
arrived in Mongko, security
forces conducted area clearance operations around Mongko in eastern Shan State. On 7th
December evening, the security forces seized eight M-22s,
one cartridge, six revolvers and
200 rounds of bullets and one
magazine of bullets from the
Mongko Police Station.
Yesterday, the security
forces confiscated one 60-

mm launcher, one stand, seven shells, two pistols and 37

rounds of bullets, two M-22,
one carbine, one rifle, one
homemade firearm, nine M-22
cartridges, 940 rounds of bullets, 13 hand grenades, 380
rounds of M-16, one sniper and
one walkie-talkie wireless set.
Government troops are
conducting area clearance
operations around Mongko.
Myanmar News Agency

Security forces defused nine

improvised bombs in a conduit
near Nangpachi Village in Kutkai
yesterday, according to the Office
of the Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services.
Acting on tips, security forces demined the conduit under the
union highway near Nangpachi
Village and discovered 9 improvised explosive devices (IEDs).
The IEDs were made of
iron containers, 6-inch in height
and 4-inch in diameter and they
were found together with one
14.8 volt battery, nine detonators and one circuit-board
for remote control. The security force defused all IEDs.
Myanmar News Agency

Improvised Explosive Devices seized by the government troops. Photo:

Information Committee of the State Counsellors Office

regional 7

9 December 2016

Search resumes after Indonesian quake as death toll passes 100 China hints
PIDIE JAYA, (Indonesia)
Rescue efforts resumed
in Indonesias Aceh province on Thursday after a
strong earthquake killed
more than 100 people, while
medical teams struggled to
treat the hundreds of injured
as supplies trickled slowly
into the area.
magnitude quake was the
biggest disaster to hit the
province on the northern
tip of Sumatra island since
the Indian Ocean tsunami
of 2004, which killed more
than 120,000 people in Aceh
around the epicentre in
Acehs Pidie Jaya regency
slowed logistical and medical supplies sent by government agencies and NGOs.
There are a lot of government trucks and private
vehicles loaded with supplies
... but this is causing a lot of
congestion and some logjam
in the early response, said
Paul Dillon of the International Organisation for Migration, a non-government
showed some patients being
treated in makeshift tents in
car parks because hospitals
were full. Indonesias national disaster management
agency put the death toll at

with Japan,
South Korea
difficult by

Indonesian rescue workers carry a survivor from a fallen building after an earthquake in Trienggadeng, Pidie Jaya, in the
northern province of Aceh, Indonesia. Photo: Reuters
102 on Thursday, with more
than 700 injured and thousands left homeless.
The agency said more
than 1,000 personnel, including military officers and
volunteers, had been deployed to help in search and
rescue operations.
The search on Thursday was expected to focus
on a collapsed marketplace,
where at least five people

were believed trapped under

rubble. Some of the victims
included people attending a
wedding party, The Jakarta
Post reported.
They planned to attend
a wedding. They spent the
night here, the newspaper
quoted resident Muhammad
Armi as saying. Wednesdays quake hit the east coast
of the province, about 170
km (105 miles) from Banda

Aceh, the provincial capital.

Acehs Pidie Jaya regency,
with a population of about
140,000, was worst hit.
Experts said the quake
did more damage than expected because of poorly
constructed buildings.
Assessment of some
of the initial information
shows that single storey
houses without reinforced
internal brick or masonry

walls have been damaged

severely or collapsed, said
Behzad Fatahi, a geological
expert at the University of
Technology in Sydney.
Aceh was devastated
by a massive earthquake and
tsunami centred on its western coast near Banda Aceh
on 26 December, 2004.
That tsunami killed 226,000
people along Indian Ocean


China indicated Thursday difficulties in holding a trilateral summit

with Japan and South
Korea by the end of this
year in line with an initial plan.
is no way to finalize
it, Foreign Ministry
spokesman Lu Kang
said at a press briefing,
in response to a question
whether it is true that
the three countries cannot hold the summit as
scheduled due to South
Koreas domestic political turmoil.
Your description
is very correct, Lu also
Japan has sought
to host an annual trilateral summit involving the three countries
on 19-20 December in
Tokyo.Kyodo News

Thailand to resume peace talks with Muslim separatists in Malaysia

Bangkok Thailand on
Thursday said peace talks
with Muslim separatists
would resume in Malaysia
next week after a round in
September ended without
Separatists waging a
decades-old insurgency in
the Muslim-majority southern Thai provinces of Yala,
Pattani and Narathiwat have
stepped up attacks since
2004 with more than 6,500
people killed, according to

an independent monitoring
group. A peace effort began in 2013 under a civilian
government and was picked
up again by a military government set up after a 2014
Talks on 2 September
between the Thai government and separatists in the
Malaysian capital, Kuala
Lumpur, ended with no
breakthrough. Mostly Muslim Malaysia has been trying to nudge the process

DICA Requests for Public Comments on

Myanmar Investment Rules
Myanmar Investment Law was enacted by Pyidaungsu
Hluttaw on 18th October 2016 by Law No. 40/2016.
Accordingly, in order to fully implement the said Law,
we are working on drafting the Rules. In supporting the
drafting process, the bilingual version of Briefing Paper
on Myanmar Investment Rules was posted on our website
www.dica.gov.mm to seek public comments or suggestion
on Rules.
Therefore, DICA invites the public to provide comments
or suggestions via email at [email protected], or
by fax at 01-658139, or by phone at 01 658131.
Directorate of Investment and Company Administration
Ministry of Planning and Finance

Next week a small
team will travel to Malaysia
to talk to groups who have
different opinions in order
to discuss safety zones,
General Aksara Kerdpol,
the Thai governments lead
negotiator, told Reuters.
Our goals is to minimize losses and violence.
Talks right now are at the
trust-building stage and
these safety zones are one
way of building this trust,

he said. The safety zones

would be an area where insurgency-related fighting is
off-limits, according to the
Thai military, but details
about the zones have not
been made clear.
Six people were shot
dead on Wednesday and
Thursday in predominantly Buddhist Thailands far
south, though four of the
deaths were thought to have
been linked to personal disputes, the Thai militarys



Consignees of cargo carried on MV SINAR BALI
VOY. NO ( 017 ) are hereby notified that the vessel will
be arriving on 9.12.2016 and cargo will be discharged
into the premises of M.I.P where it will lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws
and conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185

Internal Security Operations

Command said.
A string of bombings killed four Thais and
wounded dozens of people,
including foreigners, in tourist towns in August, raising
fears that insurgent violence
was spilling out of the far
south. No group claimed
the bombings and the government gave mixed signals
as to whether the Muslim
rebels were believed to have
been responsible, though

police did link the coordinated attacks to the insurgents.

The government of former Prime Minister Thaksin
Shinawatra responded to the
flare up in southern violence
in 2004 with force and imposed emergency laws that
give broad powers to security forces.
Muslims in the far south
complain of decades of neglect by the Bangkok-based
establishment and bureaucracy.Reuters



Consignees of cargo carried on MV EVER ALLY
VOY. NO ( ) are hereby notified that the vessel will be
arriving on 9.12.2016 and cargo will be discharged into
the premises of H.P.T where it will lie at the consignees risk and expenses and subject to the byelaws and
conditions of the Port of Yangon.
Damaged cargo will be surveyed daily from 8 am
to 11:20 am and 12 noon to 4 pm to Claims Day now
declared as the third day after final discharge of cargo
from the Vessel.
No claims against this vessel will be admitted after
the Claims Day.
Phone No: 2301185


9 December 2016

Write for us

We appreciate your feedback and contributions. If you have any comments or would like to submit editorials,
analyses or reports please email [email protected] with your name and title.
Due to limitation of space we are only able to publish Letter to the Editor that do not exceed 500 words.
Should you submit a text longer than 500 words please be aware that your letter will be edited.

Religion should not become a stepping stone

Kyaw Myaing

yanmar is a country
where all citizens have
been given the freedom
to profess and practice religion.
Moreover, it is a country where
the exploitation of religion for
political affairs is prohibited.
Also, the using of race and religion to cause hatred, enmity, and
disunity among different groups
and people on different sides of
an argument is prohibited. In
Myanmar, right from the time of
the ancient Myanmar kings,
there has been absolutely no discrimination based on beliefs or
religion. It is perfectly clear that
with the different religious beliefs
professed by their citizens, the
kings had given their encouragement and had made donations
As the whole world is focusing their attention on and monitoring what is happening in
Northern Rakhine state, rumours
and false news have been circulating and as a result, based on
such facts, certain organizations
and individuals have been blam-

ing and criticizing Myanmar

without any careful reasoning
process. Especially in the events
in Rakhine state, the violent attackers and civilian organizations supporting them from behind, have tried to disguise and
portray them in such a way that
the whole world would view these
incidents as religious discrimination and persecution. On the other hand, they have portrayed
these events as genocide by
magnifying the news and gaining
the initiative in disseminating incorrect news, so that governments and people of countries
with the same religion would
blame and criticize Myanmar out
of misunderstanding.
In actual fact the Rakhine
state issue which numerous previous Myanmar governments
had tried to solve and which the
current government is trying to
solve is a very sensitive racial and
religious problem. Because of
backwardness in the areas of education, social welfare, health
and also because of poverty and

lack of knowledge and understanding and extremist views etc.,

we may say that the nature of this
conflict is very subtle. The new
government has identified the
Rakhine state issue as a matter to
be solved on a priority basis. It
formed the Rakhine State Advisory Commission in August of
this year and appointed former
UN Secretary-General Mr. Kofi
Annan as Chairman. It began to
try to understand and solve this
problem using a new approach.
This was done about two months
prior to the violent and murderous attacks on the border police
outposts in Maungtaw district.
The coordinated attacks on
border police outposts which occurred on 9th October were just
the first stage of a carefully
planned operation. In the following days using social networks
and foreign media which they
had approached in advance, they
disseminated propaganda and
false news. They also accused the
security forces which were conducting clearance operations of

The 72 Myanmar Writers Day


Maha Saddhama Jotika dhaza Sithu,

Dr. Khin Maung Nyunt

n the first waxing moon

day of Nattaw, Myanmar
Era ME 1378, 30 November 2016, the 72nd Myanmar Writers Day was fittingly celebrated
at 9 a.m. at National Theatre, Yangon by awarding national literary
Awards and titles to the deserving
writers for the year 2015. It is one
of state organized events in which
either Head of State, Head of
Government or Vice president,
Union Ministers, Deputy Ministers, Chief Ministers, political and
literary dignitaries, artistic luminaries, diplomats and writers of
old and new generations are invited. This year the event was graced
by H.E Vice President U Myint
Here it is necessary and appropriate to give a brief background history of Myanmar Writers Day for foreign guests and
new generations of Myanmar
Writers. Nattaw is the second
month in Myanmar Cold Season
of four months
1. Tazaung Mon
2. Nattaw
3. Pyatho and
4. Tabo dwe
corresponding to November,
December, January and February
respectively. Each month has its
own traditional monthly festival.

Nattaws traditional Festival is the

Festival of Nat-Spirits. Ganesha
[Maha Peinne Festival] held on
the full moon day of Nattaw.
Myanmar Writers Day or
Sasodaw Festival (pmqdak wmfy)JG in
Nattaw originated in the Period of
Japanese Occupation during the
Second World War. In the Sakarit
year M.E 1306 [1944] a group of
literati headed by Dr. Ba Han assembled at Kun-gyan Kon town to
discuss the holding of U Ponnya
Day. U Ponnya or better known as
Saley U Ponnya was a noted playwright of Late Konbaung Period,
whose literary talent was likened
to that of William Shakespeare.
With the unanimous agreement of
that group, U Ponnyas Day was
commemorated on the 13th waxing moon Kason of that year. His
plays were recited and some were
performed on stage by the then
outstanding writers. The holding
of U Ponnyas Day payed the way
for the emergences of Sasodaw
Day and Festival [Writers Day
and Literary Festival] in the month
of Nattaw.
On Monday the Second Waning moon of Kason of that year,
the then Minister for Education,
Health, and Municipality, H.E U
Hla Min convened a meeting at
his office to which eminent writ-

ers were invited. About eleven literary figures, including Sayagyi U

Pe Maung Tin, were present at the
meeting. The Minister requested
the meeting to choose a day to
honour men of letters. Journalist U
Chit Maung proposed that as Myanmar Kings used to honour every
year in the month of Nattaw men
of letters and men of might by
conferring titles and giving
awards, that good tradition should
be maintained by choosing a day
in the month of Nattaw and mark
it as Sasodaw Nay (pmqdak wmfaeY)
[Writers Day]. The Chairman of
Writers Association Thuriya U
Thein Maung seconded that proposal and the meeting agreed. So
the 1st Waxing moon of Nattaw
was unanimously chosen as the
Writers Day.
To hold the Writers Day for
the first time, a leading committee
was formed consisting of six
members, namely Thakhin Kodaw Hmaing, U Pe Maung Tin, Dr.
Ba Han, U Lin, Deedok U Ba Cho
and Pahtama Kyaw U Kyee Pe. A
15 member Executive Committee
was formed including
1. U Tin
2. U Ba Nyunt
3. Myoma Saya Hein
4. U Kaung
5. U Thein Han (Zawgyi)
6. U E Maung
7. Dr. Htin Aung
8. U Than Tint
9. U Po Chain

having violated human rights.

They thus carried out their plan
stage by stage with clear objectives in mind.
At a time when the government is trying to tackle the problems in the Rakhine state with
great care, exercising utmost restraint, some foreign organizations, foreign media and one person who was trying to salvage his
political image, have acted without observing any ethical codes
or standards. This may complicate current efforts to solve the
ongoing events in Myanmar. Myanmar is a country where religious rights and religious freedom have been given. Every
Myanmar citizen has a right to
freely observe their religious beliefs. By Myanmar citizen, it has
been defined as a person born to
parents both of whom are ethnic
nationals and to those who have
become naturalized citizens according to law. Therefore, we
wish to say that all acts to use religion to confuse the issue should
cease henceforth.

10. U Htun Pe
11. U Thein Maung
12. Thakhin Tin Maung Gyi
13. U Htun Myint
14. Daw Chit and
15. Daw Yee Kyein
On the first waxing moon day
of the month Nattaw of that year
1944, the first Myanmar Writers
Day was observed with due celebration. The then Myanmar Government headed by Adipadi Dr.
Ba Maw contributed kyats 10000/
to the Executive Committee for
the celebration of Writers Day.
The event took place in the
afternoon at Myaing Theatre at
Kandaw Gyi Lake side, Bahan
Yangon. Some veteran writers
and school master, by turn gave
talk on Myanmar literati of historic fame such as Ananta Thuriya,
Shin Maha Rahtathaya, Shin
Maha Thilawuntha, Nat Shin
Naung, Nawade, Letwie Thondara, U Paw U, Ma Mya Galay,
Hlaing Hteik Kaung Tin, U Ponnya and Achok Tan Sayay Pe.
Some of them recited their poems.
At the meeting of writers from
Upper and Lower Myanmar, literary topics were discussed and traditional Myanmar refreshments
were served with plain green tea.
Since then Myanmar Writers
Day and Festival have been observed without fail.
After Myanmar regained independence, Myanmar Government provides financial support
and other facilities. The Government honours the winners of National Literary Award, Sapay
Beikman Manuscript Award by
holding prize distribution ceremo-

ny at which winners are awarded

with cash by the Minister and
Deputy Minister of Information.
Winners are selected on the literary qualities of their literary publications of the year ending in different categories
1. Prose
2. Verse
3. Drama
4. Aesthesis
5. Knowledge
6. Economics
7. Politics
8. Culture
9. Pure Science
10. Applied Science
11. Technology and
12. Translation.
Doyen writers of 80 years old
and above are invited to State
Homage Paying Event annually
held at the Yangon Municipal
Town Hall to receive homage,
cash and in kind, medicine given
by the minister and younger generation writers who receive bless
in and words of admonition in return. Those veteran writers, who
cannot be present on the occasion,
do receive their cash and in kind
support at their house. Besides the
State awards Life Long Literary
Achievement title with cash to
the deserving writers. It is called
wpfoufwm pmayqk [Ta Thetta Sarpay Su].
There are Township Literary
and Journalist Associations across
the country which hold literary
Seminars, discussions and talks at
which speakers and audience interact on various aspects of literature.
See page 9 >>

national 9

9 December 2016

U Myint Lwin concurrently

appointed as Ambassador to Algeria
The President of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar has appointed U Myint Lwin, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Arab Republic
of Egypt, concurrently as Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of the Republic of the Union of Myanmar to the Peoples
Democratic Republic of Algeria.Myanmar News Agency

New Myanmar Investment Law

takes effect in January

Commander-in-Chief speaking words of encouragement to a patient. Photo: MNA

Commander-in-Chief visits Mongyai Station

Commander-in-Chief of
Defence Services Senior General Min Aung Hlaing and wife
Daw Kyu Kyu Hla, together
with senior military officers and
Commander of Northeast Command Maj-Gen Phone Myat,
visited Mongyai yesterday.
The senior general deliv-

ered a speech to officers and

other ranks of the local battalion in the hall of the Mongyai
Station. After the speech, the
senior general presented food
to families of the battalion and
Daw Kyu Kyu Hla presented
cash awards to the Maternal
and Child Welfare Association

of the Mongyai Station.

Later, Senior officers
from the Office of the Commander-in-Chief
sports gears for the battalion
before the senior general greeted warmly with the troops
and their families.Myanmar
News Agency

MYANMARs new investment

law will take effect on 1 January,
2017, according to the Myanmar
Investment Commission.
The new law will combine
the Foreign Investment Law and
the Myanmar Citizens Investment Law, said U Aung Naing
Oo, secretary of the Myanmar
Investment Commission (MIC).
The commission will continue its functions in accepting
proposals submitted by some

investors since before the enactment of the Myanmar Investment

Law, until 31st December 2016,
he added.
The MIC will deal with investment proposals in accordance
with the new Myanmar Investment Law that will be effective
starting from 1 January next year.
President signed the new Myanmar Investment Law, which was
promulgated on 18th October this
year.Myitmakha News Agency

Dentists to offer free care services for Mandalay residents

DENTISTS from Mandalay Region Myanmar Dental Association plan to offer free oral care
for people across the region next
year, a dentist said.
Established in 1984, the
organisation initiated its free
dental health services for needy
citizens after 1990 to reduce the
treatment gap between rural and

urban areas, said Dr Thin Naing

Oo, general secretary of the association, who invites dentists
to join the philanthropic programme.
Currently, volunteer dentists from 30 mobile teams offer
necessary care, including surgical operations, to both urban
and rural communities on a fee-

for-service basis, treating mostly common oral diseases and

sharing knowledge about oral
hygiene. According to a smallscale survey conducted by the
MDA, more than 80 per cent of
five-year-olds has tooth decay.
Tooth decay and gum diseases
are very common in Myanmar.
Myitmakha News Agency

Yangon Region Chief Minister U Phyo Min Thein signs on 8 December

2016 in the book of condolence for the passing away of Ms. (Selvi) j .
jayalalitha, Tamil Nadu State Chief Minister of India .
Photo: Myanmar News Agency

Tourist arrivals increase in Mandalay this year The 72nd

Aung Thant Khaing
THE number of tourist arrivals
in Mandalay, the last royal capital of Myanmar, over the past ten
months reached almost 300,000,
an increase of 26 per cent compared with 2014, according to the
region hotel and tourism development department.
Between January and October this year, the region received
a total of 284,711 international visitors. It hosted 306,432 in
2015 and 242,566 in 2014.
According to the official figure this year, 40,533 travellers
entered the country in January,
39,150 in February, 38,384 in
March, 20,262 in April, 21,080
in May, 17,988 in June, 23,748 in
July, 26, 228 in August, 23,131
in September and 34,207 in October.
Tourism depends on the
countrys political situation,
an official from the department
Since October, flocks of

Tourists cross U Bein bridge over Tuangthaman Lake in Mandalay,

on 27 November, 2016. Photo: Nyi Zaw Moe
tourists continue to enter Mandalay, mostly from China,
France, Germany and the U.S,
said U Soe Win, chair of Boat
He went on to say that they
usually visited significant destinations including the Golden
Palace Monastery, Taungtha-

man Lake and U Bein Bridge,

Mandalay Hill, Kuthodaw Pagoda, Atumashi Monastery,
Kyauktawgyi Pagoda, Maha
Muni Buddha Temple and so
Some tour operators rented boats ahead of their tour
plan. The rental fees for a boat

per trip is Ks8,000, U Soe Win

There are 168 hotels with
6,788 rooms in Mandalay.
Among other sites, globetrotters
mostly visit cultural zones of ancient Bagan, Inwa and Amarapura. International tourist arrivals for the year are estimated to
reach over 400,000.
The Ministry of Hotels and
Tourism predicts that the tourist
arrivals in the country are likely
to reach around 7.5 million by
2020, with plans to spend about
US$500 million funds on tourism development until the target
The ministry targets at raisingw income obtained from tourism-related service businesses to
over $10 billion in 2020 from
$534 million in 2012.
The countrys tourism industry earned $254 million in
2010, $319 million in 2011,
$534 million in 2012, $926 million in 2013 and $1.8 billion in

Writers Day

>> From page 8

This year 2016, there were
two awardees of Life Long Literary Achievement title which is
awarded to Doyen writers of 80
years and above.
Besides various private patrons and NGOs have set up their
own literary organizations such
as Pakokku U Ohn Pe Literary
Award Fund, Saya Wun Tin
Shwe Literary Award Fund,
Thuta Swe Zone Literary Award
Fund and Htun Foundation Literary Award Fund. Myanmar Writers Association has contact and
inter action with its counterparts
abroad- China, Japan, South Korea, India, Singapore, London,
America, Germany, France and
UNESCO. Exchanges of visit for
Literary Seminar do take place
every year.

10 regional

9 December 2016

South Korea parliament introduces bill to

impeach Park; vote due Friday
SEOUL South Koreas
parliament introduced a bill
on Thursday to impeach
President Park Geun-hye,
setting the stage for a historic vote to oust the embattled
leader engulfed in an influence-peddling scandal.
Parliament is expected
to vote on Friday in favour of
impeachment, although the
Constitutional Court must
decide whether to uphold the
motion, a process that could
take up to 180 days.
Opposition parties have
said they believe they will
get the two-thirds majority
needed to pass the bill, with
support from about 30 members of Parks conservative
Saenuri Party to secure the
necessary 200 votes.
Park, 64, said this week
she would await the courts
ruling, signalling that the
countrys six-weeks-long
political crisis is set to continue.
Park, the daughter of a
former military ruler, is under intense pressure to resign immediately, with big
crowds taking to the streets
of the capital, Seoul, every

Lawmakers and members of opposition parties chant slogans during a rally demanding the impeachment of South Korean
President Park Geun-hye at the National Assembly in Seoul, South Korea, on 7 December 2016. The signs read Impeach
Park Geun-hye immediately!. Photo: Reuters
Saturday calling for her
Her approval rating is at
a record low of 4 per cent. A
Realmeter poll released on
Thursday said 78.2 per cent
of respondents wanted Park
to be impeached.
She would be the first

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South Korean president not
to serve a full five-year term.
Former President Roh Moohyun was impeached by parliament in 2004, a motion
that was overturned by the
Constitutional Court which
said grounds for impeach-

ment were insufficient.

Park is accused of colluding with a friend and a
former aide to pressure big
businesses to donate to two
foundations set up to back
her policy initiatives.
She has denied wrongdoing but apologised for

carelessness in her ties with

the friend, Choi Soon-sil.
An impeachment vote
must be held within 72
hours of the motions introduction, and the speaker
of parliament, Chung Syekyun, asked for a vote on

Duterte says
no plot to
unseat vice
Manila Philippine President Rodrigo
Duterte on Thursday
vowed to retain the countrys vice president until
her term ends, just days
after she resigned from
the cabinet, complaining
of a plot to steal her position.
Vice President Leni
Robredo resigned from
the cabinet on Monday,
saying she would lead
the opposition and challenge Dutertes policies,
such as his deadly war on
drugs and moves to reinstate the death penalty.
I will assure Leni
and the rest of the Bicol
region that you will have
her until the very end of
this term, Duterte told
reporters after a ceremony to break ground for an
airport in the central region of Bicol.
And there is no such
thing as removing a vice

akistan mourns 47 killed in air crash,

as investigators seek answers
ISLAMABAD Pakistan on Thursday mourned
the 47 victims of its deadliest plane crash in four
years, among them a famed
evangelist, two infants and
three foreigners, as officials
sought to pinpoint the cause
of the disaster.
Engine trouble was initially believed responsible,
but many questions remain,
stirring new worries about
the safety record of money-losing state carrier Pakistani International Airlines.
The ATR-42 aircraft
involved in the crash had
undergone regular maintenance,
A-check certification in
October, said airline chairman Muhammad Azam
I want to make it clear
that it was a perfectly sound
aircraft, Saigol said.
The aircraft appeared
to have suffered a failure in
one of its two turboprop engines just before the crash,
he added, but this would
have to be confirmed by an
I think there was no
technical error or human
error, Saigol told a news
conference late on Wednes-

day. Obviously there will

be a proper investigation.
appeared to show rescue
officials retrieving the aircrafts black box flight
recorder from the wreckage, and the airline confirmed the recovery to the
Geo News channel.
Outpourings of grief
erupted online soon after flight PK661 smashed
into the side of a mountain
near the town of Havelian,

in Khyber-Pakhtunkhwa
province, late on Wednesday afternoon, after taking
off from the mountain resort of Chitral.
It crashed just 50 km
(31 miles) short of its destination, the international
airport in Islamabad, the
of the dead gathered in
stunned silence at the Pakistan Institute of Medical
Sciences in Islamabad,

some weeping quietly, others besieging officials with

What can I tell you?
said Raja Amir, as he waited for his mothers remains.
I dont know what we will
get of her. There is still another hell to go through.
Remains are being
brought by helicopter to
Islamabad, where DNA
tests will be used to identify them, authorities said.

Rescue workers survey the site of a plane that crashed a day earlier near the village of
Saddha Batolni, near Abbotabad, Pakistan, on 8 December 2016. Photo: Reuters

world 11

9 December 2016

Nearly 150 patients evacuated from east Aleppo ICRC

An injured woman walks at a site hit by an airstrike in the rebel-held al-Ansari neighbourhood of Aleppo,
Syria, on 7 December 2016. Photo: Reuters

GENEVA Nearly 150 civilians,

most disabled or in need of urgent
medical care, were evacuated overnight from a hospital in Aleppos
Old City, the first major evacuation
from the eastern sector, the International Committee of the Red Cross
said on Thursday.
They had been trapped there
for days by nearby fighting and as
the front line moved closer. Eleven
patients had died from lack of medication or been killed in crossfire
before ICRC and Syrian Arab Red
Crescent teams could reach them,
it said.
The head of the ICRC delegation in Syria, Marianne Gasser,
who is in the city, said in a statement on the evacuees: Many of
them cannot move and need special attention and care.
Of the evacuated disabled,
mental health patients and wounded from Dar Al-Safaa hospital in
the Old City late on Wednesday,
118 patients were taken to three
hospitals in the government-controlled west of Aleppo.

Trauma and emergency cases were taken to Al-Razi surgical

hospital and University Hospital, ICRC spokeswoman Krista
Armstrong told Reuters, and Ibn
Khaldoun hospital took the mental health and elderly patients,
she said.
Thirty other men, women and
children were taken to shelters,
also in the west of the city, the
ICRC statement said.
As heavy fighting continues
in eastern Aleppo, the humanitarian situation is known to be
catastrophic, the ICRC said. The
agency called on all warring sides
to allow a humanitarian pause to be
able to deliver aid supplies in the
besieged sector which has been inaccessible since April.
The Syrian army has gained
control of all parts of the Old City,
a war monitoring group said on
Wednesday, part of an advance
which has seen insurgents lose
about two thirds of their main urban stronghold over the past two

Almost 84,000 displaced as

fighting rages in Iraqs Mosul

Israeli police report attempted stabbing in

West Bank; alleged suspect shot dead

GENEVA A total of 83,998

civilians have fled the Iraqi city
of Mosul since military operations
to reclaim one of the Islamic State
(IS)s last strongholds began in
October, the International Organisation for Migration (IOM) said on
Up from 76,464 a week ago,
figures from the organisation
showed that almost 14,000 families have been displaced as a result
of ongoing fighting in the northern
city. According to statistics, 81
percent of those recently displaced
by military operations are living in
formal camps.
A further 13 per cent have taken shelter in private settings, while
four per cent are in critical shelter
arrangements and two per cent are

Israeli security forces shot and
killed a Palestinian youth after
he allegedly tried to stab them in
West Bank on Thursday, the latest
in a yearlong wave of violence.
The Palestinian Ministry of
Health said in an emailed press
release that it was informed that a
Palestinian was killed after Israeli
soldiers opened fire on him at an
Israeli military checkpoint near
Nablus city.
Israeli police spokeswoman Luba Samri said the suspect
moved toward a group of border
police, pulling out a knife; the police responded with gunfire, killing the man on the spot.
Governor of Nablus Akram
Rajoub condemned the incident

either passing through screening

areas or in emergency sites.
Supported by Kurdish Peshmerga fighters, Iraqi troops began operations on 17 October to
take back the city which fell into
IS hands in June 2014 after government forces fled, enabling IS
militants to take control of parts
of Iraqs northern and western regions. International aircraft as well
as Iraqi and US-led coalition artillery units are supporting ground
operations there. According to reports, more than 5,000 IS militants
were initially holed up in Mosul.
The UN refugee agency had
warned before the military campaign kicked off that as many as
1.2 million civilians could be displaced by the fighting.Xinhua

and told Xinhua that the Israeli

army targets Palestinian youth
to kill them. We observe a systematic policy by the occupation
army, giving clear directives to its
soldiers to shoot to kill, Rajoub
said. Otherwise we would not
have seen that the result of each
shooting is death.
Two weeks ago, security
guards shot dead another Palestinian youth after he allegedly pulled
a knife at a guard in the Shuafat
neighbourhood in East Jerusalem.
A wave of violence in the
West Bank and Israel has claimed
the lives of at least 235 Palestinians and 34 Israelis since September 2015.
Israel says that most of the
Palestinians were killed while per-

petrating or attempting to perpetrate stabbing, car-ramming, and

shooting attacks.
The Palestinians and human
rights organisations say that Israel is using excessive force to quell
the uprising, and in many cases,
kill Palestinians who could be
stopped without using lethal force.
Some of the casualties were mistaken to be attackers, according
to Palestinian officials and rights
groups. Israeli leaders accuse the
Palestinian National Authority of
inciting the unrest, while the
Palestinians say it is the result of
nearly 50 years of Israeli occupation of Palestinian territories.
More than 5 million Palestinians now live in the occupied West
Bank and Gaza Strip.Xinhua

Iran minister says in US interest to stay committed to nuclear pact

TOKYO Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif said
on Thursday it was in the interest of the United States to remain
committed to a multilateral nuclear
The US Senate voted last
week to extend the Iran Sanctions
Act (ISA) for 10 years, and Iran
vowed to retaliate, saying it violated last years agreement with six
major powers to curb its nuclear
programme in return for the lifting
of international financial sanctions.
A diplomatic thaw between
the United States and Iran over
the past two years appears in
jeopardy with US President-elect
Donald Trump taking office next
Trump said during his election
campaign he would scrap the nuclear agreement, calling the pact a

disaster and saying it could lead to

a nuclear holocaust.
Zarif, in Japan as part of an
Asian tour that included India and
China, told a seminar in Tokyo that
while the agreement was multilateral and endorsed by the UN Security Council, this did not mean it
might not be violated by the United
States, which he said had a less
than respectable history in respecting international laws.
Im not basing our hope on
an illusion that people will respect
international law out of their goodwill or good natures, he said.
I believe it is in the interests
of the United States as well as the
rest of the international community
to respect this multilateral agreement.
Sanctions against Iran had not
worked in the past and would ac-

complish nothing if strengthened,

especially since the other treaty
partners would be unlikely to buy
into them, he said.
Sanctions will harm us, but
wont break us, he said.
Zarif said on Saturday the US
vote to extend the ISA for 10 years
showed it could not be relied on to
act on its commitments.
US officials said the ISA renewal would not infringe on the
nuclear agreement. US lawmakers
have also said the ISA extension
would make it easier for sanctions
to be quickly reimposed if Iran
contravened the nuclear deal.
But Irans nuclear energy chief, Ali Akbar Salehi, who
played a central role in reaching
the nuclear deal, described the ex- Iranian Foreign Minister Mohammad Javad Zarif attends a joint news
tension as a clear violation, if im- conference with Japanese Foreign Minister Fumio Kishida in Tokyo, Japan, on 7 December 2016. Photo: Reuters

12 World

9 December 2016

Greeks strike against austerity before budget vote, bailout review

ATHENS Greeks went on strike
on Thursday to protest planned labour reforms and painful austerity
cuts demanded by the countrys
European Union and International
Monetary Fund lenders as part of a
crucial bailout review.
Passenger ships remained
docked at ports, city transport was
disrupted and local administration offices shut down as workers
joined the 24-hour nationwide
walkout called by the countrys
largest private and public sector
unions, GSEE and ADEDY.
The burden we carry is already unbearable, said GSEE in
a statement, calling lenders demands irrational. The downturn must finally end, its rally
poster read.
Workers and pensioners will
march in central Athens later in
the day. Turnout in street protests
has been low since Greece signed
up to a third international bailout in
July 2015 after tough negotiations
that almost forced it out of the euro

Euro zone finance ministers
said on Monday that Athens and its
lenders needed to speed up the review which has hit a snag on labour
reforms, including liberalising
mass layoffs and reviving collective bargaining between employers
and unions.
Energy reforms and measures
to plug a projected fiscal gap in
2018, when Greeces bailout programme expires, are also among
thorny issues in the review which
may resume next week.
Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras
hopes a deal can be reached by the
end of the year for the countrys
bonds to be included in the European Central Banks bond buying
programme by March 2017. This
would help Greece return to markets next year, for the first time
since 2014, and eventually reduce
its dependence on bailout loans.
Athens has rejected its creditors
demands for more austerity measures beyond 2018. Reuters

Anchored ships are seen during a 24-hour general strike against austerity, at the port of Piraeus, near Athens, Greece, on 8 December 2016. Photo: Reuters

Cuba wants to sign accords with US before Obama exit

HAVANA Cuba said on
Wednesday it hoped to sign off on
at least half a dozen agreements
with the United States before businessman Donald Trump, who has
threatened to derail detente between the former Cold War foes,
becomes president on 20 January.
Cuban and US officials held
talks in Havana to discuss what
more could be accomplished during President Barack Obamas remaining weeks in office, agreeing
to arrange more high-level visits
and technical meetings.
The more Cuba and the United States deepen their detente, the
more irreversible it will become,
analysts said.
At the moment we are negotiating 12 more (accords) with
the aim to be able to conclude and
sign a majority of them, Josefina
Vidal, the Cuban foreign ministrys director of US affairs, told a
news conference.
The accords would be in areas
such as seismology and meteorology, she said, adding that Cuba
and the United States had already

signed a dozen accords in the two

years since they agreed to normalise relations, ending decades of
They have also opened embassies, restored commercial
flights and opened travel options.
But some fear all that is now at
stake, given Republican Trump has

said he would seek to reverse the

opening unless Communist-ruled
Cuba gives the United States what
he calls a better deal. Vidal declined to comment on Trumps
statements but said she hoped his
administration would recognise
that the detente had the backing
of most Cubans and Americans.

US President Barack Obama waves as he arrives to deliver a speech at

the Gran Teatro in Havana, Cuba, on 22 March, 2016. Photo: Reuters

Cuba would hope the new US

government takes into account the
results we have achieved... that are
backed by the majority of the Cuban population (and) US citizens,
she said.
Cuba was willing to continue
improving relations but within the
respect of the existing differences
and without having to make any
kind of concession to the principles
in which Cuba firmly believes,
Vidal added.
In Washington on Wednesday, US lawmakers joined more
than 100 Cuban entrepreneurs to
urge Trump to continue the thaw.
Meanwhile, the Obama administration is pressing American
companies to complete business
deals in Cuba by then.
Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd
and Norwegian Cruise Line said
on Wednesday they had received
approval from Cubas government
to operate cruises to the island.
The number of US visitors to
Cuba had jumped 68 per cent in
the first ten months of this year to
208,000, Vidal said.Reuters

Paris imposes driving restrictions, plans clunker ban as

smog hits highs
PARIS The French capital
Paris announced on Wednesday
licence-plate based driving restrictions for a third day in a row
and plans bans on old cars as the
City of Light experienced the
worst air pollution in a decade.
On Tuesday and Wednesday, Paris banned cars from circulation based on whether their
license plates ended with odd or
even numbers. It will now ban
half of all traffic again on Thursday.
Other French cities such as

Lyon are also planning bans as

clouds of pollution hang over
many European cities due to a
lack of the winds that normally
blow in off the Atlantic Ocean.
It is only the fourth time in
20 years that Paris has imposed
such a ban and the first time it
applies for consecutive days.
Municipalities around Paris also
imposed the ban.
With its famous Eiffel Tower shrouded in a grayish haze and
some Asian tourists donning face
masks, the city also made all pub-

lic transport, residential parking

and the Velib bicycle and Autolib electric car schemes free.
Cars are poisoning the air.
We need to take preventive measures, said Paris city hall transport official Herve Levife.
Besides instant measures
like license-plate based driving
bans, the city also plans to step up
its fight against chronic pollution
by gradually banning the oldest
and most polluting vehicles from
the city center, he said.
We want these bans to au-

tomatically take effect when the

pollution exceeds a certain level,
not have to negotiate them with
the government each time, Levife added.
From mid-January, Paris
will become the first French city
to launch the new CritAir vignette system that will require all
cars to have a color-coded sticker
indicating their age and pollution level. The stickers will allow
police to control which vehicles
can circulate in the city centre.

Madrid prosecutor
charges three former
Real Madrid players
with tax avoidance
MADIRD The Provincial Prosecutor in Madrid on
Wednesday confirmed that former Real Madrid players, Xabi
Alonso, Ricardo Carvalho and
Angel Di Maria were charged
with offences of tax avoidance.
The Prosecutor also confirmed that investigations against
former Atletico Madrid, Chelsea
and Manchester United striker,
Radamel Falcao and Real Madrids Portuguese left back Fabio
Coentrao have also been opened
to see if they have committed fiscal offenses.
However, no investigations have so far been opened
nor charges placed against Cristiano Ronaldo in the light of
revelations on the website Football Leaks and reproduced in
Spains El Mundo newspaper.
The leakage claimed that the
Real Madrid forward had diverted 150 million euros (around
170 million US dollars) of earnings from his image rights to the
British Virgin Islands, in order to
avoid paying taxes. Real Madrid
on Wednesday posted a statement on the clubs official website, asking for respect for the
player and insisting he was up
to date with all of his tax obligations. That statement contrasts
with Jose Maria Mollinedo, the
General Secretary of the Union of Spanish Tax Technicians
Mollinedo told radio station
RAC1 that his unions members believed the Ronaldo case
should go directly to the prosecution service, and warning that
if found guilty the striker could
face six years in jail.Xinhua

world 13

9 December 2016

Solar Impulse founder sees electric passenger plane in 10 years

Swiss aviator of the solar-powered plane Solar Impulse 2

Bertrand Piccard, speaks after landing at San Pablo airport
in Seville, southern Spain, on 23 June 2016. Photo: Reuters


co-founder of a project
that saw a solar-powered
aircraft complete the first
fuel-free flight around the
world this year expects
electric passenger planes
to operate in just under 10
Bertrand Piccard, who
along with fellow pilot
Andre Borschberg founded Solar Impulse, also
shrugged off concerns that
US President-elect Donald
Trumps appointment of a
fossil fuel industry defender as his top environmental

Invitation for Bids


Date: 9 December 2016

Loan Agreement No.:MY-P4 dated 5th September, 2014
IFB No.:MR/BD/104
1. The Government of Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received a loan from
Japan International Cooperation Agency (JICA) towards the cost of the YangonMandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase I. It is intended that part of the proceeds
of this loan will be applied to eligible payments under the contract for Package CP104:
Rolling Stock.
2. Bidding will be conducted through procedures in accordance with the applicable
Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans, and is open to all Bidders
from eligible source countries, as defined in the Loan Agreement. The Eligible
Nationality of the Bidders shall be Japan in the case of the prime contractor. In
case where the prime contractor is a joint venture, such joint venture will be
eligible provided that the nationality of the lead partner is Japan, that the nationality
of the other partner is Japan and/or the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and
that the total share of work of Japanese partners in the joint venture is more than
fifty percent (50%) of the contract amount.
3. Myanma Railways, Ministry of Transport and Communications now invites sealed
Bids from interested eligible Bidders for the design, execution and completion of
Rolling Stock (Diesel Electric Multiple Unit) (the Works). International Competitive
Bidding will be conducted in accordance with JICAs Single-Stage Bidding Procedure.
4. Interested eligible Bidders may obtain further information from and inspect the Bidding
Documents at the head office of Myanma Railways at the address shown below,
during office hour from 09:30 a.m.to 16:30 p.m. Monday to Friday.
: Tender Office, Myanma Railways Head Office, Nay Pyi Taw Railway
Station Compound, PobbaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Telephone : +95-67-77011
: +95-67-77024
Facsimile number : +95-67-77012
: +95-67-77164
Electronic mail address: [email protected] ,
[email protected]
5. A complete set of Bidding Documents may be purchased by interested eligible Bidders
on the submission of a written application to the address above and upon payment of
a non-refundable fee of United States Dollar one thousand (1,000 US$). Unless
Bidders eligibility is confirmed the Employer will decline to provide any Bid
6. Bids must be delivered to the address above on or before14:00p.m. on 9th March
2017 and must be accompanied by a bid security of Japanese Yen one hundred and
twenty five million (JPY 125,000,000).
7. Technical Bids will be opened in the presence of prequalified Bidders
representatives who choose to attend. The opening of Technical Bids will take
place on 7thApril 2017, at 14:00 p.m. at Myanmar Railways Head Office
Conference Room, Nay Pyi Taw.

8. If Bidder is only one, the Employer may consider returning his Bid
Myanma Railways, Ministry of Transport and Communications
Managing Director
Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound,
PobbaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
: +95-67-77011
: +95-67-77024
Facsimile number : +95-67-77012
: +95-67-77164
Electronic mail address:[email protected] ,[email protected]

Advertise with us.

Hotline: 09-974424848

official could hamper global clean technology efforts.

Since completing their
historic fuel-free flight in
July, Piccard and Borschberg have been working on
projects to show how the
technologies used in their
plane can be used in other
Borschberg said they
were especially interested in how the technology
could be used to develop
small electric planes with
a flying time of about 1.5
hours. The two plan to announce their next project

early next year, Borschberg

In 9 years and 8
months, youll have 50
people traveling short-haul
on electric planes, Piccard, founder and chairman
of Solar Impulse told an
IATA airlines association
briefing in Geneva.
Why 9 years and
eight months? Because
since four months, Ive
been saying it will be 10
years. It will happen, he
Piccard said that it
didnt matter what peo-

ple thought about climate

change because clean technology was getting cheaper and would help to drive
He cited examples of
insulation making homes
cheaper to live in, of LED
lights reducing lighting
everything that was clean
tech was more expensive that is not the case today.
If the aim is to be profitable and create jobs, then
coal is out of business, he
said. Reuters

Invitation for Prequalification

Date: 9th December 2016
Loan Agreement No.: MY-P4 dated 5th September, 2014
IFP No : MR/PQ/104
1. The Government of Republic of the Union of Myanmar has received ODA Loan
(Loan Agreement dated 5th September, 2014) from Japan International Cooperation Agency toward the cost of the Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement
Project Phase I (hereinafter referred to as the Project). It is intended that
part of the proceeds of this Loan will be applied to eligible payments under the
contract resulting from the bidding for which this prequalification is conducted.
2. Myanma Railways, Ministry of Transport and Communications,(hereinafter
referred to as the Employer) intends to prequalify suppliers and/or firms
for the procurement of rolling stocks under the Project; namely the Package
CP104: Rolling Stock (hereinafter referred to as the Contract).
Brief description of supply under the Contract:
Numbers: 4 train sets of 6-car each (total 24 cars)
Type of car: diesel electric multiple units (DEMU)
Maximum operating speed: 100km per hour
Place of delivery: Insein DRC Depot, 15km away from Yangon
Purpose : operating on the Yangon Mandalay railway line
3. Invitation for Bids is made on the same date of the Invitation for Prequalification for the simultaneous process of Prequalification and Bids.
4. Prequalification will be conducted through procedures in accordance with the
applicable Guidelines for Procurement under Japanese ODA Loans, and is
open to all Applicants from eligible source countries, as defined in the Loan
Agreement. The Eligible Nationality of the Applicants shall be Japan in the
case of the prime contractor. In case where the prime contractor is a joint
venture, such joint venture will be eligible provided that the nationality of the
lead partner is Japan, that the nationality of the other partners is Japan and/or
the Republic of the Union of Myanmar and that total share of work of Japanese
partners in the joint venture is more than fifty percent (50%) of the contract
5. Interested eligible Applicants may obtain further information from and inspect
the Prequalification Documents at Tender Office in the head office of Myanma
Railways at Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound, PobbaThiri Township,
Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar, during office hour from 09:30 a.m.to 16:30 p.m.
Monday to Friday.
6 A complete set of the Prequalification Documents may be purchased by interested eligible Applicant(s) on the submission of a written Application to
the address above and upon payment of non-refundable fee of United States
Dollar One Hundred (US$ 100).
Unless eligibility of Applicant is confirmed the Employer will decline to provide any Prequalification information.
7. Applications for prequalification should be submitted in sealed envelopes,
delivered to the address above by14:00 p.m.9th March 2017and be clearly
marked Application to Prequalify for Yangon-Mandalay Railway Improvement Project Phase I: Package CP104: Rolling Stock.
8. If Applicant is only one , The Employer may consider returning the application
Myanma Railways, Ministry of Transport and Communications
Managing Director
Nay Pyi Taw Railway Station Compound,
PobbaThiri Township, Nay Pyi Taw, Myanmar
Telephone: +95-67-77011

14 entertainment

La La Land duo
Emma Stone,
Ryan Gosling
cement mark in
Los Angeles Actors
Emma Stone and Ryan Gosling
left their literal mark in Hollywood on Wednesday as their
hands and feet were imprinted in
cement, in support of their most
recent role playing lovers aspiring for success in the modern-day
musical La La Land.
The two actors pressed their
hands and feet into cement at the
famed TCL Chinese Theater,
where the ground is embedded
with slabs of concrete bearing
prints of hands and feet belonging
to many of Hollywoods biggest
names, such as Marilyn Monroe,
Tom Hanks and Meryl Streep.
Stone, 28, said she had visited the Chinese Theater when
she moved to Hollywood at age
15, and found that her hands were
an exact match for Gentlemen
Prefer Blondes actress Jane Russell. If youre looking for a Jane
Russell hand-double, Im your
girl, she quipped.
This is just an incredible experience and making this
movie was an incredible experience, so what a place to get to
commemorate that, she added.
Gosling, 36, joked, Im still, I
guess, not completely convinced
that were not going to be arrested for vandalism, but Im going
to take your word for it that were
allowed to do this.
La La Land, about an aspiring actress and jazz musician
falling in love while trying to
succeed in Los Angeles, is considered an Oscar front-runner,
with critics praising Stone and
Goslings performances.Reuters

9 December 2016

Actor Brad.
Photo: Reuters

Brad Pitts request to seal divorce

documents denied by judge
LOS ANGELES Actor Brad Pitts request to
seal court documents in his
high-profile custody and divorce proceedings involving
actress Angelina Jolie was
rejected by a Los Angeles
judge on Wednesday.
Los Angeles Superior
Court Judge Richard Burdge Jr. rejected Pitts motion
at an emergency hearing, a
court spokeswoman said.
Pitt and Jolie did not attend.
While Burdge ruled
against sealing the entire
case, he said requests to
seal specific documents
would be considered, espe-

New York Johnny Depp

and Will Smith topped a list on
Wednesday of Hollywoods most
overpaid actors, an illustration
that star power does not always
bring in dollars at the movie
Fan favourite George
Clooney also found himself on
the annual Forbes list after the
limited commercial appeal of films
like Hail Caesar, Money Monster and the 2015 flop Tomorrowland.
Depp led the list for the second straight year after his movie Alice Through The Looking
Glass brought in just $300 million
at the global box-office after
costing about $170 million to

produce. Forbes compiles the list

by comparing the estimated pay
for a lead actor in his or her last
three movies with the estimated
production costs and box-office
gross of those movies.
It calculated that Depp,
whose 2015 movie Mortdecai
also bombed, returned just $2.8
dollars at the box-office for every
$1 he was paid.
Depp, 53, who became one of
Hollywoods highest paid actors
with Pirates of the Caribbean,
also had a bad 2016 on the personal front. His split from actress Amber Heard made headlines when
the pair exchanged allegations of
violence and blackmail that were
later dropped, and Depp paid out

cially given that the six

children at the centre of the
custody case are all minors.
The court recognizes
privacy rights of minor children and would be guided
by whats in the minor childrens best interest, Burdge
said. Jolies representatives
did not respond to phone and
email messages from Reuters seeking comment, and
Pitts representatives said
the actor would not comment on the matter. Jolie,
41, and Pitt, 52, known collectively as Brangelina,
were together since 2005 and
married for two years before
their sudden split in September, which has been widely
covered by news media.

$7 million in a divorce settlement.

Concussion, the 2015 film
about football head injuries that
starred Smith, grossed just $13
million more than its $34 million
budget. It followed disappointing
receptions for Focus and After
Earth and led to a $5 return at the
box-office for every $1 Smith was
paid, Forbes calculated.
Clooney came in 5th on the
list, with a box office return of
$6.70 for every $1 he was paid,
largely because of the failure of
Tomorrowland which cost $190
million to produce.
Magic Mike star Channing
Tatum and comedian Will Ferrell
rounded out the top 5 on Forbes list
of most overpaid actors.Reuters

Pixies frontman is troubadour of alt-rock after 30-year career

LONDON Pixies frontman
Black Francis has been called
many things in his time surrealist poet, alt-rock progenitor
and singer in one of Americas greatest bands ever,
that last one according to
Bono of U2.

Pixies guitarist Joey

Santiago performs at
the O2 Academy, Brixton in London, Britain,
on 6 December 2016.
Photo: Reuters

ting backstage at the O2 Academy in Londons Brixton before

another sold-out gig, the singer
tries on yet another label for size
as he discusses what drives him
30 years into a career that many
argue changed the
face of music.
What motivates (us)? ...
Its not about being
inspired by something or being
motivated by something. If you
decide to become ... pardon the
expression, a troubadour then
you become a troubadour, thats
who you are, says the 51-yearold, also known as Charles Michael Kittridge Thompson IV.
Its not even like Do you
feel like doing it today? Its just
like thats what I do.
The Pixies began with four
albums and an EP in the late 80s
and early 90s. They broke up, then
after a few more serious bumps in

the road, came back and kept going.

That first seven-year burst cut
through the gloop of 80s pop with
raw screaming vocals, loud-quietloud dynamics and songs about
lust, the bible and UFOs, among
them Debaser and Monkey
Gone To Heaven. Everyone from
Nirvana to David Bowie queued
up to pay homage.
The band split in 1993 as
tensions boiled over between
Thompson and bass player Kim
Deal, then reformed to huge acclaim in 2004.
Deal left again in 2013, leading to the Pixies third reincarnation, possibly their most challenging yet, as a band ploughing
on after the revolution it triggered
had been absorbed into the mainstream.
It is a shift underlined half
way through the Brixton concert,
when the Pixies new bass play-

er Paz Lenchantin steps up to the

mic and sings All I Think About
Now, a song she wrote with
Thompson, a plain-spoken tribute
to Deal.
The only reason I am here
is Kim, so I thought it would be
good to sing about Kim, like a
thank you letter, says Lenchantin
backstage. Were kind of waiting
for her (Deals) sung response,
adds Thompson, chuckling.
In an early blow, Indie Cindy, their first album after the reunion, secured dire reviews.
But many critics have held up
their current release Head Carrier as a return to form. And there
is a new solidity about the band
since Lenchantin joined full-time.
She completes the band
because without her were just
like three dudes who just used
to be in a band, says Thomson.
Were a band again. Were Pixies again.Reuters

Lifestyle 15

9 December 2016

ashion designer Carolina Herrera

receives Lincoln Centre honour

Fashion designer Carolina Herrera arrives for the National

Portrait Gallerys presentation of the inaugural American
Portrait Gala in Washington in 2015. Photo: Reuters

New York Veteran

designer Carolina Herrera
spoke about the interconnectivity of fashion and art as
she was honored by a New
York arts organisation for
her leadership and longevity
in the fashion industry.
Herrera, 77, was presented with the Womens
Leadership Award by the
Lincoln Centre Corporate Fund on Tuesday at a
star-studded event at the
Manhattan performing arts
venue. Herrera said on the
red carpet that the award
means a lot coming from
Lincoln Centre.
Art always inspires
fashion and fashion is art in
movement, she said.
The annual fundraising
event picks a new honoree
every year and supports 10

artist organisations on the

Lincoln Centre campus.
Ricci, Julianna Margulies
and Emmy Rossum were
among the guests at the
event, which included a
performance by Diana Ross
and an exhibition of some of
Herreras notable designs.
Shes modern, shes
a New Yorker, shes feminine, shes classy, shes sensual, Rossum said. Shes
confident and smart and I
think that thats the way she
makes you feel when you
wear her clothes.
Herrera, who was born
in Venezuela, is celebrating
the 35th anniversary of her
New York-based eponymous fashion label, which
has become a global billion-dollar brand.Reuters

Prince Harry turns trader for charity day

London Prince Harry
turned trader on Wednesday, taking calls alongside
brokers at British interdealer ICAP for the companys annual charity day.

Wearing a navy suit,

the prince answered the
phones alongside traders
in fancy dress costumes
for the charity day where
all ICAPs profits from 60

offices are donated to more

than 200 charities worldwide.
ICAP, buyers and
sellers of bonds, currencies and swaps, began

their charity day in 1993

and have raised over
120 million pounds with
celebrities brought in
to help raise money.

Britains Prince Harry takes part in a charity trading day at ICAP on the Aus/Nz forwards Desk with Jack OBrien and Phil
McMahon in support of his charity Sentebale, in London, on 7 December 2016. Photo:Reuters

Programme Schedule

(9-12-2016 07:00 AM ~ 10-12-2016 07:00 AM) MST

07:03 Am
07:26 Am
07:46 Am
08:03 Am
08:26 Am
08:45 Am
09:03 Am
09:26 Am
09:47 Am
10:03 Am

Discovering Tribes: Akha- Their Life and
Customs (Part-1)
A Way of Life: Karate-do
A Chance to Change Their Future
Five-Star Ocean Liners in Myanmar Waters
Geographic Center of Myanmar
The 110th Anniversary of Yangon Zoological

10:26 Am
10:36 Am
10:56 Am

The Green Corner (Episode - 5) Plastic Chandelier

Yoga & Health
Myanmar Street Foods

(11:00 Am ~ 03:00 Pm)- Thursday Repeat (07:00 Am ~ 11:00 Am)

(03:00 Pm ~ 07:00 Pm) -Today Repeat (07:00 Am ~ 11:00 Am)
Prime Time
07:03 Pm
07:26 Pm
07:45 Pm
08:03 Pm
08:26 Pm
08:53 Pm

Dawei -Tavoy, Travel To The Southern Part of
village Belle
Discovering Tribes Kayaw: Their Life and

(11:00 Pm ~ 03:00 Am)- Thursday Repeat (07:00 Am ~ 11:00 Am)

(03:00 Am ~ 07:00 Am) -Today Repeat (07:00 Am ~ 11:00 Am)
(For Detailed Schedule www.myanmaritv.com/schedule)

Student pushes
Japan to go green
at 2020 Ecolympics
TOKYO An old, unused smartphone lying
around the house just collecting dust might one day
be an object of admiration,
dangling proudly around
an Olympic athletes neck
at a medal podium ceremony.
Hironao Ito, a sophomore at Waseda University, is hoping that this idea
alone will spark excitement among Japanese and
give the country an excuse
to ramp up efforts to move
toward a greener society
ahead of the 2020 Tokyo
Olympics and Paralympics.
The 21-year-old Ito
belongs to a university club
known as Environment
Rodrigues, a student-run
body whose mission is to
raise environmental awareness within the campus
The club, named after the lush tropical island
in the Indian Ocean, was
formed in 1997 and now
has 50 members including
Ito. Of the many projects
the club is engaged in, Ito
says none has attracted as
much public interest as the
urban mine medal project, a joint effort by Rodrigues and an academic
society known as Ecomaterials Forum to create all
three classes of Olympic
medals using 100 per cent
recycled metals.
I understand it would
cost the country money,
but I dont see why anyone
would say no to the idea
of electronic waste recycling, Ito said in an interview with Kyodo News.
Tokyo Olympic organisers said early last
month they will support the
recycling campaign by appealing to the public to donate old mobile phones and
electric home appliances to

be used specifically for this

They also revealed
that two tons of scrap metals now regarded as urban
mines are needed to make
a total of 5,000 medals
gold, silver and bronze.
A spokesperson for
the Tokyo 2020 Organizing Committee said they
are recruiting waste-collection companies until
the 19 December deadline, and hope to start their
scrap metal gathering next
Japanese mobile giant
NTT DoCoMo Inc., which
reclaims more than 3 million old mobile phones
from subscribers annually,
has also announced its plan
to submit a cooperation
proposal to the Games organisers and contribute to
the nationwide movement.
Should Japan succeed
in its advanced eco-friendly effort, it will become the
first host country to offer
Olympic medals containing 100 per cent recycled
According to Ito, using
e-waste to make bronze, or
even silver, is not much of
a challenge, but the steps
involved in recovering
gold from recycled metal
are very time-consuming
and costly.
The Rio 2016 Organising Committee revealed
the silver and bronze medals used in this summers
Games were produced using 30 per cent recycled
materials such as coins,
mirrors and x-ray plates.
Because of the financial burden, no country
has been able to make gold
medals using only recycled materials. It means a
lot that Japan takes on this
challenge, more so because
Japan is not resource-rich,
he said.Kyodo News

Unbeaten Thailand storm into

AFF Suzuki Cup final

FC Portos Yacine Brahimi in action with Leicester Citys Harvey Barnes during UEFA Champions League
Group Stage, Group G, at Dragao Stadium, Porto, Portugal, on 7 December 2016. Photo: Reuters

Porto crush Leicester

5-0 to ease into last 16
Porto (Portugal) Porto
eased into the Champions League
knockout stages on Wednesday
with a 5-0 win over Leicester
Citys hapless second-string side,
who suffered the heaviest defeat
ever by an English side in the European Cup.
With their qualification as
Group G victors assured, the
English champions changed 10
of their first-team line-up, leaving their hosts to cash in hungrily with a double from Andre
Silva and fine strikes from Jesus
Corona, Yacine Brahimi and
Diogo Jota.
No English team had suffered such a huge loss in the 61year annals of Europes premier
club competition and it was the
worst reverse for any Premier
League club in continental combat since Evertons 5-0 defeat,
also in Portugal, at Benfica in
the 2009-10 Europa League.
The dismal performance
prompted manager Claudio Ranieri, who has overseen a poor

defence of the Foxes league

title while thriving on European
nights, to admit afterwards: I
want us to show our character
and our strength. We didnt do
that well enough.
I have a clearer idea about
my players now.
Leicester had conceded
only one goal in their previously unbeaten first Champions
League campaign but young
stand-in goalkeeper Ben Hamer
became the first English goalkeeper to concede five goals on
his Champions League debut.
He shipped three in 45 minutes with Silva starting the rout
by heading home unchallenged
from Coronas corner after six
One-way traffic and two
brilliant goals ensued, Coronas
magnificent first-time volley
from Alex Telless cross in the
25th minute being followed by
Brahimis cheeky backheel finish from a Maxi Pereira delivery
just before halftime.

After a fairytale start to their

European adventures which
matched their Premier League
heroics last season, Leicester,
who had left players such as Riyad Mahrez and Jamie Vardy at
home, were suddenly left with
nothing but thoughts of damage
They improved markedly but Danny Drinkwaters
65th-minute foul on Silva allowed the striker to get up and
slot home his fifth European
goal of the season from the spot
before Jota crashed home a fifth.
The best news for the hopelessly outclassed visitors was
that an injury which forced
Drinkwater, one of the few firstteam regulars on duty, to limp
off was said by Ranieri to be not
With Copenhagen winning at Club Bruges in the other group game, Porto finished
two points ahead of the Danish
side and two adrift of Leicester.

Kane ready for a first against Mourinhos Man United

LONDON Harry Kane has yet
to score against Manchester United in the Premier League but that
could end at the sixth attempt on
Tottenham Hotspurs England striker is not short of confidence ahead of the trip to Old
Trafford, having scored twice
against Swansea City in a 5-0
thrashing at White Hart Lane last
weekend after agreeing a new sixyear deal.
Victory for fifth-placed Tot-

tenham would send them nine

points clear of Jose Mourinhos
side, who are sixth, and leave
United with a yawning gap between them and a place in the
Champions League next season.
Tottenham beat United 3-0
at White Hart Lane last April,
before Mourinho took over in
May, but Kane did little to stand
out to the amusement of Reds
fans on social media and his own
frustration. United, who won 1-0
at home in August 2015, are the

only club other than Watford

and now-relegated Cardiff City,
among the 24 opponents Kane
has played against in the top
flight, that have yet to see the Tottenham striker on the scoresheet.
The 23-year-old, last seasons top
scorer who has been linked regularly to United in transfer speculation, is back in dangerous form
having gone five league games
without a goal at the end of last
season and the start of the current
campaign. Reuters

Bangkok Thailand will

meet Indonesia in the final after
putting on a devastating performance in the second half to defeat
Myanmar 4-0 in the second leg.
After a nervy start, Thailand
took the lead through Sarawut
Masuks diving header in the 33rd
minute. Myanmar had their chances as well, but failed to take any
and they were made to pay in the
second half.
A clumsy challenge from
Yan Aung Kyaw gave Thailand
a penalty which Theerathon Bunmathan converted, before Siroch
Chatting and Chanathip Songkrasin wrapped up the win with a goal
apiece eight minutes apart, for a
huge 6-0 win on aggregate.
33 (1-0) A teasing cross from
Theerathon sets Sarawut up perfectly, and the latters diving bullet
header finds the bottom corner of
the net.
65 (2-0) Sarawut earns a penalty after Yan Aung Kyaw made a
poor high challenge. Up steps Theerathon, who sends the goalkeeper the wrong way.
75 (3-0) Siroch latches onto
a superb ball from centre field
by Charyl Chappuis, outmuscles
his defender and beats Kyaw Zin
Phyo at the near post with a vicious drive.
83 (4-0) Excellent football
from Thailand sees Sarawut and
Chanathip exchange passes before
the latter makes a cool finish into
the bottom corner.
Match highlights
Thailand warning Thailand carve open Myanmars backline in the 10th minute
and Teerasil Dangda has an opportunity, but the Thailand cap-

tain skies his shot despite being

Close for Thailand
Teerathons corner is headed on by Teerasil, and Sarawuts
slight touch sends the ball crashing against the crossbar before it
bounced away in the 26th minute.
David Htan makes a superb
run down the right before finding
an unmarked Myo Ko Tun, who
can only fire wide from eight yards
out in the 35th minute.
Kawin to the rescue
Yan Aung Kyaw gets a great
connection on his volley from
range and the ball looks to be dipping into the top corner until Kawin tips it over at full stretch.
Unlucky Myanmar Than Paing is given acres of
space inside the box and he fires
a ferocious shot that cannons off
the bar just two minutes after the
Big stop from Kawin
Myanmar breaks past the static Thailand backline again in the
61st minute, and this time Myo Ko
Tun has a great chance but cannot
find a way past Kawin, who made
himself big.
Sarachs effort stopped on the
A moment of madness from
Myanmar goalkeeper Kyaw Zin
Phyo sees him go way off his line
and make a poor clearance. The
ball falls for Sarach, whose shot is
stopped by David Htun, the only
defender protecting the open goal.
Aung Thu denied
Finding space for himself in
the 85th minute, Aung Thu fancies
his chance with a low strike but
Kawin reads it well. AFF

Zidane angry as Real

surrender lead and top spot
Madrid Real Madrid coach
Zinedine Zidane criticised his
players for switching off against
Borussia Dortmund and throwing
away a two-goal lead that cost the
European champions top place in
Champions League Group F on
Wednesday. Just as in Dortmund
in September, Real conceded a
late goal to draw 2-2 with Thomas
Tuchels side, although they still
equalled a club record 34-game
unbeaten run in all competitions.
Karim Benzema scored in
each half to put Real in a comfortable position to win the group, but
Pierre-Emerick Aubameyang responded and Marco Reus levelled
in the 88th minute.
When you see how the second half went you get a bit angry.
We had the game in our hands but
this is football. You need to carry on right until the end, Zidane
told a news conference.
We created a lot of chances

to score the third goal. Instead, we

allowed Dortmund back into the
game. Dortmund deserved first
place. They demonstrated how
strong they are. Real failed to
finish top of their group for the
first time since 2012-13, when
they also came second to Dortmund.
Finishing second could yet
prove to be a blessing for Real,
who will avoid fellow runners-up
Bayern Munich and Paris St Germain as well as fellow Spaniards
Atletico Madrid and Barcelona,
but could meet Zidanes former
side Juventus. I havent thought
about the draw, I wanted us to finish top and we did everything to
do that but Im not going to keep
going over it. Well see who we
get on Monday, the coach said.
I dont want to get Juventus for two reasons, but theres
nothing we can do about that.

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Friday, 9 December 2016

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